HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-16; ROBERTSON RANCH EAT VILLAGE; Engineering ApplicationPROJECT NAME: __ ~~~~~~~~~~ __________ ~~ __ PROJECT DESCRIP110N:'_~;;;.:;.;...; __ ~..;.....;.....;..-_i-P:...-_C_N..;.t_!VI_' -~:.....,...~---.~~---:T\--­ CT 0;),-\6 PROJECT ADDRESS:----:~___=::~ __ 4_Ca_I1_t'/~/N_::_:_)~----~f_-~:__-~..._,----+---- LOT NOeS).: 1 i 10 MAP NO.: __ --.,;~ __ NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: 'APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: {qY/ IJrgo, CA 1l/!6 -5}O tf ' ~('1 7q4'~ 1}5~ Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: I ~rtlfy that I am the legal owner and that all the above In,formatlon Is true the best of my knowledge. Date: j)~~-O b CIVIL ENGINEER: 'beor.qf.. 0 (Jay FIRM: O'/)l'It 'G~I'f.c"d·f Mailing Address: ~ 7(0 Loker Ave. 1AJ(~t' "ft-1l10 FIRM: Mailing Address: GrisbJ t CA-1d-tJfJlS Phone Number: (7GO) 13(-77()O Phone Number: Fax Number: \7wt7) Q]\-t680 Fax Number: E-Mail: <1ol'qe-o@ QJt\y~h"'r\s~coWl State Registration Number: 3"J.O I tt E-Mail: State Registration Number: ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) DCarisbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% . .. Dvallecitos . contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer '(for Carlsbad Municipal C' Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and Irrigation, and drainage improvements ~,~ _,._ 1-...:.(if_a.:..pp;..li_ca_b_le):..? ____________________ -----$~======_I GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ Cf fill ___ cy remedial ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H~DEVELOPMENT SERVICESIMASTERS/AppUcaUon for EngjneerinQ Plan Check import ___ Cf export ___ cy ((I , I I I Certificate of Compliance (CE) Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Ccv~wc\tiQt') Type: ;,...------- Type: o Encorachment Permit (PR) o Final Map (FM) o Grading Plancheck (DWG) o Improvement Plancheck (DWG) o Parcel Map (PM) o Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: ;,...------- Type: ::-..------ Type: o Reversion to Acreage (RA) o Street Vacation (STV) o Tentative Parcel Map (MS) o Certificate of Correction (CCOR) o Covenant of Easement (PR) o o Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other • -----------~ Revised 1114102 cc PROJECT AOORESS:_..;;;.. __ .£..:....,; ____ ...:-_:__-----~-_:__ ........ -~~---- LOT NO(S).: d. MAP NO.: ADJ 01-/3 APN(S}.: NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that aH the above > " In,fOrmatlon Is true th~ best of my knowledge. CIVIL ENGINEER: _~~.:....:..~.;..;...;...;...:.. ___ _ FIRM: 0 'Out} Gnsv fqlllts Mailing Address: r l7/o Luhfr Ave... tAl.. ater> ' tt,..lt~pJ< CA 1d-OO! FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: ---:q..:::;3~1-..;;..7~7f!)~, O~ ____ _ Fax Number: --:--l-q.:::..3:...1-..;:;.8.....;6t1J~ _____ _ E-Mail: tret''f-h A@oJ&fy[U)ftSV)fqvIiS.O.91<11 Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: 6 () J.) 3 State Registration Number: AoomONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district Is the proposed project located In? (check one) ~Carlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Munldpal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, Indudlng'the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Munlcfpal (., .. ,' Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and Irrigation, and drainage improvements . ~-(~if~ap~p-I~-b-le~)?---------------------------------------------$~~======~ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cv fill __ CV remedial ___ CV import __ _ export ___ cy _ ,SEE I\M~E SIDE ----~-.. ---------~-~-~----------------. Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: S (j) - Type: Type: Encorachment Permit (PR) Final Map (FM) Grading Plancheck (OWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck • 0 Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: f( Type: Type: Reversion to Acreage (RA) Street Vacation (STV) Tentative Parcel Map (MS) Certificate of Correction (CCOR) ~ Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other PROJEcr ADDRESS: (AVJrl/tPi/l ~~~~~----~~~--------~~--~~~~~~--~----- LOT NO(S).: 1+1 MAP NO.: ~~-=--__ _ NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: I certify toat I am the legal owner and that all the above the best of my knowledge. SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: State Registration Number: State Registration Number: ADomONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) /8fCarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain DVallecitos 2. If in the carlsbad MuniCipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad' Municipal , Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements l_.~ 1-....;.{if_a.;.pp;..li_ca_b_le>;..? _______________________ ....;$;,,;·;:·:::·::::;z::::t::===-I GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ cy fill ___ CY remedial ___ c:y import _ ____'_ c:y SEE REVERSE SIDE H~DEVELOPMENT SERVICESIMASTERS/ADDllcatio!) for Enalneari"a Plan Check ..' .--Dedication o~ent (PR) Type: Y{fu ~ y;r ~ Type: Type: 0 Encorachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (OWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (OWG) 0 Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: f( Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) 0 Street Vacation (STY) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) I8J Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other u./nC\ICI f"\O •• CI\IT c:c:g\/I"'I:C::JUA.Q.TI=R~/Annlll'atlnn In, FnnlnpArlnn PI:\n r.hAr.k PAnfil' Reviled 1/14102 ,",,'''.~IIJ'''';' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLiCAriOM~.~:;"; '; ~' ,E~~~N~~~~,~ ~~rt~~§c;,~~":.,,.~: ~.' ',,:. ,:';: .. ,;v':" " ., .. :anl.,l"ft,nl"l.:a •• 'nf~rma~fln~ , PROJECT NAME: tJ/1J NUMBER OF LOTS: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: 'q.{,I...,I..;..:~~=;...:;;.,j=":"-~~~ Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: P.o. B()xfl5/()i,'M ell 9zl8(P (tp/9) 7ft--/25 z.. Fax Number: E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct the best of my knowledge. Signature: CIVIL ENGINEER: _--L.l.:f:;;;.L.z..t::...~~~=~~_ Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: ge6 Coo 2-2 =s. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Fax Number: E-Mail: Signatur~ In'I SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) iV / JQ Date: 9 -I ~O Dcarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain DVallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer ,(for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (If applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES N / A (lit _. . _ . cy Fill _. ___ " cy remed!al . ___ .. _ cy :mport _____ . _ c.y 0xport . __ ._ .. _ ("I SEe REVER5,e SIDE C7t 02-- CITY 0 RLSBAQ'· ENGINEERING DEPARTMW , A"~L1CATION; , " ' ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK , ',.. ,f' • Complete all approprl~t. informatlo"" Write HI A when not applicable. . . . . APPLlCAnON FOR ( ./ all that apply) 0 Adjustment Plat (AOJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) ~cation of Easement (PR) Type: Type: ~d r-" (01 Type: 0 Encorachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (OWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (OWG) 0 Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) 0 Street Vacation (STY) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Other APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: ~. .. ... ,--.