HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 12-16; Gibbs Addition; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (2)I s I I ----__ L_~-~ Lot g ~ocent neighboring property ~~L-.------------·--~-~----------------------------------------------~ 1-----~+~j,~=-=-=-~;;-dl~~-~f~--~· ··~,~w~ai:=~~Se~w~er~~~·-~~f~~~~·~eo~.·~~v~er~.~~-·~~n.~·~~~~~~~100~FT~N~5:9:21:'-J~~o·~E~·c. =~~:"~~~Buit~·~di'n~o~'1;,~ ... ~~~~7-~~i~~~ij~,~~~i~~~5eco~-·-~-n~ll;s;tory;;;···;oeck;;-·;;·S11i;····;.ri;!il;ine; ... lP_ro:_pe~rty~L-ioe~-Sout-li)P;_:ope_-rty_· _u_ne_:.\24o~· ·_f'r_·~o_·_MH_n._-____ -:-_\\ ____ ~T'-,/r''Jf~'·'~ j Planter . dlln [mp Meter ~OI'h·""-~~ WALIL '-'lf,'1' -I l ~ $ Plantar \ ~ -=-il '""@·~=====~~~~~~ c .:lll === ~;==7!:::=.=1Jl,...~, l ~I:!!J'J 1 / 1"\.-- - - --/-:~7 I ~ . . une at!(~ Addition' I (-"-t . ' I ' I • '6 ~l"f"'j"f"i1 Ff"f'"TT' "Ff"'Fji"f"!&! i.!bv=. =;=::" ==~=· =;( I l Concrete Onveway I t!!l . c!c'. ,R~.~· 11111' I 1 ~ ., < New 3/12 Pitell Buii4Jp ROOf ~ ··~ '"'"~Extension . , I · Drains to S1met : _ .... 1 -4 · (E) Act Roof · I ' l I. 20 Ft. : -=J' I .1 : I~ - 30Ft. Sloped Cooorete Walkway 1\ -"'""~' Edge Fire Pit Existing Gunite Slope Blank« {1979) ~ I ~ i:-I PJM' 1-----.--·-t0-+-1 ~ ---------'!'\ (E) Rat Roof r, "'' ""~~ 5<'1bfl<T"-. . , . . ·. ! I ~ i ~ ~ tEl Rlt Ro!i \. -t / Line of Kltch&n Addition ! j (Ext&ling Gunite Blanket ~aired under original Building Pennit)/'-...: \· I' . I ~ I " """'· SOU>!!. '!5 ... ' ! I I II ' PMJGLS ~· l I i (Ej Rat Roof @ :::===ii' I ~ . I I , ... ~ ~ : -. .. ~ Planter Grass Area J "t-BlulfEdge -~ stacl<.ed llandiscape wall.,--\)\ I , ---· z~. .,~... / .,_ : ,' ,_:;~ ·. !j I // ~----~l~~~=~=.========~=~1~====~=====·==~.=~=ins=~=-~=· =!====~==oo=n=W=~~·=F~======~· ~~~~··· .. ~.==~-a=· ~=-·=~~====R~=··~·====~~~~~----~JL----------~L-·_.·. __ .~_L _____ \~----+P.'"~" :t',l .... '-------MasonryGardenWall ~~-----PmpellrUne · 100FT N59 21'-10'E ·. • BuildiiigUliinE·i;"'·.·'""·,::;;;:'-)1-~---~:r~-_,_-A-. SooorniStciiYDectStringline PropertyUne• · Northl'ropertyUJlll: 260FT!oMHTl ''' ~r-:;·. ~~ Site Plan r---_,._-~---------:-------il---------r I n======· ==============ji y ~ 118'scale Lot 11 Adjacentoeighboringpr~ I · Welding Inspection per Table 1704.3, Steel Inspection per 1704.3 & Table 1704.3 SPECIAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT B-45 Devefooment Service5 Building Division 163,5 faraday A11enue 760-60:!.-2719 www.~arlsba dca .gO\I In accordance with Chaplar 17 of the California Bulfdlng Code tha: following mu&t be eompleted whon work bWng performed roqulres speclalln~pec\lon, .slruclural observaUon and coMtructlon materlallesllng. A. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERn' OW,'IIERJAUTHORI.Z:fD AGEtiT. Please check if yolJ ere Owner-Buillfar 0, (lf)'Du ~;heckad a~ ow110r-buildar you rnust also complete Sac.! ion B of this agraamenL) Name:(PJease~inl")-__.ti..,t:"'Vt.~· !'-"----~W"t;, ____ __,;G'\fi~B?>.,&.__ ___ -.--(Firol} Jt.U) {Lolli Mamng Address• $'1 '\S .S:k!oRE ll!miJ;:~ CA!I!Se.A~ q..1 qtol>0 Email· kiWI 61B8S (! aol.Ct>l'l Phooa("tt'.O 41/o <:!74) I am; a6roperty Owner IJProperty OWner's A~ent of Record DArchitect of Record QEngineer of Record Slate of California Roglstrallon Numb Expiration Dale:•~---- AGREEMENT: I, the undersigned, dec:t.are under penally of perjury under the Jews of the Slate of California, that I ha11e read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with l11e City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, struciUral observations, construction materials testing and off-sile labrltalion of building components, as prescribed in the statement of special[pspections noted on the appro.-ad plans and, as rnquired by the Callfomla BuHdlng Code. Signalurra:·------------~ Date:~----- . B. CONTRAcTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY {07 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706). This section must be completed by the contractor I builder I owner-builder. Contract~r's Company Namu;;_ ---...,.-------r:ease thetk I! you ero Owner-B~il!lcr fl' Mailing Address:•~------------------ Emaii:•~------------Phone::_ ----~- State or Calirnmla Contractor's License Numb ere;· ____ ·---~ Expiration DaLe:---- ,. I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special ins;;ections noted on the approved plans; I acknowledg!Hhat control will be exercised to obtain conformance with Ure construction documents approved by the bulldlng oMelet; ,. I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (lhe contractor's} organization, for the method and fre~uency of reporting o.nd tho distribution of lhe reports; and I certify !hal I wiQ have a qualified person WiU1ln our (lhe conlraclor's) organization lo exercise such control. I wJU provide a final rePOrt I letter Jn compnanco Wllh GBC Septlon 1704 1.2 prior to requesting flnar lnspecffon. Slgnalure>:'_ ---------~--Date:~----- INT£1tSiATIO 5 I'R.E:EWAY fo-LDS. AN6EI.o;;.'>. CANNON RDAt> PACIFlL COAST 1-\IGH'WAY City of Carlsbad Applicable Building Codes: This Project shall comply with lhe 2010 California Residential Code, which adopts the 2009 IRC, 2009 UMC, 2009 UPC and 2008 NEC. Scheduled Work: New I Remodel New Kitchen Addition ............ 200 sq. fl New Deck Exlension ............. 261 sq. ft. New Deck Patio Roof ............ 114 sq. ft. New Skylight Structure ............ 31 sq. ft. Remodel Ceiling-Skylight... ...... 25 sq. ft. Remodel Existing Kitchen ....... 182sq. ft. Remodel Existing Flat RooL .. .43 sq. ft. Grading: No Grading Required Project Data: Owners: Project Location: Legal Description: Gibbs Family Trust 5195 Shore Drive Carlsbad, CA., 92008 (760) 476-9747 5195 Shore Drive Carlsbad, CA., 92008 Lol10 Portion of LotH, Rancho Aqua Hedionda Map 823 APN 210-061 -10 Zoning: R -1, General Plan Use Designation (RLMJOS) Lot Area: Project: Lot 10: 60 x 100 LotH 60x 45 Total sq. footage 6,000 sq. ft. 2.700 sq. ft. 8,700 sq. ft. Kitchen Addition and Remodel of existing floor space, New Deck and Patio Roof Caver, Skylight I Clerestory on exist. roof Lol Coverage: Existing Basement... ........................ 2, 142 . New Square Foota~ Percent of Lot Coverage Architectural Drafting_: Sheets A 1 -A 8 Structural Engineering Sheets S 1 -SD-4 Existing First Floor ........................... 2,200 Existing Second Floor ....................... 1,057 Existing Total Sq. Ft.. ...................... 5,399 Existing Garage Sq. Ft..................... 449 Existing Decks Sq. Fl... ..................... 413 Net Deck (413-230 = 183 + 261) ........ 444 New Kitchen Addition ........................ 200 New Deck Expansion ........................ 261 (Removal of Existing Deck .................. 230) 2,142 + 449 + 114 (covered deck) = 2705 2,705 divided by 8,700 = ..................... 31% Steve Bra Steve Bra Enterprises General Contractor B -390259 34851 Camino Capistrano Capistrano Beach, CA, 92624 (949) 493-2281 Mike Surprenant & Associates Consulting Structural Engineers 9975 Business Park Ave, Suite A San Diego, CA, 92131 (858) 693 -0757 DRAWING INDEX SITE PLAN .................................................. A1 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN & DEMOLITION ......... A2 NEW KITCHEN ADDITION & DECK ................. A3 NEW ROOF & DECK EXTENSION .................. A4 WALL LINE SECTIONS ................................. A5 MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING ........ A6 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES, DIAGRAMS ......... A6.1 FINISHES & CABINETS ................................. A7 TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS .............................. A7.1 ELEVATIONS .............................................. A8 STRUCTURAL NOTES .................................. S1 STRUCTURAL NOTES .................................. S2 FOUNDATION PLAN ..................................... S3 MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ........................ S4 UPPER ROOF FRAMING PLAN ............... :: ...... S5 STRUCTURAL DETAILS ................................ SD-1 MOMENT FRAME CONNECTION DETAILS ...... SD-2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS ................................ SD-3 STRUCTURAL DETAILS ................................ SD-4 STRUCTURAL DETAILS ................................ SD-5 HARDY FRAME MANUFACTURER DETAILS oc?.S z w :r: u 1--z ~0 WI- Uo zo w<( 0~ (J)u Ww Ct::o CJ) co co <.9 .---~~· .,,~-·_---:-,------ ' '·J:I' CARLSBAD /.., .. ·i. ·-~~.:strntive Permit ~i·· · · · · · · '' .. ;-· ·· · · ·-·--· ioliiFi-.. L--blt .. A. "::-::=::Da~te~~-~-~::.1 A1 .... I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I . I · I I · I I I I I I I I I I I . I ! I I I I . I I I ' I I I . ' ' .. .... ~ Leave Existing Roof Over-hang+-+-. . . ... . ~IJ Remove Pait of Existing £xterior Watt~-.li{] '\. . '\. Build Temporary 2 x 4 Roof Support WaD ~ · Remove Existing be"corative Oak TruSs . . . . "'-, Existing Family Room ' ". . Remove Exterior WaH ' Existing Kitchen ~ .Remove Non~Bearing WallS· .. --'" ... · . '\. . . . ... Remove EXterior Wall " · Existing Dinin~ Area · .··~. ' '""" ' . New Kitchen Wall Line ;. / ; . / ··. . .• -. .. . . ; ,. . Remove IExlsting Decorative 08k T rus8 · .·· :. .. r· . ,·, .. ·.,. . . . :· , I ~~Building Line I I l I I I l I I /.f------Second Story Deck String Line ~ z w ::c ~z ~0 wl-- ~8 w<( · N('!W Dining Area (Old. Livi~ Room) Existing Dining Room peck 0~ cnO ww o:::o ' ""'' I ~==~~~~==~==~~~==~============~====~~~====~' I I I l en co cc <.9 r-'--------~--· CTIY OF CARLSBAD Admioistra:tive Pennit ..... -.. -.--.-. --.---.---------------·--· C""eNo. ______ -'-- --.. --.-.... -.-.. -.. -..... ----.. ---......... -. F"<llihitNo. B · Dat:.:e ====::J _I (---Building Line ·I.L.._ __ ____ ..-Second Story Deck String Line I I ' Existing Floor Plan & Demolition A2 !4 scale ~··· ' 0 I -.!)·· •' u ++JW -- · (E) Family Room - \J N!il£0: Sue YI\•IEL!!>' 1.~ li:a>ED t."ECILY I'HD'W 111\S ?A,54E Wt.Yt,:, 1w.' 1%WB>>illf---- S'\o1.lllbe; /o. i:e:A. u '! . -~----·-~ " ,... . . ~" .. ~ . • \. l\ . I -4 ·,o'-4'' II ' ,, ~ll,z,.., • \ . w-o • (E) Dimng Room (formerly Living Room)· 0 0 / L. 1 ?:.'"' &"(E)f )-?_." i I I I I I I I I I k 1 I ,(----------__;· 'O>ELD\.11) S"iDRY STRr"lt. Lr>-1{;; I I fT\ I -_, (\J Noll.5: FP==il=~~ CITY OF CARLSBAD Administrative Pennit Ca>eNo. ___________ _ New Kitchen Floor Plan & 'Deck Extension A3 • OiJTLIIJS of DQ.\f.l,..AL. r:U<( f1dlF /I.IOMCV£1:1 I, GA. (;.L£>.S1 gME b&"'i'\.1 !l41.1J\ . . l,..l..,.-..,.-.....,-.....,-.....,-..,..,..,-,:,--,-+-r-rTL.J! 1. c.M-1 It .II GuYJ ?d A>li\1 l\21111 <1.. ~£1\f: "IAI- ... •. ' ··- ft>?'E~12-~. '!> ll. ' ~" ~ l'IP 3?t.:l f ~k IJ.z:.'1 lv.hP~~.b ' .; ·"- .. ' ~ 'S!»I.',f, £• 'Wiui>S "". --["1!---..:' "' ' -~ ___ ..,...., ____ . . ·- . '~ lr , II ~- ' -~ U bs.E 'J:'llU', \IJ Jhl!IO'wl( I~ ~c{< .~ oe..~~; I'J,j]~t.r:._il.:d':::..C.• buN. b~l\1-~ :.!lY.'\A'i. _. • b '3-b l'l!.w tlui\1, f.I-1-Ub wr .. r>c;i.;~ ;.i\.o.~t\( 1>>;\Sf. Y \lu-WL ~ ..... _,~ WML fiPUV ewe~'"'"' -Tff ~of r-11<\..1 S.~ocw !'.~I::IL $1 1(:>-l!:i. u,r,_f/ ~~R~U:~tb,l>l••t-: ... ~-~iLtLII.'\. N£\IJ S\::_'I'U&\.\i-W£~ fN:.I~& . V-'t :Si:lll.S \~-'f ., r--_,_,--;.r· --- -~. . -- L 1 1"1 1-B" ,,r,w ?>/11,? 1TN . -1-101 . ~fPE_b _ -~-RpC~, I"\A1[;1_ · f),~ti>-l a.: t3~ ~ !. Pt..~ t eroL -.·• A11 iL-S.& uAti.."-"f;cQ')'t;t. e; Z. q t;,SQ vT r.e&\JIR.£b vu~:nCA1 161-\: 1/i~O~ i'2£sQ ""'~1¥ SE•~ ~~'{b.~ ',--,---~/12.. He\ rwf?Ell{ e.D("-~ L ____ J.-:-:--:-:--f'f,~~U,>+-""--"--·'c·-"s.--Co 'ITER. c./11-,,(A(Lll "''"'f. &.,.-;. """"'I S1lt!Li) 4------~!tO '[,~ 1..! -ro £)(~!.{., l\i1i v.lo'P rA,,~ z v!O"'"'-lr.u" ><.q" = z.BBJ\,,1-l(~ \~,-rn 1C. Vh'if1Lf,·f\bt> ll?J;~\t>'>G~ S.i-1-MI-Dt;; Y·/i'!:-1-Cl'liU D!:lin-0. ~.£..1\(TAt4T b\tl.!-1/ 1/@}1 :~!M!/ADi\~. 10 1/4'11'1A;(li\h)M ,) 1<-->&-5 • St.Ci>DW 86C:,, I N£:w S.¥..Yu61-\l-No~:n-1 fM.Ii-\LrL'T'Ir) V4m~; 3>vt:l ~ !Zoot. l«t.' Mbi' 12ot>t' • •·tAr.' £A< iil~l1t'. ' 'l.llt. Q_ i:r"lll!.· 1!. Q{ r.. 'h.' ?Li-t~>~.· Br<;~ 4 2 Pt,-{ Wrrn ~Zo<IL C•r>o<. u.P-'1'/f. ?/ ¢ 'flhl»~£t '&Ill! ia:of D\\A•~. Cbl.l\.le:cf 1"1! EM~'\ fZ!Io;:; 't>Y-Il.IN SVS'Tf:M. . 2.x•2. o,¥ lt~·n'RS 1£. .. o/t. ND IJ',Ar;L~ A-1i1L ~ 1i' \-\£1&1-\'f(:LI--I'I'E:i:.\D!t..\ Nll1E: lZDo~ FL'( ~l<li:f••'-G [6-.Ji::'l.~ -'('D {)~~~~E: C.u~<.r,. 1(-3-D iZ.tnl' 110~uLA."'iJbt-\ I .,._ B Ult.Jl "" " Lr \..) " I . I '' NE.•l1i' ~~c.,~ l:DIU;-;_ I '\ r/1 STh\t>Ll<I.~ $:'\£il>l-. W•~ ~ "i~\'\' ft £'4A.$-S • l'lkltl-\. I<:X1S'f' • 1'-\il.J\,\U~f\Nl!IA i-I'T ~0 f.E 47.." '-'"•"E ~,,_, • ~r::Ci<.. 'IZoo~ tevlf:. l:NI<f!.l.l-&\o,\Go -J..::_ ----~- ( 1\\EW IUiC~I<"' Abi:l11'1D\.l.J • o• II · 1\JEW II!. <IB 'Ill~ ~J,tSTll.> ~ Jii;.r<-b b !;£¥:..-_ lJful licL£.tl \Jti:lt~'lt>TI'\L f ~IS'fi!!V,. --~·te k '£.uQ(-i\C€ IJ~tt>­ fi>tl'ii r-~e:f r-J£w ea:"-"TIL£n .S:Lltz.fM£-. I( l'fc.~E.f..!.l:.x:f'£-ew-e. \NAU.- I.J~N. '\ o WA<LL Co~·nz.uc:\ 10~ ,, I <;c.t><Le. 7._20 56lP( 1. t;,I "S6lr:r ~5\ .. ·. s&Fr I " '2.·0 . . I l?fMC'JE to~{. CUlL& M~ ~<fOP 'fj) NEw tlCr.V.'? ME: Ca.\ P.NIL. f.\L I Ft. 1>1\\U..I It,) yo CJ\A'!.E' t .... __ _ S.'' I I l l~··G''~~r. 1k ~·n" 7f l ~ ~0\~biN t,. Llf-lE I " \lif---•h 1E:!.\~£."-~ a"ss IH}!--1'!4' ¢ PtoLI!l!<:i> !ID\II.l~ ~11!l'.L VWi 1-'11'<-''i(.\i (I<~TI._,~ 3 \A/.E.LOE.fl. 1 A.~ W~"t&l ,jj lb 5S Sct':Eut~ '"-llo 1.!0 ,, 1'-'/4 lj sf>.l>ltk'-"J> $1'EE i>•i'li. LDwr;:~:., W£k:f S:LI2e:e b 'll<(. tilh i'LA•~ 1-\c'f M~i''I.'\/,O.'\E-'2. 'i'i?.ollf IN&. :t--vJ.-nl .,_,.._;-1:'&\-' •\bll:!A~ E.EII !3M~ Sllcnwl-nl 2. ~~·:l'a~ 2£>-'l <;tiMS t FLI>tl1> Lo!>:r I»~ 'foP'. (11 S.M~ ~D ""(u '!1.\~tV. t. 'tlS'f. \!IHIC--t>I5L E>Ltl'r-1r. fi\P~£. ~l.A'i~ 121531< b LA 'I\\ " s.._N)ffi $Tuc.w~ ll> MA"rLII 10-.\'l:l. II I SCALto New Roof & Deck· Extension <XS z w I (.) 1-z ~0 wl-, .. , 0 \..Jo ffi<C 0~ cnO ww c:::o (/) ca co (9 ·-------------~..., I CITY OF CAil.LSfiAD · . Administrative Permit • ••• •••••••• • •• •••· • ••• • ••••••••oooG~m••• CeseNo. ___________ _ A4 1--">S t1' l(l) . ' ., ~ . ' .. 1': ... ' ; -. . -~ II ,, : II: II.· . . . I ~ ".: ? .. . '. • r'.; .. .. ... ... . I I . ' 1.'" N • .· 'Ut'!. 'tt:." ~'II., " . 't"-1'!.1!11 M_ A~0 <'"Die. ;3~n . . ......... . .. 1 ... ~--:1 . . .. II' II 11-II II' U ·II II II .. ~-! ~ 11 : n·'·: · n n• '11 ~sJt<~ ~~4~;.-l ;n:·· IT . tr: : tT ~,· ~ ::~ . 'll I !r . •;. . • sri, bt7!\ :.~~~ .... . '" . ' • r~ ' .. ! ~~14 ' . ± . I= ' ' r . ~IF ... ' . 1-1~ 'Ca!IJI>11~ ~ llllt I . ..:. . F I~ . I· I· i· 1-,;., _,•. ,. ' . --' . . . ' . i._ IFJ· I I ,, I·· .. ,, .l ' ~~;::, ~ .... ,.. -. " ' . : ~~"'""'' "-'~ ~b;;-~ ~i.r,··. I ,.. " . ·r· .. • . · · · · · · il ~L~c~ · L ' . I •I . gllli' b!' '·,,, ' ~w ~~& ~ l. . t-ltiA( 4l~ .. I·" ' i..WAL-i.:..& lir.'lotJt.) ,. .. I"· . .. . I: . :: . -: . .I . ·p_..,,;, !I'.U. ... ·-.. ,....,. . ' ' liJ. ~.!ti' :;,~· .-. .. . . .t· --,·. . . --. . . . ·.::..:.:.-. . · .. '·;.' . . ,~:,·· ··r· -===-=; .. J~;i 4¢~\.Jt'i .•.. -;' ~----Wall ·a -South Side ·\@ ~~.u7~vsr.. . _,. .. 2( L<.l>£.~<i:. ""'"' ur, c.~ i'lt~ '•IL iVI' CWi><LL. -4) . . @ Wall 5-West ' . b'"" ~ . ~E.~ ,, ·I I I ·L- I J. _I (El r~~e r · ~5114 . • i . f". ~14 TSt. • 1\1 •I "' ,. • \S 'I )'. ~ ~...., "' .., • ,. . ;· @ Wall 9 & 9 1-West -~ Vjy• .• Wall G-South • .: •.-.1 I ~ - ~-. .$! . ..;. I ' ll\l. .) ~-·+-..:,r- ··~.' , I -~ .. •• . . 