HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 15-08; CARLSBAD RANCH PLANNING AREA 5; Tentative Map (CT)r---4--------------, ,-------------- C City of Carlsbad LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Development Permits (FOR DEPT, USE ONLY) Legislative Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) 0 Coastal Development Permit (*) D Minor D General Plan Amendment .-..... ...-c&.:;.....u.-r lxJ Conditional Use Permit (*)AMft.i~ D Minor D Extension D Day Care (Large) Environmental Impact Assessment Habitat Management Permit D Minor Hillside Development Permit {*) D Minor D Nonconforming Construction Permit D Planned Development Permit D Minor D Residential D Non-Residential D Planning Commission Determination @ Site Development Plan D Minor D Special Use Permit D Tentative Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) ~ Tentative Tract Map (Major Subdivision) D Variance D Minor D Local Coastal Program Amendment (*) D Master Plan D Amendment D Specific Plan D Zone Change (*} D Amendment D Zone Code Amendment South Carlsbad Coastal Review Area Permits D Review Permit D Administrative D Minor D Major Village Review Area Permits D Review Permit D Administrative D Minor D Major {") "' eligible for 25¾ discount NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BES BMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S}.: PROJECT NAME: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE: ~r-!Uk~E OF STREET ~ESS /J ~ tilanL-V/2411r BElWEEN (NOR~ ~T) AND (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) Tt!C ~oF~)ur P-1 Page 1 of6 Revised 12/13 ' •\ OWNER NAME (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: ~7tf} K, CITY, STATE, ZIP:~, ctt17t!2f{ TELEPHONE ~~SW EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TR AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 2-~-w/s- DATE APPLICANT NAME (Print): ?;_,_.1.£!:,""-~')a.,!'!:2.Ll;;.......(...!.~;__::...__ MAILING ADDRESS v/ rt: CITY, STATE, ZIP:~, t!ft: '9'Z60,?' TELEPHONE: ~~~t::7>O ~ EMAIL ADDRESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABO E INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KN LEDGE. ' . DATE -~ .@,\ IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND ~IND Y SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY FEB 2 0 2015 DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: P-1 Page 2 of6 Revised 12/13 The proposed project is located on the north east side of Grand Pacific Drive, between Canon Road and The Crossings Drive. The site encompasses 12.06 acres and is identified by the San Diego County Tax Assessor's office as parcel numbers 211-131-04 (2.52 acres), 211-131-03 (2.50 acres), 211-131-15 (3.71 acres), 211-131-02 (1.14 acres), and 211-130-11 (2.29 acres). All parcels are currently vacant and are currently zoned Commercial Tourism with a Commercial Visitor-Serving Overlay (CT-Q). The proposed project is for two 4-story Sheraton hotels totaling 51,000SF. The first phase of the Sheraton hotel shall include 48 guestrooms for a total of 28,600SF. The second phase of the Sheraton hotel shall include 40 guestrooms for a total of 22,400SF. The initial construction of the Sheraton hotel will also include a 15,000SF Resort Center which will house a restaurant, lobby, gym, and meeting space. In addition to the Sheraton hotel, five timeshare villas are proposed to be built in a phased schedule. The villas range from 2 to 4 stories, and will include a total of 72 timeshare units. A 2,750SF maintenance building is also proposed during the initial phase of construction, along with a 1,250SF service building, pool, spa, tennis court, vehicular roadways and parking areas. This project is an amendment to a previously approved Site Development Plan. This approval was for 350 hotel units and 350 timeshare units. This project stays within the previously approved number of units and will result in the relocation of the restaurant site along Cannon Road at the project entry to inside the hotel and the relocation of the timeshare units across the site. There will be some modifications to the recreation area and to the number of floor levels for both the hotel and some of the timeshare buildings. Changes to floor levels is predicated on a Specific Plan amendment that is currently being processed by the city. The implementation of the project will not adversely affect and land, air, noise, cultural, geologic, water or resource qualities. Due to the low density nature of the project, all storm water is intended to be captured and treated onsite prior to release in downstream waterways. All aspects of the project shall be designed around a classic Mediterranean theme to be compatible with the existing adjacent Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Hilton Grand Vacations Club at MarBrisa, including building facades, hardscapes and landscapes. ,· , _____________ r .,. ____________ _ -,' {_ City of Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A} Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. 2. P-1(A) APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separat_:_Page may be 1,ttached if necessary.) ~ /jg I} Person /,M )r(hfc'/ {)AJ//0 6@1MV' Corp/Part n. fu.sc,,e,fl ,/foC. Title Cb -ew ~c~ Title ? Address:C'.'.tPO WJZ./2x~1ff~Address 97CO fk@& ~ ~v1~~ U'f1(-V,8/r1J/ C;l-t? ~BKO ~-p:c,'{ OWNER (Not the owner's agent) / Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addres~ of the corporal officers. (A separate pag:z:;:attached if n~:-)k Person ,-.,_,.) ~~ Corp/Pa ~? 'i3 ',/""C. . ) Title _____ ~--~------- Address s9'. 00 fe,_,~ttr, ~~172"' p,3 /#1h8A-fJ,, ~ I Page 1 of2 Revised 07/10 { . . 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust _________ _ Title ___________ _ Title ____________ _ Address, __________ _ Address ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes lil No If yes, please indicate person(s):, ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I. pplicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 ,. .. { City of Carlsbad c: HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT P-1(C) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Consultation of Lists of Sites Related to Hazardous Wastes (Certification of Compliance with Government Code Section 65962.5) Pursuant to State of California Government Code Section 65962.5, I have consulted the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency and hereby certify that (check one): The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application are not contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Government Code. D The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application