-:. '. ~ , - PROJECT':" • DRAWING- I.D.~ NUMBER: (j oZ-i b FOR CITY USE ONLY; , DEPOSIT IFEES PAID:, ~--YJ'/ COMMENTS--' ill ~~ ~ ~ ~\ O~-¢~ ~ "\ i',,? ~ ~~, ' ~~ v ~;Q DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED .J •• " .. .I 1.1 "j') . " "" . . . .,'~' ',", .:~ -: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:~o:::::::::..;==~"""";~---';;'_..I::.::-"""";=-':"':'-~~-f-_--";"' __ ~ __ --:-_~_ LOT NOeS),: E1.J~~L_ to OWNER: APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: SAN ~ \.E:Gto eA q Z 18&.!5 (CPlet) ~4 -1252. Fax Number: E-Mail: ~Y'\ITu.tEU-e. ~t~II..L\~' COr\. I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct the best of my knowledge. Signature: CIVIL ENGINEER: ..AE::L!....!:1..---I~~2l:::1:::!-__ FIRM: D' DP-.:< c. O~5Ucr~"'\S Fax Number: E-Mail: Signatur~ f7"VI ~., ~O SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: ~ $O\l..S Mailing Address: Z710 LoK£<Z. ~VC W£sr 100 Mailing Address: S1L\ l 'PALME.R-· WAy CA~~$A.b cA 7Jov g ~R\..S~t? CA 't2ct>.B Phone Number: tl(g~ G]31 -l1DC> C1(g()) 1~l -U~O Phone Number: bl9O)1~5-3\S5:. Fax Number: (7(gC» '1";\ :-. 6~ t5 Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: State Registration Number: (pO 2. Z 3 State Registration Number: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) I)[carlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain .. DVallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total f6st estimate, incJ08ing:the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improv,ements, sewer.i~~or Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements " (if appljca.ble)? ... -.. _ ' .. __ . . . -" ...... --... $-. cut 775.OIJOcy I fill 775,O{)()cy \ ~. GRADING QUANTITIES remedial -,--__ cy import --cy export --:-:-:-cy SEE REVERSE SIDE 0 0 0 0 ~ Rl ~ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY ARLSBAD -ENGINEE~N(j DEPARU • r APPLICATION ~, ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK, Complete all appropriate informatlon~ Wt~te N/A,when not applicable. APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) Adjustment Plat (ADJ) Certificate of Compliance (CE) Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: Encora~hment Permit (PR) Final Map (FM) Grading Plancheck (DWG) Improvement Plancheck (DWG) Parcel Map (PM) Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: Reversion to Acreage (RA) Street Vacation (STV) Tentative Parcel Map (MS) Certificate of Correction (CCOR) Covenant of Easement (PR) Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other PROlECJ ' DRAWING " 1.0. NUMBER: ~'Thd--{h P~~-/t:, ~-ICo L[33 -flit C~7b {-[55 -h FOR CITY USE ONLY DEPOSIT/FEES PAlO cfb, Sfd2 .y 8/ tJ65fP- 1't(~7~~ COMMENTS y- RECEIVED AUG a 1 2005 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED -- Walls at Hilltop Street and Cannon Road PROJECT ADDRESS: Hilltop Street between Cannon Road and Glen Avenue LOT NOeS).: Adj. to 2 and 5 NUMBER OF LOTS: N/A MAP NO.: 15608 --------NUMBER OF ACRES: NfA OWNER: Calavera Hills II, LLC APPLICANT: Mailing Address: 12865 Pointe Del Mar, Suite 200 Del Mar; CA 92014 Mailing Address: 12865 Pointe Del Mar, Suite 200 Del Mar, CA 92014 Phone Number: 858-794-6188 Phone Number: 858~794-6188 --------------------~~----~----~-Fax Number: 858-793-2395 Fax Number: 858-794-2395 -------------------------~----------E-Mail: APevney@brookfieldhomes.com E-Mail: APevney@brookfieldhomes.com certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above to the best of my knowledge. Date: 0 ..:c..