1\. ,. ~ ~- :.it· ,f ·t 1\j . ~ .. ·--~ ·' . • ' -I 1'-.. ·.rv .. ~ ~- • . . ·-·. ·I USS .A't.!i '- S'tt:EL ~1..~ .. A~,~-~~1!11 ·111 ~~~ ,;.t l<4-» il<>l ~ . . rcsr ~ g,~ ;, "·• • . ~~~~~e ot. t;;L.£!~ 'it fe.~r G~llZAIL•"t. • 'il~ : · ' 11/4--# <.t. Yw(t-·r .. n>_...., .l+----'-lltk.11c:J>\\. ~1.111· o~ Co~t 121!:!AI>li"L W~ · · lDP£1-!l l '• . . ' Wall A -Overhang GLB, Wall B -Deck & HSS Post-North $ide_ (Note: Overhang GLB and Deck GLB do not align vertically) ... , .-· "'T"' -----·- Wall 4-West wan Line Sections Y4 SC<!Ie. '" -.. ..... .. ., • • '~ ~ .. ~ • • ... ... -,. Ill '~ . ::-. -·..g = _,_..,. . 2. ··!!.'' l '/z. . ··"'"" . . ... .. ~ z w I () I I" I ~~-i~· N 1---z ~-o w~ Oo zo UJ<( 0 (/)~ wO o:-:W 0 en C!l OJ (9 ~--~-..,.-----~---_____ .... '0 CIT)" OF CA!U.$BAD Ad1ninistrative Pe.nnit Case No. ________ _ ~-------------------------·-···· .. --........ 1 :. 1" '!N ·~"'-D· j; -L:; l!tN • o. ate-.-..... ~~-=-• ' -----------,---~·------------'' • . ... ; .. Electrical Symbols Existing lncandes.cent H-7 can light... ........ : ...... ,~ti> New Incandescent H-7 can Light... .•.....•....... , .. ,.~; ···-. . .......... ~----··· -· , _____ , ....... ·- New LED High Efficiency Lights ......................... g] Exterior ceiling mounted deck light... .................. $ Exterior wall mounted deck light... ................... :-$- Under cabinetflorescent light ........................ ;or.-~~ . In cabinet halogen 2 inch diameter lights ............. aa . . . Light SWitCh ...... u; .................. -••••••u••••aa••··--·~~~$. Light Switch withdimmer ...... : ........................ ·"$~ · · JExistine duplexouuets ............................ : ........ ~- N~w d,!J~lex J>Ptl~~s., ...... ,., ....... , ........... · ...... · · ... <lk · 220 volt'cqnneeti6n ........................................ ~ MechaniCal §V:mbois ExhaustDuct to Exterior .................... : ............ 18i · Plumbing Symbols Gas Une.oonneC:tion ................... ~ ............ ~ ... : fs- . ·_, . .• .. Ho'Se 'Bib ... ~········*·····································~· t . . . "" Plumbing New Kitchen Sink & Garbage Disposal New Island Sink & Garbage Disposal New Dishwasher location & water supply Coffee Maker water supply . Steam Oven water supply Freezer Ice Maker water supply Extend Gas line from existing Cook Top to new Cook Top location New Hose Bib & Back Flow device to new Deck I Kitchen west wall location Mechanical -New Vent Hood at new cook top location (7 inch direct vent through South wall; new exterior exhaust hood & flapper) All existing HVAC vent locations to remain, no new vent locations required . . ' .• , I I I. I I I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I . . Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms: Install battery powered Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms inside the 2 Bedrooms and Hallway on the Basement Floor, inside the attached Garage and 2 Bedrooms and Passageway on the Main Floor and inside the Master Bedroom and Stair Landing on the Second Floor, per code Sections R315 and R315.2 ..... .. ·. .. 13A(IE ia-'J ~ CP<~ ~ol-' r•."'""'''""~'III­ A t..J>. IG. I';\ ~~:w hi>. '!iEIVI SMI'ltu: 1\. ·. Receptacle Notes: All receptacle outlet locations will comply with CEC Article 21 0.52(A). Tamper Resistant Receptacles for all locations described in 210.52 • I GFCI Qrotected outlets for locations described in NEC 210.8: Kitchen . ------... ----... --- ·' . U\~1>0}'1 Q "\ll"'DN~ t; 1\~ll.l'friV..=~r:c== N!:W '&!>;{l~d SIM\lr;: lj; C../\1<00"' o~ID>.\Dl<.ll>5 />UI.gjA .. Applicable Building Codes: ---------· --- ... .. EXIS.'\'1~4- 01!-!>1~~ Roo~· I I I NE'W I DEC.il Ei\'~S:IIll\1 I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' . ..·. 2010 California Residential Code adopting the 20091RC, 2009 UMC, 2009 UPC and 2008 NEC Mechanical -Electrical & Plumbing -· . . -. . ·. . . . .• 1/4 Sca.le tXS z w I (.) 1--z ~0 WI-- Oo zo w<( .~~ wO ""'w LL.Q (/) a:l cc (9 r CUY OF CA:i<LSHAB -~" .. -·~1 I Administrative renl1(t \ ~~~;; ;,-~.: ...... -.-........ --.-... -.. -~-= I .l~:_~;:~:~~ 0c 0'i~'" 0 0 < 0 0 --~~,;~:~·--< < <: ----~~~ A6 --~-__j ____ _ --~-~---. __ ]____ LOAD CALCULATION 5,599 SQUARE FEET x 3W PER SQUARE FOOT 3-SMALL APPLIANCE CIRCUITS @ 1,500W I 1-LAUNORY CIRCUIT@ 1,500W 1-SUB ZERO REFRIGERATOR 4.0A 1 -SUB ZERO FREEZER 7.2A 3-SUB ZERO U.C. REFRIGERATOR 3.5A EACH 1-SUB ZERO DRAWER U.C. REFRIGERATOR 2.0A 3-WARMING DRAWER 4.1A EACH 1-HOOD 1 -RANGE 7.3A 1 -DISHWASHER 1-COFFEE CENTER 1.2KW 1 -STEAM OVEN 2.5J(MJ/240V 2-DISPOSAL 1-WASHER 1-DRYER 1 -GARAGE DOOR OPENER 1 -JACUZZI PUMP 1-VACUUM 1-SAUNA TOTAL: FIRST 10,000W@ 100% REMAINING 49,513W@ 40% TOTAL: NCLOAD: 2@ 14.9N240V-3,576W= 7,152W 2@ 1,200W (FAU) = 2,400W 1 HEAT PUMP @ 35N240V = B,400W TOTAL: 47,757W + 240V = 198.98 TOTAL AMPS= 16,797W '4500W • 1,500W 480W 860W 1,260W 240W 1,476W 1,200W 7,300W 1,500W 1,200W 2,500W 1,500W 1,500W 1,500W 1,000W 3,000W 2,500W a,ooow 59,513W 10,000W 19,805W 29,805W 17,952W 47,757W 199A GIBBS 5195 SHORE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 SUB PANEL "B" 3 SUB PANEL "B" 5 7 9A HOOD 98 11A 118 13A VACUUM 138 JACUZZI PUMP 15A JACUZZI PUMP 158 VACUUM 17A GARAGE RECEPTACLES 178 BASEMENT GFI 19A U.C. SUB ZERO 19B BATH HEAT 21A SOLAR 21B SOLAR . 23A SOLAR 238 SOLAR MAIN PANEL LOAD CENTER 2 4 6 SUB PANEL "C" 8 SUB PANEL "C" 10A SUB ZERO REFRIGERATOR 108 ROOFNC 12A ROOFNC 128 SUB ZERO FREEZER 14A MICROWAVE 14B COFFEMAKER 16A ISLAND DISPOSAL 168 U.C. REFRIGERATOR 18A WATER HEATER 188 ROOF OUTLETS 2DA LIVING ROOM 208 POWDER ROOM 22A IRON BOARD 228 MASTER BEDRM DRAPES 24A MASTER BATH HEAT 248 GIBBS 5195 SHORE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 1A BEDRM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 1B BEDRM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 3A BEDRM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 38 BEDRM LIGHTSJRECEPTS 5 FURNACE 7 FURNACE 9 LIGHTS 11 SAUNA 13 SAUNA 15 WASHER 17 DRYER 19 LIVING ROOM 21 KITCHEN RECEPTS 23 DISHWASHER 25 DISPOSAL 27 KITCHEN RECEPTS 29 DOWNSTAIRS 31 POWER DfY',PES 2A 2B 4A 4B 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 SUB PANEL "B" BEDROOM LIGHTS HALL LIGHTS OUTSIDE LIGHTS BEDRM LIGHTS/RECEPTS BEDRM LIGHTSIRECEPTS BEDRM LIGHTS/RECEPTS BATH LIGHTS OVEN OVEN STEAM OVEN STEAM OVEN NC#1 NC#1 Nf;#2 NC#2 BATH HEATER BATH HEATER RECEPTS 400"' 1'2.0 2AD 8 I --ALL iN oNE ! y5 3'vl GIBBS SUB PANEL"C" 5195 SHORE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 1A MASTER BATH LIGHTS 2A OUTSIDE LIGHTS 18 MSTR BEDRM UGHT$/RECPTS 28 ENTRY LIGHTS 3A BEDROOM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 4A OUTSIDE LIGHTS 3B KITCHEN LIGHTS 4B LIGHTS 5A BATH LIGHTS 6A BEDROOM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 58 GARAGE LIGHTS 68 BEDROOM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 7A BEDROOM RECEPTS BA MASTER BEDROM LIGHTS 7B GARAGE LIGHTS 88 DINING ROOM LIGHTS 9 WALKWAY LIGHTS 10 BEDROOM LIGHTS/RECEPTS 11 MAIN FLOOR LIGHTS 12 SEWER PUMP 13 ROOF LIGHTS 14 TIMER 15 LIGHTS 16 WARMING DRAWER 17 PHASE COUPLER 18 WARMING DRAWER 19 PHASE COUPLER 20 WARMING DRAWER 21 22 "' Aoo"' MAII'JBRE.AKE.P..(:z..pl. zooA z-p • ,, b SIJ '3 T' A~E.L ~ IS WI\\ I'ZC.'1" qoA 2? p \I II S \..l \3 (>, N~L C D I '5.c.ai-I~"T 'TI ~ 3 r!J x:3 -# G, >< I GR -~ ~ ~ ..,. :lt2.)(3 # 0 X I ~~ " ME.IE'R/1'1\A\W ~ISCONE.CT/ Zo/ 4b LOAD C.E.N"ft:.R. SU~ ?1\1'-1\:.L" ( loU\<11 bl--1 ~ bARAC.~ '$u~ YANE"L ,, &" Loct>-T1o~: . ~~~ t'\n~"f S;';'b~A& k: ELECTRIC LOAD CALCULATIONS ~ z w I ' Uz t-o ~~-­ wo (.)0 m<( 0~ U)0 ww o:::o en co co '(.!) CITY OF CAF.LSBA Il 'A6.1 .. . East Wall: ' ., . ·: . .. • r '· :~ ·-. . .,.,_ . '· . .t .. . ' "~ . · ... -.. . ,, . ' -,. ~~=·,:·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~========~ .. . t T :::§:~~ :_,, . ~·· , . i ~\\ ltco~ •< ''·'' · ' tiol .lJ . '· ,· .... . :· ·'. .. '-l.X•.f> S.v~ bii.