HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 00-62; Hamilton Residence; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (2)CITY OF CARLSBAD - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECTNAME: UAMILTQN K^SjDSNCe DATE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: g.(=Gg.AJDE PR&ViOQSLV GKiADBO PAt>' PROJECTADDRESS: 5^ PIQ PI CO LOT NO(S).: pAEcfcU Z MAP NO.: f'^^mC-OZmHo APN(S).: NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: | LFMP ZONE: l5fe-SS0- I) #LOTS: _j # ACRES: / 234? OWNER: :3bHM ^ BA^BAKA l4AMlUTQhi MallingAddress: P|0 HcQ Phone Number: (^/?) J'm? - S^f^S I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signature Date APPLICANT: SoKUP MallingAddress: ^j^ZZ, ^(S^ "ER><S.tfT H-AO^ CARLS g>AD ^ CA ^ ZOOg Phone Number: (7^0) IZO - OQ^g Signature Date CIVIL ENGINEER: Firm: SOILS ENGINEER: Ti^fe SEA KRl^HT COMPANV MallingAddress: ^Z"^^ 'S^ "5fe\G-HT fLfiCJS. Phone Number: (7^) IZO - OQ^d State Registration Number: Z83>02> Firm: Mailing Address: VISTA ^ CA Phone Number: (7^) 945^3150 State Registration Number: t^S£- 1 Z ^ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (circle one) g^sbad Municipal Water Districr~~-::> Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ MA 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? $ cut cy fill GRADING QUANTITIES "^^^ cy remedial cy 5xport 395^ cy H:W0RD/D0CS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING ) i 'TA /-- U ' hi REV. 10/06/99 APPLICATION FOR: (• all that apply) FOR CITY USE ONLY Plancheck Number Type Drawing Number Project I.D. Deposit/Fees Paid • Adjustment Plat ADJP • Certificate of Compliance coc • Dedication of Easement Type: Type: DOE • Encroachment Permit ENCROACH • Engineering Standards Variance ESV • Final Map FM Jy Grading Plancheck GRPC • Grading GRADING • Improvement Plancheck IPC • Parcel Map PM • Quitclaim of Easement Type: Type: QUITC • Reversion to Acreage RTA • Street Vacation STV • Tentative Parcel Map MS • Certificate of Correction CCOR • Covenant for Easement COVE • Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED MASTER PROJECT ID: RECEIPT NUMBER: PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: MASTER FILE NUMBER: F • OTHER: RECEIVED JUN 1 h 2001 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PUNCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 10/06/99 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION The following project has been reviewed and is recommended for approval: Project Name: Project No.: Document No. Sheets No.: MuUins Residence CDP 00-62 Dwg. 395-5A Through: 4 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code and have found the project to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Review of this project does not relieve the Land Surveyor or Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. Powell/PBS&J 175 Calle Magdalena Encinitas, CA 92024 (760)753-1120 Signed Date Charles R. St. John, RCE C57649 Expiration Date 12/31/01 PROJECT REVIEW COMPLETION.doc RONALD R. BALL CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DAMIEN B. BROWER DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY CINDIE K. McMAHON DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2891 FAX: (760) 434-8367 November 14, 2001 RANDEE HARLIB SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY ARDIS SEIDEL LEGAL SECRETARY/PARALEGAL Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hamilton 2335 Pio Pico Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton: I am in receipt of your letter to the City Attorney of November 5, 2001, in which you protest the requirement for execution of a Neighborhood Improvement Agreement prior to issuance of a building permit by the City. Chapter 18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that any deferral of public improvements required in conjunction with the request for a building permit for more than $75,000 worth of improvements be conditioned on the filing of a Neighborhood Improvement Agreement recorded against the property. As you know your proposed improvements are valued at $299,425 substantially over the threshold for triggering the execution of such an agreement. Your predecessor-in-interest, Tallman, was required to do an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of part of the fee interest in your lot for possible future public street improvements on the south side of the property. Tallman's Coastal Development Permit was also conditioned on the execution of a Neighborhood Improvement Agreement as to both properties, yours and his, for improvements not only to Pio Pico but to the potential future street to the south as well. (See attached Planning Commission Resolution No.4673 for Coastal Develop Permit Nos. 33 and 28.) Your Coastal Development Permit was also conditioned upon execution of such an agreement. If and when the dedicated frontage property is improved, you will be obligated to pay your share of the cost ofthe construction and all associated administrative costs for Pio Pico and/or the southern street. By executing the Neighborhood Improvement Agreement you are waiving your right to protest the formation of any Assessment District to be formed to pay for street improvements and associated infrastructure, but only as to the amount estimated, subject to adjustment for inflation. You are not being required to issue a blank check to the City, since Exhibit C attached to the Agreement outlines in detail the estimate for your obligation and caps your obligation at that Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hamilton November 14, 2001 Page Two estimate of $94,895.80. Your fair share will not be a lump sum payment, rather the obligation will be allocated over the payment period to be determined when the financing is put in place, for instance, the term for repayment of any bond issuance. While you may not have access to any new street on the south side of your property or utilize the utilities therein, those improvements will benefit your property by improving traffic circulation in your immediate neighborhood. Your obligation is appropriately limited to your property frontage thereon. Furthermore, you were not required to pay for the existing improvements along Pio Pico Drive where you now take access and will be connected to already existing utilities paid for by the City, or someone other than yourself. In any event, if you choose not to execute the Agreement and the City Engineer denies issuance of a building permit, you may appeal this administrative determination to the City Council pursuant to the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 15.16, Section 15.16.160. Very truly yours. ^JANE MOBALDI Assistant City Attorney afs enclosure c: Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Lloyd Hubbs, Public Works Director Robert Wojcik, Deputy City Engineer David Rick, Assistant Engineer s^339 Pio Pico Drive Carlsbad, G*Je2008 Off 760-721-6040 Fax: 721-4844 Hm 720-5343 cell 801-1578 Wednesday, Apnl 04, 2001 John H. & Barbara L.L. Hamilton, 2335 Pio Pico Drive Cadsbad, CA, 92008 Dear John & Barbara; Per your request, Pam and I do hereby offer our permission for any paving over our lacorcJed sasenient at the north property line of your property known as 2335 Pio Pico Dnve, Carlsbad OA We do so with only one provision - should at any time the lateral shouid require repair or maintanence in the area that is paved, you shall carry the burden of replacing the pavement that Vv/ouid be impacted by such repairs or maintanence Once the concrete work has been completed, said authorization shall be passed on to any and all property owners in the future should you sell the property now or in ttie future. Again congratulations on this your first step to building your dream home. We iook forward to having you as neighbors. Call if there is anything we can do to help. Committed to Excellence, Jeff & Parn Tallman, owners •id3a ONINNVld avasiyvo JO AUO looz I 0 m I U IH: