HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-01; BUENA WOODS; Engineering ApplicationCT7Z'-1 I, ,'APPlication for Grading permit'. P-E RM, 1-T 'NO. ~~\' . (letter code + number) FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN . Site Address ' . ../JJr '" .1'.':7" 1-:. !:.,' ../r . --I' £. J'I ,,,-,, Legal Description Subdivision Name 12 ,---... -'Y ~ '-b't' lUC'1~r...!'I-? ~ ~wner k' r-)r';?".:j n. {:"'"'''''.." t,. f-' ~wn!3,r's Address 'C,; )/ cO • A/'), / ' ( / i/,-. ;d<,' /// CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBL I C WORKS & BU·I LD I NG DEPARrMEfNT '1200 Elm' Ave'nue 729-1181 .. ' .. Surety Bond .. , Map No. Surety Company Surety Address, , .. Phone Date Fi le'd -; ;-:...~ .. 70/ // \,....' , " '-' ~'. Cash .d;e.p'<p's~icf' '. ',' RecJd $' .'( \" L=lot S=subdivision C=City contract Bond No. " ~ Rec'd by by " Date fjled Plans Iby Civi I Engineer R.C.E. '. Tt:1e fbllowlng qocuments are requ ired and shal become a ,part of the grad'i ng permit when they Address Phone are approved. __ Gradi ng plans ._Speci fications Soi I Engineer R.C. E. Phone __ So i I . report. _' ,_Vicinity map __ Drainage structures _. _Retaining walls Grading Contractor Phone _Compact i on report _, _Other ,'/ ,?",)" '77" --, ".'.;. t"'; I _'"II .~I -~ddress Check if 'supervi sed '. SPE8'IAL CONDITIONS WHI·CH ARE MADE qrad inq A PART OF THIS PERMIT Party responsible for overa II supervision " I. Authorized ,hours of operation: 7:00 AM to ,Pro~osed' use of grade site \ 5 :00 -PM,Monday";Fri day. h,·)..U-; ( .120 -b1CN12c.:,C 2. Haul ,routes .. areto, be 'approved by City ~umber of cUb'ic yards , / Engi neer. Cut Fi II Import 3. Adequate prov'i s ions sha It be made for Waste . ~ ~-and si Itation contro,l. I I g OtPC> +-... 1· ero$'ion 4. AU s'.ropes sha I I . be pOI anted per direction of Par,ks& Recreation Director. Total t C' 'r'C-/";/l f -/'t A/"' -OwL"" L." c' -' ,-., "j-c. c: ;:::. "It <. .... .. ' .. ~ompacted fi II s (yes or no) /'-/ {: .... itUle.; /.2'(~ /A,l'C",t'J.,o,,· ,·u.:rrr:r"'l. /fiJ h ... rh.m.r::. If}r..w, -,. ' . WJ.,.--.. , 'Proposed. Schedu Ie of . Start Finish Operatlons (dates) /. .. .tc .... 61//.r '. . , . I hereby acknowledge that I have read the app I ,i ca- tion and state that the information I have provi dec INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR'S is correct and agree to comply ·with a I J. City SIGNATURE ordinances and State laws regulating ex,cavating and Ground pre:paraf. ion grading, and the provisions and conditibns of any Rough ,g'radi ng permit i ssue~ .. pur_~u...a..~:t to thi s app I icat,i,<;.~ '---, ----/ ~ CompactLon report rec'd. ---. ~ Y~ .. ~-S i goatu re of Perm ,-ttee-l ,,' P ./" \ : ~ Planting & .. drainag~ ~ ~~ . t1 ~"""'C.£.[.?Ii,?/1. Owner or' ?AOr i zed a.§enf"" ''''''f..,.. ' .. /? -_. -Final ce-ttification rec'd. ./ I .. Grad i ng ~ee$ Work comp Leted Ait?Ai£ Surety bond released permi~mi,onl' ~ , DY'/~~ ~'/~ Date S I trill 74 Permit Expi,ration Date 1.:.J;z4( 2'6'""' THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED BY .sIGNATURE IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED TH I S PERM I TIS VAL I D' FOR A S I X (6) "MONrrH, PER I OD Application' for Grading pen.'