HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-34; RANCHO LA CUESTA; Engineering Application (2). -" f.*~){ , '"",+F'{ ~ L+'1~#~lication for ~rading perllll_~ PERM I T NO '.-::-:-:':;-::-':":? (letter code + numberl 'I .. '.' , .' C ITY OF CARLSBAD . . 'j" .C:--PUBLI C WORKS & BU I LD I NG DB"ARTMENT L=lot -,',,-1200 Elm Avenue .' 729-1181 A£.JUilVNIA / 71> Cl'-2A,CJIV'7 pz;;t2.h11 r ;:; S (IC;() .;-/#7(" , FOR APPLICANT TO-(Iu IN . . Surety Bond Bond No. " . Lega I Deserl pt I on . ' \ Map No. ,: 7" . .., it -;3 "-I (tJ'()t ·7""f-M tIS J Surety Company r:>ubd i vis ion Name ;;.A NCItC' ... .1 '-V/l.?TA Surety Address 11 Plans by .Clvi I En.glneer R.C.E. The following documents are requl red ilndshall .i ."AU,.. ,lq(ISS /7rJ'7 become a part of the grading permit when they ~djress A. " Phone, ~re pproved. " .~. ./,IIIA4i7?vt'j7l!iV/3414(/lJ'A. G ading plans ~eeifleations .ffEp9Ineer., R.C.E •• , I-.:hone ~I report . \iJclnity map -,' P;,iC.t6L1':. Sc'W,S iiP6. II12'L 17,J.J557·~Olnage structures .,detalnll1Q walls r.·· t;radl ng c~!:ac. tor' Phone . _Compact I on report ~Other .; , .""""''' ..... ,..,""" Tb /II SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE t ' ~ddress .' .. ' Check if superv i sed . ~. IlL 1M",," ilrad I ngV A PART OF THISPERMIT------< , '. Party sespons I b I.e· fOr overa I I sl.lperv i s i on ~.. . . \iA4MC;L'A.t"O:V i Proposed us. of grade site f' '." .' .~Hhi:.aIi/aICY'"l t '.. -of" cubie yards I , Cut Fr II Import' Waste I : frota1 I • Authorized hours of operat'lon: 7,:00 AM to) 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. . 2. Haul routes are to be approved by:Clt" Engineer. 3. Adeauate orovisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control. 4. All slooes shall bep I anted per direction ' of Parks & Recreation Director. ~ .. ' .' rfG"",actEjld fi 115 (yes or no) elk. ""/1'1--i~/{(:/ >..../I/() . b .•. bp~irop-.-o-se-.~d~srC~h-e~d-U~le--O~f~.--~St~a-.~-'t~--.-----.F~i~n~i-5~h----~~~~~~--~I~~~--~~~~----~~' rAPeratlpns (dates)7//0/Tb ;///77 [, hereby acknowledge that I have read the appllca-J-----------------------------;--;-;===rr ! • tlonamd-state that the .information I have provldec INSPECTION DATE INSPECTORISi ils cOrrect and Clgree to comply with all City SIGNATURE.·,,,,., '. 9rdinances and State laws regulati'pg excavating anc Ground preparation . J I ~kadlng, and the provisions and conditions of any Rough grading 1 ·.i. pj!rml t I. ssued". u rsuant t'1 ... .his app I ~cat lon, ~: I;,. t~' ... ~lgnatu.r:e O .. f. fe. rmIttee.~ .. ''' ....... ,.L ...... rJ;: -r: ~~:~:~::o~ :;:~~:g:ec'd. .' .'. Jt1 bwner or> authori Z<'ld agent _r."::'i' 'i--==----:----::'":"":i-:---:-: __ --....,.,.-:---------------~ "" ., . f . Final certific"ltlon rec'd. l,~Grad i n9 pe;;;' I t feeS d tl~ 37S <.:p Work comp (eted . -• -y- • eAppfication for Grading permi,'--, .. ~T~:/~~~de + number) CITY OF CARLSBAD L=lot PUBLIC WORKS & BUILDING DEPARTMENT S=subdlvlslon 1200 Elm Avenue D'iin ~'-'''I?t.!., C=Clty contract 729-1 181 r" '", .. ' I -It, /: 7') ,.:1 c(.'r,,vC'. /-/1 ,~ "_'C,,,,KJ,,/-(1. ~-J/1 ~'_~"" , "/, . rwL. FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN '~ite Address , , West of EI CaIIIlno Real & S/o/Alga Road Surety Bond Bond No., Surety Company Leg':,! Description .I Map No. ,r." .. 