HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 2017-0060; PASEO DEL NORTE MONUMENT SIGN; Coastal Development Permit (CDP)( City of Carlsbad LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Development Permits D Coastal Development Permit WMinor D Conditional Use Permit D Minor D Extension D Day Care (Large) D Environmental Impact Assessment D Habitat Management Permit D Hillside Development Permit D Minor D Minor D Nonconforming Construction Permit D Planned Development Permit D Minor D Residential D Non-Residential D Planning Commission Determination D Reasonable Accommodation D Site Development Plan D Special Use Permit D Minor D Tentative Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) D Tentative Tract Map (Major Subdivision) D Variance D Minor (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Legislative Permits C-0f' 1.01 ,-0t)(o'O D General Plan Amendment D Local Coastal Program Amendment D Master Plan D Specific Plan D Zone Change D Amendment D Amendment D Zone Code Amendment South Carlsbad Coastal Review Area Permits D Review Permit D Administrative D Minor D Major Village Review ·Area Permits D Review Perm it D Administrative D Minor D Major (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING APPLICATION SUBMITTAL MUST BE SUBMITTED BY APPOINTMENT". PLEASE CONTACT THE APPOINTMENT SPECIALIST AT (760) 602-2723 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S): LOCATION OF PROJECT: NAME OF PROJECT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PROJECT VALUE (SITE IMPROVEMENTS) JI~ 000 FOR CITY USE ONLY~ Development No . .LI s'""r ... r:n.=-",,,,._ '-4 ... _____ _ P-1 *SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE Lead Case No. Page 1 of 6 Revised 03/17 AUG/16/2017/WED 03 :04 PM Surgery One FAX No, 760-602-7~? P. 003 OII\IN5RNAMg APPUCANT NAIi/iE INDIVIDUAL NAME JNOIV/DUAI. NAMF. (if op1ilic:.,IJ/1!): (if applicable): COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAM( (ff a(,plic;lhle): (It nppllct1ble): MAIi.iNG ADDRESS: M/\IUNG ADIJHl::S8: CITY, S l'/\'i I::, i'.IJJ: CITY, STATE, ZJP: fjj_yLJ Tf!LEPHONE: Tc.Ll:J-'HONE: E::MIIIL /\DD RESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: --·~- ---··-· I CCRTll-'Y Tl/Al I AM ·rn1:: LH-iAI. UWNt-.H AND THAl Al I THF. AflOVE: 't CERTIFY TH/\T l /\M THI! LCGAL RCPRCSCNTATIVE 01-' 11 fl:, OWNf-'R INHlRMATION 1g TRLIEi /\ND GOfmECT TO TRE BEST or MY AND TIIAT ALL TIIC Al:JOVl:: INH')HMAl'ION I~ THlJf-' ANl1 CORRECT TO KNOWLC::OGC:. I Ct::RYlrY AS LC::GAL OWNCR Tl IAT Tl IE APPUCAN I AS THr. Hr.:mJJF MY KNQV\11 FJlGI:'. sc:r r,mrn 1 IIGRI.IN JB MY AUl'I IORl:&:u HbPRbSr:NrAIWf" rOR /L ,r;JJ- P ll;;F.S OP THI~ A~ TIQN, '1 /q // f' jJ,/l '[t);i.1,1.. OATF. siG~~~Rlf r. ··-", . -''--UArE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATNE (Print): ,-.........,..........J--;...:.:,,r_,-_-.;...,f4µ.r.,_:,/-l"'--'---l'--------------- MAIUNG ADIJRl:::.SS; CllY, S'l'/\'l'l::, .i'.IJ.>: TT:I .r:.P! IONE; J::MAIL ADDl~E88: I Cl:RllP( 17 IAr I AM ·n ll::.R8'R!::SJ::NIAIIVI= n~ IHI-: Al-'Pl,IGANT FOR f'\JI-WDSl::S OF THIS APPi !CATION AND TKAT ALL THE /\BOVE . INF~TION ~·· '"""L'.l'..-~ORRCCT TO TJ[ f ,7 KNO ~C;, . -~ . / h '/ ,-, 1:;IGN~TURP.~ /-. '~ . l··· . . . D,\f[::;_ • .,. .. _.,;,I' IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPI.IGATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR Ml£M9E:RS OF CITY STAFF, l~L/\NNIN~, COMMISSJONERS OR CJW COlJNGIL Ml::Ml:U::RS m INSPECT AND r'NTr:R Trtr: PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPt,ICATION. INI/E CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTR(CTION; f.'HOPl:JflY OWNl::K ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDH'IONl::l) f-!Cm 'I HE APPLIGAITT. NOTICf-or Rr'STFUCTIONS RUN WITH Tl·llP,AND AND BIND ANY SUCG!::.SSORS IN IN ll :Hl::8 I. ~ a., lk: le ~ ~1d:L f'ROPERTY OWNfRIGNATUR/'. 'ToRefrY USE ONLY SEP 11 2017 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION DATE STAMPAPPUCATJON RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: ~ IA I , .. -L,_ . . ·-----__ · ~.-~-~ { Cicyof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1{A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www .ca rlsbad ca .gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) 2. P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate pa may b ched if necessary.) Person_~4--=-.,-.;,_.~.!.......!...1...:...:..:.'---.!...-1---Corp/Part ___________ _ Title _____________ _ OWNER (Not the owner's agent) qi4t/dress Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation , include the names, titles, and Person_,_]d<?'---'J[J___::___---..;......p.tfl1;____:__ /_ Corp/Part 6 f !J/2 /IMIAJ ~ fll!yft [i ? addresse~~r_"the /['1_ -~ (A separate page may be attnched if necessary.) Title , Title ~ Address @/~ 61/l Address_--'~...L-L--=---"-------- -Jl-'y,a WI~ 111!/ Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 AUG/16/2017/WED 03 :05 PM Surgery One FAX No. 760-602-7873 P. 004 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST lf any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above ls a nonprofit organization or a trust, 11st the names end addresses of ANY person serving l;'l$ a.n off I car or dirsctor of the non- profit organization or as trustee or benefic!~ry of the. NooProfflffru~~------Non Profit/Trust. ________ ~ Title. __________ _ Title ____________ _ Address. _ __,__ ________ _ Address. ______ ~----- 4. Have you had more trran $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commtssions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelv~ (12) months? 0 Yes .@No If yes, please indicate person(s):_-,---________ _ NOTE: Attach a~dltional sheets if necessary. i( S:: ~ G \ ~ &/1~1,~ Signature of owner/date Print or type name of owner Print or type neme of applfcan I) n ... ,,.. .... "1..J.""I n ..... : ......... 1 r.-?1-tn I . I ( City of Carlsbad PROJECT DESCRIPTION P-1(8) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www .ca rlsbadca .gov .... Please describe fully the proposed project by application ty . Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: P-1 (B) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07 /1 0 August 16, 2017 Prepared For: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Prepared By: Stanford Sign & Awning Inc. 2556 Faivre St. Chula Vista, California 91911 Phone(619)423-6200 Fax(619)423-8566 Subject: Paseo Del Norte Sign Permit and Minor COP applications. Paseo Del Norte LLC is requesting the approval of a sign and a minor coastal development permit (see application and plans enclosed) for a monument sign located on the project's Paseo Del Norte Street frontage. The proposed double sided monument sign has been designed to be compatible with the architectural theme and other wall signs and building trim colors. The basic color of the fabricated material will be Duranodic Bronze. A 6' tall overall sign, with a 13'-6" overall width is proposed. The sign will incorporate left and right positioned flag style cabinet orientations, to reflect and accent the modern theme of dark bronze and glass. The text on the sign will contain tenant names and be routed out, plex back with first surface vinyl or digital print overlays. The logo's, lettering and font type are consistent with each tenants branding and marketing theme. Placement will be 12' from the curbline of Paseo Del Norte and be set within an existing grass and landscaped area on the property. Orientation will allow North/South visualization to passing traffic. The sign will sit on a concrete foundation with a 3" mow strip. The foundation will be 3' deep and 2' wide, underground. Steel J bolts will be anchored into place with rods extending above foundation to be bolted atop of the signs base plate. Electrical conduit provided by others. A photo simulation of the sign, in its proposed location, is included in the plans. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Stephen Atteberry 619-277-3539c Stanford Sign & Awning Inc. AUG/l 6/2 0l7/WED 03:03 PM Surgery One FAX No. 760-60 2-7873 P. 002 (~cuyot Carlsbad HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT P"'1(C) Develu1mu-11at §er11fr:e5 Planning Di11isii;,n :J.Gis Faraday Ave.nue (7GO) G02-4G10 www.i;~rl~b~dCd.p,ov Consultation of lists of Sites Rel~ted to H,12.ardous Wastes (Cert~lcatlon of Compliance with GovGrnmcnt Code Section 659B2.5) Pursuant . to State of California Governmant Code Section 65962.5, l have consulted the Hazardous Waste and Subst~inoes Sltos List compiled by the California C:nvironment1:1l Protection Agency and hereby certify that (check one): ~ Thi; devcilopn1cnt projc:ct and any alternative~ proposed in this application are not contain~d on the lists compiled pursl1ant to Sectlon 65962.5 of the State Government Code. · D 'ih:~ development project and any c1ltemativcs propo::;ed in tl11R oppllcatlon are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Governmont Cocte. PROPERTY OWNER N~ma: ___________ , .... ~•----- Address:_. _________ _ -----------,--•-· .. ...-.. Regul;;itory lderi\ifi<;::ltk;ln N\lmb~r., _____ ,,_,,_ .. . .. ... ·-·--· oateoflist: ..... _____ r],-o / b -·--------------•---·-· . .. $~ ~-\~ ~)l-;ffl'i'f.. Properly Owner Signaturei'Date The l-lazarctous Waste and Subst-ancos Sites List (Co1tese List) is lH!F.ld by the State, local l,J gencleJs t:1tld t.kivclot.wt·s to comply with the Carifornia F.mrironmentar Quality Act roquiromcnts in providing ir1rorrni:Jtlon about the locatron of hazr.1.rdous materials rBkH::isu sl~es. r -1(C) .r ( City of Carlsbad MINOR COAST AL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT/ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE APPLICATION Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov P-6 A proposed project requiring application submittal must be submitted by appointment*. Please contact the appointment specialist at (760) 602-2723 to schedule an appointment. *SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE All joint application exhibits, i.e. Tentative Map and Planned Development Site Plan should be prepared at the same scale. (Use a scale no smaller than 1" = 40'.) I. GENERAL BACKGROUND A. Estimated Cost of Development: Development costing $60,000 or more does not qualify as a Minor Coastal Development Permit. The City Planner shall make the final determination regarding a project's cost of development. The primary basis for determining cost of development will be the application of dollar costs per square foot for different types of residential construction. These costs are set by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and are applied throughout San Diego County. Please complete the following information to assist in the determination of this project's cost of development (Contractor proposals may also be submitted for consideration by the City Planner). Please refer to the current fee schedule for the appropriate $/square foot fee rate. • New Residential Square Footage: ______ square feet x $ ____ /sq. ft. = $ _________ _ • Residential Addition Square Footage: ______ squarefeetx$ ____ /sq.ft. =$ _________ _ • Any Garage Square Footage: ______ square feet x $ ____ /sq. ft. = $ _________ _ • Residential Conversion Square Footage: ______ squarefeetx$ ____ /sq. ft.=$ _________ _ • Please contact the City of Carlsbad Building Division for current fee rate for Non- Residential uses (i.e. Retail/Store; Restaurants; Office; and Manufacturing/Warehouse uses.) ______ square feet x $ __ /sq. ft. = $. __________ _ COST OF DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE: $ __ ___,~~--A.-_/1__.c....~...;._1~'----- B. Do you wish to apply for: 1. A Minor Coastal Development Permit (Under $60,000 cost estimate)~ 2. A Coastal Development Permit ($60,000 or more cost estimate) D &/ 1tol/ P-6 Page 1 of 6 Revised 05/17 D. Assessor's Parcel Nu.Jr•~ ber of pr:°:ed develop,ment ·0 I ,,, 01111 ~ 58o~ E. Development Description: Briefly desc ibe project:--1~J:-::..t...,~!4---lr.L...,L_J.e.!!.Jg..;,t_jL1~~4-l,h!-!-..U:.:..!...:......J...!f.4.~ I F. Describe the present land uses (i.e. vacant land, single family homes, apartments, offices, etc.) that surround the prop sed elopment tot ~ J North: fAr-/l'l ta{ South: ____ ___,'---'-....:.....f'------4~...:........Lllff------------------ East: ___ ....,,.=-=-:::::--"-:l"'---f'C--..;.......i..Wf------------------ West: __ __,,.""'-----,L-----L.."'--"'""""-'~-+------------------ G. Is project located within a 100-yea D Yes ,ft(f No II. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY A. Are there existing structures on the property? If yes, please describe. 0Yes ~No B. Will any existing structure be removed/demolished? D Yes% No If yes to either question, describe the extent of the demolition or removal, including the relocation site, if applicable (also show on plans). Ill. LOT COVERAGE /1ft1 MP/JdffJil' A. Existing and Proposed Existing Proposed Total Building Coverage sq . ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Landscaped Area sq . ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Hardscape Area sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Unimproved Area (Left Natural) sq . ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. P-6 Page 2 of 6 Revised 05/17 % % % % P-6 B. Parking: Number of existing spaces Number of new spaces proposed ______ _ Existing/Proposed TOTAL: Number of total spaces required ______ _ Number of covered spaces Number of uncovered spaces _______ _ Number of standard spaces Number of compact spaces Is tandem parking existing? Is tandem parking proposed? C. Grade Alteration: Is any grading proposed? D Yes J}a' No If yes, please complete the following: OYes#_ONo OYes#_ONo 1. Amount of cut ___________________ cu. yds. 2. Amount of fill cu. yds. 3. Maximum height of fill slope feet 4. 5. 6. Maximum height of cut slope ______________ feet Amount of import or export cu. yds. Location of borrow or disposal site ________________ _ Page 3 of 6 Revised 05/17 The following materials shall be submitted for each single family residence/minor coastal development permit application. If you have any questions regarding application submittal requirements (i.e., clarification regarding a specific requirement or whether all requirements are necessary for your particular application) please call (760) 602-4610. I. REQUIRED PLANS (All required plans shall be collated into complete sets, stapled together, then folded to 9" x 12" with lower right hand corner of plan visible.) P-6 A. SITE PLAN -Four (4) copies for a Minor Coastal Development Permit, four (4) copies for a Single Family Coastal Development Permit on 24" x 36" sheet(s). Five (5) copies if landscape review is required. Each site plan shall contain the following information: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Da. Name, address, and phone number of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or land planner who prepared the maps/plans. Ob. Location, size and use of all easements. De. Dimensions and locations of: access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing service areas and points on ingress and egress, off-street parking and loading areas showing location, number and typical dimension of spaces, and wheel stops. 0d. Distance between buildings and/or structures. De. Building setbacks (front, rear and sides). Of. Location, height and materials of walls and fences. Og. Dimensions/location of signs. Oh. A summary table of the following (if applicable to the application): 0(1) Street address and assessor's parcel number. 0(2) Site acreage. 0(3) Existing Land Use Designation and Zoning. 0(4) Proposed land use. 0(5) Total building coverage (in square feet and as a percent). 0(6) Percent of site to be landscaped. 0(7) Number of parking spaces required/provided. 0(8) Square Footage of open or recreational space (if applicable). 0(9) Cubic footage of storage space (if applicable). Di. All applicable Fire Suppression Zones as required by the City's Landscape Manual. 8. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS: Grading and drainage plans must be included with this application. In certain areas, an engineering geology report must also be included. Please consult the Planning Division and Land Development Engineering Division representatives for a determination on any grading plan geotechnical requirements if the project is in an overlay zone. The following information shall be submitted at a minimum: 01. Approximate contours at 1' intervals for slopes less than 5%; 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%; and 5' intervals for slopes over 10% (both existing and proposed). Existing and proposed topographic contours within a 100-foot perimeter of the boundaries of the site. Extend contours sufficiently out from the site to adequately show the adjacent floodplain (if applicable). 02. Earthwork volumes: cut, fill, import and export. 03. Spot elevations at the corners of each pad. 04. Method of draining each lot. Include a typical cross section taken parallel to the frontage for lots with less than standard frontage. 05. Location, width and/or size of all watercourses and drainage facilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision; show location and approximate size of any proposed detention/retention basins. 06. Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line for the before and after conditions for any project which is within or adjacent to a FEMA flood plain. Page 4 of 6 Revised 05/17 C. BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS -Four (4) copies for a Minor Coastal Development Permit and four (4) copies a Single Family Coastal Development Permit prepared on 24" x 36" sheet(s). Each building elevation and floor plan shall include the following information: D 1. Location and size of storage areas. 02. All buildings, structures, wall and/or fences, signs and exterior lights. 03. Existing and proposed construction. 04. Provide documentation demonstrating compliance with City Council Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines (if applicable). 05. Building Heights of all structures (top of roof and top of roof projections) D. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANS -Five (5) copies of the site plan shall be submitted if applicable. To determine if a landscape plan is required, consult Chapter 1-Applicability in the Landscape Manual. COLORED SITE PLAN AND ELEVATION PLAN -Not required with first submittal. It is the Applicant's responsibility to bring one (1) copy of a colored site plan and one (1) set of colored elevations to the Planning Division by 12:00 noon, eight (8) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Do not mount exhibits. II. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND SUBMITTAL ITEMS ~ A. B. C. ~D. OE. ~F. ~G. ~H. 01. ~J. A completed Land Use Review Application Form. Completed Coastal Development Permit Application. Environmental Impact Assessment Part 1 with Coastal Development Permits. Check with Planning staff regarding Minor Coastal Development Permits and Single Family Coastal Development Permits for any environmental review requirements. Disclosure Statement. Two (2) copies of the Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six (6) months). Completed "Project Description/Explanation" sheet. Two copies of a completed and signed "Storm Water Standards Questionnaire" (form E-34). This form can be found on the City's website. (Distribute copy to Land Development Engineering). If, when completing the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire, the project is subject to "Standard Project," requirements, submit a completed and signed "Standard Project Requirement Checklist" (form E-36) in accordance with the City BMP Design Manual per the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, latest version. If, when completing the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire, the project is defined as a "Priority Development Project," submit a preliminary Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) prepared in accordance with the City BMP Design Manual per the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, latest version. Refer to the city's SWQMP template (form E-35). Property Owner's List and Addressed Labels: Single Family Residence 1. A typewritten list of the names and addresses of all property owners within a 600' radius of the subject property (including the applicant and/or owner), all occupants within a 100' radius of the subject property, and the applicable Homeowners Association (HOA). The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest assessment rolls. P-6 Page 5 of6 Revised 05/17 2. Two (2) separate sets of mailing labels of the property owners within a 600' radius of the subject property, all occupants within a 100' radius and the applicable HOA The list must be typed in all CAPITAL LETTERS, left justified, void of punctuation. For any address other than single-family residence, an apartment, suite or building number must be included on a separate line. DO NOT include it on the street address line. DO NOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON LABELS. DO NOT provide addressed envelopes -PROVIDE LABELS ONLY. Acceptable fonts are: Arial 10, Enterprise TM or Courier NEW (TT) no larger than 11 pt. Sample labels are as follows: UNACCEPTABLE Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave., Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 UNACCEPTABLE Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave. Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ACCEPTABLE MRS. JANE SMITH APT3 123 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 3. 600' Radius Map: A map to scale not less than 1 "=200' showing each lot within 600' of exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owners list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the City Planner if the required scale is impractical. Note: When the application is tentatively scheduled to be heard by the decision making body, the project planner will contact the applicant and advise him to submit the radius map, two sets of the property owners list and labels. The applicant shall be required to sign a statement certifying that the information provided represents the latest equalized assessment rolls from the San Diego County Assessor's Office. The project will not go forward until this information is received. Minor Coastal Development Permit 1. 100' Radius Owners and Occupants/Address List and Labels (for coastal zone/CDPs only): P-6 One (1) list of the owners and occupants/addresses located within a 100' radius of the project site; and two (2) sets of mailing labels of the addresses within a 100' radius. Sample labels are as follows: UNACCEPTABLE Occupant 123 Magnolia Ave., Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 UNACCEPTABLE Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave., Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 UNACCEPTABLE Occupant 123 Magnolia Ave. Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 UNACCEPTABLE Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave. Apt. #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 6 of 6 ACCEPTABLE OCCUPANT APT3 123 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ACCEPTABLE MRS. JANE SMITH APT3 123 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Revised 05/17 ' ( City of Carlsbad STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov I INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the city requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project design per Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (BMP Manual). To view the BMP Manual, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 5). This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'STANDARD PROJECT' requirements or be subject to 'PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT' (PDP) requirements. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the city. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted with each development project application. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ID: ADDRESS: ~ t 2, The project is (check one): ,l;MNew Development D Redevelopment The total proposed disturbed area is: ___ ft2 '-( ----') acres The total proposed newly created and/or replaced impervious area is: 6 ft2 '-( __ _,) acres If your project is covered by an approved SWQMP as part of a larger development project, provide the project ID and the SWQMP # of the larger development project: Project ID _________________ SWQMP #: _________________ _ Then, go to Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. E-34 Page 1 of 4 REV 02/16 STEP 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROJECTS To determine if your project is a "development project", please answer the following question: YES NO Is your project LIMITED TO routine maintenance activity and/or repair/improvements to an existing building or structure that do not alter the size (See Section 1.3 of the BMP Design Manual for guidance)? • ~ If you answered "yes" to the above question, provide justification below then go to Step 5, mark the third box stating "my project is not a 'development project' and not subject to the requirements of the BMP manual" and complete applica nt information. Justification/discussion: (e.g. the project includes only interior remodels within an existing building): If you answered "no" to the above question, the project is a 'development project', go to Step 2. STEP2 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS To determine if your project is exempt from PDP requirements pursuant to MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.{3), please answer the following questions: Is your project LIMITED to one or more of the following: YES NO 1. Constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: a) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non- ero,dible permeable areas; • ~ b) Designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; c) Designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets quidance? 2. Retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in • ~ accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? 3. Ground Mounted Solar Array that meets the criteria provided in section 1.4.2 of the BMP manual? • ~ If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, provide discussion/justification below, then go to Step 5, mark the second box stating "my project is EXEMPT from PDP ... " and complete applicant information. Discussion to justify exemption ( e.g. the project redeveloping existing road designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Street guidance): If you answered "no" to the above questions, vour project is not exempt from PDP, qo to Step 3. E-34 Page 2 of 4 REV 02/16 ,_ --·"' ~ STEP3 ~· .. ~ ·-·-· ~ TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL NEW OR REDEVELOl?MENT PROJECTS -.. .• To determine if your project is a PDP, please answer the following questions (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(1 )): YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, • ~ and public develo1Jment 1Jroiects on f)Ublic or private land. 2. Is your project a redevelopment project creating and/or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or • ~ more of impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development 1Jroiects on fJUblic or 1Jrivate land. 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is ~ a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and • refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5812). 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside • ~ development proiect includes development on any natural slope that is twentv-five percent or qreater. 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot? A parking lot is • ~ a land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a street, road, highway • ~ freeway or driveway? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the trans1Jortation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally ~ Sensitive Area (ESA)? "Discharging Directly to" includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of • 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the 1Jroiect to the ESA (i.e. not comminqled with flows from adjacent lands).* 8. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair • $J shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious area that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes • j;}sj RGO's that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles oer dav. 10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land • 3 and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? 11. Is your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? (CMC • ~ 21 .203.040) If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, your project is a PDP. If your project is a redevelopment project, go to step 4. If your project is a new project, go to step 5, check the first box stating "My project is a PDP ... " and complete applicant information. If you answered "no" to all of the above questions, your project is a 'STANDARD PROJECT.' Go to step 5, check the second box statinq "Mv project is a 'STANDARD PROJECT' ... " and complete aoolicant information. E-34 Page 3 of 4 REV 02/16 STEP4 TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (PDP) ONLY Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(2)): Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 50% of the surface area of the previously existing development? Complete the percent impervious calculation below: Existing impervious area (A) = ____________ sq. ft. Total proposed newly created or replaced impervious area (8) = ___________ sq. ft. Percent impervious area created or replaced (B/A)*100 = ____ % YES NO • • If you answered "yes", the structural BMPs required for PDP apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surface and not the entire development. Go to step 5, check the first box stating "My project is a PDP ... " and complete applicant information. If you answered "no," the structural BM P's required for PDP apply to the entire development. Go to step 5, check the check the first box statin "M ro·ect is a PDP ... "and com lete a licant information. STEPS CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION D My project is a PDP and must comply with PDP stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. I understand I must /repare a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) for submittal at time of application. ~ My project is a 'STANDARD PROJECT' OR EXEMPT from PDP and must only comply with 'STANDARD PROJECT' stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. As part of these requirements, I will submit a "Standard Project Requirement Checklist Form E-36'' and incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Note: For projects that are close to meeting the PDP threshold, staff may require detailed impervious area calculations and exhibits to verify if 'STANDARD PROJECT' stormwater requirements apply. D My Project is NOT a 'development project' and is not subject to the requirements of the BMP Manual. Applicant Information and Signature Box Applicant Title: &ed- Date: --'""'-&L--l1// /J""---L.lt.C....-.....,1/ 7'------ • Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; Habitat Management Plan; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the City. This Box for City Use Onlv YES NO City Concurrence: • • By: Date: Project ID: E-34 Page 4 of 4 REV 02/16 I • .,;,,,----1------.1f7:ffyof Carlsbad STANDARD PROJECT REQUIRcMENT CHECKLIST DeJLelO-PD! en t Se rvic.e.S Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov E-36 Project Information Project Name: Project ID: DWG No. or Building Permit No.: Source Control BMPs A ll development projects must implement source control BMPs SC-1 through SC-6 where applicable and feasible. See Chapter 4 and Appendix E.1 of the BMP Design Manual for information to implement source control BMPs shown in this checklist. Answer each category below pursuant to the following. • "Yes" means the project will implement the source control BMP as described in Chapter 4 and/or Appendix E.1 of the Model BMP Design Manual. Discussion/justification is not required. • "No" means the BMP is applicable to the project but it is not feasible to implement. Discussion/justification must be provided. Please add attachments if more space is needed. • "N/A" means the BMP is not applicable at the project site because the project does not include the feature that is addressed by the BMP (e.g., the project has no outdoor materials storage areas). Discussion/justification may be provided. Source Control Requirement Applied? SC-1 Prevention of Illicit Discharges into the MS4 •Yes •No at'JIA Discussion/justification if SC-1 not implemented: SC-2 Storm Drain Stenciling or Signage D Yes •No lii:NIA Discussion/justification if SC-2 not implemented: SC-3 Protect Outdoor Materials Storage Areas from Rainfall, Run-On, Runoff, and Wind •Yes •No ,W'N/A Dispersal Discussion/justification if SC-3 not implemented: E-36 Page 1 of 4 Revised 03/16 . ' Source Control Requirement (continued) Aoolied? ~C-4-12rotect-Mater.ialS-St.or.ed-iA-0ukloor-Work-AreaS-f~ai.Afall,-Run-QA,R.Ynoff,and I I Wind Dispersal •Yes I D No pN!A Discussion/justification if SC-4 not implemented: SC-5 Protect Trash Storage Areas from Rainfall, Run-On, Runoff, and Wind Dispersal D Yes I D No Dif'N/A Discussion/justification if SC-5 not implemented: SC-6 Additional BMPs based on Potential Sources of Runoff Pollutants must answer for each source listed below and identify additional BMPs. (See Table in Appendix E.1 of BMP Manual for Quidance). D On-site storm drain inlets D Yes D No .&NIA • Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps D Yes •No ~IA • Interior parking garages D Yes •No ~N/A D Need for future indoor & structural pest control D Yes •No p,,-N!A D Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use D Yes D No ffiii,N/A D Pools, spas, ponds, decorative fountains, and other water features •Yes D No ,3N/A D Food service •Yes ONo j»N/A D Refuse areas •Yes D No ,61 NIA D Industrial processes D Yes ONo jg,N/A D Outdoor storage of equipment or materials D Yes •No !XN/A D Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning •Yes •No ~N/A D Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Maintenance D Yes •No ~N/A D Fuel Dispensing Areas D Yes •No .la N/A D Loading Docks •Yes ONo !Ji<N/A D Fire Sprinkler Test Water D Yes •No ~ N/A D Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water •Yes •No J{J NIA D Plazas, sidewalks, and parkinQ lots D Yes ONo ON/A For "Yes" answers, identify the additional BMP per Appendix E.1. Provide justification for "No" answers. E-36 Page 2 of 4 Revised 03/16 Site Design BMPs --A11-ctevelopmenrprojects-must-implemenhite-design-BMPs-S&--1-throt1gh-S8~8-where-apf:)lieable-and-feasiale,-See-------'-- Chapter 4 and Appendix E.2 thru E.6 of the BMP Design Manual.for information to implement site design BMPs shown in this checklist. Answer each category below pursuant to the following. • "Yes" means the project will implement the site design BMPs as described in Chapter 4 and/or Appendix E.2 thru E.6 of the Model BMP Design Manual. Discussion/ justification is not required. • "No" means the BMPs is applicable to the project but it is not feasible to implement. Discussion/justification must be provided. Please add attachments if more space is needed. • "N/A" means the BMPs is not applicable at the project site because the project does not include the feature that is addressed by the BMPs (e.g., the project site has no existing natural areas to conserve). Discussion/justification may be provided. Source Control Requirement I Applied? SD-1 Maintain Natural Drainaqe Pathwavs and Hydroloqic Features I D Yes I •No I ~NIA Discussion/justification if SD-1 not implemented: SD-2 Conserve Natural Areas, Soils, and Vegetation I D Yes I • No I 3N/A Discussion/justification if SD-2 not implemented: SD-3 Minimize Impervious Area I D Yes I •No IMJ'N/A Discussion/justification if SD-3 not implemented: SD-4 Minimize Soil Compaction I •Yes I •No l.8N/A Discussion/justification if SD-4 not implemented: SD-5 Impervious Area Dispersion I 0 Yes T •No I ~N/A Discussion/justification if SD-5 not implemented: E-36 Page 3 of4 Revised 03/16 , ' Source Control Requirement (continued) I Aoolied? SD-6 Runoff C:nllectinn : :::: ' _s-+-s -No-j-f8;N-/A- Discussion/justification if SD-6 not implemented: SD-7 Landscapinq with Native or Drought Tolerant Species I D Yes I Discussion/justification if SD-7 not implemented: 0 No I ~NIA SD-8 Harvesting and Usinq Precipitation Discussion/justification if SD-8 not implemented: I D Yes I D No I .8N/A E-36 Page 4 of 4 Revised 03/16 ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE MANAGERS OF 6125 PASEO DEL NORTE, LLC a California Jimited liability company TI1e undersigned, being all of the managers of 6125 Paseo de! Norte, ILC, a California limited liability company (the "Company"), acting pursuant to the provisions of the Operating Agreement of the Company ("Operating Agreement''), dqjtereby adopt the following recitals and resolutions by written consent, effective as of December --11, 2014. 