~c. 06 ~ · ~ .... ~p.w,;,c_Aitlpwv;,~~~~~~~m? ., , ,.: :;!' ., (E) Family Room ... . .- .-.. -· ', ·. l.IE)h«ruoll Pt><~or ~ooa. 1El'l n~~><~­ b-t.Az~ · · .ji'l/ili :;;'fl:r;U f,tl<ll~.tl'i;.1:_at._ · .Mo_ .. : ~ :_•.'·.' .... 'ru,,,·· .. • .. ·, ,_·. ·.•· .. ·.·.·.-•. • •.• ,· • • -~ ItA(<;_,, .~i~;t.J,-lltf'f• •. ~. ~.. '• '.··' .=.:,--.· .... : ···-. .::-~ '! .. , . J I= _l :~ . . ·-! ·.' . --i-=-.,.,.--:-----,-:---:-:-:::._"'"7, ~~--" . -~ r: ...... ··-· .. ..-.. J ... , . • " •• !;',. '--~-'---,-•. .,...,..-. .-'-:., .. .,..-. :-c. ~-. -.. ,--__.-_..,..,.., . . I '. ·;~ ,, . ·~·»< ·'r.ui o; .. .. ,. " TITLE 24 ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Required Insulation: Ceilings I Roof R-30 Exterior Walls R-13 Interior Floors R-19 Required Glazing: Vinyl or Wood Frames I Sash Dual Glaze Windows: . Milgard Tuscany Fixed & Awning Dual Glaze Clear Glass 3D Max Package .; '~ r '. ' . ~ L II. 'fb;:'\'1,.!.~ ·, odJ---Cobl.. 1'~>.1!~ M.li'~R. Ei~l.t>;l!l:Jt., fifll.t.l. Kl~• ~-\<\ 111!\ltA'l'l~i) '-ll)!t.IC.. OR-.t 1&?11k.. I · f~P. A<~-D ~ r.~-1>t. ra 2.M._ t:'Le :!!:.11: • -r'IP !c.;' r.IL ufZ. M [""~· t:.I<U. n!l'f t~,. Cllrtt "uf Po5~, CI>Wrl»t1 .,fl----Z-t-~-rut.t M. P11.11. ,;:~Mot.,r;u. >S:f'tt.5. 11/'6/~ !biz. CM.I. <1\1.1•'\' 1 'IYIC~L C o~s:(RI,)c..-'\H>t-) -1/4' ~cl)d..l!: t Arruu>.~L,; 11> vJM.J .. Ll ~E 'S~!ot-lloS. AS 7U l't..~ I f..l\lc.,n.!~t1 Cl\·u,.. ot.>1 ~l-USt!."'\ A-5. .030 Fenestration Insulation I I l I ' I I " ' ... ·'· \'" ~=----------·-----·--------------····" -·-'---·--, ' t "-1~$1AtL 6~ ~ 1~ : c.!LILIN' S!i.1 it~i ' ,:• if-M ~ E1~1 ut 'fl> !Zbo~ ; s;'f4a~ ~r SuPI'o2.'f.£ -; ... '.-· ., ! " . . . : .·.' . . . ' .. ---~ :. ·: ,j :pr~£1£:~ ·:.::' ; . --!~-; isnA~~~: li===y==i=F=' ==r'miff<' ! INN " ,, ' I . :' -J 1---:-r: -+:----1 I : n .... ~~ ""' ~~C.') I I • .. ·, .. , .... --.' ; .. -.' West Wall. North Wall · '• FINISH SCHEDULES Drywall: Paint: Flooring: Electrical: Windows: Doors: Cabinets: Counter Tops: Deck Surface: Stucco Roofing and Caps Balcony railings 5/8 Type X, screwed per 201 0 Ca. building code Smooth Wall texture to match existing. Two coats Dunn Edwards heavy body PYA Two coats "Mission White" flat latex. Match existing 12 x 12 granite flooring Match existing plugs I switches. Surface mounted fixtures per owner · --···----- · Milgard TJJscany dual glaze, Minimum U .030 3D Max Package, Vinyl, match exist. color Re-use existing Wyland exterior pocket door. Save & re-use existing oak cabinets as possible, Any new cabinets to match existing. Match finish. Granite as per owner Match existing 18" x 18" floor tile. See sheet A 4 Match existing for texture & color Match existing built up roof & copper caps. Match existing 1 %inch diameter stainless posts SeesheetA4 o<S z w I () 1--z ~0 UJI-- Oo zo w<( 0~ (/)() ww O:::o (/) OJ co _(.!) --. -~-------_, ......... _~----·--"-·-··· .. ,.,_, _",, .... . Cl'l'V Olf CA RLS&A!t Administrative Pl~nnit .. A7 C&RTIFIChT& Of' COMPLIIU'lCE.: itESlCtNT!AI. COMl.'liiEft HE.TUOD CF-lft Po119e l ...................... ,.D ................ -•• -......................... .,_ .................... _ .................. ._,. .... ~---.. ~rojoct Tltlo ••• , •••.. , GIDDS FAHit.Y 'l'RUS1' ADD, Oo.ta •• OU/Z7/12 lO:JO:Zt E!rojoct llddr:~s~ ••• ,,,,, 5l95 SHORE DRI\'e ~·~•u ------------------C~Dli.D, CA ~200B •ve.i• OOC:UI!'illllhtlon 1\.uthor •• , RON HOOR£ •••••• non Y.oora Tltl& 24 Enorgy Cales. ~152 Cha8ift Stroot B~ildinq Pocmlt f Plan Check / O~ta oco~nsido, CA 92056 750/lJ06-1026 F'leld Chock/ natl' Cllmato ZOllO,,, , , , , , , • , 07 ------------------Compllao~o Holhod •••••• MlCRCPAS6 vD,l !o~ 2008 CBC Sta11dar~ !rOJ) ••••••a••~••~•~••a••~•Ma~-----·-••••••~••~•-~w•••••••~•••••"'"''"~"' .... "~~--~•• MlCROPASO vO.l rile-GID~S Hth-CT~01S08 Usori-Ml.'LJ15 UBcr-Ran Mo~re Tltlo Zt &norqy Run-Giaas M1CROPAS8 tUERGY USE 5U~~V P.na~qy u~o (kTDV/af-yrJ standa.td Oo~:~il)fl Complianca Milrgln Percent Irrprovoment .. spnco llc!ltinq,, ,, , , •• ,, .. ~>'pace coolinq •••••••• ,, • Vontilatlon Fans ••••••• TOt(ll u. 76 47.63 0.75 60.14 11.20 43.2a o. 75 55.23 0.56 t., 0.00 4, '11 ••• Dllilding eo~lio:J ~itb Computer Pe~formance ••• • •• Hate:~: Jicatlng not calc-ulntcd ... t.O\ 9.1\ 0.01 ~~~~-·~••Y•-•-••-••~•~•-••••••••••••••~•-~-~~~----~~•-~•••••••••••••••~•~••·~- IJ£:11.5 Vor!Cicatlon •••• , •.•• , Cooditioncd Floo~ Jl,roa ••••• Not RcflUir<:d 5599 ;:,f DLJilding 'l:'ypn .• , .......... . Corwtr:LJction T-~o ••••••••• Vlntng!l llsSU111$1tion9 •••••• , Nalural Go• at Sita ••••••• Duild1nq Ftont Orientation, tlunQe~ of Dwelling Units ••• Humbar of auildinq Storlus, HoaLhor D~la Typo •.••••• , •• ~Un91le Family llel:aclled Exi.otlngtAddltioc+Tiltoration l992-U!t8 r~~nt FD.dnq 3l8 doq jNHJ .¥-See. NDtf:. E. 3 Floor Con.:Jtruction T,ypo.-•• ~umber of Bllildin~ Zona~ ••• Conditlonad. Volume •••••••• , Slab-Dn-Grat!e 1\ro4.,,,,.,,, Gla~ing ~ercentago,., •••••• r.votago Gla~ing U•Cac.to: ••• TlvorDgo Gladng SJIGC ••••••• r,vorago Ceiling lloight ••••• fullY car Slllb Cn Grade 2 57659 cf 2112 af 2B.2 \ of floor area o.~B at~/b~·sf-r O.ISB 10.3 [t CERT,l:FICI\TI! OF COiil'lo.IILNCEI RESID£tnli!L COMI'OT<.:ft MEtfiOD CF-lR l"aqe 6 ••••a••~~•••••~~w••~--·-~~-•-•-•••••M•••~-~-~--~-~~AAAa•~---•••••••~•--frojec:t Titlo.,,,,.,,., GIBaS F~l~Y TRUST ADD. Dllt~ •• DOJ21/12 10:30:24 "----~~----------K~Aw••••••aaaa••·------~~-~----~----------------------~-~-HICROPASB vO.l Filo-GIDnS flth-GT~01SQ8 u~cri-M~l315 u~or-ROn HQora Title 2• Enorq~ nun-Graas DUCT SrST.tMS DLJct Locntion Duct R-valua Voriflcd Duct Leak<~ !;Ill VerHlc.d Sur:fncb AJ::ea Verified nuried Duct:~~ rurnaco M:Split 1\ttic l\ttlc (t-4,2 R•4 .2 FAN SYSTE.HS S~11tem Type IIOUS£ -£Kbting F'lo~t lcfm) standatd ~1.19 ADD -tl~w UU:Ided} stnndatd 11 .. No ·" ·" NO No SPEClii.L F£n.TUC<E;S MC MOOELIHG MSUHPllONS •o llo •H ItCIN in thls aeotion !lbould ba documented on the plar~!i!, ~·• ln~tallcd to manufooturo:~: and CEC speoi~icatioo,, and u~ vedeicd dudng plHn chcd: 11nd flold ln.'lpoction. ••• ••• ... Thla hllilding incorporates alte~ed fEllltur!la. Hhen a feature i:J ahown oa altered, tho original feature it repla~es ie Dl3o ohown uncfor tbo Elxiatinq hettdlnq, rnr opaque anct !enosttation au=fou:a,., tho eKiDting !catun is abcwn boforo tha a.lterod roatura with a number ono lofls th-.n tho altorcd feature. For Zom1s, Ma1111, fiVAC aysterns and il'ator lle.otlng, tbe e~htln'il featuru l.o Bhcwn just be!oro the altcr!ld fC~atura. Hocha~lcal Fan S~~tom l~ not r~~ired to be installed for addition~ undor 1000 square Co~t as noted in £xccptiOD 5 ~o Saction 152(b]. • • ~ •• ~ • * * H ~~~ • • • • • UIMPO!U'.nNT NOT£:5* UfLEASt lU'Ji[l•• • ~~'" •• • ·~ •• • • NOTE A:OWNAn OR DESJGNER OF BUILDING HOST Sl~ THES~ CALCULATIONS BEfORE SIJB~ITIIHG TJIE~ TO D'JIJ.\"'TN(J Di':Pl\RTME!tlf .SIGH~b CALCULATIOH'S ItiOicn'l"t: ':'lfT\T mr.n:n AND tH.:SICI:I!::R UNOI:RS'l'Al-IOS TITLE 24 CCHPLIF.NCE HE.TUODOLOGY MD EXI'R£SSLY r,..r~PROVB. USE OF SUGGESTED COHPOH&ti'I'S LlSl'&l) IIERElN,-HHQ[J£1nlOIJSl Cru..L RON MOORS 'l'l'l'L& 24 Etii>RGY CONSULTANt AT 1'160] 006-1026 BEfORE P~lNG ~P<.:~D1'l'URE8. NOt'! 8: CON'tAACI'OI\5' INSl'nLLING JIVAC liND/On W~Tr.R ll&ATING £QUIP-M£NT MOst D~ ~tVEH A COl'~ OF TH<.:S! eALCU~T!ONS DY O~HER PniOR TO --~•••N••~~--~•••••~Q~~~~-~•~•o•p•~~•-•••--•••Y•••~v•a•a=~•=••=c••cw----~~~•• l'tojcct 'l'itla,,.,,.,.,. 6159S Ff\HIL't 'L'fWST ADD. Date •• OS/27/12 10:30:24 ~-~M~-~~----~-~--------~~--N~~~~--D-~c-=a••··--··AM~MU~KY&8•·-~=--··-~-~-~~-M1CnD~AS8 v8.1 File~la9! Wth·CT~07SOB I U:;~ed-HP1JlS U:tu.c~Ron Jojoaur Title ~~ £oergy Run-GIBBS ------------~~-~~-·-··---~~·--.