HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 00-58; Tamarack Wireless; Coastal Development Permit (CDP)GENERAL INFO Status: [APPROVED Entered By: |CS Subtype: (REG Project Title: [TAMARACK WIRELESS, ,-.,. Description: (WIRELESS COMMUNOAllONFACIUTY 7r""; Address: H901 EL CASINO REAL CBAO .'. Parcel: )20?-1pl-28-00;;, ^\ 1HOFFMAN JAYF8,MARYONDTRS, Applicant: (NDCTEL COMMUNICATIONS ,: Prj Engineer:Prj Ranner |KENNEOY Er»v, Determ: I 1 * igDit Action: Action Date: Appeal Date: * gComm (AP [Q4/JM/2001 yCnc! Resolutions: (4928,4931 . I Exit lijiBack -DATES- Applied: [11/08/2000 Complete: |12/01/2000 Expires: (_/_/_ Withdrawn; [/•!/• ' Response: ]_/_/___,. Ordinance: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT NAME: Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: Project Description 10/96 Page 1 of 1 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT SITE CA6-439b / TAMARACK APN 207-101-19/24/25 The proposed communications site is located at The Hoffman property at 4901 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Nextel Communications, Inc. and the owners (Jay and Maryon Hoffman) have entered into a lease agreement for the placement of a communications facility at this location. Nextel proposes to construct, operate and maintain an unmanned, Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR) communications facility. This facility will consist of twelve (12) antennas, measuring one foot wide and four feet in length. The panel antennas will be mounted in a "monopalm" located at the top of the slope adjacent to the existing Pacific Bell Wireless monopole. The equipment shelter would be located at the bottom of the slope, adjacent to an existing paved parking lot and driveway. This proposed facility would be unmanned, operating 24 hours a day. The only visits to the site will consist of any emergency calls as well as regular maintenance visits once every four to six weeks. SYSTEM BACKGROUND INFORMATION Nextel Communications, Inc. has been authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to construct and operate the first multi-purpose enhanced specialized mobile radio system (ESMR) in the United States. The system will provide superior service to the public in several ways: 1) it will be a fully digital alternative to current "cellular" telephone systems; 2) it will provide digital dispatch services to large fleet users (this "dispatch" service will make the system able to handle a one-to-many form of communications wherein one dispatcher can contact numerous mobile parties simultaneously); 3) it will provide traditional paging services; 4) it will provide wireless data transmission. All of these functions will be available in one hand-held unit. HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS The service area is divided into a grid of theoretically hexagonal geographic areas. At the center of each area is a low power unmanned radio repeater station, which handles the calls to and from mobile customers within the area. As a mobile customer moves from one area to another with a call in progress, the call is automatically 'handed off to the next repeater station, without interruption. Telephone line connections between repeater sites and the switching office, and from the switching office to the telephone company central office permit mobile customers within the serving area to utilize their mobile phones just as they would a home or office telephone, with direct dialing. SITE SUITABILITY This specific site was chosen based on its ability to provide needed wireless telecommunications coverage at the residential area surrounded by El Camino Real, Kelly Drive, Tamarack Avenue and Cindy Avenue. The property already supports two precedent-setting carrier sites, and is the only suitable property within the search area that is not immediately within a residential zone. This site is necessary to provide uninterrupted service to mobile radio customers traveling from one area to another. PROPOSED USE OF FACILITY The project site location is in the C-2 zone of the City of Carlsbad. Application is made pursuant to the City's General Plan and consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The proposed use of this communications facility will fulfill Nextel's and the community's need for digital mobile radio communication service in this area. This project will not adversely impact the community. Page 2 Nextel Communications Description of Proposed Project