HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 86-09; de Haas Daniel Fence; Administrative Variance (AV)LAND USE PLANNINO APPLICATION - - ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS REQUEST wnistrative variance 0 Planned Industrial Permit CI Satellite wtennae Permit Cmplete Description of Project (attach additional sheets if necessary) 1. SPECIF I= REUUIREMENTS Planned Industrial Permit 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items - four (4) copies of items A-C - items E-G, J & K 3. Fee: $100.00 Administrative Variance 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - four (4) copies of items A and C(if applicable) - items D, F - I iance Supplemental Sheet @ $100.00 Single Family $330.00 Other Satellite Antennae Permit 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - two (2) copies of items A - C - item G Additional Information Cross-section showing adjacent property and existing streets. * NOTE - SATELLITE ON COMMERCIAL BUILDING REQUIRES A BUILDING PERMIT 3. Fee: $ 25.00 11. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan: Shall include the following information: - Name and address of applicant, engineer and/or - architect, etc. - All easements - Dimensioned locations of: b access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing . service areas and points of ingress and egress offstreet parking and loading areas shbwinq- location, number and typical dimension of spaces, and wheel stops distances between buildings and/or structures building setbacks (front, rear and sides) location, height, and materials of Walls and fences location of freestanding signs all driveways to scale on properties adjacent and across the street, for a distance of 100 feet beyond the limits of subject site existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing paving widths within 100 feet on properties adjacent and across the street typical street section any existing median islands within 100 feet of subject site nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or minus distances from subject site location of all buildings within 100 feet of subject properties a vicinity map showing major cross streets a summary table indicating the following information: - site acreage - existing zone and land use - proposed land use - total building coverage - building sq. footage - percent landscaping - number of parking spaces - sq. footage of open/recreational space (if applicable) - cubic footage of storage space (if applicable). B. Preliminary Landscape Plan (24" x 36") shall include the followins information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Building - - - Landscape zones per the City of Carlsbad Land- scape Guidelines Manual Typical plant species and their sizes for each planting zone An estimate of the yearly amount of irrigation (supplemental) water required to maintain each zone Landscape maintenance responsibility (priuate or common) for all areas Percent of site used for landscaping. Elevations and Floor Plans* (24"x36") floor plans with square footages include$ - location and size of storage areas all buildings, structures, walls and/or fences, signs and exterior lights. *NOTE: ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE FOLDED IN A SIZE NOT TO EXCEED 8 1/2" x 11". J. K. One (1 ) copy of 8 1/2"x11" location map (suggested scale 200" - vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable) . Environmental Impact Assessment Form ($175). Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notarized original, One (1) reproduced copy. Disclosure Statement. Property Owners' List and Addressed Stamped Envelopes 1) a typewritten list of the names and addresses of all property owners and occupants within a 300 foot radius of subject property (including the applicant and/or owner). The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest assessment rolls. 2) Two separate sets of legal size (#lo) , addressed stamped envelopes (four sets for condominium conversions) of the property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of subject property. For any address other than single family residence, apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON -LOPES AND LEAVE RETURN OF ADDRESS BLANK. 3) For Condominium Conversions, two separate sets of legal size (#lo), addressed stamped envelopes of all existing tenants is required. 300 root Radius Map A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Land Use Planning Manager if the required scale is impractical. Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six months) . Colored Elevation Plan. MEMBERS: .. . cG4q ) 724-7275 Telepf6ne Nuxnlx3r Telephone Jruxnber 3~siness Address Ttlephor,r Nunbe Telephone Sunber (Attach more sheets if necessary) * I/pte declce ur.der penalty Of perjury that the infomation contained in this dis- closure is t=uo and correct and that it will remain true and correct and nay be relied upon as being true and correct until anended. ApGlicant BY fAgent, 0-mer, Partnpr ~ .. " A . ,PPLEMENTAL INEDRMATION FoEiM RECEIPT NO. 6 3 Q 53 L. .. . . BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: AV 86-9 6 APPLICANT: Daniel De Haas REQUEST AND LOCATION: To allow an 8 foot high fence along the south side yard on property located at 2652 Highland Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Map No. 2169 of Wilsonia Tract of the City of Carlsbad APN: 156-130-08 Acres . 26 Proposed No. of Lots/Units N/A GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RLM Density Allowed 0 - 3.2 Density Proposed N/A Existing Zone R- 1 Proposed Zone N/A Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Z oninq Land Use Site R-1 SFR North R-1 SFR South R-1 SFR East R-1 SFR West R-1 SFR PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Negative Declaration, issued - E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, exempt per Section 12.04.07 I QENERAL PLAN ZONINQ I RCSIDCNTIAL RL LOWDENSITY(0.1.5) RLM LOW-MEDIUM DENSlTY(0.4) RM MEDIUM DENSITY(4-8) RMH MEDIUM HIGH DEIGSIN(E-I~) RH HIGH DENSlTY(l5.23) RRI INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (e& PlUr CtUlllnO *d ) RRE EXTENSM REGIONAL WAIL (w CU COUncry Carlabadd) COMMCRCIAL RS REGIONALSERVICE C COMMUNITYCOMMERCLAL TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCLAL N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL 0 PQnFFCClnNAI QFI ATFn CBD PI G U RC E ELEMENTARY H HIGHSCHOOL J JUNIOR HIGH P PRIVATE I OS OPEN SPACE NRR NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE P-C PUNNED COMMUNTN ZONE DA RESIDENTIAL AGRICLITCRM ZONE R.E RL'RAL R€SIDEMlM ESTATE ZONE RCSIDCNTIAL .. - R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 R- 3L RD.M RMHP RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PAM ZONE RD.H RESIDENTIAL DENSIlYHIGH ZONE R.P RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDENTIALTOLWST ZONE RW RESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE COMMCRCIAL C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE C.2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE C.T COMMERCIAL.IULaLFT ZONE 0 OFFICEZONE C.M HEAVY COMMEILCW.LLMmD INDUSlNAL ZONE FM PLANNED~STIIWZONE P.P ROODPWN OVERlAY ZONE L.C LlMmEDCONTRlDL os OPENW~ P-u PUBLIC UnmY ZONE M INDI-STIUALZONE OTHER HAAS 4 City of Garlsbad AV 86-9 4 14 EXHIBIT! A:, March 20, 1987 " -. . . . .