HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 92-05; CITY OF CARLSBAD MAXTON BROWN; Coastal Development Permit (CDP)'lA_. -"*------------ie aT'( OF CAru.SBAQ LAND USE REVtEW APPUCATION FOR PAGE 1 OF 2 ~l)-.~~:P~LI:CA:T:r~O~NS~AP:P~U:E:D~r:O:R~: ~(C~H:E:C:K:B;O~::S~)~--~~~~~~~~--------~~~~~~---------.r------- I 0 r. I ..... ! . 1-' I- I ic ;'......! I i Ie i I ID ,...., w m 0 0 Master Plan SpecIfic Plan ?~ec:se Deveiopr.-:em Plan :-encanve -:-~acc ~:ap ?!anned Deveiopmem ?errrjt Son-Residential Planned Development Condomiruum Permit Speclal Use Permit Redevelopment Permit Tentative Parcel Map Administrative Variance (FORDEn USE ONLy) 2J2-£ 0 General Plan Amendment 0 Local Coastal ?lan Amendment 0 Site Development Plan I " Zone Change '-' I CJ Conditional Cse Permit I 0 Hillside Development Permit 0 Environmental [mpact Assessment 0 Variance 0 Planned [ndustrial Permit [] Coastal Development Permit 0 Planning Commission Determination 0 List any other applications not specificed 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE EAST AND NORTH SIDE OF BE1WEEN (NOR111. SOlJ111 EAST, WEST) I STATE STREET I AND LAGUNA DRIVE ~ ___________________________ ~ (NAMEOFSTREEn (NAME OF STREEn (NAME OF STREEn 9~-b 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I THAT PORTION OF PUBLIC RIhHT -OF-WAY ONI A(';IINA nRTVf:" I AND ON STATE STREET FRONTING MAXTON BROWN PARK ! 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S). 5) LOCAL FACIl.111ES MANAGEMENT ZONE 8) EXISTING ZONING 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OP RESIDENTIAL UNITS 155-200-08 1 16) EXISTING GENE~ PLAN I.-~---DESIGNATION V -R ! 9) PROPOSED ZONING ~N/ 12) PROPOSED NUMBER' ~OFLOTS 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENnAL. UNITS N/A J I OS 17) PROPOSED GENERAL PL"..N DESIGNATION V -R 110) GROSS SITE ACREAGE ~ 13) mE OF SUBDMSION ~ (RESIDENTIAL COMMERCW. IN DUSTR1A.L.) 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRW. OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE N/A ! 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL. L...._l..lJ..l..l..._--' SQUARE FOOTAGE N/A NOT!: A l'II.OPOS!D PItOJICr ItI!Q(IRJNG mAT 1&JL'l1PL1l .APPf..lCtmONS sa 1'ILID Ksr. staITI'B) PIUOR to 1:30 ,.11. A PIlClPOl!lm PROJP.CT' REQUDlING l'HAT ONLY (XC APPUCA1lOH IE PILID a&ISl'. SUIM.'l1!D PlUOlt.1'O 4:00 PM. FRMOOO16 8191: ~ ',' ~~--------------------~I11~------C-ITY--O-F-~----B-AD------~4Ia~---------------------­ LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM 17) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 18) PROPOSED SEINER USAGE IN EQUrvAlENT DWELLING t.:NITS 119! PROPGSED "CltEASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC i : :::0) PROJEcr ~AME: I I 2l) I MAXTON BROWN PARK IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: I CONSTRU PEDESTRIAN RAMP, AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON FRONTING MAXTON BROWN PARK N/A N/A -0- 22) IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN REVIEW 30ARn MEMBERS. OR CITY COt.:NCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY ~ SYf3JE~APPLICATION, l/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS Pt.:RPOSE ~ (..) • ~ SIGNAn:RE 23) OWNER 24) APPLICANT NAME (PRlNT OR TYPE) NAME (PRlNT OR mE) CITY OF CARLSBAD KENNETH QUON MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE PAGE:: ::: 2 · , \ · · I I CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE cm AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE I CARLSBAD CA 92009 438-J1fi1 J::ARLS BAD 1'.A q2J)nq 438-1161 X4380 i I CERTlFY -mAT I AM TliE l.ECiAL OWNER I CERnFY -mAT I AM 11iE LEGAL OWNER', REPRESENTATM: AJ,D I AND -mAT.w. TliE ABOVE INFORMATlON -mAT .w. 11iE AIlO'II£ INFORMATlON IS TRUE AND CORREcr TO 11iE , IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO TliE BEST OF BEST OF MY KNOWL£DGE. I MY KNOWL£DGE, S~ATURE DATE I SIGNATIlRE DATE ~~~ APR!.L 17, APRIL 17, 1992 1992 •••••••••••• *** •••• *.**** ••• *** •••••• ******.* •••••• * ••••••••• _ ••••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *****.* •••••••• ~ FOR CITY US, ON1.Y RECEIVED FEE COMPUTATION: APPLICATION mE FEE REQUIRED APR 2 - ./ CITY OF a 1992 / PLA CARLs / IVNING O,:~O / DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVEd /' / RECEIVED BY: " I Q. B!( £.c... ~ . ----~ TOTAL FEE REQUIRED ~ DATE FEE PAID ~ RECEIPT NO,' I I . ~ t· tit COASr~ D~PMENT PERMIT -- SUPPLEMENTAL APPUCATION This supplemental application is to be filed for: B. Any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad, or . Any development which requires a California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit. Please answer all questions. Where questions do not apply, please indicate "not applicable" or "N/A". 1. General Background A Has any application for a development on this site been submitted previously to the California Coastal Commission? 0 Yes Jg( No If yes, state previous California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit application number B. Do you wish to apply for: 1. An Administrative Coastal Development Permit __ _ 2. A Regular Coastal Development Permit / 3. A California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit __ C. Please provide the street address of this proposed development State Street and Laguna Drive frQnti~MQxtQn Brown park D. Please provide the Assessor's Parcel Number of this proposed development APN: 155-200-08 E. Please identify that the proposed development is located on the (N/S/E/W -Circle One) side of between State Street and __ _ Laguna Drive F. Please descn'be the present land uses (i.e., Vacant land, single family homes, aparnnents, offices, etc.) surrounding the proposed development to the: North: Recreationa 1 South: Commercial East Residential/tommercial West: Commerci a 1 FRM00015 8/90 Page 1 of 5 2. Present Use of Property A. B. Are there existing.strUctures on. the property? 