HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP 02-13; La Costa Condominiums; Condo Permit (CP) (6)c h 39- 82 - City of Carlsbad March 7, 2002 Bill Hofman Hofman Planning Associates 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 150 Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: PRE 01- 70 - LA COSTA CONDOMINIUMS (APN 21 6-1 60-27) A preliminary review of your project was conducted on November 29, 2001. Additional review occurred during the subsequent months. Listed below are the issues raised by staff. Please note that the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. The Dreliminarv review does not represent an in-deoth analysis of your project. Additional issues of concern may be raised after your application is submitted and processed for a more specific and detailed review. PLANNING 1. Following are the land use designations for the project site: A. General Plan designation and density: RMH (Residential Medium High Density), 8-1 5 dwelling unitdacre, Growth Control Point of 11.5 dwelling unitdacre. 6. Zoning Designation: RD-M (Residential Density-Multiple) 2. Following are the discretionary permits required for the 58-unit condominium proposal. Because more than 50 units are proposed, Council approval will be necessary. A. Planned Development Permit B. Hillside Development Permit C. Tentative Tract Map 3. To implement City Council direction, Planning Department Administrative Policy 37 requires this project, since it requires discretionary permits and is bordered on two sides by existing single-family development, to post on-site project disclosure signs during formal application review. Photo-simulation exhibits of the project as viewed from its surroundings also will be required. The permit application forms contain more information. 4. Recently, the, City Council adopted a comprehensive overhaul- of the City's planned development standards, Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance. The 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-4600 FAX (760) 602-8559 www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ c PRE 01 -70 - LA COS I A CONDOMINIUMS March 7, 2002 Pane 2 new standards differ from previous requirements in several ways by providing, for example: A. Standards tailored just for multiple-unit buildings (buildings containing B. Separate requirements for community recreational space and private C. Detailed architectural requirements. three or more units), including setbacks and building separation. outdoor space. 5. Along with the new ordinance, the Council adopted a Policy Statement No. 66, Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods. Compliance with the policy is a requirement of the ordinance for all planned developments. Among other things, the policy stresses that the livable portion of a residence (e.g., its front door, windows, courtyard, balcony), rather than its garage, should be the prominent feature facing and oriented toward the street. Staff encourages you to become familiar with the new ordinance and policy. Copies of both are available at the Planning Counter. 6. The reported presence of an underlying landslide and unstable slopes on the project site and the corrective grading measures proposed to address them may represent potentially significant environmental impacts. So staff can evaluate these potential impacts, please provide geotechnical and soils reports, grading plans, and hillside mapping data (as required for a hillside development permit), when the discretionary permits for the project are submitted. This information will expedite review if submitted early and enable the City to: A. Conduct the required environmental review and determine the needed environmental document. At the very least, staff anticipates a mitigated negative declaration will be necessary. B. Verify the existence of reported hillside conditions and the need for corrective grading. C. Determine if the project qualifies as an exemption from the hillside development standards per Zoning Ordinance Section 21.95.130. Without an exemption, the project would or might violate standards that minimize toe of slope encroachment, reduce grading volumes, and preserve natural slopes. The information will help determine if slope conditions warrant an exemption from the standards and to what degree. D. Determine whether the proposed buttress is appropriate for slope stability and as a building pad. 7. Based on the area and percent of slope information provided with the previous preliminary review for this site, the property has a net developable acreage of 5.035 acres. The density yield based on the growth control point therefore would be 57 units, one fewer than proposed. Residential development can exceed the growth control point only if the City Council can make the findings in Zoning Ordinance Section 21.90.045. - PRE 01 -70 - LA COS I A CONDOMINIUMS March 7, 2002 Pane 3 8. Please refer to the previous preliminary review letter issued for this project for additional information and comments (October 6, 1999, letter on PRE 99-59 from Assistant Planning Director to Hofman Planning). Application forms explaining standard submittal requirements and the new. The Zoning Ordinance is available online at www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us. ENGINEERING The Engineering Department has completed our preliminary review of the above- referenced project. Any formal application submittal for this project must adequately addresshesolve the following items: Substantial Issues 1. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board recently issued tentative Order No. 2001-01. This action leads to updates in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit whereby the City of Carlsbad is a co-permittee to the City of San Diego. Please be advised, these new regulations may require significant changes to this project and other projects processed throughout the San Diego region. In order to facilitate the compliance of this project, the following are some criteria that must be incorporated into the design of the project: A. B. C. D. Staff All efforts must be made so that there can be no increased peak runoff rate from the developed site over the greatest discharge expected from the existing undeveloped site. This can be proved via engineering calculations in the project hydrology report. In the hydrology study, using the 10-year frequency storm, calculate the existing property 0 and determine the difference in cfs between the proposed and existing. You may want to consider using an onsite catchments or retention basin to control the peak runoff rate; Revise the plan to incorporate Best Management Practices (BMP's) as outlined in the California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbooks, latest edition. Include measures to capture anticipated pollutants from the project and street; Pre and post construction offsite and downstream siltation will not be permitted at any time; The applicant will be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that addresses design, construction and post- construction phases of the project. The final SWPPP will be required before issuance of development permits. A preliminary SWPPP must be submitted for staff review with your application submittal. encourages you to review the draft permit requirements . 1_ PRE 01 -70 - LA COS 1 A CONDOMINIUMS March 7, 2002 Page 4 1 (http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcbS/Programs/Storm_Water/storm_water.html). Per Section F. 1 .b. (1) of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region Order No. 2001-01, the project must ensure that pollutant discharges and runoff flows from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable using best management practices for the existing and proposed portions of the project site. Numeric sizing of all filtration and volume control facilities is required. Issues Please address all previous issues that were indicated in the previous preliminary review letter for the project. FIRE 1. All condominiums shall be equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 2. All project streets shall be posted as fire lanes per Carlsbad Municipal Code 17.040.020. If you have questions about this letter, please call the following people: Planning Department comments: Scott Donnell, Associate Planner, at Engineering Department comments: Mike Shirey, Project Engineer - Fire Department comments: Colleen Balch, Fire Prevention, at (760) 602- (760) 602-46 1 8. Engineering Development Services, at (760) 602-2400, extension 1420. 4662. - +‘&stant Planning Director GEW:SD:mh C: Kwan So, Calso, LLC Michael J. Holzmiller, Planning Director Dennis Turner, Team Leader Mike Shirey, Project Engineer Colleen Balch, Fire Prevention File Copy Data Entry