HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 03-09A; Ocean Bluff; Tentative Map (CT) (3)flUG-26-1998 15=13 HUNSflKER SD 08/26/98 14:45 FAX 818 896 9093 " CATELLTJS 6195581414 P.02/06MI 002 STATE OF CALIfORN(A-TH6 RESOURCES AGtNCY PETE WHSON- fiflwnior CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO BEL MO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA M108-172S (419) 521-8034 Jack Henthorn & Associates5431 Avenlda Encin&s "J" Carlsbad, CA 92008 NOTICE OF ACCERIARCI Date: August 26. Appl 1 cant : Ocean Bluff Inc. Document or Plans' tiir&Jin^t Di*a1n&y^ jn(J Erosion Control r Drainage/Runoff Control. Open Soace Deed Restriction. Construction Tlmlna/Staalno Area s/ Ace BSS C0rr' PfrY?' d.Qrs Agricultural Con v or si on Fee. Brush Nananmamant Prnf opment. FlDil PL*1!8 r^fji, puture Submitted In compliance with Sptcial Condit1on<s) No(s),JbfiLof Coastal Development Permit NO. s-as-s? Material submitted In compliance with said Special Condltlon(s) of your development permit has been reviewed by the District Director and found to fulfill the requirements of said conditions). Your submitted material and a copy of this letter have been made a part of the permanent file. Sincerely, Charles Damn District Director By:. (65S7N) flUG-26-1998 15:13 HUNSflKER SD 6195581414 P. 03/06 08/28/88 14:48 FAX 616 696 9093 CATELLUS STATC OF CAtlFQRNtA— THE RESOURCES AGENCY f 6TE WIISQN. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION iff? SNAo 5u,r6 Mo COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. fi^Nom 5u,r6 MoSANDING. CA 9?i<M-i72j Page 1 of | S21-B034 On _ July 12. 1996 _ , the California Coastal Cowntsslon granted to______ Ocean Bf this permit for the development described below, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions. Description: Subdivision of 31.1 acres Into 92 single family lots having a minimum lot area of 7500 square feet, one open space lot (3 acres), and one multiple family lot (34,410 sq.ft.) to accommodate 16 affordable units. Off-site Improvements Include the construction of Street "A" from the project's southwestern boundary to future Polnsettia Lane, Po1nsett1a Lane between Its current easterly terminus and Street "A", and Black Rail Court from Its northerly terminus to the northeast corner of the project. Zoning E-A Exclusive Agriculture Plan Designation RLM (0-4 du/ac) Project Density 3.6 du/ac Site: Northwest Corner of future Polnsettia Lane and Blackrall Court Carlsbad, San Diego County, APN 215-070-16 Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission by PETER DOUGLASExecutive Director and IMPORTANT; THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT NITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof, Date ' Signature of Permittee flUG-26-1998 15:13 HUNSflKER SD 05/2B/98 14:47 FAX 816,496 BOOS 6195581414 CATELLUS P. 04/06 121004 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO, Page 2 Of JL fi-96-57 STANDARD CONDITIONS : 1» MMJEH of Rec^pf ^nd AcknowlBdaomant. The permit Is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit andacceptance of the terms and conditions , Is returned to the Commission office, 2. Expirations if development has not commenced, the permit Mill expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application.Development shall be pursued In a diligent manner and completed In a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. comai lance. All development must occur 1n strict compliance with the proposal as set forth below, Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of Intent or Interpretation of anycondition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to Inspect the site and the development during construction, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6< Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with tha Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7, Terms and Conditions Bun with tha Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and 1t 1s the Intention of the Commission and the permitteeto bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to theterms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The permit Is subject to the following conditions; 1.Prior to the Issuance of the coastalOpen Space Deed Restriction. development permit, the applicant shall record a restriction against thesubject property, free of all prior Hens and encumbrances, except for tax Hens, and binding on the permittee's successors in Interest and anysubsequent purchasers of any portion of the real property. The restrictionshall prohibit any alteration of landforras, clear-cut removal of vegetation or the erection of structures of any type. 1n the area shown on the attached Exhibit "3", and generally described as follows: the dual criteria slopes andcoastal sage scrub area as shown on the Slope Analysis dated 3/27/95. Therecording document shall Include legal descriptions of both the applicant'sentire parceKs) and the restricted area, and shall be 1n