0 Yes If yes, please describe. Will any existing structure be demolished? 0 Will any existing structures be removed? 0 Yes Yes No No No If yes to either question, describe the type of development to be demolished or removed, including the relocation site, if applicable. 3. Development Description: A. Estimated cost of development: Land ___ -_0_-__ Improvements $20,000 B. Project height: Maximum height of structure N/A ft. Maximum height of structure as measured from centerline of frontage road N/A ft. C. Total number of floors in structure, including subterranean floors, lofts, and mezzanines N / A D. Gross floor area including covered parking and accessory buildings N/ A sq. ft. Gross floor area excluding parking ____ --=.N!!../..:..A:..-_____ sq. ft. E. Lot area (within property lines) __ ---=-N:.!../.:.,;A ____ sq. ft. or acres. LOT COVERAGES Existing New Proposed Total Building Coverage __ sq. ft. __ sq. ft lWLsq. ft. Paved Area __ sq. ft. __ sq. ft JU1L sq. ft. Landscaped Area __ sq. ft. __ sq. ft l!L.lL sq. ft. Unimproved Area Oeft natural) __ sq. ft. __ sq.ft ~s4ft ~ FRM00015 8/90 Page 2 of 5 .\ • F. Parking: • number of existing spaces number of new spaces proposed TOTAL nUmber of covered spaces number of uncovered spaces number of standard spaces ___ size number of compact spaces size Is tandem parking existing? DYes # proposed? [] Yes # N/A N/A N/A N,IA N/A N/A N/A [Xl No D No G. If the land is to be subdivided, number of lots to be created and size: fr} Lot Symbol No. of Lots Lot Size H. If the development is residential, please state: 1. number of dwelling units N/A 2. number of bedrooms per dwelling unit N/A 3. type of occupancy proposed: D rental o stock cooperative o time share D other 4. Grade Alteration: Is any grading proposed? Yes D No If yes, please complete the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. amount of cut 43 cu. yds. amount of fill 29 cu. yds. maximum height of fill slope ____ 2~------ft. maximum height of cut slope 2 ft. amount of import or export 14 cu. yds. location of borrow or disposal site __________ _ Grading and drainage plans must be included with this application. In certain areas, an engineering geology report must also be included. Consult the City Engineering Department representative for a determination. FRM00015 8/90 Page 3 of 5 • • 5. Utility extensions: Axe utility extensions. fo~ ~e .fo~owing, proposed to serve the project? A. water 0 Yes IX! No B. gas 0 Yes [lJ No C. electric 0 Yes IX! No Above Ground Extensions D. sewer 0 Yes IX! No E. telephone 0 Yes m No If yes, to any of the above, would extensions be above ground? D Yes D No 6. Development on Public Trust Lands: Does the development involve diking, filling, dredging or placing any structures in open coastal waters, wetlands, estuaries, or lakes? A. B. C. D. E. F. diking filling dredging placement of structures amount of material to be dredged or filled cu. yds. location of dredged material disposal site D D D D Yes [lJ No Yes III No Yes [lJ No Yes IX! No G. Has a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' permit been applied for? o Yes []I No H. Will the development extend onto or adjoin any beach, tidelands, submerged lands or public trust lands? (See definitions section) D Yes []I No For projects on State-owned lands, additional information may be required. Consult the staff representative in the Planning Department. 7. Sensitive Resources: Does the proposed development contain: A. B. C. D. a sensitive habitat area a 100-year flood plain a park or recreation area historic resources FRM00015 8/90 DYes [] No (a biological survey may be required) DYes 00 No (hydrologic mapping may be required) []Yes D No ~ DYes [Xl No ~ Page 4 of 5 ;. • • E. archaeological resources DYes [Xl No F. paleontological resourc~s DYes !Xl No If yes to any o{the above, please explain on an attached sheet. G. Would the development in any way alter or divert a stream bed or drainage course? If yes, please describe on a separate sheet of paper. 8. Coastal Access: A. Will the development protect existing lower-cost visitor and recreation facilities? o Yes No If yes, explain ______________________ _ B. Will the development provide public or private recreational opportunities? Yes o No If yes, explain Project wi 11 improve access to Maxton Brown Park Is the proposed development: A. Visible from any park, beach, or recreation area viewshed analysis may be required) Yes o No (A B. Within the viewshed from any public or quasi public place (i.e., public roads, commercial sites, public or private recreation areas, etc.) to a visual coastal resource. o Yes No 9. If the development is between the first public road and the sea, is public access to the shoreline and along the coast currently available near the site? 0 Yes [] No If yes, indicate the location of the nearby access, including the distance from the site. Under certain circumstances, additional material or documents may be required prior to issuance of a Coastal Development Permit. APRIL 17, 1992 Date FRM00015 8/90 Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent Page 5 of 5