HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-22; REDEEMER BY THE SEA CHURCH; Engineering Application (2)L.M.I,,"'-~"'JI"""" -ENGINEERING DE APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLAN'CHECK T Complete al! appropriate information. Write Nt A when not ap PROJECT NAME: REDEEMER BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHURCH DATE: 8/2/02 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: MIXED USE PROJECT -12 LOT SINGLE. FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND CHURCH PROJECT ADDRESS: SOUTHEAST CORNER POINSETTIA LANE & BLACJS....,d{:foI~~W~ LOT NO(S).: Por. of Sec 22, T. 12S, R. 4\~ APNe NUMBER OF LOTS: 14 NUMBER OF A OWNER: Redeemer by the Sea APPUCANT: . SAME AS OW.NER c/o Ken Voertman Mailing Address: 1617 S Pacific St Mailing Address: : REDEEMER. RY. .THE. SEA Oceanside CA 92054 Phone Number: 760-721-6674 Fax Number: . 619-5i8-8482 E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is a;.rue d correct to the best of my knowledge, -hi;;}; f'&sn~ Signature: {lr( ~~ Date: 'd Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: Signature: CIVIL ENGINEER: RANDY R. BROWN SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: SOWARDS AND BROW.N ENGI.NEERING INC. FIRM: Mailing Address: 2187 Newcastl eAve 10.3 Cardi.ff CA 9..20.0.7 Phone Number: 760-436 ... 850.0. x20.2 Fax Number: E-Mail: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: •• • Date: 'GEOPAC'IFICA " -.. \ ", ... ' '3O.BD~ lndus.try. St' Ste 105 Qce-9,IlS tde. CA .9.2O..!i4 76.0._-: 72.1-:·5488· 76.0_-721,,5539 State Registration Number: RCE 36.19 .. 0. State Registration Number: RCE .55754 ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) ~carlsbad MU,nicipal Water District DOlivenhain DVallecitos 2. If in the carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvem,ents (if applicable)? $ 487,349 GRADING QUANTITIES cut 2S, 200cy fill 28, 200cy remedial 18,900 cy import . 0 cy export_O __ SEE REVERSE SIDE II "-------"-~'-"'-, . . ---\, CIlIiARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DE'PARtiiT , . j-Y-; .. APPLICATION'. . • L ENGINEERING PLAN,' CHECK . , \:" :~: Comp.let~ ~!I ~ppr<?priate informat!9.n~ Yir.it~.tVA·y.r~en ~9t ~pp'I~ca.~.le~ , -" . .~-'" . , . . . ,''', "-'·':·:.',FOR·,CITY USE oNty.·.;L,;·, '.:',"'" o. ~'~ ' . .' -.' _. :" .. , .. ':'~::(~;I ': . .. APPLICATION FOR . P~OJEcr DRAWING ·OE.r~(j~~ {FEES COt1MENrS '. '. : ':.~:, ~'"l . , .. ~, ". ( .; all that apply) 1.0.' NUMBER "PAID : .. . ' .', . .. -. ......... ;, .. 0 Adjustment Plat (ADJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) [] Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Pvt Drainage Type: Type: D Encorachment Permit (PR) 0 F~I Map (FM) ~Grading Plancheck (DWG) Cfb'D'b'-CJ--~Cbt.I()g-~ ~, 341tP ./" , ~mprovement Plancheck (DWG) cr (!fJY'a-~ ~ ~1 103 __ 5" J{{ (p:::j/p, ~ rt D Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage eRA) D Street Vacation (STV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction - (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (P~) '0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other .. ~., . '.-' . " \-. ;1' .' " :'; ': ' . ... ', '. l ~ .. ~~~~ ?.' ~: .. :. ~.,:~ -~. ;.;;~ RECEIVED -":",).' • -1. -. . ::. ;_~,:o:~~:': ~:,~:''',AUG.~O 2 2002 ~: :,. .:: "i!~;' ' .• ':' . ", ::,~. '·fL.::?:·· :":~;ENGi~EERING '. ·:-· ... 1.':;· ;';!nEPARTMENT . ~ > "':>DATE:'SrAMP' APPL;ICA,TQN ~ECEIVE.D Revised 1114/02 PROJECT NAME: REEDEMER BY THE SEA DATE: 1123/09 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:WATERLINE LATERAL FIRE FOR FIRE SERVICE PROJECT ADDRESS:6604 BLACK RAIL ROAD LOT NO(S).: 14 MAP NO.: APN(S).: 215-018-22 ------------------------------------------------------------NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 NUMBER OF ACRES: MILES OF TRAILS: OWNER: Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Chura APPUCANT: L&S CONSTRUCTION Mailing Address: 6604 BLACK RAIL RD Mailing Address: 674 N BATAVIA ST . CARLSBAD,CA Phone Number: 760.431.8990 --------------------------------------------------Fax Number: E-Mail: dan.bitner@roadrunner.com certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above . 1~~~_~nOWledge. Signature'ii.~ Date: 1/23/2009 eVIL ENGINEER: VICTOR EllA -----------------------------FIRM: JV CONCEPTS, INC Mailing Address: 5737 KANAN RD #543 AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301 Phone Number: 949.939.2299 Fax Number: 951.699.3570 E-Mail: ve@jvconcepts.com State Registration Number:64803 ADDmONAL COMMENTS: ORANGE,CA 92868 Phone Number: 714.288,8636 Fax Number: 714.288.8641 E-Mail: twoolridge@lsconstruclion.net Signature: Date: 1/23/09 SOILS ENGINEER: James Knowlton ---------------------------FIRM: GeoPacifica Mailing Address: 3060 Industry Sf. Suite 105 Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone Number: 760.721.5488 Fax Number: 760.721.5539 -------------------------E-Mail: JKnowlton@ci.oceanside;ca.us State Registration Number: R.C.E. 5~754 1 C.E.G. 1075 18 2009 IMPROVEMENT VALUATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT .. 1. What water dIstrict is the proposed project located in? (check one) IB}Carlsbad Municipal Water District OOlivenhain OVallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (If applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill __ _ remedial cy import ___ cy export _..,...--, cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H'/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/ApPlication ror Engmeenng Plan Check 'Re'llsed 05101107 OF CARLSBAD -E APpueATXON ENGINEERiNG JHAN}O,HECK Complete allappr.opriatei'nformation. 'WrittrNI A when not'apl?il~~bJe! PROJECf NAME: REDEEMER BY THE SEA & KINDERGARTEN DATE: PROJECf DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION OF TWO SCHOOL BUILDINGS & HARDSCAPE ON A PREVIOUSLY GRADED PAD, REQUIRING VACATION OF A STREET SLOPE EASEMENT PROJECf ADDRESS: 6600 BLACK RAIL ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92009 LOT NO(S).: 14 MAP NO.: 14625 APN(S).: 215-080-22 -------NUMBER OF LOTS: aNUMBER OF ACRES: 4.46 MILES OF TRAILS: 0 OWNER: Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church APPliCANT: Dan Bitner Mailing Address: 6600 Black Rail Road Carlsbad CA 92009 Mailing Address: 6600 Black Rail Road Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone Number: 760-431-8990 Phone Number: 760-729-2682 Fax Number: 760-431-8990 Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: bitnerdr@roadrunner.cofT) certify that r am the legal owner and that aU the above Information is true and correct to best of my knowledge. Signature: ." //)'Z,-. __ ,..r Date: Signature: Date: ? -13 -0 ?, aVIL SOILS ENGINEER: James F. Knowlton FIRM: Sowards and Brown Engineering Inc. FIRM: Geopacifica GeotechrticalConsultants Mailing Address: 2187 Newcastle Ave. Ste 103 Mailing Address: 3060 Industry Street Ste 105 Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007 Oceanside CA 92054 Phone Number: 760-436-8500 x202 Phone Number: 760-721-5488 Fax Number: 760-436-8603 Fax Number: 760-721-5539 E-Mail: rbrown@sowardsandbrown.com E-Mail: State Registration Number: RCE 36190 State Registration Number: RCE 55754 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) f8}carlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain DVallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water imprOVements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation! and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ N/A GRADING QUANTITIES cut N/A cy fill N/A remedial N/A SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/OEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Englneenng Plan Check import N/A export N/A cy e1" 'F (;;/11.'11 ~Rl\O ............ __ .tING DEPJ . APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK Complete all appropriate information. Write Nt A when not applicable. FOR.,qTY U~fQNLY APPLICATION FOR PROJECT nRl1WTNr. IICI"U;:).L 1/ rcc;:) COMMENTS ( ,f all that apply) 1.0. NUMBER PAID 0 Adjustment Plat (ADJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Dedication of Easement CPR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Encroachment Permit CPR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (DWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck ( i) 0 Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement CPR) I Type: Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) [E1 Street Vacation CSTV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) CI Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Trails O<l11 ile _0> mile 0 Other II APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY, i H /DEVELOPMENT SERVICESIMASTERS/Applicnlfon for EnOlnccrtng Plan Check Page 2 DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED Re'l1se~ 05/01107 ... CAIU"RAD ENGII .. __ T, " APPLICATION, ' " " , , " ENGlNEERING ,PLAN.::CaeCK ' -, , , , Complete:all appropriate JJ1;""I1;!"",~'~~'~~ ,~rit~ ~l~when n~t -::.