HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-23; LA COSTA GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.08; Engineering Application.-C · F CARLSBAD -ENG.INEERING DEPAR APPLICATION. ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK Complete all appropriate informc1tion. Write N/ A when not applicable_. PROJECT NAME: LA COSTA GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.08 DATE: 1/17/2008 ...... ;. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION FOR THE MONUMENTATION OF TRACT 02-23 PROJECT ADDRESS: ALI CANTE ROAD & LAPIS ROAD LOT NO(S).: 1 THRU 88 MAP NO.: 14803 APN(S).: N/A -------------------NUMBER OF LOTS: 88 NUMBER OF ACRES: 44.525 MILES OF TRAILS: N/A APPLICANT: GARY KRAUS OWNER: · Mailing Address: ------------Ma iii n g Address: 9707 WAPLES STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121 Phone Number: 858-558-4500 Phone Number: z~o..,. qt/-]IPDO ------------Fax Number: E-Mail: I certify that I a information is tr Signature: 7~/J -~/3/" 7~(, 3 dt'J-vvu, ~ WMYH1ri,fong1,"f), . w e legal owner and that all the above an corr. ct the best of my knowled e. Date: /, Zf) ti Fax Number: 858-558-1414 E-Mail: Gkraus@hunsakersd.com Signature: Date: SOILS ENGINEER: N/A CIVIL ENGINEER: DAVID W AMBLER P.L.S. FIRM: HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES $D INC. Mailing Address: 9707 WAPLES STREET -----------FIRM: Mailing Address: SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121 Phone Number: 858-558-4500 · Phone Number: Fax Number: 858-558-1414 Fax Number: E-Mail: · Darnbler@hunsakersd.com E-Mail: State Registration Number: LS. 7322 State Registration Number: ADDITIONAL COMMENT$: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION N /A 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) ocarlsbad Municipal Water District Q)livenhain [Jvallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) lc1ndscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES NI A cut_---'-'-_cy fill __ _ remedial ___ cy import ___ cy export ___ cy SEE REVERSE SIDE H:/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/MASTERS/Application forEngineering Plan Check Revised 05/01/07 i \ 'W',/:(;,':, ,'' . :, 0 '.': ,~:::·: .,, ~, ·: ', ,QI.F CA~LSBA~;PE~:;:~~N~~,~-~PA,~-N1-, ,, , ~ . t:/ :· , ". .,' ,, , ,, , ,', ·eNG:tNEER:iNG,PLArlct11:cK'~.:, ·:''" :: , :. ':.~. X,,, "J , .. ::::~, ::, ;(_' ~.~o~p_le~e:~J_i 'PPtop~i,~~ in~Q!~~~!~~-Jit!•i~x~~~~r~:~~f,~p~~i~b.le~ .. ::: ; . - APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) C] Adjustment Plat (ADJ) CJ Certificate of Compliance (CE) O Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: ------------ Type: ------- Type: [J Encroachment Permit (PR) D Final Map:(FM) O Grading Plancheck (DWG) O Improvement Plancheck (DWG) O Parcel Map (PM) O Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: ----,---- Type: ---------- Type: O Reversion to Acreage (RA) O Street Vacation (STV) O Tentative Parcel Maj) (MS) Certificate of Correction (CCOR) t:.T 02~2.3 FM CZ-rJ.3 Efi 35:--- 0· Covenant of Easement (PR} O Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Trails [J'mile tJ> mile O Other ., ...... --:..~ ·""";'-,' -;.· ,. ·-;,:_ ~~~ , ":., .' ,, '-·'. "~ 1~ '':: -.". -~l-_,,-~ '--~1 .. '• .. .' '' ,, ' -,,,~,·' ;,,,APPLICAT ON:-ACCEPTED -BY: . tJ ~/:·:,_'. ~. 0,_ .. 7:. }I.;·:: :_~--iti;d:)·· H:/DEVELOPMENl SERVICES/MASTERS/Application for Engineering Plan Check Page 2 <1dCJlNSn, · JAi't Jt8 :~UOB; ,, . ·,· ,. ~ • 1 > ,' ?-} 1 : -~-, ; :,, ~NG.1~65ERiNG· :, . \ \ , ii5EPAR1~g~rr ·,: · .• .. : · · ., DATE:S'rAMa:r~>: .. ·· · · APPLICATON, RECEIVED ~<--::,~---~--~·· ,,\. ~·-. ;.:,•,' ~ ,""' •• ,., Revised 05/01/07 PROJECT NAME: --'L=a:...::C=os=ta:::...G=r=ee=n=--s N=e=ig=h=bo=rh=o=od:::...1=.0=8..:cCT..:...