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CT 00-22; Redeemer by the Sea; Tentative Map (CT) (2)
V Project Resources Inc. PWASE / ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vacant Land Poinsettia Lane and Blackrail Road Carlsbad, Califomia 92009 PRI Project #84363.012 for Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 October?, 1999 3760 Convoy StiEBt. Suite 230 San Oiegn. CalilDinia 92111 TB! B5B.505.1D0D fax B5B.5D5.1D1D nnsniN . CHICAGO - CINCINNATI • DALIAS - mm - HOOSTON - INDIANAPOIIS - LOS ANCCLIS • NFW OBICANS - Ntw YOOK OKIAHOMA CIIV - OMAHA - PHICAOHPHIA . SAN FRANCISCO - SIAIIIE - SI lOOIS • lAMPA Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment REPORT CONTENTS to Section 1.0-Summary Section 2.0-Assessment Methodology and Report Umitations IM Section 3.0-Property Description and Prior Use mm Section 4.0-Environmental Hazards Assessment lm 4.1 -Polychlorinated Biphenyls 4.2 -Underground / Above-Ground Storage Tanks 4.3 -Hazardous Waste Activity m 4.4 -Additional Hazards m Section 5.0-Regulatory Agency Data Review m AppendixA Photographs m Appendix B Regulatory Agency Data Report m SECTION 1.0 SUMMARY Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment SECTION 1.0 - SUMMARY In accordance with our proposal agreement with Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church, Project Resources Inc. (PRI) performed a Phase I environmental survey of the subject property on September 30,1999. The subject comprises undeveloped, vegetated land in Carlsbad, San Diego County, Califomia. The foUovdng summarizes the independent conclusions representing PRI's best professional judgement based on information and data available to us during the course of this assignment. Factual information regarding operations, conditions, and test data provided by the Client, owner, or their representative have been assumed to be conect and complete. Additionally, the conclusions presented are based on the conditions that existed at the time of the assessment. Note that on-site observation of the subject consisted of readily visible, accessible areas only. \w«sinrnr Ciimpuiient .Vccrplabli: \rccpniblr, Kciiuirea O&.M rhuM I Infnrniarinn Pviiiliiii' I'hHse [I 1 rvrl Kcbeiircli Phusc 11 .Suhsiirrarf- luM-HiKaliuii ilj'lllllii-ai KuviL'w rc lis / On-site U.STs/AGTs / (Jii-iitu 1 lii/dnluub / Drinking Water / AUJiiiur..il II.i/.uJ3 • Ri:i!uiiiUii> lJii'.:ilijii: Review / Adjacent Properties / Conclusions/Recommendations Based on the scope of work performed, no concems requiring fiirther investigation exist at this time. PR! Project #84363.012 Page 1 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment Project Team The project team consisted of the foUov^dng individuals: Surveyed by: Sam Seneviratne, Project Engineer Researched and Written by: Karin Pond, Project Engineer Reviewed by: Brandy Groves, Quality Control Manager Closing We appreciate the opportunity to provide environment assessment services and tmst that the enclosed information is adequate for decision-making needs. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned at (858) 505-1000. Bill Allan / Project Manager F:\Data\Redeemer by the Sea\99\84363-Vacant Land\84363.012 Vacant Land.doc PRI Project #84363.012 Page 2 SECTION 2.0 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY AND REPORT LIMIT A TIONS Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment SECTION 2.0 - ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY AND REPORT LIMITATIONS The Phase I Environmental Assessment is an effort to evaluate a property's environmental status. The assessment involves a review of federal, state, and sometimes county/local environmental records for the property and immediate sunounding area; an on-site survey of the subject property, buildings, grounds, and boundaries wdth adjoining properties to identify obvious hazardous materials contamination; and an investigation into the property's prior uses. If potential hazards or contaminants are noted during the Phase I investigation, a Phase II environmental review may be required including additional information gathering or, if appropriate, physical sampling. The Phase I Assessment is principally a screening exercise designed to identify environmental "red flags." Assessment Activities The Phase I Assessment for the subject included the following tasks: - A survey of the property and buildings to observe current use of subj ect, and cunent uses of adj acent properties, for evidence of potential contamination and/or the presence of hazardous substances. - Interviews with property personnel regarding current/previous uses at the subject and sunounding properties. - Review of state/federal lists to assess the potential for hazardous materials generators or leaking USTs within the vicinity of the subject. - Review of existing documentation, as available, regarding prior investigation, events, or conditions on the site and in the immediate vicinity relating to spills, discharges, or other activities resulting in environmental concems or the presence of hazardous material. - Historical aerial photograph review of the subj ect property and immediate surrounding area. - Topographic map review of the subject property and immediate sunounding area. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 3 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment - Regional geologic map review of the subject area. - Preparation of a report documenting our findings and presenting our recommendations and professional opmions regarding observed or suspected environmental concems. Subject Point of Contact At the subject, Mr. Seneviratne was unescorted. Regulatoiy Agency Data Review The regulatory agency report provided is based on an evaluation of the data collected and compiled by a contracted data research company. The report is based on a radius search which focuses on both the subject and neighboring sites which may impact the subject. Neighboring sites listed in govemmental environmental records are identified within a specific search distance. The search distance varies depending upon the particular govemment record being checked. The search is designed to meet the requirements of the cunent industry approach and the ASTM Standard E 1527-97. The information provided is assumed to be conect and complete. Report Limitations This report is prepared solely for the use and benefit of Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church. Our professional services have been perfonned, our findings obtained and our recommendations prepared in accordance v^dth customary principles and practices m the field of environmental science. This wananty is in lieu of all other wananties either expressed or implied. This company is not responsible for the independent conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by others based on the field exploration presented in this report. It should be noted that all surficial environmental assessments are inherently limited in the sense that conclusions are drawn and recommendations developed firom information obtained firom limited research and site evaluation. Subsurface conditions were not field investigated as part of this study and may differ from the conditions implied by the surficial observations. Additionally, the passage of time may result in a change in the environmental characteristics at this site and sunounding properties. It must be noted that no investigation can absolutely mle out the existence of any hazardous PRI Project* 84363.012 Page 4 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment materials at a given site. This assessment has been based upon prior site history and observable conditions and activities. Existmg hazardous materials and contaminants can escape detection using these methods. The work performed in conjunction with this assessment and the data developed are intended as a description of available information at the dates and location given. This report does not wanant against future operations or conditions, nor does it wanant agamst operations or conditions present of a type or at a location not investigated. In addition, this report is not intended as a regulatory agency compliance/safety audit or for the purpose of ensuring that all applicable pemiits and/or operating procedures are current and/or appropriate. PRI recommends that any periodic review of any property should include an update of information on environmental conditions in the area. Note that no soils, groundwater, or potable water testing for the presence of hazardous substances was performed for this assessment. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 5 SECTION 3.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND PRIOR USE Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment SECTION 3.0 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND PRIOR USE Property Description Property address: Vacant Land Poinsettia Lane and Blackrail Road Carlsbad, Califomia 92009 Site configuration/size: Generally rectangular in shape; approximately 10 acres Site drainage: Surface gradient to public right-of-way Subject area: Residential and undeveloped Weather conditions during visit: At the time of our environmental survey, the weather in fhe area was sunny and approximately 89°F Topographical map review: According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Encinitas Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map, the subject is located at an approximate elevation of 360 feet above mean sea level. There is a gentle downward gradient to the northeast in the subject area. Wetlands / sensitive resources: Based on our site survey and topographical map review, no wetlands or sensitive resources were observed at or adjacent to the subject. Geologic setting / hydrogeology: The site is located in San Diego County within fhe Peninsular Ranges tectonic province. Typically, the region around the subject consists of thick deposits of Upper Cretaceous conglomerates and sandstone from the Trabuco formation. For the purposes of this report, it is assumed that shallow ground-water flow generally PRI Project # 84363.012 Page 6 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment mimics surface water flow (i.e. from topographic highs to topographic lows). However, multiple factors can affect the direction of ground-water flow in subsurface layers including, but not limited to, sediment/rock type, subsurface utility lines, buried river valleys and stream beds, folds, fractures, and faults. Based on our review of the topographic map of the area, ground-water flow is estimated to be northeasterly. Adjacent Properties Adjacent properties were observed to be occupied by the following: Direction Occupied By North Vacant Land Northeast Vacant Land East Vacant Land Southeast Vacant Land South Carlsbad Municipal Water District Southwest Single Family Residences West Poinsettia Lane Northwest Single Family Residences It is PRI's opinion that none of the properties located adjacent to the subject are anticipated to pose a negative environmental impact at the present time. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 7 Project Resources Inc. Phase / Environmental Assessment Prior Use of Subject Importance of Historical Searches A cmcial component of any due diligence environmental assessment, the site history inquires into past activities or land uses at the site. Historical uses which may have environmentally impacted the subject are often neglected, and may be associated with previous subject occupation by service stations, automotive businesses, dry cleaners, metal plating operations, manufacturers, or landfills. Historical documents, interviews with local, state and federal agencies, or with employees of companies at or near the subject can aid in site history preparation. Site histories enhance not only the site survey process itself, but may be used to identify where Phase II work is warranted, where more detailed investigation into past uses is needed, and where soil testing is appropriate. Interviews We conducted an interview with Mr. Michael Smith of the City of Carlsbad Fire Department. Mr. Smith indicated that the subject was used for agricultural purposes. This information is supported by a review of aerial photographs, as discussed below. Historical Aerial Photograph Review Historical aerial photographs of the subject and sunounding areas were reviewed as part of our investigation as follows: 1995 - The subject and all sunounding properties are vacant land or in agricultural use. 1982 - The subject and all surrounding properties are vacant land or in agricultural use. 1975 - The subject and all adjacent land is undeveloped. 1967 - The subject and all adjacent land is undeveloped. 1953 - The subject and all adjacent land is undeveloped. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 8 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment 1928 - The subject and all adjacent land is undeveloped. Conclusion No significant environmental concems were identified regarding the prior use of the subject property. No fiirther investigation is recommended. Please see Section 4.5 for a discussion regarding pesticide/herbicide usage in relation to agricultural activities at the subject. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 9 SECTION 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ASSESSMENT Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment Section 4.1 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls Description of PCB Hazards PCBs have been used as dielectric (insulating) fluids in transformers, capacitors, and fluorescent light ballasts. PCB containing fluids were used mainly in indoor locations to minimize the possibility of fire if electrical equipment overheated. The potential hazard from PCBs occurs when PCB-filled equipment is subjected to high-temperature fire. The PCBs vaporize and may be converted chemically to dioxins and furans (two toxic substances). Should the PCB-laden smoke from the fire spread throughout a building contaminating it with PCBs, dioxins and fiirans, the building would need to be evacuated and decontaminated, a process which could take several years. A secondary potential hazard is from spills and leaks that could contaminate the groundwater, soil or buildings wdth PCB fluids. PCB-contaming fluorescent light ballasts and air conditioning unit capacitors are considered a minor hazard as long as they are not leaking. However, it should be noted that certain states (e.g. Califomia) regulate disposal of PCB-containing ballasts and capacitors, regardless of unit quantity or size. PCBs at the Subject No electrical transformers are located on the subject property. The subject area is serviced by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). No fiirther action or investigation is recommended. No other possible PCB-containing equipment was observed at the subject. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 10 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment Section 4.2 - Underground / Above-Ground Storage Tanks Description of Leaking Underground/Above-ground Storage Tank Hazards Underground/above-ground storage tanks are found on many residential and commercial properties. They are used for storing fiiel, waste oils, solvents, and other waste and hazardous materials. The principal hazard from underground/above-ground storage tanks is leakage of contents due to conosion of the tanks or lines. The leakage may result in migration onto the subject and/or other properties of the stored material via the media of soil or groundwater. Soil and groundwater contaminated by the contents of USTs/AGTs can constitute health hazards. Clean-up of contaminated soil and/or groundwater and subsequent litigation is often costiy. USTs/AGTs at the Subject No evidence of underground storage tanks at the subject was apparent from our site survey, review of govemment records, historical site searches/reviews, and interviews with property personnel and the Carlsbad Fire Department. In addition, no above-ground tanks were observed on the property at the time of our site visit. No further action or investigation is recommended. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 11 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment Section 4.3 - Hazardous Waste Activity Description of Hazardous Waste Disposal The main threat from hazardous waste disposal comes from migration of waste material into groundwater and seepage of liquids into buildings and grounds. Skin rashes, central nervous system disorders and possibly cancer could potentially result from inhalation of gases and vapors or drinking contaminated water. Clean-up of contaminated conditions and subsequent litigation can be very costly. During fhe environmental assessment, govemment records are checked for evidence of waste disposal at or near the site, and an on-site survey is perfonned to identify obvious hazardous materials contamination. In addition, historical Sanbom Insurance maps and/or aerial photographs of the subject are reviewed for evidence of disposal activities. Hazardous Waste Activity at the Subject Visual survey, review of govemment documents, and interviews with property personnel revealed no indication of hazardous waste activity at the subject. In addition, no spills, staining, distressed vegetation, and/or unidentified barrels were observed on the property at the time of our site visit. No fiirther action or investigation is recommended. Due to the previous and current use of the subject for agricultural purposes, it is assumed that pesticides and/or herbicides were in use at the site. Therefore, the potential may exist for the presence of pesticide or herbicide residues in the soil. No unusual or adverse conditions were observed during our site survey and our research uncovered no evidence of known contamination from pesticide/herbicideusage at the property. In addition, it is likely that much of the soil used in agricultural activities wdll be displaced or removed during the development of the site. Therefore, the possibility is considered low for negative health effects from any residual pesticides/herbicides at the subject. Based on this, no fiirther investigation is recoinmended at this time. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 12 Project Resources Inc. PAjase / Environmental Assessment Section 4.4 - Additional Hazards Drinking Water Drinking water may be contaminated with lead, pefroleum products, solvents, and any other chemical substance allowed to enter groundwater. Public water departments are required to analyze and treat water prior to public consumption to assure that it meets cunent govemment standards. However, on occasion a contamination problem arises which may temporarily alter drinking water quality. Since the subject area is serviced by municipal water, drinking water supplied to the subject is presumed to meet all EPA standards, including those for lead content. No fiirther action or investigation is recommended. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 13 SECTION 5.0 REGULATORY AGENCY DATA REVIEW Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment SECTION 5.0 - REGULATORY AGENCY DATA REVIEW FEDERAL AND STATE LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES Federal and state hazardous waste site listings were reviewed for this assessment, e.g. NPL, CERCLIS, NFRAP, LUST, etc. By cross-referencing name, address, and zip code, we conclude that the subject is not a listed site. The area search of the subject for sites listed in these databases identified various sites individually outlined in the Regulatory Agency Data Report Findings included in Appendix B. Information conceming listed sites considered to have the potential to impact the subject is included in each of the database sections that follow. • NPL Listing: The National Priorities (Superfund) List is EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfimd Program. • No NPL sites were identified within 1.0 mile of the subject. • RCRA-TSD Facilities Listing: The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA-TSD database is a compilation by the EPA of reporting facilities that transport, freat, store or dispose of hazardous waste. • No RCRA-TSD sites were identified wdthin 1.0 mile of the subject. • CERCLIS Listing: This database is a compilation of sites which the EPA has investigated or is currently investigating for a release or threatened release of hazardous substances. • No CERCLIS sites were identified within 1.0 mile of the subject. • NFRAP Listing: This database contains information regarding sites which have been removed from the federal EPA's CERCLIS database. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 14 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment • No NFRAP sites were identified within 1.0 mile of the subject. Calsites Sites (SPL/SCL): This database is a comprehensive listing of sites which are considered to be potentially hazardous to the public health and welfare by the Department of Toxic Substances Confrol. Further, this is the ASTM equivalent of a State Hazardous Waste Sites List. * No SPL/SCL sites were identified within 1.0 mile of the subject. Solid Waste Facility List (SWLF): This database is a comprehensive listing of all permitted solid waste landfills and processing facilities operatmg wdthin the State of Califomia. • The following SWLF site was identified within 1.0 mile of the subject. 1) Palomar Airport Landfill Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 This site is plotted 0.72 miles northeast of the subject. This site is listed as both a county and a state solid waste disposal facility with a facility status of closed. Its permit status is listed as "unpermitted/unlicensed." This site is also being tracked by the State Water Resources Confrol Board. Due to its distance and lack of information indicating that this site is a hazardous waste site (i.e. the site does not appear on any of the listings of known hazardous waste sites reviewed for this assessment), the above site is not anticipated to negatively impact the environmental integrity of the subject property. It is PRI's opinion that no fiirther action or investigation is warranted at the present time. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 15 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment • Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS): The ERNS is a national database used to collect information on reported releases of oil or hazardous substances. • Neither the subject nor any adjoining properties were identified on the ERNS inventory. • Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) • No LUST sites were identified within 0.5 mile of the subject. USTs / RCRIS-Generators / FINDS Sites UST, RCRIS-Generator, and FINDS listings were reviewed. By cross-referencing name, address, and zip code, we conclude that the subject is not a Usted site. The area search of the subject for sites listed on these databases identified various sites individually outlined in the Regulatory Agency Data Findings included in Appendix B. Information conceming listed sites considered to have the potential to impact the subject is included in each of the database sections that follow. • Underground Storage Tanks (UST): • Neither the subject nor any adjoining properties were identified on the UST inventory. • RCRIS-Generator Listing: The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRIS-Generators database is a compilation by the EPA of reporting facilities that generate hazardous waste. • Neither the subject nor any adjoining properties were identified on the RCRIS- Generator listing. • FINDS Listing: The FINDS Report is a computerized inventory of all facilities that are regulated or fracked by the EPA. These facilities are assigned an identification number PRI Project #84363.012 Page 16 Project Resources Inc. Phase I Environmental Assessment which serves as a cross-reference for other databases in the EPA's Program System. Each FINDS record indicates the EPA program office which is responsible for the fracking of the facility. • Neither the subject nor any adjoining properties were identified on the FINDS Hsting. Unmappable Sites Unmappable sites are environmental risk sites that cannot be plotted with confidence, but can be located by ZIP code or city name. In general, a site cannot be geocoded because of inaccurate or missing location infonnation in the record provided by the agency. PRI reviewed the unmappable sites in the database report, cross-referencing addresses and site names. The following conclusions have been made: • The subject and adjacent properties were not identified on the Unmappable Sites List. • Based on listed addresses, federal or state hazardous waste sites and most of the unmappable sites have been determined to be outside a one mile radius from the subject property and are not anticipated to pose a significant environmental threat to the subject property at this time. Some solid waste landfills listed in this section remain unplottable based on their deficient addresses. However, our site visit and historical land use investigation did not reveal any indication of cunent or historical solid waste landfill activity at the subj ect or adjoining properties; therefore, the probability that a solid waste landfill was or is located in the immediate vicinity of the subject property is low. It is PRI's opinion that no further investigation into solid waste facilities is warranted at this time. PRI Project #84363.012 Page 17 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS : I Vacant Land Carlsbad, Galifornia PRI Project #84363.012 1. Looking south at the subject I I ... > 'I'r. 2. View of subject from the northeast corner Vacant Land Carlsbad, California PRI Project #84363.012 3. North perimeter of the subject : : : 4. View northeast from the subject : • I : Vacant Land Garlsbad, California PRI Project #84363.012 5. View east of the subject 6. View southeast of the subject Vacant Land Carlsbad, California PRI Project #84363.012 7. View south of the subject - City of Carlsbad Municipal Water district 8. View southwest of subject : c I Vacant Land Carlsbad, California PRI Project #84363.012 9. View west at Poinsettia Lane 10. View northwest of subject - Single family residences Vacant Land Carlsbad, California PRI Project #84363.012 I I I I 11. High voltage power lines on the east side of the subject X'' y 12. Evidence of debris dumping on adjacent land to the north ofthe subject APPENDIXB REGULATORY AGENCY DATA REPORT Site Assessment Report PROPERTY CLIENT INFORMATION INFORMATION Project Name/Ref #: 84363 Anne Zanzinger Vacant Land Carlsbaci Project Resources Carlsbad, CA 3760 Convoy St., #230 Latitude/Lonqitude: (33.112752, 117.283991 ) San Dieqo, CA 92111 Site Distribution Summary whhin 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mite II Agency / Database - Type of Records A) Databases searched to 1 mile: USEPA NPL National Priority List 0 0 0 USEPA CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions 0 0 0 m US EPA RCRA-TSD RCRA permitted treatment, storage, disposal facilities 0 0 0 M STATE SPL State equivalent priority list 0 0 0 STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS list 0 0 0 m US EPA CERCLIS/ NFRAP Sites under review by US EPA 0 0 0 STATE/ REG/CO SWLF Solid waste landfills, incinerators, or transfer stations 0 0 4 US EPA ERNS ERNS 0 2 0 US EPA FINDS FINDS 0 5 30 B) Databases searched to 1/2 mile: mm STATE/ REG/CO LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks 0 0 m US EPA LG GNRTR RCRA registered large generator of hazardous waste 0 1 m m C) Databases searched to 1/4 mile: STATE/ CO UST Registered underground storage tanks 0 STATE CORTESE State index of properties with hazardous waste 0 US EPA RCRA SM GEN RCRA registered small generator of hazardous waste 0 _ STATE SPILLS STATE SPILLS 0 -- PR For more information cail VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Pageil UMITATION OF UABIUTY Customer proceeds at its own risk in choosing to rely on ViSTA sen/ices, in wiiole or in part, prior to proceeding with any transaction. VISTA cannot be an inswer of the accuracy of the infonnation, errors occurring in conversion of data, or for customer's use of data. VISTA and Its affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees and independent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, loss or expense suffered by customer resulting directly or indirectly from any information provided by VISTA. NOTES For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Pagei2 Site Assessment Repoit SITE INVENTORY MAP ID PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/4 miie) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION LO No Records Found MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) WSrA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1601247 0.33 M/ N MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 287183 0.34 M/ NE PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 1989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 314435 0.34 Ml NE BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2141497 0.35 IVI/ N AIR PRODUCTS CHEMICALS INC 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 9508 0.361V// N HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 3491372 0.401V// NE An "X' meets search criteria; a dot exceeds search criteria. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page if 6 MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -1 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION t/i PACIFIC BELL 2175 CAMINO VIDA ROBLES CARLSBAD, CA 92009 315080 0.51 Mi NE ELECTRIC REGULATOR CORP. 6352 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 136506 0.58 M/ NE REPUBLIC TOOL MFG 6212 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD. CA 92009 351646 0.58 M/ NE INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY INC 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 208676 0.601V// NE PACIFIC RECORDERS ENG CORP 2070 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 317402 0.66 IV/t NE SAN DIEGO CIRCUITRY 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 366853 0.671V// NE SCI 2245 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 12251749 0.68 tv// NE PALOMAR PRODUCTS INC 2051 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 6479289 0.69/^/ NE MAY BE PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFIL PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 4824590 0.72 M/ NORTH COASTAL SLF - PALOMAR 2198 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 5813365 0.72 M/ PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA 92008 3077946 0.72 IVI/ 10 10 SOUTHWEST ASSEMBLY COMPANY 2265 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 391816 0.74 Ml NE SGI CARLSBAD 2265 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 375164 0.74 M/ NE 10 PACIFIC STONE FLOOR INC 2270 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 317479 0.76 Ml NE 11 SEA QUEST 2151 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 5209634 0.74 M/ NE An "X' meets search criteria; a dot exceeds search criteria. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Pagei7 MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) wsrA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION tn I/t 12 ONFIRE INC 6351 YARROW DR STE F CARLSBAD, CA 92009 11635544 0.75 Ml NE 12 LOCKHEED OCEAN SYSTEMS SAN DIEGO 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 248159 0.76 Ml NE 12 SPEC SYST APPL MKT 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 393402 076 Ml NE 13 PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 3198516 0.81 Ml E 13 ELECTRO SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1269018 0.81 Ml E 14 HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 202418 0.82 Ml N 14 CINEMA AIR JET CENTER 2056 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD. CA 92009 1267969 0.87MI N 15 HUGHES LIGHTVALVE PROD INC 2310 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 3766320 0.84 Ml NE 15 DYNAMIC DISH INC 2320 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 130842 0.86 Ml NE 16 DYNA MED INC 6221 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 130821 0.86 Ml NE 16 DYNA GRAPHICS INC 6200 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 130805 0.88 Ml NE 17 INTL ROBOMATION/INTELLIGENCE 2281 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 211477 0.87MI NE 17 CALLAWAY HICKORY STICK 2345 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 66272 0.94 Ml NE 18 METORAMIC SCIENCES INC 6150 A YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 920090000 1269062 0.91 Ml NE 19 IX TMI 5858 DRYDEN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 4061807 0.93 Ml NW An 'X' meets search criteria; a dot exceeds search criteria. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page i8 MAP ID 20 20 21 22 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION PALOMAR AIRPORT 2160 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 6605102 0.95 Mi NE AIR RESORTS AIRLINES 2192 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1289913 0.97 Ml NE E G ELECTRO GRAPH INC 2365 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1269135 099 Ml NE HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY IPD 2261 COSNOS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 202329 0.99 M/ NE CO An 'X' meets search criteria; a dot exceeds search criteria. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 263 Pagei9 my UNMAPPED SITES VISTA ID A B C UNMAPPED SITES VISTA ID NPL CORRACTS 1 TSD ISPL SCL CERCLIS/NFRAP SWLF ERNS FINDS LUST LG GNRTR UST CORTESE SM GNRTR SPILLS CARLSBAD LANDFILL 700«7J CARLSBAD, CA 92009 X CCT CORPORATION 7^53836 2776 LOKER AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 X EMERALD RIDGE EAST PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 X MAY BE ENCINITAS 4824647 E.END EL CAMINO REAL, N.OF VIA ENCINITAS, CA X NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN MERC 7430800 5434 CARLSBAD, CA 920080000 X LANDFILL GENERATING PARTNERS 4223083 SYCAMORE LANDFILL SAN DIEGO, CA 921450000 X FLEET ANTISUB WARFARE TRNG CTR 577;o55 3244 ECHO LN SAN DIEGO, CA 92147 X X AM-MEX INTERNATIONAL 12623036 1195 AVENIDA COSTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92073 X NORTH CHOLLAS BURNSITE 8574198 2781 CAMINITO DR; N OF COLLEGE GROVE SAN DIEGO, CA X MISSION BAY LDFL 12622871 BET SN DIEGO RIV MISSION BAY SAN DIEGO, CA 92100 X MISSION TRAILS REGIONAL PARK 12622810 N/A SAN DIEGO, CA . X THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY RANCHO SAN DIEGO ^^'">'>^ VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, CA 92199 X X X USN SUBMARINE BASE 5777775 SAN ONOFRE ARD-30 SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 X AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER 55647^-6 OWENS AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA X An "X' meets search criteria; a dot exceeds search criteria. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #10 Site Assessment Report DETAILS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/4 mile) No Records Found SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 - 1/2 mile) VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 1601247 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.33 Ml/N VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982494619 * Agency Address: PACIFIC ANAL YT/CAL /NC 6349 PASEO DEL LAGO SUITE 102 CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO iili Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED m Program Name: RCR/S m Agency ID: CAD982494619 Map ID VISTA Address*: MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 287183 VISTA Address*: MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Dista nee/Direction: 0.34 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: MTS VEKTRONICS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981164429 - Agency Address: MTS VEKTRON/CS CORP 6349 PALOMAR OAKS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 m Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCR/S Agency ID: CAD981164429 MapiD VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 1989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 314435 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 1989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.34 MI/NE VISTA Address*: PACIFIC ANALYTICAL INC 1989 B PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982329724 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: ^° Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCR/S Map ID * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 26.3 Page ill SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 - 1/2 mile) CONT. Agency ID: CAD982329724 VISTA Address*: BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 2141497 VISTA Address*: BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.35 Ml/N VISTA Address*: BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System / SRC# 5598 Agency ID: 91-0211 Agency Address: B/RCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERT/ES Agency Address: 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WA Y CURLSBAD. CA 92009 Spill Date Time: OCTOBER 15. 1990 08:00:00 AM Case Number: 91-0211 Spill Location: 1979 PALOMAR OAKS WA Y Source Agency: E Discharger Org: BIRCHEN CAMPBELL PROPERTIES Material Spilled: ARSENIC. 3.00 (DRU) Material Spilled: OIL. 2.00 (DRU) Waterway Affected: CREEK (UNKNOWN NAME) Fields Not Reported: Discharger Narne, Discharger Phone Air Release: Land Release: Water Release: Ground Release: Facility Other Release: Release: NO NO NO NO NO NO Map ID 3 VISTA Address*: AIR PRODUCTS CHEMICALS INC 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System / SRC# 5598 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction Plotted as: Agency ID: 9508 0.36 Ml/N Point 354940 Agency Address: Spill Date Time: Case Number: Spill Location: Discharger Org: Materiat Spilled: Waterway Affected: Fields Not Reported: AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICAL 1969 PALLAMAR OAKS WA Y CARLSBAD, CA 92009 AUGUST2, 1996 02:15:00 PM 354940 1969 PALLAMAR OAKS WA Y AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICAL TETRAETHYL ORTHOSIUCATE 150.0) (LBS) SOIL Source Agency, Discharger Name, Discharger Phone Air Release: Land Release: Water Release: Ground Release: Facility Release: Other Release: NO NO NO NO RCRA-LgGen - RCRA-Large Generator / SRC# 5896 NO EPA ID: NO CAD982053092 Agency Address: Generator Class: AIR PRODUCTS CHEMICALS/NC 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WA Y CARLSBAD, CA 92054 Generates at/east 1000 /<g./month of non-acutely hazardous waste (ori kg./month of acutely hazardous waste) FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982053092 - Agency Address: SCHUMACHERAIRPRODUCTS CHEM/CALS/NC 1969 PALOMAR OAKS WA Y CARLSBAD, CA 920090000 Indian Land: UNKNOWN Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED m Duns #: NOTREPORTED Map ID * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Pageil2 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) CONT. SIC Code: 2869 MFG-/NDUSTR/AL ORGAN/C CHEMICALS NEC2819 28199999 99992869 2869 Program Name: NOT REPORTEDTRISAIR FA CILITY SYSTEMRCR/S Agency ID: CAD982053092 92009JCSCH1969P CA0079286 CAD982053092 VISTA Address*: HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 3491372 VISTA Address*: HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction 0.40 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: HAWTHORNE MACHINERY INC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD983650557 Map ID Agency Address: HA WTHORNE RENT/TSVC 2065 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Indian Land: 'VO Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD983650557 iSITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -1 mile) VISTA Address*: PACIFIC BELL 2175 CAMINO VIDA ROBLES CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 315080 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC BELL 2175 CAMINO VIDA ROBLES CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction 0.51 MI/NE VISTA Address*: PACIFIC BELL 2175 CAMINO VIDA ROBLES CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAT080030703 Agency Address: PACIFIC BELL 2175 CAMINO V/DA ROBLES CARLSBAD, CA 92008 mm Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCR/S Ml Agency ID: CAT080030703 Map ID VISTA Address*: ELECTRIC REGULATOR CORP. 6352 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD. CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 136506 VISTA Address*: ELECTRIC REGULATOR CORP. 6352 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.58 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: ELECTRIC REGULATOR CORP. 6352 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Plotted as Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982002719 Agency Address: ELECTR/CREGULATOR CORP 6352 F CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: ^° Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982002719 MapiD • VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP For more information call ViSTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 701501901 Version 2.6.3 800 - 767 - 0403. Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #13 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 1 mile) CONT. VISTA Address'; REPUBLIC TOOL MFG 6212 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 351646 VISTA Address'; REPUBLIC TOOL MFG 6212 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.58 Ml / NE VISTA Address'; REPUBLIC TOOL MFG 6212 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Faciiity Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID; CAD981375041 Map ID Agency Address: REPUBUC TOOL MANUFACTURING CORP. 6212 CORTE DEL ABETO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Indian Land: UNKNOWN Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: 3089 MFG-PLASTICS PRODUCTS NEC3089 3089 Program Name: NOT REPORTEDRCRIS Agency ID: CAD981375041 CAD981375041 VISTA Address*: INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY INC 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 208676 VISTA Address*: INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY INC 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Directton: 0.60 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY INC 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982519266 mm Agency Address: INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY INC 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL STEX m CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982519266 Map ID VISTA Address*: PACIFIC RECORDERS ENG CORP 2070 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 317402 VISTA Address*: PACIFIC RECORDERS ENG CORP 2070 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.66 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: PACIFIC RECORDERS ENG CORP 2070 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD980675284 Agency Address: PACIFIC RECORDERS ENG CORP 2070 LAS PALMAS DR m CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO mm Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD980675284 Map ID VISTA Address*: SAN DIEGO CIRCUITRY 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD. CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 366853 VISTA Address*: SAN DIEGO CIRCUITRY 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.67 MI/NE VISTA Address*: SAN DIEGO CIRCUITRY 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD. CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD053838405 Agency Address: SAN DIEGO CIRCUITRY 2080 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Map ID * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.63 Page #14 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) CONT. Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD053838405 VISTA Address*: SCI 2245 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 12251749 VISTA Address*: SCI 2245 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction' 0.68 MI/NE VISTA Address*: SCI 2245 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID. CAD983611617 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: UNKNOWN Federal Facility: Duns #: NOTREPORTED - SIC Code: 3674 MFG-SEMICONDUCTORS RELATED DEVICES -Program Name: NATIONAL COMPLIANCE DATABASE -Agency ID: I09#19881128R0903 1 Map ID VISTA Address* PALOMAR PRODUCTS INC 2051 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction; Plotted as. EPA ID: 6479289 0 69 Mt / NE Point CAD981382237 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: ^o Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981382237 Map ID 8 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #15 SITES IN THE SUi»bUJVEHlVG AREA (within 1/2 -1 miie) CONT. VISTA Address*: MAY BE PALOMAR A1RFOR11 LANDFIL PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD. CA 92008 VISTA ID#: 4824590 VISTA Address*: MAY BE PALOMAR A1RFOR11 LANDFIL PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Distance 0.72 MI VISTA Address*: MAY BE PALOMAR A1RFOR11 LANDFIL PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Plotted as; Polygon WMUDS / SRC# 5857 Agency ID; 9 370097NUR Map ID 9 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Threat To Water: Complexity: Facilty Status: Waste 1 (Nature/Type): Waste 2 (Nature/Type): Rank: Enforcements At Facility:. Violations At Facility: MA Y BE PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFIL PAIOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMINO CARLSBAD. CA NOTREPORTED Notreported NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 Notreported Notreported Notreported NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED NO NO VISTA Address*; NORTH COASTAL SLF - PALOMAR 2198 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID#; 5813365 VISTA Address*; NORTH COASTAL SLF - PALOMAR 2198 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance 0;72 Ml' •; "; VISTA Address*; NORTH COASTAL SLF - PALOMAR 2198 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as; Polygon County SWLF - County Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 6130 Agency ID; 37-CR-0055 Map ID Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Facility Life: Permit Status: Waste: NORTH COASTAL SLF/PALOMAR AIRPORT LF PALOMAR/^RPORTRD CARLSBAD. CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FAC/LfTY CLOSED NOTREPORTED OTHER NOTREPORTED * VISTA address inciudes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report; September 27,1999 Version 26.3 Page #16 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) CONT. VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID#: 3077946 VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance 0.72 Ml VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as; Polygon STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 5942 Agency ID: 37-AH-0002 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Facility Life: Permit Status: Waste: P/KLOMAR AIRPORT LANDFILL CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSED NOTREPORTED UNPERMITTED/UNUCENSED OTHER County SWLF - County Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 6130 Agency ID: 37-AH-0002 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Facility Life: Permit Status: Waste: PALOMAR/KIRPORT LANDFIU CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER CARLSBAD, CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSED NOTREPORTED UNPERMITTED/UNUCENSED NOTREPORTED MapiD VISTA Address* SOUTHWEST ASSEMBLY COMPANY 2265 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction Plotted as; EPA ID: 391816 0 74 MI/NE Point Map ID 10 CAD981398860 Agency Address: SOUTHWEST ASSEMBL Y COMPANY 2265 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO mm. Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS mm Agency ID: CAD981398860 VISTA Address*; SGI CARLSBAD 2265 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 VISTA ID#: Distance/Direction; Plotted as: EPA ID: 375164 0.74 MI/NE Point Map ID 10 CAD982042426 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: ^° Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982042426 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID; 701501901 Version 2.6.3 800 - 767 - 0403. Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #17 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 1 mile) CONT. VISTA Address*; PACIFIC STONE FLOOR INC 2270 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 317479. . 10 VISTA Address*; PACIFIC STONE FLOOR INC 2270 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.76 Ml / NE 10 VISTA Address*; PACIFIC STONE FLOOR INC 2270 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Ptotted as: Point : . 10 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC* 5980 EPA ID: CAD981993777 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981993777 VISTA Address*; SEA QUEST 2151 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 5209634 VISTA Address*; SEA QUEST 2151 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.74 MI/NE VISTA Address*; SEA QUEST 2151 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CA0000326447 Agency Address: SEA QUESTING 2151 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD. CA 92009 *** Indian Land: Duns #: UNKNOWN Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED NO SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: NATIONAL COMPLIANCE DATABASE Agency ID: I09#199307289003 2 Map ID 11 VISTA Address*: ONFIRE INC 6351 YARROW DR STE F CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 11635544 Map ID 12 VISTA Address*: ONFIRE INC 6351 YARROW DR STE F CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.75 MI/NE Map ID 12 VISTA Address*: ONFIRE INC 6351 YARROW DR STE F CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point Map ID 12 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: 000007589746 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: 'VO Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAR000030619 ; VISTA Address* LOCKHEED OCEAN SYSTEMS SAN DIEGO 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 VISTA ID# Dista nee/Direction Plotted as. EPA ID; 248159 0 76 MI/NE Point CAD980737795 Agency Address: LOCKHEED OCEAN SYSTEMS SAN DIEGO 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD980737795 Map ID 12 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 263 Page #18 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) CONT. VISTA Address*: SPEC SYST APPL MKT 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 393402 VISTA Address*: SPEC SYST APPL MKT 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction; 0,76 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: SPEC SYST APPL MKT 6350 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS- Facil ity Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID CAD982023459 Map ID 12 Agency Address: SPEC SYST APPL MKT 6350 YARROWDR#B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Duns #: NO Federal Facility: 'vo NOTREPORTED SIC Code: 3079 MFG-MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS Program Name: RCRISAIRFAC/L/TY SYSTEM Agency ID: CAD982023459 CA0790770 VISTA Address*: PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 3198516 VISTA Address*: PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction; 0.81 Ml/E VISTA Address*: PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point FINDS - Facil ty Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID CAD983585530 Map ID 13 Agency Address: PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Duns #: Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED NO SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD983585530 VISTA Address*: ELECTRO SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 1269018 VISTA Address*: ELECTRO SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction; 0.81 Ml/E VISTA Address*: ELECTRO SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 2221 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982492167 Map ID 13 Agency Address: ELECTRO SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 2221 LAS PALMAS DR STE B CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Indian Land: ^° Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982492167 VISTA Address*: HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 202418 VISTA Address*: HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.82 Mt/N VISTA Address*: HUGHES HELICOPTERS 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAT000611103 Map ID 14 Agency Address: HUGHES HELICOPTERS Agency Address: 2006 PALOMAR A/RPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID; 701501901 Version 2.6.3 800 - 767 - 0403. Date of Report; September 27,1999 Page #19 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 - 1 mile) CONT. Program Name: Rcms Agency ID: CAT000611103 VISTA Address*: CINEMA AIR JET CENTER 2056 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 1267969 VISTA Address*: CINEMA AIR JET CENTER 2056 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction' 0.87 Ml/N VISTA Address*: CINEMA AIR JET CENTER 2056 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981367964 Agency Address: CINEMA AIR JET CENTER 2056 PALOMAR ARPTRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: 'VO Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981367964 Map ID 14 VliFA Address*: HUGHES LIGHTVALVE PROD INC 2310 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 3766320 Map ID 15 VliFA Address*: HUGHES LIGHTVALVE PROD INC 2310 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: Plotted as; 0.84 Ml / NE Point Map ID 15 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID; CAD981369762 Agency Address: SAME/^ABOVE Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD9ai369762 VISTA Address*: DYNAMIC DISH INC 2320 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 130842 VISTA Address*: DYNAMIC DISH INC 2320 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 D istance/Direction: 0.86 MI/NE VISTA Address*: DYNAMIC DISH INC 2320 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD980892335 Agency Address: DYNAMIC DISK/NC 2320 CAM/NO V/DA ROBLE #A CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCR/S Agency ID: CAD980892335 Map ID 15 VISTA DYNA MED INC VISTA ID#: 130821 Address*: 6221 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.86 Ml / NE 6221 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facilitv Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981158587 •* Agency Address: DYNA MED/NC 6221 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 *** Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: 'vo Duns #: NOTREPORTED Map ID 16 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 Report ID: 701501901 Version 2.6.3 800 - 767 - 0403. Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #20 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AR^ (within 1/2 - t mile) CONT. mm. SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Imm Agency ID: CAD981158587 mm VISTA DYNA GRAPHICS INC VISTA ID#-130805 Address*: 6200 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction. 0.88 Ml / NE 6200 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point 1 FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981369952 Agency Address: DYNA GRAPHICS INC 6200 YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: 'vo Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981369952 Map ID 16 VISTA Address*: INTL ROBOMATION/INTELLIGENCE 2281 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 211477 VISTA Address*: INTL ROBOMATION/INTELLIGENCE 2281 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.87 MI/NE VISTA Address*: INTL ROBOMATION/INTELLIGENCE 2281 LAS PALMAS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point FINDS • Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981380348 Agency Address: INTL ROBOMATION/INTELLIGENCE 2281 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981380348 Map ID 17 VISTA Address*; CALLAWAY HICKORY STICK 2345 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 66272 VISTA Address*; CALLAWAY HICKORY STICK 2345 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.94 Ml / NE VISTA Address*; CALLAWAY HICKORY STICK 2345 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as; Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID; CAD981458342 Agency Address: CALLA WA Y HICKORY STICK 2345 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Indian Land: Duns #: Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED NO mm SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED mm Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981458342 Map ID 17 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID; 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #21 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) CONT. VISTA lAddress*: METORAMIC SCIENCES INC 6150 A YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 920090000 VISTA ID#: 1269062 VISTA lAddress*: METORAMIC SCIENCES INC 6150 A YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 920090000 Distance/Direction: 0,91 Ml / NE VISTA lAddress*: METORAMIC SCIENCES INC 6150 A YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 920090000 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID; CAD982A92985 Agency Address: METORAMIC SCIENCES INC 6150 A YARROW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 mm Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED mm Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982492985 Map ID 18 VISTA Address*: IX TMi 5858 DRYDEN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID#: 4061807 VISTA Address*: IX TMi 5858 DRYDEN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance/Direction; 0.93 Ml / NW VISTA Address*: IX TMi 5858 DRYDEN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD983660820 Agency Address: TM/ 5858 DRYDEN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 -Indian Land: Duns #: NO Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED NO •* SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCR/S Agency ID: CAD983660820 Map ID 19 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2 6.3 Page #22 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 miie) CONT. VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT 2160 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID#; 6605102 VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT 2160 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance/Direction. 0.95 Ml / NE O i VISTA Address*; PALOMAR AIRPORT 2160 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as; •Point WMUDS/SRG# 5857 Agency ID: 9 000000362 Map ID Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Threat To Water: Complexity: Facilty Status: Waste 1 (Nature/Type): Waste 2 (NatureAype): Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: PALOMAR A/RPORT SAN LANDF/LL PALOMAR A/RPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTREPORTED SOUD WASTE SITES-CLASS III-Landfills for nonhazardous so/id wastes. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 M/UOR THREATTO WATERQU/kLITY Category B - Any facility having a physical chemical or biological waste treatment system (except for septic systems with subsurface disposal), or any Ciass //or /// disposal site, or facilities without treatment systems that are complex, such as marinas with petroleum products, solid wastes, and sewage pump out facilities. ACTIVE - Any facility with a continuous or seasonal discharge that is under Waste Discharge Requirements. Those facilities that are not under Waste Discharge Requirements (WURDs) are coded as ACTIVE when: 1) there is an active enforcement order for the facility, 2) there is a signifcant violation that has not been resolved to the satisfaction ofthe Regional Board, 3) after an inspection further action is requked to mitigate a problem at the faciiity, or 4) there is some problem that the Regional Board considers signUicant enough to warrant classification as an ACTIVE facility. "NONHAZARDOUS SOLID WASTES - Influent or solid wastes that contain nonhazardous 'putrescible and nonputrescible'solid, semisolid, and liquid wastes (e.g. garbage, trash, refuse, paper, demolition and construction wastes, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semisolid wastes)'/ 'SOLID WASTES' NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED NO YES VISTA Address*: AIR RESORTS AIRLINES 2192 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA 1D#; 1289913 VISTA Address*: AIR RESORTS AIRLINES 2192 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance/Direction: 0.97 Ml / NE VISTA Address*: AIR RESORTS AIRLINES 2192 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD981982911 Map ID 20 Agency Address: AIR RESORTS AIRLINES 2192 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Indian Land: Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD981982911 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #23 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2-1 mile) CONT. VISTA Address'; E G ELECTRO GRAPH INC 2365 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 1269135 VISTA Address'; E G ELECTRO GRAPH INC 2365 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction; 0.99 Ml / NE VISTA Address'; E G ELECTRO GRAPH INC 2365 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS-Facil ty Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982497075 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Indian Land: 'vo Federal Facility: NO Duns #: NOTREPORTED SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD982497075 Map 10 21 VISTA Address*: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY IPD 2261 COSNOS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 202329 VISTA Address*: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY IPD 2261 COSNOS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Distance/Direction: 0.99 MI/NE VISTA Address*: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY IPD 2261 COSNOS CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Plotted as: Point FINDS - Facility Index System / SRC# 5980 EPA ID: CAD982411936 mm Agency Address: HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY IPD 2261 COSNOS COURT CARLSBAD. CA 92008 ** Indian Land: Duns #: Federal Facility: NOTREPORTED NO mm SIC Code: NOTREPORTED NOTREPORTED Program Name: RCRIS Agency ID: CAD9824n936 MapiD 22 * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 263 Page #24 UNMAPPED SITES VISTA Address': CARLSBAD LANDFILL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#: 7004313 VISTA Address': CARLSBAD LANDFILL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WMUDS/SRC# 5857 Agency ID: 9 000024N90 Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: SAMEASABOVE NOTREPORTED SOLID WASTE SITES-CLASS III-Landfills for nonhazardous solid wastes. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 NOTREPORTED NO NO VISTA Address': EMERALD RIDGE EAST PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 VISTA ID#; 6613601 VISTA Address': EMERALD RIDGE EAST PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 County LUST - County Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5947 Agency ID; H36433 mm Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Release #: 001 Case'T #: NOTREPORTED IW Release Date: JULY 18, 1996 Priority: NOTREPORTED Substances #: 0 Substance: "Pesticides" P.A. Start Date: JULY 18, 1986 P.A. End Date: NOTREPORTED m C&A: NO Case Type: 'Real Estate Assessment - case submitted voluntarily for review by Hazardous Case Type: Materials Management Division.' m Case Status: "Case Closed' Status Date: DECEMBER20, 1996 R.A. Type: NOTREPORTED • VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Date of Report: September 27,1999 Report ID: 701501901 Version 2.6.3 Page #25 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. mm. County LUST - County Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# Agency ID: H36434 5947 mm Agency Address: EMERALD RIDGE WEST-MAR VISTA Agency Address: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD ^„ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Release #: 001 Case T' #: NOTREPORTED mm Release Date: JULY25 1996 Priority: NOTREPORTED Substances #: 0 Substance: 'Pesticides' P.A. Start Date: JULY 18. 1986 P.A. End Date: NOTREPORTED mm C&A: NO Case Type: 'Real Estate Assessment - case submitted voluntarily fc^ review by Hazardous Case Type: Materials Management Division." Case Status: 'Case Closed" Status Date: DECEMBER 12, 1996 R.A. Type: NOTREPORTED VISTA Address*: MAY BE ENCINITAS E.END EL CAMINO REAL, N.OF VIA ENCINITAS, CA VISTA ID#: 4824647 VISTA Address*: MAY BE ENCINITAS E.END EL CAMINO REAL, N.OF VIA ENCINITAS, CA WMUDS / SRC# 5857 Agency ID: 9 370116NUR Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: SAMEASABOVE NOTREPORTED Notreported NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 NOTREPORTED NO NO VISTA Address*; NORTH CHOLLAS BURNSITE 2781 CAMINITO DR; N OF COLLEGE GROVE SAN DIEGO. CA VISTA ID#; 8574198 VISTA Address*; NORTH CHOLLAS BURNSITE 2781 CAMINITO DR; N OF COLLEGE GROVE SAN DIEGO. CA Countv SWLF - County Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 6130 Aqency ID: 37-AA-0024 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Facility Type: ^^'-'^ ^'^^^^ DISPOSAL FACILITY Facility Status: CLOSED Permit Status: PERMITTED/LICENSED • VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #26 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. VISTA Address*: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY RANCHO SAN DIEGO VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, CA 92199 VISTA ID#; 124449 VISTA Address*: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY RANCHO SAN DIEGO VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, CA 92199 STATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 5942 Agency ID: 37-CR-0101 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: NCCOSC SAN DIEGO NCCOSC SAN DIEGO SANDIEGO, CA SOLID W/^TE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSURE PENDING UNDER REVIEW County SWLF - County Solid Waste Landfill / SRC# 6130 Aqency ID; 37-CR-0101 Agency Address: Facility Type: Facility Status: Permit Status: NCCOSC SAN DiEGO NCCOSC SAN DiEGO SANDIEGO, CA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY CLOSURE PENDING UNDER REVIEW mm VISTA AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER VISTA ID#; 6564126 Address*; OWENS AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA mm STATE LUST - State Leaking Underqround Storage Tank / SRC# 5873 EPA/Agency ID: N/A Agency Address: ^i^^ AS ABOVE mm Substance: TPH mm' Remediation Status: ^'^^^ ^^^'^ * VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 263 Page #27 Site Assessment Report DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED A) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5984 The agency release date for NPL was July, 1999. The National Priorities List (NPL) isthe EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set Jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5949 The agency release date for Calsites Database: Annual Workplan Sites was April, 1999. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL; Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. CERCLIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 6078 The agency release date for CERCLIS was May, 1999. The CERCLIS List contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List(NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The information on each site includes a history of all pre-remedial, remedial, removal and community relations activiies or events at the site, financial funding information for the events, and unrestricted enforcement activities. Cal Cerclis VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 2462 The agency release date for Ca Cerclis w/Regional Utility Description was June, 1995. This database is provided bythe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9. The agency may be contacted at:. These are regional utility descriptions for California CERCLIS sites. NFRAP VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 6079 The agency release date for CERCLIS-NFRAP was May, 1999. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID; 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #28 SCL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5948 The agency release date for Calsites Database: All Sites except Annual Workplan Sites (incl. ASPIS) was ApriL 1999. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in California where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Work Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. The CalSites database includes both known and potential sites. Two- thirds of these sites have been classified, based on available information, as needing "No Further Action" (NFA) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The remaining sites are in various stages of review and remediation to determine if a problem exists at the site. Several hundred sites have been remediated and are considered certified. Some of these sites may be in long term operation and maintenance. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identity all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5896 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was May, 1999. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "corrective action". A "corrective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occurred, even ifit predates RCRA. ERNS VISTA conducts a database search to identiiy all sites within 1 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5598 The agency release date for was December, 1998. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database containing records from October 1986 to the release date above and is used to collect information for reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal authorities including the EPA, the US Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of Transportation. The ERNS hotline number is (202) 260-2342. RCRA-TSD VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5896 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was May, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report; September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #29 SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identiiy all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5942 The agency release date for Ca Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) was April, 1999. This database is provided by the Integrated Waste Management Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-255-4021. The California Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database consists of both open as well as closed and inactive solid waste disposal facilities and transfer stations pursuant to the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972, Government Code Section 2.66790(b). Generally, the California Integrated Waste Management Board learns of locations of disposal facilities through permit applications and from local enforcement agencies. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identiiy all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5945 The agency release date for City of Los Angeles Landfills was April, 1999. This database is provided by the City of Los Angeles, Environmental Affais Department. The agency may be contacted at: 213-580-1070. WMUDS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5857 The agency release date for Waste Management Unit Database System (WMUDS) was February, 1999. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-892-0323. This is used for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. This system contains information from; Facility, Waste Management Unit, SWAT Program and Report Summary Information, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15), TPCA and RCRA Program Information, Closure Information; also some information from the WDS (Waste Discharge System). The WMUDS system also accesses information from the following databases from the Waste Discharger System (WDS); Inspections, Violations, and Enforcements. The sites contained in these databases are subject to the California Code of Regulations - Title 23. Waters. Finds VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5980 The agency release date for FINDS was February, 1999. The Facility Index System (FINDS) is a compilation of any property or site which the EPA has investigated, reviewed or been made aware of in connection with its various regulatory programs. Each record indicates the EPA Program Office that may have files on the site or facility. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #30 B) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1/2 MILE RCRA-LgGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5896 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was May, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators are facilities which generate at least 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste (or 1 kg./month of acutely hazardous waste). VISTA conducts a database search to identity all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Region #7-Colorado River Basin Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing was August, 1998. LUST RG7 SRC#: 5366 LUST RG6 SRC#: 5670 This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #7. The agency may be contacted at: 760-346-7491. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile ofyour property. The agency release date for Lahontan Region LUST List was January, 1999. This database is provided by the Lahontan Region Six South Lake Tahoe. The agency may be contacted at: 530-542-5400. LUST RG9 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5671 The agency release date for Region #9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank List was December, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #9. The agency may be contacted at; 619-467-2980. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5873 The agency release date for Region #9-SLIC List was August, 1996. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region #9. The agency may be contacted at; 619-467-2980. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 6024 The agency release date for Lust Information System (LUSTIS) was April, 1999. This database is provided by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The agency may be contacted at; 916-445-6532. HE17 LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5947 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was April, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Sen/ices. It contains information concerning any sites which fall under the Jurisdiction ofthis agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in this report regardless ofthe "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST", and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Version 263 Page #31 C) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1/4 MILE RCRA-SmGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5896 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was May, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. SPILL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5947 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-Spill Sites was April, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at; 619-338-2268. UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 1612 The agency release date for Underground Storage Tank Registrations Database was January, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Underground Storage Tanks. The agency may be contacted at: 916-227-4364; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5947 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-UST Sites was April, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contacted at; 619-338-2268; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. HE17 UST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 5947 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was April, 1999. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Services. It contains information concerning any sites which fall under the Jurisdiction ofthis agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in this report regardless ofthe "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST", and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report; September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #32 CORTESE VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile ofyour property. SRC#: 4840 The agency release date for Cortese List-Hazardous Waste Substance Site List was April, 1998. This database is provided by the Office of Environmental Protection, Office of Hazardous Materials. The agency may be contacted at: 916-445-6532. The California Governor's Office of Planning and Research annually publishes a listing of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites throughout the State of California under Government Code Section 65962.5. This database (CORTESE) is based on input from the following: (l)CALSITES-Department of Toxic Substances Control, Abandoned Sites Program Information Systems; (2)SARA Title III Section III Toxic Chemicals Release Inventory for 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990; (3)FINDS; (4)HWIS-Department of Toxic Substances Control, Hazardous Waste Information System. Vista has not included one time generator facilities from Cortese in our database.; (5)SWRCB-State Water Resources Control Board; (6)SWIS-lntegrated Waste Management Control Board (solid waste facilities); (7)AGT25-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to the air; {8)A1025-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater than 10 and less than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to the air; (9)LTANK-SWRCB Leaking Underground Storage Tanks; (lO)UTANK-SWRCB Underground tanks reported to the SWEEPS systems; (ll)IUR-lnventory Update Rule (Chemical Manufacturers); (12)WB-LF- Waste Board - Leaking Facility, site has known migration; (13)WDSE-Waste Discharge System - Enforcement Action; (14)DTSCD-Department of Toxic Substance Control Docket. End of Report For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID; 701501901 Date of Report; September 27,1999 Version 2.6.3 Page #33 Site Assessment Report Map of Sites within 1 mile Miles Subject Site Category Single Sites Multiple Sites • • A Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities Categories correspond to database searches described in the Site Distribution Summary, beginning on Page #1. For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #3 Site Assessment Report Sites Represented as Polygons Miles These boundaries are approximated from agency records or other sources such as published maps. They may represent property boundaries, impact zones, or study areas. For more information contact the agency referenced by source number in the site listing. Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #4 Site Assessment Report Street Map For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 701501901 Date of Report: September 27,1999 Page #5 ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Tentative Subdivision Map Carlsbad, California APN 215-080-22 Prepared For Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Attention: Ken W. Voertman 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, California 92008 760-721-6674 Engineer Sowards and Brown Engineering, Inc. 2487 Newcastle Avenue, Suite 103 Cardiff by the Sea, California 92007 760-436-8500 Fax 760-436-8603 Prepared Bv Douglas Eilar & Associates Environmental & Acoustical Consulting 321 North Willowspring Drive Encinitas, California 92024 760-753-1865 Fax 760-753-0111 Project #A10323 April 20,2001 ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Tentative Subdivision Map Carlsbad, California APN 215-080-22 Prepared For Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Attention: Ken W. Voertman 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, California 92008 760-721-6674 Engineer Sowards and Brown Engineering, Inc. 2487 Newcastle Avenue, Suite 103 Cardiff by the Sea, California 92007 760-436-8500 Fax 760-436-8603 Prepared By Douglas Eilar & Associates Environmental & Acoustical Consulting 321 North Willowspring Drive Encinitas, California 92024 760-753-1865 Fax 760-753-0111 Project #A10323 April 20,2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Introduction 2 2.1 Project Location 2.2 Project Description 3.0 Environmental Setting 3 3.1 Existing Noise Environment 3.2 Future Noise Environment 4.0 Methodology and Eqmpment 6 4.1 Methodology 4.2 Equipment 5.0 Impacts 7 6.0 Mitigation 7 7.0 Certification 8 8.0 References 8 ATTACHMENTS Vicinity Map Thomas Guide Map Topographic Map Satellite Aerial Photograph Buildout and Master Plan Project Traffic Volumes Sound 32 Data and Results Tentative Map Showing Future Noise Contours Tentative Map Showing Future Exterior CNEL Values at Various Receiver Locations With and Without Proposed Sound Barriers in Place 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project is the subdivision of Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 215-080-22 of the City of Carlsbad into thirteen (13) lots; one for a church, and twelve for single-family homes. The project site is located in the City of Carlsbad. The present and future noise envirormient is primarily caused by the vehicle traffic on Poinsettia Lane, a two-lane collector at this location. This section of Poinsettia Lane has not yet been built and therefore has no current traffic; the projected future traffic volume is 7,700 ADT. The future exterior noise levels will exceed 60 decibels (dB), Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), at portions of the project site, due to noise from Poinsettia Lane. Mitigation to provide an exterior noise level below 60 dB, CNEL is necessary on the residential portion of this project, as this portion will be exposed to sound levels in excess of 60 dB, CNEL. This mitigation is to include a sound attenuation barrier along the northern boundary line of Lots 1-5, from the western boundary line of Lot 5 to the eastern boundary line of Lot 1. A detailed description is provided in Section 6. Interior mitigation for rooms facing the roadway on the first floor of any of the homes in this project will not be necessary if there is a sound attenuation barrier between the rooms and the roadway to provide a noise impact level under 60 dB, CNEL. However, mitigation for the higher floor(s), if any, or unshielded portions of these homes may be necessary, as the sound barriers will not block the traffic noise from higher floors or rooms with a direct line-of sight to the roadway, and interior levels may consequently exceed 45 dB, CNEL. The mitigation of these upper floors and/or unprotected rooms is feasible and attainable through common construction practices, but would require an acoustical analysis to determine the exact nature and extent of this mitigation, if apphcable, at the time the building plans are submitted. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This report is submitted to satisfy the requirements of the City of Carlsbad for an acoustical analysis. Its purpose is to assess impacts of noise from traffic and other possible sources on this proposed project, to determine mitigation, if necessary, to reduce exterior noise levels to below 60 dB, CNEL, at future home sites. All noise level or sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels (dB), with A-weighting to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans. Time-averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol L^Q, for a specified duration. The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is a 24-hour average, where sound levels during evening hours of 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. have an added 5 dB weighting, and sound levels during night-time hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. have an added 10 dB weighting. This is similar to the Day-Night sound level, L^^, which is a 24-hour average with an added 10 dB weighting on the same nighttime hours but no added weighting on the evening hours. These metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and municipal regulations, for land use guidelines and enforcement of noise ordinances. Some of the data may be presented as octave-band filtered sound levels. Further explanations can be provided upon request. 2.1 Project Location The property consists of APN 215-080-22. No addresses are currently assigned to this property. The project location is shown on the Thomas Guide Map (Page 1027, Grid H2) in the attachments following the report. The vicinity map, topographic map, and a satellite aerial photograph of this area are also provided in the attachments. 2.2 Project Description The engineer has prepared a tentative subdivision map; a reduced copy of this is provided in the attachments. The building plans show thirteen subdivided lots. A new street, designated 'A' Street, will be constructed through the center portion of the residential portion of the project. Off-street parking will be provided for all lots in this project. The land to the north, south, and east is vacant; the land to the west is the site of a water tank. A plant nursery currently occupies the land further west, across Black Rail Road. A residential community Ues to the northwest, north of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The proposed church will he to the north of the residential portion. The land generally slopes down to the east of Black Rail Road over the entire project. 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 Existing Noise Environment The present noise enviromnent on-site is a result of natural noise sources only; the section of Poinsettia Lane that will access the site is not currently built, and no construction or grading equipment has been placed on the site. Black Rail Road is a Hghtly traveled two-lane road to the east of the project; it terminates approximately 1000 feet north of the intersection with Poinsettia Lane. A site visit was conducted on April 18, 2001, from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. During the visit, neither Poinsettia Lane nor Black Rail Road experienced a traffic volume greater than one car per minute; therefore, a traffic noise measurement was both impossible and unnecessary. Approximately 95% of the traffic witnessed on Poinsettia Lane during the visit performed a u-turn at the dead end and returned westbound on the same road. Since a noise measurement was not feasible, this analysis will be based on noise modeling of future projected traffic volumes only. 3.2 Future Noise Environment The projected future noise environment at the site will be a result of vehicle traffic on Poinsettia Lane; no other noise source is significant. In the vicinity of the project, Poinsettia Lane will be a two-way, four-lane major road, -with two lanes in the westem direction and two lanes in the eastern direction, with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Currently, Poinsettia Lane is approximately 100 feet wide from curb to curb. The speed limit for Poinsettia Lane is 55 mph. Estimates for traffic volumes in the year 2020 were obtained from the traffic study for the Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church, prepared by Darnell & Associates. The future predicted traffic volume for this section of Poinsettia Lane is 19,500 ADT. Truck percentages for Poinsettia Lane were not available. However, based on experience, estimates provided by the San Diego Association of Govemments (SanDAG) for similar roads, and on-site observations, a mix of 2.0% medium trucks and 1.0% heavy trucks was used for this analysis. The current and future traffic conditions are shown in Table 4 below. Table 1: Traffic Conditions Roadway Name Condition Total % Cars (hourly) Medium Tmcks (hourly) Heavy Tmcks (hourly) Roadway Name Condition ADT Cars (hourly) Medium Tmcks (hourly) Heavy Tmcks (hourly) Poinsettia Lane Current 100 97.0% 2.0% 1.0% Poinsettia Lane Current 0 0 0 0 Poinsettia Lane Future 100 97.0% 2.0% 1.0% Poinsettia Lane Future 19,500 1097 22 11 The calculated future noise level at the residential lots is approximately 66 dB, CNEL, at ten feet south of the northem residential boundary line. A k-factor of 2.0 dB was added to aJl lane-receiver pairs in all future modeling, to automate the 2 decibel addition to LgQ values for conversion to CNEL, as described in Section 4.1 below. The future exterior sound levels at three selected receiver locations are presented in Table 5 below. Table 2: Future Extei ior CNEL Values on Lots 1,14, & 15 Receiver # Location Future Exterior Sound Level Without WaU Height of Sound WaU Future Exterior Sound Level With Wall R-l Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 1 66.1 dB, CNEL 3 feet 58.3 dB, CNEL R-2 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 2 65.9 dB, CNEL 3 feet 54.9 dB, CNEL R-3 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 3 65.8 dB, CNEL 3 feet 52.7 dB, CNEL R-4 Ten feet behind boundary Une of Lot 4 65.6 dB, CNEL 3 feet 50.3 dB, CNEL R-5 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 5 65.3 dB, CNEL 3 feet 48.5 dB, CNEL The exterior noise impacts are primarily the result of vehicle traffic on Poinsettia Lane. Without mitigation or intervening stmctures, the future exterior on-site noise level contour of 65 dB, CNEL, will be located approximately 295 feet south of the northern property line at the eastern end of the property, and foUow the roadway at this distance. The 60 dB, CNEL contour wiU be located approximately 615 feet south of the northem property line at the eastem end of the property, and foUow the roadway at this distance. Please see the attached site plan with the calculated future noise contours and the attached site plan showing the future exterior CNEL values at various receiver locations. 4.0 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 4.1 Methodology Field Measurement Typically, a one-hour equivalent sound level measurement (LEQ, A-weighted) is recorded for at least one noise-sensitive location on the site. During the noise measurement, vehicle counts of cars, medium tmcks (double tires/two axles), and heavy tmcks (three or more axles) are made for the corresponding road segment. Supplemental sound measurements of one hour or less in duration are often made to further describe the noise environment of the site. For measurements of less than one hour duration, the measurement time is long enough for the noise level (L^Q) to stabilize, and the vehicle counts are converted to one-hour equivalentvolumes. Other field data gathered includes distance measurements or estimations, angles of view, slopes, elevations, roadway grades, and vehicle speeds. These data are checked and compared with the avaUable maps and records. Roadwav Noise Calculations The Sound 32 program, released by the California Department of Transportation, Division of New Technology, Materials, and Research was used to calculate the future Hourly Noise Level (HNL) at various locations at the project site. The average daytime HNL is computed with Sound 32, using a daytime hourly average traffic volume of 0.058 times the ADT. This computation is based on the methodology developed in the Wyle Laboratories Study, which states that 87% of the traffic volume on an average roadway typically occurs between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. The HNL is equivalent to the LEQ, and both are converted to the CNEL by adding 2.0 decibels. Future CNEL values are calculated for desired receptor locations using future road alignment, elevations, lane configurations, projected traffic volumes, estimated tmck mixes, and vehicle speeds. Noise attenuation methods may be tested and planned with Sound 32 as required. 