HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 15-12; RUBY'S DINER PATIO; Consistency Determination (CD) PER PROJECT PLANNER, GREG FISHER, APPLICATION MISSING FROM FILE. I City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 1511001-1 04/20/2015 32 Han, Apr 20, 2015 03:08 PH Receipt Ref Nbr: R1511001-1/0045 PERtmS -PERHITS Tran Ref Nbr: 151100101 0045 0066 Trans/Rcpt#: R0108487 SET#: CD150012 Amount: Item Subtota 1 : Item Tot a 1: 1 @ $707.00 $707.00 $707.00 ITEH(S) TOTAL: $707.00 Credit Card (Auth# 090818) $707.00 Total Received: $707.00 Have a nice day! Gre Fisher From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Brian, Greg Fisher Thursday, June 11, 2015 9:03 AM 'bwprice@cox.net' CD 15-12/RUBY'S DINER PATIO Thank you for coming down this week to meet. I was able to speak with the City Planner (Don Neu) regarding the Ruby's proposal. Don agrees with my assessment and the information that was included in the issues letter regarding Section 21.36.013 of the CMC. Unfortunately, any additional square footage proposed over what is allowed through the outdoor incidental dining ordinance must comply with the City's parking ordinance and provide required parking. We also discussed other options such as a variance to reduce the parking requirements. It is the opinion of the City's Planning Commission that the outlet mall is "under parked" and that any request to reduce parking standards would probably not be well received or supported. Furthermore, staff does not support the reduction of parking as well. Please let me know how to proceed with the CD application. At this point, you could withdrawal the CD application and request a refund of any monies owed or we can write a formal CD denial letter. Greg {city of Carlsbad Greg Fisher Planning Division 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-602-46291 760-602-8560 fax I greg.fisher@carlsbadca.gov Face book I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews 1 May 29,2015 Brian Price Purpose Consulting & Land Development 26815 Alicante Drive Mission Viejo, CA 92691 SUBJECT: CD 15-12-RUBY'S DINER PATIO \'!\~\ ~eJ s-1 6/CJ } ,c;;- FIL ('city of Carlsbad The following is a list of issues regarding the request for Consistency Determination (CD 15-12} that was filed in our office on April 20, 2015. Please review the following comments and revise accordingly. If you should have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss these comments, please contact me at (760} 602-4629. Sincerely, GREG FISHER Associate Planner GF:fn c: Joe Campbell, 1640 OrdWay, Oceanside, CA 92056 Don Neu, City Planner Van Lynch, Senior Planner David Rick, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry Community & Economic Development Planning Division 11635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-73141760-602-4660 I 760·602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov CD 15-12-RUBY'S DINER PATIO May 29,2015 Page 2 " ' , ,,; ==-'"-------------,,:::-~,,:::2'5-,'::_"",':, £..:;;<. :,, ;;6 ISSUES ITEMS Planning: 1. Pursuant to Section 21.26.013 of the CMC, outdoor dining (incidental) is limited to a maximum of four hundred square feet. The amount of outdoor dining area proposed is in excess of 1,500 square feet and exceeds the maximum threshold allowed for incidental outdoor dining. For this reason, all outdoor dining area in excess of 400 square feet must comply with the City's parking ordinance, Chapter 21.44.020 of the CMC. Pursuant to Section 21.44.020 (Table A, Retail Shopping Center), the proposed project requires an additional six on-site parking spaces. This figure was calculated using the parking formula included within Table A of the parking ordinance. 2. Because the project requires six additional parking spaces, a current inventory of the total number of on-site parking spaces for the Carlsbad Premium Outlet project must be provided. Please also include the means of verification. 3. The Carlsbad Premium Outlet project was originally approved with limited surplus parking spaces and the approval of the Consistency Determination for Ruby's diner patio expansion may affect future expansion within the shopping center. For this reason, please provide written approval from the Carlsbad Premium Outlet management/ownership approving the allocation of six additional parking spaces to allow the patio remodel/expansion project. Furthermore, the management/ownership for the Carlsbad Premium Outlet shopping center must sign the Consistency Determination application under "owner". The application is currently signed by the owner of Ruby's diner. 4. Provide the total square footage of the proposed outdoor dining area and the total number of parking spaces on Sheet A1.2. 5. The site plan does not appear to be drawn to scale. Please provide a site plan drawn to scale and identify the scale on the plans. 6. Dimension the distance between tables. Pedestrian clearance between tables and/or walls/fences must be a minimum forty-two inches wide. 7. Please identify and dimension on the site plan the proposed awning(s). As a reminder, signage is not allowed on the proposed awning(s) per the approved sign program. 