1. Signatory Authority RESOLVED FURTHER, Scott Leggett ("Leggett''), acting alone, as a .Manager of the Company, is authorized to execute and deliver the Documents to which the Company is a party, and to cause the Company to perform all of i~ obligations and exercise all of its rights thereunder on such terms and conditions as Leggett, acting alone, deems to be in the best interest of the Company. The execution and delivery by Leggett of any of the Loan Documents shall be conclusiv-e evidence that he is authorized by this delegation. 2. General Authorization RESOLVED, that any action heretofore taken by or on beh.1.lf of the Company in furtherance of the matters authorized by the foregoing resolutions, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed as the act and deed of this Company; and be it RESOLVED FURTI-IER, that each Manager and officer of the Company be, and hereby is, authorized and directed, in the name and on behalf of this Company, to do such other things and take such other action as may be necessary or appropriate to cany out the foregoing resolutions. RESOLVED FUR1HER, that this written consent may be executed in rn,;o or more counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed an original, and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute but one and the same instn1ment. MANAGERS: Andrew Cooperman .. /iii\ ~ Chicago Tltle Company 2366 Northekle Drive, suite 800, San Diego, CA 92108 PhOne: (619)521-3436 I FAX: (619)209-3481 ESTIMATED BORROWER'S STATEMENT Settlement Date: December 31, 2014 Escrow Number. CSD-821-7371'4012.768 otabursement Date: December 31, 2014 E1Cl'ow Offk:er: Verna Gregory Borrower: 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, 11 Cdfornl11 limll.ed lablllly CQlllpeny Seller: Hadley Holdlngs, LLC, a Caliromla llmAed liablllty company Property: Vacant land• APN 211-040-26-00 Carlabad, CA 92011 San Diego County, California Parotl ID(a): 211-040-2.6-00 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION contnl<:l aalea prlc& Oep0611 or earnest mooey 6125 Pueo Del Norte, llC, a catlfomla ~ llabll\y company Buye,'8 additional depollt TITLE & ESCROW CHARGES ~Fe& Chlctlgo Tide~ EeaowFee Ct-bgo Tkle Company RECORDING CHARGES Government l8CORlng charges Chicago Tllo Cc>l1l>anY MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Funds held for final audit 6125 PMGO Del Norte, LLC, a Callfomla lnllecll &lblolal8 Bllance Due FROM Borrower TOTAl.8 S DEBrr 116,000.00 250.00 387.50 60.00 500.00 116,187.60 116,187.50 $ CREDIT 6,000.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 81,187.50 116,187.60 I havt CMlfuly reviewed the S&llklment Sialement "1d lo the best of my knowledge and belief, ll II a lrue and accurate •~I of an r.celPII and di~ robe made on m, eocount c, by me., this ttansacllon. I fwthOrcettity that I haYII rocelvod a CCV'/ of the Settlem&nt statement. BORROWER: 6125 Paleo Del Norte, LLC, a California lnlled flabltty company s~ ~~~ By/TIiie: ,cc,..c:. :of\ c\ ~..., \ 9-..-\~ Pug,, 1 or 1 .. DISCLOSURE liliSOURCE California Commercial Disclosure Report Propa,ty Addreaa: ParoelNumber: VACANT I.ANO . APN 211-04~6-00 CARLSBAD, CA 92011-1117 211-040-26.()() Located In a FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area. Located In a Dam Inundation hea. Located In a Very High Fire Hazard Area. Localed In a Wlklland Are Area. Located In an Alqutst-Pr1olo Ealthquake Fault Zone. • IS IS NOT Located In a Seismic Hazard Area. • Please read the report for further lnfonnatlon Date: 11/17/2014 Ordw Nwnber: 141117-()0084 ~ FEM.\ Rood HazaniM& It D&mlnundatlon Alea [[I V«1 Hllh FIIB Hazalli Ari& t3 'Midland Fite Ania E3 &rthquaTce Faultlooe fj SelllmJoHazaJdlDne II Bodies of water and RIiiera fl• SUt,Jeot Propeily, Center ct Map Thia map II for )'Ollf aid In locating nalunal hazlrd .,_ In rallllton to 1he aubject property deeai>ecl elloya_ Pleaee verify ltreet addnla1 and/or aaetlO(a parcel number tor accunicy. The map It kl tended for loformallonal JIUIPD•• ant;. The company aau,-no lablty (exp,e•1 or Implied) for any 1011 occurring by reference, mlllnterpretatlon, mlauae, or IIOle l8lanoe ti-on. This map " not ln19nded for UH •• • IUNtllut8 dlac:loeure under Callfomla Clvll Code§ 1103.2 PholW: 800-880~123 • I • @Cl{ICAGO.TITLE COMPANY . . Escrow No.: 73714012768VG Officer: Verna Gregory Date: November 17, 2014 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF ESCROW THIS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF ESCROW ("NoticeM) ls given as of November 17, 2014, by Chicago 11tle Company eescrow Agent") to Hadley Holdings, LLC, a California limtted liability company ("Seller") and 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a California limited liablllty company ("Buyer"). RECITALS A. Seier and Buyer entered Into that certain Standard offer, Agreement and Escrow Instructions for Purchase of Real Estate dated November 13, 2014 (the -Agreement"), relating to that certain property and Improvements thereon commonly known as Vacant Land -APN 211-040-26-00. Carlsbad, CA 92011 (the "Property"). B. An executed copy of the Agreement was deposited with Escrow Agent on November 17, 2014. C. Escrow Agent has reviewed the Agreement and has consented to act as Escrow .Agent there under and wishes to provide written noUce of such consent to Buyer and Seller. NOW, THEREFORE the parUes agree as follows: AGREEMENTS 1. Notice of Licensing Agency. As required by Cellfomla State law, the parties are hereby notified that Chicago Title Company Is licensed by the California Departmoot of Insurance. 2. Agreement as Escrow Instructions. The Agreement shall constitute Escrow Holder's inltlal escrow Instructions hereunder. Escrow Holder accepts the Agreement, sub}ect to Holder's General Provisions, a copy of which Is attactled hereto as Exhibit "A". 3. Notice of Tax Wlthholdlng. Buyer and Seller acknowledge receipt of "Notiflcatlon of Tax Wllhholdlng Requirements•, which describes clroomstances under which a Buyer may be required to withhold federal and/or state taxes from a Seller's proceeds. 4. Interest Bearing Account Buyer Is notified that the deposit cannot be placed int.o an Interest bearing account until Buyer has provided signed Investment Instructions and W-9 Form. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersi(Jled have executed this document on the date{s) set forth below. ESCROW HOLDER Chicago Title Company Signature By: Print Name Commerdal (Notice of Acceptanc:e) SCA0002184.doo/ Updated: 05.29.14 Date Pnnled: 11.17.14@10:39AMby0 CA-CT-l'WD0-02180.065821•73714012768 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF ESCROW (continued) ACKNOWLEDGED BY: BUYER(S) 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a Callfomla limited llablllty company s·~ ¼~~-- By/Title: 'N"s-0.1,,~~ ~e,,c-:\~ SELLER(S) Hadley Holdings, LLC, a California limited lleblllty company By/Tltle: ________ _ Commerdal (Nob d Accepllnce) SCA00021&4.doc / Updated; 06.29.14 Date Date • • 1'ii\cHICAGO.TITLE \!!JCOMPANY 1. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS GENERAL PROVISIONS EXHIBIT"A" The law dealng w1lh the clsblnement of funds requires Iha! al finis be available for wnhdrawal as a matter of rtglt by the tllle entlly'a eaauw an&'or eub escrow account prior to dlsblnemant of arr, funds. Only cash or wire-transferred funds can be given Immediate avallablky upon deposit. cashier's eho<:ka, teller's check$ end Certified check& may be avalable one buelll88& day after deposit /iJ olher funde such as persooal, oorpo,ate or partnership checks and drafts are subject to mandatory hoking periods whldl may cause materiel delays In dlaburaement of blds In !hi& escrow. In order to avoid delays, en fudlgs should be v.ire lransfll!Ted. Outgoing wire lran$fers wl1I not be authorized until confirmation of tho respective Incoming wire lranefer or of evallablllty or deposited check&. Depoelt ol funds Into general eeaow lruel BCCOIJ'll unle8t lnm.lcted o1helWlte. You may lnelruct Eecrow Holder to depo8it YoUI' f\lnds Into an Interest bearing account by signing and returning the "l:sc:rtlw k~ • lntereet Beertng ~-If you do not eo Instruct ut, then aH funds received In this 88Cl'OW shaH be deposited With other escrow fUnd8 1n one or more general eeaow trust accounte, whlllh h:lude both non-Interest beamg demand aCOOU1ta and other deposltofy acoounls of Escrow Holder, In any slate or naUonal bank or samgs and loan aMOdallon lneured by lhe Federal Deposit lnaurance CorporatlofJ (the "depository lnelltullons") and may be tran&fefred to fl"I other IUCh eta'0W trust accounta of &crow Hokier or one of Ila afflllates, either wltt1 or outalde the Slate of CaRfomJa. A general eecrow trust IIICCOUnt 16 reetrlcled and protected against clams by third partlee and creditors of EIClow Hokier and 119 afflllates. Receipt or benellt8 by Escrow Holder and affillale$. The partle& to thla etaow acknowledge that the maintenance of such general escrow trust accounts with some depo9l1ofy lnalltullons may resul 1n Eacrow Holder or 118 aflllatee being provided with an llffllY of bank services, acoonmodallons or oCher beneffls by Iha depository lnatllutlon. Some or aH o( thaae benelb may be considered lnte"'8t due you l.l'lder Callfornla Insurance Code Section 12413,5. Eecrow Holder or Its aflllla18a also may elect to enter Into olhar boule8S transactions wllh or obtUI loam; for nY&elment or olher puposee from the depository lnstltuUon. M such services, accommodation&. and other benefits shall accrue to Escrow Holder or Its afflllates and Eecrow Holder 8ha1I have no obllgadon to account to Iha parties to this escrow for Iha value of euch eel'Vlcee, a()C()fflmodallone, Interest er olher beneftts. Said f1i1d8 wlll not earn Interest unless the lnatrucllons otherwise apecltlcally state W1at ~• shal be depoellied In an lnterest-beatlg account. All dlabureements shaft be made by check of Chicago Title Company. The ~ to till esaow are hereby notified that the f\l'lde depoelted herein are Insured only to the limit provided by the Federal Deposit lneuranoa c«poratlon. Any lnetrucllon for bank wire wl provide reasonable llme « notlce for Escrow Holdel'a comptlance with such lnstructlon. Escrow Holder'& aole wty and reeponalblty &hall be to place said wire transfer Instructions with Its wiring bank: 14>011 conlkmatlon o( (1) aatlsfacllon of CMdlUons precedent or (2) do<unent reoordatlon at c1oee cl escrow. Ella'OW Holder wll NOT be held reepomltile for loet lntereet due lo wire delays caUted by flll'J bank or the Federal Reeerve Symm, and recommends that all parties make thernsolYel aware cl banking regulatlon& with regard to placemant of wires. In the event !here Is Insufficient time to place a wn upon any IUCh conflrmalion or the wire& have ctoeed for the day, Iha partles l9'8fl to provide written lnslructlona for an alternative method or clsblnement. WITHOUT AN ALTERNATIVE DISBURSEMENT INSTRUCTION, Fl)Jll)S WILL BE HELD IN TRUST IN A NON-INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT UNTIL THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY FOR WIRE PLACEMENT. 2, PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMSNTS Al prorallona and/or -.ustments called for In 1h16 eecrow we to be mada on the basis of a thirty (30) day ITICXlt\ UlieM otherwise netructed In ~-You era to uae lnfoonadon coolalned on last avallable tax statement, rental statement as proYlded by the seller, beneficiary'• lllalamenl 111d 1lre ln6lnnce polcy delvered Into e8a'OW foc Iha prorallonl pl'OYlded tor herein. 3. SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES The -Mltllll deaCl'l>ed property may be subject to M4'1)1emental real property taxes due ID the change of ownarahlp la~ place 1tv'OUgl this ~. Any supplemental real property taxes arising aa a raeull of the tranefer of Iha property lo Buyer ehall be the sole reeponsl>lllty of Buyer and any IUJ)plemental real property taxes l1l1Nlg prior k> th& clo8lng date ehsll be the aole responllllltty of the Seller. TAX BUS ISSUED AFTER CLOSE OF ESCROW SHALL BE HANDLED DIRECTLY BElWEEN BUYER AKJ SELLER. 4. UT1UTIES/POSSE8SION Transfer of utllltles and posae3slon of lhe pn,mlsea in to be settled by the partfe& dlreclly and outside escrow. 5. PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF INSTRUMENTS Escrow Holder b au1hor1Zed to prepare, obtain, record and ctellver the nece8881')' IMtruments to cany out the lemlS and condlllona of this escrow and to order the policy of lllle Insurance to be l98U8d at close of escrow as caled for In these lnslrucllons. Cloee or esctoW 8hall mean the date Instruments are recorded. 8, Alfl'HORIZATION TO FURNISH COPIES You are authorized to furnish copies of these Instructions, supplements, amenlhents, noUcea of cancelatlon end clo&lng etatemenle, to the Real Estate Broker(s} and Lender(s) named In lhls escrow. Gllll8f'III Provisions SCA0000128.doo/ Updated: 11.22.10 PallO 1 Printed: 11.17.14010:4MMl!¥G CA-cT-FWD0-02180.065821-73714012768 7. RIGHT Of CANCELLATION GENERAL PROVISIONS (continued) Any prlnclpal lnatrucllng )'OU lo canoe! this escrow ehall file no4lce of canciellatlon In yoll" office In writing. You &hall, wtlhln two (2) working days lhenlafter, dallller, one (1) copy of .uctl notice to each of the olher ~ at the addresses staled In 1h11 Na'OW. UNLESS WRITTEN OSJECTION TO CANCELLATION IS Fl.ED IN Yout OFFICE SY A PRINCIPAL WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER DATE Of SUCH DELIVERY, YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO COMPLY Willi SUCH NOTICE AND DEMAND PAYMENT Of YOUR CANCELLATION CHARGES. If written cbfecllon II lled, )'OU are autholtzed to hold al money and halruments In 1h18 eaaow and take no fur1her ac11on until otherwise directed, el1horbythe J)l1ndpal&' nuual written mlNellont, or by llnal order of a court of compelartjurladlcllon. 8, PERSONAL PROPERTY No examlnatloo « ln8l.l'ance •• to lhe mTICXl'II or payment of penonaJ property la>cN la reqlftd 1111eM epecltlcaly reque&ted. ay alg~ lheee General PrcMelone, the parlles lo the eecrt1N hereby acknowledge lhat 1hey are ~ fl9 EtcroW Holder against any and al matltn rela~ to any "Bulk Salee" ~. and lnetrucl Esaow Agent to prooeed with the clotlng of escrow wtthol.t any c:onelderallon or matter of any nalll"e whataoever regarding "Buk &Ilea" being handled through eeaow. 9. RIGHT OF RESIGNATION Etcrow Holder hu th& ~ lo l'9ll9rl upon written notice dellvered to lhe ~ herein. If luch right 1$ exerclled, .. runda and docl.manb &hall be reuned lo Ile party who deposited them and Eaaow Holder ahall have no lablflly hereunder. 10. Alll'HOR1lATION TO EXECUTE ASSIGNMENT OF HAZARD INSURANCE POLICES Either Buyer, Seier and/or Lender may hend you lhe Insurance agent'& name .-id hawanoe pollcy lnformallon. and )'OU are to ex.cue., on behalf of the pmclpala henleo, foon 8981grmenlll of lnlBreat In eny lneWWIC8 polcy {olher than tllle mnnce) celled f« In flit eecrow, forw.-d ~ and pollcy lo the lnuanoe 8Qft, ~ that fie lnuer content lo auc:h lranlfer ,m/0( allBdl • loaa payable olauM f/l'IJ/or aucti Olher end<xMmenl9 aa may be required, and forward IUCh palcy(1) lo the prlnclpall antltled thereto. It Is not Y0tl' reeponelt)llty lo Y9lfy lhe Information handed )'OU or Ile alllll,labllty ol eakl lnalnnoe. Your eole duty 111 lo forwerd uld NlqUelt lo lneu'ance agent at cloae of ett:;tf:Nt. Fll1her, 11«9 ehall be no mponllbllly 14)01l the part ol EtclOW Holder to renew haz.-d lnlUl'IIICe p()lley(a) ~ explratlon or olherwlle keep JI In force either <bing or llblequent to lhe clole of eaatM', Cancelladon of q exl811ng hazard lnsurn:e pololes Is to be han<led clrectly by Iha pmclpals, and oulslcle of etm:Nt. 11. N:rlON IN INTERPU:ADER The pmdpall hereto exprealt;' "'ee lhat )'OU. 11 Esaow Holder, have lhe lblolule ,tght al )'04.I' elec:tlon to lie an IICllon In ~ ri,quklng Iha pmclpale to 8lllW8I' and lllgate !heir 18\191'81 clans and flg1lta among lhemeelYN and )'OU are aulhor'1.ed to deposit wllh Iha clec1I of the oourt .. doclutnenla and flma held In lhla eecro,v, In the OY811l IUCh acUon Is llled, the~ jointly and NY8l'llly agree le> pay ~ ctneelatton dlarQN and COit.. e,,cperwee and reaonable atlomey'$ feel which you are required ID expend or lno.r In eudl lnteo,leader ac11on, lhe •mot.n llereof 1o be fixed and Judi,nn lherefore to be randellld by the cowt. Upon Iha 111ng of eudl acaon, you lhall thereupon be My releued and dlecharged tom aH obllgaton. h1polad by Iha terml of 1h18 MCrOW 0( olharwlae. 12. TERMINATION OF AGENCY OBUGATION If 1hare Is no acdon taken on lhla ett:rCNI wlhln alx (8) months after the "time Nmlt c1a1e• • l8t l'or1h In tie etm:Nt ln81nlctione or wr1l'8n extenelon !hereof, your "1fM/ ~ shall terminate al )'OUr option and all doc:umenll, monle& or olher nem. held by )'OU thd be relumed to the l)IU1lee deposllrig ..ne. In the ewnt of canc:alatlon of this MCtOW, whether ll be al fie request of any ol lhe prlndpela or ~. hi fees and chargee due Chicago TIie Coq,any, lncludng expendltins lna.rred and/or authorized.,,.,. be borne equaly by the pal1lff herelo (lneU OlherwlN agreed lo epecllcally). 