HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-33; LA COSTA SOUTH; Engineering ApplicationFiling Date A,~---~ -( .. Hearing Date ;ta= 4:u4?b -' F. Pa id Receipt No. lot; (}-tJ '3?76-, APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION 2500 Navarra GENERAL LOCATION At end of existing cul-de-sac (Navarra Drive) in La Costa South, Unit 1 TOTAL ACREAGE 4.22:!: Acres 'NUMBER OF LOTS 3 MINIMUM, LOT AREA (Sq. Ft.) MINIMUM FRONTAGE 67':!: TYPE OF SUBDIVISION (Residential ,Comtl, Ind'l) Condominiums ~~ Jr.,i ' f3oL ... _ PRESENT ZONE ~ RD K,' /~PROPOSED ZONE ~ goM 7~ ~ .. NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED No public streets proposed PRE-FILING CONFERENCE HELD (Date} REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, TOUPS ENGINEERING, INC. . MAP: By: Richard G. Grabhorn (Name) , DR S[RVEYOR WHO PREPARED 5252 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, California 92117 (Address >. THE' FOLLOWING MODIFICATION TO THE ZONtNG OR SUBDlVI'StON REQUIRE- MENTS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: (Gfve reasons for modtftcations; attach separate sheet if' addttional space ts required} None OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY (Signatures) Praver Br'os. Investments (Name) SUBDIVIDER (Signature) .. RECEIV·ED 'OCT 1 'Q 1972 CITY OF CARLSBAD PI~nning Deparfment 9744,Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 203· Beverly Hills',' 'Catiforrll.a Q2012 (Address} 9744 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 203 Beverly Hills, California Q2012 [Nama (Address) '. PRAVER BROS.LNVESTMENTS By,: Stanley Prave:r . . lIb f' 1 • f I l' .. d ( Not e : Tn T sAp P I I C CJ t Ion VI Ie' led It! I t 1 2 O. b u e I n e 'p r I, n t san and 1 ~ r 0 ~'I J inc t ran s p ~ r ~ n c y . 0 f the Ten tat i v e ~I a p, [? r C p,a r ed according to the speCIfications of Ordinance No.9050 and amendments thereto, together with supplementary information and fees 3S required by s2id ordi~oncc.) J !I II II 'II II II 11 II JI [I II I f " 'II II I' I i I r I "I \..Jrlj: .. n.rl COUNTY WATER DISTRICT SUPPLE'MENTAL ., TI I~' 'Owner's Name: 2500 Navarra Investments Mailing Addres s: _____ 2_5_0_0_N_a_v_a_rr_a_D_r_i_v_e ___________ -'-- _____ R_a_n_c_h_o_L_a_C-'-o_s_ta......:..., _C-,-a_li_f_o_rn_l_' a_9_2_0_0_8 ___ --" 'Phone No . __ '------' .' . Job Addres s: ' SERVICE REQUEST ED: Building No. I, 2500 Navarra DriVe COST. -." I CONNECTION CHARGE for Condominiums (type of building) ... ' ,', $ ....... ---,--,'. If a multiple unit building I indicate no. of living units __ 1_8 __ SERVICE LATERAL , If service lateral previously installed -No Fee If service lateral required: Check size lateral required: , (4")_ (6 ")_ Other---=:8_11 __ Saddle connection required: Yes_ No_ TOTAL CHARGES ": $ 25.00 THIftAl'4QUNI.JS _Mf. A.PJ-q:STMENT ON 'rHE 8.':.,LATEBAL' ': ' , ' The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) of the property' to be served. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the applicatioriis submitted:, If a service 'lateral is required, it will be installed by the Leucadia GountyWater District: , The service lateral is that part of the sewer system that extends from the main coUection line in the street (or easement) to the point in the street (at or near the applicant's' property line) , Where the service lateral is connected to the applicant's building sewer. . ',' The applicant is responsible for the construction, at the applicant' s e~pense, 'of the s'ewer .. pipe1:ine (building sewer) from the applicant I s plumbing to the point i·n the stre~t (or easement) ,', :where a connection is made to the service lateral.' , ' " ': .: " '.' ,'>," ' ,:'.,,' .. The co~nection of the applicant's building sewer to the serviqe lateral shall be ~ade by th~", : .:: " applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in conformity with the District's. : "specifications, rules and regulations; and it must be inspected and approved by the District before the sewer system may be used by the applicant. The applicant, or his authorized .rep":' .' ,resentative, must notify the District at the time inspection is desired,. Any connection made to the service lateral or collection line without prior approval a~d inspection by the District will be considered invalid and will not be acknowledged. , ' -After connection is complete I the property described above i1? subject to a monthly sewer; serv-, ice charge. The rate will be governed by the use of the property -residentiaL commercial; . or multiple dwelling. Non-payment of the sewer service charge is subject to a5% penalty per month,' plus disconnection if necessary. The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information given is correct and agrees to the , conditions as stated: , , ' -=--~~~~~~,,~~--~--- ·\11/ Date i .