4.2 Equipment Some or aU of the foUowing equipment was used at the site: Quest Model#1800 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter, Type 1, Serial# HP0050017 Quest/Electret Non-Directional Microphone, Type MK224, Serial# 89355 Quest Sound Level Meter Calibrator, Model# CA22, Serial# J0040042 Hand Bearing Magnetic Compass, Microphone Windscreen, Tripod Distance Measurement Wheel, Tape Measure, Sony Video Camera 5.0 IMPACTS Exterior Future noise levels on the residential portion of this project of the subject property, along Poinsettia Lane, will exceed 60 dB, CNEL, which is the noise limit for residential land uses. Due to the exceedence of the noise limits in this area, exterior mitigation will be required for the residential portion of this project. Interior It is possible that the interior noise levels in rooms facing the roadway in the upper floors of multi- story homes, if any, on the residential portion of this project would exceed 45 dB, CNEL, without mitigation of the building itself; this is the acceptable interior noise limit for residential properties. This would also be the case for first floor rooms facing the roadway, on these lots, if these rooms are not shielded by a sound attenuation barrier. Interior noise levels of homes on aU other lots wiU be below 45 dB, CNEL, since aU exterior sound levels wiU be below 60 dB, CNEL, and standard constmction provides at least 15 dB of outdoor-indoor transmission loss. 6.0 MITIGATION Exterior Mitigation to provide an exterior noise level below 60 dB, CNEL, on the residential portion of this project is necessary, as this area wiU be exposed to future traffic noise levels in excess of 60 dB, CNEL, without mitigation. This mitigation is to include a sound attenuation barrier. This barrier is to mn along the northern boundary line of Lots 1-5, from the western boundary line of Lot 5 to the eastern boundary line of Lot 1. This barrier must be at least three feet in height at aU points, relative to the pad elevation of Lot 14. Whereas a three-foot waU wiU provide enough attenuation to meet City of Carlsbad code, a higher wall, up to six feet in height, is recommended, not only in place of the shorter waU, but along the western boundary Unes of Lots 5 and 6. This higher and extended waU will provide a greater level of protection against both traffic noise on Poinsettia Lane and noise associated with operations of the Lutheran Church on the north. The sound attenuation barrier may consist solely of a sound attenuation waU, or may be a combination of an earthen berm and a sound attenuation waU, with a maximum berm height of three feet above the finished grade at the location of the waU. The sound attenuation wall should be a soUd waU of masonry, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or a combination, with no cracks or gaps through or below the waU. Any seam or cracks must be fiUed or caulked; the wood can be tongue-and-groove. If wood is used, it must have a thickness of at least 7/8 of an inch or have a covering density of at least 3 V2 pounds per square foot. Glass may be used on the upper portion of the waU if it is desirable to preserve a view. Any gates in such a sound attenuation wall must be designed with overlapping closures. It is acceptable to extend any portion of any sound attenuation barrier, in order to provide protection to unprotected portions of a home, to create more outdoor usable space, or to provide further noise protection for other lots. Interior It is possible that some rooms facing the roadway in the first floors of any homes on the residential portion of this project may require mitigation, if there are no sound attenuation barriers between the rooms and the roadway to provide noise protection to these rooms. Also, tf any of the homes on these lots are multi-story homes, it is possible that some rooms in these upper floors may require mitigation. In either case, an acoustical analysis should be required with submission of the building plans to determine appropriate mitigation. All other lots wiU be exempt from interior mitigation, regardless ofthe existence of the sound barriers, since the outdoor sound levels wiU be below 60 dB, CNEL, and standard constmction provides at least 15 dB of outdoor-indoor transmission loss. Please refer to the Sound 32 data and results and the tentative subdivision map provided in the attachments. 7.0 CERTIFICATION The findings and recommendations of this acoustical analysis report are a tme and factual analysis of the potential environmental effects associated with this proposed development. This report was prepared by Steven Fiedler and Douglas EUar. Stevdn Fiedler, Ac^ n^tical Consultant Douglas K. EUar, Principal A. 8.0 REFERENCES 1. San Diego Association of Governments, Regional Weh Sites. 2. City of Carlsbad, Noise Element to the General Plan. 3. California Department of Transportation, Sound 32 Traffic Noise Model. 4. DaraeU & Associates, Traffic Study for Redeemer hy the Sea Lutheran Church. 5. Wyle Laboratories, December, 1973, Development of Ground Transportation Systems Noise Contours for the San Diego Region. VICINITY MAP iN-T.S. NORTH 6^ 5- 03 I 8 OQ « ro E o iS 1^ O) ^— ® 100 Black Rail Rd. Carlsbad, 92009, Page & Grid 1127 C5 THOMAS GUIDE MAP Piinted from TOPO! ©2000 Wildflower Productions (mv^v.topo.com) TOPOGRAPHIC MAP I i I i i i II II I i II I I I i t 1 II I i i I I i It i i i i it i < I i / I — 512/927^ \^43/47- —736/672^ ^25/25 ^ n r LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE - ESTIMATED BASED ON DAILY VOLUME Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 13 BUILDOUT + MASTER PLAN PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES Sound 32 Data and Results On-Site Noise Measurement Date Wednesday, April 18,2001 Time 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. Conditions Temperature in Mid 60s, Moderate Humidity, Overcast Skies, West Wind at 5-10 mph Measured Noise Level N/A Traffic Information Roadway Name Speed Limit Current ADT (average daily trips) Projected ADT (average daily trips) Poinsettia Lane 55 mph N/A 19,500 ADT Current Traffic Study Traffic Study for Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church DaraeU & Associates, November, 2000 Poinsettia Lane (between Black RaU Road and Ambrosia Road) Future Projected Traffic Studv Traffic Study for Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church DarneU & Associates, November, 2000 Poinsettia Lane (between Black RaU Road and Ambrosia Road) Traffic Conditions Roadway Name Condition Total % ADT (hourly) Medium Tracks (hourly) Heavy Tmcks (hourly) Poinsettia Lane /^ 1 100 98.5% 1.0% 0.5% Poinsettia Lane Current 0 0 0 0 Poinsettia Lane 100 97.0% 2.0% 1.0% Poinsettia Lane Future 19,500 1097 22 11 Sound 32 Raw Data for Caltrans Version of Stamina2/Optima Future ADT Traffic Data Without Proposed Building to Produce Noise Contours INPUT DATA FILE BARRIER COST FILE FUTURE.TXT CALIF$.DTA DATE : 04-19-2001 m TRAFFIC DATA LANE AUTO MEDIUM TRKS HEAVY TRKS NO. VPH MPH VPH MPH VPH MPH DESCRIPTION 1 1097 55 22 55 11 55 poinsettia lane LANE DATA LANE SEG . GRADE SEGMENT NO. NO . COR. X Y Z DESCRIPTION 1 1 YES -1005.0 0 .0 364.0 Ll Pl 2 YES -925.0 0 .0 364.0 Ll P2 3 YES -825.0 0 .0 363.0 Ll P3 4 YES -725.0 0 .0 362.0 Ll P4 5 YES -625.0 0 .0 360.0 Ll P5 'm 6 YES -525.0 0 .0 357.0 Ll P6 7 YES -425.0 0 .0 353.0 Ll P7 •m 8 YES -325.0 0 .0 349.0 Ll P8 9 YES -225.0 0 .0 344.0 Ll P9 10 YES -125.0 0 .0 337.0 Ll PIO 11 YES -25.0 0 .0 331.0 Ll Pll 12 YES 0.0 0 .0 329.0 Ll P12 m 1000.0 0 .0 294.0 Ll P13 RECEIVER DATA REC.NO. X Y z DNL PEOPLE ID m 1 -65.0 -239.0 332 0 67 500 R-l «• 2 -160.0 -247.0 334 0 67 500 R-2 3 -220.0 -251.0 335 0 67 500 R-3 4 -300.0 -257.0 336 0 67 500 R-4 5 -400.0 -265.0 338 0 67 500 R-5 6 -65.0 -539.0 332 0 67 500 R-6 7 -160.0 -547.0 334 0 67 500 R-7 8 -220.0 -551.0 335 0 67 500 R-8 m 9 -300.0 -557.0 336 0 67 500 R-9 10 -400.0 -565.0 338 0 67 500 R-10 RECEIVER CNEL m R-l 66.1 R-2 65.9 R-3 65.8 R-4 65. 6 R-5 65.3 m R-6 61.4 R-7 61.3 ''vn R-8 61.2 R-9 61.1 m R-10 60. 9 DROP-OFF RATES m ALL LANE/RECEIVER PAIRS = 3. 0 DBA m K - CONSTANTS m ALL LANE RECEIVER/PAIRS = 2 .0 DBA Future ADT Traffic Data With Proposed Building for Exterior to Interior Noise Analvsis INPUT DATA FILE BARRIER COST FILE DATE WALL. TXT CALIF$.DTA 04-19-2001 TRAFFIC DATA LANE AUTO NO. VPH MPH MEDIUM TRKS VPH MPH HEAVY TRKS VPH MPH DESCRIPTION 1097 55 22 55 11 55 poinsettia lane LANE DATA LANE SEG. GRADE SEGMENT m NO. NO . COR. X Y Z DESCRIPTION 1 1 YES -1005 .0 0 .0 364 .0 Ll Pl tm 2 YES -925 .0 0 .0 364 .0 Ll P2 3 YES -825 .0 0 .0 363 .0 Ll P3 m 4 YES -725 .0 0 .0 362 .0 Ll P4 5 YES -625 .0 0 .0 360 .0 Ll P5 6 YES -525 .0 0 .0 357 .0 Ll P6 7 YES -425 .0 0 .0 353 .0 Ll P7 8 YES -325 .0 0 .0 349 .0 Ll P8 Mt 9 YES -225 .0 0 .0 344 .0 Ll P9 10 YES -125 .0 0 .0 337 .0 Ll PIO 11 YES -25 .0 0 .0 331 .0 Ll Pll 12 YES 0 .0 0 .0 329 . 0 Ll P12 m 1000 .0 0 .0 294 .0 Ll P13 BARRIER DATA Barrier No. 1 Type - (4)CONCRETE Height Increment (DELZ)= Description: sound barrier 0.0 No. Height Changes (P)=0 GROUND TOP BARRIER m SEG X Y (ZO) ( Z) HEIGHTS AT ENDS m 1 -455. 0 -260.0 0.0 350 .5 *B1 Pl * %351 -23.1 0 -225.0 0.0 333 .5 *B1 P2 * %334 RECEIVER DATA mi REC. • NO. X Y Z DNL PEOPLE ID 1 -65 .0 -239.0 332. 0 67 500 R-l 2 -160 .0 -247.0 334 . 0 67 500 R-2 'wm 3 -220 .0 -251.0 335. 0 67 500 R-3 4 -300 .0 -257.0 336. 0 67 500 R-4 5 -400 .0 -265.0 338. 0 67 500 R-5 6 -65 .0 -539.0 332. 0 67 500 R-6 7 -160 .0 -547.0 334. 0 67 500 R-7 mt 8 -220 .0 -551.0 335. 0 67 500 R-8 9 -300 .0 -557.0 336. 0 67 500 R-9 mi. 10 -400 .0 -565.0 338. 0 67 500 R-10 REC REC ID DNL PEOPLE CNEL 'Ml 1 R-l 67. 500. 58. ,3 2 R-2 67. 500. 54. .9 3 R-3 67. 500. 52, . 7 4 R-4 67. 500. 50. .3 •mt 5 R-5 67. 500. 48. .5 6 R-6 67. 500. 59, . 6 7 R-7 67. 500. 59, . 1 8 R-8 67. 500. 58, .9 9 R-9 67. 500. 58, .7 10 R-10 67. 500. 58, .3 DROP-OFF RATES ALL LANE/RECEIVER PAIRS 3.0 DBA K - CONSTANTS ALL LANE RECEIVER/PAIRS 2.0 DBA IBiTATm SUECWISON MAP PCS9 /sme? BY n€ SEA Lun&m a«?cw OF CAIRLSBAD 5«7. HT )'« «CU" J»r. W*' PCfJSETTiA \\ . 5")- \ ¥7 8 a-tr-A^ljlj \--- \ '•• '' Tiiprr rtc .Vi.',!.? A SWT »j rf UK ' 65 dB, CNEL LOr 4 LOT 2 1, LOr / '4' 57fegr - ^^C73f>/; co-'^ieir Ji*** cr .^/!rt>':ctr^H' ? •ci'^' A-CT <* ws?. CiiC«« ^"Bf rcnc.* ;fO* wat isce* (3» ':c«sw«4aT' /WW ^^TUSnUJ ***.•£? JEKC.' rn^' jsHEO •••ya:. rat arot ^ /..r' • LOT 7 ABEA-lldOO Sr FAD 332.0 rO'-'*. --^iCyC Af»iif &• ."6 -C ^^^^ i. MtfiA«fiffr .'Ji?JJ;waf aMfffn-s 60 dB, CNEL LOT II | f:„. ^•/^yO) Si I f' ^OT . . I ' LOT 9 •' PM) 331.0 •• i'AO J3'J.O •tap ^.iv-^f;:^^ I ;~ a'l T —^ - '1 in it a 75Vr47M.- SUSyVlSOJ MAP fiSffiVe? BY SEA LUn&AN CNJSCN OF CAf!LSB/\D j^' 'u> -«e ace isse*' •!« ^"'^ " ira: <ics. =^ J'* «6Uf rxr ; i5 t sxx iXti. A N FGlNSeTTIA LME' ' .a '^'iC^Hi^H.**^ LAi'JE r •i.^re'i I. --.•:s •:• r7^ •5 ?S .. Future Exterior CNEL Values on uta 1, .U, & 15 Receiver # Location Future Exterior Sound Level Without Wall Height of Sound Wall Future Exterior Sound Level With Wall R-l Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 1 66.1 dB, CNEL 3 feet 58.3 dB, CNEL R-2 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 2 65.9 dB, CNEL 3 feet 54.9 dB, CNEL R-3 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 3 6,5.8 dB, CNEL 3 feet 52.7 dB.CNEL R-4 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 4 65.6 dB, CNEL 3 feet 50.3 dB. CNEL R-.5 Ten feet behind boundary line of Lot 5 65.3 dB, CNEL 3 feet 48.5 dB, CNEL .. .V M LOT 5 V llOJ 4 \ llcT 31 \r ^ '^^^^.^171? V i/^'^ RECEIVER:RECEIVER RECEIVER RECEIVER' RECEIVER,, SITE #5 SITE #4 SITE #3 ^^^^ ^^^^ .-ifTctr •sa« i-c iCLvJ •:(*• cf=' jKr,^w .-.orw .'drjr,'w-.«i-:'!i a«sf 1'* M-TT* .'^ .'^J: rr*^ 'jr S£CM»C. Cixny *«c«: rssK:: CWSP rctewaaw XL'^tssr asffrsa jscsyr ff. /air**' i' saw. c©*^' t ^er. Slits»f-JMr f^wK i£;:v .r.vnxiMt -zraas} .iz-cafc? .. rcy-l CJBSC .y^i^iP £> 1' -fi -iC i, Kil.Wsl?r iiTJKlcat (JJU-i^'^rS CJ: /.W tl J*« <w JCtrP ox cr ' i.f I AC • 1". Preliminary Vegetation Resources Assessment for Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad APN 215-080-22 Carlsbad, California June 14, 2002 prepared for: Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad 6355 Gorte Del Abeto, #100 Carlsbad, CA 92009 prepared by: Planning Systems 1530 Faraday Avenue Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLANNING SYSTEMS Preliminary Vegetation Resources Assessment APN 215-080-22 Carlsbad, California June 14, 2002 1.0 Summary of Findings This report provides an assessment of the vegetation resources observed on APN #215-080-22. This 10.26 acre parcel is proposed for development of church facilities, detached residential homes, and prime arterial roadway. This report identifies vegetation communities existing on-site, including a plant species list, and identifies measures proposed to protect sensitive vegetation resources occurring in the southeastern portion of the site. The sensitive vegetation resource observed on the property is Southern Maritime Chaparral (SMC). Two sensitive plant species were observed: Coast white lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus), and Summer holly (Comarostaphylis diversifolia). Vegetation resources proposed to be developed per Tentative Subdivision Map CT 00-22 are summarized as foiiows: 7.24 acres of Agriculture is proposed for development, 0.33 acre of Fallow Agriculture is proposed for development, 0.27 acre of Ruderal vegetation 2.14 acres of Developed/Disturbed/Bare Dirt is proposed for development. Zero acres of SMC is proposed for development. The proposed development avoids all impacts to sensitive vegetation communities and sensitive plant species. An 0.68 acre open space easement is proposed to protect sensitive natural vegetation occurring on-site. 2.0 Introduction This report provides an assessment of vegetation resources existing on the APN #215- 080-22, a gross 10.26 acre parcel located in Carlsbad, California. To implement the proposed development plan, off-site grading of an additional 0.42 is required, so the total site acreage the study area (site), is 10.68 acres. The site was surveyed to record vegetation species present, to classify plant communities, and to identify impacts associated with proposed development. 2.1 Existing Conditions The northwestern corner of the site occurs at the T-intersection of existing Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The southwest corner of the site, also occurring along Black Rail Road, provides access for an east-west dirt road that bisects the site. This Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page 1 Figure 1 Regional Map APN #215-080-22 Carlsbad, California sA (I n A •.:S 1 ^4". i IS" 191' ^('•':ri%*''i\ Base: USGS 7.5 minute Encinitas, CA quadrangle NORTH 0 1000 2000 4000 SCALE (in feet) LEGEND i LOCATION OF SITE PLANNING SYSTEMS • -Figure 2 Vicinity IVlap Carlsbad, California dirt road continues to be used by farmers and locals to reach paved roads east of the site. About 4,3 acres of the 10.26 acre is located south of this dirt road. This area south of the dirt road is proposed for residential development, and the most southern and eastern portions support the remaining natural vegetation existing on the site. Just south of the site, a small canyon begins that trends west to east, and supports Southern maritime chaparral. Other local properties preserve habitats of this canyon, but the canyon is small, and is poorly linked to sizable natural lands capable of supporting indigenous animal species. Across this canyon to the south is new residential development. This area of Carlsbad, LFMP Zone 20, is rapidly developing. Southwest of the site, a knoll occurs where two large City water tanks exist. A nursery exists to the immediate west. North of the property, fallow agriculture and the remains of a nursery occur. Disturbed land exists to the east where other development is currently in the planning stages. Most of this parcel has been farmed. The farmed land is a mesa that slopes gently from southeast to the northwest and west. Several small manufactured slopes occur on the site, associated with road improvement or farming activity. The only natural slopes on the site that are 25% of greater occur in the southeast corner. These slopes support some ruderal plants along the farmed edge, but predominantly support Southern maritime chaparral. Soil? Two soil types occur on the mesa portion of the property: Carlsbad qravelv loamy sand. 5 to 9 percent (CbC). and Chesterson fine loamy sand. 5 to 9 percent (CfC). This is the soil that has been intensively farmed in the past, and the soil most of the proposed development will occur on. Virtually no natural vegetation remains on this soil type on the property. Soils supporting the native vegetation on-site are classified as Loamy alluvial land- Huerhuero complex. 