13. CONFLICTING INSTRUCTIONS Upon receipt of any conllk:6'lg ~. )'OU are lo take no acllon In conne<:llon wtlh Ihle MCtOW unll non<onftlcllng lnetruc:tlone ani rlC8Mld tom al of lheprtncipall tolhll fllfflNl(u,jeclloaecllonl 7, II, 11 and 12aboYe~ 14. DELIVERYJRECEPT DelYwy lo pmclpala aa used In these lnal\ldlona UNNa othaMla6 stMed herein 18 lo be by hand In parson to Iha pmcipal, ...,. mal, emall or rex to ,ny of lh9 contact lnfcnnetlon Pfl)Vldecl In 1heee ~ If dtlvared by l'8glW mall reoelpt II delamhd to be aeventy-two (72) hol.n .-eudl maD,g. Al doNnenta, balll,Qes end alelemenla due to Ile ~maybe dellYered to lht contact lnf'onnadon lhown herein. M nollcee, change of tnetndona. communlcallont and documenta an tc> be dehered In wrillng to Iha office of Chicago TIie company .. 19( rorth herein. 15. STATE/FEDERAL CODE NOTIFICATIONS Accordlno to Federal Law, lhe Seier, wt.en applcabla, wll be ~ lo complete • tales actMy report lhat wl be ulllzed lo gan81at8 a 1099 8bll9ment le> the lnllllmll R81/181U1 Service. Pwauant to Slate Law, prior lo Iha dole of 8ICl'OW, Buyer wl provide Eaaow Hokier wm-i a Prelmlnery Che• ol ~ Report. In Ile event eald report la not handed to EIICl'OW Holder for IUbmlNlon to lhe Cot.-.ty In whldl subject prq,erty la localed, ~ recadlng of the Grlnt Deed, 8U)'el'8 adcnowledge that Iha 8llPbble fee wll be 8118saed by eald COUlty and Eecrow Holder lh8I debit 1he acoomt of BcJytr for aame at close of ella'OW. Genenll Provlllona SCA0000128.doo/Updaed: 11.22.10 Page2 18, NON-RESIDENT ALIEN GENERAL PROVISIONS (continued) The Focelgn Investment In Real Property Tax Ad. (FIRPTA), Titlo 26 U.8.C., Seclloo 1445, and !he regulatlone there under, provide In part, that a transferee (buyer) of a U.S. real property Interest from a foreign person (non-resldenl alien) must wlthhold a tax equal to ten percent (10%) of the amoll'll realized on the diapoalllon, report the tranaactlon Md remit the wllhholdlng to the Internal Revenue Ser.iloe 'Within twenty (20) deys after the transfer, Chicago Tide Company haa not and WII not participate In any determlnatlM of ~elher the FIRPTA tax provlelone are applloable to !he subject tranaadlon, nor act ea a Qualified SUl>etltute nor fumlah tax advice to any PN1Y to the lransactlon. Chicago 11tle Company Is not responsl>le for delermlnklg whether the tranaacClon WIii qualify for an exception or an exempllon and Is not responsible for the Ii~ or any tax forms with Ile Internal ReveNJe s.rvtce as they relate to FIRPTA. Chicago 11Ue Company Is not lhe agent for the buyer for the purposes of receiving and analyzing any evidence or documentation that the Seier In the sut)fect lranllactlon Is a U.S. clflzen or resident alien. The buyer la advised llleY mutt Independently make a determination of whether Uie contemplated lraneactlon 18 taxable or non-tax.able an<J the appltcabillty of the ~ requnment to the etlbject 1ransactlon, and ehould seek the advice of !heir attorney or 11ccot11tant. Chk:ago Tille Company Is not mponalble for the payment of this tax and/or and penally and/or Interest Incurred In connection therewith and euch taxes ere not a matter covered by the Owner'a Polley of TIiie Insurance to be Issued to the Buyer. The Buyer 18 advised lhey ooar full reeponalblUty for compliance with the tax wtthholdlng requirement If applcable and/or for payment of e,,y tax, Interest, penaltlt111 and/or olher expenaes that may be due on the subject tran&adlon. 17. ENCUMBRANCES Esaow Holder 18 to act upon any statements furnished by a llenholder or hl8 agent without llablllty or rasponalblllty for the 8CQlf'8CY of auch ,tatement&. Any adjuatmenea neeeesary because of a dlecrepancy between 1he Information furnished Escrow Holder and MY amount later determined to be oo,rect shal be settled between the partlee direct and outside of escrow. You are authorized, without the need for rurthel' approval, to debit my account for any fees and charges that I heve agreed to pay In connection ~ lhls eeGfC#i, and for any IIITlOllits 1hat I am oblgated to pay to the holder of MY lien 0< encumbrance lo establish the Utle as Insured by the policy of tltle Insurance called for In lhe8e ln&trucllons. If for a,y reason my account la not debited for such amounts at the time of clo91ng, I agree 10 pay them Immediately upon demand, or to reimburse any other pfflO!l or entity who haa paid them. 18. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Chicago Title Company haa made no lnveatlgaUon concerning said property u lo envlronmentallloxlc waste luues. Any due dlllgence required or needed to determlno enW'Ol'ffl8nt:nl Impact u to torms of toxlflcallon. If appllceble, wlll be done directly and by pmcipals outside of escrow. 0'kago Title Company la released of any reeponslilllty and/or lablllty tn connecllon therewith. 19.USURY Esa-ow Holder I& not to be oonoemed with ,ny questions of ueury tn any loan or encumbranoe Involved In the processl"1 of this eecrow and Is hereby released of any reeponlllbltty or Rabfflty therefore. 20. DISCLOSURE ESQ'OW Holdel'a llnowledge of matters affecting the property, l)l'O't1ded such facts do not prevent compliance with these Instructions, does not create eriy labllity or duty in addition lo lll&ee lnetruc:tlons. 21, FACSIMILE/ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE Esa'OW Holder le hereby authorized and Instructed lhat, In the event any party utlRzes electronic or "facslmle" transmitted signed documents or Instructions to Eacrow Holder, you are to rely on the eame for all eacrow Instruction purpoeee and the cloelng ol o&l:KCNI a1 if they bar$ onginal elgnall1"811. "Electronic Slgnal!JNI• meena, at1 appllcable, an electronic copy or eignature oomplylng with Califomla Law. 22. CLARIFICATION OF DUTIES Chicago TIiie Company l8MII ONLY a& en Escrow Holder ri oonnecllon with these lnatruction8 and cannot ,J:,te legal advice to any party hen,to. Eacrow Holder la not to be held accoontable or liable for the aufllclency or correctness as to form, manner of exaoutlon, or valldlty of eny lnttnment deposited In 1h16 eacrow, nor ea 1o the ldenllty, authority or rlghls of 1111y person executing the same. E&a'OW Holder'• duties hereunder ehal be limited to the proper handllng of such money and the proper eafekeeplng of such lnalrumenta, or oCher doctJments reoalved by Escrow Holder, and for the dlspoalllon of same In accordance with lhe written lnslructlon8 accepted by E8a'0w Holder. The agency and duties of escrow Holder commence ooly upon re<:elpt of ooples of these ~ lnslluOllons executed by all parties. 2S. FUNDS HELD IN ESCROW When Ile company ha& funds nimalnklg in eatJrf1H <:Her ninety (90) days after dose of eacrow or estimated rJose of escrow, the Company ehall lmpoee a monthly holding fee of Twenty-Five and No/100 Dollars ($25.00) lhat Is lo be charged against the funds held by the Company. THIS AGREEMENT IN ALL PARTS APPLIES TO, INURES TO THE BENEFIT OF, AND BINDS ALL PARTIES HERETO, THEIR HEIRS, LEGATEES, DEVISEES, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND WHENEVER THE CONTEXT SO REQUIRES THE MASCULINE GENDER INCLUDES THE FEMININE AND NEUTER, AND THE SINGULAR NUMBER INCLUDES THE PLURAL. THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND ANY OTHER AMENDMENTS MAY BE EXECUTED IN ANY NUMBER OF COUNTERPARTS, EACH OF WHICH SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN ORIGINAL AND BE EFFECTIVE AS SUCH. O.neral Provtllons SCAOOOOt28.doc / Updated: 11.22.10 Page3 Prloled: 11.17.14010:40AM t,,G CA-CT-fWD0-02180.ooe821•7371•012788 GENERAL PROVISIONS (continued) MY SIGNATURE HERETO CONSTITUTES INSTRUCTION TO ESCROW HOLDER OF ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AND ALL PRECEDING PAGES AND FURTHER SIGNIFIES THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE GENERAL PROVISIONS. Chicago Title Company conducts escrow business under a Certificate of Authority No. 350 Issued by the Callfomla Department of Insurance. /iii\-cfIICAGOTITLE \eJCOMPANY Escrow No.: 73714012768VG Officer: Verna Gregory Date: December 23, 2014 NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF CONTINGENCY AND/OR DUE DILIGENCE ITEMS THIS NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF CONTINGENCY AND/OR DUE DILIGENCE ITEMS ("Notice") is given as of December 23, 201-4 by 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a Callfomla lmlted llablllty company ("Buyer") to Hadley Holdings, LLC, a California Umlted llabAlty company ("Seller") and to Chicago Title Company ("Escrow Holder"). RECITALS A. Seller and Buyer entered Into that certain Standard offer, Agreement and Escrow Instructions for Purchase of Real Estate dated November 13, 2014 (the "Agreement"), relating to that certain property and Improvements thereon commonly known as Vacant Land -APN 211-040-26-00, Carlsbad, CA 92011 (the "Property"). B. The Agreement provided Buyer with the r1ght to approve various contingency andlor due dlllgence Items (collectively "Contingency Items") prior to Buyer's final commitment to purchase the Property. C. Buyer has now satisfied all of the Contlngency Items and wishes to provk:le written notice to Seller and Escrow Holder of same. NOW, THEREFORE Buyer notifies Seller and Escrow Holder as foBows: AGREEMENTS 1. Approval or Waiver. Buyer has now approved or waived d Contingency Items to Its purchase of the Property. 2. Close of Escrow. Parties hereto acknoweldge and agree that the close of escrow shall be on or before December 31, 2014. 3. Title Report. Buyer has received, read and approved the Prellmlnary Report of Title Issued by Chicago Title Company under Its Order No. and approves all Items therein except for the following: list disapproved Items here: _________________ _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1he undersigned have executed this document on 1he date(s} set forth below. BUYER(S) 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a Csllfomia limited llablllty company s~~,~ Byffille: ~~"·'Ii;"\ ~~ Pmlod: 12.23.14@04:26PM byG CA-cT.fW00-02180.0C55821-7371-4012788 NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF CONTINGENCY AND/OR DUE DILIGENCE ITEMS (continued) ACKNOWLEDGED BY SELLER($) Hadley Holdings, LLC, a Callfomla limited liability company Byffitle: _______ _ Date Pllnled: 12.23.14004:28PMbyG CM)T.fWOO.Q2180.065821-737140127l!6 t...\cmcAGOTITLE \e,COMPANY EICl'OW No.: 73714012768 Eaerow Offlc4lr. Vema Gregoty 2365 Northslde Drive, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: (619)521-3500 / Fax: Date: November 17, 2014 NOTICE OF TAX WITHHOLDING REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 NOTIFICATION TO BUYER ON DISPOSmON OF CALIFORNIA REAL PROPERTY In accordance with Section 18662 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, a buyer may be required to withhold an amount equal to 3 1/3% of the sale prlce or an alternative withholding amount certified by the seller In the case of a dlspoeltion of California real property interest by either: 1. A saner who Is an lndlvldual, trust, estate, or when the disbursement instructions authorize the proceeds to be sent to a financial Intermediary of the seler, OR 2. A corporate seUer that has no permanent place of business in Catifornla immediately after the transfer of title to the California property. The buyer may become subject to penalty for faHure to withhold an amount equal to the greater of Ten percent (10%) of the amount required to be withheld or Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($500.00). However, notwithstanding any other provision Included in the Callfomla statutes referenced above. no buyer will be requlf'8d to withhold any amount or be subject to penalty for failure to withhold If any of the following apply: 1. The sale price of the California real property conveyed does not exceed One Hundred Thousand and No/100 DoUars ($100,000.00). 2. The seller executes a written certificate, under the penalty of perjury. certifying that the seller Is a corporation with a pennanent place of business In CaUfornia. 3. The seller, who is an Individual, trust, estate or a corporation without a pennanent place of business In Califomla, executes a written certlflcate, lllder the penalty of perjury, of any of the following: a. The Cellfomla real property belng conveyed Is the seller's or decedent's principal residence (within the meaning of Section 121 of the Internal Revenue Code). b. The last use of the property being conveyed was used by the transferor as the transferor's principal residence within the meaning of Section 121 of the Internal Revenue Code. c. The California real property being conveyed Is or wHI be exchanged for property of like kind (within the meaning of Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code), but only to the extent of the amount of gain not required to be recognized for California income tax purposes under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. d. The Callfornla real property has been compulsorily or Involuntarily converted (within the meaning of Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code) and that the seller Intends to acquire property similar or related in service or use so as to be ellgtble for non recognition of gain for Califomla Income tax purposes under Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code. The California real property transaction wlil result in a loss or net gain not required to be recognized for California Income tax purposes. The seller Is subject to penalty for knowingly filing a fraudulent certificate for the purpose of avoiding the withholding requirement. CAI.FIRPTA Nollco lo Wlthhold -Buyor SCA0001138.doo/ \Jpdaled: 07.23.12 Page1 Prlnle<I: 11.17,14@10:-41AMbyG CA-CT .fW00-02180.055821•737140127&8 @CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY . EKtow No.: 73714012768 Eacrow Officer: Verna Gregoiy 2365 Northside Drive, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: (619)521-3500 I Fax: Date: November 17, 2014 NOTICE OF TAX WITHHOLDING REQUIREMENTS (continued) AddltionaUy, under the federal "Foreign Investment In Real Property Tax Act" (FIRPTA) as amended and related laws, a buyer may be required to withhold, and could be liable for, an additional tax equal to Ten Percent (100/4) of the sales price of the real property being conveyed, In the case of the seller who may be classlfled as a "foreign person• under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. IRS Regulations state that a foreign seller lacking an lndlvldual Taxpayer Identification Number (mN) will automatically be subject to withholding upon the transfer of real property. A seller may apply for an ITIN, however, It must be obtained prior to the time of transfer. The Federal statute referenced above Includes provisions that authorize the IRS to grant reduced withholding and waivers from wlthholdlng on a case-by-case basis. The parties herein may wish to Investigate these options with their own legal or filanclal advisors or the Internal Revenue Service. The escrow holder will not undertake to withhold or remit funds to any tamg authority, unless speclficalty Instructed il writing to do so. In the event escrow Is so requested, appropriate mutual Instructions wll be required. DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY OF THESE TAX LAWS, AND fflE PENALTY PROVISIONS FOR FAILURE TO WITHHOLD, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE PARTIES TO THIS TRANSACTION SHOULD SEEK THE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE AND COUNSEL OF AN ATTORNEY, ACCOUNTANT OR FINANCIAL ADVISOR CONCERNING THE EFFECT OF THESE LAWS ON THIS TRANSACTION AND SHOULD NOT ACT ON ANY STATEMENTS MADE OR OMITTED BY THE ESCROW OR CLOSING OFFICER. 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, e California limited liability company S~'=9.,~ " CALmPl'ANob IOWlllhold -~ SCA0001136.doc/Updftlect 07.23.12 Page2 \"l...\ 'l.~\ \ \4 Date Pmled: 11,17.14010:41>,MbyG CA-CT-PMX>-0'l180.0ll6821•7371-4012788 souo2..-. (P1J RSN. 12 <0$-13) PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT To be completed by lhe transferee (buyer) prior ID II transfer of 1\A>ject property, ri 11<:oordance wtlh aectJon 480.3 or lho Revenue and Texeuon Code. A Pr8flmlnt:try Ch8llf10 of Owner,Np Repott must be Hied with each conveyance In the CO\l'lty Recordel"a offloe for th& coooty Where 1he property II located. lw.tE ~ MMJHGADllAESSOf llll'fEM'AANmRE (Malle,-,,--..io•""-'--"'IINllt!f~ 6125 Paseo Del Norte, UC, a C&lfornla lmlted llobNlty company AS8E880R'S PAACU NUMBER 211,-040.26..()() 8ElLER/'l'RAHSfERO Hadley~. LLC, a CalWomla lmlted llabltty company BINER'8DAYtalE 1UEPHONE NUMBER (3!0) 602 ~.r3: ~ IIVYER'8a.M.ADOR.ES9 81REET ADORES&OR PHYSICAL LOC.>.TION Of REAL~ S" CJ> ::\-::'s y),s. v C~ Cl° lV\P <> Vacant land · APN 211-040-26-00, Cattlbad, CA 92011 MAL PROl'B{IY TAX liiF&iMATION TO jNAME) 6125 P11seo Del Norte UC a Cdfomla limited R STll.lE ZIP COOE C.A C\2.01\ PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION PfecfSe completr, 11/J ~t,. Tots eecaon contains pogalble exclualone from reaseesament for cenaln ~ of transfers. YES NO 0 )!( A. This tranafer is solely between apouse1 (9ddltlon or removal of a spouse, dMt/1 of a spo119e, divorce settlement, etc.). • )[ B. This tran8fer le eolely between domeellc pertners currently ,-glsbnd with the Calfomla Secretary of State (addition or retn(MJ/ of a peltn$r, death of a~. tennlnalion leltlemenl, etc:.). O ~ •c. This i. a transfer: O between ptnnt(a) and Qhld(ren) D rrom grandparenl(11) to grandchld(ren}. • JIit 'D. This transfer Is the reeult of a OOCenanl's death. Dale of death ________ _ D ~ •E. This transacllon 18 to replace a ~ reeldence by a poraon 56 years of age or older. Wlhln the eemo county? 0 YES • NO D ,t •f, Thia transaction Is 1D replace a pmclpal residence by a person Ml<>la eeverelydlaabled as defined by Revenue and Taxation Code 8Gcllon 69.6, Wlttin lhe 11ame comty? • YES O NO D Q( O. This transac::Uon II ~Ya 00f1'8Cllon of 1h11 name(a) ol lho pe!'90n(a) ~ tllle lo 1h11 property (e.g., a name change upon marriage). lfYES,pleueeicplaln: _____________________________ _ • pt. H. The recorded do«lnent creates, terminates, or reconv~ a lender's lnl:erMt., the property. • 11,f I. Thia transaction le reeorded onl'f u II requirement for financing purpoeea or to create, terminate, or reconvey II seariy .,lerest (e.g., coelgner), lfYES, pleaseexplaln: _______________________ _ • JI( J, The rec:orded ~t IAbllltut8S a lruatee of a uuat. mor1gage, or olher lllrnlar document. K. This Is a tranaler of prq>erty: • • 1. to/tom a revocable lruat that may be revoked by the tranllf9ror and II for Ile benefit of • I,?