HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 15-40; Agmish Toff SDU; Coastal Development Permit (CDP)City of Carlsbad APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECt<: BOXES) LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 De~ment Servit;.fLfi. Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www .carlsbadca .gov Development Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Legislative Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Coastal Development Permit (*~I Minor 0 Conditional Use Permit(*) 0 Minor 0 Extension 0 Day Care (Large) 0 Environmental Impact Assessment 0 Habitat Management Permit [] Minor 0 Hillside Development Permit (*) [] Minor 0 Nonconforming Construction Permit 0 Planned Development Permit [] Minor 0 Residential 0 Non-Residential 0 Planning Commission Determination 0 Reasonable Accommodation 0 Site Development Plan 0 Special Use Permit []Minor 0 Tentative Parcel Map (Minor Subdiviision) 0 Tentative Tract Map (Major Subdivision) 0 Variance 0 Minor CJ)'f fS.tfO 0 General Plan Amendment 0 Local Coastal Program Amendment (*) 0 Master Plan 0 Specific Plan 0 Zone Change (*) 0 Amendm1ent 0 Amen~m1ent 0 Zone Code Amendment South Carlsbad Coastal Review Area Permits 0 Review Permit 0 Administrative 0 Minor [] Major Village Review Area Permits 0 Review Permit 0 Administrative 0 Minor [] Major (*) = eligible for 25% discount NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: PROJECT NAME: BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOCATION OF PROJECT: STREET ADDRESS ON THE: !··· SIDE OF !~ 1:? ~·· (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) BETWEEN (NAME OF STREET) J)C:U I:]:J 7 3 P-1 Page 1 of6 Revised 07115 OWNER NAME (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: C?i:) 11 A 0&) 1.-.f"~ IJ, !;!· 11" , CITY, STATE, ZIP: .;::.,..,,.G;p.-"t.,""'$All?' ~4. TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I CERTIFY AS LEGAL OWNER THAT THE APPLICANT AS SET FORTH HEREIN IS MY UTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR PUR S OF THI~ii?j11,~,6i(jJI'.;;~ APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT FOR PURPOSES OF THIS APPLICATION AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. , SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT NAME (Print): c:;2,A M U !; 1,..-. w ~ I U i<l { MAILING ADDRESS:~~! l, ~f"""!> it.. ~ 'i",. ~j £, N CITY, STATE, ZIP: C.,-" jk.l,..~ ~~ iJ> ~ t:::-,1;. $ (~h .• ;;:)0,~"""> --'"~"'" TELEPHoNE: 1 ~a . .., .L., o " 1 "" ~ 1 EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT LL THE BOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BE OF MY OWLEDGE. Z-1-...'SerT· a DATE IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. 1/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON TH TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND Bl ANY RS IN INTEREST. FOR CITY USE ONLY SEP ~~ 5 2015 DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: P-1 Page 2 of6 Revised 07/15 RU:ORDINC lltOUESTED IIV: Wcttern Resourca Title ComJiJIUI¥ Order No. I 01478 E&row No. lHiiG+-DO Parcel No. 207·250-31-00 .