=02=--=·2:.:..3-=S=DP::...0=3:....:·2:.:..1 _--'--______ DATE: ------'6=/2=/0_,_4 __ _,__ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Precise Grading Plans PROJECT ADDRESS: North of Alga Road, south of the proposed extension of Poinsettia Lane, and east of the La Costa Golf Course LOT NO(S).: 1-82 MAP NO,: ______ 1.:...:4=80=3. ____ _ APN(S).: ---'""'2=1-=-3----'11'-'-1-"""'02=--=t=o=-21=3_,_-1_,_,11~-0"'""7 __ _ # LOTS: ------'----'--""'82=--=L=o=ts _____ --'--_ NUMBER OF ACRES: _____ __,_44=.5=3-'-'A=cr-=esa...,._ ___ _ OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail: Warmington LCG Associates, L.P~ 701 Palomar Airport Rd. Ste. 300 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 931-4766 (760) 931-4767 CIVIL ENGINEER: _R ___ ay_m_o~n_d __ M .... a_rt....,.in ______ _ FIRM: · Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. Mailing Address: 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA92121 APPLICANT: Warmington Homes California Mailing Address: 701 Palomar Airport Rd. Ste. 300 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone Number: · (760) 931-4766 Fax Number: (760) 931-4767 E-Mail: chuck@warmingtongroup.com Signature Date SOILS ENGINEER: Shane Rodacker Firm: Geocon, Inc. Mailing Address: 6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 ~ Phone Number: .... (8~58_) __ 5~58 .... -4'""'5 __ 0 ___ 0 ---~---Phone Number.: .::(8=58=)-=-55=8;...;·6=9=00"---------- Fax Number: (858) 558-1414 Fax Number: . {858) 558-6159 E-Mail: rmartin@hunsakersd.com E-Mail: rodacker@geoconinc.com State Registration Number: _____________ _ State Registration Number: RCE 63291 ADDmONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one)? IZI Carlsbad Municipal Water District D Olivenhain D Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlspad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, incly<;ling the 15% conting~ncy fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer .(for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public-(median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut 4100 cy fill cy remedial cy import/export cy SEE REVERSE SIDE DA:T m:\documents and settings\chuck~ocal settings\temporary internet files\olk2~c greens 1.08 application.doc wo #11##-# ------------------------------------~--------- , f APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) 0 Adjustment Plat (ADJ) . -' ' . D Certificate ofCompliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Encroachment Permit (PR) D Final Map (FM) jgl Grading Plancheck (DWG) . D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) · D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (SlV) _ D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant for Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other ,:~:~:!~~~~~~_i_:_:r_~-~~i.t:_~t2:~a~2·J~Ji\:JI r~;:;~; . -.. _:, • ..._. -'••,7·,-•,.•••o:' ··-• • : '.~. ----· -·: ·~O!ifE;SJAMP· : ~) \.=:---~-:=.a:i;PL1CAt(oisi RECl:IVED . ~ . . Revised 1/14/02 DA:T m:\documents and settings\chuck~ocal settingsltemporary internet files\olk2~c greens 1.08 apphcabon.doc we #11##-# ' ,~ . ~ ,;,, '<-'. ~-~--, + '. ~·. PROJECT NAME: --=La'""'C=o=st=a-=G=re=en=s-"'N=ei""'gh=b=orh=oo=d,....,1=.0-=-8 ______________ DATE: _______ _ PROJECT DESCRJ;PTIQN: .Neighborhood 1.08 Final Subdivision Map PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT NO(S).: ----"-88"-----'--MAP NO.:-'-. _ ___,0=2-=-2-=-3 -~~-APN(S).: ----=-21=3-__,_11.:..:1--=-0=2 _,,_06,,___ ___ _ # LOTS: 88 --'-------~--------- OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Real Estate Collateral Management Co. 1903 Wright Place, Ste.180 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.929.2701 760.929.2705 E-Mail: frschimel@household.com . I certify that I am the legal owner and th.at all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. NUMBER OF ACRES: 42.93 APPLICANT: Morrow Development, Inc. Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E~Mail: 1903 Wright Place, Ste.180 Carlsbad, CA 92084 760.929.2701 760.929.2705 farbuckle@morrowdevelopment.com men!, Inc. ollateraJ'Management Company Signature -,J_ Date ",/if#!;, . , Date J · 0 > « O '3 . CIVIL ENGINEER: Raymond L. Martin FIRM: Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. · .Mailing Address: 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA 92121 David F. Leake Firm: Geocon Incorporated Mailing Address: 6960 Flanders Drive .San Diego, CA 92121 Phone Number:: (858) 558-4500 Phone Number: -=-85"""'8=.5=5=8."'"69=--=0=0 _________ _ Fax Number: {858) 558-1414 Fax Number: 858.558.6159 E-Mail: RMartin@hunsakersd.com E-Mail: dleake@geoconinc.com State Registration Number: 48670 State Registration Number: 22527 ADDIDONAL COMMENTS: iMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one)? ~ Carlsbad :Municipal Water District D Olivenhain D Vallecitos 2. If in the C:arlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingeftcy fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? . $ NIA ~ . ' ! .. cut ____,N=IA:..a.-.._ ·cy GRADING QUANTITIES fill _..:.;N=IA-'--_ cy remedial NIA cy import/export · NIA cy Revised 1/14/02 OA:MSOffice g:\michele\lim\city of cartsbad\lhe greens\neigh. 1.08 final subdivisfon map.doc wo ####-# .. ·,- APPLICATION FOR ( .r all that aooly} D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Encroachment Permit (PR) Fin~ Map (FM) Gra_fling Plancheck (DWG) G"Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreage (RA) 0 Street Vacation (STV) 0 Tentative Parcel Map (MS) 0 Certificate of Correction (CCOR) 0 Covenant for Easement (PR) 0 Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) 0 Other ' Revised 1/W02 DA:MSOfflce g:lmlcheleUlm\clty or cal1sbadUhe greens\nelgh. 1.08 final subdivision map.doc wo - PROJECT NAME: -~L=a-'-C~os=ta~G~re~e=ns~1=Ne=ig_h...,.bo~rh=o~od_1~.0~8_B~ui=ld~er~lm-p~ro~v~em=e=n=ts _______ DATE: _______ _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Neighborhood 1.08 Improvement and Utility Plan PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT NO(S).: --~88~---MAP NO.: __ 0=-2·=23 _____ _ APN(S).: ----=-21=3--'-1.,__,11'"""·0=2-=-06=------ # LOTS: --'-------=88,...__ ____ --'-"----NUMBER OF ACRES: ______ 42=.9=3 ______ _ OWNER: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: £;-Mail: Real Estate Collateral Management Co. APPLICANT: 1903 .Wright Place, Ste. 180 Mailing Address: Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.929.2701 Phone Number: 760.929.2705 Fax Number: frschimel@household.com E-Mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above By FredArbuckle . information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Morrow Development, Inc. 1903 Wright Place. Ste.180 Carlsbad, CA 92084 760.929.2701 760.929.2705 farbuckle@morrowdevelopment.com Signature ___,,.~;;i:::1·,· · Date~/4 Date .-0} ~0 CIVIL ENGINEER: Raymond·L. Martin FIRM': Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. Mailing Address: 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA 92121 David F. Leake Firm: Geocon Incorporated Mailing Address: 6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Phone Number: (858) 558-4500 Phone Number: 858.558.6900 -----'-'----'------------------------- Fax Number: E-Mail: (858) 558-1414 RMartin@hunsakersd.com Fax Number: 858.558.6159 E-Mail: dleake@geoconinc.com State Registration Number:....a4'"""86'""'7a..a0 _____ -__ _ State Registration Number: ___ 2=2=5=27,__ ________ _ ADDillONAL COMMENTS: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one)? .1:2] Carlsbad Municipal Water District D Oliverihain D Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if appliq!ble)? $ 2,494,899 cut. N/A. cy fill N/A GRADING QUANnTIES cy remedial N/A cy import/export N/A cy SEE REVERSE SIDE Revised 1/14/02 DA:MSOfflce g:\mtchele\Um\city of car1sba~\the greens\neigh. 