§ •• 0 lhe vansforor, and/or O the ltan&lwor'I epouse O regietered dometllo pe,1ner. 2. lo/from a lnJal that may be revoked by the creator/grani«/lruator who Is also a joint tenant, and which names lhe other joint tenant(a) as benellcllll1e9 when the a-eatorfgrantorllrustor dies. 3. to/tom an lmWocable lnJst for 1h11 benefit of lhe D cnator/grantorllru&lor ~or D gr,nlor'tllrualor's apou&e • grant.or'~• reglatenid domntlc pslner. • "1JI{ L Thie property II eubject to a lease with a remaining lease tann ol 35 }'Mr9 01' more ndudlng written option&. • Ji( M. This le a tren&ler between pat1lee In whldl proportional k\teresta of lhe tranefofor(s) and lransferee(s) In ead\ and f!Nefl/ parcel being lranefemld remain exadly lhe 8Ml9 efter th& transfer. D ~ N. Thie Is a trwiafer aobject to ~ low-«lCOl'Tle houmg recp-ements wllh govemnenlaly Imposed rNtrlcttona. D • "O. Thie transfer la lo the ftrat plRhaa« of a new building cootarilng an aCClve 90lar energy syatem. • Pleaae reler lo 1h11 lnalruclione for Part 1. Pie•• provide any other Information that will help the Auelsor understand the nnn of the transfer. Glal'II Deed w/ PCOR SCN)()()2l!4().doo/Updaled: 12,06.1~ THIS DOCUMENT 18 NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION Prlnled: 12.23.1-4 (I 04:29PM CA-CT-FW00-02100.~1-7)71,4()12768 BOE-802..-. (P2) REV. 12 (0$-13) PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION A. Date of lransfer, If other thl:W'I reoordlng dale: _________ _ B. Type of transfer: 11(.Purchase • Forecloein • Gift • Trade or exdlange • Merger, stock, or partne,lhlp aoqulsltlon (Form BOE-100-B) • Contract of Mle. Date of conlract: _____ D lnhelttance. Date ol dealh: _____ _ D saJe/leasebac:k D Creatton or a lease D Assignment of a lease D Tennlnatlon or a leue. Oete leaae began: _____ _ Odglr)8J term In years (lllcludlng written options): __ Remaining tam, In yein (Including wtftttHI c,pt/c)M): __ D Other. Pleaseexplaln: _____________________________ _ C. Only a partlel lrW8lt In 1he property wae transferred. D YES )&NO It YES, Indicate ht percentage lraneferred: ___ ...,% PART 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Check and complete 88 applfcable, A. Total pun:tl8M priee, ~ 115,000.00 8. Cash dawn payment or value of trade ar exchange exc:11.dlg cloelrG coeta Amount $. _____ _ C. Fll'lt deed of llual@ % Interest for ___ years. M<dlly payment$,_____ Amount$, _____ _ • FHA (__Discount Polnta) 0 Cal-Vet OVA (.__Discount Polnla) • R<ed rate • Vlltable rate • Bank/Savings & Loani'Cre<II Union • Loan can1ed by seller D 8doon payment$_____ Due date: _____ _ D. Second deed of llual O % lnteteat for ___ years. Monlhly payment$.____ Amount$, _____ _ • Fixed ral8 • Vlll1rilble ra1e D ~ & LoenlCredlt \kllon • Loan canted by MIier • Baloon payment$_____ Due date: _____ _ E. Wu an lmprowment Bond or other public tlnanclng aeeumed bylhe buyer? • YES )(No OJlllaldlg balance S:.__ ____ _ F. Amoll'lt. If any, of reel estate commlsek>n feee paid by 1he buyer which are not lneluded In 1he IM'dvlM price $, _____ _ G. The property wee purchased:• Throughreeleatalebroker. Bnlkername: ¥"':t. C.\ fl'" Phonenumber:l(o\tt) C\C\3: 9$3 ~ • Onct from aeller • From a family member-Reladonthlp ______ _ • Olher. Plealleexplai1: _____________________________ _ H. Please Ol(Jllalr'l lll'f epec1a1 tonna. seller concesalona, brokerlagent fen waived, filanclng, end any OCher Wormetlon (e.g., buyer uunec1 the eJClatlng loan balance} that would aeslat the Al8"101' In 1he vabdlon of YoUr property. PART -4. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. type of property tnmwred •Slngle,{amlyreeidence • ~amly1911dence. Numberofunlte: __ • Other, ~: (I.e., timber, mineral, water rights, etc.) B. • YES )If.NO Pereonallbullnen property, a hcenllves, proylded by aeller lo buyer are Included In hi J)lldlue price. ~ of pereonal prope,ty ere ftlmlll.n, fann ecppmer., rnachkiery, etc. Ex.nplee of hcerlllYee are clJb mernberlhlpe, etc. Attach bt r avaltlble. If YES, enter 1he value of Che pereonal/blalne property: $,______ lnc:enllvee $, ______ _ C. • YES li{ NO A maoofaclur9d home la Included In the P'ffllae& p(lce. If YES. Siler the value atlrlbufed to the manuflletwad home: $. _____ _ • YES • NO The maoofactind home la P)ject to local property lax. If NO, 800N' decal runber: _____ _ D. • YES Jl(NO The prq>erty producet mat or olher Jnoome. If YES, 1he Income le from: • Leuelrenl • Contrad • t.lneral rtct,ta • Other: ____________ _ E, The condlllon of the property at lhe dme of aaJe w111: 0 Good • /I.Yfllffli18 ,. Fair • Poor Pleaaedoaat>e: CERTFICATION IWIE oUU"ENT'RAHllFERl!E IIE TllU! ----~-•~~ __ ..___\-.""--e,~'"°__, ...... ___________ f"'N, ____ ~...,..'-:•"+-'i'--........... J.&...=-:i=-:~"'"".;;..;;;_;.,,.~._::O~f\O • ~ The Asaes8Qf'I offk:e may contact you for addlllonal Information regvdlng lflil transectlon. Grant Ooed w1 PCOR Sc.A0002&40.d0o/ Updaled: t2.05.14 Prlnled: 12.23. 14 C1104:20PM CA-CT.fW00.02180.0668:21-7'J71401276a /ii.\cHICAGOTITLE \!!!JCOMPANY Verna Gregory, Commercial Escrow Officer Chicago Title Company 2365 Northslde Drive, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: (619)521-3436 Fax: (619)209-3481 ADDITION AND/OR AMENDMENT TO ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS Date: December 19, 2014 Escrow No.: 73714012768VG Property: Vacant Land -APN 211-040-26-00 Cartsbad, CA 92011 The Instructions In this escrow are hereby modified, amended and/or supplemented In the following partlculars only: RELEASE FOR CONTINGENCIES: By signature hereto, Buyer acknowledges and confirms that all contingencies of this Escrow have been met and are satisfied and released In their entirety, regardless of any time limits previously shown, lndudlng the lnvestlgatlon of subject property. Escrow Holder Is authorized and Instructed to proceed with the Close of Escrow without further approval or authorization pertaining to same. All other terms and conditions remain the same. ENO OF INSTRUCTIONS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this document on the date(s) set forth below. BORROWER(S): 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a California limited liabillty oompany S:seP ~~~ By/ntle: c:<:::,c;-"'9, ~~c-'21 ~~ El-~ SCA0000032.doo/Updaled: 11.22:10 Page 1 Pmled: 12.19.14002:12PMbyG CA-CT -FWl)()-02180.055821-73714012788 @CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY . . Verna Gregory, Commercial Esa-ow Officer Chicago TIUe Company 2365 Northslde Drive, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: (619)521-3436 Fax: (619)209-3481 WAIVER OF SETTLEMENT AGENT RESPONSIBILITY Date: December 23, 2014 Escrow No.: 73714012768VG Borrower(a): 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a California linited llablBty company Seller(s): Hadley Holdings, LLC, a CaHfomia llmlted llabHlty company Property: Vacant land -APN 211-040-26-00 Carlsbad, CA 92011 Escrow Hokier is released from and shaU have no UabRlty, obligation or responglbRlty with respect to, (a) withholding of funds pursuant to Section 1446 of 1he Internal Revenue Code 1986 as amended, (b) advising the parties as to the requirements of such Section or (c) determining whether the transferor Is a foreign person under such Section, acting as the Qualified Subetltute or otherwise making any inquiry concemlng compliance with such Section for any party to the transaction. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have ex9CUted this document on the date(s) set forth below. PURCHASER(S): 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a California Umlted llablllty company s:~ \p ~\,¢ ByfTitle: ~nco,~ ~ o~ ~e!'~ FIRPTA • Wt/Mt'd SoWemenl Agoit Roeponel)lll(y 8SCORP002B1.doo I Updaled: 11.13, 10 Prtnled: 12.23.140~bVG CA-CT ..fW00.-02180.066021-7S714012768 @. CHICAGO-TITLE COMPAN.Y . . . Verna Gregory, Commercial Escrow Officer Chicago Title Company 2365 Northside Drive, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: (619)521-3436 Fax: (619)209-3481 Proration Date: December 31, 2014 ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS RENT STATEMENT Date: December 23, 2014 Escrow No.: 73714012768VG Property: Vacant Land -APN 211-040-26-00 Carlsbad, CA 92011 RENTS PRORATED USING A 360 DAY CALENDAR YEAR I make the following statement of rentals of the property I am conveying so that said rents may be adjusted in escrow based on said statement Unless prior to date of recording documents in this escrow, I have notified you In writing of some change In the above statement, you are to consider that I wlll ool1ect all rents which fal due according to the foregoing statement prior to the close of escrow, and you will make an adjustments of rents accordingly. You will also pay my Grantee the above security money (if any) charging my account therefore. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED STATES AND DECLARES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ THE FOREGOING INSTRUCTIONS, ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT AND HEREBY APPROVES SAME FOR USE IN THIS ESCROW. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this document on the date(s) set forth below. SELLER(S): Hadley Holdings, LLC, a California limited llabillty company Bymtle: ________ _ Rent Sl.81ement • Blenk SSCORP00279,doc/ Updated: 11.12.13 Date Printed: 12.23.14 0 04:31PM by G CA-CT-FWD0-02180.o55821-73714012788 ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS RENT STATEMENT (continued) The above statement of rents Is hereby approved and you wUI prorate accordingly. BORROWER(S): 6125 Paseo Del Norte, LLC, a California limited Nabllity company s:~ '°~\9~ Bymtle: r:::D~cs0 ;o& ~~~ RM SWlment • B1an1c SSCORPD021$,doo I Updated: 11.12.13 12.('l..':(}ly Date ~: 12.23.1'4004:31PMbyG CA-CT-f'WIX).()2180,055821-WM012788 • • ·11 , ,.;d-5 6{"16J> ~Clll!DING R[QllfSTID IT '1 \ ,i11sr AMERICAN mu l\ I N1llonolCAlfflfflefdtlStNicfl I\() RECORDATIOH REQUESTED BY: \ \ r DOC# 2012-0789397 IOIIII Nlfflllilll 1111111 HI IHI 111111 II KIi Flrlt..c:llant 11811k a Trust Company Ian Diego UTC Office IUO GenelN Ave., Suite 221 1111 Diego, CA 12122 DEC 14, 2012 4:19 PM omcw. RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY flECORDER'S OFFICE E,_ J. DIOIWlbur11-Jt., COUNTY RECORDER ms: &6.oo Ok 1 WH@N RECORDED MAit. TO: Flnt Cltluna a.nlc Loin Strvlclng Oepartment.OAC20 l'08ox215t2 PAGES: 20729 1111111111111111111 17 Raleigh, NC 27111-4592 SEND TAX NOT1Cfl TO: 1125 ,_ Del NOite LLC, • CaJlfomla Umlled Uablllly Colnpany 1125 PARO DEL NORTE CARLl8AD1 CA 12011 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY 1111•11•111•1-•1•1• 000000000000000000108512122012000000000000001 CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST Tlill DEED OF TRUST II c1a11tc1 ~ 12, 2012, lfflOnl 1125 .,_ Del NOite LLC, a Callfomla IJffllled Uablllly Company, whNe adMsa II 1125 PASEO DEL NORTE, CARLUAD, CA 12011 ("Truetor"); • Fnl.Clllnna ._. a Trust Company, whNe ...._. le San Diego UTC Olllce, IISO GenelN Ave,, 8ulN 221, Ian Diego, CA 12122 (me!Nd to ... ,_ IOlllltlfflM N "LenNt" and IIOIMllmN N "Beneficiary"; and NeuM, lncofponlled, wllOM •dclrwe II 100 £alt Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27103 (mamd to below• "l'rva••"I, CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For Yllulllle ~ T""10r lnwoclllly grants, lranafwl and Nlllnt to Tl"UflN In trwt, wtlh ,-r of ule, for the NM111 d Lander • ._teflcllly, al of Truator'a right. !Ille, and lnt«91t In 1111d lo the followtng dNcrlbed rul propefly, together with .. exlsllng or IUbMquentty erect.cl or efflxed buNdlng1, lmprovemenlll 1111d tbclure1; ell e-menll, rights of way, end appurten1111Ce1; all water, water rights Ind ditch rights {lncludlng llock In ultllllee with ditch or lrrigetlon rights); and aft other rtgt,ta, royallle1, and prollls l'lllllllng to the INI property, Including without lrnllallon el mlnerell, oll, ga, geothermal and lllmllar matlerl, (Ille "Real Property') localed In SAN DEGO c-ty, SCllle d Callfomllt: IN the exhibit or Olher detctlpllon ~ Which le ettached to thlt DNcl of Trust and mad• a part of 1h11 Deed of Tnllt II If fully 11t fOl1II 1Mr9111. TIie Real Property or III adclrwa II~"-n 1125 PAIEO DEL NORTE, CARLS8AD, CA 92011. TN1tor ~ 1ulgnl lo Lender (1110 known a1 B8Nftciary In 1h11 Deed of TMI) Ill of Trvator'e right, 11118, end Interest In end lo 111 pre1ent end ruture ..._ of 1h41 Property 1111d ·,n Rents from the Property. Thia II en llbaolule eulgnment of Ranlt made In CDr.Ndlon with en obligation MCUt8d b)I rul property pinuent to Celifomll CMI Code Sadlon 2938. In lddlllon, TNllor grenla lo Lender • Unlfonn Commerdal Code MCUrity Interest In the Perlonll Property end Rents. TiilS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUOING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTPEIT IN TI1E RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPElm', IS GIVEN TO SECURE (Al PAYMENT OF THE INOE8TEDNEIS AND (8) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND AU OBLIGATIONS OF THE TRUSTOR UNOER ntE NOTE, THE RELAT£1> DOCUMENTS, AND Tlill DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST 18 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: I! Jf lif 1JiU1!1f Hiii~!Hj!!U11HHf H JU ii 1:1 pl&i h, h.r ; •• 1!~1hmiitltb i'i! J~U• I I ;~ i5I !-'. 1 ... ~--.. • i1!J1 11ulf1i1f ti( if Ii 1 1 , = ... = I f 11" 11 st ,•111 ,. 1•~ii 1, r-~·. 11 3f; , , _ it i!;; i!1j •. hii,: i~,rf ~liiJi: rhd~j J ! I 1; H !U f 1Ji ! [I .f ii! 11l 1h11 • ! lJ 11 !l 1 '11;if')lr;i 1J~1'~l1 t l;ij!l"stl ;1 t 1: 1 11 iii !l saff lf. fl g s lfstJt_ . i ·(t i ft f i'. 1 I 111,! i1iH!i?H;d1f !ihna:ihi 1 §) , 1 i ,~~ 11 ~ 1 11i 1J1 r i i 1•11 ltr!hlu~•~!n1&~fiji•sa1:1= Jl if f i~ ,ril fJ d!i i1lmfm!!1h d1!11!lhl! ! u ! !t m1 f . .. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20731 require Trualor to make .,,.,.gementa aadlfaetory to Lender to replace auch Improvements with I~ or st lull equal value. LAndlr'I Right to Ellllr. Lender Ind Llnder'I lgenlll Ind reprlllfllathlel may inter upon the Real Property st llt INIOlllble llmH to attend to Linder'• lntel'MII Ind to lnlpact the Raf Property for pu!pOSn of Trustor'1 complilncl with the i.nns and condlllone of 1h11 DNd of Trust. CompN1nce with GoYlm--.1 RequlrltMnla. Trustor lhllll prompUy comply with 111 llwl, onllnlnc:n, and regulltlona, now or herelft.er In effect, of .. govllMIIIIIII IUlhorillea eppllcabll to the UN or oocupanc:y or Che Property, lndudlng without llmitltion, the Arnlranl WMh OiMblltlls Act. Tl\lllor may conceal In good f111h any IUCh law, ordlnlnce, or l9gUllllon and wllhhold ~llncle during any proceeding, lnc:ludlng appropriate IPl)IIII, IO long II Trustor hie nolffled Lender In writing prior to doing IO and IO long II, In Lender's tole opinion, Linder'• 1nten1111 In the Property .. not jlloplrdlzed. Linder may requlnt Trullor to poet ldequlle S9Ql/lly or I surety bond, l'IIIOl1lbly Hllsfldory to Lender, to protect Lender's lntereat Duty to PniCec:t. Trustor llgfNI lllilhlr to ebllndon or ""'8 unltlended the Property. Trustor shell do 111 other lets, In llddilion to 1hoN lcll Ml forth IIIOYe In thle Ndion, which from the c:hlracar Ind UM of the Properly 119 '9110111bly neceawy to protacl Ind p!9IIM the Property. COlll1Ncllon Loin. If -or ,u of the procHda of the loin c:rNtlng lhl lndlbtldnesa .. lo bll uaed to construct or c:ompletl construdion of any lmptOY11menls on the Property, the lmproyemanta 1h11 be c:ompleted no ll1ar lhan the 1111tur1ty dlll of the Noll (or IUCh lllier dlll II !Ander IIIIY rellOlllbly ntabllah) Ind Tnmor 111111 PIY In Ml Ill 00lll and lxplRMI In c:onnect1on with the work. Lender will diabufH loan ~ undlr such terms and conditions II Lender IIIIY deem INIOlllbly l'IIICftllly to lnluNt that the 1n11n1t crlltad by 1h11 DNd ol Tl\llt shall haw priority IMlr II poMlble lllna, lndudlng lholl or lllllerlll euppllenl incl wortimen. Lendlr ffll)' require, lfflOllg olher thing•. that clltbUIHffllt'll requeata be IUPP()l18CI by receipted bllla, ..,_ 1111d1Ylls, WIIYer1I of Nena, conatruction progr91S ,.ports, Ind such olhlr cloanMntatlon • l.encllr ffllY rNIOMbly l'9qUNl. DUE ON IALf • CONSENT BY LENO!R. l.encllr IIIIY, ll Lencltr'a option, clecllrl lmmecllllely clue 111d payable 11 1U1111 aecurwc1 by this DNd of Trust upon the ult or nnafer, without Lencllr"s prior written consent, or ,u or any Pllt of the Rell Property, or 1ny lnternt In the Ral Property. A "NII or trllnmr" IIINrll the conwyance of Rell Property or any right, title or lntwett In the R_, Property; whither legal, beneftc:111 or equbbll; whlChlr voluntary or Involuntary; whither by outright ..... cllld, lnstlllrnlnt NII contrllCt. land contract, contrac:t for clNcl, lnMholcl lnlelNl with • llrm g,Nter thin thrN (3) ye ... lella,opllon conlrlct, or by 11le, 11lignmlnt, or tranafer of any beneftdll lntlnllt In or to .,,y llncl trust holcllng title to the Rell Property, or by any olhlr malhocl of COIM)'lnce of an lnlernt In the RNI Property. If any Truator II • corporation, pertnerahip or limltecl lilbllty ~y. transfer lilo lncludff any chllngl In ownerehlp of more thin twenty-five J)lfClnl (25%) of Ille vaing IIOc:k. pe,tnenhlp lntlrelll or llmillcl lllblllty eompeny lnllrNta, 11 Ille C1M 1111Y bl, of IUCh Trullor. H-, 1h11 option 111111 not bll exen:laed by Llncltr If IUCh exerdle la prohiblleclbyeppllc:lbllllw. TAXES AND LIENS. Thi followlng pnwillonl rellting to the lull encl Ilana on the Property are l)lrt ol lhla DNdolTruat Parment, Truator 1h11 pay when dUI (encl In .. r11tnll st 11111 lln (10) clays prior to clellnquancy) all taxn, lptc:i9I taxea, lllllltlltnll, chergn (lnducling water encl ->. flnN Ind lmJ)Olltlonl ll'Mcl against °' on account of the Property, and 111d PIY when dUI all clllma for wortc clone on or for NMCtl renderllcl or ffllllrlll fUmilhld to the Property. Truator 111111 maintain lhe ~ he of " Ilene hiving priority over or equel to Ille lnternt ol lAnder under this DNd of Trust, except for lhe lien ol 1Pa encl --nta not clue and except a OlhllwlH prO'flclecl In 1h11 DNd of Trust. R'8ht to Comest. Trullor may wllhhold payment of eny tu, -11ment, or clllm In connec:lion wl1h • good faith ctilpule CM1r the obllgltion to PIY, to long 11 ~ lnte19st In the Properly II not jeoplrdizld. If • 11n erlMt or la 1111d 11 • nNIUlt of nonpeyment, Trustor 1111111 within ffllNn (15) dlya after the len 1riS11 or, If, lien la flied, within fifteen (16) clays 1fter Trustor hll notice or Ille IINng, aecure the cllacherg1 of the lien, or If requallld by Lender, clapoalt with Lender c:1111 or • aullldent corporate IIUl9ly bond or DEED OF TRUST (Conllnu1d) 2C732 other MCUlily Mllllacto,y to lender In 11'1 amount aufflc:lent 10 dildler;e 1h11 lien pk,I any CON and lttomtyl' fNI, or 04her dlllrgn 1h11 ~ accrue " a l'IIIUlt of a foNclolur9 or Nit under 1h11 len. In any CllllllNt. TMIOI' "'811 defw1d IIHlf and lender 1111d lhall Mtlafy any 8CMIU IUdgmant befole a11forcem811t agalnlt 1h11 Pnlpelty. TNIIOr lhall name lender • 11'1 IICldlllonal obllgee under any aurety bond furnllhed In Iha conlnt procNdlngl. Ewldlnce of P~ Truator lhal upon dtmand fumllh to lender utlafadoly evldanca of payment of the lual or 111111-111 and ahall 8ldhorlu lie approprlllle gcMIIMlentlll oflldal to dllher to lender Ill any lime a Wl1tlen •lalemant of tile taxN and~ agaln•l lhe Pnlpelty. Nollce of Co11alnlellan. Truator "'811 notify Ltndar at !Nat tltlNn (16) clays before any -11 la COIIW, ... Kled, any NIWlN .. fumllhed, or any ,,... ... llipplad lo .. Pnlpelty, If any mec:hanlc'a lllln, ~'I Ian, or 04her Ian ~ be -.led on -.II of Ille wwk. •eMCIS, or lllllallall. TNMOr wtl upon NqUNt of Lender fumllh IO Lender advancl ~ Mtllfadory IO lender 1hlll TNMOr can and w11 pay tile c:uat of IIUCh lmp_,.lla, PROPERlY DAMAGE INIUAAHCE. The following provlalona l'9lallng to lnlur1ng tile Pnlpelty .. a part of 1h11 0Nd d Truat. .....,._ of .,.