a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. Evidence of recordatlon of suchrestriction shall be subject to the review and written approval of theExecutive Director. flUG-26-1998 15=14 HUNSflKER SD 6195581414 P. 05/06 08/26/98 14:47 FAX 818 'BOB 8093 CATELLUS COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. S-Jfi-57 Page 3 of _i_ SPECIAL cflffllJiONS, continued: 2 Grading and Erosion control, prior to the issuance of the coastaldevelopment permit, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director forreview and written approval, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Game, final grading plans approved by the City of Carlsbad. Gradingactivities shall be permitted between October 1st and February 15th subject to the following criteria: a. A11 temporary and permanent runoff and erosion control devices shallbe developed and installed prior to or concurrent with any on-slte grading activities. b. All areas disturbed, but not completed, fay October 1st, Including graded pads, shall be stabilized In advance of the rainy season. The useof temporary erosion control measures, such as berms, Interceptor ditches, sandbagging, filtered Inlets, debris basins, and silt traps- shall begtnized In conjunction with plantings to minimize soil loss from the construction site. Said planting shall be accomplished under the supervision of a licensed landscape architect, shall provide adequatecoverage within 90 days, and shall utilize vegetation of speciescompatible with surrounding native vegetation, subject to Executive 01 rector -approval. 3. QralnflflV Runoff Central . Prior to the Issuance of the coastaldevelopment permit, the applicant shall submit final drainage and runoff contra! plans, approved by the City of Carlsbad. Said plans shall be designedby a licensed engineer qualified In hydrology and hydraulics, and assure noincrease in peak runoff rate from the developed site as a result of a ten-year frequency storm over a six-hour duration (10 year, 6 hour rainstorm), Runoff control shall be accomplished by such means as on-slte detentlon/desiltlngbasin(s). Energy dissipating measures at the terminus of outflow drains shall be constructed. The runoff control plan including supporting calculationsshall be submitted to and determined adequate 1n writing by the Executive Director. 4. Construction Timlna/Staatnff Arfaj/Accass Corridors. Prtor to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a final constructionschedule, which shall be Incorporated Into construction bid documents. The schedule shall also include plans for the location of access corridors to theconstruction sites and staging areas. Access corridors and staging areasshall be located 1n a manner that has the least impact on coastal resources. No staging areas or access corridors shall be located within theenvironmentally sensitive habitat area on the northwest portion of the Site,and coastal sage scrub areas located along the PolnsettU L&ne alignment. 5. Aaripultm-Ri Conversion. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for AUG-26-1998 15=14 HUNSflKER SD 6195581414 P.06/06 08/26/98 14:48 FAX 81^06 0063 CATELLUS .^ ®008 W ^.^ COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-96-S7 Page 4 of CONDITIONS, continued: review and written approval, evidence that payment of an agriculturalmitigation fee for converted agricultural lands to urban uses has been received by the City of Carlsbad, consistent with the provisions of the Carlsbad Hello II LCP. 6. Brush ManapamBnt Program. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for review and approval of the Executive Director, a brush management program, The plan shall Include a site plan showing a 60 foot distance, all fuel modification zones delineated,beyond all planned structures on lots adjacent to areas of native vegetation,designating those areas subject to selective thinning and pruning. The plan ,-.iT..: • rift *.-.*A..nBmT- .r j nj» y., 5-sji i;u" a j. J !, '• Hit . {."U" IW.I t.. 1*1-1 j -Lil.rl^u ^^,fn,~^:^7,^, w™™i"v* shall not'beVpermTtted"with1n required open space areas pursuant to Special Condition #1, Any approved clearing shall be conducted entirely by manual means and shall be the absolute minimum for reduction of fire hazards. 7. Futyre Development. This permit Is for subdivision and construction of residential building pads Including grading, landscaping, construction of local public streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and storm drains.Construction of residences on any of the proposed lots shall require review and approval by the Coastal Commission, or Us successor 1n Interest, under aseparate coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. 8- Fjn^i PI any Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for review and approval of the Executive Director, final grading and Improvement plans for proposed off-site Improvements of Poinsettia Lane. The plans shall be submitted in substantial confonrance with the plans dated September 27, 1995. (6057P) TOTPL P. 06