HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP 166; LA COSTA VIEW LTD; Condo Permit (CP)REQUEST o Zone Change 0 Precise Development Plan 0 General Plan Amendment o Tentative Tract Map 0 Specific Plan 0 Site Development Plan O Planned Unit Development o Condominium Permit onditional Use Permit 0 c Major 0 Variance 1lnor Condominium Permit 0 Planning Carmission Determination 0 Master Plan . . 0 Special Use Permit Complete Description of project (attach additional sheets if necessary) T6 w . Location of Project L343 Legal Description (complete) L RAa& • 1 \4. Assessors Parcel Number U Zone General Plan Existing Land Use 2 LOLIJ Aevvs 4y Proposed Zone Proposed General Plan Site Acreage . Owner . . Applicant Name (Print or .'Ikjpe) .-. -Nabie-Priiit orpe). -... 1ailihg Address Mail in Address CA - 9-2001b 4381S1 CLL\ . :- City and State .: Zip Telephone - and State -Zip - ¶Llephone I RTIFY TPJtAM THE LEGAL G/NTIR AND I CERTIFY TLIAT I 2M THE OWNFE'S RERRENtVE r1HAT"ALL -THE - AB(YE -INFoRMlTIa IS TRUE AND THAT :T -ABOVE INFOThlATION - PUE AND CORRECT IO 'flE BEST OF M KNOWLEDGE- . AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF NY KNOWLEDGE- SI'IURE - - - - DM - - e)Jc - IGWRE - . - DATE tpl Receiy D.e icaaon Rec'd - viz ( - f Fees Received Receipt o 1 ic irr Staff Assigned I tic" At-,ia LiCa n eivedj,' [Case oer - rT . .4 I! ç41 SClEi)ULE A - 1 he atC or i;terest in the land des ihed oz, ref'n ed to ft tl;i: seh:di ceLcJ 1' li Jerorl k: Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: LAL IEtON. A SIGLC AN AS LiS SCALE AND SEPA}ATE P1OPEtTY The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of ECO and is described as follows: LT 34 CF LA COSTA LL!3CS LIT t.'tL2, 114 TFE CITY CY CAttD CCY U' _G TOP 5A11 D1CO SL\1E Y C1 IA ACcC) O AF ThEFcP 0. 6905 FILED It THE OFFICE OF nz CO}TY EECCDER OF ;SAN )I -GO CCU1U, APRIL 2i 1971. Cl I N l'rc•li,in in Ft,.t,,i lnr,n I. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: July 20, 1981 TO:, Clyde Wickham, Engineering Department FROM: Bill Hofman, Planning Department %• SUBJECT: CP466/MS545 . The city has completed a review of the application for a 2 unit. condominium development located on the south side of Luciernaga Street between Corintia Street and El Fuerte. Street. It-Ls the Planning Director's determination that based on, the attached conditions, the project is consistent with the city's condominium regulations (Chapter 21.47) and with all other applicable city ordinances and policies. Further, the project has been found to be categorically exempt from environmental review according to Section 19.04.070 (11) (40 of the Carlsbad Environmental Ordinance and a notice of exemption was filed on July 15, 1981. This memo, including the attached findings and conditions, constitutes approval of CP-166. Findings 1. The project is consistent with the city's General Plan Land Use Element, and with all other elements of the city's General Plan. 2. Adequate public facilities necessary to serve this project will be provided as required by the City Engineer in conjunction with the approval of the parcel map required for this project 3. The project is consistent with Design and Criteria and Development Standards of Chapter 21.47 (Condominiums) of the city's Zoning Code. Conditions 1. Approval is granted for 166 as shown on Exhibits A,. dated July 15, 1981, on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference. S . 2. A copy of the final condominium site plan incorporating all conditions of approval, shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to final approval of CP-166. 3. All conditions of CP-166 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be complied with in their condominium site plan required by said conditions shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to final approval of CP-166. = 4. The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate 'S conditions of overcrowding at. the time of building , S. permit application which shall be based on the fee '. schedule in effect at that-time. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, this condominium project shall comply with all applicable city ordinances and requirements. PJK:rh OM . . APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all applicants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this form has been completed and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this disclosure changes, an amendment reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either general or limited) or a 'joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone number of each person or individual (incluaing trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application.. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture r its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture. Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 share- holders or lss) or a real estate syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syndicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corporation be M publicai1J held corporation, then state the full name and ad'cc rF th corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareho name and address of the officers of the corporation- Should* you feel that additional information needs to be providE provide 4 full discloure, please include it.. FORi1 40 PLANNING DEPARIMENT If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further informatio is required, you will be so ad sed. APLiCANT: - Co ) U1 Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) ?11 cv4e. . cobe Business Address 4-47s4 744-1So Telephone Number AGENT: RbWr iA1 iLx'.-L a-- 4 L Name 7o 7 cL4 L (ÔSL Business Address 441c 41 744%c8 Telephone Number MEMBERS: L& (oô. Lr'&ky- Name 1;L (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture, corporation, syndication) 7o\2 \$r Business Address 4W4'?s4 Telephone Number (4' Telephone Number Name Home Address S -2-3, So Cx€ S c Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number -yrS r r k&s trAU 11 C, k(,e c S23 15, Ssc, 3\u4 (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/ce declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Cos4 \i LU Applicant BY —a J. 4 'U Agent, Owner, Partner I. SPECIFIC REQUIRTS FILiNG. ft1e1UII1 ;I.iIb E General Plan Amendment/Zone Change 1. Ap11cation Form 2. General Requirement Items H-O 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $200.00 + $5.00 per lot or acre Zone Change $500.00, [ Master Plan/Specific Plan 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - eighteen (18) copies of items A'-D - items E-O 3. Fee: Master Plan $1,000.00 + $2.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,000.00 Master Plan Amendment: Minor ,$50 .00 + 2.00 acre Major $500.00 + $2.00 acre Lj Tentative Tract Map 1. Application Form 2. Eighteen (18) copies' of the Tentative Tract Map 3, General Requirement Items - eighteen (18) copies of items 'A-C - it(-.,ms E,,,&-K, M-P 4. Fee $500.00 (1-25 lots o± units) $750.00 (26-100' lots or units) $1,000.00.(100 + lots or units) U Planned Unit Development 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - eighteen(18) copies 'of items A-I) - items E-O 3. Fee: 4 or less units' $50.00 5 or more units $200.00 Major. condcininium Permit (5 or more units) 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - eighteen (18) copies of its A-I) - items E-O 3. Conversion to Conda'niniums - 1it of names and addresses of all tenants of the project. 4. Lee; $50.00 + $1.00 per, unit. 11 Minor Condominiun Permit (4 or less units), tJ 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - three (3) copies of items A-I) - items K, L, 0 3. Conversion to Condaniniurns - list of names and addresses of all tenants of the units to be converted to condcrniniums. 4. Fee: $50.00 + $1.00 per unit D Site Developnent Plan 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items - thirteen (13) copies of items A-I) - items E-L, 0 3. Fee: $350.00 D Conditional Use Permit 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - thirteen(13) copies of items A-D - items E-0 3. Fee: $400.00 4. Conditional Use Permit Supplemental Shoot D Variance 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: - thirteen(13) copies of item A - items E,G,H, J-N, and I if applicable (see Title 19. Environment) 3. Variance Supplemental Sheet 4. Fee: Single Family = $100.00 Other = $250.00 U Planning Caiinission Determination 1. Application Form 2 • One page statement precisely indicating the determination request. 3, General Requirement Items: - thirteen (13) copies of items A and I) items H, K, and L 4, Fee; $25.00 II. GL Rjipyr A. Site Plans* Shall include the following inforeation: ,- n-,-re and address of: applicant ._.- engineer and/or architect, etc. ,- all easements ,- dfansjor.ed locations of: access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing service areas and points of ingress and egress off-street parking and loading areas showing location, rnrrber and typical dimension of spaces, and wheel stops - distances between buildings and/or structures building setbacks (front, rear and sides) - location, height, and materials of walls and fences - location of freestanding signs ,- all driveways to scale on adjacent and across 'the street properties for a distance of 100 feet -beyond the units of subject site - existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and existing paving' widths within 100 feet on adjacent and across the Street' properties - typical street section ' - any existing median islands within 100 fet of subject. site , - nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or minus distances