-, :',~',ihi~~,:",' ,;'" , ' , ,,'~ , ;" ,-: ,I"',~K::~::PJ,. USE'OIl LL) "";',, .",c, :,':',,<' ,', APPLICATION FOR r"""-!,,,':'. .,~.' .... "'-.' ' pJ!fJ;ES ,~ .. -:~ >, ~ , ( ./ all that apply) X.D. NUMBER • ,0 ' bl Adjustment Plat (ADJ) CJ Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Dedication of Easement CPR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Encroachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (DWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (DWG) 0 I"'~(~lap (PM) ~Quitclaim of Easement (PR) /111-6 ~-30 (() 1.AJ -- v Type: Q ~c).~ Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) ~ Street Vacation (STV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) CJ Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0_ Trails D-:.mile 0> mile 0 Other , " APPI.:ICATION ACCEPTED B -y._' • -~:< '!. --,> "" -", :;riATE~tAM:~~ :, "',';:: APPI:.ICA:rONiRECEXVED , -', , ',,-, , H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 Revised 05/01/07 , \ ..!) "* l4-MAP NO.: \ 4'='25 APN(S).: NUMBER OF LOTS: ~ \4-NUMBER OF ACRES: \ O. "2..'5 OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: \017C'.f y"e,jAJ6ILEM/S. ~ :b,eCco etA· Phone Number: Phone Number: 'e:>9B SSt> 4,50 0 Fax Number: Fax Number: e sa s.se \4 f 4- E-Mail: E-Mail: s~tu:.iAef..lV.vsA~J2..Sj) ... I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above Information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: Signature: 6PtIb I!~JGI~IERR: L? . ~yS" W AMeLe'2. SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: bhJNSA\£..el? £. Ag>Oc.. :;, C. FIRM: Mailing Address: \cO\,,,' \--\06NJJe~$ Mailing Address: ~N t::::> ( eeoc c..A.' Phone Number: etsP:> .. sse ·4-S00 Phone Number: Fax Number: e6S -SSB .... \A--I4-Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: State Registration Number: L.S -, 32. -z. State Registration Number: '~ADDmONAL COMMENTS: ~ G\J2."S,{Ol2-N~6" cf-lAAJ(OS C,.(£f2,.\"t \=="\cA,'rc= Ii.) F CQt42.s("TI PAZ *" /\loTE \5 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) DCarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal W~ter District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill ___ cy remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check .. .Revlsed 1114102 -±L t K CARLSBAD -ENGINEEIU,~ti ' rENT ' , . ',:~! APPLICATION ' " : '" ENGINEERING P~N (:HE(jK: ' , co ... .,.;: ....... all appropriate information. Write N/A whE!~ no~~~;u, , ..... ~ ", ., FOR CITY',U.SE'ONLY' APPLICATION FOR PROJECT DRAWING, ...... ,,'\";:) .... /FI;ES COMM~Nrs ( ./ all that apply) 1~D" .,' .,~ , NUMBER" ; A'PA'IP .; 1'. ~ , D Adjustment plat (ADJ) IJ ! : " Certificate of Compliance (b~) -, '. , , . D " " D Dedication of Easement CPR} I 1 - Type: ( " .. ' ' " . Type: , Type: D Encorachment Permit (PR) , D Final Map (FM) D Grading Plancheck (DWG) '0' D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) r D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) ,1 !I-" . ; . ,- Type: ' , '. ~. , , i Type: , , Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) . : ... I , " '. D Street Vacation (STV) 0 I t:"~~71Yarcel Map (MS) , . , , . ~I n.c~1;; of Correction ~f\tV>g , 2--V-(P!~l~ ...--(CCOR) , I , D Covenant of Easement (PR) D SubstantiaJ Conformance , 4 ~ ~ . , ~.~ . " ! Exhibit (SCE) , . ,,' D . Other " ' APPLICATION ACCEPTED ~Y: ~ ,', , , .,= ......... :1 DATE STAMP APPLI,'CATOti ItECEIVEl) 'NnC\/I=' I"I"UI="'T "'I="'\II~I="'/MA!'lTFR!'l/Ann1i""tlnn fnr FnnlnPArinn PiAn Check Pace 2 Revised 1/14/02 ..... I -,. " -; , -. -' . ." . , .. ?~ .. ' -;.-., . ;~. -! ,1 I, , ".', -, - , ';. " ''-'. .