CA6-349b / TAMARACK HEALTH AND SAFETY The proposed use of this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area and will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR) provides better quality dispatch service through both its interconnect abilities and digital efficiencies. As discovered in the aftermath of the Northridge earthquake, the wireline telephones had inadequate capacity to serve the emergency crews. Nextel provided radios and service to the Red Cross to assist their operation in sheltering and feeding the families whose homes were damaged. ESMR provides emergency contact to 911; has authorization to provide emergency services during periods in which normal communications facilities are disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake or similar disaster; and is authorized to transmit communications necessary for the implementation of civil defense activities as assigned by local civil defense authorities. * SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FORM FOR ALL COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITS + APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR SINGLE FAMILY REGULAR & MINOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITS (Application checklist for Non-Single Family Regular Coastal Development Permits covered under separate handout) This supplemental application is to be filed for any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad. I. GENERAL BACKGROUND A. Estimated Cost of Development: Development costing $60,000 or more does not qualify as a Minor Coastal Development Permit. The Planning Director shall make the final determination regarding a project's cost of development. The primary basis for determining cost of development will be the application of dollar costs per square foot for different types of residential construction. These costs are set by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and are applied throughout San Diego County. Please complete the following information to assist in the determination of this project's cost of development (Contractor proposals may also be submitted for consideration by the Planning Director). => New Residential Square Footage: square feet x $78.00/sq. ft. = $ => Residential Addition Square Footage: square feet x $94.00/sq. ft. = $ => Any Garage Square Footage: square feet x $22.00/sq. ft. = $ => Residential Conversion Square Footage: square feet x $26.00/sq. ft. = $ => For Non-Residential Uses, use the following figures for calculations: Retail/Store @ $38.00/sq. ft.; Restaurant @ $69.00/ sq. ft.; Office @ $55.00/ sq. ft.; Manufacturing/Warehouse @ $24.00/sq. ft.: square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ COST OF DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE: $ B. Do you wish to apply for: 1. A Minor Coastal Development Permit (Under $60,000) 2. A Regular Coastal Development Permit ($60,000 or more) C. Street address of proposed development Form 15 6/00 Page 1 of 7 D. E. Assessor's Parcel Number of proposed development 10 • Development Description: Briefly describe project: > \gcJr C i* <^ol ) II. A.Are there existing structures on the property? If yes, please describe. sf- |Yes B. Will any existing structure be removed/demolished? F. Describe the present land uses (i.e. Vacant land, single family homes, apartments, offices, etc.) that surround the proposed development to the: North: *S**- K^-CyVe f-c^v^xj-gj^ U-ow>g-4 • /y/6-c South: East:, tsv. West: G. Is project located within a 100 year flood plain? PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY No No No If yes to either question, describe the extent of the demolition or removal, including the relocation site, if applicable (also show on plans). LOT COVERAGE A. Existing and Proposed Building Coverage Landscaped Area Hardscape Area Unimproved Area (Left Natural) Existing 0 sq. ft. <? sq. ft. t-^/Ar sq.ft. New Proposed •2-b o SQ. ft. $> sq. ft. ~/Arsa. ft. Total "Z-fcfc sq. ft. <t> sa. ft. K> (A- sq. ft. sq.ft.sq.ft.sa. ft. Form 15 6/00 Page 2 of 7 ^ |Ar B. Parking: Number of existing spaces Number of new spaces proposed Existing/Proposed TOTAL: Number of total spaces required Number of covered spaces Number of uncovered spaces Number of standard spaces Number of compact spaces Is tandem parking existing? [~| Yes #_ Is tandem parking proposed? Yes #_ C. Grade Alteration: No No Is any grading proposed? 