HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-16; CAPE BRISTOL COVE; Engineering Application,:' ,:~.<:;:"",=:, .. ';"-i. '-~ .*" Information to be type writ t.eri ,: f-7l.. ~ .7:!-.j ft;· ':' H:;': :::~;.. ·~:~·<r·:~:?,;(;~'"~';::~::£);3't!:~~!· :' ~~<; ~~ t r~' >i'Filing datel::fJt£&Q,"Dat~ O:fH",ng;';0if~:;:; '<: I 1 ' . ! ' l I, , . , ,. \ . l , . • ! f . Fees pai d: ~\3'.2-S'£' '. .. '. Rece i pt .... No .17l3·;Z·.'.;·' t? 1-6:,: .'. . .~. " ,','-, APPl ICAT ION· FOR APPROVAL Q'F )E.N,TAT.IV E ::~1.i\.P· .. ".· .. ,'.<:.; ....... : . ',,::.:;<:. PROPOSED i'lAr1E OF SUBDIVISION:: . C4~.":·: El3~=$f~\-. ' .. -." . "'." GENERAL 'LOCATION'; EAS~Ers...~~; ,'6) E :' c.,ovcS·''-··Dk,.",,' . ...... .: " . \ I' , .\ I " .>. ...;. "'. .C~j~ , ,.: , ,/'{a.,?:jH.-: e.E. J~U6 J.jEDt L26lDA . k·Atz9Df;.(:· tSii..c B~(5Tbc.:.:.:.:·· ~ , . ': __ ', 'tOTAL J\CREAGE: ~ 6-,-/· ., .' N.Uf.1BER· OF 'LOTS:. ' ,., ': A . ." '. ¢ "" . :. . . ,':' .~. / .... ' .. 'fwlINIMm1 LOT ARE~ (SQ.FT.).:. ~ ~llNIMUMFRONTAGE -fFT.~: .. &11*:: .. :'7&' TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Residential, Commerci'-al, lnd.u$'tr·i·a1 ) ---,---.....;.;..-,....0.- ·PRESENT ZONE: R ~ u) .. '. PROPOSED ZONE:·~~=·::...;--~t.v~ ______ _ . NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED: f\.J A' .:~'~.~':.' . --~~1~~~--~~--~------~------ ....... ! .. .: ~ , 546 -'70 d?ess' .. ':'., ... ' <. THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS TO THE ZONI~G OR SUBDIVisION REQUfRIMENTS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED (Give reasons for m6diticati6n~~ attach· separate sheet if additional space is required)': " . : ..... .' ---. . _. -_.-. -:.... -. ' OWNER(~).)f PROPERTY(SIGNATURES) SUBDIVIDER: 'D1 ~ C£)t-J. 1 'f-L~ Name ) This application will be filed with 20 blue line prints .and 1 brbwn line transparency of the"tentative map, prepare4 accordinq' t6 the . s pee; fie a t ion S 0 fOr din a nee ~I o. Cl ('15 0 a n'd am e n dJn e 11 t s the ret 0, . t o. get her with the supplementary information an~ fees requir~d by said ordin-ance. .,' , f