- ...... '" : ~ ~-: . '~1.: .. ~~ {~: .. ,;.-'-,', t ; . , .'~-"\:J: ': ~.t~i . LasADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRIC .... T .PLICATION FOR SEWER SERVIC O~rieri§ ',Name::< 2500 Navarra Investments Mai~~rig Addre s S : · ___ -=2-=.5-=.0..::0-=-:N:.:,a::..:v...::a::r.::.ra-=---:D=.;...rI::..:'v_e ___________ ----:_-:-- Rancho La Costa I Calif. 92008 , Job Address:' , : auUding No. 2 I 2500 Navarra Drive ... .~ SERVICE ;R:s;q:gESTED: ,~ . '" "\. ~~ CONNECTION. CHARGE for. ,CondominLums tots 46 thr.u 5,2 (type of building) If a multiple unit building, indicate no. of living units __ 1_8 __ SERVICE LATERAL If service lateral previously installed -No Fee Recei'pt No. 2527, Phone No .43'6--0 124 (Stc~m Praver) " " COST ; , . \.' - , ' SURCHARGE FEE, ' 9str. 00 If l3er\fice lateral required: Check size lateral required: (4")_, _ (6")_ Other __ ~ . " Sadd~~ connection required: Yes_ No __ Amount ~ec'd $, Ip.r:lo.c ¢ , How Paid e.IJu..#. ) os~.r'f " TOTAL'CHARGES Date Paid ,~~"" )_3 " t ':::': ,: ~ Rec'd by: /~C:.-iVJ~, d" '< '--------' -' --' ---'----' '<$ 2 /325,.00 , The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) of' the, propertY: to be served. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the application is submitted:'" -<, . j ,.If a s erv~ce lateral is required, it will be ins taIled by the Leucadia County Water Dis'triot",' ~ f -.. '~ .. : The service'lateral is that part of the sewer system that extends from the main collection line, . 'I ip the street (or easement) to the point in the street (at or near the applicant's: prop.erty line) i .. ·~ , :.: iNhere the service)ateral 'is connected to the applicant's building sewer. . ' ',I 'The applicant is responsible for the construction, at ,the applicant's' expen~e~of the sewer " 'pipeline (building sewer) from the applicant's plumbing to tl!.e point in the street (or easement). ,~-;'] " -'where a connection is made to the service lateraL ' :-, . .' ' ' " ,:':' ' . . ' : : 1 . . ~~J .. , .~ The conn'ection of the appli,cant's bUilding sewer to the service late'ral shaif ~e made lpy the - applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in cenformity with the bistrict's ' ,'~>,pecifications I rules and regulations; and it mu~t be inspected and abpretred by the District' before the sewer system may be used by the applicant. The applicantl or his ,authorized rep- l~esentative I must netify the District at the time inspection is desired. Any' cennection made to the service lateral or collection line without prier approval and 'ihspectl.onby the District' will be censidered invalid and will not be acknewledged. After connection is complete, the property described above is subject to a monthly ~ewer serv-' ice charge. The ra\e will be geverned by the use of the property -:-resicientiaC commercial, or, : multiple dwelling. Non-payment of the sewer service <;:harge is' subject to a. S%, penalty per ,,: f month, plus disconnection if neces sary. ' . -'1 The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information given is correct and agrees to' the 'I conditiens as stated: , ' , " -.. tl;.~bs , ,Date , . ,1 . I . ! , 1 ~ ~ :: ,~;:, ~: La::;ADIA COUNTY WATER DISTF<J:~,' - PrLICATION FOR SEWER SERVIC ' Owher's Name: 2500 Navarra Investments Mailing Address ,: ___ ....:2:.....5_0_0_N_a_v_a_r_r_a_D_r_iv_e __ -:-___________ _ Rancho La Costa', Calif. 92008 Job Address: Building, No.3 I 2500 Navarra Drive' Lots 46 ~thru 52 SERVICE REQUEST ED: CONNECTION CHARGE for. ' Condominiums (type of building) '~, 1- , If a multiple unit building, indicate no. of living units _-::,==-_ !~ '- 12 SERVICE .LATERAL • Receipt No. 2528. Phone No. 436-0124 (Stan Praver) COST '$, 925 00: If service lateral previously installed -No Fee If service lateral required: SURCHARGE FEE' $ ,650~00 Check size lateral required: (4/1)_ (6/1)_ Other __ _ .. ' " " , J , I ,I Saddle conne<;::tion required: Yes _ No_ . TOTAL CHARGES ~ ;'.' ' , '" " The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) ,of the' property', . , ", to be selYE?d. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the application, is " . " submitted: If a service lateral is required, it will be installed by the Leucadia County Water Di~trict. t· . , ,_ 1-'The s"ervice lateral is that part of the sewer system that extends from the m'ain collection line i ' -, :) ,', , in the s!reet (or easement) to the point in the street {at ,or near the'applicant's p~operty.line}' , }where the service lateral is connected to the applic:ant's building' sewer. ' ~ . '. .