0Yes | 1 No If yes, please complete the following: 1. Amount of cut 2.S -^ t> cu. yds. 2. Amount of fill *P cu. yds. 3. Maximum height of fill slope */* feet 4. Maximum height of cut slope 5 ' feet 5. Amount of import or export 2^ "^ ° cu. yds. 6. Location of borrow or disposal site Form 15 6/00 Page 3 of 7 MRY.17.2000 li:34Pn CHICfiGO TITLE (619)7022808 NO.753 P.5/6 MMLTAM mrmmrr TO Mr 5 Mrs Jay ff. Hoffman 4901 El Canino RoalCarlsbad, CA 92008 ^A1728 IMMIM MUOMMa MAIL.TQ .m ' Brio X. Waitean 1 '"•» JENNINGS fi CAMPBELZ. e»r 1020 Prpapaot 8 treat, |300 J1."' . La Jolla. CA 92037 cmplRNO. W\ DCl -a m * « QUITCLAIM DEED , RF ^ Jff? ^ nP —£*^ — This POflM PUHNI|H<D BV OOMMDNW«AUT« UIND TITU Tiw unditiigrid grin tor(i^ mcl»n(t)i D»«.m»n»«y »rin«»«- U« (i « -0* HO COBSIDBBATIQN ( ) CampuUtt op fu|l v«iui of propwty convf yf d> of t ) Compulid an Full vilu* lid wilut of ||im md ineumbrine*! ranufnlng »t «ltn« of uli.< j Unbuoro«r«iaci «rM ( COMPAMV Ti» Pirtii NO. 307«lDl-I6._and _20 7" 1Q1-19 P. Hoffrnan and Karyon D. Hoffswn, huaband and wifa aa joint t*n«nt» FOfl A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. W» HEBEBV QUITCLAIM W> Jay ?ranJU.in Hoffman and HKxyon Dooley Hoffman,Co-'fruataaa , U.T.O, Ootobar 2, 19B4 ih* nwl preptrty In tlt» County of San Diego ., Stou of CgHfomU, Scte attached Exhibit "A" made a part h«rao£. THIS THAKSFER XS MADE TO A REVOCABLE INIBR VIVOS TRUST WHICH 10 BKEMPT FROM HE-APFHAISAL ?CBSUANT TO AS I486 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 62 (d) . (IndMtfud! JTATS OF COONTV «V. On. _3an_Di«10. r.l«a .tailor*N(rt,_ Puu,e u, I)M lw ,,.,, Jfiy f , Hoffina^ and Murvon Pi Hoffman Humm t» mil for PIWHI to n» PR ID* Mi alwfttrai tn iw in* p«r«wi a.. ,__sto* num.a art-•iMw|b<ii to tb* ^fwhio ffiitfunwii w^npy ^^M^t IM IM*. WITNIH mr hindind («)R|«| M^. ^ •NB«WV SMI- MAIL TAX STATIMBNT A8 DIRlOTiD ABOVE MflY.17.2000 li:35flM CHICflGO TITLE (619) 702 2808 1750 NO.753 P.6/6 "A" That portion of X.pt "I* of tha BANCHO AGUA EEDIONDA, in theCounty of San Dlago, state of California, according toPartition Hap thereof. No. 823, filed in tha office of thecounty Recorder of San Diago County flovenber 1C, 1896, lyingwithin the fallowing described parcel of land: Beginning At Corner No. 2 of eaid Lot "I"; thence alqng thaNortherly prolongation of that portion of the Easterly lineof aaid lot "1" between Camera No, 1 and 2 of said Lot>North 2*29'40" Want (record North 3" West) 21.B4 feat to aninclination with the aanter line of County Bond Survey No,682 a» the name ia described in sapement dead to the Countyof San Diego, dated nay 27, 1936 «nd recorded in Pook 521,page 230 ot Official Reoorda of said San Diego County, aaidpoint of intersection being aliO tha Southaastarly corner ofthat paroal of land daaoribed in quitolaiJJi d«ad to Horace H.Ketlly, raccrdad January 22, 1951 aa Document No. 9613, inBook 3942, page 34 of Official Recordaj thence along thaSoutherly line of Bald Kelly land ao follow"« along aaidaantaz line of xoad, North 67"101 Wait 897.21 feet North64*35' W««t 701.35 fast to tha beginning1 of a -tangent curveconcave Southerly having a radiua of 1000 feat, and North-westerly along tha aro of aaid curve 29.00 foot; thenceleaving aaid center line, Worth 74"118 West a chord dietanoeof 262.47 feet to a point an the arc of aaid curva, aaidpaint badng the THUE POINT OF BEGrOTHUCf thence South 2*36"IS"Eaat 353.64 feet; thanae North 88*59'15* Heat £63.30 feet toa point on tha canter lina of an easement described in deedto the Carlsbad Mutual Wat«r Company, dated September 26,1941 and raoordsd in Book 1271, page 70 of Official Racordaof aaid San Diego county; thence South 64°17'15" W«t (recordSouth 64C54'40" West) along aaid center line 911.65 faet toa point in aaid center lina of Saaonant and in aaid HoraceH, Kelly boundary which ia dixtanoa along aaid lines North64°17'lSn Eaat 445 feet from the wont Southerly angla pointin said Southerly boundary of aaid Horaea H- felly land; wl<b»^ta luuvl»tt "»uj.vl I\oxl^ kiuuiluu^j' WuiUJJ 10 41'HJ" ktttWL354.70 fast; thence Jforth 5817'15* B«»t to a point in thecanter lina of said Road Burvay No. 682, aaid point being ontha arc of a curve concave Hoxthaaatarly having a radlu» of700 feet, which curve begina at Bnginaar1* Station 59 plua25.32 on the oentar lina of Hoad Survey No. 682; thencezaoterly along aaid center lina to the TRUE POINT as- BEGINNING. MPY.17.2000 li:34flM CHICflGO TITLE (619)7032888 ISO. 753 P. 2/6 PUAII MAIL PfpMtmnt Of OtfiBfll MfttoMRail PnpMty Mtnagamrt PMaton6BU OMrtami AvanvMi BuMMnB 8San Diego, CA M1SO ATTENTION; eupftm PfOpany NQJTRANftFEfl TAX DUB i Pun) Ntt 207.101-18 432 65UI02 ',)•;. i— •• .»