HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-12; HOSP GROVE; Engineering Application. -. i"-••• . '-'-.. .. ----.. -~ ~ Instructions to Appl icant.: 1. Complete Parts A,B,C and D···. 2. Filing 'Fee -$100.00 plu~ $5.00 for each additional lot or parcel 3 . M a k e'-c he c k payable to Cit yo f C~. r. I s b . ad 4. Information to typewritten .. PART A -GENERAL INFORMATION . . FO~:.· .CHANGE O'F ZerNE TO PLANNE'O 'COM~\uN'!TY and ,. : .. 'ADOPTION O~ A MASTER PLAN.··~ ~elephone Name of Applicant ---=:;KAMAR==.:.......::.C.=..:ON:.:.:rS:..::T:.::;RU~C;;..::T=I=ON::.:.-..;:C:...::O..:.. • .2-' -=IN:::..:..;:.,C.:.... __ --:---'-____ .:" 729-7911 Ap P 1 i can tIs M a iIi n gAd d res s -=P:....:.:.......:0:....:.--=BO=OC~1l=55~ __________ ..:...-.,--______ _ Location of Property by Street SOUTH OF MARRON ROAD, v-JE3T OF EL CAMINO REAL, EASTERLY· OF CREST DRIVE AND NORTH OF EIJ,f STREEr EX:TENSICN PART B -LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach to this appl ication ,One Copy of 'a"complete legal description of. t~e property for "'/hich a Change of Zone and Adopt'ion 'of a' Master·P.lan is. being re que 5 t e. ~. PER ATTACHED DOCU11.ENT . PART C REQUEST Change of Zone from R A-10 a~d, Adoption of a Master Plan for to PLANNED Co.MMUNlTY ZONE (P-C) 1~ Acre.s. PART 0 -A~PLICANT'S STAtEMENT (Attach sepa~ate sheet if re~uired)' 1_ Does pub] ic necessity require the 'proposed ch'ange? Is there ~.' real need in the community for more of the types of ~ses permitted by the·Zoni.ng requested than can be acc6mmodated in areas ·aI.ready zoned for s~ch uses? OUR EX:PERIENCE AS DEVELOPERS OF HOUSES IN THE AREA INDICATESTHE'NEED AND ·DEMAND. FOR·THIS TYPE AND THE NUMBER PROPOSED. . 2. 15 the property involved in proposed reclassification more suitable far the p~rpose permitted in the ~roposed zone than for the purpose permitte~~' in prese.,nt classification? YE3 ' '1 • I ••• .. ---.... : . .:...~-.~ ~-:--'~"':--~'~'----=-~~'-'~'---'-~'=~' ~- -:.: -. il .... ~ "':.'"""_" . .. .... . 3. Would the uses permitted to surrounding property? . •... : by the proposed zone .. be· detrimentai in any. w'ay NO, WOOLD ENHANCE'THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY 4. What :were the original deed '~estrictions','_ if any; concerni!lg th~:. type' .. and·., class of uses permitted on the p'roperty involved?' . Give,,' the .. 'expiratibn date' of these restrictions. N01TE PERrAINING . .' . -. '.".;.'. : . . :::. II ' .. . , The following . radius of 300 . of ··the change spaces are for signaturE7s "of m·m.ers whose"'E:;:Cll?erties lie. wi thin' a: . "1 feet of. the property proposed to be reclass.~f~eO-and who approve . (attach extra· sheets. if-necessary) .' , ., ....... ,.:. -.>' : .'.: .•• ,' .. ' •.• ;' " ,', ~. .' . . . .. . :' : . .. ,. ,_.. ' ..... '" . :'. . .' '-.. '.. ~ : ,',. : ... ~ . ," ." ',' "'No ~'on' . :'" .~ . Map Name Address .Lot Block Tract .' -2-