\ND WHEN RECORDED IILUL 11US DOCUMEiW l<'fAXSTATtiiiENT ro: THEODORE D. VIOLA, TI-lE TRUSTEE OF THE AOMISH TOFF TR.U£1', DATED JUNE 23, 199:1 6817 ADOLPHIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92011 GRANT DEED TII~P. UNDERSIONED ORANTORl:S). DECLARE(S) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS S76C.SO and CITY$ I:OIIlflutcd on full value of propeny conveyed, or compulcd oo full value less liens or CIICUDibnlllccs remain ins II !he time of sale. D unin<:orporated area: IE City ofCarlab.d I'OR A VAI.UADLE CONSIDERATION, recelp1 ofwhk:h Is hereby acknowlccl&cd, Thomas Mason and Celeste MIISOD, luubacd and wife as Joint Tenants h<rl:by GRANT(S} to Thcodot:'tl D. Viola, tile Trustee of the Aplisll ToffTruJt, dated June 23, 1995 lhe following described real property In the CountyofSIIII Diego, State of California: See EXHIBIT A llltliCbc~ hereto and made a part ller8of for Complete Lqal Descrlplion Dale September2l, 2015 ~~ Y/I!Jtlfw-h Thomas Mason Signn1un: ~Seal) Page: 43 Order Number: 101478 (RR) EXHIBIT A I.EGAI. DESC:rUPTlON Real property In the City of Carlsbad, Count¥ of San Diego, State of Callfomla, desalbed as follows: I.OT 101 OF lAGUNA RlVlERA UNIT NO. 41 ACCORDING TO MAli THEREOF NO. 6529, FIU!D IN THie OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUN'1Y O"F SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, FILED ON OC'I'OBER 30, 1969. E1XCEPTTHEitEFROM ALL OIL, GAS, MINERALS ~D OTHER HYDRocARBON SUBSrANcail, L YlNG BELCiW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET, WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF SURFACE EN'rRY, AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. APN: 207•25tlw31..00 I f I'' ~ . ease~tent ·to alont; t;h"e l i.ne of to en tel' Upon and p1t11111 ·.ato·r·e: IJia.intananee a.nd &lterauon a~ove· TO HA'Ili: Al!D TO HOLD tbe a.nd beneft t ani behoof of the ,aid par'ty of tnt!· tativee and au.sie:ne forever. IN WI'l'lc~:ss WHEP.Eor the ea.id r,a.r.Uee o:l' the ttret p?;r\i r:a;.<e !ler'i~to::!!'~t: tt:~t:r! har.ds the day and year fir~<t lilt ate of Oa.l:l. for1~ia. Oo~ty o:l' San Diego Alexandet Bel··S3r, Sa.'tiLii' u. Bulil.e:, on thh 7th day cr April. A.D. l9lEI, betor\1 ate, Jobn JQ'hlHiton, a. Notary J;>•®- lie in and :!'or ~he Co\mt)• of sa.n llt:ego and S1lat.e of O&li:tornia., pn~o.nal:J.y appe~>;.e•i AH•xander Beller &nd r~a.h U, Beller, kn(lwn ~o me to be tl!e pe:re0cna wt.oett nav.e.e ar·~ sll'oser1'bect to tt.e ~vithin 1nl'lt.fUlM!llt, t~.ml. M1ey :iuly acl:no·VIled~;,d t.o me that t.he.y ell·ll- 0\ltect tr;e earr:e, Notil:ey'·PubH¢.1 ana S' . . lo!Y 'Collmitss:Lon Eitp1re!i,>Fel>.- -~~~~~~:~S~zi~I1~tiufi.sHI'1' .. u.n:ton-'.l!:l.tle Insul'~l=.e>;Co. Jol\i!r' 1_o' o. 11. Swope, cpur~~-l;lecor~&r;.: By J)f:!puty D. c;o1e'~·; .. · ------ooooi.'\C)oq?t~oooJl:t __ _ E/1Sii41AENT £OR COU'I{it'l:' li.lGB~Al: R0·/1:0-,SOii\iis¥ 690 . ·t(h\':1.'1! .-lltl ien _by Til.ese-Pt'esen:.ts: 'That t}~l-fiix'~~t~der .,.,~.,:o~r.· ,. Qal'!):iiba'd;,-County. <i>f .. Sl!ln ..Qteco, State ot Ciil•lto~t-.,. ll'iJ~Ii't' · o-.t"illlioj;:J'i!t'l -for ·end •in•,,Co')l'd~eraU9n ot .on• doli&r,!i t•&J;·.