HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 97-59; Levy Residence; Coastal Development Permit (CDP) (33)Regional Environmental Consultants 1094 Cudahy Placc. Suitc 204. San Dicqo, CA 921 10 (714) 275-3732 April 16, 1980 Mr. James Hagaman Planning Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference: Cultural Resources Located at the Buena Vista Lagoon Condominium Project (RECON Number R-1132) Dear Mr. Hagaman: On March 27, 1980, the subject property (Figure 1) was examined for any occurrence of cultural resources by a RECON staff archae- ologist. The pro?erty hes been subjected to Late merican period impacts, such as brush clear,ing, trash dumping, land filling, and lagoon channelizing. The study area can be disccssed in terms of upper and lower portions. The lower portion, located in the north- ern and eastern sections of the study area, is essentially fill- material thzt does not have any significant cultural materials located therein. The upper portion, located in the southern and western sections, is natural around that bas been necjatively im- pacted by the causes previously mentioned. This area of the study zone was noted to contain a siqnificant archaeological deposit. The archaeoloqical site was recorded as SDi-626 in 1958. Dr. Williilrn J. Wallace located this site during a study of the Buena Vista watershed f~r the Kational Park Service. The archaeological de- posit is characterzied by a subsurface aspect estimated to be in excess of 60 centimeters in depth and a surface aspect represented by flaked stone material, bone, and shellfish remains. The majority of the ground surface is obscured by a thick mat of nonindigenous grasses. The archaeological materials noted above were observed in small.clearinas created by recent disturbances such as trails and a roadway that accesses the beach at the north end of the study area. The project, as currently planned, would have an adverse effect on SDi-626. A comprehensive preservation or mitigation plan exercis- ing a contemporary research approach is recommended. As the sig- nificant aspect of this deposit is unknown, a program must be in- stituted to establish the areal extent of the sensitive deposit. To establish the horizontal and vertical extent of this cultural de- posit, RECON recommends that a systematic rectilinear posthole test series at ten-meter increments be performed over the entire.upper portion of the study zone. Upon analyzing the resulting information, a preservation plan or an impact mitigation plan could be formulated. I i Mr. James Hagaman -2- April 16, 1980 Either of these plans would lessen the negative effects of the pro- posed development project. these findings, please contact Charles S. Bull, Supervisory Archae- ologsit and Vice President Archaeology, or me. If you have any questions regarding Sincerely, /- M. Jay Hatley ,k6 Archaeologist L, MJH : ryw \ . J' Figure 1. Project location as shown on U.S.G.S. 7.5-minute Series Topographic Maps. Oceanside and San Luis Rey Quadrangles. J