~.· . CITY OF CARLSBAD' . :ENGINEERiNG'& BUILDING D.EPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE 729·1181 'FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN '1 Site Address Surety Bond Bond Nb. .·:1 , 'il :mlm St. Ri2ht of vIaV' -Per Atn'GAmAnt. l'\T' 'I ?J1 ':t/?-:; Surety Comparw ,. Legal Description Map No. -. :: I~B~u~ena.~· ..!!~f.~oQd~S!.iI • .-Jhf.!)11!:!!_~C!,lJ~Aa.r..tT>'IJ1R·hru~!.I:MLdTb~m~·allit_7u'2~ ..• -~l _____ -II-::-_--:--:--;-,-' ___ '~~ __ -;--___ '-"-"'---:-'-_~.o...,- " Subdivision Name Surety Address ~I , .' Buena ~voods. #1 ., · Owner K~m9~ Construction Co. . Phone 729-?911 . Date filed -Owner's Address Cash deposit Rec'd by Date filed " POBox 11 'F; CarlsbAd Oa • $ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~---~~----~-----~-~---~, .. Plans by Civil Engineer R.C.E. The following documents are re.qljired and ~liallbecome a .. " ItO'll" I ICLamlil Ened:nenr i.. 0 part of the grading permit when they ar~approved. " Address -~, Phone --.Grading plans --;-Specifications . 4jl Ha.l$ AV~'Ilee Eacondidoe eM 745-2333 --Soil report _.·_Vicinity.map Soil Engineer R.C.E. Phone ----.Drainage Structures, etc. ~etaining walls , t'1ocidt'J'ard...Gizienski & Asaa'. 224-291l ~ompaction report -,--Other' , . , .' . . , ,,' Grading Contr.a'ctor Phone SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A I~F~rank~~Da.ni~, ~$~lS~ ____ ---::~-:--:-::~42:3.3~~~!3~33L ___ -t---__ ~P.!:.AwR!..LT~0!!..F_T~H~IS~PE=.!.R.!!lM~IT..L.,-..,....-'-~~~ __ .. Address Check if .. NOTICE 1720 Pal1:l Ave., Imperia1 lee.~~ervised grading X ~~'d ~I~~e orpe~ar!tSbad dWiIl contjn~e !o process applicati~ns . n ".' _ rr,t' s an other entJtlem~nt~ I./n",:'-;, ._" . Party responsible for overall supervision , " . Sec' 27000 ~e't";' ~u oy. Proposition 20 (Di\!, 18, Chap. 1 J er'X"Y L. R~boti6 rec~ivp. ~ n';,"n"s~~, P~qlic ~ Reso~rces Code).; you must also P d f d . C .• " . ,'~ -~, "'.IC':U KegJOnal Coas'ta'l ropose use ·0 gra e sIte QmmlsslOn before going forward y{"th e' 'U.' . IJ~~~~~ ____ ~ __________________________________ -l------~'1';,m'~.~.~~c~.~,~~~~,m'~YaOu~r~Pflero~Je;ct~.fu;~~~ ___ ; NRUOSmbedr of cl;lbl'c yards On Sl'te of com:ili;n~e 'withUth; f~qO~~~~een'tasnd fllcpknowl~~ge the ,~~cessity , ChaD. 1 S" ... , ,?7nnn' 'n.'1I/! roPOslflOn 20 WIV. 18' .. , Cut Import Total Fill Waste prOCeeding with this project: ~:~eSt;;orJe~o·re • .JI'~J ~l50~OO=-..:-+-=-~I-=--o ---I1 __ --L.l-=l;-=-=ooo-=--+_--L-I_~_I__--lJat~::___'_~-.• ~', _&~----::;~,~ ,:--2 ~.« Compacted fills ~ /e;_-?" ~r~ " '~ Yes :/ ..P"".' ." ·.lG~ ~~. !I.'!J!, ~.,1" .n~,Qa aQrnIln..t. J _, J, ',: " Proposed Schedule of Start Finish· / ~v f7 (/7' ~£ (:>p.~ Operations (Oates) 12/20/72 1/20/7'3 J..