~-.df Signature: CIVIL ENGINEER: George O'Day FIRM: -------------~~------ Mailing Address: 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone Number: 760-931-7700 ---------------------Fax Number: 760-931-8680 -------------------E-Mail: georgeo@odayconsultants.com State Registration Number: RCE 32014 ADDmONAL COMMENTS: SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) l8Jcarlsbad Municipal Water District OOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal' Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ ,N/A GRADING QUANTITIES cut N/A cy fill NfA cy remedial ..;..N.;;.;/A...:.-_ cy import ____ cy export -'.;N::.:,./A.:..-_ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/OEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Revised 05/01/07 APPLICATION FOR ( V' all that apply) o Adjustment Plat (ADJ) o Certificate of Compliance (CE) o Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: -------- Final Map CFM) Grading Plancheck (DWG) Improvement Plancheck (DWG) Parcel Map (PM) Quitclaim of Easement CPR) Type: -------- Type: -------- Type: o Reversion to Acreage (RA) o Street Vacation (STV) o Cl Tentative Parcel Map CMS) Certificate of Correction (CCOR) o Covenant of Easement CPR) o Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) o Trails D<mile 0> mile o Other H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 Revised 05/01/07 CARLSBAD;' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT' . ". APPLICAriO":~7,"~" .::,' . :. .,'. ~ ~ . • ','!",; PROlECTADDRE5S: iU.cf0 w-estedr #0r.:.P~ '£tMt7<'d~~~ 1"~ . LOT NO(S).: ~!II MAP NO.: c.ioki6 APN(S).: ;;-=~(: -'18 NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: !!ala (/(/(1 tll(::q 11/ LLC ~Io fJ1a e2'I/uz bad! Dad e (), eaX 82//J~ GA til 92/$fp {(J?a:~ 7f'& 1262- r certify that r am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct the best of my knowledge. . Signature: ~ Date: g -/ ~O CIVIL ENGINEER: /!& lit /!cv2Ged FIRM: QI~ f'·~bpffs. . .kle Mailing Address: 2:1/0 t;KviUJeSlj5fjm w(s 1z4<~ (l f/ 120/0 Phone Number: ( lka) IJ ?, (--77cJ 0 Fax Number: (7Coo) ~3/-<g'&,8a E-Mail: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: APPliCANT: Mailing Address.: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: Signatur~~ SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION L What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) ~Isbad Municipal Water District DOfivenhain Dvalfecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (If applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES tV /11 cut _. _____ cy All ____ cy remedial cy import ___ cy export ,,_"_, _._ cy I I SEE REVI;~SE SIDE e.TC»--t!.o #\62. I (;ITY O.ARLSBAD • eNGINeeRING DePARTWT , ' APPLICATION' , ENGINE~.u~~ p~~ CHECK Complete all approprlat, lnforrnatlo~~ Write HI A when not applicable. APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) 0 Adjustment Plat (ADJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Oedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Encorachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (OWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (OWG) 0 !)reerfV1ap (PM) e( Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Typer& \J \ TC L~l fV\ Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) 0 Street Vacation (STV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map eMS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Other APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: •• >,' . ,', . .~" PROJEct" 'I, DRAWING, 1.0 •. " NUMBER: " b;; D2111 f (e (Xg qt!!) FOR CITY US! ONLY; DEPOSIT/FEES ' COMMENTS . ' PAID. :EfS-10;>-I- It'p'fCt "i'~CETh""En' ,JUN 27 2DOo ENGINEEF-{/N\ DEPA!~TM{--!'.··r DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED - I.