HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-37; CARLSBAD BEACH AND TENNIS CLUB; Engineering Applicationi f ~ -, • : -'i ~. ~ • •• Fi.ling Date He-aring Date eiA ~ 11'7..... APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP' ~ ,. ... '". J 'PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDtVfsrON . 'CARLSBAD BEACH AND TENNIS CLUB GENERAL LOCATtON:~~_T_h_e~s_h_e~is_'_~_c_a~,t_e_d_o_n~b_o_ili~S_hl_e_s~o_f_C_h_l_'n_q_u_a_p_~~A_v_e~n_ue ':" 'between Garfield Street and Carlsbad Boule'l~rd ',TOTAL ACREAGE 2 '. 'Jl NUMBER OF LOTS 3 ,MINIMUM LOT AREA (Sq.Ft.) 10,300 SF MINIMUM FRONTAGE 75 feet :,TYPE ,OF SUBO I V I S I ON (Res'j dent tal, Com t l, 1 nd I l) Residential PRESENT ZONE RD-M and R-3 PROPOSED ZONE RD-M and R-3 NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED No new streets are prop'Osed. PRE-F~LING CONFERENCE HELD (Date} REG'I STEREO elY l.L ENG I NEE,R, ARCH t TECT" OR ,SURVEYOR WHO PRE.PARED MAP: " ' . t. ~ .' " . Robert C. "Ladwig, L. S. 318,9, Vice-Pres ident~-Rick Engineeri~ Company (Name) (Titlel " " 509 Elm Avenue, carlsbad,' California 9'2008 {Address} -' .. , .~~ .. ~ < .. ,~: ... -'. • " i ' " , THE F 0 L LOW 1 N G MOD IFf CAT ION TOT H E Z 0 N t N G 0 R SUB D t V I'S tON R E QU,l R E .,., ;.; ;: i~ I ~ ;.. i\ ;: i i L: i\ ;: L) Y i\ i: v.. \.J i:: S TED; (G tv.;; I';; d :) 0 ... s r u j' ,.iIlU ~ ~ r;, .... a L I. U II;:', d-t. t a c: 1 separate sheet if additional space ts required} ,OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY (Signatures} Carlsbad Beach and Tennis CluJ::? p'artner,ship' Na --~----,~'U~'d~d~r-e-s-s'l--~-------- (Name ) . , F. James. Bear, Attorn,ey (Add res 5 1 200 ,West 8th Str.eet' , ., '" Na t10nal City I • Cal1for.n~a -----r-::-:-: ......... :-<:"""'--r-~----­ (Address.l SUB 0 I V IDE R (S i g nat u r e) Carlsbad Beach and Tennis Club Partnership (Nam~8~r, Attorney (Address) '( No t e : T'h i's Ap p l,°cPa 'f;e6~ 8J~ lSfrEf,eJ, If<ttjcan~h y~tYZOCBVJ~rpfcn e , p r tnt S ,a n d and 1 browline transparency of the Tentative Map 'erepared according to the specifications of Ordinance No.9050 and' amendments thereto, together with supplementary information" .. . : I , ' 'I' , , l ? ~ i I I r' .. : \ I . I and fee~ a~ require~ b~ said ordlnance.} , Ii, -'--__ .''~_---', ____ ' __ ._, ~ ___ , .............. _' ___ -"~":",:,,,,,.,...., ~_, t,=~- J "':',4219 . f'" '1i;~rrs ' . , , ':. c ... :>. :~:.: ... ,:: .~;" .' '.' ;.~r~~~7F::~ :~ .. ; :-:" ~:~;~~f~~!~¥":' :.~ :;:·:?~}~~~T~<.\ ::" T;~;~~~f .,. .-.' -' ..... ' " .. ":" .. :' CITY'OF CARLSBAD .' " APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT filAP AS PROVIDED FOR'IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE CARLSBAD'MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. ---- r 7..6f TENTATIVE TRACT NO~37 :. ~ . ' (;:::F-or---':;O:-::f=f,-:-' c-e-""'tJs-e~)-- DATE June 29, 1973 TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF.CARLSBAD: I. . Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Tract No. " . .' - 72-37 ---.,---r "_ .' • consisting of ___ 1_._2_5 ___ ..... 9ross acres, having ____ 3_--:-__ 10ts,·.:: .... ::' . being a proposed subdivision of land for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) " " ~ Lot 3 through lot 8, Block I, Map of Palisades, Map ·No. 1747; tne Northwesterly 120,00 feet of that pO:tition of Block "w" of Palisades /" No.2, Map No. 1803, lying Southwesterly of the' Southwesterly line of the Northeasterly 300.00 feet of Block "w" and: the Southwesterly 100.00 feet of the 'Northe_sterly 300.00 feet of the Northwesterly 100.00 feet of said Block"W"~ genera 11 y 1 oca ted on the EAST ~(NUo-r~t'h-,-S~o-u~t'h-,-E~a-s~t-,~We-s~t~)~---------- side of Carlsbad Blvd. (Name of Street) between Sequoia Street -(r.~~Ja-m-e-o~f~S~t~r·e-e~t~)------~- and Aqua Hedionda Lagoon (Name of Street) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL 7(nRe-s~i~d'e-n~tl~'a~1',~Co-m-m-e-r-c7ia~1~,~I~n'd-us-t~r~i-a~l~)------------- t... ~~ •• " : 1 <' -~l"'"~}-!-~.:"'!:·:"" , ., "':,~y~.r > ' z::,~'''~;:~'\~ ',"~:'~:: :.~~ .. ~~, ... >~ •• -r ~ .!-. ~ _,{:'J' ':... " .