72-34, See Plan :" pwner Phone 0il'1Ie Filed ;; Newport Sherali Builder., Inc. (714) 962-6683 , -i ' ~ubdlvlslon Name ;,','1 '-1/1 t;J.., Sur;-ety Address Rancllo La Cuesta I~ -j''.Y • .1 Rec'd by q~wnerls Address, ,-\ __ 1.\' I-:Cil¥,~qslt ",20951 Srookhunt St •• Huntl~!I~oIt~¢Il.CA,l9~48 \( t$l;: ) UV' Rec'd by Date filed , ;';, Plans byClvl1 Englne{lr R.C.E. \ The following documents are requ, Ired and shall " Som F,,' Kn, lIS', " 17377 ~,:\ become a part of the grading permit when they f} ~dd ress " " " • Phone (7 I 4)'6',-446~ are approved. • J~" B~hunt St;. Huntington BelICh. CA. ~Grading plans; ...:.Speclfications :. ~oJ I Engineer R.C.£. Phone :>< Sol I report ..... Vicinity map ~, j:t8i:itlc Soils Eng.,lne. 15251 (714) "7-9450 A.-Dralnage structures Retaining walls ~ Srild i ng Contractor Phone '" Compact I on report ..-;. Other • ; ~ Not Selected -; ~r.~~~~~--------~~~~--~~~+-----~~~~~~~~~~~~---r,'","'"ddress Check if supervised SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE , --aradlna X A PART OF THIS PERMIT; ~p~,aFt~,~y--r-e-sp-o~n-s~l~b~le--'f-o~r-o-v~e~r-a~"~s~u~pe~r~v~i~s~io-n--------;-----------~~~~~~~~~--------~:'-' , Jack Gleeson I. Authorized hours of operation: 7'00 AM to f, Proposed use of grade site 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. l Subdlvl.lon 2. Haul routes are to be approved bv\clty " Number of cubic yards Engineer. ~ 3. Adeauate Jlrovlsions shall be made for l Cut F i I I I mport Waste eros Ion and s I I tat I on control. ", I.,IOO.~ 1,051.000 I -I -4. All slooes shall be Dlanted Der direction f!;[;b:;'ta=I;:':'::=J~=':":'::'::':::..l--------..JL-------------t--=~ofhp~a~r~kS~&~R;eC~r~e;aarFtT,1 o;:n;-lSD~i ~re;c~t~o~r:-• ...:::.!.!..:=:::.!..~'-, , ~,bp,,"omp-a-c~te-d""""f""iI""I-S-'(;-~-:-o-r-n-o .. )---------r--E::-:-':R:-:I!.vi:b-:-, -=:::-:F~·:-cJ.T-;: /rt-=--::~-;;::-. -;vr--::::, ~c'tt=· -=-c..:Lf:-. --• : Proposed Schedule of l • Start • Finish "Operations (dates) lui, h~, ,Q"", JIi#'l J. 1911 I , INSPECTOR'S , DATE SIGNATURE ~ ! :\ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the appl ica-1---------------------------;;-;==== i t I on and state that the I nformat I on I have prov I dec Is correct and agree to comply with all City INSPECTION ,ordinances and State laws regulating excavating anc Ground preparation , ; \ , : grading, and the prOVisions and conditions of any 1-.-:::-R'---:-h---,d""I---------------------,---- ','permit Issued pursuant~tq t ,'c9U~ Y.?' 'IP.?ug g~a ng , tv-" '2)1 'CJe' i.;ompact I on report rec I d • '~i gnature of Perm i ttee ~ I-P;:;O:I a~n-:;:t~1 n-g--;&,....-;d--ra~i;-n-a-ge--------------- ,';Owner or author:lzed ag t ~ • Final certification rec'd. \ - , • ... - ,~----------~~~~----------~~~~~,------------------, I Q7L!!· '?!!-Workcomp I eted ,. Grading permit fee $ 1;7 ;;7 - I ' Su rety bond re I ea sed ~fermlt/~al Idatj.Pr I L ' /, L l,i;y ///..r~ ( '.t4l--l6 "'''''../ Date ;"'/fV7? 'permit Expirat1;n Date ' j;)eC. <Jf/ //76 THIS FORM WHEN PROPERlY VALIDATED BY SIGNATURE IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED " ,'i~ . TI;ttseMIIS 'MUD FOR,Ap9AX (6) ,MONTH PERIOD