HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-20; LA COSTA VALE UNITS 2 AND 3; Engineering ApplicationPERMIT NO~ App Ii cati on for Grad i ng, permi,t FI U e..1 (I etter co-;d-e-+~n-u-m"""'b'er , CITY OF CARLSBAD ' ... ,; L= I ot PUBL I C WORKS & BU I LD I NG DEPARTMEf\lT 1 v::;: 1/ S=subd i v is i on 120~2~~ ~ I ~~enue nCT -5-7}R~q~ty 1 §~~rli·?:~:t335~OO FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address North side of La costa Ave. Lega I Descr i pt i on Portion of Land Com Phone 753-1181 Date by wner's Address Cas Rec' d by , os~adQel~ar~R~o~a~d~,~C~~~~~~~~~~~ __ -+~J~~~~~ __ ~~ __________________ ~ __ ~~ Plans by C i v i I Eng i neer The fo! low i ng documents are requ ired arrd sha I I, i11i'am B. Rick become a part of the grading permi"t when they, Phone Carlsbad Ca. 729-4987 R.C.E. Phone 714 565-1955 'rad ing Contractor Phone 714 Construction Co. Check if supervised radih are approved. , XGrading plans KSpecifications XSoi I report " ,~icinity map " )<"1)ra i nage structu res _Reta i n i ng wa'i Is ~ompact i on report ' _Other " SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT arty responsible for overa}I supervision La Costa Land Company~~~~,._' ______________ ~~~I.~A~u~t~h~o~r~iz~e~d~ho~u~r~s~0~f~o~e~r~a~t~i~0~n~:~7~:~0~O~A~M~t~0, roposed use of grade site 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Residential Subdivision 2. Hau I routes ar,e to be a umber of cub i c yards *Placed previously in Eng i'neer. , F i I I 1m ort Waste area 3. Ade uate rov i s ions sha I I be made for 305 000* or no) r-roposed Schedu I e of A/bM25.t/773 o erations (dates) . Go-boBel' ,~ -- o erosion and si Itation contro,l." 4. AI I slo es shal I be I anted er direction, of Parks & Recreation Director. , @~" . o..r::-, et.-V\ i hereby acknowledge that I have read the applica-~ 'r i on a nd state that the i n format i on I have p rov i de J-----v------------:r---:7"-:-r--:-!1 N~S:-::P:-::E:-=C=TO~R::-I~S is correct and agree ,to comply with al I City SIGNATURE prdinances and State laws regulating excavating an Ground preparation 'grad i ng, and the prov i s ions and cond i ti ons of any J-..-."-Ro-u-g-:'h-g-r-ad~i n-g-------:--------- ,permit issued pursuant to this application. Compaction report rec'd. S i natu re of Perm i ttee .,'>r; LA COSTA LAND COMPANYt---=-:----:--:----::--:-:-------------..--, '17:: P I ant i ng & dra i nage :Owner br authorized agent;{:'\,V\vb:\\../ L-VL'lt{~f<'" Final certification rec'd. Vice President Grad i ng perm it fee $ t3 -3 S" €.£ Work comp I eted Surety bond released Permit Val i,dation by V)(} ~u ~&~VL-Date....L---:..----::.~~ Perm i t (xp i rat i on Date /f4.;fP. h /'/9Z!II-' THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VAL(OATED B~ SIGNATURE IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESGRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD, ~C(t\-"l' /~,' APPLICATION FO!EWER PLAN CHECK AND CONS'UCTION PERMIT' ~.~ LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 1959 El Camino Real Leucadia, California 92024, Phone: 753-0155 '" -~~~. 