-\ppc.rcATIO'N FOR APPROVAL'TENTA. TRACT' MAP :~: .. ··;:"~·:::cr:;~;~j?S:~::~:~~t~!i~t~~{j·?~ 'j . ~ :.'. ~: .. ", .~\ '~i.:.:<.\·· ... 1. PRESENT ZONE~' __ R_-_.3_. _____ _ R-3 . PROPOSED ZONE~ ________ _ --r,...-...,...,.--.--______ the unders i gned s ta te tha t --r::;:--_ .... __ ~---_t.he {I, We} (I am, We are) _--,,-._._. _. -,' ._._._. _. _. '_'_of the property described herein and hereby toWne,', Owners) give ........... . -(My, Our) proposed tract map: authorization to the filing of this Name See 'attached" letter· from· owner attorney (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature··················· ....................... _ .. , Name '--~CT~y=p7ed~o~r~pr=1~'n~t~e~d~a~s~srho~w~n~on~R~e~c70r=d~e~drnDe~e~dn)--------------------- S.;gnature _____ ·_· _. _ .. _._._._._. _. _ .. _._._._._. _. _. _ .. _._._._._._. _. _ .. _._._. ___________ _ Name -r-(T~y~p~eJd-o~r~P~rl~·n~t~e~d-a-s-sTho~w~n~o-n~R~e~c~o~rd7e-d~D-ee-d~)~------------------ Signatur~ ___________________________________________ ~- Name --(r-T~y=p7e~d-o~r~P~rTin~t~e~dl7a7s~s~h~o~w~n-o~n~R~e~co~r~d~e~dInD-ee~dn).------------------ Signature ________________ ~---------------------------------- Name ~ -r-(T~y~p~e~d-o-r~P~r~i~nt~e~d.-a-s-s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-c-o-rd·e-d~D-ee-d~)r-~------------------- Signature __________________________________________________________ ~ Name __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ __ ~_.~_. __ ------------~----------(Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature __________________________________________________________ __ Name and Address of Subdivider: Carlsbad Beach and Tennis Club, a partnership Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: .''Robert C. Ladwig 509 Elm Avenue Car 1 sbad " .@alifornia 92008 No. LS-3l89 The source of water s upp ly ___ C_i_t-=y:..-o_f __ C_a_r_l __ sb __ a_d ___________________ _ 2. Type of street improvements and util iti es \'/hi ch the subdivi d~r proposes to install-Curb, gutter, sidewalk, water main, and undergrot:Lnd elc.tric. -2-..... ,-. -. r . -, :<: .. ~, ~:: : 'M .-! c"; . _. ·;c .. . C":,, .~._., __ . .' c.:, :c;;<~~ .... _ . :.:, .-;~~ :;,·~::::J~~~/ii~};l~(:;>;:i~~~~~~r~~i;i4k:~~;j ., ".~.:;:, ~ ~ :' .·~;:;',t;~~:,~{~ .. ~~:i.:~:~~:~_t~~~~t.$..~;~'¢1 ;'t!?-.PJ:.;!::t ;#~;,@rife.%:.~J·:4t~t~~~m]»·rJ i{?~~;~;~s;ffl'~~1tt9:§~~;:§~iil~~Jt~lift[M:i?~li~£tJ:t-§:.J~;!1-.~_Jt~M£P~~~~;"..~!';.}f~'"?~~~~~~,~-[~:,1i;,t!r!~~~~~ f0~~:j ? 1. •• 1' • < _________ " _~'_J ~ j, ... ,.:;,.. • .;....:' 1...::.-...,;.,_,\_1"\'.;;..".;.,.., _1'.;....:lrt,--f" .' . • • .. . . . ~ . . -.. -.. 3. The method of sewage disposal is Existing City of C.arlsbad Sewer 4. Proposed storm water sewer or other means of drainage (grade & size) ----- Site to drain in street 5. Protecti ve covenants to be recorded Covenents, conditions, and restrictions for a condominium 6. Proposed tree planting As required by the City Engineer 7. Proposed grading plan (when required) __________ ~,.._-----. Shown on Tentative Map. The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property· described in this application for ~M~u~l~t~i.:....p~l~e~R-e~s~i-d-e-n~t_l~·a~.l~·~~~~~--~-~~ (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Etc.) . use of land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD (I, He) ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT SS. (Name) .. being duly sworn~ depose and declare to the bes t of knowl edge that the fore--r(m-y-, -o-u-r ...... ) ----' going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- : '.; . ~ , \ I ';."-.r[~, :;;." •.... ;"~. ";'.:.~ r:~fl.~;~A!i~~~'2'Jl ·'~b~;~:;; EXECUTED AT __ ~-:-" ...,." "_" _" _"_" _" "_"_" _" "_" _" _" _" _" ______ ~-,.-_.__--- (City) (State) DATE" _________ "_'"_"_"_'" __ " ______ "_"_"_" "_"_"_" "_"_"_'_"_"_" __ __ OWNER AND/OR"OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: (Print Name) ~JM ~Z(Signatu~ (Mailing Address) C 'l}iL L'5:~ f)& (City and State) (Area Code) 7 ~ 1 ~L:"'1?' (Telephone Number) ".: . .,' .. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS _____ --:DAY OF _" ______ , 1972.'- (Notary Public) -4- , " "