HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 13-13; CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT; Consistency Determination (CD)CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPLICATION Would you like to orally present your proposal to your assigned staff planner/engineer? Yes No □ Please 11st the staff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project. If none, please so state. OWNER NAME (Print): ~\,..\O ~ \ '-\-C. MAILING ADDRESS: '5)9,Q B-f-'Et i:,.""t. S, 1,~ C'),.,oo I CITY, STATE, ZIP: ( °"\ 5,f;;p,t> 1 CA, Of>,aof) TELEPHONE: 7\cQ,':::\C),\. '),,_')!l.\ APPLICANT NAME (Prin~t)::J: Q1Qc:in3:....:.;J!ci';/f!!j,c..1,;;!!s::;;:iei~~OW MAILING ADDRESS: 5PE,O p,,..~\P,Fa.. "cNCJi):.)A&. CITY, STATE, ZIP: c Aq\ c;..Y-:AC> <;A,, 9'vvB TELEPHONE: 7UXJ•'cfl..J. b EMAIL ADDRESS: e!l:~l.i:l~c:¥,l~~i::tl~~ai:~~~ EMAIL ADDRESS: ~Owner's signature Indicates pennlsslon to conduct a prellm na review for a development proposal. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS E AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATU DATE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AN~□ ~::? ~T OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ~--"'"""'~""'-.,,,..._----"-.-.--=ail'!il""-:;__--~~av,3: SIG ATURE DATE APPLICANTS REP ESENTATIVE (Print): -~......,..-,..i\.,=.~:::::1~,1,;:-~~i:::::1o~~----------------- MAIUNG ADDRESS: '50~ P...'&:>t ,\~ 'Si:;\,¥:; \NAE,. c,rv, sTATE,z1P: U::V' s~, CA o..c:, oo<o TELEPHONE: 74i), 'Q')...'] 1 'd;)'):J EMAIL ADDRESS: ~\A\::} I 'f A??@, \<,.\5-½}\'. c:.o,-.1, I CERTIFY THATI AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND LL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORl),!!i),,.,,..,._..., T OF MY KNOWLEDGE . .:@i?rkt~ DATE • IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. IM/E CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY: 6fA. RECEIVED C~T fl 3 ?0'3 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLJ\J\~! '.NG D !V!S~OM ~lP/10, ,-13 ' Page2 of2 Revised 07/10 RECEIVED f'c'T n ~ ')(W:l 1; l U ._. -1_..1 J KSD KIEWITSHEAS DESALINATION :a:a-= September 30, 2013 C\TY OF CARLSBAD Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 _, '\/',..._t,...\'.1 PLA.NN\NG Di. !::;,t.,i J Subject: Request for Consistency Determination -Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant Dear Planning Division, Kiewit Shea Desalination ("KSD") requests to make changes to the approved Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant (PDP 00-02(B)/RP 05-12(A)) to be constructed within the Encina Power Station at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard (APN: 210-010-46). The proposed modifications are listed below: • West Retaining Wall and Landscaping Sheet G of CD 11-12 to PDP 00-02(8) depicts the alignment of a retaining wall aJong the west side of the project, including top of wall and top of footing elevations. Sheet E-1 of CD 11-12 to PDP 00-02(B) provides a section of this wall (Section D), including the finish grade elevation at top of footing. According to Section D on Sheet E-1, KSD is to regrade using site soil from the stated finish grade at top of footing until existing grade is reached. Further site investigation and design development has found that the wall is not constructible as demonstrated in these two plan sheets. Specifically, existing grade along the lease line varies with a low elevation of roughly 20-22. This existing grade elevation, coupled with the approved wall elevations, results in a regraded slope steeper than recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. To satisfy the geotechnical recommendations, KSD proposes to increase the height of the wall until the proposed slopes are consistent with the recommendations. However, as the height of the wall increases, so does the length of the retaining wall footing required. Therefore, to alleviate conflicts between an increased footing length and the 72-inch seawater intake line, KSD also proposes to move the wall as far west as allowed by the limits of the lease line. Although this proposal results in some localized increase in wall height, this design provides the following benefits/enhancements: • By moving the retaining wall to the lease line, KSD creates additional landscaping area. In all, KSD increases the landscaping from roughly S horizontal feet to 18 horizontal feet. • KSD's proposed plan slopes the landscaping toward the retaining wall as opposed to being a flat landscaping area as approved. This has the benefit of providing a softer visual approach to the site and it lowers the overall top of wall elevation. 