___ Tlllllor "11111 procun1 1111d maintain pollclat of tire ln•uranca with llandard IIXllndad -. -~ OIi a Nplacamenl balil for Ille u lnllnble value ~ .. lmpro_,.. on tile RNI Pn,pe,ty In 11'1 amounc aufllclent to avoid appllcallorl of any coin•urlnca c:i..., and with I llandant fflOl'D•IIN clluM In faYOf of LMldar. TNMOr 1h11 •llo procunl •nd m•lnlaln coi11p11h8111ive g•ner9I llbllly lnlurlncl In •udl -.ga _. N lender may NqUllt wtlh TMIM •nd Lander being 1111118d • lddlllonll lneurldl In IUdl llbllly 1n1ur1nc1 pollclat. Addltlonllly, Tru•tor lhal m•lnllln IUdl 04her ln•uranca, Inducing but nae llmll•d 10 hlzard, bu•lna•I lnl•nupllon , •nd boll•r in•w.io•• • lender may wllbly 19q11n. Nolwllhttarldlng tile b'lgolng, In no --•hall TIUIIOr be l9llund lo pn,vlda 1-.t ln•urance In -of h l'IIPl•clmant Wi111e of the ~,ip_a on lie RNI Pnlpelty, Palldn lhal be wrlll9n In form, amoun1a.-.. •nd bNII ~ accapC•bla lO Land•r 111d INutcl by I~ or con--•~ ICClplallle to Land•r. TMllor, upon IWQUIII of lAncllr, will dallvw IO lender from llml lo time the pallda• CW' c.llflc:alN of lnalAflC9 In ro,m ~y to Lander, lncluclln8 ~ that _..,. wt1 nae be c•ncall•d or ~ wllhout •t 1a•111en (10) clays pllor Wltllen nollca lO LMldar. &di tneu,anc:a pollcy •llo lhal lndude III II~ pnMdlng thlll --ea In flvor of lender wlll nae be impllrwd In any way by •ny ec:t. omlulon or daf•ult of TrUIIOr or any Olll8f Pll'IOft. 8hauld Iha Rall Pnlpelty be loc•led In 111-dalignllld by 1tll Diraclor of tile Feclllll ~ ........,. Afl«tey • I •pec:ial load '-d 11N, TNltor IOI"' to oblalrl •nd malnl•ln Fecln Flood '-• If l'lalllill, ~ 46 dly• Illar no11ce la 9M11 by lender that fie Pnlpelty la IDcatad In I •pac:i•l lood '-d 11N, for 1118 ful unpaid p,tnclpll i..nc• of 1he loln end •ny pllor 118111 OIi .. propllty IIQll'lng .. 111111. up lo .. m•xlmurn polcy lmll• .. l#ldlr .. Nallorlll Flood ln•urance Plograrn, or• Olllll'WIII NqUlrlCI by Landlr, •nd IO m•lnlaln •uch lnMnnol for fll 111m of fie loln. A!IIIIIHIIDII of,,,_._ Trusta, 111111 promptly notify lender of •ny loll or dlmlga to Ille Plq,a,ty, Linder 1111V 111N p,oof of loll If Tl\lllor fall lo do IO wllhln tllllen (16) day• of the CNU•lty. If In IAnde,'a aole judgnwnt IAnde,'a _., ,.....,_ In the Pn,per1y Ml bNn Impend, Landlt may, Ill Land•l's ll•dlon, l90ll¥e •nd ....... the pn)Clldt of any lnlurlnce •nd epply 1h11 ~ to 1111 Nduc:lloll of 1tll ~ldebladl-. paym•nt of any 1111 afl'9c:llrlg Iha Pn,pe,ty, or Iha ratorlllol, •nd Np•lr of .. Pnlpelty. If 1tll ,._..,. ... lo be applad IO NIIOrlllon 111d rwpelr, Tl\l8lor lhal Np•lr or rwpl•ca 1tll d•mag•d or~ lmprowemlllla In a 1111111181' MlllfadOry IO Land•r. Land•r 1h11. upon •--clory proof of IUCh expendllure, pay or NlmblrM T1\181Dr from 1118 pn,cNd9 for Iha _,.. COit of Np•lr or l'Ntorlllcln If Trustor II nae 1n default under 1h11 0Nd or Trust Any ~ whlc:h ,_ not been dllbufNd wtlhln 1eo clays a11w .,_ --.,t and whk:h IAnder ha nae comm111ac1 to Iha ,..., or INtorlllon d Iha Pnlpelty ahall be UNd ftl'9t IO per any -.it owing IO Lll'ldlr under 1h11 0Nd of Tru•t, ._ to pay ICCNed lrurasl. ll'ld fie Nfflllncler, If any, •hall be appled to 1118 prlndpal belll'lca d fll ~-If lender hold• any pr-.dl aftar peyment In ful of the lndlblildl-.•uchpn,cNd9111111 be paid IO Trustor II Trualol'a 1m11r9111 m•y •ppNT. 2[733 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page I Truttor'a Rapo,t Oft In-. Upon requast of Lender, howeller not men lhan once a YNI', Truator shall furnish to Lander a raport on Nd1 e>Clallng po11cy of lneulanQI lhowlng: (1) the name of the Insurer; (2) the rlska lnaulwd; (3) th• amoune of the policy; (4) the prope11y lnaured, the than cummt l'8placement valua of 1udl property, and the ~ d detennHng that value; and (5) the expiration date of the pollcy. Truator llhall, upon raq1MSI of Lender, 118" an lndapendent al)IQlaer utilfacloly to Lender determine the cnh value replac:e,,_t coat of the Prope,ty. LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If any action or procaeclillQ la commenced that would materidy affect lendel'I Interest In the Proper1y or If Truator fal1 to comply with -, provlalon of 11111 Deed of Truat or -, Reldd Documencs. lndudlng but not llmked to Trultol'a failure to clldwge or pay when due -, amounll Truat.or II requited to dllChatge or pay under 1h11 Deed of Truat or any Relatlld Documenta, Linder on TN$tol'a bah.if may (but lhel not be obligeled to) take any edlon that Linder dNma appn,prlale, lndudlng but not llmlted to diachllrglng or paying all tue1, lien,, aec:urtty lnternta, enc:umtnncea end other clllms, at any time levled or placed on the Property and paying .. COIII for lntunng, maln«.lnlng and Pl9HMIIQ the Property. All ludl expendltul"II lncurl'9d or paid by Linder for IIICh purpoaa wll then bear lnlAtrNt at the rn c:har;ed under the Note from the date lncurl'9d 01' paid by Linder to the date ol rep11yment by Truator. M IIICh lxpenaat will become a plft of the lndeblednflu and, al lendel'I option, will (A) be payable on demand; (B) be added to the balance of Iha Note and be apponlooed among end be payable with any lnlldment peyments to become due during either (1) the term of any epplk:able lnllnnoe policy; 01' (2) Iha remaining tenn of Iha Note; or (C) be treated as• bdoon payment which wll be dua and payable at the Note"s maturity. Tha Deed of Truat alao will IICUt'II payment of lhlle II/IIOUffll. Such right 1111111 be In addition to 811 oCher rights and remedies to which Linder may be entitled upon Dafaull WARRANTY; DEFENSE Of Tm.£. The rollowlng pnmalonl l"ltallng to ownership of the Property Sl"I a plft of this Deed of T""t Tltle. Truator W11nan11 that: (a) Truator holda good and marMl.lble title of record to the Property In fN almple, free and c:llar of .. Ilana and encunlnllOBI other than thoM aat forth In the RNI Proparty delcripllon or In -, title in.u-policy, title report. or final tltle opinion lalUed In favor of, and accepted by, Linder In COMldlon with this Deed of Trutt, and (b) Truator haa the fUI right. power, and authority to execute and delver lhla Deed of Trust to Lender. ~ o( Tltle. SUbjac:t to the axc:eptlon In the paragraph above, Trustor warmita and will forewr defend the tltle to the Property against the lawful c:lalml of al ,,.,_._ In the event any ac:don or proceeding II commenced that quaatlona Trustora title or the lnlereet of Truat .. or Lander under 1h11 Deed or Truat, Truator shall defend the action at Truttol'a alQ)lrlle. Truator may be the nominal party In IIICh pn,oeedlng, but lanclar lhall be en1llled to partldpete In the piomedll IQ end to be repmented In the Pl oceedll IQ by counsel of Landll'a own choice, end Trustor wlll del!Yer, or -to be dellwnd, to Lender IUdl lnltrumenll • Linder may requaat from time to time to permit aud1 participation. eo...--With ~. Truator wananll that the Property end Truator's UN o( the Property oompllea with .. exllllng applic:llblll lawa, Oldlnance1, end nigulltionl of gowmrnanlal authorllle•. lurv!Yal of Rapn•enllllhu11 encl Warrantlea. All ,._.nldona, -.nllll, end agtN11MNIII mada by Tru•tor In thla Daed of TNlt lhall •urvlv9 the exacutlon and deliwly d thla Deed of Trust, •hall be oontlnuing In nature, and lhel l"lffllln In ful ron:e and effect untl IIICh time aa Truatol'a kidebteclnell lhell be paid In full. CONDEMNATION. Tha fonowlng ptOYblona l"lletlng to amlnent domain and lmNle condemnation proceedings are a part of thla Deed of Trust: ,.,_.,.... If any ennnt domain or I~ condelMatlon proceeding la commenced ,•ffec:dng the Property, Trulllor 1hllll prompay notify Lender In writing, and TNIIOI' lhall p,omplly Llka such ll9pl II may be nace1Ury to puraue « defend the action and obtain the award. Truator may be the nominal party in any ludl piaceedlllQ, but Linder shall be entltled, at Ila elecllon, to partldpeta In the prOONdlng and to be repreMnled In the pioceedt,g by C0UflMI of Ila own choloa, and Truetor Will detlvw 01' -to be dellvel"ld to Linder such lnstrumenta and documentation u may be requaated by Lender from time to time -----·-·-··-· to pennit lllch partlclpetion, 20734 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ...... Appllcatloll of Net "'-da. If any -rd II made or Mlllement entered Into In •ny condemliatlOn Plocedllll affecllng al or •ny pll1 ol the Prapeny or by •ny pr--«11119 or J)Uld-. In lleu ol CIOlldelnn9Uon. L•nd•r m•y ..... elldlon. and to the eident permitted by law, l9qln that .. or any portion of lhe Nall or Ntllement be applied to the kldlbtadl-and to the repayment of d _.,.. COiia, ~. and etlomeyl' .... lncurrwd by TrutlN or Lender In COl•Nldlou with the COIICNlll-1ion f)IOCNdl, 1111· .. POIITION OF TAXES, Fm AND CHARGE1 BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following prooMlona l'Nllng to gov911111Nllitll ..._,,._and c:lllfV'I .. I pll1 ol 1h11 Deed of Tru•t Cun•nt T-, ,_ and ChqN. Upon niqunt by IM!der, Tl\lllor 1h11 tMCUte IUch ~ In lllldlllon to 11111 Deed of TRIit MCI alee whatever OIiier edlon le r•queltad by L•nd•r to perfect MCI conllnue L•ncler'I hn on ltNI R9II Prapeny. Trweor 1'1111 l'llmburN L•nd•r for 111 1111n, 11 dNc:rtbed below, log9IIIW with al ~ lncun9d In ~ perfedlng or C0111inuk,g 1h11 Deed o1 Tru•t. lnducllng without llmltallon au taqa, .._, doc:umenlary ....,_, and other chlrgel for ~ or r•giltallng thla Deed of TN•t. T-. The folowlng 111111 oon•tltule "-to which 1h11 Mellon applet; (1) I epeclftc lax upon 1h11 type of Deed of TIUSI or upon .. or •ny JNllt of the llllllbtadlw IICUlld by 1h11 Deed of TMI; (2) I lpedllc tu on Truaeor which TNII« le IUlholtzed or ,aqutr•d to deduct from paymwa on the bldlbleclMa IICUlld by Ihle type of Deed of Truat; (3) I IIIX on Ihle type of Deed of TRIit chalgNblt ag•lrllt 1h11 Lander or the holder of the Note; and (4) 1 apedlc IIIX on II or •ny portion ol the lndltll9dl-or on payments ol p,1nclplll and.,.._. made by Trull«. •••IIINl'll T-. If any 19x to whletl ttlle Mc:llol'I appllel ll mllCll9d llltlNquant to the dae of 1h11 Deed of TRIit, thla _,. IINIII haw the _,. 6c:t 11 • Event of Dellull, and L•nd•r may •-die any or all of b aYlllabla NfflldlN for III Event ol o•faull II prowled below unlNI Truator .,._ (1) pays the l9x befor9 It bec:ofn•a dalinqulnt. or (2) con1ett1111' i.x • prowled lbow9 In the T-and Ll•nl NClloll and clepOllta with L•nd•r Cllh or I IUllcltnt corpor•II IUNlly bond or olher •-Ilk'/ Nlllfac:b'/ to L•nd•r. IECUltlTY .AQlll!DmfT; flNANCING ITATEIIENTI. The folowlng provlllona Nlallng to 1h11 Deed of Tru•t n I •ecurlty ag,wnent .. I pll1 ol lhll Deed ol Tru•t ._.,-~ TN• Instrument 111111 condlule I 8-llfty AQ..-t to the exlllnt •ny ol lhe Prope,1y COllllllulel fbdLn•, and L•nd•r 1h11 hlvt II of the ,tglltl of I IICUlld party undar the Uniform ComnNlrdll Code -.-ldld from lime to lime . ..._., ..__, Upon l9qllNl by Linder, Tru•tor lhll lalce whataver 9C11o11 le l9qlllllad by L•ndw to pe,factand conllnue L•ncler'l •-lllty lnel!Nt In 111' R11111 and,..,_.. Piope,ty. TMIOr 111111 r•1mb1ne Lander for II..,..._ lnc:ull9d In pelf9cOng or co,OIUlng 1h11 NCUllly .,___ Upon defd, Truator 1111111 not l'IIIIOVe, -or clal•dl U. ,..,_.. Property from the Propeny. Upon d8flull, TIUltor lhlll _,.. 111V Per90IIII Prapel1y not ellxed to the Pn,pe,ty In I -and II I pl•c• r-.bly ~ to Truaeor and l•nd•r and 1111M It avllllbl• to Lender within ltwN (S) days llftar r•c•ipt ol wrtlten d•m•nd from l•nd•r to ... extent permltl•d by •ppllcabl• lllw. Addr•l••a. The mallng •ddra-• of Tru•lar (deblor) and L•nd•r (IICUIICI pa,ty) fnlrn which k.ronri.ton COl~III ttie •-Ilk'/ .,.,_ 919nlld by Ihle Deed of TRIii may be ~ (NCl'I 11 ,aqutr•d by the Unlfonn Commerd•I Cod•) .,. 11 •Ind on lhe flr•t page of 1h11 Deed of Tru•t. FURTHER AISURANCU; AffORNfY ... ~ACT. The lblowlng prooMiona NIiiing to fUl1her -•nc:11 and •tlomey-ln-fad .. • JN11t ol lhla Deed ol Tru•t: flll1Mr AN--. At any lme, MCI from •me to llm•, upon '9Q1N11t of IAnd•r, Tl\lllor wlll make, •uaia and delvar, or wll -to be made, •x•cuted or dellwnld, lo Lender or to L•ndel'a dnlgn••, and whan r•queltad by lander, -• to be flied, IICOl'ded, '9ftled, or -.led, 11 the -1111'/ be, at IUCh DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20735 times and In IUCh offlces and placel a Lender may deem approprlala, any and all •uch mortgagea, deeds or tru•t. security dNdl, MCUllty agNementl, flnandng stalement•, continuation statements, Instruments of fllrlher ...uranc:e, 011111k:ates, and o111er c1oa1men11 • may, 1n 111e so1e op1n1on or Lender, be ~ or dnlrable In Older to effectuate, complete, perlect, continue, or pmerve (1) TIUltol'• obligation• under the Note, lhla Deed or Trust. and the RNtad Ooaimenta, and (2) lhe llenl and Hcur1ty inwl'Hta CfN1ed by thla DNd of Tru1t • fir•t and prior lien• on the Property, whether now owned or herNfler acquired by Tru1tor. U... prohibited by law or Lender ag,eea to the contrary In writing, Truator shall Nlmbtne lender for alt COiia and open-lnc:urred In connedlon with lhe mallera nlfemld to In this paragraph. Attomey-ln~act. If Truator rah to do any or lhe tNnga ,.rerrec1 to In lhe p,9C•dlng ~ Lender may do so ror and In the name or Truator and at TIUllol'e expenH. For such purposes, TMlor hentby lneYocably eppo1n11 Lender II Truetot'• attomey,ln-ract ro, the purpoee or making. executing, dellverlng. ffllng, recording, end doing all oU!er thlnge u may be --•ry or dellnlble, In lender's sole opinion, to ec:complleh the matl8ra rerarred to In the pr90lding peragraph. FULL PERFORMANCE. If Tru•tor pay• Ill lhe ll'ldebtednelt when due, and otherwile perlorme an the obligation• Imposed upon TMllor under Ihle Deed or TM11, Lander shall execute end ddwr to TIUIIN I 19queat ror f\JN l'IICOnveyance end INl1 execute and dellvlr to Truator •ullable llalementa or termlnellon of any financing llatement on file eYldenc:lng Lender'• HCUrity lnlfflllt In the Rent• Ind the Personal Property. lender may chatge Truator a~ reconveyance tee et the time of--..yance. EVENTS OF D£FAULT. Each or the rollowlng. at lender's opelon, •hall 00lmlMII en Event or Default under 1h11 DNd or Trust: Payment Default. Truetor rtllt to make any peyment when due under the lndebtedneel. Other O.hlulla, Truetor rail• to comply with or to perform any other term, obligatlon, -•nl or condttJon con1'lned In lhla DNd or Trust or In any or the Ralalld Document• or to c:omply with or to perform 1ny term, obllgatlon, covenant or condition contained In any OCher ..,..,..,.m betwMn Lender 1nd Truator. COlllpllance Default. Failure to c:omply with any otlllf tenn, obllgation, covenant or condition c:ontelned In lhl• DNd or T,uat, the Note or In any of the Relalld Document•. Default on Olhet ~ Fllure of Truator within the time reqund by this ONd of TRIit to make any p,yment ror taxea or lnautlnce, or any other payment nece ... ry to pntYent ftllng or or to effect ditdlerge or any 11en. Oef1111t In ,_ of Thlnf P1rt1es. Should Grantor default under 1ny loin, ,xllnlkln or cndlt. ucurtty egrffrMflt. purdllH or .... .-nent, or any oOllf 119---. In,_ or any other creditor or person that may ffllllrialty llfflld any or Granto!'• property or Grantor'1 1bllty to repay the lndebtednell or Grantor'1 lbUlty to perform Grantor's obllgatlona under 1h11 Deed of Trust or any or the Related Oocumenta. F• ......___ My WlffWlly, ~ or llltemlnt made or furnllhecl to Linder by Truator or on Tru1tor'1 behd under 1h11 Deed of Tr\lllt or the R8lltld l)oQJmenta II , .. or mlalNding In 1ny mallrial rnpec:1. either now or 11 the time ffllde or rumllhed or becomN ,.,._ or millNdlng at 111y time thereafter. DerlcllVI Colllterallullon Thia ONd or Tr\111 or any or the RNtld Ooc:uments -to be 1n full rorce end effect (lndudlng f1lllurw of eny coleteral doannent to crnt• 1 Vind and perfectld •ecul1ty lnlenat or len) at 111y ume and ror w,y -,. O.