~ l ,'_ ~-': .- .j. ._. .;,_' r ~ . '. . ... , <' -. . ~ . , ' : ~, '-, :.' , ~I '" "~ _.: '."'~: , .' '+ ~. ".v} , .''': ',',o -l' - .: ' ., 'f " ' '. -:'-". ,_A ~ ~ • • ,-•• j ~:,-• i<·, ... .: , , " ' ,_ l ,",'.' _ ;. J • f ~.' ,',- ~. I :-I' ., • , .' " ',' :. ":, '\ ' '.~: .~: .. ~~.,,~ .~ . " ~ , . , " . ~. ';:~.:~ : , , , ,/ . . . , . , . _ ~ . ~ -~, '(. ..', ! PROJECT PLAN, REVI'EW COMPlET:ION,:.',' ': ..... . --.~ ~ :~'-. ~ ", Project Name: Prqject No.: Dwg. No.: ,403-5A (GRADINGPI,.,ANJ ':, Slieets No.:, 1 th~ouah '11 Signed .~Y~~m Glen K. Va'n Peskl " " ' , RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/05 ? ;' '. )-,' ~ -,' ,.~:', ~,'-~< :-::' ,', .:~ ;~',' . .';: .... : ' :,:' ~'~ ,:,;;~-:~~:~~~>;~. :>::./~ : "., 0\713 GVP Consultants Consultants to city of Carlsbad Public Worns -Engineering PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Project No.: Dwg. No.: Sheets No.: REDEEMER BY THE SEA CT 00-22 FM 00-22 1 through 4 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised respon~ible charge over the map review of this praject as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Map review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed ~"""""''-'¥-~..-o..:---''''''''''''-''='''''''''~----b-'''-­L. Helming 874 Exp. 12/31/05 3764 Cavern Place Carlsbad CA 92008-6585 Ph 760-720-0500 Fx 760-720-2282 Il . ,. ,'. ", , . , ®WI] e' GVP Consultants Consultants to City of CarlsbadPublic Works -Engin'eering -; ,.:-. " ..I , PROJECT PLA~ REVIJ;:W COMPLETION' : ~~: ',. " ,! , " . T~e following project plans ha\le been rev.iewed.and are recQmn'lended:f6r:.~p~rOval::', , ;~' ~, " Project Name: REDEEMER B)'THE SEA' ' . -I ~. , ' " • y ,...- :', . ~. ;": -, .~~ . ,',- : .... -r-' "'/, . _.: . ~',~. -. .' ~ :.c ~ I. . c ',': .. ~.: ." _-. K ~.' .... " , ; '.~ •• ~':"', ~ : II . , .... . ,,( .... .(" l, • , \' -, ." ",'r' : ' ~-> '. -,., , I, • _ .~-' - . " " . , 1.,.-' " ... I -:. '!-. ," .. 'I ~', -' . .. -" Project No,: CT 00-22 ~. , " " ""-, , ,,"-, - '-' .... , J, _' '. . ", /. " , 4. ,,~ • , Dwg. No.: 403-5A -Constrllction Change #1 '-~ \ 'Sheets No.: 1 through 7 of 11 -.) - " ' " '.,' '.. '-'" ,',: ' ' ': "t DECLARATION OF RESPONSISLE CHARGE '. , " ~., • -, I ......... ,·1 hereby declare that I have exercised responsible' chatge over fhe ~Ia:n .r~.vie~' oftnjsproj$cf ,~~, . 'defined in Section 6703 of the Business and. P.rofe~sions Code to d~tt3rmrnet\;latth'e \pii:H)s.'ar~·· .. ' . found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes an~ sta.ndards·. :. : '.' . I ',~. Plan 'review of these pr~ject drawings 'do~s not, r'eliev~ t'he-'Erigi~-e~r.;·d{ w.or{:6f~:th'~" , , responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinan~~s. ,,' '." ,,' " , ...... . ~ .' ,,' \ ::: 'I " ~. -. , " ~. I .~ • , ' Signed ~A~X~zdt,~.litL::.:::.:.:.-· -..,- Glen K. Van Peski ' RCE 41204 Exp. 3/31/07 ' , , , . , " ., ," •• ': I '. , " ;' " -J - , . , '.' ,.'"',. I, • ,J -, .' ', ... ',' ".';';.' , , --~ \ .: '., ' .. ' , , " '.' ',. : .,"'. ~ , ':"', \~. . ~ , . ,- ~ • .T"-' " . " '. ~ , ", , ... , ,', . , (" ... " .... -" , ' '. : .. -~ r ,J. 'r •• " -. _,', 3764 Cavern Place Carlsbad CA' 92008-6585 Ph 760-720-0500 Ex 760-72'0..:2282 ' .. ' '. .. .. ,'. '. , + ",-:.,-t\'·"""f'~T f-~':' '-~.'~" , ,.' . ~~' . -:;' , . ,.;, ~ ,,-. . , . . -' . , .... ~. , <.' " • .... ;, J,. l • ..:~. ',.. ... , ' ~~. '- , , ~ ~ 1 _, " .: ' 1'.' ~, . ":~. , , ,', .'. \ Project Name: REDEEMER £;3Y THE SEA " . CT 00-22 :: Dw~. No.: 403-5 Improvement' ~~an$ ,. 1 througt16 • ..!"-... ,''\. , !, " " ~, ' , ,: ," '.} .. ..I. ", ' .. .. f ~ .' " -" " , , Sheets No.: .' ,.,. . , , " .' , "."' .~'<: '-'"<"~-!.': ; -~.' ~ .. ~ : •• ;., ,{'J DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARG~·i .... ···.·.:,,··:<"·2:;':' -;.' :: __, ) ' ... :' .. :~. , ~ <, _ ". ~ ~~': .~ _~, , .. :-: ... J' _ ~.:, , :~'. '.,: ,.': ':::; .... _ _ _ ",.... . " -~ _ :Z ':' _ . .' .' : <' ," , ,., I ' • -'.. '.,,' _" .: • ,:: ... • -1" _'--".; , " -: .... , ' , ., ..... : -...., ':~ -:: ~~.