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 370 I Carlsbad, California, 920081 (760)827-6500 fax (760) 683-6628 ISi KIEWIT SHEAB DESALINATION Si:9::5 In addition to these enhancements, the retaining wall will continue to have split face block facing and vine covering as dictated in the approved plans. • Chemical Storage Loading Area Sheet G of CD 11-12 to PDP 00-02(8) depicts the Chemical Delivery Area to the west of the Chemical Storage Area. KSD proposes to shift this Chemical Delivery Area to the east of the Chemical Storage Area and outside of the project's perimeter screen wall. The perimeter screen wall will be re-routed at this location such that the screen wall, the Chemical Delivery Area, and the Chemical Storage Area are all located within the project lease boundary. This modification will allow chemical delivery trucks to enter the plant, deliver chemicals, and leave the plant via a continuous loop. Access road layout on the approved plans does not allow for this continuous loop, which results in a requirement for trucks to back in to the Chemical Delivery Area. Backing in is operationally inefficient and a concern in regard to safety and protection of plant facilities. KSD proposes this change as a Consistency Determination, being fully compliant with the following criteria: I. No project condition, feature, facility or amenity is changed or deleted that had been considered essential to the project's design, quality, safety or function. Revision does not fundamentally alter any aspect of the approved plant and the overall design, function, and appearance is maintained. 2. The request represents an upgrade in overall design features and or materials and improves upon the project's compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. The two requested changes do represent an upgrade as stated in the previous sections which describe the changes in detail. 3. The proposed re-vision does not change the density or boundary of the subject property. Revision does not expand or change the project boundaries. 4. The proposed revision does not involve the addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit. Revision refines and reconfigures an existing component and does not add any new land use. 5. The proposed revision does not rearrange the major land uses within the development. 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 370 I Carlsbad, California, 920081 (760)827-6500 fax (760) 683·6628 The arrangement of the maJor project components remain m the same locations as approved. 6. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent provided that compliance will be maintained with the applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. West Retaining Wall -Although there is localized increase in the height of the wall, roughly one half of the west side retaining wall has been deleted through design development. Therefore, there is not an increase in wall greater than ten percent as compared to the approved plans. Chemical Storage Loading Area -There is not a change greater than ten percent m association with this proposed changed. 7. The proposed changes will not result in any significant environmental impact, and/or require additional mitigation. Revision does not expand or change the project's site, seawater intake or treatment, or product water treatment capacity or discharge. Accordingly, the revision is consistent with the project description ana1yzed in the EIR. Revision does not result in any new impacts and would not require additional mitigation. 8. The proposed change would not result in any health, sqfety or welfare impacts. Revision is consistent with the project description and does not result in any new significant impacts requiring mitigation. 9. There were not any major issues or controversies associated with the original project which would be exacerbated with the proposed change. Associated controversies included marine life impacts, seawater intake methods, energy use, growth inducement, conservation, and power plant operations. As the proposed revision does not result in impacts to any of these items, none of these issues would be aggravated. 10. The proposed change would not be readily discernab/e to the decision makers as being substantially different.from the project as originally approved. Revision would not be readily discemable as being substantially different for the following reasons: the layout of the desalination plant remains substantially the same; the project site area and boundaries are the same; the function, seawater intake, and treatment capacity are the same; and changes do not substantially alter the plant's appearance. Further, the 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 370 I Carlsbad, California, 92008 I (760)827-6500 fax (760) 683-6628 ISO KIEWITSHEA DESALINATION desalination plant is not readily visible to the public as it is several hundred feet from Carlsbad Boulevard, the nearest public street, and is partially screened by vegetation. lf you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 827-6534. Sincerely, Kiewit Shea Desalination Attachment: CD I l-l2 of PDP 00.02(8) Sheets E-1 and G Proposed Design Sheets C-107 and C-121D 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 370 I Carlsbad, California, 9200811760)827-6500 fax. (760) 683-6628