•th or lneolvency. The dlHolutlon or Truetor'• (reg9rdleaa of~ eledlon to conUnue II made), any member wlthdrawa rron, 111e 11m1tec1 lablllty company, or any olher termlnltion or TNetor'• tx1at1nce • 1 going buslneA or lhe dNth or any member, the lnaolY11r1cy of Truetor, the appolnt,-,i or a reee111er ror any p11r1 or Truetor'• property, w,y 1aignmenl ror the benefit of aedllorl, any type or a-editor wortcout. or the commencement of 1ny proceeding under 1ny blnknlptcy or Insolvency lllwll by or agalnat TNIIOr. Creditor or forfellure ~'"9•-Conmeucernent or foreclosure or forfeltlft proceedlnga, whether by DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20736 , .... judlc:lal 111111-dlng, Mlf-help, ~ or err, DIiier melhod, by ll1Y credllor of TIUAII' or by 1111)' gowli•illlltll 8glflcy llgNISI.,, property MCUllng the lndablllclneu. Thia lncluci.l. r,amiltmel,t of any of Trualol'a accounlll, lnc:ludlng dapoall accounll, with Lander. Howfter, 1h11 EVllnl of Dafault lhal not apply If thete • • good fallh cllapute by Trualor • to lhe valdlty or __..,.... of lhe c:1a1m whlc:h la lhe bMII of lhe Cl1ldltor or forfwlu-. pnlCNdlng and If Trustor glVN Lander wrltlen nollca of lhe cndllof or furfelluN p,IICNCllng and dapolb with Llnclar monlla or • aur91y bond for the credllor or forfalllft prvi:Ndng, In an -,nt c1•n11l11ad by Lendar, In ill IOie cllacnlUon, • being an adequate ,._ or bond for .. diapule. INKII of Olher ~ Any brNc:11 by Tlllllor undar the IWffll of any other egrwrnant bltwNn Trllllor and Lander that • not ramadled within 111Y .-pe,tod prvwled therein, 1nc:1uc1ng wlthOut llmltallon 111Y agr-,,t c:011c:aml11g err, ~ldab!N-or other obllpllon of TNator lo Landar, wtlather eldlllngnoworlllter. l!wllla Mllac:ltn8 o-antor. Any of 118 prwc:acllrlQ awn11 occura with rnpei:t lo any Guarantor or ll1Y of lhe lndlbledt-or any ou..ntordllla or baoomla ~ or revvkN or dlaputn the valldlly d, or llabllty under, any Guaranty d lhe bldabl9dl-. AdWrae c:t.nge. A malarlal 9CMIM c:IWIII' --In Trualol'a llnMC:lal concllllon, or Lander balleves lhe prvapac:t of payn"'1I or parforn•a of Iha lncleblai-• llnpend. RIGHTa AND REIIEDIEI ON DEFAULT. If an EVllnl of Default occura llncler lhla Dead of Truat. at any 11m11 lhllrNfter, TMIN or Lander may tlXllldall any -or more of Iha fo1kMin11 rlgllll and rwmedllla: Ellcllon of lteffllclln. Elllc:llon by Lllndlll to puraua any nlffllldy et.a not ududll purlUlt of ll1Y olhlr l9ffllllly, and 1111 elllc:tloll lo ma1ca upancllurwa or to 1ak11 11c:11on to parform an obllgatlon of Truator undllr lhla 0Nd d Truat, eflllr Truator'a fllllulw to plllform, 11111 not affec:l l..llndllr'a right IO dlldlrll a dllfllUII and llllardtll 1111 IWl!llldlN. ,.,. Ila Ull'I "' ..... Upon an Evant of Dllfaull under lhla Dead of Truat, 8anallc:illry may dlldllre lhe anlirll lndllbllldt--.ci by 1h11 DNd of TRIil lmmadl11191y dull and payllblll fly dlllvllly to TIIIIIN of wrttten clllc:lllldon of clllfaull and dllmand for ..,. and of wrltlltn nollc:II of dllfault and of lllllc:tlon lo -to bll aold the Proplll1y, which notlc:II TNallll nil -to bll 1111d for ,-d. Bllnllllc:lary alllo 1111d dllpc:IIII with Tllllfllll 1h11 DNcl of Truat, ._ Noll, olhlr ~ ,aqueatacl by TNIIN, 1111d d ~ rAdenc:lng upandlbna NC:lnd Mr9by. N'M the ..... ot IUdl llma III may then 1111 l9qUU'llcl by 11w fllllowing lhe ,-dllllon of lhe nollc:a of clllfaull, Ind notic:11 of Nill hiving blllln F'II" N than ,wqulr9CI by llw, TIUIIN, without dllmand on TNll!Gr, 1t11i1 NI 11111 Pnlparty at Iha 11m11 11nc1 piacl ftMd by It In 1111 nollc:II of .. , llilhllr N I wholll or In llllplll'lte pan)lla, and In IUdl ordw N It may clelllrrilll, at pubic 8Udlon lo lhe highlltt blddar fvr Cllh In lawful .-y al 1111 Un1ac1 81alN, payllblll at 11m11 of ... TIIIIIN may poalpOrlll Ille ot II or err, po,1lorl of the Proparty by pubic:~ at IUdl llmll and piacl ot Illa, and fnlm llma to llmll lharNfter may poalpOIMI IUdl .. by pubic IMOUl'IClllllln at Iha tme 1bc9d by the praceclng pollpol-~ In --«lalA with applc:able law, TIUIIM 1111111 dallv9r' lo IUCh Pllldl8W ill dNd conveying the Proparty ao IIOkl, bul wllhout any ~ or warranty, ..-a or Implied. The '9Cllall In IUdl ~ of any ,,.._ or fads 111d be oonc1u1M prod of the ~ ,_.,,, Any parlOrl, lnc:ludlng TrualDr, Tllllllt or Benalcialy may pun:t-. at IUdl Mia. After c1ac1Yc:11ng II c:oa18, ,._ and..,._ of TrualN and of thla Trust, lnc:ludlng coat of ewi..-of lllle In mnnec:llon wllh Nia, Tl\lllaa lhall apply the pnlC:Ndl of Mil to payment ot: al 11111'11 ~ under the IWffll herlof, not"-Npald, with ac:aued lnterwt •t the lll'IIOUffl allowed by law In .ir.c:t at the clal• llar9of; .. olhat aurns than Nanci hllreby; and Iha 191'11111nd•r, If •ny, to the paraon or P1110M legaly enlllled thereto. Jutllclll forwc:INurl. With l'Np•d to al or any part of the RIii Proplll1y, IAnder lhall haw the right In 11111 of ror.doaura by power d _,. to fvNcloal by judlclal flnc:loain In IICXXll'danc:a with and to Iha full IJdent prvwled by Callomla law. UCC ...._._, With rapect'to II or liff'/ part of 1h11 PwlOll•I Prop•rty, IAnder lhall haw II lhe rtghta and NffllldlN d • Mc:ured party under fie Uniform Commlrclal Code, lnc:ludlng without llmltatlon lhe right to DEED OF TRUST (Continued) recover any deficiency In the mann•r and to the fuU extent p,vvlded by Cellfomie law. 20737 Page 8 Collect Ranta. Lender shall have the right, without notk:e to TI\Jstor lo take ponealon of end manage the Property and conect the Rents, Including emounta pat due and unpaid, and apply the net prooeedl, over and above Lender'• coata, agelnat the lndeblodn•11. In fur1heranc:e of 1h11 right, Lender mey require any tanent or other ueer of the Property lo make paym•nll of rent or ute fee• dlreclly lo Lender. If the Ranta .,. collected by Lander, then TI\Jator lrrevocebly dellgnatea Lender .. TI\JIIOl"I ettomey4n-fecl lo endorae lnatrurnenll received In payment thel9of In the name of Tro11or and to negotiate the aeme and cohct the prooaeds. Paymenta by tenenll or other users lo Lender In response to Lender's demand llhall eallefy the obligations for which the paymenla 11111 made, whether or not any proper grounds for the demand exilted. Lender mey exerdse It• rlghle under 1h11 subperagraph eMher In pereon, by agent, or through a receiver. Appoint "-Iver. Lender wn have the right lo have a receiver appointed to take pouealon of ell or any part of the Property, with the. power to pn,tect and preeeMt the Property, to operete the Property p,acedlng forecloaure or ule, and to collect the Ren1I from the P!Operty and apply the proeeed1, 01111r end above the coat of the rec:elvelahlp, agelnll the Indebted-. TIie recelvw may MMt without bond If pennlUed by law. Lender'• right to the appointment of a receiver eheN e>Cill whether or not the apparent value of the Property exceeds the I~ by a 111batllntlel •mounl Employment by Lender 111110 not dlaquelify a person from MIVlng • , re0111ver. Tenancy at Sutr.nmce. If Trustor remakll In poN•Alon of the Property after the Property la 101d •• pl'OYlded above or Lender otherwise become• enlllled to poaeaalon of the Property upon default of Trustor. Trustor lhaH become a tenant et auff9r9noe d Lender or the purdl-of the Property encl ahall, at Lender's option, allher (1) pay a IHIOn•ble rentel for the uee of the P!Operty, or (2) v•c:ata Iha Property Immediately upon the demand of Lender. Other Ramedlu. TRJatee or Lender ehell have any other rtght or remedy prowled In this Dead of Truet or the Note or av•lable at law or In equity. NotJc• of Salt, Lender ehal1 give Troator raaonable notice of the time and place of any public: sale of the Personal Property or of the time efllr which any Plfv•le sale or other Intended dlspoalllon of the Personal Pn:,p•rty la lo be made. Reeaonlble no4lce 1111111 meen nollce given at leut ten (10) daye befor9 the lime of the Ml• or dlapo•ltion. Any ule of the Pel1onal Pn:,perty may be made In c:onjuncllon with any .. of the Real P!Operty. Sale of the Proptlty, To the extent permitted by applcable law, Trustor hereby walv•11 any and an rights to have the Property marshaled. In exercising It• rtghlll and remedies, the Trustee or Lender wn be free lo ..n aN or any part of the Property together or aeperallly, In one Nie or by Mpatale ulel. Lender 1hell be entitled lo bid at any public sale on atl or eny portion of the Property. Attomeya' FN1; Expenan. If Lender lnstttutes any suit or ecllon to enfon:e any of the lerms of 1h11 Deed of TRJII, Lender lhaN be entitled to recover IUCh sum II the court may adjudge ,.._.. 11 attomey•' fee• at lrlal encl upon Ill)' appeal. Whether or not 1ny court ecllon It lnvolwid, and to the extent not prohtbtled by law, all reasonable expentes lender lnwl lh•t In Lender'• opinion --•ery et any time for the protection of Ill lni.wt or the anforeernent of Its rights lhall become a part of the lndebladMII payable on demand and 111111 bear lntere•t at the Nola rate from the dale of the eicpendlture until f91111ld. Ex~ covered by 1h11 paragraph lnc:lude, without Nrnlletlon, however IUbjec:t to any llmlts under applicable law, Lender's attomeya' feet and Lender'• legal exi:ier-, whether or not there la a lawaull, lncludlng attomeya' fen and e,rpenaes for bankruptcy prooeedlnga (lncludlng effolt• to modify or vacate any automatle llay or lnjuncllon), appeals, and any antk:lpa1ed post-judgment col1ectlon aervlc:et, the coat of Man:hing records, oblalnlng title report• (lncludlng foNdo•ure report•), aurveycn' reportl, and eppralul f-, lllle lnaunlnce, and tee• for the Trustee, to the extent permitted by •ppllcable law. Trustor also will pay any court coelll, In eddltion lo ell other auma provided by law. RJg1111 of Trv•tff, Trustee lhel have ll1 of the rights Ind dutiea of Lender u Ml forth In this a•ctlon. POWERS AND DBUGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The following provlalona relating to the powera 1nd obHgstlone of TIIIIIN IN pert of 1h11 DNcl of Truat DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20738 Page10 ,._,. of TRIIIN. In .«ldlllol'l 10 .. powerw ot TIUIIN IIIN1g M I mallet ot law, TI\IIIN 111111 haw the p0WIII' 10 take lhe fobvlnO ICtlonl with -,,eel 10 the Property upon the written IWqlaeet of Lender 1111d Truetor. (1) join In prep-1ng and tling a map or plat of the Rell Prcperty, lnc:ludlnO the clecllclltlon ot ltratlll or olher rlghls to the publle; (b) join In arantlng wry -ni or autlng any l'NlrlCClon on the RNI Propaty: and (c) join In any IIUbanllnallan or olher ~ afl9Gllng this DNcl of Trust or the lnlilnllt ot Lander under 1h11 DNcl of TNIL 011•1.a-to Nollfy. TNAN lhall not be abllgalad lo nollfy wry 01her perty ot I pending Ille under lny olhllr ll'Ult dNd or lien, or ot wry 1C:11o11 or plVClMdlng In which TNIIOr, lAnder, or TIIIIIN lhall be • pelty, unlell the ac:1lof'I or Pl'-.dlllO le brought by Tf\111,ee. TRIIIN, Truatee 111111 111M1 al qualllc•tlonl ,wqund for TIIIIIN under appllclbll Ir#. In addlllon 10 the rlghll •nd IWlllldln 114 fol1h lbowl, wllh -.,.ct to II or wry pert ot the Property, the TMIN 1111111111"9 the r1ghl to for9doM by nollce end ..... and Lander 1h11 twft ... right to forwdoN by judldal forlcloeln, In aNhlr -In accordllncle with and 10 the ful exllnt prOYld9d by appllcable Ir# . .__ TNAff, Lendar, al Lender's option, ""Y from time to time appoint I .-Tl\lllal 10 wry TIIIIIN lppolnted und• Ihle DNcl ot Tllllt by a, lnllrument IXeculld and IC:lcnowledged by Lander and '--' In the office of the _. of SAN DIEGO County, Slate of Callfamla. Thi lnllNmlnt lhlll contlln, In lddlllofl to al Olhlr 11N111ert NIQUlrld by .._ law, the n•m11 ot the Ollglrlll l.erNNr, TIIIIIN, Ind Truelor, the book and page wt.. Ihle DNc1 of Tllllt ii '--'• Ind the -and ICldmt ot the IIW WltN, and the lr1'lrumlnt 1h11 be UICUled and~ by Lander orb_. In lnlarnt. Thi -~.without~ ot the Property, 111111 ~ to al._ tltle, power, and dullN confln9cl upon._ Tlllllal In Ihle DNcl of TNlt and by appllclble law. Thie p,ooedurl for IUbttltullon of TIUIIN 1h11govern101hl llldullon ot al o1hlr pnMllorll for IUbllltu1lon. -mpl•MI by TNIIN. TIIIIIN _.. 1h11 Tl\lll when 11111 Died of TNlt. duly mtlCIMd and •c:1111owledged, II m•de a pubic l'ICOld • prOYld9d by law. NOTICES, Any no11c• requhel 10 be 11M11 ~ Ihle DNcl ot Trust 1h11 be giVIII In writing, and 111•11 be •ffedN't when IClu•ly delMrad, when •dully ,.__, bi --•clln .. (unlw DlheMlle reqund by law), when depo•bcl wllh • nallonally NCOgnlZ9d _. oourt•r, or, If llllil•d, when dlpollld In the Unbd St•lel mall, • 111'11 c:lul. o•l1lll•d or~ m•II po•t•g• prep•ld, chc:l•d to the •ddlNNI al-. ,_ the beginning ot t11a DNcl of TNIL TNIIOr Nq\111111 th•t c:opln of any nodcn of cllfllult and .... be dlNc:ald to TIUIIGl'a •dchll lhown -lie beginning of t11a DNc1 of Tl\lll Al c:opln of rdcel ot b.clolure from lhe holder ot any 111n which 1111 pitority -1111 DNd of Tl'Ult lhall be •ant lo L•ndel'a •ddreN, • lhown nee, 1hl beginning of flil D•lcl of TMt Any perty may ~ Ill •ddr9II for nollcl9 under 1h11 DNcl ot Tl'UII by 11"""9 farmll wrlllen nollc• to 1hl olhllr penlN, ~ lh•t the purpoN of._ nollc• le IO change Iha party'a IClcnu. For nollc:e purpoMI, Truetor 111119M IO IINp Lander Wonned al al .,,_ ot TNltOl'I CUINnt •ddMI. Unll•I olll9IWIM prOYld9d or reqund by law, If there II -lh•n one Truator, any nollce 11M11 by lander IO •ny Tniaor II d•anad to be nalloe IIN911 IO •I TIUltorl. STATEMENT 0/F OIIUQATION FH. IAnder may oalKt • fN, nol lO e-.d the m•xlmum •mount pe,mll8d by law, for fumllhlng the 11nmen1 ot oblglllon • prOYld9d by Sec:t1on 2943 of the CM COde ot Calbnll. MOOFICATIONI AND EXTl!NIIONI. 1111 ..,_ of fllfl Noe8, Cf'IIII .__.., --~ twldlnc:lllg 1111 lnd1,11dneN., MJ ..__......~by .. ,_,_,.-, Ill_.....,"-tlml to tlml by ..,_,,. ~ the lloldlr(a) ..,_, 11111 h ,.._ ....... t11n011 • lll•Ur(1). Suell ...... 1111Y lnclud•, wllhoul ...................... nllflllOII, IIINlllc•llon, -lldmenl. ...................... alWIIOlf 1naMN of h .......... f• ...,.., h hlldel(I) 11111 .....-f•I NY ..... (I) Ina-.., cleclMM lhe ,....,.. ,..., 1111 _.,.,. 111e .....-. to., nm, aloMHnd.,., .,..,_., 411111g111on, (cl_.,.,. 111e llllllgatlon lo ., ,,_ a tlll•cl .,...... nit llllllgatlon ., an ......_ lnllrMt ,_ .........., (d) .__ or dtcf-. th•,.,--_.., (1) ctianae th• pll1fflllll aclledull, (fl mllld or....,.. h "-ulnt wt11ct1 flllln ._ 1111Y III lllllde, 18) .._ attdlor IMfflllCI loln ,__..,Chi_..• Nlloon perment. Ill nlMlt or lhonlll 11M IIIIIUl1ly .._, G) lncreMl 1111 ,rlllclpll IIIIOIR, ,_ -.i1, llldlor Cl'lcllt llnlll of th• DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20739 Page 11 ~ evtctendng !he obllptlon, and/or 111) any conib1n111on ot lhe foratolng. To the extant pennl!IH by law, the obllglllon IS 10 ctlanged from 111111 IO llme end ell future.._.. and N-4CIYII-1'11111111 lhento lhlll be and continue to be -d by Ihle lnltrumenl with a pdorlly a1 of the 11111 1h11 1nt1rument II recorded, ,..a,dltl• of whether any ~ ot -h chllltll II flied or ,._. or wtlen funds n ICIYlncld or rNldvancecl. F'UTUltE ADVANCES. This Instrument aecurea not only lxistlng lndlblecl-and edYancH made c:onllmponlneoualy with the exec:ution of lhia lnalnlmlnt, but MO fulunl advlncla, whether obligatory, optlonal, or both, and whether made under open-end cndll 1g1Nll'llnla or olhetwlae, lo the -extent II If 1ucti Mure adv9ral -made ~ with the eucution ot lhia lnelrument. -If no advance la made at the Ume of the execution of this lnatrument end -If no lndebledneN II OU!llendlng at the lime any ~ It made. Any edvanc:N (whether obllgatay, optional, or both) nwdt by Lender under the terma of any Note, Credit Agreement or other lnelrument o, obllgallon aec:urwd by lhla lllllnlment, end any modlflc:allon, amendment. extentlon, or ,_, thereof, logather with lnlerell 0-n, lhall be eecured by 1h11 Instrument with e priority II d the d9le 1h11 ~ II ,-dee!. ADDITIONAL COLLA Tl!RAL; SECURITY AGREEMENT. Trustor hereby granta and conveys lo Lender a Uniform Commerdal Code MCUrily lnlemt In the folowlng eddllional c:o11at11ra1 (collec:IIYely, the "Addltlonel Collalalal"), whether now owned or hereafter ecqulnld by Truator: (1) 11. Pellontl Property, (bl en Rerrtl, (c;) II bulding metllialt, aupplia, Inventory, equipment, flxturet, fumlahlnga r,ndlot other goods (but excluding any houlehold good•) Intended for uae, uaed, or UAble In the COMlnlcllon, repelr, nlllOYllllon, operation or ~ of lmprovementa ~ o, lo be c;ona1ructed on the RN Property, (d) II c:ormrudlon, englnefflig, and ardllledural connda end ell plana. drawings and apecltlc:ellol• ,.lallng lo the c:onatruellon, l'9plllr or ninovallon ot lmpn)vamenta on the RNI Ploparty, and (•) II allac:tvMnta, -IOllea and acceaeloril lo any d the fcngolng end Ill replacementa of end proc:eeda flOm the fonlgolrig. Thia lnatrumenl ahetl c:onaUlule I Sec:urity Ag!Mmenl a lo Iha Addltlonll Collalenll, and Lender 1h11 hew 111 of the rlghta with rnpec:t lhe,.lo of a llc:urtd pally under the Uniform Commen:1111 Code .. .wded and ~ from time lo lime In the l1ate in which the Rell Property la located. Lender la eulhorized lo Ille at Trualol'a expenae auch llnanclng ~ and other ftllngs .. Lander lhel deem approprtale lo perfect and c:onClnue Linden 11c:urlly im.eat In the Addltlonal Coaateral. Truator llhell ralmbunle Lender for afl expen•n lnc:uned In pelfec;tlrig or CIOnllnulng Ihle llc:urlty lnlerett Upon defawt, Trualor 1h11 not 18111CM1, -r or detach 1111)' AddNlonll Collateral from the Real Property, and Trustor ahall a-ble II Addillonal Collal8rW not etllxad lo the Pn:iperty In a manner and at a ptac;e l'HIOlllbly convenient to Truator and Lender end meke II aYlllleble lo Lender within lhrN days after rwcalpl ot Mitten demand from Lander lo the extent pennlhd by appllc;able lew. The rndlng adcll'II-of Truator (debtor) end Lender (MCUl'ld party) from which lnfonnatlon conc:emlng lhe aec:urlly 1n1erN1 granled by lhla Instrument may be obte1nec1 (aech • raqund by the UnlOlffl Commercial Code) ara as 1teled an lhe fim pega of thla Deed of Truat. Thia prOYlllon la In addition 10 (end ctoee not aupe!Mde) 1111)' other provlelon of Ihle lnltrument gran1lng Lender I MCUlfly lnlereat In peraonal property. TRUSTOR'S ADDIT10NAl WAIVERS. To the extent pennltlad by appllc;abla law, TIUllor alao 8Xpl9Uly waives al blneflta, c:lalma, rlghll and defenaea Trustor may hive o, acquwa that are baaed on: (A) any atatutory or canwnon law provlalon lmlllng Iha llatillly of or requlr1ng the dlac:hlrge or~ of a gua,anlor or aurety; (B) the law of ""9lylhlp or Impairment ot colalanll, lndudlng any blneffla, dlima, rlghll or dlfan- Guaantor may hew or ac:q1n purauant lo Mdlona 3-419 and 3-805 of the Unlfonn COIIWlllldal Code aa adopted and ~ from time lo time by lhe var1oul llalel; (C) any llalUlor)' or canwnon law prO'llalon lhel ,... ... , dildlargea, or llmlts the '-l>!Nly of a rtmalnlne obll(lor following the l'IINII of • joint obllgor; (0) homealeld or exemption laws and any llghta thereunder wllh tHpecl lo any collallral lekan n MCUflly for the lndablldneu; (E) 1111)' •one adlon," "entkleflc:ianc; or olher atatutory or common law provision limlllng 1111 right of Lender to obtain a Judgment against or 10 Olhefwlse ptOC:Nd 1galnll any person or entity oblgaled for payment d the lndebtednesa (lnc:ludlng Truator, If lha1 la the c:ue), whether befor9 or after the forldolute, Nie or other dl•poaitlon of any eollatn teken 11 •-..tty for Iha lndebladl-; end (Fl any legal or equltable clodtlne or p,tnc:iple of matahdlng. Lender 1h11 not be raqund lo aall or dlapoae of collalMII In in-order of aiien11ion or In any olher pat1k:ular order. Without affecdng or INllnlng Lender'a rfghta under thla Instrument, Lender may do or not do any of the followtrig with raped lo the Indebted-or Note without .... --·--- DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20740 ..... 