-·. ~ ! . I ; .. :. '. eriY OF'CARLSBAD .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENt: ::" " ..-;' ,:. ~ ,:,:"., "'''' .:, '. " '. 'APPLICA~PN.' .> :' :..... ': :'.. ", . ',: .::, .. ::.:::(.";", . .... ~ ,,' , : . .: .... , '. . " . , .. ,ENGINEERlNG'PU\N.:CHECK .. '. " ';"" . ',.' " .,' ':' . . CQmplete ~I"~ppropriate information.' Wr~t~ NiA wheri,no~~pplitable .. :",· :. ".', :'. ';'.:-' ~~,~: ,',' .: PROJECT NAME: Robertson Ranch East Village P .A. 15 DATE: April 4, 2007 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Encroachment Permit for a 78-unit multi-family apartment project PROJECT ADDRESS:--.-.::G:.=l;;:e:::n'-'A:::v.:..e;;:n::;u::.:e::....::E:.;:;a:.;:;s.;;t_o~f=--:W.:.:i:.:n:..::d:.;;t;.::r.;:;a.;:;i=l....;W:.:.;a~y"--______________ _ LOT NOeS).: _.....;I=--___ MAP NO.: CT 02-16 APN(S).: NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: Calavera Hills II. LLC APPUCANT: Mailing Address: P • O. Box 85104 Mailing Address: San Diego, CA 92186-5104 Phone Number: (619) 794-1262 Phone Number: Fax Number: (619) 336-3010 Fax Number: E-Mail: dmitchel1@mcmillin.com E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above Information Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature~ J-f ~ Date: If· .3 'b.) POR. 168-050-47 4.74.AC Gross Calavera Hills II. LLC P.O. Box 85104 San Diego. CA 92186-5104 (619) 794-1262 (619) 336-3010 dmitchell@mcmillin.com CIVIL ENGINEER: _N~[:=.:· c::.:h,;:;;:o;,;:l;.;;;e-=-Fi;;:,;n::;e;;....-. ____ _ SOILS ENGINEER: Rob~rt Chrisman/Dave Skelly FIRM: 0' Day Consultants. Inc. FIRM: Geosoils, Inc. Mailing Address: 2710 Loker Ave.W •• Ste.100 Mailing Address: 5741 Palmer Way, Ste. D Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone Number: (760) 931-7700 Phone Number: (760) 438-3155 Fax Number: (760) 931-8680 Fax Number: (760) 931-0915 ~ E-Mail: nicholef@odayconsultants.com E-Mail: rcrisman@geosoils.com State Registration Number: 70035 State Registration Number: CEG1934. RCE47857 ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) I!lCarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain Dvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad MuniCipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ N /A GRADING QUANTITIES cut N/A cy fill N/A cy remedial N/A cy import N/A cy export N / A cy SEE REVERSE SIDE r I r., 1 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING PEPARTMENT APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLAN C'HECK' " ,,' , , Complete all appropriate illfQrmation. Writ~ ,Ni Awhen not app!i,ca,bie. " ' , ~ '" FOR CITY USE ONLY. APPLICATION FOR PROJECT DRAWING D~POSIT /FEES COI'1MENTS , ( .r all that apply) 1.0., . NUMBER PAID .' 0 Adjustment Plat (ADJ) 0 Certificate of Compliance (CE) 0 Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: l!I Encorachment Permit (PR) N01-1b P(t 11~ .. -J 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (DWG) 0 Improvement Plancheck (DWG) 0 Parcel Map (PM) 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) 0 Street Vacation (SlY) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) '0 Other "<~~,, .....•.. ':",' --, ':.':"" "'APR :122001, ,'~' . . . . .:-..... ' : -: ; " , --:: : ~'., :.. : ',' '<":;~N'GIN.EER1NG :::'.' . , .. "l?~~~RTMEt:JT::', ~ -.. ' . . .' ':.<. .. , " " " DATE'stAMR,>" ~PP~I~ATQ~;'REC~iVED.·,,_. I I I . I 'PROJECT NAME: L ~ .. P « f! 1::'.11 it. ««6" MOl <J I.-'4 ,DATE: . Ie-JJ·g 4: PRruECTDEsauFnON~i ________________ ~ __________ ~ ______________ __ 7J4Y~·J9t 7''4 f#t:S I /',,1 .. &·jO .. ",t49 /i -I-ReM •. ',,,..},,,,. "&ric:,J·· PROJECT ADDRESS: ce.,,,, fin 12« 0"" c .. 