~: , ",I,hereby declare th~t I have exercised responsible 'ch~rg~ 'Dver tti~:'plar:(r~~\ti$~ 'cit t~js, PFOj~p~: as:.:'. '.' ~"~.,,~' <. :., ~' .. ' ,defined in Section 6703'"of "the 'I3usiness, an~ Professions' eode~to ,determfr'l~:,tha:(.th~: Rl:ans~,are-,.,: ;;:. ',. :.' ',;;':' fpl:ind to be in substi;lntial conformance witl:), appUqc;ible cO·des .. ~nd~stal1.d~.rds:::;:: ~,~. '. ,,': .-" :,:. ":' :. ,: :' . " ,: : ;', '",.'::; ,.: 'Plan review of these proje~t :drawlngs does' n6t" :r~liev,e :.~_~~ :', En~;;h~e? :o{'~'00~~~~::~f:: -th~' "",'.'~:,:,,,~';~"~:,'~~~:;',, r,' responsibilities for project design LInder state and local,orair,'lanqes, ,:" """ :, c ,,'~':' .. , , ' .' ,'... "~'~'.~':;':.'",:,~~"',,~,~.;,:.- . ' "'-, , ,', ,~ -\~ " I. " t ~' , , " ", :, " ,', ,r.~ • , ',.~ :: ;'-,~ .- " ~ . " " \", .,', . ,. " , !' "-... -'. ',,·1 ',; '. -' " ~ ~ .', ...-• • ~,-, ,.' ,'I." -~ -,:' • , ,I , " Signed ~ ~ 'd ~- Gle K. Van Peskl , RCE 4,1204' Exp. ~/31'/Q5 , f J" ···:"~I ':-: '~:.;' 0" ,",', ' , :. 1 ... _ .... l':" - "'-. '~'. ,',' " -,-, , _' 1 ' . ":,' , 3764 Cavern Place Carlsbad t • .: ,. ',.. -, . ,'-.. ' ',-" '.- , :' " .:.-. J '., .-' .', , ' \ .... , , .' .-' ... ' .. ' ,f :. .. '.'. • ~. ~. -;-.... '.' " ' I. 1', ... e" -'" ',: ... ~. ' -' . '" .. :: '. " " " ,'> ~ " .~: ',,'. I: . ': GVP Consultants ,. ••• '~ .Y'. _ '] ,,', ..... ; _~ 5_ ." '. Consultants to CICY of Carlsbad Public Works:'" Engineering Project Name: Project No.: -'.~ -." -, ; . ,-'.' , -,0", ' I • ,-i ~ • _' :~ Dwg. No.: -'. --", ~ ~. 'pR 02-105' Offsite public~street:e~$.~n1E?,)t-:· . .' " '-. ," ,: " .:.. ,-" <: .... ' '~" "'.---:: '[ ... :~:,-, '-,'.~ 't,"~:~ -.<~.~ " ~ '. -"~'~ --" " > ,"' ~... • ' " ... , ~: : : Sheets. No.: N/A • ":": I •. , , ..... DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARciE"';:'~,:' ; ,.'.,.' ,,>t, 'i,e:', .::) , ~ __ • ": •. .,.t' -'. -~'. ,-_~~ ~._~.I:~,_ ....... ~, , ,,,, ~~ ,..... ~ ~ ... :;;'.~,~ -' •• -~ • ",' I~ ," .~ ." ~ . -. ~', -~.:-,,':'--; -,:" '.:. :~'~":-';.. \"~.>' :.-.. :.,:.<.'>..:' .. ' ~:'~.,,-:~:, .";~~::;~'-':):;': I hereby declare that I have exercised re.~PQnsible charge'Qv~r th.E§\pmn ,'revieW·9f,tt:i'is:"proJepr~s~;.;", . .-.. >.\ . '.~' "; ,".' '.' defineq· in Section 6703 of the Business,and Professior)s Goa~ -to 'Qete'tmine ·ttlafthe:'p·lans' a~e',:': 7.', ' .. 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SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 10013556-7 Fee: $500.00 Subdivision: City of Carlsbad TROO-22 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego and City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: A portion of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Official Plat thereof. Dated: February 5, 2003 CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company By: d/PAIK SCHEDULE" A" PART I As of the date hereof, the party(ies) whose signature(s) will be necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of the Final Map or Parcel Map of said land and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues, and other easements offered by such Map are: 1. The signature(s) of the party(ies) hereinafter named will be required as owner(s) of the estate or interest in the land as specified, pursuant to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act. Estate or Interest: A FEE Owner(s): Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad II. The signature of either the trustee or the beneficiary named below but not both, will be required under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (a) of the Subdivision Map Act for the following deed(s) of trust: Lutheran Church Extension Fund-Missouri Synod, a Missouri Corporation as Trustee, under Deed of Trust recorded June 29, 2001 as File No. 2001-0442833 and December 4, 2002 as File No. 2002-1092772, both of Official Records. CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) SCHEDULE "A" PART II III. The signature(s) of the party(ies) named hereinafter as owner(s) of the interest set forth, may be omitted under the provisions of Section 66436 (a)(3)(A)(i-vii) of the Subdivision Map Act, their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature(s) is (are) not required by the local agency. 