-~--~------~~-----------------------------------door ccvodng t11e ontlu open!nq or" the firebox. 150to}1B: H~~onry o" fa~tory-bullt fl[eplaco.o hava e ccmbustlon outaide aie intake, which 1111 at least six ~quare inch!!9 ln atua and is equippacl ~ith a wlth a readily .o.ccao~i~le, operable, and tight-fittin; da~er and or &I combu~tion-~ir control dovlco. 150(o)ill contll'll!o~a bu.rning pilot lights and tha use oC indco:~: air for COQl!ng s fitoboa~ jac:kat. whoa that J.ndoar talr t. vq.ntad to thu outsl::lii! al tbe bulld1n!J1 an p~;ohlbitad, S~ACE CCNOI7IONING, WI\Tt!t 1!£11.TING rJID PLUHBIN!J S~.STEM H~Ua£9: 110-llJ: IIVAC equiplllllnt, wato.r haator.o1 showarhoadlll, taucatiJ and all oU!sr cngulated ~pp1i~~onco~ ara c:ortificd by the Ene:g~ COMml3~ion. llJicl~= ~atcr hcatinq racirculation loop• aor~ln!J rou1~ipla dwelling units and Uigh-Q.I.aa rcaidonti>~l oc:cupanc.J.o• meet the a1:~: relea~n val.va, bac:kflowo pcovontion, p~mp isolation valvo1 and recirculation loop conn~~tion co~Jir~Elnt~ of l1Jic)~. 115~ Conti11uDuolr burning pilot li~ht.o nre prohibit~d for natural ga3: f<m-t:we contr:a !urnoCO!i!1 household cooking nppliancc.s [applillnen.o wi~b no ole~trlcal ~upply volto;o ecnnoction Hitb pilot lights that con:Jumo lc~a than 150 Btu/hr ora oxompt), ~nd pool and sps hcato~s. 150{h)l lleatlnq and/or cooling loads ara calculAted ln accordanco with ASilitAE;, f011ACNA 0:1: ACCA, 15011) 1 Hoatinq o~•stama ara oqulppod wlt.tt tbormoatat.o tbnt moet tho setl>ack roquiremanta ot Soction ll21c}. l!iOtllll\1 Storn101e qu w~tcr hoaten rst!ld with an Enor'Jy Fa~tor no grealar tban the fedoral roinl~l ~tandard are eMtarnolly ~rapped. with ln~ulation having an installed tf1ermal ~aBhtanc:e of! R-12 or grEldtor. 150li)lDI Unfirad storaQD tanka, ~uch no otornga tanks or baet~p tBnka for nohr loliltox-he:dting nystCill, or othor indirect; hot ~11ter tAnks havD n-12 oxtnrnal ln~ulatian or R-1& Internal in9ulatlon ~hero tho intern~l in~u~ation R-valum io indicated. on tho CKtorior or tho tank, l50(j)21 firut 5 feet of bot tJond cal.d \l!l.tOI' pipea clo:~eat to ~ate~ hElatoJ: tank. non-r~cl,cuiatin; s~~toma, a~ entl~o length of racircul11.ting B~ctiona of hot water plpos are insulatEld por Stendards Table 150-B. 150ij)21 Coolir.IJ ~)/stem pip! cQ (Buction, chillod. wator, or brlno Hne:'J),and piping in.!lululod botwnea hn-.tln'J ~ourco and indlroc:t hot Wl\te~ tant sh~U ba ln~ulated to T~blo 150-J end F.quutlon 150-A. 15Dij)2: Pipo Insulation for 3team hydronlc beating systelllll or hot wo.ter oyate~ >15 p::~l 1 tnact:l the reC~"~i.rcllont!J G1! Standards T.:ilila 123-A. l5Diji3At In~ul~tion ~ prctcct~d from dcmnge, including that due to sunlight, moiot~ro. oquipm~nt ~lotcnanco, and wind. l5Dijl3At Insulation to' chillcQ wutc~ plpln9 an~ rcfri~e~<tnt !IUo~ion llnus Lnclud~ • vapor ~tardant or ~3 oucloB~d ~utiroly in conditioned '"P~c:e. 150 !j) 4 r Solar water•lwating nyutQnllll <lnd/or cr:~llecto~:.o .ttre cet'tJ.fied by tlut Solar Ratln<J ar~d Cortlf!cation Corpo~:ation, DUCTS AND FIUlS HE:f\SDR&SI Page 2 l'r:oject Title •• ,.,,,.,, GIBSS FAMILY TruJST l\DD. Dllto •• O!I/27/12 10!30124 MICROPJ\S8 vB.l Flla-GIDBS Wth-C'l'2.07SOB U:ntrf-H~1Jl5 Uaar-Ron Moore Title 2C Enul:ljlf Run-GIBBS Floo:~: Am ,,.f, QOUSE -E~i.:!lting OOILOIUG ZO/tt !lU:'ORMTlON I of Vo1UIIID D~QlJ, (o:;f) UnilD I oi: Com!.• 'lbemP• ~eop• it· stat le lon~d Type Vent: llolght (lt, Vent Area (Iff~ Ver1Ued Lu-.ka,.o or IIOU:l'CWrttp nosidonce 5399 54743 0.~6 5.0 Yes Setbn~k 8.0 Standard No ADll -How (At!dedl fiC5idencD 200 2Sl6 Q,Ot 1.2 YeS SetbAck B.O Stand~rd No I\.TT1C NUl ROOF D&l'AILS Roof Hn11s llb/.oqftl Framu Roof Ru-Ewi~~~~ r~amn Spli~'" Ri9e fleet-ivity D~pth lnq ·-Value ·-Valuo Vent Roof Typ&l anca {in.) Cin.l 1\bov"' Deck Below ..,,. Arc11 Vent !tatio lH.gR. IIOUS~ -£1!J.:JtJ.r.\J Gravel JlcuVi' ADD ~ NnW (Addcdl Grovol Ueavy 0:12 o.oa o.os o:u o.oa o,es 3,5 24 DC Q.OO 19.00 l/JQQ 0,00 3.$ 24 oc 0.00 30.00 l/300 0.00 SLl.rfac:e fiQUSe -Et!if!ting 1 Wall Hood 3 Wall Wood 5 Wall Weod ' Wall Wood 1a Wnll Wood 12 Wall Wood ll Wall W!lod 17 !fall Ueod 21 Attia Wood 23 Dear Wood 25 Floc" Wood UCUSE • Hew [Added) 26 Floor Wood IIOUSE. .. D~leted I Wall Hood 1 Will! Wood 15 Wall Woad u-ru:ea faot- (llf) 01: 1772. 0.102 10~5 0.102 54C 0.102 764 0.102 154 0.102 224 0.102 91 0.1(12 220 0.102 1:2JO o.U~9 20 0,500 63 O.OJl 200 0.037 130 0.102 37 D.102 17 0.102 Ol'JIQVE SUElFACES Shoatb-Solar 1\pp~endlK ~avlty lnq ~ct G~!na ~~ R-vol R-val A~ Tilt Ro!c~enca 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 .. 0 19 19 t3 13 13 0 0 0 a 0 a a • • 0 • • • 0 • 318 138 m ,. m 93 103 3 "'" 310 n/a "'" 138 228 183 90 \'01111 'l,J,ll A3 90 1!05 4 .3.Jl J\3 90 ~0&' 4.3.ll A3 9D Yes 4.3.ll l\3 90 \'ee. 4.3.ll l\3 90 \1cs 4.3-n. A3 !10 1!(15 'l.3.J1 AJ so Yea 4.3.J1 A3 0 \'ell 4,Z,Jl M 90 Ye]!l 4,5,!1 Jl4 0 Ye• 4.4.ll M o 'ius 4.4.n M SD Yes 4 .3.ll Al 9D 't'es • .3.ll l\3 90 Yes 4.3.1 l\3 CER~lFlCAl'E OF COHPLIANC£1 IU:SIO&U'.t'Jtlto CO~l'Ul'Eil MEtHOD Lao;;tlon/ comcnt;r Front. Wall Bac:k Will! Right Wall J,o!{t 9;:~11 FRONT /INGr£ DACH liNGLE nrmtr rumLc LEF'r ANGLE. unvonted,ft19 .B Door: Oll!ilr 011t:~ida OverOutslde .Back Roll Riqht Wall • RIGH~ liNG!.& CF-lR Page 7 m••C~&~U~~~~~~~aaa&~~AA=~~-~AAA~CMC~ACCA~:mE~·~-G~-~~-~-·-·-- ~J;Oject 'lltle, ......... GIBDi FAHIL¥ TRtJS'l ADD. Dat;o •• OB/27/12 10:J0:21 •--a--•c~••••~a.• ... a•a•a••=~aaa~~u••u•.-aa~~A~~-~a•A<'"---~~-----••·-~- MJCROPAS9 v8.1 File•GIBBS Hth-CTZ07SOI!I IJ:>ed-Ml.'1315 U:~e.r-Ror-1 Haara Title 2C l':norqy Rlun-GIDilS ru:HIIlli<S llM'I WORK B&ING DCNE:, EllCU INS'l'IUJ.UIG COHTAACICR IS 'lO REVIE:W TilES& DO{,'UK£Nl'S liND T_, VERlFJ .EQUli'M£blf SI:UNG 1\NP WAIIRTIN'l' S¥S't£H P£RroRMANCE. SYST£.'-!S S~£ClFI£P M11.1! BE RE~IACEO BY AP1'ROIJ£P !':QUAL EQUil'~tttt (SPECXFIEP HINlMUM CAPACI~! ' EQunL OR BETTER I':FFECin!CY) , I!' CllnNQtS AI¢ MrJlf; IHSTI\l:LJHG CO!:ITJ~CTOR IS 'lO NO'l'IFY {1) 0\IHI::Il 12) OESIG1-1£lt fj, l>DCUMCNTM'ION AU~Jt011 IU liRITINIJ ~ ADDIU:.S!J&ll L!STED ONDER. Tl!B COME'L!nNCE STATI:MEN'l OF THIS CF-1R fROM PAIOR. TO DOING ACTUA.L WO~. -------------•-----~--~----~------P~--~-~-~~-w~~---.~-·------ NOT£: Cl ~STING FUANAC~ 'tO BS USED 1'/l:l'Jt A DEF!.UloT 11.F11B 0,7'8. EXISTING ACTO BS USED WI'l:H A D&FAIJL'l' St£R 9.7, NOI'E D: EXIS'"tiNG UI\.'J:Ql ll£1\.Tf.:R TO B~ USED. NOO'! E: toll t:tl£I!.C3Y' CALCULATlOOS F!l.OOT OF RE:S!DEHCB IS CONS!'Df!RI:D TO BE HilLY. E'ACl'HG 111£ llOO'TOK OS' !'100ft l.'trui. Project Title .......... GIDBS FAHIL~ 'l'RUST ADD, 1>(1~1!1-·08/27/12 10:30:24 ~D-~~--~~-A-MUM-~MMUA~---D--~--~-----~-~--~------..a~-~----~~-~--MMM~A HICBDPASB v8.l Fila-GIBDS Wth-CTZ07SOW Unori-HP1315 Dner-Ron HaorD TitlD 24 Energy RWD·GISBS and insuLated to meet tho rcqulrcmentl ot c~c Section• 601~ 602, 603, 6Dt, 605 and standatd 6•51 supply~a1J: and raturn•ai~ ductllll and plon~ are lnBulated to a roln~wu installed lovul of a~4.2 o~ encLo:~ed untlraly in conditioned ~pace. Oponings ~hall b11 ~ealed with ma9tic, tep8 or othar du~t-~1o~ure n~~twn that ~8t8 tho <~pplicablo requlrem~nts of UL 101, U~ 1Bl~, ct ~ 1919 or eorasol Be-alant thst meete the re~J~ements of UL 723. If ~13tie o~ t&ps is u~cd to aeal owonlnye grMteor than 1/4 !nch, the comblnntlon of mamtlc and aitbor mo:sh or tepa llhnll be uBad. 150(~11 nulldin9 cavitico. oupport plat!ocma !o~ ~ir h~ndiers, and plEln~~ ~otlncd or constructed with rnatccialllll other t:han BGalnd sheet motal, duct boar~ o~ floMible duct ahal~ not ba use~ fQ~ convoylng conditioned air. Buildinq cavities an~ ~uppo~ platto~ may contain ducts, Ducts io3talle:d in CilVities and eup~~Qrt platt:o.tmSI !llla!l not be c:olli'rasaed to cause reduction~ in thu ~ro::~a-.9ectioaul area a<f the duol;a. 150 (m) 20; Joint.o and :mams of d11ct s~&~tftltl5 and tb~ir CO!IIponent~ sh~ll not b~ oaaled with cloth b.ock rubber a~io,lvv d~ct tepao unLeB~ .omcb tope ia used in ccmblnation with ma3tLc and ~r~w b~nd3. 