8. Please label the application number (i.e., CD 15-12) in the top right corner of each sheet of the proposed Consistency Determination plan set. 9. The proposed project will need to be reviewed for compliance with Title 24 -State Accessibility Requirements through the building permit process. Engineering: 10. Developer shall pay traffic impact and sewer impact fees based on Section 18.42 and Section 13.10 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, respectively. The Average Daily Trips (ADT) and floor area contained in the staff report and shown on the site plan are for planning purposes only. The City of CARLSBAD Planning Department EXtiBIT 4 ./oi,,r: ..,.,. .. '1.X A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August7, 1996 ItemNo.@ Application complete date: June 28, 1996 Project Planner: Don Neu Project Engineer: C.lyde Wickham SUBJECT: SDP 96-03 -CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES -Request for a recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan for a 300,000 square foot specialty retail center on 26.65 acres located at the southeast comer of Paseo Del Norte and Car Country Drive within Planning Area 6 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan in the Coastal Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 13. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. · 3965 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of SDP 96-03, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION This application proposes developing a vacant retail site in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan located west of the Flower Field planning area. The project as designed complies with all requirements of the specific plan including a maximum single story parapet height of 28 feet in addition to a maximum of 2 percent of the total building square footage proposed as architectural features not to exceed 42 feet. These height limitations reduce the area of the flower field planning area that will be obstructed from view by the development at locations west of the site. In addition the substantial conformance exhibit approved grades for the site will result in the property elevations being lowered from 1 to 8 feet from existing grade and 3 to 12 feet from grades approved on the Master Tentative Map for Carlsbad Ranch (CT 94-09). III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission recommend approval of a site development plan for the Carlsbad Company Stores specialty retail center proposed for the southeast comer of Paseo Del Norte and Car Country Drive in Planning Area 6 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. The 26.65 acre project is proposed to be built in multiple phases and consists of four, one-story buildings totaling 300,000 square feet and surface parking for approximately 1,536 vehicles. The building floor plans indicate that in excess of !OO·tenant spaces will be provided. Tenants will consist of retail stores, art galleries, restaurants and other specialty retail uses consistent with the specific plan. SDP 96-03-CARLSB.r..J COMPANY STORES AUGUST 7, 1996 PAGE3 recommending approval to the City Council of the Specific Plan Amendment on December 6, 1995 approved the Master Tentative Map (CT 94-09) for Carlsbad Ranch. The master tentative map creates Lot 2 with an area of 15.95 acres which will be consolidated with the existing 10.7 acre lot. The mass grading of the project site will be accomplished under CT 94-09. The Tentative Partial Cancellation of the Williamson Act Land Conservation Contract approved for Lot 2 will become final prior to Final Map recordation for the lot or issuance of a grading permit. The final cancellation action is tied to the approval of the Final Map and Grading Plans for Unit I of CT 94-09 and is projected to be ready for City Council action this suminer. Applicable Regulations The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following section of this staff report: A. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP 207(A); B. Regional Commercial (R) General Plan Land Use Designation; C. General Commercial, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (C-2-Q); D. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.06, Section 21.06.020 -Site Development Plan findings required by the Qualified Development Overlay Zone; E. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport; F. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Plan; G. Growth Management Ordinance (Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 13); and H. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment Program EIR (EIR 94-01), the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) and the California Environmental Quality Act. IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation for approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. Therefore this section will cover the project's compliance with each of the regulations listed above in the order in which they are presented. A. CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan establishes the permitted uses for the site as well as the development standards and design guidelines. The project plans comply with the requirements of the specific plan. The permitted uses for the project site include retail business uses, 1) SDP 96-03-CARLSB.ru.J COMPANY STORES AUGUST 7, 1996 PAGES the General Plan on the project site and includes required circulation improvements and provisions for alternative modes of transportation such as bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Zoning for the site is General Commercial, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (C-2-Q). The zoning designation also permits the uses subject to approval of a site development plan. The specific plan was established with the requirement that each site require approval of a site development plan and the zoning reflects this criteria. D. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE 0-0VERLA Y ZONE The Qualified Development Overlay Zone (Q-Overlay) which is part of the zoning designation for the property requires that a site development plan be approved for the proposed use prior to the issuance of any building permit. Four findings are required by the Q-Overlay Zone. The required findings with justification for each are contained in the Planning Commission resolution for the project. This section summarizes the necessary findings and support for each. The requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings as the project design complies with the requirements of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan as demonstrated in section "A" of this report. Significant building setbacks in addition to required landscape setbacks have been incorporated into the project design. The site is also adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use as all applicable code requirements have been met as well as the provision of additional parking spaces, 5.9 percent of the parking area will be landscaped while only 3 percent is required, and building coverage is proposed at 25.8 percent. All features necessary to adjust the use to existing and permitted future uses will be provided. Screen walls, benning and landscaping are proposed to screen loading areas. Adequate vehicle circulation has been provided to accommodate truck turning movements. The southern most access to the site will be shared with the Flower Fields (Planning Area 7) as the existing Flower Fields driveway will be closed and relocated to the location shown. The project is proposed to be developed in phases and the rear of structures which will be visible until the completion of a future phase will receive additional architectural treatment as is proposed for the buildings parallel to the project's eastern lot line. The entire parking lot will be developed with the first phase and landscaping of the future phase building pads will occur as required by the Landscape Manual as staff has identified the area as highly visible to the public and it therefore warrants immediate treatment (Landscape Manual Section E.3-1.2-2.!c.). The planned street system is adequate to handle all traffic generated by the use. The proposed use is consistent with the use analyzed in the circulation analysis prepared for Program EIR 94-0 I for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. E. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN FOR McCLELLAN -PALOMAR AIRPORT The project site is located within the Airport Influence Area for McClellan -Palomar Airport. The southern half of the project site is located within the 60 CNEL noise contour for Palomar Airport. The site is approximately 8,800 feet west of the airport. The airport land use plan '/) identifies the use as being compatible with the noise levels for the site. The project was sent to SDP 96-03-CARLSBAu COMPANY STORES AUGUST 7, 1996 PAGE7 V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed use was analyzed in the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 94-0 I) certified for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment and related applications on January 9, 1996 by the City Council. Mitigation required for the grading plan and final map for Master Tentative Map 94-09 has been applied. Mitigation measures incorporated into this Site Development Plan include preferential parking spaces for carpools, adequate on-site circulation to reduce vehicle queuing, bicycle parking facilities, showers for bicycling employees' use, pedestrian connections to the site, review by the Police Department of security plans for the project, use of reclaimed water for landscaping watering and the provision of trash enclosures large enough to accommodate recyclables. As a result, the environmental analysis for the site development plan included an Initial Study (Environmental Impact Assessment Form -Part II) focusing on any changes from approved plans and the project contemplated in the EIR to what is proposed with this site development plan. No additional significant adverse impacts were identified in the initial study for this project, therefore, no further environmental review is required. A Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance was prepared for the project and published in the North County Times Newspaper. A Notice of Determination will be filed·upon the final action being taken on the project. ATTACHMENTS: I. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3965 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 5. Disclosure Form 6. Prior Environmental Compliance 7. Environmental Impact Assessment Form-Part II 8. Exhibits "A"-"Q", dated August 7, 1996. DN:bl: