HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP 02-13; La Costa Condominiums; Condo Permit (CP) (3)Bill Hofman Hofman Planning Associates 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 150 Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: CT 02-281 CP 02-13/ HDP 02-14 - La Costa Condominiums Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your request to develop a 58 unit condominium project, application no. CT 02-28/ CP 02-1 3/ HDP 02-14, as to its completeness for processing. The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is information which must be submitted to complete your application. This list of items must be submitted directly to your staff planner by appointment. All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy of this list must be included with your submittals, including five (5) sets of plans. No processing of your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete. The second list is issues of concern to staff. When all required materials are submitted the City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was initially filed, November 21, 2002, to either resubmit the application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted. Please contact your staff planner, Saima Qureshy, at (760) 602-4619, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, Planning Director MJH:SQ:sn c: Don Neu, Team Leader Jeremy Riddle, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry Planning Aide Attachment: Redlined check print 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-4600 FAX (760) 602-8559 www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ .h LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION NO. CT 02-28/ CP 02-13/ HDP 02-14 Planning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On your constraints map, please superimpose building footprints. Also show the whole site on one sheet, on a legible scale with building footprints. The slope analysis as shown on Hillside Development Permit map is not legible. Please show slope categories through more variation in color and shading and also include building footprints on the map. The site sections should also show proposed structures. Please provide a lighting plan. Submit at least two sections of both four plex and six plex buildings. The sections should clearly show existing and proposed grade. Please mark the visitor parking spaces on your site plan. Please explain how your project will comply with the lnclusinory Housing requirements as contained in Chapter 21.85 of the CMC. Engineering: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Depict and callout the record information of all easements encumbering this property. Please callout the disposition of each easement. Depict sidewalks along each driveway to ensure pedestrian circulation along within the project. Refer to the redlines for clarification on this issue. Revise the design to eliminate conflicts in the turning movements for emergency vehicles, trash trucks and moving vans. Provide a separate exhibit to demonstrate how a truck will enter the site and turn around each of the dead ends. Show inside and outside tire tracks per 407E turning templates. Refer the redline set attached which depicts conflicts with the turning movements. A fire truck should only make a three point turn. More than three points is unacceptable. Engineering does not support using “private” driveways for the trucks, since these driveways may have cars parked there. Revise the tentative map to include the quantities (cubic yards) of remedial grading that is anticipated (e.g.: key buttresses for slope stability per soils report) Revise the Tentative Map so that is includes finished topographic lines at 5-foot intervals. Provide a letter from the soils engineer addressing the detention basin. It appears the basin is located within the limits of the proposed key buttress used to stabilize the ancient landslide. Are there any soils issues with the location of 7. 8. 9. the detention basin at this location? Revise the design to eliminate any discrepancies. Revise the Tentative Map to depict the location of existing sidewalk along the entire project frontage of La Costa Avenue. If none exists, then include proposed sidewalk with the design. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify if the streetlights along the project frontage are proposed or existing. Demonstrate that street light spacing meets City standards. Revise the Storm Water Management Plan to clarify the incorporation of the detention basin (the beneficial purposes it serves) and which measures will be incorporated to treat storm water from private drives before discharge to public right-of-way (e.g.: inlet filters, etc.) ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The project is not consistent with the City Council Policy 66, Livable Neighborhoods. The policy calls for a design where residents are encouraged to walk by providing pedestrian linkages, where clearly identifiable front doors and porches are provided to enhance the street scene and to create opportunities for social interaction with neighbors, front porches are encouraged and street trees are planted in the parkways along the streets. Please review the policy for further details. It seems that you are proposing to develop into natural slopes of more than 40% gradient. Pursuant to the Hillside Development Regulations, these slopes shall remain undeveloped. However if your assumption is that the slopes are manufactured, please submit some documentation to support it. It is our understanding that your geofechnical study establishes the need for corrective grading due to soil conditions and unstable slope. If the city concurs with your geotechnical study, your corrective grading volume will be exempt from the Hillside Ordinance’s grading volume requirements. However you need to provide information on how much is the corrective grading volume and how much is for the rest of the site. Please see Section 21.95.120 for acceptable grading volumes. Development into an uphill perimeter slope shall be limited to a maximum of six vertical feet as measured from the toe of slope. Your design is not consistent with this requirement. The proposed 6’ high retaining wall along La Costa Avenue is located within the front yard setback area. Wall height is limited to 42” within the front yard setbacks. Chapter 21.45 of the CMC requires that a 30’ setback shall be provided along secondary arterials. Proposed width of private streets A and B is not consistent with the requirement contained in Section 21.45.060, Table “C”. Street trees shall also be planted in the h parkways, as stated in the above mentioned section of CMC. If you are proposing driveways instead of private streets, please revise your submittal and make the changes. 