-.u•n••· .ct(i·.jiij,i!l~ni~~t~·--:P.:! . .;1 .B <> jl~~lls, Ci;;uin~-Cler~ ·aftd '~x'"i>1"1"1.do· Clerk or the ·supe>rio'r:·co:U:r.t. :By 'lilbe:rt w. Da."11ds, Deputy. 11:1 the Matter of Aceeptin~ J E!is_lli_!U"!tl·t tor Road Surv$,1'· '•1690, : D'iVistOli 5. -~. -. ON J&OfiON of Supe:rvi.,or Sweet,,. ~;eoon4ed by Sqperliisor Ri.cha-rds; tM ro~lolving:i·~~~t>!" lution. il( adopted by the Board of ·s-upervisors• ·. .. WBi!:REAS, ALEl!.ANDER BliJ.l.ER, a single man; h.as tendered to this Boa!ld 14, l:9W, conveying to the Co;>unty of San Diego an easement fGr a public (20} fe.et 1n tddth. across and over the following described property: a deed \l!l.'~~J,;~~Jii,~ highway, t;~~ty i Lot-;1 o·f Cedar Hill Addition., according to map thereof No• 5321 recol·ls of .said Coun::t*; NO.I'i•, (I)BB!W'ORE, THE BOARD Of' SUPERVISORS OJ!· SAN DIEGO COUNi:Y, CAtlFQfiNU, UES'EBY RESO:JiVCI$ AS .110L10\VS: . , ~\tilt 'the said d;red be, and the same is hereby accep-ted; and the Clerk of tb.iii '~<~,~rd l..s htreby ordered and directed to enuse the sra~~~e tG be recorded in the offic-e: cd' t'he' Recorder of the County of San Diego, State of Cal~f'omi«, . and adop,ted by the Boerd or Superv:l.s!!ra o·f t.he-County of San Ot.ego., State of · th:lJJ l·Hh de;,t of Nay, 1936, by the· -tolloWing vote, to wtt: !Uchnrds, Trussell and Sweet. lil~i'ii'PY·c.:c•&l':1~H:V that ·1;. Bill tlle ¢9~nty Cli!irk t>f tbQ Couri.ty ·of" ~~ri .n~:i>!Joi'< ::·'.'l'i~~<ii:·<•.c·· otA:~altd~'fi;n:i'fO:'r<iinthil:it'· .o~.f.i«:l:o cierk of 1;tle.I.1Qal'd'"of Si!!)lll'\!i•sors ot s~td · •.tfro;t;tn.~.··J;i#:~~9.1nt?l:\i!.~c;~~ut1Jii;·r~as •Pl!si!~d Md 11d0pted by the Bo4r.d. oi' Slipl!t.i'~1::jj)rs! : at a~ iilt:t1lil1' mel:lti:li:E:• tli(l'ji~ciJ.'.· .0 ·.fit.· th.lf ·.t1. •e. !!llii by. the Votli' li\1oV.e .IJtoted. /"'--..._ ... ·· '··· .. · . .. · · · So. .ol' \ ~-'<l';i:;;;:llc.li~S, .. O~l.lntll .Clerk and ·· · · l¥Xi.9!4l~!l~6:Q;t:,'r.lt Qf tl:ie !ll:l·ard ot Supervistlrl!, ;sy· c. BucU(jy·, lle,puty, 13 1936 4& M:in. past l(j t.. CC>tv;~?+ ~~:t:.zG fl. ..... f .~ ·~,.,.:~.· .-· .... ' ft ::., ,.,,,. '.,.._.,,,_ .. ,. -:-----~O'CI.OA9QllP~QQvoo+~;;-.,. privilege and right to extend drainage beyond the limi til olr the above described l 'and maintenance of :~aici county Highway. And A. Maull Tbozu!rs, the said grantor, for any and all d$11!!1ges on account or the ~o•t:a·o:u>n.. said highway; and does hereby grant to the County o trees, growths (grodng or that mey hereafter grow) right o·r way, inclucl:i.ng the right to take watel', in such manner and ••t such lacat.ians in the conl!ltruc.tion,, reconstruction and maintenance of 1N WITNESS i'IRERiiXI.F A. laud Thomas has set htil' hand s lOth dey o! ipti.J l93!j. . Sj,gn.ed.1 se~ed and delivered in the .presence <)f _ h subscl'ib1ng witn<ass. oJ:. C.al. ·.~fornil!.,, } ss or Sm O.iego, ) ot' AprU tll the year 1936, berora lllG, J.B. llc4EES1 .. . . the· su_perior O:ourt in and for s:aid County • whlch 1s a ·or r.t)· D.J!JIGIU'Gd A. ilaul;l Thom.eu1 knol'ill to' m\1 to be the p·er!!on ():e:• subinir:J.bed to fiJid who exec:uted the annexed inetruiliifiit, ~And •; "l I I ! ~tttot•l ·••111 ttut tat ani ·ta .r;•,. 