'J! tI ,q ) I v..l . LOT NO(S).: c./e MAP NC;>.: N'lJ (J ,,'.,/0 APN(S).: NUMBER OF LOTS: .t.. &. . . NUf1B~ OF ACRES: OWNER: . I'~Nv&Xd'.l/d:ttr"G APPLICANT: MaWnghldress: . .l%7e:vti; i MaDJng MI~! ::;u~::r: : ~/:! J%-~lJ ! ::':;':-' E-MaU: ~ ! E-Mail: ..... I . : I certify that I am the' legal owner and that· at the above ! ~Od to the b~ fA my knowledge. signature}f' CIVIL ENGINEER: 1(<< ,-16 J.I. rt':Hln SOILS ENGI~EER: FIRM:' FIRM: d 1h? C.,,«;'i II.,., t.s --~--~--------------~----Mallfrtg Address: Mailing Address: /.,'" At. It.,. AYA. W.,J culsJ...j c8 ".4«' . Phone Number: "'-9.1/-224. Fax Number: ".-,&1-~,/,'4 E-Mail: State Registration Number: 6<' ,4 2c a. s ADDmONAL COMMENTS: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: . State Registration NU!11ber: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district Is the proposed project located In? (check one) EfCarisbad Municipal Water DIstrict DOllvenhaln 2. If In the Carlsbad Municipal Water DIstrict, what Is the total cost estfmate, Including the 15% DVallecitos contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal . Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and Irrigation, and drainage Improvements (if applicable)? $ NA GRADING QUANTITIES "'A cut __ _ fill ___ o/ remedlal_,......,...,...". .. cy import __ _ .elCoort rv ,", ,: " .:.':' '.'. ': "::.. ':' ",',,' ... i:';,,:-;i::,:,';£;'-':, - .. . .. ;" ',' . . . Certificate of Compliance (eE) ~, '.' . . , .. ', .. ,'... . . i"'·:-~, · t. t~' .• ,,' . ~. :. . o Dedication of EaSeme!1~.~~? ........ -----11----. _. ---11.....-•.. _. '_' __ -1 ..', . . , ,.' , '" '.')., ~p'e_: __________ __ ~pe: -------- Encorachment Permit (PR) Final Map (FM) Grading Plancheck (DWG) (P,M) . 0 Quitclaim of Easement (PR) ~pe: Type: Type: Rl!verslon to Acreage (RA) (y;)(). .-- ............ .. '., " ....... , ~,': . .' . "" .... ': .. '.' If" ", ,~. " • "...",. , 0 0 Stree~ V~cat-,on (STV) t-::=-------------+-----'I-----+----~ ... :;. ... fi! • ., .. " " ,.: ., ,-.... 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (eeOR) 0 Covenant of Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance . exhibit (SeE) 0 Other , . ' .. APPUCATION ACCEPTED BY;:" :: . • • 1 • ..' .. '. ' .. '" ~ '." : , . ' .. . . :,:. ~.' . '. ' DATE STAMP APPLICATON RECEIVED • -. . ~. ,. "." ,- PROJECT ADDREss: ______________ -. ______ .. -.:"" _____ ' ~ LOT NO(S).: _____ MAP NO.: ___ .-..;..~_APN(S).:. ' . , " ,. :: NUMBER OF LOTS: ,~4MB~R OF:ACRE$: OWNER: Mailing Address: , Phone Number: m<$/I&<) t!o¥A-A1tl!iS fb 8~K 8go 'I '. APPUCANI: , Mailing . Addr6.s~ . Phone NiImber: Fax Number: Fax Number: ----:,~. -----..:. ,-.-............... , ............... ~., E-Mail: E-Mail: " -~ ... I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above ,'! ,: <," information is true and correct}o ~he best of my knowledge. • Signature: ~""" "1 ~ Date: g -{-a (' 'signatur~~Aj~p~~e~. ;~(~q5~' SOILS ENGINEER: " -----------~---------...----~----~.~' FIRM: Mailing Address: Phone Number: 760 -2.g1-7 ~CX) Phone Number: Fax Number: ?~C) -231-S6 i6 Fax Number: E-Mail: 9Lre b~6::IAXuL1A4 State Registra~n N mI)€f; a;3ZOI'l' E-Mail: State Registration Number: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION L What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) DCarlsbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain DValiecitos 2, If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (If applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut . __ . ____ cy fill _____ cy remedial ___ cy import ____ cy export __ . __ cy CITY OP.LSBAQ: ~ ~N6~NEEtuN6 DEPARTM_ ... '" '. ::·· ... ·:·.:,:.~·~~t~!~TI?!1Jt:"i:·;~/;.;,:;:·:.,,~:~ :';::"'-'" .EN~~N~~~!.1~,:.r~~~~"~~~.r~···: '.: :, . ,. : CompJet. ai, appropri~~ "'form~~~",r.W~t!, ~l~.w".n~q~ app.