1. San Diego Gas & Electric Company as holder of easements recorded July 16, 1954 in Book 5302, Page 379; in Book 5302, Page 384; in Book 5302, Page 387, in 5302, Page 392, in Book 5302, Page 395, in Book 5302, Page 400 and June 24, 1965 as File No. 113032 all of Official Records. 2. Carlsbad Municipal Water District as holder of an easement recorded July 21, 1958 in Book 7174, Page 293 of Official Records. 3. The City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, as holder of easements recorded December 26, 1997 as File No. 1997-0658899 and February 27,2002 as File No. 2002- 0166066 both of Official Records. CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 10013556-7 Fee: $500.00 Subdivision: City of Carlsbad TROO-22 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, GUARANTEES - The County of San Diego and City within which said subdivision-is located in a -sum not exceeding $1000.00 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: A portion of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, 'in tbe County of San Diego, State of California, according to Official Plat thereof. Dated: November 12, 2002 CLTA Guru'antee Fonn No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company By: SCHEDULE "A" PART I As of the date hereof, the party(ies) whose signature(s) will be necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of the Final Map or Parcel Map of said land and offering for dedication any streets, toads, avenues, and other easements offered by such Map are: 1. The signature(s) of the party(ies) hereinafter nruued will be required as owner(s) of the estate or interest in the land as specified, "pursuant to the provisions of Secti<?n 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act. Estate or Interest: A FEE Owner(s): Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad II. The signature of either the tmstee or the beneficiary named below but not both, will be required under the provisions of Section" 66436, Subsection (a) of the Subdivision Map Act for the following deed(s) of tmst: Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad Lutheran Church Extension Fund-Missouri Synod, a Missouri Corporation as Tmstee, under Deed of Trust recorded June 29, 2001 as File No. 2001-0442833 of Official Records. CLTA Guarantee Fonn No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) SCHEDULE "A" PARTll III. The signature(s) of the party(ies) named hereinafter as owner(s) of the interest set forth, may be omitted under the provisions of Section 66436 (a)(3)(A)(i-vii) of the Subdivision Map Act, their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature(s) is (are) not required by the local agency. 1. San Diego Gas & Electric Company as holder of easements recorded July 16, ·1954 in Book 5302, Page 379; in Book 5302, Page 384; in Book 5302, Page 387, in 5302, Page 392, in Book 5302, Page 395, in Book 5302, Page 400 and June 24, 1965 as File No. 113032 all of Official Records. 2. Carlsbad Municipal Water District as holder of an easement recorded July 21, 1958 in Book 7174, Page 293 of Official Records. 3. The City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, as holder of easements recorded December 26, 1997 as File No. 1997-0658899 and Febmary27, 2002 as File No. 2002- 0166066 both of Official Records. CLTA Guarantee Fonn No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) Commonwealth Lot Book Guarantee Guarantee/File Number: 10016895 Liability: $1,.000.00 Fee: $150.00 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILTIY AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE, AND SUBJECT TO THE FURTHER EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION THAT NO GUARANTEE IS GIVEN NOR LIABILITY ASSUMED WITH RESPECT TO THE IDENTITY OF ANY PARTY NAMED OR REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE A OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VALIDITY, LEGAL EFFECT OR PRIORITY OF ANY MATTER SHOWN THEREIN. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES THE ASSURED NAMED IN SCHEDULE A AGAINST ACTUAL MONETARY LOSS OR DAMAGE NOT EXCEEDING THE LIABILITY AMOUNT STATED IN SCHEDULE A WHICH THE ASSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF ANY INCORRECTNESS IN THE ASSURANCES SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE A. DATED: 11/12/2002 CLTA Guarantee No. 12 (Rev. 6-6-92) Lot Book Guarantee Page 1 e· SCHEDULE A Lot Book Guarantee File Number: 10016895 1. Name of Assured: City of Carlsbad 2. Date of Guarantee: 11/12/2002 The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: That, according to the Company's property records relative to the land described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (but without examination of those Company records maintained and indexed by name): A. The last recorded instrument purporting to transfer title to said land is: A FEE Recorded: Conveyed to December 29, 1999 as File No. 1999-0841882 of Official Records Daybreak Community Church, a California Nonprofit Religious Corporation B. There are no. mortgages or deeds of trust which purport to affect title to said land, other than those shown below under Exceptions (Exhibit "B"). No guarantee is made regarding (a) matters affecting the beneficial interest of any mortgage or deed of trust whi<;:h may be shown herein as an exception, or (b) other matters which may affect any such mortgage or deed of trust. . No guarantee is made regarding any liens, claims of liens, defects or encumbrances other than those speCifically provided for above, and, if information was requested by reference to a street address, no guarantee is made that said land is the same as said address. CLTA Guarantee No. 12 (Rev. 6-6-92) Lot Book Guarantee Page 2 File Number: 10016895 EXHIBIT "A II All that certain real property situated in the County of San Diegol State of Californial described as follows: East 112 of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 221 Township 12 Southl Range 4 Westl San Bernardino Base and Merfdianl in the City of Carlsbadl County of San Diegol State of Californial according to Official Plat thereof. Asse'ssor's Parcel Number: CLTA Guarantee No, 12 (Rev, 6-6-92) Lot Book Guarantee 215-080-04 Page 3 File Number: 10016895 EXHIBIT IIBII EXCEPTIONS: 1. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby. Amount: Dated: Trustor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Address: Loan No.: Recorded: $1,275,000.00 July 29, 2000 Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County Fidelity National Title Company Reliance Trust Company, a.bank and trust company 3384 Peachtree Road, Suite 900, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Not Shown July 31, 2000 as File No. 2000-0403584 of Official Records Affects the herein-described land and other land. An agreement to modify the terms and provisions of said deed of trust as therein provided Executed by: Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County and Reliance Trust Company Recorded: July 13, 2001 as File No. 2001-0483549 of-Official Records 2. A financing statement filed in the office of the county Recorder, showing: Debtor: Secured Party: Date: Recorded: Property Covered: Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North CotJnty Reliance Trust Company Not Shown July 13, 2001 as File No. 2001-0483548 of Official Records Not Shown Affects the herein-described land and other land. 3. An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document Granted to: City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation Purpose: slope, public street, drainage and temporary construction purposes Recorded: June 14, 2002 as File No. 2002-0507610 of Official Records' Affects: . Portions of the herein described land, the exact location of which can be determined by examination of the above-mentioned instrument, which contains a complete legal description of the affected portions of said land. A Plat is attached to and made a part of said document which indicates the location or approximate location of said easement. . 