HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 95-05; Carlsbad by the Sea California Lutheran Homes; Administrative Variance (AV)- CITY OF CAHLSBAD c""-3 LAND USE.REVIEW APPLICATION - FOR PACE 1 OF 2 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Master Plan Specific Plan Precise Development Plan Tentative Tract Mnp Planned Development Permit Non-Residential Planned Development Condominium Permit Special Use Permit Redevelopment Permit Obtain from Eng. Dept Administrative Variance Administrative Permit - 2nd Dwelling Unit (FOR DEPT USE ONLY) Grnenl Plan Amendment Local Coastal Plan Amendment Site Development Plan Zone Change Conditional Use Permit Hillside Development Permit envimnmenhl Impact Assessment Variance Planned Industrial Permit Coastal Development Permit Planning Commission Determination List any other applications not spccificed I I 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE I WEST I 'CAR! SRAn RI vn. I SIDE OF (NORTH, SOUTH EAST, WEST) (NAME OF STREET) BETWEEN (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r ( SFF ATTACHFD) P-bR PI= bO3-731 -. 01, 703 - 237 -. 15, 203-a35-* 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S). 5) LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 8) EXISTING ZONING Rm PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN 4x1 1 6) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN v DESIGNATION ESIGNATION n 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OF 12) PROPOSED NUMBER 13) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL UNITS OF LOTS (RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL ,INDUSTRIAL) 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 0 UNITS 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE I , SQUARE FOOTAGE 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL 17) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECr IN OPEN SPACE 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC 13661 20) PROJECT NAME:' I CARLSBAD BY THE SFA I 21) BRIEF OESCNPTION OF PROJECE I THF RFDVFI OPMFNT ANT) FXPANSTnN nF I I J SSARY FOR MEMBERS OF cI?y STAFF, CnU COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPEff AND ON. Vwe CONSENT To ENTRY FOR THIS U U 23) OWNER NAME (PRINT OR 'TYPE) CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN HOMES MUNG ADDWS 2313 SOUTH FREMONT AVENUE CIlYAND STATE WP TELEPHONE ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 818/870-5610 CITYAND STATE Up TELEPHONI FEE COMPUTATION APPLICATION 'RPE FEE REQUIRED I DATE FEE PAID RECEIPT NO. I I i 7 I ,/ . i' 9DT, .._ ." j - -. \ \ ! \ - .- .. .. ;. , .. ... .. NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY CASH REGISTER JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE By law a Variance may be approved only if certain fads are found to exist. Please read these requirements carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary. 1. Explain why there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone: 2. Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question: Without the "Ive w- al 4'. thus ream the haable bull- to be setback an addifional 4: e crem a tot- of 13 on each side of the site. This would incraqSB the SI& Yard =tback bv nearly 50% and substantiallv reduce the useqbllitv of the site a- alreadv limited in dev-e area. Numerous similar variances have D- been aranted for other DroDerties dona OcemGtreet due to the regulptorv restrictions 3. Explain why the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located: inclm parking. lot coverQge. densitvm al omn swce. amn of an additional five feet of rQht-of-w- for bQthsMes of Ocean Street. 4. Explain why the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive plan: The Droiect will be corrlpatible wtth surroundin- in scale and densitv. and is In an areg IC utlltttes and services. . .. . FRMOOO4 1W2 PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad bv the Sea fParcel2 Administrative Variance) APPLICANT NAME: Californiaran Homes Please describe fully the proposed project. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: This application requests an Administration Variance to allow the side yard setbacks for Parcel 2, Building 2 of existing applications RP 94-06, CDP 94-06, CUP 94-1 0, HDP 94-08 and V 94-01 to be reduced from 9’ to 5. This variance would allow accesdexiting landing elements of the structure to extend into the side yard setback. The habitable portion of the structure would remain at the required 9’ (10%) setback.