1.11: t,h11 o~;~ntn~~&tt =ttrn .~,. mn•n, . . l!. :.· W.tt1 • .. , •. 'a,· .\ ._, .. ,, Ju\U.t '" -~~· fill' 11\lt Ofll&l\'l'.tftf· lttlt; i . lltxti'; lf Clflld.UU•n tllpi.Ht lrillff l,, l,~f · . li, ~!_?., .'UOO!Illtll t'f lt'f..uaf 0~ UIC!Ote t:t'l'U 1.ttm, It 'fft, ''eo •. O(lf 1". 1~5 • 9 i.,". '! BOOn N, HOWE .i llotlllr:f IIEOOllliD Jt.Y DlPI~'f tl, liOU: ill' ... ., ,., t, tj n ''· ......... -• ArFlX U,S,l.R. lfAMP31 ·•5.50 wn. N.l' X • teD&IllD ~<n4 l!Ell'rlll< ~. for «nli 111 <HifiC•ioiwntioll ~·;.' tM .. •\&• ot '1£11 Alltl 110/100 .~s 00 ' .HPllft i), VlltfJl 11114 lt:flttl: Q, 'IIKnl~ AVI-11111 aM llttet .. •* Jotn' ~OPII!f¥ tU\!l.\.1111 ln ttiAI Cll tr or 1.& Mf•• Co'"''' or· kt 11&•10 b<l111'14fl!i a.nt 4tt~m"4 •• t'oll.O'l!•; Lot '.r!ri'' 1 n Bl(l(lk IIOtll'!«$,!1~ h lltlp tiUt1't'O':ot' !IIJ. tbu. 24tb.lliq nt Sotpt•~" ·1~; 11111 I, htm<tt~'~•~' t-.au ~ .l. lollMl4t1' ll<t~~ Jl. ll<lliMUitr (S.&l) ll•~ Jl, S.U!Mltlel' 11M LOU V. JI'Elll!E:t., bfi1Nt1nntte:r oa:Ll.d Ul'lt J*l:"tttf IUI<i aJIIltaBAD WUfWU,. l!A!E"' OOKPDT. 1 OOl'JX'l:iltio)ll e>1'1f•l'l1r.•l4 •·n4 enett.nr. Qnder tbe lain nt .tlw lltate ot OlaUto~a. wttl1 ttl prlnoLpal ott1oe «11 Oi!ll'l.lballl, 0.,L1tM"!i1•, 1!41"1nll!t·tel' oalle4 •••ori« .p•nr, Wlttm:il&ftW nwldged, dio t>r t!Misfi prRIIIP'nt• F.J't.r,t, bttl{a1n, ull, ocnny a.nll Ol)tlt~n lint" thor eattt IIIIO<">n4 pfol'tJ 0 .. nl tt> \ te l!UC&'jtill'l'lll~ IINIJ Ullbhlll fhi'0!\11":1"1 tl r'\.i!M Ill' WI., .till', lt.Jhl'. t~na llllil~nte1nUll,l plfllll, p1~11r.es, a.q.u11ducta, pnle Unell, nbwat• and el'1n4ulte oYe1'·, ao"""' i and w:;ae:r ttl& l'olllMiin~t ,.llllnl:'ltuu! r«>al J'l't\fAll'~1• '111th tlul rtpt ot illmpeot1on, Hpail',. · ! r.pl&IICII!l>nt, •1t,11'111Uc:n s.n~ 1"JJ1'0'feMnt· of aueh pt.poe, P.iva UM11, 111.~1 ... \IC~a, l'Qle ! . i llnn • nbwa:r• and oontlu1 ':I, IUid llll l'tatfllla'ble rtf!btl ·. ot 111it"MII to, a~ •I"•• trca. , i 11111di "al P"'PI'f'ty, tot> t:b.it Plll'!»lllt ot til• Nlenn.-ble •nJI)fMIIt ldl4 onntl'lll of· ••.U i ! Public Record ·'"i Order: I<Jon-OrCler searet1 Doc: CASANu:l971-00I!>O Page 1 orz '·T"'''"';.;;;:·~ .. w~1)'~~~·~ ; ........ ,,., .. ,.,,.~ "' ·~ ,, !'-::~"':o.~~'l¥1J"P.l·~-~:·:.·~~ml\'~~"lr~-<~·~.,~ ' . ~ .. j._.f"lJlitl ot 'lie. r. 311.4 neil JWI)p«f't7 Mi!'lf< 4ttor1!1.t« •• f&itlWtl . . ' . .. l If.<. ta.• klterl: 5 ""'' 11f thl toUwiritl;4tP1'1bt4 ·lr.ndl I I ·I I l I 'l l . I I tlllii' .~~~tU~n llf 0 .. 11' WlU MolUlllll ~-o tht 'lw11 of Ctt•la\lf41 tn tN Clluntt ot llatt lll•&W• kat• · l!>f 'C.,U.t• . Ol'fl1&, accorditll to .. "-P tbenot Jl!5)'2, nl...t 11'1. t.J.ils offiol ot ·the Oountf ftlloo!Ml•n• of flt;\1~ Dte!':" O.:.uatr t.p,t•l \ ~!<), Ufl!l!, hllol"tb•<l •" foH,_,ll'l lllliC1MtiiC "" tl.W ltlls•~bloll.•t avrnet-of aal4 014&1' J~ll .A4<111.t~>n; rulm.l.atl tmnot 11 59•26 1 Y aionl) tht llionh U.n• ot •eJ.4 A~ldi t1on 7)1.29 f~et to the liol~!uJ&It oor11er of tl'l.llt fi ct Lq:una Mel& t'hoU •• •11-;wn on l'!'P tb,oreor #17191 ttwnoe h~atb r.lons '"'*• la•t 111'111 ot _,.Ul fr~<ct 6 1 6\lllaft .. of 7110,1~ te•t t11 tl:ut t:Mll }:<!»tnt ot bttillllliJI, bttM tM'IJoV:th1fut c:o~l' ot the :te.na «ttlor1'be4 1n ttl• «•ed to 'fho•t J. 