15D(n»11 E1~aust !an systems have bact draft or automatic dmmpors, 1SD(m)81 Gravity vcntilatinq syat~ ~El~ving conditioned ~p~c:u b~v• uJthc~ automstic or readily ~ce~~.l.ble, ~nuelly oparat!ld daropor4~ 150 (m)!ils InBulatlon ahall ba prolcclcd. froJD damage, lncludlmg that dUll to l't.:nlight1 mohture:1 equlpm~nt taaiutemun:a1 !!~Oil wlndo ~ellullar foam lr~nulatioo :~hall be protected ae ;,l)ov" or p<~loted with a. coatlng that la wator ratnrd,nt ar.d provide:~~ ahloldin9 (rOll! onle:r: ~odiation that. o::an o::eul'la. degradation of tho ruJ.ter!.al. 150!~)1Dt Flo~eiblo ductll cannot have porous inner core~. lSOIO)I All dwallinq~ ullitllll :Jhallmoot tho roquirC!IIDDtllll ot JUIISI/ru>Ultl'l£ srandard 62.2-2007 Ventilation and ncocptabla Indoor nit Quality 1n L~-Rise Residential !lllildings. Window opcraticn 11111 not 11 pannbalblLe metliQd o! providing tl10 Kholo B~lding Vontilatten re;uirad in Socticn 4 cl that. Stiln~h•J:d. POOL AtiD SPA H£li.TlNG SYSIDIS AND f'.QUtl'MDiT t~EASURO:.S: 114 [aJ: Any poal o~t BPO lu'!ating l'l~!llem sball be certified to h~vc; a thonru:J.l efficiency th~t c~liDJ with tho ~pplianco Bfliaiency Rll~lst!onsJ an on~ott !)Witch a.aunted outsid• qf tiiD hoota.t:J a permanent. waat.l1erpzcoof plllte Ot' card wlth operating !nstructlons1 and ehall not use olaetric tomlstance boatinq or • p.Uat llqht. ll4[b}l' ~y pool or ~ps h~atinq equipment ~hall bo inHta1lmd wltb at least 36• of pipe between filter Bnd haQter, or dedicated ~u~tlom end J;etUJD lines, or bllilt-up eonnoctiona for futuro ~olnr heatinq ll4 (b}2: Outdaor peol:J or opna that ho.\la 11 beat PLIIIlP or oa~~ beat~r 1111all have 'a COVel', ll4(b)Ja Pcola ~hall h11ve directional inlota that adequatol~ mlK the pool W<~to"• and a Ume :urit;cb that will allow all pump• to be smt 01' programmed. to run only durln~ o!t-poak electrlc demand pa~iods. l50(p)l neuid!latlol poal sy~t~ or equ~ent Meet the pump si%!n~, flow rato, piping, !ilt.c.ca, and valva .requi:::wnents of 150(p), CF-lft P:roj.,ct TJ.tl.o,,,,,,,,,. G!BBS FJ\HiloY Tll.IJ5T ADD._ D~te •• OB/27/12 10:30:24 HICROPJ\S8 vB.l Filo-GJDDS ~th-CTZOiSOB Uaori-H~l315 Uaox-non Moo%& Title 2t Energy Run-GIDBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ori\QU£ SURfliCSS U• ~heath-Solar Appendix Fra111e Aroa Typo CBf) ~act-cavity .J.ng 1\ct ca.J.n11 Jll.t Location/ Slll'fOo;:Q or R-va1 R-val 1\z.n. Tilt it>~fu~;en<;IJ CIJIIJDQnt.:!l 24 Dear Hood J3 0. 500 0 0 3 ADD ~ Now [Added) 2 Wall Hood .f. ll.lOZ ll D :no 5 Wall Hood 195 11.102 u o 131 B H<~ll Wood 181 0.102 13 D 221 11 Hell Wood • 0.10' ll 0 :Z1l ll w~u Hooi;l 10 0.102 13 o 93 16 WaU tlood 9 0.102 13 0 l6J 22 little: flood 200 0.032 30 0 n/&1 3 EKteriorVcrt (Thcrmnl H6~9) -&~istinq le ~allDaocn Nona 2bl 0.075 o o 318 4 &Kterlorvert l~ba~l H033) -Esi3t1n; lil tlal.lBI!.tlaB Hona 60$ Q,a-15 0 D 3.\.lil 5 txtorlo,Vo:~:t ll'barnal Ha~a) -Existing . 20 HallEaeac None J02 0,075 0 0 318 9tt Ye.o A.S.l ILl nal)r 90 ~OS 4,J,] Al Front ~I'll] 90 Yes 4.3.1 Al Bact Wall 90 Yes 4.3.1 Al night Wall 90 Ye' 4.3.1 A) F.Rot11' /ING;t.}! 90 y~,-4.3.1 Al BliCK ANGLE 90 Yea 4.].1 ~ RtG~T ANGLC 0 Ye~ 4.2.1 na Unvented.R30.9 SD llo Non-Std SHALLOW D1\S£H, 90 HO tlon-Std HEDlUH Dl\S£M, 90 NO tfOD-Std DECl' Dl'lSEHEH~ P£RINETER LOSS£S Longth E'2 Surfo1co [ft) Factor HOUS2 -£Misting ~1 Slabr.:dge 239 0,730 In.!llll n-vol R-0/0ln 1\pp(mdlx Solar J1\4 Location/ Ga!na RD£orcnco C~ents No 4.t.7 Al Standard Blab Edga F£HtStftnTIOH SUnFACES E>tta~:lor Area D-Act Shat!o Dricntation l3fl factor SHGC A~ T!lt Typ~ Locat~c~/Co~~nta IIOUS~ • EKist1ng 1 Wlnd F'oot (HW) 120.1 o.seo O,i50 JlB 2 Wind Front (Nij) 64.0 0.~90 0.7~0 Jl9 3 wlnd Bact [S&I 29.5 o.seo 0,650 llB 4 Wlnd Dack (SE) 10.0 0.990 0,740 138 5 Door Back 19&. 192.0 0.530 0,650 139 g ~lnd Right IS~) 01.1 o.seo 0.650 229 10 Wlnd. R!ght {GW) 58.2 0.~90 0,7~0 220 ll DooJ: Bight (SW) JDJ,O 0.5JO 0.650 229 U wind Right I.Sifl &.~ 0.110 o.73D 228 11 Kln!;l Le!t un:J 516.8 o.seo 0.650 4B 90 Stant!ard FGl/Dual Vlo./W~,Op~r. 90 stant!ara FG2/Single Vln,/Hd,Ope:~:. 510 5tand~ra DGl/Du~l Vln./Kd.Opur. 90 Standard BG2/Slnglo Vln./Hd.Qpar. 90 Standard DGliDua1 Vln./~d.Pat.Dr. go St~nda~:~ ~1/Dllal Vln,/Wd.Opar. 90 Standard RG2fSlngle Vln./Hd.Oper. 90 Stant!ard RGJ/Dusl Vln./Hd.Pat.nr. 90 Standard. RG61Gla~a alock 90 Standard LGl/Dual Vin./Wd,Ope~. CEI\l'iFlCA:r£ OF COHPLII\NCBS RESIOf.;tlfl/Uo COHL'U'l~R HL'TllOO CF-lR P.tt.ge B ~-Ad~cg-~AAA~~=.a~~~--A·~·-···AEMMA-~A·~----AA~~~~----- ProjQCt Titl~ ••••••• ,,. GIBBS FAMILY ~RUST ADO. OlltQ.,OS/~1/12 10:l0:2t a•••g•~••••~•a~---•••••-----•·~~·-~-~~u•••------~~-~~-A~g·~~-~~.-~-- 1 MICROPAS8 vfl.l Fllr;Hil8f)5 Wttl-c'IZ07S08 I U9ed-MP1315 Uller-Roo Hoare Titlo 24 tnorgy 1\un-liiDBS COHPLIAHCE STATEMENT Thi• co~titicate of cempli~nco liat~ tbD building foaturea nnd per!ornance apecificatlon' ne~dacl to comply with TitLe-24, Parta 1 end 6 of the C-.lifornia Code of Re~ul~tion111, and thl ~dminl~tratlva ~~lationa to irnploment Umrn. Thia ce:rtificato hoe boen sign!ld by the indl.vldual with ovorell d~9ign respansibilitJ• 11<!1110 •••• Coq~<!ny, A!idl;llllDo Phone ••• Licen!ile, Siqnc.d •• Nama •••• 'l'ltlo ... Age11cy., Phona ••• DESIGHER or ORNER STEVE IJRO sn:VE llRO &llt'&!U'RIS&S 34e51 CAHtijO CAPISTnnNO Cl'IPISTRANO ei:AGK. CA 926. g41J/49)-2261 (dab,) ENFORC~T AGtHCV Slgne:d •• -----------------,~,_,-. Cdmtlllj Hamo •••• Cornp~~ony, Mdrca:~. !?hone ... lWlDATORY H&1>5Uil.ES SUHIWlYI RSSIO&H'l:ll\L l'rojcct 'l'itla,,,,,.,, •• GIBbS ~ILY TRUST ADO, OOC[JHEHTF!.TIDU Atltt!.Otl ROD ~1\t Ron Hoare Titla 24 Energy cal~a. 4l5Z Cha.ain Btrnot CC~lUISido, CA !1Zil56 160/Sili-1026 UF-lft Oate •• oe/27/1~ 10:30:24 MlC~OPA5B vB.l Flle~GISSS gth-CT~0?$08 Uaari-HPlllS User-Ron Hoaro Title 2C Energr Run-GIDDS ----~--~-~------~---M·-----~------------------------------------------------~~-RESIDtt-11'!1\l.. J.[GHTIWIJ HEASV!U'.St 150(k)h Uigh offica.cy luminaires cr LED Llqht Engine With lnteg-rallleat sink llao an efficacy tha.t is no lawct than the o!flcaciel contuinoll in Table 150-C nnd ia not a low qftica~ lum!naire eu .opacifia~ by l50(kl2. 150(k)31 The w~~ottage af pocmanently instnl1~d lumlnairea sh11ll be det~~ed os spocitiod by l30ldJ, t50!k)4: Balla9~8 [or fluo~a~cont lamp~ ra.ted t3 H~tts or grestor oho11 ba electronic end shall h~vo an output frequency no le8s than 20 LH"• 150(k}5: Pormanantly installed night lights and ni;ht li;bt~ inte;rnl to a pormanantly in~tolled luminalre or exhaust faD ~boll c:ontaln only bigb. efficacy lampa meeting tbe minimum olticocla~ contained ln Table l50-C and oh~ll not contain a line-voltaga 80C~ct o~ lino-valtage 111~ h~ldor1 oa ,.ball ba .cotod to con~ume no mo'D t~an five watts ot pawo:~: us duternlned by 1301dl4 and ohall nat contain a ~dlum ucro~-baso ~:~ockat. 