-o-----~~-+.,v~--.,-·? •... ~~---~=-, I hereby acknowledge· that I have read the, application and state that the ; information I 'nave provided is correct and agree to comply with all City INSPECTION ordinances and State laws regulating excavating' and grading, and the pro· Ground. preparation DATE SIGNATUR·E : · visions and conditions pny permit issued pu~rsuant to thjs~application. ,",_~ ~ C~ L ~ Rough grading · Signature ~f P~~~...: '.-.l;" '1#, i.~h·'Cb::;:--m-' p-a-ct:-:-io-n-re-p-o...::,rt--+----~-+-.....,..-'----------'--- Owner or authorize~' ~ ., . ReceIved, ' .' .."...-./ Planting &' draina,ge ,~~~r __ ~~ __ --~--____ --__ ' __ ~~~~~~--~~~~~--Deposit for structure insp. $ Einal certification Received' , Estimated cost ()f work $ Work cumpleted : \ : :~~, '~~'':'r ~''''r' ,:M '" -.',", " .. ,",1::,'. •. " :":'"",,',, .0, ,'," "~;)~~'~' __ ""->-"';':""'" ~',,';'.' ..;;,>~_'"*',''"\'._L.'·"''J·L'~~~·~ _,,-~,>\,. I.~· ,-, ., • INFORMATION TO BE TYPEWRITTEN Filing Date /-7-7"2- Hea ring Da te / -;2..~--7:2.. • Fees' p~i#/~b e.- Receipt No. ,/cf3/ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72..-=-::....1~_--'--'-__ -,- ~ENERAL LOCAT I ON MCNROE AND BLRTKARNE _ TOTAL ACREAGE __ ~8~.~9~+~0~r~~ _____ __ NUMBER OF LOTS 33 MINIMUM LOT AREA (Sq.Ft.) -!-7z..::,5:=.00=--____ MINIMUM FRONTAGE --",,65,,--_ TYPE OF SUBDIVISION (Reside-ntial,Com\], Indln Resjdential PRESENT ZONE ~RJ~-~7A5Q~Q~ _______ _ PRO P 0 SED Z 0 N E .... ID..., . ...;;-;;.-<.7""'50><>O""".---- NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED ~N~O~N~E~ ________ ~ ___________ ~_ --------------------:-----.,.------~.~- PRE-FILING CONFERENCE HELD (Date) 12-.30,,71 REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OR SURVEYQR WHO PREPARED MAP: ARLAND M. ~IIBERG CIVIL llNGINEERS -_ (Name) " lfule! ROYL. Kt:EMA, E.ilGINEERS, INC: 415 HALE AVE, ESCCNDIDO. CA. 92025" (Address} THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION TO THE ZONING OR SUBDIVI"st-ON. RE"QUIRE.;, MENTS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: (Give rea"son"s for modi"f!:cati,"onsj attach sepa~ate sheet if addttional space fs requtredl (Name) (Name) SUBDIVIDER (Signature) t!"""'-~~C,ONSTRUCTION co. .. ~ .. (Add ress 1 -, (Address) .325 ELM STREEr. C1RLSBAD, CA-9Z10B (Add res s: This Application will be filed with 20 bluellne_prints and and I brow~ine transparency of the Tentative Map erepared according to the specifications of Ordinance No.9050 and . amendments thereto, together with supplementary information and fee~ as required by said ordinance.) .~: ."':; , " I :,. , KAMAR l. Davis 2. Bator 3. Cywar 4. Jennings 5. Dewhurst 6. Ambrose 7. Benson 8. Davies 9. Cedo 10. Berkowitz 1l. Hopkins 12. Jose ,13. Bartol 14. Ahlquist 15. Belt 16. Evans: ,17 . Conley 18. Levy 19. Shay 20 .• Chen • ILJ Application Applicant: SUBDIVISION PROPOSAL 2l. Dayben 22. J'udge 23. Tarman 24. Smith 25. Vanderwyngaehoe 26. Stottlemyer 27. Hickethier 28. Carpenter 29. Lauder 30. Chandler 31. ' Zahier 32. Priester 33. Hall 34. Slack- 35. Kamptner 36. Sammons 37. 'Vanhorn 38. ,Hoh 1 39. Clouston 40. Brenzee 'I' --J" • for Tentative Map'Approval -33 lot's Kamar Construction Co. " 4l. Johnson . 42. Vander1inden 43. Meir 44. Ladd " 45. Wisconsfn ' ' 46. City " 47. 'C i tron 48., Citron ~ •.