9 to 50 percent slopes, severely eroded (LvF3^. This soil occurs in the southeastern-most corner of the site, and supports southern maritime chaparral. The sensitive plant species observed on-site occur on this soil type. 3.0 Methods and Survey Limitations Botanical field work was conducted in June 2002, using a 30 scale, engineered, topographic base map. The entire site was traversed on foot, including dense brush areas. All plant species were recorded. Sensitive plant habitats such as clay beds, indicator species, sandstone, mesic and xeric slope aspects were sought. Plant names follow the most recent botanical literature: (Hickman, 1993); plant identification was determined in the field and lab using: (Munz, 1974), (Beauchamp, 1986), (Abrams, 1960), (Mason, 1957); plant communities are classified according to (Holland, 1986) and (Gordon and White, 1994); status of sensitive plants were evaluated according to: (Skinner and Pavlik, 1994) and geological and soil surveys, (Weber, 1958, and (Bowan, 1973). Vegetation resources were surveyed by Greg Evans. Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page 5 4.0 Survey Results 4.1 Vegetation Resources Site vegetation consists primarily of plant species typical of disturbed, agricultural lands, and southern maritime chaparral. This includes mostly non-native weeds, common shrub species, and two uncommon sensitive plants associated with the coastal sandstone soiis. 4.1.1 Agricultural (AG) (7.24 acres) The site is presently being farmed, mostly in Cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sp.). 4.1.2 Fallow Agricultural (FA) (0.41 acre) This vegetation on-site is overwhelmingly dominated by weed species common to ruderal, disturbed habitats. Most of the fallow agriculture has been recently farmed, and is mostly bare of plant material. 4.1.3 Ruderal (RU) (0.50 acre) This vegetation Is composed almost exclusively of introduced weed species which occur on highly disturbed portions of the site. The dominant plants include: Perennial mustard (Hirsfeldia incana). and Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), and a number of introduced exotics. Some ruderal areas have a sub-dominance of annual grasses, particularly Brome grass (Bromus sp.). Ruderal areas on-site support virtually no native vegetation. 4.1.4 Southern Maritime Chaparral (SMC) (0.37 acre) Chamise is the dominant plant of this community on-site. This plant community is found on sandstone soils in coastal locations with substantial marine layer influence. The sensitive plant species Coast white lilac (Ceanothus verrocosus). occurs on-site with frequency. Several individuals of another sensitive plant species. Summer holly (Comarostaphylis diversifolia), occurs on-site. Scrub oak (Quercus berberidifolia), occurs on-site and immediately south of the property line. Inclusions of Coast sage brush (Artemesia californica) occur within the Southern Maritime Chaparral, particularly along the eastern property edge on east-facing slopes. The sage brush is in association with Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculata). Other SMC plants occurring on-site, include: Mission manzanita (Xylococcus bicolor), Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia). and Yerba santa (Eriodictylon tomentosum). 4.1.5 Developed / Disturbed / Bare Dirt (DEV) (2.16 acres) Areas are called "developed / disturbed/ bare dirf' if they support paved or unpaved road, buildings, manufactured slopes associated to paved roads supporting only sparse ruderal vegetation, or are bare as a result of other human activity. 4.2 Sensitive Botanical Resources Two sensitive plant species were identified occupy the site during field reconnaissance. Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page 6 4.2.1 Coast White Lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus) This shrub occurs frequently as one of the dominant plants within Southern Maritime Chaparral, and is one of the indicators of this plants community. It is favored by occasional fire, and tends to decline in older stands. Coast white lilac has the following status: Federal - (C2) Species of Special concern State - No status CNPS - List 2 4.2.2 Summer holly (Comarostaphylis diversifolia) This shrub usually occurs as a scattering of no more than a dozen individuals. Usually Summer holly occurs in Chaparral that is tall and dense. It prefers mesic north-facing slopes, and almost the entire population occurs west of highway 1-15. I often occurs with Coast white lilac has the following status: Federal - (C2) Species of Special concern State - No status CNPS - List 1B 4.3 Sensitive Plants Potentially Present, But Not Detected Habitats present on-site that could possibly support sensitive taxa include: the Southern Maritime Chaparral plant community, and clay lens inclusions potentially occurring within SMC. Though there are vernal pools extant nearby (Del Mar, Encinitas, Carlsbad), on mesa tops, neither the soils or topography that would support them were present on the site. Therefore none of those sensitive plants are included on this list. 4.3.1 Ashy spike moss (Seiaginella cinerascens) This species occurs nearby in Carlsbad but was not observed on-site. It is sensitive to degradation, and only rarely occupies chaparral and sage scrub that has been disturbed. 4.3.1 Del Mar Manzanita (Arctostaphylis glandulosa var. crassifolia) The federally endangered species was not detected in the SMC on-site or adjacent likely habitat. There Is a low likelihood of other undetected occurrences of Del Mar Manzanita on the property. 4.3.2 Orcutt's Spineflower (Choriznathe orcuttiana) The nearest known population of this federal and state endangered species is to the south in Encinitas and Del Mar. No other Chorizanthe or related look-alike plant on- site were observed. 4.3.3 Short-leaved Dudleya (Dudleya blochmaniae spp. brevifolia) The nearest known population of this federal and state endangered species is in Del Mar. It occurs on the edge of sandstone cliffs, specifically on Chesterton and similar formations. The top of the sandstone terrace is most likely for this plant and such habitat is not on-site. Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page 7 5.0 Project Impacts The proposed development plan will impact only non-native plant communities. The development as proposed is sited in context with the natural topography, preserving the ecological relationships that currently exist local to the site. Sensitive natural resources are entirely avoided. All individuals of sensitive plant species are preserved. 5.1 Direct Impacts Development is proposed on portions of the study area that are presently occupied by agriculture, fallow agriculture, ruderal, disturbed and developed areas.. None of these habitats are considered a "sensitive" biological resource. Table 1 - "Impacts Summary" provides area quantities for the entire 31.18 acre study area (see Biological Impacts Map). Table #1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS plant community association existing acres acreage impacted Agriculture 7.24 7.24 Fallow Agriculture 0.41 0.33 Ruderal 0.50 0.27 Southern Maritime Chaparral 0.37 0 Disturbed / Bare Dirt 1.79 1.79 Developed / Paved Road 0.37 0.37 Totals 10.68 10.00 5.2 Indirect Impacts Urban security lighting and daytime noise are likely indirect impacts due to the proposed project. Pet predator impacts may occur, as typically associated with residential development. Temporary indirect impacts associated with new construction are expected, particularly during grading and building construction activities. The indirect impacts that may occur due to the proposed project presently occur in large measure due to surrounding development. The additional indirect impacts caused by the proposed project are insignificant. Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page I 6.0 Project Measures The proposed development avoids all impacts to sensitive vegetation communities and sensitive plant species. An 0.68 acre open space easement is proposed that includes all sensitive vegetation resources occurring on-site. 7.0 References Abrams, Leroy and Roxana Stinchfield Ferris. 1960. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon and Claifornia. four Volumes. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. Beauchamp, R. M. 1986. A Flora of San Diego Countv. California. Sweetwater Press, National City, Califomia. Bowan, R. H. 1973. Soil Survey. San Dieoo Area. California. Part 1. United States Department of Agriculture. 104 pp. appendices. Hickman, J. C. 1993. The Jepson Manual. Higher Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 1400 pp. + 1 p. errata Hogan, David C. and Sawyer, John O., and Saunders Colin. October, 1996. Southern Maritime Chaparral. Fremontia Volume 24:4. Holland, Robert F. 1986. "Preliminary Vegetative Plant Communities of California." Department of Fish and game, Natural Heritage Section. Munz, P. 1974. A Flora of Southern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 1086 pp. Reiser Craig H. 1994. Rare Plants of San Diego County, Aqua fir Press. Imperial Beach, CA. San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use, Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. Aug. 1991. Skinner, M. W. and Pavlik, B. M. 1994. California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California. Special Publication No. 1 (Fifth Edition), California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, California. 338 pp. Sunset Publishing Corporation, Sunset Western Garden Book. 2001. USGS Photorevised 1975, Encinitas 7.5' quadrangle. Vegetation Resources Assessment - APN 215-080-22 page 9 Appendix A Plant Species List Carlsbad Promenade Appendix A Plant Species List Flora of APN 215-080-22 ANGiOSPERMAE (DICOTS) Alzoaceae - Carpetweed, Fig-marigold or Iceplant family * Carpobrotus edulis * Mesembryanthemum crystalllnum Anacardiaceae - Sumac family Malosma laurina Rhus integrifolia * Schinus terebinthefolius Apiaceae - Carrot family * Conium maculatum * Foenculum vulgare Asteraceae - Sunflower family Artemisia californica Baccharis pilularis * Carduus pycnocephalus * Centaurea solstitalis * Cirsium occidentale * Conyza canadensis Eriophyllum confertiflorum Gnaphalium bicolor * Gnaphalium luteo-album Hazardia squarrosa var. grindeliodes Hemizonia fasciculata Heterotheca grandiflora * Lactuca serriola LactuQa SB. * Picrus echioides * Sonchus oleraceus Stephanomeria virgata * Xanthium strumarium Brassicaceae - Mustard family * Hirschfeldia incana Lepidium densiflorum * Lobularia maritima * Raphanus sativus Sisymbrium irio Fig marigold Crystalline iceplant Laurel sumac Lemonade berry Brazilian pepper tree Poison hemlock Sweet fennel Coast sagebrush Coyote brush Italian thistle Yellow star-thistle Cobweb thistle Horseweed Golden yarrow Bicolored cudweed Cudweed Saw-toothed goldenbush Fascicled tarweed Telegraph weed Prickly lettuce cultivated lettuce Bristly ox-tongue Sow thistle Twiggy wreathplant Cocklebur Perennial mustard Peppergrass Sweet alyssum Wild radish London rocket Cactaceae - Cactus family Opuntia littoralis Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family Sambucus mexicana Chenipodiaceae - Goosefoot family Atriplex semibaccata Chenopodium ambrosioides Salsola tragus Cupressaceae - Cypress Family * Juniperus chinensis * Piatycladus orientalis Cucurbitaceae - Gourd Family Marah macrocarpus Ericaceae - Heath family ! Comarostaphylos diversifolia Xylococcus bicolor Fabaceae - Pea family Acacia redolens Lotus scoparius * Medicago polymorpha Fagaceae - Beech family Quercus agrifolia Quercus berberidifolia Geraniaceae - Geranium Family Erodium cicutarium Heliotroplum - Heliotrope Family Heliotropum curassavicum Hydrophyllaceae - Waterieaf family Eriodictylon tomentosum Phacelia cicutaria Coast prickly-pear Blue elderberry Australian saltbussh Mexican tea Russian "thistle" Chinese juniper Oriental arborvitae Wild cucumber Summer holly Mission manzanita Acacia Deerweed California burclover Coast live oak Scrub oak Red-stem filaree Alkali heliotrope Yerba santa Catepillar phacelia Lamiaceae - Mint family * Mentha sp. Salvia mellifera Malvaceae - Mallow family * Malva parvifolia Moraceae - Mulberry Family * Ficus benjamina Musaceae * Musa sp. Myoporaceae - Myoporum Family Myoporum laetum Myrtaceae - Myrtle Family * Eucalyptus sp. Onlgraceae - Evening Primrose Family Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum Podocarpaceae - Podocarpus Family PodQcarpu$ gracilior Portulacaceae - Purslane Family Portulaca oleracea Plumbiginaceae - Plumbago family * Limonum perezii Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family Eriogonum fasciculatum Primulaceae - Primrose Family * Anagallis arvensis Rhamnaceae - Buckthorn family ! Ceanothus verrucocus cultivated mint Black sage Cheeseweed Weeping Chinese banyan Banana Myoporum Gum tree Willow-herb Fern pine Common purslane Statice California buckwheat Scarlet pimpernel Coast white-lilac Rosaceae - Rose family Adenostoma fasciculatum Eriobotrva japonica Heteromeles arbutifolia * Malus sp. * Rosemarinus officinalis Rubiaceae - Madder Family * Galium parisiense Salicaceae - Willow family Salix lasiolepis Sapindaceae - Cupaniopsis anacardioides Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family Sutera cordata Mimulus aurantiacus Solanaceae - Nightshade family Lycopersicon esculentum Nicotiana glauca Solanum sp. Tropaeolaceae - Nasturtium Family * Tropaeoium majus Utticaceae - Nettle Family * Urtica urens Chamise Loquat Toyon Crabapple Rosemary Wall bedstraw Arroyo willow Carrot wood Bacopa Monkeyflower cultivated tomato Tree tobacco Nightshade Garden nasturtium Dwarf nettle ANGIOSPERMAE (MONOCOTS) Arecaceae - Palm Family * Washingtonia robusta Cyperaceae - Sedge family Cyperus strigosus Mexican fan palm False nutsedge Lilaceae - Lily Family * Allium sp. Yucca schidigera Poaceae - Grass family Avena fatua Bromus diandrus Bromus hordeaceus (= B. mollis) Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens (= Cortadiera jubata Cynodon dactylon Lolium multiflorum Nasella pulchra Polypogon monspeliensis Vulpia myuros Onion Mohave yucca Wild oat Ripgut grass Soft chess B. rubens) Red brome Atacama Pampus-grass Bermuda grass Italian ryegrass Purple needlegrass Ralibitfoot grass Rat-tail fescue STATUS ! Classified Sensitive * Non-native (weed or cult.) Plant Communities Agriculture Fallow Agricultural Developed / Bare Dirt Disturbed Ornamental Ruderal Southern maritime chaparral LEGEND sym plant community AQ AGRICULTURE FA FALLOW AGRICULTURE RU RUDERAL SMC SOUTHERN MARHME CHAPARRAL DIS OlSTRUBED / BARE DIRT DEV DEVELOPED / PAVED ROAD TOTAL AREA (ACRES) 10.68* * Includes 0.42 acre of off-site larKis that are subject to project grading. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTT AREA DEVELOPMENT LlMfT LINE SENSITIVE SPECIES C WART-STEMMED CEANOTHUS (Ceanothus vermcosus) 8 SUMMER HOLLY (Comarostaphylis diversifolia) RP-RJV ENERGY DISSIPATOR • PER D-40, TYPE 2. USE No. 2 BACKING 12" DEEP Om 12' DG FILTER FABRIC OFFSfTE QRADINQ OCCURS ON ALREADY DEVELOPED PROPERTY -24'X24' CONC BROOKS TYPE CATCH BASIN MW STEEL GRATE PER DETAIL 'A' CA SMC - RP-RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR PER D-40, TYPE 2 USE No. 2 BACKING 12" DEEP OVER 12' DG FILTER FABRIC VHTH 24' DEEP CONC CURB PER G-1, AROUND 3 SIDES OF RIP RAP SMC SURVEY NOTE: #020615 Vegetation Resources Map 1. RELO SURVEYED IN JUNE, 2002 BY PLANNINQ SYSTEMS R3R VEQETAT10N RESOURCES. 2. BASE MAP BY SOWARDS AND BROWN ENQINEERINQ, INC. TENTATIVE SUBDMSION MAP CT 00-22, REDEEMER BY THE SEA LirmERAN CHURCH OP CARLSBAD. • ° JUNE 12, 2002 100 200 FT NORTH SCALE: - 1" = 100' C: PSPROJECTS\REDEEMER BI0\S15-BI01.DWG 0. Hi S Oz ZD 111 Of DC S ^ <C DC ^ 9 lil ^ ^ o a w > DC 0