7~""~: fl U, (/P1rib',7;;: County Road Dept. Permit Permit No. : ------State Highway Permit Permit No.: '------Name of Applicant La Costa Land Company Address 1973 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, Calif. Tel. No.: 753-1181 Name and/or Description of Project La Costa Vale Unit No. 3 (~~~11bCV'F~(L@ , Location West of Rancho Santa Fe Road ~, ' Contractor Cameron Brothers Construction Company Tel No.: 27_8_-_30_5_1 ____ , Address 7766 Balboa Avenue City San Diego I Calif. Engineer Tel No.: 291-0707 Address City' San Diego, Cal. ~ignature of Applicant -uate: _______ --: __ Sewer Plan Check _--,1",-"9~,,,,,-,0 7,-,=9 ...... ~5 5"---_ Ft. Main Line Sewer R E eEl V E 11 _1-'-',_15_4_.0_0--,-__ _ " E~sement Processing ". APR -11974 1 parcels@$71.00/par'CirvOFCARLSBAD $ _--!.7-=-r'~. o~o _--,-_-.,.- . Number . eew~tI~(J@~ry Mlscellaneous and/or Supplemental Engio "\i'V)iTEff'D1STRI~t R,E C £,. V E 0 L.-_______ _ ~-------~------------------------------~ A. at 19 t974' .. Ii ~ .. 1l' 01 t?7 Description and/or Limits of Work . j'Ji . Vf~ ~ ! (\ . ·d~-t..(}(. 3/~P. '7tj illY 'W t.~ 1-1. 3,.;2 .. K~ Construction -Inspection ,for Sewer Construct'i<J1rf(~r""" .... ------ ,7 a. Main Line Sewer and Service Laterals v 1. ft. @ $100.00 (50' or less) $ _-'-___ "--__ _ 2. ft. @$lOO.OOplus $0.40/ft. overSOft. . (50' -350') $ 3. ft. @ $300. 00 plus $0. 30/ft. over 350 ft. --------- (350' -1,350') $ --;~::-:::;::~-:::--___ _ 4 • 24 I 3 84ft. @ $ 6 0 0 • 00 plus $ 0 • 20/ it. over I, 3 50ft. $ 5 I 20 7 : 00 .~------------B. Construction -Inspection for Industrial Waste Pre-Treatment Plants and/or Pumping Station 1. Type of Facility ______________ _ 2. Fee at 5% of Estimated Valuation $---------------- TOTAL FEE . $ 6,432.00 [7 . ~ ~'!tJ,;' -. ':~'~'~?;; '.: ,. '\.Ao _ j ~r Z.: s T_~~[iC~T IO;IS' TO APPLI p'., "". 1. Complete Part A,B,C and ~ bQlow. 2 o· File Application with'City p~anning Department. 3. Filing Fee is $100.00, plus $2.00 for each dwelling. 4. Please make check payable to: C'ITY OF CARLSB/1D ~. Information is to be Typewritteh. PART A GENERAL INrO~MATIO~ '"' . .' , --.' . -. Name of Appl i can t La Cosfa Land Company TeLephone 729-9111 ----~~~~~~~~--~--~----~------~--~~ , l' ,,' J A P P 1 i can t 's Rep res e n tat i v e _----'I.-;o~h::._n"_'_I-".__"'_M~a_m_a._u_x~ _________ _ '753-1181 ..... . 'T'~ 1 e ph o.n e ___ -:-,..,..--,-__ Appli cant's Mailing Address Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsbad ': Oalifornia 92008 Location of property by Street La Costa Avenue Extensiorj.·and .Rancho SaJ,1ta Fe R09-d '.', ., ~ .. -:' . PART B LEGAL P$SCRIpzro~ • ' •. i. ,.~ . -. " ~ ".' 1'-' Attach to this application, one(l) copy of a complete desc.ri·ptioTl of .the . .-::< ... ·-~: : .. ' ·property for which adoption of a Specifi~ Plari i~:~egi~~ted.-'-: -. .. ' '" ': ,~'" . .' ~.-~.:';.~ -------------------------------~-----.,.,...,._,...,..---<-o--"""'""--_---____ __, __ _.,..,___,_,., '.' PART C APPLICATION '.'" " "'. -' . -.. . l1aster , • <. • ~ ., ' 'Existing Zone PC ------~--------------Yes -~ Plan Approved .l/qC=:J ., ' .. ' !-"'1 Date . :: ' -------------------------------------------------------~--~~~~~----~------~~~, .. PART D ',' . MAP PREPARAT:;fON .' .". A.ttach to this application" a Sepia and Twenty(20) Blueline copies of the Sp'ecific Plan, as prepared by a' Registered Civil Engin.e·er~ or. ar.chi.tect, ';-;hich shows the boundaries, dimensions and bearing of ea:c{}y:z)n-e··9f. the ·prQpe.rty.fo:r. .: .:: .. ,hich a Specific Plan is requested. (Those items ·as.