~lc.bl.i,,,:: '. .. APPLICAnON FOR ( ./ all that apply) o ~djustment Plat (AOJ) o ~ertificate of Compliance (CE) o Dedication of Easement (PR) Type;...: _____ -.- Type:;... _____ __ Type: o . Encoract"!.men~ Permit (PR) o Final Map (FM) o Grading Plancheck (OWG) o Improvement Plancheck (OWG) o Parcel Map (PM) o Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type;;...: _____ _ Type;;...: _____ _ Type: o Reversion to Acreage (RA) o Street Vacation (STY) o Tentative Parcel Map (MS) o Certificate of Correction (CCOR) o Covenant of Easement (PR) rr Substantial Conformance ( Exhibit (SCE) o Other 1------+-----1-------1" I ", RECEIVED JUL 16 2001 ENGiNEERiNG' D~is~T ,,, ... .". '~. - APPLICATON RECEIVED " " rf~) \\"".,1 (C) PROJECT NAME: Ru\,~('iY~'l f{C(llIc.-~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: {@VlSWor!-(OIl eOl>eWleVl+ -to west Vn{~f, -P/f)'3C DATE: p-lU-a6 C!V ?11/ ever ~ A2f'~f#V\ 12 f tAe-. ., I PROJECT ADDRESS: l3.l CC{~!flO 1~t'ClI + Ca",vtOV1 Art LOT NO(S).: MAP NO.: ______ APN(S).: NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: OWNER: APPUCANT: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: ~1I1 Off p'CA q~l!b-Sirll/- Phone Number: Phone Number: (;{Cf, 71 -)52 Fax Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: E-Mail: I ~rtlfy tbat I am the legal owner and that all the above In.formatlon Is true the best of my knowledge. Date: }l-~-o6 CIVIL ENGINEER: (2el7!lll-0 '/J~ SOILS ENGINEER: FIRM: QI{j,,¥ G~I~Vl-l> FIRM: Mailing Address: ').7(0 l.£l.tloer 7Jr/t... W P5 t-<fI.[tJO Mailing Address: Carrs kJ, CA 1~17J' Phone Number: fi.~L 13('" 77&0 Phone Number: Fax Number: CZbO) q.31 ~!bfO Fax Number: E-Mail: ~ et,2~~ o@ orJCf'UtJV1,5() /tqillfs. Q2l'>p E-Mail: State Registration Number: 31-0 Itt State Registration Number: ADOmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located In? (check one) DCarisbad Municipal Water District DOlivenhain 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% Dvallecitos contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal l'~ Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements ~,~ (if applicable)? $ ~~--~------------------------------~====~ GRADING QUANTITIES cut ___ Of fill ___ Of remedlal ___ Of import ___ Of export __ ._ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:JOEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application tor EngineerillQ Plan Chack . . . . Certificate of Compliance (CE) I3Y Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: COVI~i!I'VC{+110Y\ Type:~ _____ _ Type: o Encorachment Permit (PR) o Final Map (FM) o Grading Plancheck (DWG) o Improvement Plancheck o Parcel Map (PM) o Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: =--------- Type: --------- Type: o Reversion to Acreage (RA) o Street Vacation (STV) o Tentative Parcel Map (MS) o Certificate of Correction (CCOR) o Covenant of Easement (PR) o Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) Other Revised 1/14/02 ) , " f' • <+~ ~+ -~ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED •• PROJECT MAP REVIEW COMPLETION - The following project map has been reviewed and is recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: FM 02-16 Sheets No.: 1 through 16 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the map review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Map review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed -~~-.-!