1.08 improvement and utility plan.doc wo ####-# APPLICATION FOR ( ./ all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D E~oachment Permit (PR) G3 Fi!J.Gtl Map (FM) [d'G~ading Plancheck (DWG) 0'Improvement Plancheck (DWG) · D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (SlV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) · D Covenant for Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other ' C11>S2 ... ;2 ~ ~Gi. LL ro f, .... , 17 .tJ.. 5 hi DD ' Revised 1/W02 DA:MSOffice g:\mlchele\llm\clly or carlsbadllhe greens\nelgh, 1.08 Improvement and utility plan.doc wo #1111#-# :-\)/'" .:·:·::jttr,:_; ~: ,A.R~$BA~· -~ ENGlIN~EtlI~tpJ~PA,.. _'.J~ft\x·· ,, , •: ·., ·· -· .. · .,Ap:pt;J:CAfidrtf-::' . · \, / ... ·:·· -~.~-:. :, ... , .. 3:.; ~::·:.#. ·;., .,:.': { ' ' . E~G~N:~~~~-~-,~:~~:'~~~~~<)}:Y~E.{~:}:~:<J}·{\~'.:~):f : "~:··-~gm >let~'-fl.11. .. ~ · ·' ro··~iaJi~-'.iQfort1t~£i9n.)Wrtt¢·N.lA~Wii~td:rQ(a ···'·li~~bJ~ir:/:,_.,:-:· PROJECT NAME: La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1.08 DATE: ______ _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Neighborhood 1.08 Grading & Erosion Control PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT NO(S).: ---=88=-------MAP N0.: _--,:0=-2·2=3'------APN(S).: ___ __,2::..:.1::...3·1.:..:1_,_1-=02=0=6 ____ _ # LOTS: -----'----=88'----'-------- OWNER: Real Estate Collateral Management Co. Mailing Address: 1903 WrightPlace, Ste.180 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone Number: 760.929.2701 Fax Number; 760.929.2705 E-Mail: frschimel@household.com I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date ~'ij CIVIL ENGINEER: FIRM: Hunsaker & Associates San Diego; Inc. Mailing Address: 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA 92121 Phone Number: ..._{8 ___ 58 __ } ___ 5 ___ 58a...·4.a.a5;.a.0..,..0 ----------- Fax Number: (858) 558-1414 E-Mail: RMartin@hunsakersd.com State Registrati0n Number:_.,4=86=7'--"0'------------ ADbmONAL COMMENTS: NUMBER OF ACRES: --'---___ __,,42=.9=3 ______ _ APPUCANT: Morrow Development, Inc. I Mailing Address: 1903 Wright Place, Ste.180 Carlsbad, CA 92084 Phone Number: 760.929.2701 Fax Number: 760.929.2705 E-Mail: farbuckle@morrowdevelopment.com Firm: Geocon Incorporated Mailing Address: 6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Phone Number: ~85 ___ 8.a..;.5 .... 5.a..;8. ___ 69 ___ 0 ___ 0 _________ _ Fax Number: 858.558.6159 E-Mail: dleake@geoconinc.com State Registration Number:---'2=2=5=27'----------- IMPROVEMENT VALUATION : 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one)? [81 Carlsbad Municipal Water District D blivenhain D Vallecitos · 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency f(;!e, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements if _applicable)? $ N/A cut .150,927 cy GRADING QUANTITIES fill 92,120 cy remedial 0 cy import/export 58,807 cy Revised 1/14/02 DA:Msorfice g:\mlchele\tim\city of carlsbad\the greens\neJgh. 1.06 grading and erosion control.doc wo ####-# t,' ~ 'f• , ' : ', ,_:,' ,',, ,, . ,': ,'- ' ,,, , './' < '~¢ili~SBAb. ~,:~N~IN,l:~~tNG :'t?,.i,' . jt~JSNlt'. :::: ,, i,: ,> \<'.., ·· : 1 . , .. ~. :· :·APP.LiXtAftC>N:;" ' ·:·, ' '·. ,, '," ,,. :.~NG!fNEERlNG'~J'.AN'.Gf'iECkF ', ':' : :, ,·.· ,' ·:: ,, ,; ·,:· ·~ ·. ' ¢gfu :,i~t~:;~1fa: .':. r6 :.iiiatl:inf~·rtttatio.i, . W.~tt;:,N/A;.~hio~ ~ ti ·: :Jl~~I¢~.: . APPLICATION FOR ( -I' all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Eryoachment Permit (PR) GYf)J:lal Map (FM) 12( G;ading Plancheck (DWG) (2('Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: Type: Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation {STV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant for Easement (PR) D Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Other r Revised 1/14/02 DA:MSOffice g:lmlchekl~lm\clty of carisbad~he greenslnelgh, 1,08 grading and erosion conlrol,d00 wo 1111/111-# '• ; : 'i· ~ . .. -~, . , __ . ,<,