150(k}6r tighcing lnteqral to o>!haust fan11, in rooru other tl1nn l::itchene, ~hall moat tho applicable raquiremon~ll of lSO{k). l50(k}7: All nwltchinq daVieos nnd cont~ola sh~ll meet the %o;ulremonte of 150[k)"J. l~O(k)D; ~ r.dn~wn of 50 percant of tho total rota~ watt<~g~ of ~e~ently in.otallod lighting ln kitcbens ah~ll ba h!qh efticacy, &Y.C&I?'I'IOH; Up to 50 watts for dwellln; ~nits leu than or oquel tg 2,500 tt2 or lOD watt!! Co:~: dwelling unlta larger than 2,500 fta may bu e~ompt fro. tha !;10\ hi;~b o!tlcacy ;tllqUlre:llent when: ell lo~o~ effica~y lum.lr.airea in tho kit~han a.ro conqolled I:Jy a rnanu.nl on occupant sensor, cilif®er, enrn:gy ll.llnage~~~ent ~~otem (~CS)1 ox D multi-9c:ano pr09rammablu control &~Btemr and all pounanentlr ln:ttalled. luminar!os in garagae~ lnundry ;roOinl!, clo:~ots greater than 70 ~qunra !oet, and utllit~ r~ are high cfflcaey and cont%Dlled by d manual-an occupant sen~or. l50(k}9t PDcmannntly installed liqhting tbnt l~ lntornol to cab!noto ~~~l ~o no ~eo than zo ~~ttP of power per linea~ foo~ ot illuminAted. ccblnet. l50(k}l0; Pe~Anontly installod lum!nair~• in bathroom~~, attached an~ det~chEld qare~;~os, laundry ro~, cloee~ and utility roo~ uhall be hiyh oftlcnoy. I!XC~I?'I'lON 1: Eermanently inatalled lo~o~ offloacy lumi11airaa shall be allo~ed provided that tllny ara cont~;olled I:Jy a rnanWtl~oo oatmpant ~nmanr ce.rtified to CC!'l{lly ~tlth tile oppllcabla requlr~monb of 119. EXCEPTIOH 21 Permanently in3t~llcd low ufllcacy lwminalro~ in clo~otD loaD than 70 ~quare foet ~~orm not required to be c:ontrolle~ by a ma~uAl-on occupant son~or. l50[k)llJ i'om.nnllfttly irultaUEld lwtlnalns J.ocat!ld .iD .:;ooi!IZI or a::oa111 DtlleJ: · than in kitchen~. bathroo~. qara;os, laundry rooms, closets, ~nd utility :1:0~ 9hall be bigb offic:ac:y luinnlllro~. EKCEPTIOY 1; Pe~nontly lnstallod lo~ efficacy lumlnalrn$ shall ba ell.:~~o~ed provided they ~re conttolled by o!tbor a d~ar aw!tch that e~lies vith tha epplicabla requiromants of 119~ or by o ~nual-oa cecup~nt oen~ar that complies witb the applicable requirement& of 119. CKCEFTIOH 2~ Li;htlng in dota~R.od ~tocage buildUng lena tb~n l~PO nqu~J:o !cat locatcQ on a roaidontial aito ls not required ~o comply Hitb l~O{klll, l50(k)12; Luminalros reooaood into tneulated ceitingllll sball bo listed !0:1: ze~o cloa.rance inau1atlon contact (IC) by Underwriters LabaratorieJ or other 18 Wind Loft [N&) l~ Wind night (HI 20 ~lr1d lllg;ht (HJ 21 ~ind Left (E) 22 Witld r.oft re:• 24 Hind Dack {S, 25 Hind Back (S) 21 Hind Front (NJ HOUSE -0Qllltod 6 Hind B~ck fSE) 7 Door Back IS~) 12 Door !light ISWJ 13 Wind Rigbt fSWJ 26 Wind Back ts) JWD ~. fiElH (Addod) U Wind Dack !SEJ lS Wlnd Right [5Wl 16 Wlncl Rlght [5\i) 23 Hlnd Lnlt (E) c~terlo:r u-Act Siharte factrn-SI!GC n~m Tilt Typu 19,0 0.990 0.740 ~B 16.o o.~ao o.650 273 52.0 0.990 0.140 273 22.8 0.~90 0,740 93 1:1.0 o. sao O.li.SO 93 90.0 1).990 0.740 163 J.l.B 0.500 0.650 183 66,8 0.580 0.650 3 47,5 o.sao o.6so lJD 52.0 0.530 0.650 lJ8 123., 0.530 0.650 228 47.5 0.~80 0.650 228 ll.Z 0,580 0,650 lBl 42.2 0,580 0.650 130 lB.2 0.500 0.650 228 93.8 0.990 0.740 228 2.9 o.seo o.o5o 93 90 Standa~d LG2/Sing1~ Vln-/W~.~pur. 90 Standard FA1/0unl Vln./Wd,Opa:. 90 Standard FA2/Singla Vln./Hd.Opor. 90 Standard Dnl/Single Viu./Hd,Opar. jO Star.dutd DA2/Du~l Vln./~d.C~ar. 90 s~r.dard nAl/eingto Vin./Wd.Opor. 90 Standard RA2/Dual Vin,/Hd.Op~r. 90 St~r.datd LA/Oual Vin./Wd,Opor. 90 Standard BG4/Du~l Vin./Nd.Opa:~:. 90 Standard ~G5/0u~ Vin./ijd,Pat.Or. 90 Standa~d nG4/Dual Vin./Wd.~at,Or. 90 Standard nG5/Duol Vin./Wd.Opnr, 90 Standard RA3/Dual Vin./Wd.Oper • 90 Standard BG6/Dual Vin.lwd.opar. 90 Stundard nG7/Dual Vln,/Wd,Opo:~:. 90 Standard RGS/Sin~le Vin,/Wd.Oper. 90 Standard B~3/Dual Vin./Wd.Opor. SLl\U .SURFAC<.:9 J\roa Sl!!b Type lof) IIOUS£ -E.d,tlng Standard Slab 2142 TDE>RH!IL !-'.ASS Aroa Tblck l!eat Cond~ct-!:lurfaca H!Ulll Type (s!l (ln) ~~p lvity UlMC &-valuo Loc~tion/Comment.o UOLJSE -EICJ :~tin9 1 &KtnriarVart 2~0 2 ~torlorvart GOS 3 I:xterlo~Vert 302 8,0 8.0 8.0 15.1 15.1 1.5,1 0.114 0.44 o.u t.oa 1.110 Leo R~lO.II S!UU.LQtl llMEHmiT R~10.8 MEDIUM DAS&MSNr R-1D.8 D~&f BASEM£Ur HANDAtOR't' M~UR~S SUMMARY: RE9IOEHf!~ HF-lR Pa~o l ••--••••--•••U-••••--•--••••-~a--•••••••••~·..--•~·-~~~•a•~~~~~·••••••••a. P~oj!lct Titla •• , ••• ,, •• GIOOS F~~ILV ~RUST ADD. Date •• OD/21/12 lD1l01Z4 P~oject AdcfCC:JIIo,, •• • •• 5195 £UOEU: DRIV& ••••+• -------~-------~----ClUU.SSAD, C1l 92008 *YU.l* D~c~rnontatlon n~thor ••• RON MOORS +••••• auilcflnq Peimlt 1 Ran Mooto :ritlo 24 Enorqy ~l.c9. 4152 Cho~in Stroot l'l~n Check I oste Occan:~ido• CA 92056 76D/OOG•lD26 Field Check/ O~te Climato Z~no ••••••••••• 07 -~-----~------·------Compli~nca Hethad,,,,,, HlCROPASB vD,1 for 2008 CBC St~ndard9 (rOl) a~a~~-~D~•wac•~•~au•-~~~~--~M••••••••--••---•••••••••••~•---•--•-••·~-~a~-~~ J HICROPASB vB,l Filo-GlBBS Wth·CT~01SOB I Usori-HP1Jl5 Ua~~-Ran Hoo~a Title 24 £nar9y RUn-GIDBS -~~-~~~~--~--~~-~-----~--~-~---------------------------------~----------------HOT&1 LuH-rlse re~identlal buildings subject ta tho Standards must comply with all ~ppllceble mandator! mea~ere~ listed, roq~rdlosa ol the co"pllance ElPflr:'Oecb. l!sed •. Hara ~u ngElnt onBrQy rr.eaaure:a lbtud on the C:c.ctificate r;,f Compliance ICF-lR, CS'-lR-)mD, M CE'-lR-~T-Fom) a!tsll Sllpertledo the Ue~~C:~ rn.arkecl t~ith on o9te.d:d; (*) boloH, Thla ~~~ndatorw Hoasuro111 Sll!llff1ary shall llo 1nca:porated into tho p~rrnit do~umcnts and the applic~ble features ~ball be conoi~o:cd. by all partios as minimum component porrormanco specifications 1-ihilthor tl1oy nra .ab.o-wn olocwhero in tha daeurnent.o or in t:bls alllllffillry. Sllbmlt all applicable uoct1one ot tho MF-lR ~orm with plano. BUILDING EtlVS:loO!>& H£1\SDJU:SI 116(o)lt Doors and windows b~twoon ccnd[tloncd ~nd unconditlonod sp<~ces aro ~nufsctur!ld ta limit ai~ leakage, llfil.o.)<l: E'eM!ilb:atlon producto (except .fleld-fobdcatcd wlndowaJ howe a lal,l~l liatinQ tha cortiflo~ U-Filctor, co.rtJ.!h.td SoL.!r llcot GEI-ln Co~!!io;:icn.t {SIIGC), and intiltl:'atlon thilt mc.l!lt:a the reqoircrumto of 10-lll(a), 1171 &l!tEl.tioe doocs and windows oro wentbor-strlppedl all jolnte and punPttation& are caulked ~nd scaled. ll9{a)= Inaulu~lan epecilled or installed mcc.t.o Standards for: Inaulatin~ Material, ln~lcate type and lnolude on CF-6R Fo~ llB(l)i The tho~l emittanca ond solar refloct3n~e vatu~ at thQ cool rooting matorLal mQels tho &cqul~cm~nt.o Qf llB(i, whon tho inata~l.tt.t~on of o cool Roo! is ap()c.lflcd oa tba CF-lfl Fom. •lSO!ol; Hlni~um R-19 ln!i!u1otion in ~ood-fram~ ceillng or aquivDlent 0-factor. ISO(b)r Loose fill ln~~lat!on shall r.onrorm with monu!ac~uror•~ Installed dcaiqn labaled n-Value. •l50{a)l HinirnUft R-13 lno~lotion in waod-frnmc ~all or o~ivalunt U~fucto~. 'l50(dl: Hlnimum R~l3 ln&ulatlon in ts1scd wood-frarna floor or ~quivalent U~fa.ctor. 150{f)~ Air retarding wrap is tosted, la~oled, and inot~llcd according to nG~H El677-95 t~OOO) when BiJOCitl~ en thD Ci•lR Fomt, l50[q)l Hand11toq• Vapor b<trder inat-.llod iJl Climate Z:omlll U or 16, 15011): Wmto~ ab~orption roto for slab ed(lo insulation rnatariol alone wlthout !acing# 13 no greater than 0,3\i wator Vftpor perrn~anoe rata i• no ~reatur than 2.0 pnrtJI/1nch And obnU bo pr.:~toctcd fro.11 phycical dama'JB ltlld uv li')lht datqtioratlon. F!RI:Pt.AC£51 DECORATlvt; GNi APPLiliNCEii T~J) GAS W0: M&I\SUrtES; lSO(oJllll Masonry or factory-built !lr~place~ h~ve a clQsuble rnatal ox glasa HANOATOR't' MEASURES SUMHAR't': ll£SrDE:NTIAL MF-lll ~COjOCt Title,.,,,, •• ,. GIBBS rAHIL~ ~RUSf AOD, oata •• oa/21/12 lO:Jo:a4 HJCROP~I v9.1 Fila•GlDaS ijth•CTZ07S08 U~ari•Hl.'lJl$ O~er-Rao Hoa~a Title 24 Energy Run-GIBBS n<~-tlanally £ecoyni:l:ed te.:Jtlnulratinl] lobaratory; and have a label that certlfie.o tho lumiunalra i.o ai.rtight with air laakage lc~a then 2.0 CFM at 75 Paacnls whcft tested in aceord<~-nco w!th ASTM &283; and ho scaled wlth a gaskElt or cnulk bntwoen tha lumlnnira hc~~ing an~ cniling, l501kll3s Lumlna1eos peoviding outdoa~ !lobtln~, including lightinQ for private patlca lD low-riso ronidontial b~ildings ~ltb follr or ~oro dwall!nq units, ont=ancas, balcanio9, and por:'ches, which ara pegmancntly ~unted to o re~idontlel bul1dlnv or to othlil" ~uildingu oD tb~ ::rams lot ahall bo biqh ufficaoy. EXCEPTION l: Permanently installed outdoor law offlcacy lumlnoire.o shall be ello~od provided that they aro controlled by a manual an/off n~ltch, a motion ~cncor not h~ving ~n ova~rlda Gr bYPas.o o..