!.!«•IF </M* .', 1^1'i.r V,r.. | '390 DEC IQ W 2 «,? [ CO-ih. ' • .epAce ABOVE ran neconoDi't u« ONLY_ QUITCLAIM DEED Nora BU--SUBPLUBPfDfMCW. 0. NO: TEasao For a valuabia consJdBiaUoo, COUMTY OP BAN 01100, a paftlad BubdfvWon do|M) hmby mmto. ivlttM «nd forwtr qufyjii|m to Joy FmnWJn Hofman and Mwyon Doolay Hoffman, Co-TruiUMt, U.T,a Octotxr 2. 1BB4 the following dncritod real property in th0 County of flan OUgo, Raw (X Cilifomia-' Final No. M.Q1»-A (8.18-89) (PWP:JA:o^ Tjjat pcrttoo of UK f # iftt flincrto Agm HMtonda, In fl?§ County o» SM Otogp. 8tst« of Cajfomla,aoooming to Panttlon Map tharerf. No. 8ZJ, flted In the Offloo of tfta County RieopOir of add County, Road 8may Map No. 1000-1 (B Cwnlno Raa» jbehnan Engine*-? ttattam 47&+M and «2+ 00, BBCordlnB lo eald Map, flM In ih» Offlc* of tfi» Couf«y Enolntar of nfd County. OC9P, flav. 8B.10, "MflY.17.2000 ll:34P)M CHICAGO TITLE (619) 702 2808 // v' 433 QUITOWM DEED 8WM27-A r*JL^4*r>4.i~iJ' CQUM1YOFMHDIIQO F, HUBTON. •TATS OF CALIFORNIA)COUNTY OF am OIEOO p On Ir f~ 7^) b*0fv m», ROBERT0. ZUMWALT, OoujHy CleiK of VM8up«flor Court B) V*for ttW Courti and Oau. which to a ooun tf nwurf having • taaL paiunalV appemd . J/\M ^ _ F. rf^*,_R o^,. pmwd to m* on «hi bntt of «Uil|maiy wktonM la M W p«n«X> w^«wc«lBclB»wliWnliwWim»rtontMh«llol did publta corporation, sgwcy or poOljcal subdKritton, and aoknoModgod to me tt\a ucti public or oorpwvUoo, •gmcy, or ponocai lubdMilan onpuiad ttw WTO, WITNESS my nuid md official uiJ. ROBERT 0. ZUMWALT, County CWk PM FORM NO. 16 NO.753 P.3/6 'MRY.17.2000 11:34011 CHICRGO TITLE (619) 702 2808 NO.753 P.4/6 B9-OI2T-A ,500 Sq.ft. PCMMTMtNT OF KNCMt IKPVICEBl *MM«|» ir __IWHITY MO MM. nMKinv omno* | m^ m HUB*.COUHfV Of lAJl I 11EL CAMINO REAL - SURPLUS 89-O27-A FROM : MftRJfl PCRES FPX NO. : 7607292042 Jun. 08 2000 03:10PM PI CERTIFICATION OF TRUST THE UNDERSIGNED, attorney for JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN and MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN, declares as follows: 1. That I am an attorney in good standing in the California Bar Association; 2. That Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, are true and correct copies of the Introduction, Powers of the Trustees, and Signature Pages of the JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN AND MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST, a revocable inter vivos trust dated October 2, 1984; 3. That the JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN AND MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST was established by JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN and MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN as Trustors, with JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN and MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN serving as co-trustees; 4. That the JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN AND MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST was established for the benefit of JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN and MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN; and 5. That the pages omitted from this Certificate are of a personal nature dealing with the distribution of the Trustor's estate and in no way affect the powers of the Trustee. JENNINGS & CAMPBELL Attorneys at Law Douglass/Jennings, Jr. FROM' : MflRJfi fiCRES FflX NO. : 7607292042 Jun.2000 03:11PM P2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On this 2nd day of October, in the year 1984, before me, personally appeared J. DOUGLASS JENNINGS, JR., personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged that he executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set ray hand and official seal. OFFICIAL Si-AL' US.', MOVES NOTAfiY PUBLIC • CtUFCnNIA SAN OlEGO COUNTY Public in a^Kfor said County and State SCHEDULE A Order No: 203076077 U54 YourRef: ^HOFFMAN 1. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A FEE 2. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: JAY FRANKLIN HOFFMAN AND MARYON DOOLEY HOFFMAN, CO-TRUSTEES, U.T.D. OCTOBER 2, 1984 3. The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of SAN DIEGO and is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION PHEA -10/31/97bk Page i DESCRIPTION OrderNo. 