• . • . . I The applicant is responsible for the construcUon, 'at the applicant's expens'e,' 6f the sewer, / ," , ,pi,pe,line,:(butlding sewer) from the applica\nt' s-pluinbing to the point in the ',street '(or eas~ment): " .. ,::,~ '::, wher.e a ,connection is~?-de to the service lateral. '". ' ' " The co~nection of the apPlicartt"~building se~er to the se~vice 'late;a~ shall be '~ade by th~ .. ,' ' ,'1;. ' ' .' " applicant at his expense. The' cqnnection must be made in 'conformity with the District,'s , "'specifications, rules and regulations; a d it st be ins ecte and a r ved b t 'i tri t .before the -sewer system may be used by the applicant. The applicant,' or he s authori~ed rep:- resentative, must notify the District at the time inspection is desired. Any COI].nectibn made to the service lateral or collection line without prior approval and inspection by the District "-' .... will be ,considered invalid and will not be acknowledged. . . :<. I" -,. , ' " ' " . , . .'. ., After connection is complete, the property described apmte is subject 10 a monthly s,ewer serv-' :' ice charge. The rate will be governed by the use of the property: -resJdeJiltial, commercial, or , , multiple dwelling. Non-payment of the sewer service charge is subject to a 5% penalty per· month, plus disconnection if neces sary. '. , , The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information given is correct-and ,agrees'to the' conditions as stated: . l' , , Ilyj!->, Signatllre , pate ) -..... - " .. , l , ,r .' t ! ", \ r.A::;ADIA COUNTY 'WATER DISTRI~' 1'!PLICATION FOR SEWER SERVIC. Owner's Name: 2500 Navarra Investments ~ailingAddress: ______ -=2~5~0~0~.N~a~v~a=r~ra~D~rl~·v~e~~~~~~---------------- Rancho La Costa, Calif. 92008 . ,,( . Recelpt.~o. 25Z9 Phone No~ ________ _ Job Addres s : Building No. 4, 2500 Navarra Drive -Recreation Bldg •. SERVICE REQUEST ED: COST CONNECTION CHARGE ,'l . " for: Recre~tion Building (type of building) $ 100. QO. ,I If a multiple unit building / indicate no. of living units _--=l~ __ SERVICE LATERAL If service lateral previously installed -No -Fee If service la teral..required: Check size lateral required: (4")_ (6")_' _. Other __ _ SURCHARGE PEE Saddle connection required: Yes_ No __ _ . 4..:;:':"~, TOTAL CHARGES Amount Rec'd $ h,s1'C PO How Paid ~ /tJ .r~9 ". . -,---'"- Date Paid J-...l. 5-)3 ',.....' .. \,' '" ' Rec'd by: ~ eM/III?-. ..'. ,--..,..-~ ',',: $·200.00 := • ,", The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) of the property' , , to be served. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the application is " s ubmi tted: ' , If a service lateral is required/ it will be installed 'by the Leucadia County Wat~r Distdct. The 'service lateral is that part of the sewersystem that extends from the main'collection line ,J in the street (9:I7 ,easement) to the point i~ the street (at or near the applicant' s proper~y line.) .: \t where, the service lateral is connected to the applicant's building seWer.. , ' , . " , : . , " 1 , The applicant is responsible for the construction/ at the applicant's expense/: of'the' sewer :~.t.·: .. ~: .~,,~,pipeline (building sewer) from the applicant's. plumbing to the point, .1n"he street:(Qt easem~ht.). -: : ,.:; i~V:J'here a connection is made to the servic~ lateral.. ',." '". . " .,". ..... " ~~'~'The connection of the applicant's building sewer to the service lateral 'shall be made by' the . :., applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in conformity with·the Dist~ict's .~ ~ "t 'specifications I rules and regulations; and it must be inspected and' apProved by. the:District .: ~. -.: ··.before the sewer system may be used by the applicant. The applicant, or his ;authorized rep-~f';.' . 'resentative/ must notify the District at the time inspection is desired. Any connect~on, made ~, to the service lateral or collection line without prior approval and inspection by the pistrict will be considered inva~id and will not be acknowledged .. ..~ , . " ,,' .... :'" After connection is complete; the property described above is subject to a monthly sewer serv"': ice charge. The rate will be governed by the use of the property,-resid<?ptial, Gommercial,.or-. . multiple dwelling. Non-payment of the sewer service charge is ,subject to a. 5% penalty per month / plus disconnection if neces sary .'1:;$., The unders'igned hereby agrees that the above information.gi-ven· is .90rrect and. agrees to th~ conditions as stated: .:'t. ,I~)h) . Date· ;:,. I .. \ . . ! 1 J