-itch thnt di~able9 the motion cc~or, end one of tho folloHing centrals: a photoconttol not having an override ox bypaaa s~ltch that dlaabloa the photecontroll oR an eatroncmlcal t~u clock not havin~ an ovor.rido o~ bypas!J a~itcb that disables tha astron~cal tlroe clockr OR <~n onurgy ~na9em!lDt cont~ol system (ENG$) not havln'J a• overrldo o' bypBJ:~::r ::~witch thilt allows th1.1 luminairo to b111 alway:!' on EKCCPf!OH 2: Outdoor lu~nelro.o used to compl~ with P.xcElptionl ~o 150tt)13 ~y bo controlled. by • t~mporarr override switch wblch hypnonas the motion 3Cn!i!lnq func~ion prGvid~d thnt tho rno~lon Banftor is automatlcolly r~ilctivat!ld within alH houu. txCEPrioH lt Pormanon.tly im1talled lumlnairc.t in oJ: arouhcl .a~lrnmin; pool, water !naturG~, or other lccotlon nubject to nrticlo 630 at tho Californil Eloc~ric Code nood not bD high o~ficacJ l~naire~. l50[kll41 Intetn~lly illuminated addJ::e~s ~igns 9hall caroply with Section 1~8, OR not contain a ~crcw-baua ~ocket. and ca~o~~ no mora than flvo ~at.ts r;,f powo" as dote~~d ccc:or:din~ to 130(d), 15Dfkll5t LJahting !o~ parking lctu and carports with e tot:al of for 8 or more vebiclns p~ site ah~ll comply with the ,applicable requireroonts in Sections lJO, lJZ, 1Jt1 11.nd 147. Li~bting for parking garagea fer 8 ar mara vehlclo~ shllll.l compiy with tb.D opplicnblD requiromonts of Sections 130, 131, lJt, and U6, l50lkll61 t'omancntly ln~talloclli;htin; ln tha cnclc:lecl, non-dl-lollir,IJ ~paco; o.r: lc11-rlse rosidunthl bulldlnqa with four or ~r~cra dw-olling units aball be hlqh 'lffl~ocy l~nalrQ3, EKCtPTION: Parroanently lnutailed lew offica~1 lumlnairc!il ~hall be allowod provlded that thby a~e contr:'ollod by en occupant :.~enf.lor lt~J r.ort:ifled to comply wltb tha ~pplicab1e roquLr~~onts of 119. CtaTiflCATE OF COHPLII\NCE:: RtSIOtllT.tAL COMPUTER ME'tllOD Cf-11\ Pro1ect; '.title ••.••••••• GHmS Fru-!!L't TltUST ADO. Oate,,OB/27/12 10:30:24 ---~-~~-----~-~~-~~~-..... ~------·--·---------~----~-------.. ---~-~~-------HICRO~AOB vO.l Filo-GIDDS Htb-CT~01SQB vserf-HP1315 03oe-RQn HoQre Tlt~o Zl &nerqy nun-GISDS I!YAt' S'IS:ti:l1S Vorified V~rl!ie-d Rufdg Chnr~Ja or CID !Uniroum ££ticien!l)' ~ER Vodflad V~rif!ed Vori!il'd ~~lmum Ade-queto ran ·watt Coalln91 Airflow Or,Hf Cnpacity HOUSE -C>Cl!lting rurnace IICSplit o. 'laO nrus n/a 9, 70 SEU\ No n/o No A.OD -Ne..-(Added, Fur11ace ACSplit 0. '!1)0 AE'UE n/a 9.10 SE!£R No .,. •• llVAC SIZI~G 'rotal UOIIting Load. (8tu/hr) HOUSE'! • I:~ehting Furn~ · 1105~5 ACSplit n/a ADC -Now {Added) Fllrnaca 9135 ILCSpl.it n/~ sensible Cooling .... (Dtu/hrJ .,. 90614 "'' 950.5- n/a No n/a •• oe~:~lgn CooLing Capt.u:ity {Btu/hrl "'' 102122 n/a 10112 n'~ NO n/a •o Verified Haxlrolllll Cooling Capacity (9tu/hr) "'' "'' "'' "'' Total U9690 100119 112.034 n/o. S.Y.:st(liil Typo Sizlm;J LoGation.,.,,,,., •• , CARJ,SDAD Winter Outside Dosl~n •••••• 34 F Wlntor I~ido Design ••••••• 70 F Summar O~taide Oa9ign •••••• 01 F Summ11r Inaido ooaiqn ••••••• 75 F Summar Rango ••••••••••••••• 10 r Duct Loclltlon DUCT SYS7EHS Duct n-v.o.lue V<:n:::.l.Ued ouct La.o.J:11ga HOUSE -Exioting Furnnca Attic ~C5plit Attio ~DD • Hew {Added) 11-t.2 11-4.l NO No Verifi~d Verified Surfilc:~ B~ried Area DllCtD •o "" No •o Existing Heating and Cooling Systems n/a NO n/a No The Forced Air Units are original to the residence and are approximately 22 years old. They are both Carrier products. The pmmanently mounted label plates have been corroded by salt air exposure to the point that the model number and BTU ratings are unreadable. Both are natural gas up-flow units and each is separately zoned for the Basement Floor and the Main Floor. Both of these Carrier FAU's have a 4 ton York A/C condensing unit and coil unit attached. The Master Bedroom is separately zoned and is served by a Goodman 3 ton electric heat pump. This is an exterior roof mounted unit and the permanently attached label plate has corroded to being unreadable. TITLE 24 ENERGY CALCULATIONS z w :r: 0 1-z·· ~0 wr- Oo zo w<( 0~ cno Ww Ct:::o (J) OJ ca --------~-----··-·--·--·"-· I CiTY Ol' CAELSBAD Adln.in1.o;trativc P.::nuit "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~1·,; > "• •, • 0 •" R • • 0 •' 0 o • n ~ ~" n" : ~·.'·o .• ,_ ----·-Date..-.-..------·-.. ~·-~·-·~·~--. ·----------··----~~-~-~"'' A 7.1 ----------------------------------------------··---------------.-------········-------------___________ ,_ .......... ----------. ............ -"""" ----------···----------------·-----------------------________ ._ __________ ._ ______ .. _____ -------------··------------------------------ ---------------------· ---.... -··•···••·-•--••••"·"'"'·-··-""'" '--•••··•••· -•-•'""' ,, .. ,..co••• _, _ _,, ' ..... """" •··•-·-----··•······•·-·••-•-•••-••••--••·--··-----·-----·--·-------• ._._ ............ •-...... ------------------------• ----------------·---· ----------- SHORE DRIVE SHORE DRIVE SHORE DRIVE CENTERLINE CENTERLINE CENTERLINE -- -_______ 51_43_SHORE DRIV __ E ______ LL~ 5195 SHORE DRIVE ~ 5229 SHORE DRIVE ----------------------ROLLED CURs------------------------------------------LL -l---------ROLLED CURs-----------+ i:i:: ------'-'---'--'----'------------- ----..-------------------,r-·-o ;--------------~-------------,--· o -1-------a ---.--------------..,----- "' LOT7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 "' LOT 11 LOT 12 "' LOT 13 LOT 6 -~~-----------------~ 60FT. JS:-------'1 1':-----71 I ;'-"I' 1'', " I I ~' , , '-/ I ' / y I I I I I , _ _j __ l I I I I I 1 I I I I f _, _____ L I ', , I '-/ ' / y I '-" 1 I y I I I I A. / ' I / ' I I / ' I -~---'~ I ~!"---.:... --/'1 II ', , I II '-, , I I ' / I I y I l1 I I I I I A. PROPERTY LINE 't String Line i I ' ! I j., PACIFIC OCEAN I I _y PROPERTY LINE 60FT. f--PROPOSED NEW DECK EXTENSION I EXISTING DECK -! _:_· ---~ l==dJ r 1' String Line I ~ BALCONY STRING LINE EXHIBIT Scale: 1" = 15ft. NOTE: Balcony string line end points are based upon the location of the nearest Westward-extending cantilevered Balconies located to the North and to the South of the proposed project site. Measurements were taken at 5143 Shore Drive (North) and 5229 Shore Drive (South) and have been used to prepare this exhibit. As shown on the drawing the proposed Deck Extension for 5195 Shore Drive is inside of the String-line between the North and South properties. 60Ft. GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch= 15Ft. PROPERTY LINE t String Line PROJECT DATA: Owners: Project Location: Legal: APN: Project Scope: Plan Preparation: 60FT. r,---------71 II", , I I '' , , I l >-----<., : I / ' I I / ' I ~ {_ _______ ~ t-:::71 ' ' I '-/ I I / I '-/ I I >---.. "---< I I , 'y' ' ' I / ' '-I I / I ' '-I I I ' '\. L__ I ~l 1 'r--.:. I I I / / ~-----:-1 I I ' ·I / I ,---------1 I ''-, I I I '-, :I I !I ~-- -_,_ - -~----.l -+--"--~-------__Ji GIBBS FAMILY TRUST 5195 SHORE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 (760) 476-9747 5195 SHORE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 Lot 1 0 & Portion Lot H, Rancho Agua del Hedionda Map # 823 210-061-10 New Deck Extension and Kitchen Remodel I Addition Steve Bro, General Contractor B-390259 34851 Camino Capistrano Capistrano Beach, CA, 92624 (949) 493-2281 Cff\' Ull, !IJ·l:~;..:S1ahPtt Ad!T:ini~H'Mive h;utut ·~·"·~·······"··········-··--·········"''"" c.· • ,, , , ,. , ... '.K~•, J/ o • ""or • "• • "" • ""''-'""",. -_ 1,-, ' -·"I •• , _•.J.~ ~~--~~~ lr.w:.k~-~--.. _,_. __ _