203076077 PARCEL A: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP 3451, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED JANUARY 31, 1975, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT I OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY NOVEMBER 16, 1896, LYING WITHIN EL CAMINO REAL (COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 682) AS VACATED AND ABANDONED BY RESOLUTION RECORDED DECEMBER 21, 1976 AS FILE NO. 1976-428052 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ADJOINING SAID LAND ON THE NORTH. PARCEL B: THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3451 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP FILED ON PAGE 3451 OF PARCEL MAPS,ON JANUARY 31, 1975 UNDER FILE NO. 75-023997, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LYING WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE : BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCELS 2 AND 3, WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 960.00 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 198.26 FEET TO A TANGENT LINE; THENCE, SOUTH 87°27'37" WEST ALONG SAID TANGENT LINE 358.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2°32'23" WEST 10.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 87°27'37" WEST 145.41 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 1°58'54" WEST 315.79 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT I OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY NOVEMBER 16, 1896, LYING WITHIN EL CAMINO REAL (COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 682) AS VACATED AND ABANDONED BY RESOLUTION RECORDED DECEMBER 21, 1976 AS FILE NO. 1976-428052 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ADJOINING SAID LAND ON THE NORTH. PARCEL C: THAT PORTION OF LOT "E" OF THE RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITION MAP THEREOF, NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS 73.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF AND CONCENTRIC WITH THE CENTERLINE OF ROAD SURVEY MAP NO. 1800-1 (EL CAMINO REAL) BETWEEN ENGINEER'S STATIONS 475+00 AND 482+00, ACCORDING TO SAID MAP, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY, SAID PORTION BEING FURTHER DEPICTED AS PARCEL NO. 89-0127-A ON THE DRAWING ATTACHED TO THAT CERTAIN QUITCLAIM DEED FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 1990 AS FILE NO. 90-658182, OFFICIAL RECORDS. SCHEDULE B Page 1 Order No: 203076077 U54 Your Ref: ^HOFFMAN At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed Exceptions and Exclusions in the policy form designated on the face page of this Report would be as follows: A 1. PROPERTY TAXES, INCLUDING ANY ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED WITH TAXES, TO BE LEVIED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 THAT ARE A LIEN NOT YET DUE. B 2. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL OR ESCAPED ASSESSMENTS OF PROPERTY TAXES, IF ANY, MADE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF PART O.5, CHAPTER 3.5 OR PART 2, CHAPTER 3, ARTICLES 3 AND 4 RESPECTIVELY (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS A RESULT OF THE TRANSFER OF TITLE TO THE VESTEE NAMED IN SCHEDULE A; OR AS A RESULT OF CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP OR NEW CONSTRUCTION OCCURRING PRIOR TO DATE OF POLICY. c 3. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: OCENASIDE MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, A CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS AUGUST 22, 1930 IN BOOK 1795, PAGE 355 OF DEEDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 4 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: OCEANSIDE MUTUAL WATER COMPANY PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS IN BOOK 1796, PAGE 142 OF DEEDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 5 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PUBLIC HIGHWAY MARCH 10, 1936 IN BOOK 479, PAGE NO. 341 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND JUNE 17, 1936 IN BOOK 521, PAGE NO. 230 OF OR ROAD SURVEY 682 NOTE: A PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT WAS VACATED BY RESOLUTION, A COPY OF WHICH RECORDED DECEMBER 21, 1976 AS FILE NO. 1976-428052 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PREB -10/31/97bk SCHEDULE BPa§e 2 (continued) Order No: 203076077 U54 Your Ref: ^HOFFMAN SAID INSTRUMENT ADDITIONALLY CONTAINS THE PRIVILEGE AND RIGHT TO EXTEND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SLOPES BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RIGHT OF WAY WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. 