12 Truato(a knowledge, cor-i or Jolnder: (A) grant exl8nlionl of lime for payment. (8) grent _., (CJ permit mocliftcallo111 of payment lerml or Olher """' Of ciondllioM, (0) petmlt auumptiona of lhe lnclebtllclnell or Nole, (E) ...,_ -or more ~ Of gueramora from lllbilty, 111d (F) uchenge Of ,.....anycolllla'aloroetierMCUllly. INFORMATION AIOUT OTHa Ul!NI. Lender ii lllllhor1ncl to obtain IUdl infonnll1ion ebout 011,er 111111 or dllma ol llen on the RMI Property II Lender may~ 19q11911 from the Nd! cnclitor Of other pe11011 or entity that hn, c:lalma to halle, or 1118111 • lien on the Rell Pnipe,ty. The Information r9qUel1ed may Include, bul ii not nm..11 IO, the netu1e ol the 1111n or c:llllm of hn, the c:ln:urnatar-. under whldl the Ian or c:llllm of lien -. and the amount l'ICIIIINld IO NlilfV the lien or c:lllm of len. The credlkn or other pnona or enllllel lha1 halle, c:lllm IO halle, or --' • 1111n on .. RNI Properly .. IUlhol1zecl 111d dirwc:llcl IO p,omplly pnMde IO undlt the lnformallon requeatacl by IAndar. Thia pnMllon aipplet whether the llen or c:llllm ol lien ii ll,petlor orlubotcllnala in priority to III len olthla lrlltlunwlt. RIGHT TO CURE. PIiar lo -.rdng the lncleblldl--. by flil ~ undlt lhell 11M IUdl nolloe 111d oppottunlty to an 1111111)' be raquncl by the Nole or Credi!~ Mc:Ul'ld by flil lnalrument. The l)ftMlionl of lhlt Mction 1h11 not IUpe!Ncle or limit the appllc:allon of any conlrohg pnMllona of IWle law IXlllOlml1111 nollce ol dafault, lhe right to CUl9, or h right to relnltata, 111d nothing in 1h11 lnllrument 1111111 be clMmecl • Wliwr ol ._ pOYlllonl; provtdecl, '-'• !hat lhe pOYlllonl of the Nole or Credit AgrHmenl llld .,,, IUc:h .. law l9Qull9mlnla 1h11 run COIIQffl'llllly. MIICELI.ANEOUI PROVIIIONI. The folowlng ~ pnMllona 119 1 part of 1h11 011d of Truat: Alwldllllla. Thia 011d of Truat, loge1tllf with tnr Rlllled Documenll, c:ondlulal lhe enln 11ldliuldli111 111d .-,.nt of lhe per1lle • to lhe 1N111ar9 1411 fol1h in flla 011d of Trust. No a118r8Uon of or -ldmelll 10 1h11 011d of TRIit 1111111 be ~ un11n 11iwn in writing 111d ligrllcl by Ille perty or pe,1111-,ghlto be c111f91C1 or bound bylhe ~ or~ ANMI ,_..._ If lhe Propei1y ii UMcl for purpoMI olher tlWI TIUltol'a 1911denc:e, Tl\lltor 111111 tumllh to LAndlr, upon l9qUllt, • Cll1lftacl ...... of l'llt opllllllng Income l9C9Md from lhe Prope,ty clllllng TIUltol'a P1'1WM bc:81 YN1' in auc:11 lorm 111d cllld II LAndlr 1t1111 l9qUirl. "Nit operating fnoolnl" 111111 -Ill CNII tecaip11 from Ill Propei1y 11D II Clllh upenclllul9I medll in IXlloldofl with lhe oparallon of .. Pror,111y. Clpllon .....,._, Clptlon llllcllnga in 1h11 Dllcl of Truat n for c:onv1nll11c1 pu1po111 ortty 111d n not to be UMcl to ..,._.,,. or cllAne fie pnMllona of 1h11 Dllcl of Trust. ........ Thel9 111111 be no ,-gar of lhl ilul9lt Cf 111M1 c:rNCecl by tllll Dllcl of TNII with any Cllher lntereat or nlllle in the Propei1y Ill any time held by or for the benefit of LAtncltr in any c:apac:lty. wltnout .. wr1llen an.II °' Lender. ~ Law. Tllla DNcl of TRIil wll Ill...,...... by w..l i.w ...... lo Ullder end, lo the eJdant 11111 llflllllllllld by...,.. law, .. Ian of ....... of Cllllfomla wlltlClul ...... lo .. callllc:la of 11w ,_..,.._ Tllla DNcl ofTNll lln 111111--,.d by I.Mier .. the ltale of Cllfonlla. No Wai-by LeMer. i....., ltlall not be clNmed to '-walvN any l1gllla under !Ne DNd of TMlt unlNa IUdl WIMI' la g!wn in writing 111d ligrllcl by l.lndlr. No clllly or onliallon on Ill part of Lender in IXll'Clling any right ltlall operN 11 • walwr of IUc:h right or any OCtier light. A walvw by LAndlr of • pnMllon of 1h11 Dllcl of Truat 11h11 not pntjudlc:e or conlllute I w11Yer of Lenclenl right Clh•lwlM to cl•IWld •lrlct compllllice with lhat pnM•lol, o, any OCtier pnMllon of thla D••d of Truat. No p,lor walwr by Lencllr, nor any -of clNlng ~ Linder encl Tl\lltor, 1111111 ~ 1 WIMII' of •ny of L.encl•i'• rlgllla or of any of Trualol'• ollllg•llona II to any fulur9 ~ Wll•n•ver 1h11 cona•nt of t.•ncl•r ii rwquncl under flla D11c1 of TRIit, fie granting of •uc:h _... by L.•nd•r in any inst•nc• •hell not 00nllllute conllnuing cona•nt 10 IUbMq\l•nl in11enc11 w11e19 IUdl COl'lllnl la l9qUncl encl in Ill - 8uch car-,( may be g,anlecl or wllhhelcl In tie lcle cll•cnllon of t.•ncl•r. -•--blllly. If• -,rt of~ jurl•dldlon llnclt any pnMllon of lhta D••d of Truat to be ll•gll, lnwllid, Cf unenf-•ablt .. to any drcumlllnc•, 1h11 ftncllng 1111ft not ~ 1h11 cffencling p!Vllttton llegll, DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20741 Invalid, or unenfon:ea,. • to any other c:in:um.iance. tr fNllble, lhe offending prollialon shall be COllsidenld modified IO that It bacoma8 legal, valid and ~-"Iha offending l)IOYlllon cannol be IO modllled, It lhd be c:onaldared delelad from this Dnd d Truat. UnlHa Olhefw!M ~ by law, the Illegality, lnvalkllty, °' unanforoeabllly of any ptOWllon of 1h11 Dead of TNlt lhall not lflect the lagellty, vatldlty or anforceabllty of any Olhar pn,vtlion of thla Deed of Truat. 8-.on and Aa1lgna. Subject to any limitatlons llated In 1h11 Deed of Truat on trantfar of Trullor'a Interest, this Deed of Tllllt •hall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the panial, thajr IIUCCNIOfS and ... 1g111. If -.hip of lhe Property become• WIied In a panon 04har then Tru•tor, lander, without nolica to Tru•tor, may da.i with Truatol'a -with rafll'•"CII to Ihle Deed of TMI and the lndebledna11 by way d fOfbaar•nce or IIXWflllon without l9lealtng Truator from the obligations of !Na Dead of Trust or liablity Wider lhe lndabledneH. Time II of the !-. Tlma la of the -In the parformenc:a of lhla Deed of TI\III. DEflNmONS. The followtng capltallnd word• and tarml lhall haw the following meanings when used In this Deed of Trual Unlaa •pac:ltlcaly atated to the contrary, all ,.,..._ to doll9r-amounll lhall -amounla In lawful money of the United Stalel of Amanca. Wonl1 and l1lrml llled In the alngular shll lnc:luda the plural, and the pknl 1h11 Include the alngular, • the oon1ext rr-, require. Wonla and terma not Dlhelwlaa defined In 1h11 Dead of Truat lhal haw the fflNninga attributed to auch tarml In the Uniform eor-aa, Code: 8anafld•ry. The word "8eneflcl•ry" me•M Fnt.aiz-Bank & Trust Company, and lta IUCCallOl'I and aaalgns. 8-, The word "Borrowa(" --,a 6125 "-Dal Nor1a LlC, a Cellfomla LJmltad Ueblllty Company and lndudN .. CCHlgnan and co-mak•ra ligrllng the Nola and all their lUOOl1IIOrl and nalgna. IIHd of Trust. The wordl "Deed of Trutl" -1N1 Deed d Trust among Truator, lander, and Truat•e, and lnduclea without llmllatlon •I ualgnment and NQllily lntarelt pn,vlllona relating to lhe Paraonal Property and Rents. Default. The word "Default" me-the Default •t forth In 1h18 Deed of Trull In the aec:tlon lltled "Defautt·. ~ntal ~-The wordl "Enwonmantal i.-• _, any and .. atate, federal and local atatutet, reguletloM and ordinancea relalfng to the protection of human health or the environment, lnc:ludlng without limllllllon the Comp1ahe1111Ye Effllironmenlal Reaponae, Companaation, and LlabUlty Act of 1980, a amend•d, 42 U.S.C. Sacllon 9801, et aaq. rcERCLA"), the Supe,fund Amendmenll and R•authortzalion Act of 1986, Pub. L No. 89-489 ("SARA"), the Hazanlou9 M•lllri•II T-apo,1allon Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et eeq., the RellCUOI Conaerv•tlon Ind R-ry Act, 42 U.S.C. Seclfon 8901, et MQ., Chaplera 8.5 through 7.7 d Dlvlalon 20 d fie Callf0mla HNllh and Slfety COde, Sadlon 25100, et eeq., or olher apptlcabla atate or faderlll laws, ruin, or ~ aclopwd Pll"IU'"I lhaleto. Evalll of Default. The wordl "Ewnt d Default" -any d Iha ftWlla of default let for1h In lhhl DMd of Trust In the evenll ol default Mclkln of 1h11 Deed ol Truat. Guarantor. The WOid "Guarantcw" me•M any guarantor, 1urety, or aecommoei.11on party of any or al of the lndebled11e11. Guaranty. The word "Guan1nty" meant the guarenty from Gulrlnlor to lender, lnduding without limllaUon • eueranty of al or pert of the Nola. Hauni-Subetancea. The word• "Hazardous SUbllancea" _, matertala that, becaUN d their quantity, CXIIIC»lllrltlon or physical. c:hamlc:al or lnfactloua chalaclellatlc:, m•y -or p01a a preMnt or potential h•urd to human hNtth or the arwtronmant when Improperly 11141d, traaled, 1knd, dllpo•ed d , generated, rnenuteclunld, ttanaportad or olhalWile handled. The words "Hazardoua Substance•" .. ueed In Iller very blolldeat -and Include without llmllatlon any and al hazardous or toxic IUbelllnce•, meterial1 or waale •t defined by or lilted under the EnYlronmanllll t.awa. The term "Hazardous Subatencet• alao lndudt1, without IJmtlallon, pelRlltum and petroleum by-p,odudl or any fraction thereof endll8bNtol. DEED OF TRUST (Continued} 20742 ..... 14 IIRpnl-.a, The word "lmpn-ment•• -.. exlatlng and future lmpro"-•• bulldlnga, atrudut'N, mobile homn efllxed on the Reel Propllty, fac:lltlet, adcllllona, ~ end other conatructlon on 1h11 Real Property. 1r1 u,1-. The word ·~ldltMd-• _,. .. prtnc:lpll, 1n1e1wt. and olher emounta, ooeta end 8J1118MN payable under 1h11 Nole or RalNd ~ logellier with .. _.. ol, exlllnalona of, modllcellol• of, oanaolldelloM ol end SllblCllullone for the Nole or Ralaad DoQmenla and .,,., MIOUnla mqiended or edvanc:ed by Lender lo lladlllg8 Tl'IIIIOl'I obllgdal• or upllW lnoumld by TM1N or Lencler lo enforce TIWlor'a obllgetlorlS under 1111a Died ol Trust, tDgeltie, with lnt8l9II on suet, amounll a pnwlded In .. Deed ol Trust. landw, The word "l.endef" _,. Fnt-Cltlnna Bank & Trust Compeny, b __. encl ealgna. NClla. The word "NoCII" _.. lie promlaol7 note dellld Oecembef 12, 2012, Ir Illa Ollplll pltiiclpal -1 of $2,171,000,00 from TNl1or to Lender, tDgeltie, wllh .. _... ol, extena1ona of, modlllcatlona of, rdnandnga ol, ooneolldetlona of, end aubstllullona for the 111orni.-y nole or~ ,._.. l'nlpelty. The wards "Perlonll Property" -.. equlpme,C. lldurN, and other 8l1k:tea ol pel90IIII prope,ty now or hlfNlllr owned by Trualor, encl now or helNfter dac:hed or allbced lo the Reef Property; IOgllher with II --6ona, pa,ta. encl eddlllorla to, .U Nplac:elnlntl of, and II aubllllullona for, .,,., ol suet, prope,ty; encl logellier with .. ~ (lndudlnQ wllhout tlmlCation .. Insur.a~ end IWldt of prernluma) tom .,,., • or olltl dlepoelllol, ol lie Property. The _. "Penonel Prope,ty" PO lndude .. tanglble and lnlanglble llltma oblalrled or owned by, or In the poaml0n of TMIIIII' lhet -dlrec:lly or lndnc:lly l1lleled lo the eoqulalllon, clevelopmen1. clealgn, conllludlon, pennllllng, IIWIUllng, or habllallon ol 118 Reel Property or"-h,,p ___ to bl COIIIINCled on tie Real Property, _..., .....,. or ....,._ INued, prlllelWd, flt .-.cl, lncWlng Wlllhout llmlldon II pe,mlla, lloenlea, eulhoilzlllionll encl appnMla. lrldemelka 111d !radii-, encl .,,., encl II llnd UN •llltllmenla. cleV9lopment llghla, -cepec:lly, IIIIPIQ¥8la, denelly lllocallolw end olher 11g1a or lppl'CMlla IMllng lo flt dloltzlng 1116 ~ flt ocoupency of the Property, plus II ulllty or OCher depoalla, N1mburMment rlghla, lludlea, lnta, corncta, plane lllCI apeclllcellol•. NllllrlQ to lhe Property encl~ila- l'nlpelty. The word "Property" -oolecllvely Ille Reel Property end the Plfaonal Property • ..... ~-The word• 'Rell Property'-the,... property, ilufNq encl l1ghla, -~ daa1bed In til Deed ol Trust. IIIINd Docum,~ta The wonla "Rlleled Documents• -all pn,miuoly nocea, cndlt IQ,__, loen ~ NCUltly agieernenta, IIIOllglgN, ... of INst. NCIUllly deeda, colalilrll "'°"IIIIIN, encl .. other lnRumenla, ..,_..,,..encl~. whlll8r now flt......., txlltng, txeQlled In connedlon with the lnclebleclr-.; eiapl llel tie _. do net nw any guaranty or en¥irollfflllilll ~ whelher now flt__,_ mdlllng, neculld ln OOl•iedion with lhe lnclltMd, __ "---The word "Rania" -.. ..-and~ ...... -.-• ..__,-. ,oplllea, prollla, and other benefits clerlvld from lht Propen, IOgellNlf' wllh lhe call prooeeda of ........ TNIIN. The word "TNSIN" _.. Nlule, lncorpcnlecl, wtae eddr9N la 100 ENI Tr,on Roecl. Rllalgh, NC 27803 and any eubet11u11e or -waten. Tn,ator. The word "Truetor' ,,._ 8125 "-Del Nolle LLC, • Cellfomla Limited Llabllly Compeny. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20743 P ... 15 TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ AU THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND TRUSTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. TRUSTOR: e1u PASEO DEL NORTE LLC, A CALl'ORNIA UMIT!D UAIIIUTY. COMPANY By: s ~ \..-.. "II 'k!#.: SCOTT LEGGETT, MtfflberlManlger ol e125 Pato Del Norw LLC, a C•llfoml• Llmllad Uablllty CClmpeny CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE oF ()/u~,A COUNTY OF J,i., OJI:.(, V )SS ) °" DEc. /3 2011__ before me, /),,ru A. 1.14 fl M#t "µµ (. (here lnlert name and title of the officer) penonany •ppMl9d SCOTT LEGGETT, who proved to me on the bait of Atltf•dory evidence to be the per•onltt) whole ~ 11/eN IUblc:ribed to the within lnatrument Ind •cknowtedged to ffll that ~y 1xlQJled the -In hl11tNS11thal1 olUlhoriad cap•cltyCiel), Ind lhlt by hi~ algnaturtflr on the Instrument the per1IOl'lflr. or the entity upon behalf or which the p•rsonftt •ctld, •xec:utld the lnatrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Si.le of c•llfomll that the forlgolng ~ la true Ind COIT9CI. , ... ,, DEED OF TRUST (Continued) (DO NOT IIIECOIIID) REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE 20744 (To be 1118d only when obllgaliol1I haV9 been paid In ful) To: ____________ __,TIUIIN P ... 11 The unctenlgned la Ille legal owner end holder of al lndebledneM NOUl'ld by thla Deed of TNlt. All IUfflll Mand by .. Deed of TMll haV9 been fully paid end Nlllfled. You .. hereby direcled, upon payment to you of llf'/ IUfflll owing to you under the 1'mll of this Deed of TNII or ~ to llf'/ ~ llatute, to cancel the Nole NOUl'ld by this Deed of TNlt (which II dllvtnld to you IOgttll« wllh thla Deed of Tl'lllt), end to ntallWWY, without W811'8n1y, to the pe,tles dellgrlMld by the 11m11 of 1h11 Deed of Trust. the ... now held by you under lhla Deed of TNlt. PINM ma1 Ille -~ and Rand Ooc:umentl to: Date: ____________ _ ........ ,: ________ _ By: _______ _ Ila: _________ _ LASER PRO lAnding, Vet. COpr. Harland Flnandll SOlullons, Inc. 1897, 2012. All Rights ~-• CA F:ILPI.ICFIILPLIG01.FC TR-1021288 PR-413 Exhlblt"A" Legall>elcrtption 20745 Raf property In the City cl c:.rtsbad, County cl Sen Diego, State d c:afWomie, described IS fallows: Paroef 5 d Parcel Map 6022, In the Oty d Clrlsblld, County d Sin Diego, Staled CIIWomle, Filed In the Office d the County Rea>rder d San Diego COunty, June e, 19n as Instrument No. n-224223 ot Offldllf R«ads. APN: 211-040-25--00 \ DOC# 2012-0789396 11111111111 Hll 111111111 Ill UI RII UI 1111 II~ DEC 14, 2012 4:19 PM OFflCW. RECORDS SAN !MEGO COUNTY RECORDER'S omct E-J. D, ......... g. Jr .• COUNTY RECORDER AIIID WHEN RKORD!D MAIL DOaJMDIT TO: FEES: 21.00 6125 p-, del N0f1e, llC OC: OC TAX: N.D. ~7q~}; ~, W«k.. #no 20726 PAGES: 3 111111111111111111 C..;;..;,;a~~A_,1""--c-~_t:,.;..1.,;;..o...;..1 l ___ .1..-____ ,...u.. .. -·-• ___ _ A.P.N.: 211-040-25-00 FIie No.: NCS-565968-SO (AB) GRANT DEED The &nlerslgned GAnlnr(s) dl!cll,e(s) that llOcul'nl!rary Transfer Tix shal be shown on• ..,._ Oedaratlon ~ Stlllelnent of Tax Due and not d public Nl0Dl'd pursUlflt ID -.e & tautlon ~ 11932-11933. FOR A VALUABI..E CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hnby adcnowledged, ltlchard J.'bN and Mardll J. 01111, M C:0-T,___ f/ldte .... Qldiwi'a TrwtUTO Mardl.1, lttl hnbyGRANTSto6125 ,_.,No,ta,U.C,•~ ....,....,_,,.., the following descrtlled property In the Cly of Cert.bad, C.ounty d 51111 Diego, Stated Cellfomla: PIN'Clal S f/lP--a Map IOU. 111 dteCltJ fllc:.rt•llacl, ea.tyf/151111 Diego, Stnaf/lCalfanlla, Fllad llldteOfllcaflfdtec-itybalnlerf/lS.11 OlegoCoullly,~l, 1t77 M l...er-t No. 77·D4ll3 "Offlc:1111 ._._ . -T .. -To: -•- A.P.N.: 211--040-25-00 Dalal: Uf Pl/2Ql2 20727 DIiie: U/ot/2012 Fie No.: NCS-56SK8-SO (All) =CF ~\9 r ~~,:z o• ~~~"~~~,f&>,P( Nomry who~ meonlhe bMllldutllfac:IDlye¥tderlCe IO be the PIIIOl(s) wtae Nffll(s) 11/-Mllalled IO the~ 111d CIOWIIIIDMI IIO me lhlt ~ _... lhe _ In ~/their Nllartled ~•). •nd lhlt Ii, ~,'llllr llgnltln(s) on the Instrument the penon(s). or lhe entity upon bdllr vi whldl Ille penon(s) IICted, ~ the ~ Jmllfy under PfNAl.lY ~ PBUURY llllder thellMdthe SUledc.a.1111 lhlt Ille lolegoll1g plrllJlflh II INe Ind aJffllCL ' , 20728 --•11• WITNESS my hand tnd official INI. ~J>aJw H~dM --------·------------OPTJONAL------------1""""",_ __ ,,""',_,,_,,,.,,.,,._,,,__.,,_~on,__,,,_ .,,,,txllid_...,_,,,.,__, 1 ~•,otflllbffllo-~ l>Na1pdonof AlleChed ~ Tilleo,Typeof Doc:ument: ____________________ _ ~O..: ______________ Numblrol P.-: ____ _ Slgrw(a) Olllet1'-'........, Allow: _________________ _ capeclty(lel) Claimed br lltner(•) Signel'aNlme: ________ _ a Co,porate 0111c1r -n1e(1): _____ _ Olndlvldual 0 Allorn9y In Fact 0 TIUIIN DOuerdle,,o,~ D Olher: _____ _ Slgrw,'IIName: ________ _ OCorporell 011car -Tlle(a): _____ _ OlndYldual 0 Allorn9y In Fact •TIUIIN DC.U.--.o,eor-vator •Ohf: ______ _ Signer la Rep-•llng: __ _ .... _ _,_.__,..,.., ___ ,_ --