'Mvpl!llr and .. u •• II'!!'OOI'4tl4 111 !look 1664, pot.ge lltl "'' ~·= ttulnoe Ol'lfl.ti n~>l'.llfl fit.t~Jth Al.oti~ tl'\ft 1'4!1Jt ltne .,,• said ~ ~ •• ,. '1'1-ae~<•, n5. 7~ tee-t to .<i potnl; in the lii!!Uth lint M 1Ja,,;1, Cd&r Bill Al!d1t:Lon; thenue ~tt aMnr ~&.14 l'loutb line ~66 t'.at;. tMlllllt~ 1{orth )W"all•!.- vtti; t 1'1~ lll••t li.llfl e t tt.!.4 1'Not It · r)f te«una !(vta 'h'aote, . n;. 74 ttttt to a pf~ilil,t on tlla 6 lUtt of Ialii ltlrph.'f ,·., land; -..,. tllenct 1 alN\S tlit i\1111 r>t 11111 M~~ '• la!~ ~ teet tD tM true PQ1nt o1: beg1rm1ng; U<:~~G 'tli'E!IU:!IOII tllle lf'lt · 20 fflfi'~ hr l'l'lt<i !)Ul'Jitllfllll; '1'0 W.V:I: pND 'fO lii)Ul 111! cul•l a\np:u\hr, tiw '""H ~PoS'I.IO*'II• +.or;e>;lw•• w1•:11. t.tltl '"~pll!'tesle>n.o!lt l'fit" thl' n\·t "'"">4 p>..t:r 1111il t<> 1t• .IICOIJ.IO!'• lt114 .ll~.!'i~lll fOl~\'1!/l', 111 V1'1'~;:.:$S· Wl!PF:OP' ttuo 11111111 i't:ut p11rUt111 han n.~n:r;to set >heir .lw.n,!..~...!!!!! 'lM lll&y lind r•..-t'~rost tJbon ·aS.'.;t&!'l. 016\uil J. Fennel. !'f1U Ol!" OALIII'Ofifli4 ) oountr ·~f t4ui nl.ep ) ss LOu Y. l'enn~tl on 1\hU 2nd da7 .,r ()etober, 1'9~5, bet<On •, L·. l'al!.d l'ellfiel " lfotU'1 l!ui!Uo Ln an;S rfir ••14-Coun<;;:r, pltl'eonal11 •PP"IIj;.e4 Olau4 J. h,;••'~ an4 lb11ll, rennel, -.nown to • t;~ ""' tl>l! IJ'l•••ona ,.. ... ,._ n•••• .r~ erab&art.bllll. to· tlllt orttb1n tn.tw·· •nt anS •oitnO'<~lt<'iiO~ .co •• ttuot ti:UJI' neoute4 tM> ..... '.:"':.""""'~ III'ttct:S!I lllf ballll nA4 ott'lelal. l.. Me.!tll P'&nn1:t eo&l, ~~ ·~· XAtf lloter;r :1'1.\bUe 1~ u4 rot-11&14 Oo•a'l1;.r an« State. ~ lQ' ooll&oitllon. sxptn• <!•1.9.47 !I<. tl " Ell!l.'M 'J1tm( IIINUTilll •Cl 'J'Hl IKWID 01" DII\tCl'I'OliS or 'fiCI (W!f...QI.lt KV'rW.L 1f.l'!lll OOJCU!lt MU!Ul·~J:Ol'l .Oct, ~ttl, 1.<)11.5 •AIIJ)l B~. I,~ BEBOL'ftil ·~t ·:tblo PJ•uUellt and .. oret~J ot the Ool'fiONI• uon be .authOrU.e4• "IIIPcr.el'ell allll ll.1rntt« tn aoeept an ••••at. on· 'Mh&lt or tl:!tt dotupu,y, exeov.teot bf Ct.aot J.-ull I.t>u v. hl.ll'lltl on octo bell' i" 194!). • . . ' I b.IH~l' t=•rlii.'J tbat thlt •bo't'fl 1e fl tru. u!ll ~t.~t~ot. CoN'· of tllrl Xlti-lltee of tl1f Meet1ng ot the JON'd ot 'Dh.otor• of ~1-ebl4 Mvtlllll V.u:r Onmpu;v. lt~el4 tn· tbe otrtot ot 1ibl li.,IIIPIIII 1n tbt Town of OUlllbll\11, CoiU';tr or In l>leto. State of .O.:.l!fnll'nta, an 'rb~dll~\ (let. lith. 1~. TU.t.L OUUIWl IIIJ'fUAL WA'I'El! CowPAlft' ar &7: s; ~. Pr•••r · lL 1>. J'l'ee&l', J.••1atsnt Seo.Nt~UT OCTOm l!!Jld ~pr Public Record Order: Non-Order search Doc: CASAND:1911-00I!)O Page 2 or 2 t l j 1 I I ! ) ! . ' l 1 ; e.;.dsbM; ai3 "'!' ~~! Dl~t,"o,'"' d~s~rilre{f :i.n a.1 ~ed·fle'¢nride:l.i ~A' sni<! Cntmty of San r>.ieg:o. The Grantee is· 'IIllO herel>r ~£W~.ted tMi dab~: to trim m,. treu .ron.-Al4l lint of·JIO~c* ud irina w&eliever eom{dere<;!'~ it nece-ey.flir tMo PfOpet' op,r&fion lilld r of t-dphi blrtb)' ~~Utcd. ,;:Jf-' . •. . --• .. · --. .Ju 'Wiluree IJI!ff ... ef. tbe Gn~ntiii'~~'"'''"'·Ltxecute4 t11eta JifiiOhl thla-~-L .... a)' of •• ~f:.