6 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: NOVEMBER 9, 1941 IN BOOK 1271, PAGE 70 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 7 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: OCTOBER 20, 1948 IN BOOK 2988, PAGE 450 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. H 8 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: NOVEMBER 27, 1951 IN BOOK 4302, PAGE 401 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 9. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: JUNE 1, 1953 IN BOOK 71511 AND 71512, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 10. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS PRELIMBC-9/23/93bk SCHEDULE B3 (continued) Order No: 203076077 U54 Your Ref: ^HOFFMAN SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: W. D. CANNON, AN UNMARRIED MAN PURPOSE: TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER RECORDED: NOVEMBER 8, 1954 IN BOOK 5422, PAGE 581 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. NOTE: BY AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE 28, 1961 UNDER RECORDER'S FILE NO. 110697, THE INTEREST IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EASEMENT WAS GRANTED, ASSIGNED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. 11. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: PAUL ECKE, ET UX PURPOSE: TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER AND FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES CONNECTED THEREWITH RECORDED: DECEMBER 1, 1954 IN BOOK 5446, PAGE 324 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 12 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: AUGUST 9, 1966 AS FILE NO. 1966-120725 AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 13 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: JUNE 5, 1967 AS FILE NO. 1967-79479 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 14 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT PRELIMBC-9/23/93bk Page 4 Order No: 203076077 U54 SCHEDULE B (continued) Your Ref:HOFFMAN GRANTED TO: PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PARCEL 68457-B MARCH 12, 1970 UNDER RECORDER'S FILE NO. 44687 THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 15. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES, INGRESS AND EGRESS JUNE 11, 1974 AS FILE NO. 1974-154502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 16 . AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS RESERVED IN A DOCUMENT (NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE PRESENT OWNERSHIP OF SAID EASEMENT) PURPOSE: RECORDED: AFFECTS: LINES OF PIPE, CONDUITS, CABLES, WIRES, POLES AND OTHER STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES FOR THE OPERATION OF GAS PIPE LINES, PETROLEUM PIPE LINES, TELEGRAPHIC AND TELEPHONE LINES AND FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND WATER AND FOR INCIDENTAL PURPOSES INCLUDING ACCESS AND SANITARY SEWERS, STORM DRAINS AND APPURTENANT STRUCTURES INCLUDING ACCESS DECEMBER 21, 1976 AS FILE NO. 1976-428052 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 17. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DATED: EXECUTED BY: COMPLIANCE NO.: RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 9, 1982 CITY ENGINEER, CITY OF CARLSBAD 286 SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 AS FILE NO. 1982-293200 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 18. AN UNRECORDED LEASE AFFECTING THE PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED, EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HEREIN NAMED, WITH CERTAIN TERMS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS SET FORTH THEREIN LESSOR:JAY F. AND MARYON D. HOFFMAN PRELIMBC-9/23/93bK Page 5 OrderNo: 203076077 U54 SCHEDULE B(continued) Your Ref:HOFFMAN LESSEE: DISCLOSED BY: RECORDED: COX CALIFORNIA PCS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION MEMORANDUM OF LEASE AGREEMENT NOVEMBER 7, 1996 AS FILE NO. 1996-0564066 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE PRESENT OWNERSHIP OF THE LEASEHOLD CREATED BY SAID LEASE AND OTHER MATTERS AFFECTING THE INTEREST OF THE LESSEE ARE NOT SHOWN HEREIN. 