l!!!! contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Government Code. Specify list(s}: ____________________________ _ Regulatory Identification Number: ______________________ _ Date of List: ____________________________ _ /]_;g (~r;w:, Z ,::-1.ol S' Applicant Si6nat r/Date e/Date The Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List (Cortese List) is used by the State, local agencies and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing information about the location of hazardous materials release sites. P-1 (C) Page1of2 Revised 02/13 r Per the California Environmental Protection Agency's website, "While Government Code Section 65962.5 [referred to as the Cortese List] makes reference to the preparation of a "list," many changes have occurred related to web-based information access since [the amended statute's effective date in] 1992 and this information is now largely available on the Internet sites of the responsible organizations. Those requesting a copy of the Cortese "list" are now referred directly to the appropriate information resources contained on the Internet web sites of the boards or departments that are referenced in the statute." Below is a list of agencies that maintain information regarding hazardous waste and substances sites. Department of Toxic Substances Control www.calepa.ca.gov/sitecleanup/CorteseList/default.htm www.calepa.ca.gov/database/calsites www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public EnviroStor Help Desk (916) 323-3400 State Water Resources Control Board http://qeotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/ County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health Services www.co.san-dieqo.ca.us/deh Hazardous Materials Division www.sdcounty.ca.gov/deh/hazmat/hazmat permits.html Mailing Address: County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 129261 San Diego, CA 92112-9261 Call Duty Specialist for technical questions at (858) 505-6880, fax (858) 505-6868 (fax) Environmental Protection Agency National Priorities Sites ("Superfund" or "CERCLIS") www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/cursites (800) 424-9346 or (702) 284-8214 National Priorities List Sites in the United States www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/npl.htm P-1(C) Page 2 of2 Revised 02/13 -·--------------------------- ( City of Carlsbad TIME LIMITS ON DISCRETIONARY PROJECTS P-1(E) PLEASE NOTE: ._.,, Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Time limits on the processing of discretionary projects established by state law do not start until a project application is deemed complete by the City. The City has 30 calendar days from the date of application submittal to determine whether an application is complete or incomplete. Within 30 days of submittal of this application you will receive a letter stating whether this application is complete or incomplete. If it is incomplete, the letter will state what is needed to make this application complete. When the application is complete, the processing period will start upon the date of the completion letter. If you have any questions regarding application submittal requirements (i.e., clarification regarding a specific requirement or wheth I requirements are necessary for your particular application) please call (760) 602-4610. Applicant Signature: Staff Signature: Date: To be stapled with receipt to the application P-1(E) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07/10 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (To be Completed by Applicant) Date Filed: ____________ (To be completed by City) Application Number(s): __________________________ _ General Information 1. 2. Na~ of project WlbW) {/,,,w< ~ ~ ~ Nameofdeveloperorprojectsponsor: ~ ~~ ~//.L--. Address: 7{!CV Pfr',rev/1-~if; Sv1,-E 700 City, State, Zip Code: (;,,.t--u,b,l/1J, {It f/UO$' Phone Number: {Ja;) C-["') / :__ 'oS-V O 3. Name of person to be contacted concerning this project: 6/[...L ft2~ Address: ~<5b L/O/l-6ffl::"J?L) Avt:. , ~vf,c/ /' -7 4. 5. 6. 7. City, State, Zip Code: (A,!£--l/2/?,At), if fzc:, 10 Phone Number: {7-Go)lf?l -tp;Z Address of Project: , / , , Assessor's Parcel Number: l.. I I -I::. I -(!J '-I / 0 "3, f,< i L UI List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: ,v(t!Jr- Existing General Plan Lan 8. Existing land use(s): __.1/~~~~-'-----------~------- /toTn i /;;v<(;~ 9. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed): ~fl.;r Project Description 10. Site size: .!.../..:.7.:...·.=C?G~~Ac...L=::==..-~----------------- 11. Proposed Building square footage: 12: 13. 14. P-1(0) Revised 07 /1 O 15. -' If esidential, include the number of units and schedule of unit sizes: T~: Z-0~ V/vlTs. 16. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, and loading facilities: ____________________ _ 17. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities: _____ _ ~ 18. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project: ________ _ A/1;:v- 19. If the project involves a variance, conditional use or rezoning applications, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required: ___________________ _ y-./ I l"r P-1 (D) Page 3 of 4 Revised 07110 Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary). Yes ~ 20. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, or hills, or substantial • alteration of ground contours. 21. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or • ~ roads. 22. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. • I(! 23. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. • i 24. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. • 25. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or • ~ alteration of existing drainage patterns. 26. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. • K] 27. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or more. CQ • 28. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, • la flammables or explosives. 29. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, • ~ etc.). 30. Substantially increase fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). • ¢J_ 31. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. ~ • Environmental Setting Attach sheets that include a response to the following questions: 32. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. Snapshots or Polaroid photos will be accepted. 33. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, set-back, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. Certification I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and b · f. Date: 2.-LI-t.C P-1(D) Page 4 of 4 Revised 07/10 ' ' . ' .~ •