~j:~,.t.fi!:.f ..... 19;\· .. ·s Enatttd iA 1M 'Jil'feln~ of: · , / fT"·. t!-: / -~-\~-,,~~"Ji:· /. ?;;_;;/ L~; , ·~:.;~~· . ., .............. ~ ................ ,., .. ... -~~···-····----w~-:·:::::.:~::;~;~~;.~:};~:~~- .......... , .............. -............ _ .......................................... wiiiiim:·- . .. . .... .... .. ......... ...... ... . ... ~ ...... :·.: ..... .. !:!Ill.!~ 5272 t''£2 ~? ~""'tJi[S·lji~Jd-ii•':-~k···:.: .. 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Ccityof Carlsbad HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT P-1(C) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Consultation of Lists of Sites Related to Hazardous Wastes (Certification of Compliance with Government Code Section 65962.5) Pursuant to State of California Government Code Section 65962.5, I havel consulted the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency and hereby certify that (check one): 0 The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application are not. contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Government Code. 0 The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application !!!!. contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Government Code. APPLICANT ~ . ' Name: ?,A=r...~'r W ~~ u Phone Number: l ~<J • ""1 40 ·1 ~?! Local Agency (City and County): PROPERTY OWNER Name: I> l:r~ I "J iJ T ~ F F Phone Number: _____ , _____ _ Assessor's book, page, and parcel number:_........;;;,:....;;__ ...... ~:....·:)_. _-....!,1_ .. _...;:.2-:..... ....... ~:~..:::~::::::"'=· _. __ ?.t..;:.....l_ .. __ ,_..........;,;;::.....;~_· __ _ Specify list(s): _____ l_, __ t,o"-. _"f""..:..: _ . .....L.~--...~,?_··::..:PL.:.· ·:.....l..:·'-t::::...:;;fo:.....· ~:.:::.·"":.....~~ • ..:E.-=· =-· ---------------- Regulatory Identification Nurnber: ___ N_'..::.I---~:.A_.:....·------------·------ A The Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List (Cortese List) is used by the State, local agencies and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing information about the location of hazardous materials release sites. P-1 (C) Page 1 of 2 Revised 02/13 _ Ccityof Carlsbad !PROJECT DESCRIPTION P-1(8) Development Services Planning. Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECTNAME: --------------------------------------------- APPLICANT NAME: ~~~J U ~ t--J,.l P'*' ~ t,.,,f 1-i-~ Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any detaiils necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the masons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use ~n addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: .:;,. 0 A~-"' \J ,,t, P-1 (8) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07/10 ,. Ccityof Carlsbad DIISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Boa1rd, Commission or Committee. The following information JUIUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. ... : .. . . , ... ,., .. , N()t .. :~ ••• •<',· o,:•.:::•.i· .. J .• :•i• .. :/·•········· : .. '•,: ·· .....