HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 97-53; White Residence; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (5),* . ,, ..‘,, ‘, I *‘L. 4, ~ : .. r.P , CityI oft Carlsbad .lanuary 13, 1998 I3 Rc. W Architects I’.(). 130s 7223 l~ancllc~ Smta 1:e. C’A 020~~7 tItt11: h’las s~~l~.rI~~~“l’: (‘[)P 97-53 - \\‘11Il’E REsII)I:NcI~; I‘he preliminary staf‘f‘ report fi)r the above rcfcrcnced pmject \i ill bc available for you to pick up on Friday, January 16, alier 8:OO a.m. This prelirninaq~ report \\ ill bc discussed by staff at the De~~clopmcnt Coordinating Conmittee (DCC) meeting which will be held on Monda!,. Jnnuar~ 26. A t\venty (20) minute appointment has been set aside ihr you at lo:30 a.m. If’ you have any questions concerning your project you should attend the DCC meeting. If you need additional information concerning this matter. plcasc contact Christer Westman at (760) 438-1161, extension 4448. 0plioml: (Fw TCII/C~/~IY n1~p Lx-temiom) If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Km Quon at (760) 438-I 161, extension 4330. CIl‘Y~~F CARLSUAD GARk4. WAYiYf~ Assistant Planning Dircctol (iI’\\’ (‘\I’ 1,111 C: ‘l‘oniniy 13. k%ite I:ilc (‘op4 ;‘()I!, ILn:; P;ilrn;k:, I)I - C:trI:;t ):lc1 CA I~:‘oo’~-l 576 - ((; 151) 4:38 -1 1 fj 1 * fFAX (61 9) 43&Oi3<)4