---~---I"-,t--::~~--+­Do~glas L.':/Helming RCE 23ai4 Exp. 12/31/07 GVP Consulting, Inc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad, CA 92010 + ph: 760.720.0500 + fx: 760.720.2282 + www.gvpconsulting.com • ~+. • u ..... """!!!I;..T GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE #2 Sheets No.: sheets 1,2,14,34,35,42,43,44,47,48,66 of 98 sheets DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed----<--p&,~i~vi~~~· _ Glen K. Van Peski RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 ;;,2407 Date GVP Consulting, Inc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad, CA 92010 + ph: 760.720.0500 + fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com ~+~ ~+ ... GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE #1 Sheets No.: 1,2,9,18,29,62,70,77,90 of 98 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed~~~2!~d--=..--L...E:d~· Glen K. Van Peski RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 GVP Consulting, Inc. • 3764 Cavern Place • Carlsbad, CA 92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com t:ff \ <+. ~+ ~ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6 Improvement Plan Sheets No.: 1-98 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed~;/i~>:I~. d,~lJ£~. ~vanpeski ,).11:.07 Date RCE 41204 Exp. 3/31/09 GVP Consulting, Inc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad, CA 92010 + ph: 760.720.0500 + fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com #-1.R • <+~ C ... ~...." GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE #2 Sheets No.: 1,3,8,12,20 OF 35 SHEETS DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed_&.~~i~. """""",,--,,~~1U~'- Glen K. Van Peski RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 //,Uo7 Date GVPConsulting,lnc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad,CA92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx:760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com ;t(~ • ~+. ~+ ~ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE #1 Sheets No.: 1,11,18,19,21 OF 35 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed Gle~n 2C d J!V RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 //.~.07 Date GVP Consulting, Inc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad, CA 92010 + ph: 760.720.0500 + fx: 760.720.2282 + www.gvpconsulting.com ~+. ~+ -~ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6A Grading Plan Sheets No.: 1-35 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in sUbstantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 "2·/'3.07 Date GVP Consulting, Inc. • 3764 Cavern Place • Carlsbad, CA 92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com #;1..1<- ~+~ ~+ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6C CONSTRUCTION CHANGE #1 Sheets No.: 1-2 of 2 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed~~~-j~~~iM~'_ Glen K. Van Peski RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 GVP Consulting, Inc. • 3764 Cavern Place • Carlsbad, CA 92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com ~\ <+. ff~ ,T GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: CT 02-16 Dwg. No.: 433-6B Traffic Signal Plan Sheets No.: 1-2 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed~G~~K. va~iS~~ki ~~;4",--u_· RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 '5·lh.07 Date GVP Consulting, Inc. + 3764 Cavern Place + Carlsbad, CA 92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com ~.:1.?:- <+. L{+ ~ GVPCONSULTING INCORPORATED PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE Project No.: Dwg. No.: 433-6C Traffic Signal Plan Sheets No.: 1-2 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. Signed _~~ /~c.:=;f.--..<X~~d~~=":;'...!--fz1L~=I-_· __ _ GI~an~Ski ' RCE 41204 Exp.3/31/09 1-/0.07 Date GVP Consulting, Inc. • 3764 Cavern Place • Carlsbad, CA 92010 • ph: 760.720.0500 • fx: 760.720.2282 • www.gvpconsulting.com ~ ~