4. Any boundary discrepancies, rights or claims which may exist or arise as disclosed by a Record of Survey 17470, Record of Survey No. Recorded July 19, 2002 as File No. 2002-0608572 of Official Records CLTA Guarantee No. 12 (Rev. 6-6-92) Lot Book Guarantee Page 4 ... Ffle Number: 10016895 EXHIBIT "B" -Continued 5. An assignment of all monies due, or to become due as rental or otherwise from said land, a.s well as the lessor's interests under the leases referred to therein, to secure payment of an indebtedness shown below and upon the terms and conditions therein. ' Amount: Assigned to: By: Recorded: Not Shown California Baptist Foundation, a non-profit corporation Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County, q California non-profit religious corporation July 31, 2002 as File No. 2002-0643209 of Official Records Affects the herein-described land and other land. 6. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby. Amount: Dated: Trustor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Address: Loan No.: Recorded: $261,870.00 May 31,2002 Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County, a California Nonprofit Religious Corporation Fidelity National Title Company California Baptist Foundation, a California non-profit corporation 7120 North Whitney, Suite lOS, Fresno, California 93720-0153 Not Shown July 31, 2002 as File No. 2002-0643210 of Official Records Affects the herein-described land and other land. CLTA Guarantee No. 12 (Rev. 6-6-92) Lot Book Guarantee END OF EXCEPTIONS Page 5 , • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 10013556-7 Fee: $500.00 Subdivision: City of Carlsbad TROO-22 . COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego and City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not ·exceeding $1OqO.OE} That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements .of .the .Subdivision Map Act, ·on the certificates consenting to the -recordatIon of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for. dedication by said map are: Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: A portion of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego,State of California, according to Official Plat.thereof. Dated: August 30, 2002 CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) Commonwealth Land Title In~urance Company By: .' . . ~ SCHEDULE "A" PART I As of the date hereof, the party(ies) whose signature(s) will be necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map ~ct, on the certificates consenting to th~ recordation of the Final Map or . Parcel Map of said land and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues, and other easements offered by such Map are: I. The signatuFe(~) of the party(ies) hereinafter named will be required as ~wner(s:) o~ the estate or interest in the land as specified, pursuant to the provisions ·of Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act. II. Estate or Interest: A FEE . - Owner(s): Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad The signature of either the trustee or the beneficiary named below but Iiot bolli, w1l1 be required under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (a) Of the Subdivision Map Act for the following deed(s) of trust: Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad Lutheran Church Extension Fund-Missouri Synod, a Missouri Corporation as Trustee, under Deed of Trust recorde-ifJiine "29, 2001 as File No. 2001-0442833 of-OiflciaTRecords.-". --.- -. eLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) SCHEDULE "A" PARTll III. The signature(s) of the party(ies) named hereinafter as owner(s) of the interest set forth, may be omitted under the provisions of Section 66436 (a)(3)(A)(i-viitof the Subdivision Map Act, their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee· title and said signature(s) is (are) not required by the local agency. --1. San Diego Gas & Electric Company as holder of easements recorded July' 16, 1954 in Book 5302, Page 379; in Book 5302, Page 384; in Book 5302, Page 387, in 5302, Page 392, in Book 5302, Page 395, in Book 5302, Page 400 and June 24, 1965 as File No. 113032 all of Official Records. . 2. Carlsbad Municipal Water District as holder of an easement recorded July· 21, 1958 in Book 7174, Page 293 of Official Records. 3. The City of Carlsbad,. a municipal corporation, as holder of easements recorded December 26, 1997 as File No. 1997-0658899 and February 27, 2002 as File No. 2002- 0166066 both of Official Records. CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 fRev. 4-10-75)