from subject site - location of all buildings within 100 feet 'of subject propeties , - a vicinity' n'ap showing major cross streets - a simrnxy table indicating the following information': site acreage existing zone and land use propoccL land use total building coverage building sq. footage percent landscaping mther of parking spaces • sq. footage of open/récrea- .' • tional space (if applicable) cubic footage of storage space (if applicable B,.." Prelinjparr Grading and Drainage Plan* (24" x 3611) ' - existing and proposed contours on the site and within • 100 feet of the boundaries of the site • - elevations of the site - existing on-site trees; those to be removed and those' to be saved ), Prelininziry Landscape and Irrigation Plan* (24" 36") location of planting areas and typical plant nate4als (Quantity and Size) - location of areas to be irrigated D. Building Elevations and Floor ?1nns* (24" X 3611) - floor plans with square :Coo tage inacated - location and size of storage areas - all buildings, structures, walls and/or fences, signs and cxteriqr lights • E. One (1) copy of colored site plan (24" x 36") F. One (1) copy of colored elevations (24" x 36") - G. One (1) copy each of 8½" x 11" site plan and elevations H. One (1) copy of 8½" x 11" location map (suggested scale 1:200" - vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable) I. Envirormnta1 Impact Assessment Form ($100) J. Public Facility Agreement 'K. Disclosure Statement L. Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of subject property or other form of description acceptab to the Planning Director. M. Public Hearing - (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit and Minor Condominium Permit). Two (2) copies of a 'IYPEWRITEEN LIST on gummed labels of the names - and addresses of all property owners and occupants within a 300' foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the property involved. The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's Parcel Number for each parcel, which shall be obtained Iran the latest Assessor's rolls. N. 300 Foot Radius Map - (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit and Minor Condatdniirn Permit). A map to scale not less than 1" 200' showing each 'lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject' pro- perty. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale accept- able to the Planning Director if the required scale is impractical. 0. For residential projects within Vista, 'San Marcos, 'Encinitas or San Diequito School. Districts, the applicant shall indi- cate whether he prefers to dedicate land for school faci- 34t.tes, to pay a fee in lien thereof, or do a cxxtination of these, If the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he suggest the specific. land. For residential projects within the'earlsbad Unified School District., the applicant shallu1nit written confirmation that scbeol facilities will e available and serve the project at time of reed. 'reL1ninazy Title report. * N1;;ML lDQ1I3ITS43STBE FOW1 SIZE ))Y1O CE2) 8¼" x 11". SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM VARIANCE 1) Gross Acres (or square footage, if less than acre)_____________ 2) 21?fl1E! %E—%L 3) eneral Plan Land Use Designation a 4) fy law a Variance may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these requirements carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary. * a) Explain why there, are exceptional Or extraordinary circum- stances or condition's applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the 'other property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone:___________________ b) Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is den'ed.to the property in questiøn:________________________________________ c) Explain why the granting of such variance will not be 'inatr.ially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious, to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located: .. d) Explain why 'the qrartinq of such variance will not adversel affect the comprehensive general plan:_____________________________ - .'. EXJN DAMA, S: T - -. CASE ytO: Q?- i &t • V - REcJEST AND LXiIO: Nh42 C00r4ur1 ,14 2a74A . Ro.cf Om e-~- iDa .3 JD/Aif #%P O,S 1Lb 4pz,t. i /97/ Assessors Parcel Nurer: Zcres No. o Lots • •: • cii i't t ZONU7G • - Genera]. Plan Land Use Designation Density 1Uoced Density Pxoosed 7e/ - - V -• - E.xisting Zor -. - Proposed Zone • Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: - ninq Land Use - :North ,-D P1 - - - - •V Sudth • V ________ •_-. - - - stRZ. wast PUBLIC FACIEITThS Sch&1 District Sj .Water District • Se-:er District EDUs - - - PubU c Fc-1tics Fee Agrc'csrefl 1 c13 L' ed - j1 ,I (OLher: VV V : VV IVVV V - -. V. V • EEI'AL I•PACr V V VV -Yegative Do1aration, 1SSUd 10 V EI.RCcrjfjcx1,elaLed V____ V V : • -