19. A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "NOTICE OF RESTRICTION ON REAL PROPERTY", DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 1996 EXECUTED BY JAY F. HOFFMAN AND MARYON D. HOFFMAN AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED, RECORDED DECEMBER 5, 1996 AS FILE NO. 1996-0609629 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 20. A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "NOTICE OF RESTRICTION ON REAL PROPERTY", EXECUTED BY JAY F. HOFFMAN AND MARYON D. HOFFMAN AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 AS FILE NO. 1998-0601186 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 21. ANY INVALIDITY OR DEFECT IN THE TITLE OF THE VESTEES IN THE EVENT THAT THE TRUST REFERRED TO IN THE VESTING PORTION OF SCHEDULE A IS INVALID OR FAILS TO GRANT SUFFICIENT POWERS TO THE TRUSTEE(S) OR IN THE EVENT THERE IS A LACK OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TRUST INSTRUMENT. END OF SCHEDULE B NOTE NO. 1: IF TITLE IS TO BE INSURED IN THE TRUSTEE(S) OF A TRUST, (OR IF THEIR ACT IS TO BE INSURED), THIS COMPANY WILL REQUIRE A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL TRUST AGREEMENT INCLUDING ALL EXHIBITS LISTING REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TRANSFERRED INTO THE TRUST TOGETHER WITH COMPLETE COPIES OF ANY AMENDMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS THERETO. THE COMPANY MUST ALSO BE FURNISHED WITH A VERIFICATION OF ALL PRESENT TRUSTEES STATING THAT THE COPY BEING FURNISHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ENTIRE TRUST AGREEMENT INCLUDING ALL MODIFICATIONS OR AMENDMENTS; THAT THE TRUST IS CURRENTLY IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; AND THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN REVOKED OR TERMINATED. NOTE: ANY FUNDING WIRES TO CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY ARE TO BE DIRECTED AS FOLLOWS: BANK OF AMERICA 1850 GATEWAY BOULEVARD CONCORD, CALIFORNIA ABA 121-000358 CREDIT TO CHICAGO TITLE SUB-ESCROW DEPOSITORY ACCOUNT NO. 12359-50752 FURTHER CREDIT TO ORDER NO: 203076077 PRELIMBC-9/23/93bk SCHEDULE BPa§e 6 (continued) Order No: 20307S077 U54 YourRef: ^HOFFMAN ATTN: KEN CYR.. TITLE OFFICER AMC PRELIMBC-S/23/93bk 'Order No: 203076077 - U54 Your Ref: ^HOFFMAN As part of the settlement of a class action lawsuit, we are required to place this notification in all preliminary reports: IF YOU BOUGHT, SOLD OR REFINANCED A HOME (RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY) IN CALIFORNIA BETWEEN JULY 1, 1989 AND FEBRUARY 28, 1997, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Pursuant to a Settlement Agreement in a class action lawsuit filed in the Superior Court for Los Angeles County, a settlement agreement has been entered into that provides persons who bought, sold or refinanced residential real property in the State of California between July 1, 1989 and February 28, 1997, with certain rights. If you are such a person and you are now engaged in an escrow transaction with Chicago Title Company, Gateway Title Company, Benefit Land Title Company or Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, you have the following rights: If one of these companies previously handled a residential escrow transaction for you that involved residential real property in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument, repayment of which was secured by a duly recorded deed of trust, was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered to one of those title companies for recording but was inadvertently not recorded, you have the right to request that a release of obligation or reconveyance be recorded in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. To obtain this right you must: (1) Establish to the satisfaction of the title company that you actually closed an escrow between July 1, 1989 and February 28, 1997, which was handled by one of the above-listed title insurance companies, in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument secured by a duly recorded deed of trust was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered for recordation to the title company that handled the prior transaction. Proof of said transaction shall be made by presenting a closing statement, preliminary report, title insurance policy or a paid escrow invoice which identifies you and the prior deed of trust; and (2) Request in writing the recording of a reconveyance or release of obligation in the event that one inadvertently had not been previously recorded in the escrow transaction previously handled by one of the above-named title companies. 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