·~:p:ec·ifiea .within_· theP1Atin~il: Community Zone, Article 13.75 of Ordinance No.' 90.60,,' :irbal:t .. be indicated Qn.'s,ucJ:j) . pi an. ) . ,. ",: ,. ',' .; ~ , i AFFIDAVIT .. {~ /SS/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) CITY OF ) 1 ',\, '~ • I I (We) I being duly-s~';-Qrh, -aepqseand say th.at I (We) am(are) the owner(s) of part(or all) of the pro~eityinvolved and ~h.is application has been prepared in compliance with· the r~quirements of-the City pl anning Commi ss i on as printed herein; and tha t the' fOl:egoihg iiiformation 'does" thorQughly and completely, to' the b·est. of my (our) .qbi/.itYr<presen·t an argums·ti.t '.: " i.n behal f o.f thG appl i ca ti on herervi th s ubmi t ted and tha t" t.he sta tements and" infonnation above referred to are in all respects true and cor.iect, to t;11e best'- C=ig2"o~~ fofo't'M~ .. of my(our) knowlGdge and belief. Tel uphone NumbGr . 753-1181 ~----~~----~--~--~ Mai ling Address C~Del Mar Rd., Carlsbad, ; '. ~. . . Subscribed and sworn to before me this da~ or -----=-_-'--__ --.:-~ __ --,-___'_:-1 970 _ . , F J: 1 i.n g C 1 e r k (> r NO.t a r y Pub 1 i c--'~.o--. --'-i.....;-----..,.-----,..-----;--:--~."..:. ."" '. ' 2~is is to certify that the foregoing applic~tion.hBs been,inspected by.me ~nd~ Fo tlnd to" be campi c t;e and a ccep tabl e for £i l'ing wi til -·tll~ Plal}ning Commission. R e c e i p t No'. ___ -..,..------------~~-----,--'-'- By __ ~ __ ~ _________ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~~~ . For the C_l ty -P1.ann·ing CommiS!:;lon. - ~' , , » ,F i 1 i n 9 D ate Hearing'Date APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIV'E'MAP' ,''7;4~.zf.J', 'PROPOSED NAME OF SUBD tV ts tON La,Costa"Vale Units 2-4 '" '''''';' ,:, GENERAL L6cATtON:~~~~La~C_o_s_t_~~~~~._, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~,' . -;' , . ~ . " " I ! , \ .TOTAL ACREAGE 290± NUMBER OF ,LOTS 269 ,MINIMUM LOT AREA (Sq.Ft.) 7,500 MINIMUM FRONTAGE 70 (20'Flag'Lots) _-!...Jt....:::..::~~~~_ , ' , , ;TYPE ,OF SUBDIVISION .(Residentia1,Com~f, Ind'~l) Residential' . " PRESENT ZONE PC PRO P 0' SED Z 0 N ,E', __ S_'a_ffi_e ___ , _----- NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED , , . ',. -----~----~---~~~~-~~~---~---------~, ".------ ,RE-FILING CONF[RENCE HELD ,(Date} July 7, 1972 . , REGISTERED CIVI.L ENGINEER, ARCHITECT~ OR ~URVEYOR WHO PRE~ARED MAP: Robert C. Ladwig, L. S • (Rick Engineering C'ompany)" ./ (Name)' (rttlel 509 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 {Address} . , --"-"'~'-'-""'''"THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION TO THE ZONtNG' OR .SUBDtVI'StON. R,Eo.UI·RE.,,; .. MENTS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: (Give ,reasons,for modtfl,cati;ons; attacb ,', separate sheet if addttiona1 space ts requi'red}'" . , . , None .' I .OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY CSi'gnatur:-es} . (Name} " CAddres~l, , i " -~~. 7--7).. '-,-" ~----. . . . . "~ '. ..: -.. ~ (Name) (Addre.s 5 r : .. ::.' .' ./ "'1 , , . -. , ......... , .. '.' --;-,., -~ ... --:.-"-... ~ {Name) SUBDIVIDER (Signature) J~~UX, LA COSTA LAND COMPANY X b~-. " LV N a me .. . :." ~. , '." / 'Y-A , Costa Del Mar Rd ~ I Carlsbad, CaUL' . LA d d res ~ 1. . (Note: This Application wi 11 be filed. with 20 ,blue1 tone prtnts a:n'd ." and 1 ~rowl ine transp~·r~l1·cy.of the -t~m~ativ"e .M~p, erepared': ' a c cor d t n g tot h e s p e c , f I C a tt 0 n s 0 fOr d , nan c e No.9 0 5'0 and :" .' . ' ~mendments thereto, together 'with sLipplementar·y' information-:':'~ ."~'., and fee ~ a ~ r e qui. red by s a i. d 0 r d" i. nan c e .)' . .... l ; ~ "J." ~. , :'.' ... '. • I' -, tE.~-~} -~--• --1. ... ---'--_. -------_.----..... -, • I.' • 1 , ,-', \ , . .1.' _. __