7. Pursuant to Chapter 21.45, for residences, a minimum of 8’ setback shall be provided from the project driveway. Proposed four plex buildings and unit 1 of six plex buildings do not comply with this requirement. 8. There seems to be insufficient space for cars to back out of garages in the 6-plex buildings. 9. Projects of more than 10 units shall provide IO’ x 10’ patios or 6’ x 10’ balconies. Unit 1 of 6-plex buildings does not seem to comply with this requirement. Also please show proposed patios for other units on the site plan and floor plans. 10. The proposed visitor parking spaces at the end of Streets A and B do not have sufficient space to back up and to turn. 11. Staff recommends that since your proposed recreation area is not located centrally; please provide a small pocket park in the western part of the site for convenience for units located in that part. It will also be consistent with the Planned Development Ordinance. 12. The proposed recreation area should be connected with the units through sidewalks for accessibility. 13. The Fire Suppression Zones, as required by the Landscape Manual may extend into the sensitive vegetation on the slopes and may have impacts on coastal sage scrublchaparral mix. The submitted Biology Report does not discuss those impacts. The biology report should also include discussion on any possible impacts due to corrective grading. 14. The proposed retaining walls are at some instances as high as 9’. Please show what will be the material used for the walls and provide landscaping treatment to enhance streetscape. Engineering: 1. Revise the Tentative Map so the private “streets” are called out as private “drives”. 2. Revise the Tentative Map so the private drives are constructed with rolled curb on both sides and at least a 4.5-foot wide sidewalk on one side of the driveway. This will enable vehicles to move off to the side in the event emergency vehicles enter the site. 3. Contact the Fire Marshal to confirm whether this project will require additional fire protection measures. They will review the revised exhibits on the next review to confirm vehicular turn-arounds are adequatesfor the fire engines. 4. Revise the Tentative Map to depict individual water meters for each 5. Callout and depict the sight distance triangles per City Standards. 6. Add CT 02-28, HDP 02-14 and CP 02-13 at the upper right hand comer of the tentative map exhibits. 7. Revise the preliminary Storm Water Management Plan and the tentative map to address how pollutants (e.g.: asphalt emulsion, heavy metals, oils, etc.) will be filtered from the storm drain inlets along the private drive before being discharged from the site. 8. Revise the tentative map to add a note to the plans stating that no parking signs will be posted along all interior driveways. 9. Revise the tentative map so the 244 driveway at the entrance includes rolled curb and gutter. This will allow vehicles to move off to the side in the event emergency vehicles are entering the site. condominium unit. IO. Depict the location of private lighting for the driveways. 11. Revise the tentative map to depict the location of the potable water meters and irrigation meters for the project. Each unit must be fitted with it own individual potable water meter. Master meters are not permitted. 12. Add a symbol to the tentative map to clarify that portion of the driveway that will be Portland Cement Concrete due to the steep grades. 13. Revise the Tentative Map so that the driveway ramps do not exceed the standard 9.67% (per G14A). The Tentative Map depicts what appear to be driveway ramp grades in excess of 13%. This will result in vehicles scraping their front ends. 14. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify if the areas behind the structures will be individually fenced off. If so, there may be concerns in conveying drainage through the rear-yard swales with through fences obstructing the flow. Please address this issue. 15. Revise the Tentative Map to depict drainage arrows and spot elevations to demonstrate drainage between the structures (typical). 16. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify the relocation of the existing fire hydrant at the project entrance. 17. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify how pollutants in the storm water along private streets will be removed prior to discharge from the site. 18. Callout the size, type and HGL of the existing waterline being connected to in La Costa Avenue. 19. Provide a typical detail on the shared driveway pods. 20. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify if a stop sign is required going down driveway A, since adequate sign distance may not exist for vehicles on driveway B to make a safe turn. Steep downhill grades may contribute to potential collisions. 21. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify the size of trees and those that will be removed to facilitate development of the project. 22. Revise the Tentative Map so that the water mains are 8-inch minimum diameter per CMWD standards. 6-inch is the size of a single fire hydrant lateral. This main will be providing potable, fire sprinkler, fire hydrant, and irrigation demands. 23. Revise the Tentative Map to clarify where storm water near the northwest portion of the site discharges. Depict the drainage structures required. 24. Revise the tentative map to callout the size and hydraulic grade line of the existing water line in La Costa Avenue. 25. Add callouts to demonstrate the onsite storm drain will be “private”. 26. Provide an emergency (secondary) overflow from the detention basin in the event the storm drain is plugged. 27. Address why the detention basin is located in such a place that is intercepts and detains offsite run-off versus run-off from the development. In general, storm run- off from the developed portion of the site is treated and detained before discharge. 28. Revise the tentative map to depict and callout a proposed general access and public utility easement over the private drives. Enclosed is a redlined check-print of the project. This check print must be returned with the revised plans to facilitate continued staff review. If you have any questions on Engineering issues, please call Jeremy Riddle at (760) 602-2737. Fire Department: 1. Homes adjacent to native habitat require exterior passive construction. 2. Submit proposed hydrant locations. 3. Project must comply with the landscape manual.