•••. ;> ; ... L •.,•.··.;,·.·::.::>'.·• .. :, .. ::.(;,,; '•· ..... · <" '<'·•··•·· ;.;:•:•;,;.~,: P~rsorl' is defin~g~~~:·~,(tW'i?i~i'flcJlJ~~. fil1TJ, ~o .. p~r:tners~ipijoint' v~ntu~&i• ~ssoc;i~ti9m·.$~c;ial c.lub,, frab:~rn~~· orgar1!mtionj corpqtatio?i estate;• trust;~fec~iv~rfsyftdic~te, in this apd· any ()ther COI.llltY, City .and. countY,·~ citY 111pnicip~ity; district oro~h~rpoli~icaf ~lJbdivisio11. i;>rany; oth~r group pr; com~inc:ttiona~ctingas aunit~~· •· • · 1. APPLICANT (Not tlhe applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 1 0% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ~~J U,el...-~JP-1\,.,rh! Corp/Part. ____________ _ Title OWI..I~!~ ~It er-~.e-;;.fl:""i'i'"l itvlt.Jitle ______________ _ Address ~1 I "'t;;l" .J.l·· r L ~;;;,.~ "'1"" • Address ----------~----t;;,ltJ; .. ~'" 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1 (A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Au t>v1 i-'~ 1..1 Ta F' F T~w,::; ,-Corp/Part. ____________ _ Title ____________ _ Title ______________ _ Address vb I :1 Address ________________ __ 0 ~~·.. q :.,c) i I· ~"~~ ------------·------- Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/1 0 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non ProfiVTrust Non ProfiVTrust'----------- Title ____________ _ Title ______________ _ Address. ____ , ______ _ Address _____________ _ 4. Have you had mori3 than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? ~· D Yes ~ If yes, please indicate person(s): ____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to th Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/1 0 {_"city of Carlsbad MINOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT/ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE APPLICATION Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov P-6 A proposed project requiring multiple applications must be submitted prior to 3:30 p.m. A proposed project requiring only one application must be submitted prior to 4:0rD p.m. All joint application exhibits, i.e. Tentative Map and Planned Development Site Plan should be prepared at the same scale. (Use a scale no smaller than 1" = 40'.) I. GENERAL BACKGROUN[) A. Estimated Cost of Development: Development costing Si60,000 or more does not qualify as a Minor Coastal Development Permit. The City Planner shall make the final determination regarding a project's cost of development. The primary basis for determining cost of development will be the applicatie>n of dollar costs per square foot for different types of residential construction. These costs are set by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and are applied throu1~hout San Diego County. Please complete the folllowing information to assist in the determination of this project's cost of development (Contractor proposals may also be submitted for considera1tion by the City Planner). Please refer to the current fee schedule for the appropriate $/square foot fee rate. => => => New R~ential Square Footage: :;~1·,. "' !;,1 1 U ~ C2 square feet x $ ___ .:...../sq. ft. = $ __ 1:......' _....., ....... ·_~-·_: _•··" __ • ___ _ Residential Addiition Square Footage: t::!' _square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ _________ _ Any Garage Square Footage: Ill.. s-_square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $--~------- Residential Con"ersion Square Footage: c:::J _ square feet x $ /sq. ft. = $ _________ _ Please contact jthe City of Carlsbad Building Division for current ft~e rate for Non- Residential uses (i.e. Retail/Store; Restaurants; Office; and Manufacturing/Warehouse uses.) -------square feet x $_----'/sq. ft. = $. ___________ _ ~1'·1{ COST OF DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE: $ __ .:;.,_~ ' ....... \:,._·l: +-' '.:.....}'-'-·~ ;_•·',_,_·~--''"· ------ B. Do you wish to apply f4~r: 1. A Minor Coastal Development Permit (Under $60,000 cost estimate) 2. A Coastal Development Permit ($60,000 or more cost estimate) D C. Street address of prop4~sed development 4eso p .. ~'"r~ ~ P-6 Page 1 of6 Revised 04/15 o.. Assessor's Parcel Number of proposed development L o -, • ~ ~o . ~..# i · .. ~o E.. Development Description: I Briefly describe project: P'E: T!i """ 1-t, E-.t> ( j ·"" ~ ;.. ~~)'" e._.... ~, s. ~. u . ,. c,o,~ .e,~ e,t;;r. ..,-~:,~~~""e.. F. Describe the present land uses (i.e. vacant land, single family homes, apartments, offices, etc.) that surrtound the proposed development to the: North: ~ >~ F.. ~::?~ • G. Is project located within a 1 00-year flood plain? ,;t 0 Yes JZI No II. PRESENT USE OF PROPIERTY A. Are there existing structures on the property? rzr Yes D No If yes, please describe. ·B. Will any existing struc~ture be removed/demolished? 0 Yes JZ1 No If yes to either question, describe the extent of the demolition or removal, including the relocation site, if applic<:tble (also show on plans). Ill. LOT COVERAGE P-6 A. Existing and Proposed Existing Proposed Total Building Coverage ~? ~ ~ sq. ft. !4-? 2:" sq. ft. 2f241 sq. ft. Landscaped Area 0 4-1 f.~ sq. ft ..... 2, l r; sq. ft. ~a"' '? sq. ft. Hardscape Area 1 4 t::' sq. ft. fl 1 0 sq. ft. Unimproved Area (Left Natural) (;" sq. ft. . tP sq. ft. B. Parking: Number of existing spaces 2..-. Number of new spaces proposed __ __.e:P:..__ __ Existing/Proposed TOTAL: ,;;;- 1-.-Number of total spaces required------- Number of covered spaces Number of uncovered spaces ____ ..,_.;.._ __ _ Number of standard spaces 1~10 sq. ft. sq. ft. 2~ 5~ 14- Page 2 of6 Revised 04/15 % % % % ' ' P-6 Number of compact spaces Is tande1m parking existing? Is tande1m parking proposed? c. Grade Alteration: Is any grading propose1d? JZf Yes 0 No If yes, please complete! the following: DYes #_JZf No DYes #_JZl No 1. Amount of cut ·-------------=o:..__l ___ cu. yds. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amount of fill ·----------------llil£:...---cu. yds. Maximum height of fill slope ________ ----.:-=. ___ feet Maximum height of cut slope 4-1 .. 0 11 fee~t Amount of import or export €;::; I cu .. yds. Location of borrow or disposal site ______ u~:...;:· ~::...i;__N:....:::...;e::.._\'l.::...tt-:...,_. _Y..L.::t-:.._·· _,-_. Page 3 of6 Revised 04/15