HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-21; TANGLEWOOD 4; Engineering Application.1 ( CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 /. , '-' ;' .. ' • ' •• < APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL' OF A TENTATIVE TRACT' HAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE " .,~ CARLSBAD HUNICIPAL CODE .~, -: " '.' ""'" ~" :. , , . . ~ .: . .-' ," . . .,' : FILHIG FEE RECEIPT No.578<3 TENTATIVE TRACT NO.,~...;..7:o;":3-~2~1 ~:-:--'~_ , " (For Offi ce Us~) TO THE PLANNING CONNISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE' ,April 25,1973 .. : .. \.' ..'.-. ." . . , , . ' '. .. '. " -, .~ ., ,. '.:;' " -, ~ " . :':. '., ''; ' . .... -' ... ''''. . .,' ,.' " ...... " .. . ~ . -.,' . ,; ""::'-" ',:';',,::, ,'" • < - : ~, Request is hereby made for appro'val .. of T~ntative ,Tract, NO.CT' -13':":2{ ,":::''< ~:~t~~;~';:':".' . consisting of" 4.403 gross acres;, having' " '21', ',,: i:':", ',',.' l~~:::{{~:It~~,:;·~-, being a proposed subdivision of la'~d for property,described as;':>": ", ,_:> .. ! ~;':':':_~','~'-;::/~"':>' . . . .. ,"~. , .. ,' '," .', ',' .. ::} .. ~ . --:'. ~:::",:.':'<~~"'-"-~:'::"~ : ::"! (Exact Lega1 Description') ",.;' , " " "'.<-";:'·~-_"".';:,:,:,I , .. ' " ': ... : .. ' ",. . ~. ,:". ': ~ '" ,,'. . ... :.~ ~' .. ;~ ~ ~:. See attached 1ega1 description , . ,',.: : .. :. " . '; .. "::>.: '.':",~.:",;:: ',::" , .. ' " : :~. ' . .', ,.' . -, ~ .. '. .. '. '- -~. ,',.. . .... , " <' ~ ;~'. -~ ~,,:"- ,'. . ~ ... , :. t: ~;' .~:.. -~ . " .. -' , ----------------------------------------------~--~~--~------.. genera 11 Y 1 oca ted on the --r:,.,..-....,...No_r"""'t_h-. __ =---:---:-:-~_r__---------..... ___ .......... (North, South, East, West) . side of Elm Avenue (Name of Street) , , between Easter1 y of ,{Name of Street} " ~d El Camino Real (Name of Street) TYPE OF SUBDIVISIOn Resi denti al ~(R~'e-s~i~de-n-t~i~a1~,~C~omm--e-r-cl~·a~1-,~I~n~d~u-st~t~i~a~l~)~~--------/----- , - , , -.. :, < ... ~ •• .:... • .. ',,' . . ;-': .. -~. , ' , . -.' .' J. N -228, ,:' -I ' ,: )1arch, ,12,.1973,- LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~l 0;: BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED TANGLHJOOD UNIT NO.4 '" CARLSBAD TR~ PROPOSED I( PC II ZON:E That porti on of Lot "JII in Rancho Agua He'di Ol1da, in the County' Of San Die~o" State of California, according to'the partition map thereof'No.' 82.3; f'iled ;',' . . .,' in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County on ~ovember , ' .. ' 16,'1886, described as follows: . .-. ''::-.. ': , . ',. , , 'R.O.S. 5412 as per map on file in'the County Recorder's' Office of s~"d,' ',,:.' -,-,. , , . ; San Diego County;'thence southweste~ly along the northwesterly rfght '~f way,' ,'/,'-:~;'::: " . . "'. '~ . . .'. . . -. " . ~ .- line of Appian'Road, 40 feet in width, as shown on San'Diego County,R~ad,,>~:~'" " . - Survey No. 745, S 58°52' 47" 'W; 485.31 feet to the most ,southe~s,t ,co~ner:' ,,I " >' <" _ ',' .- of proposed Tang1 ewood Unit No. 4 'and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINN'rNG of 'th;-s " . '. . , description;' th.ente continuing southwesterly along said,right 9f \-/aY'line-' 's 58° 52' 47"' W, 107.24 feet to the beginning of,a curv'e con~ave"riortherlY :'", . ',. . . " ~. , having a radius of 852.00 feet, a radial bearing to said beg;nni,ng of. curve:' , bears S 18° 04 1 1811 E; thence \<Jester1y along said c~rve through a" central","" angl e of 27° 19 1 0411 an arc distance of '406.22 feet to the 'most s,outhwest ' ,corner of proposed Tanglewood Unit No. 4,"a radial bearing'to said las.t ' mentioned corner bears S 09° 14' 46 11 H; thence N 3io 07'.13" H, 285.8S'feet;·, , . , thence N 58° 52 1 47" E, 455.69 feet; thence S 3io 07" 13" E, 466.69 'feet" to ' the aforesaid southeast corner of proposed Tanglewood U~it No.4 and the TR~E POIMT O? 3EGI~MING of this description. Conta~nin~ 4.~03 acres more or less. : .'-' ". ' .~ . -"-. , f\PoPlICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT NAP .,. '. 1. '1. c' e . . '. .. .. ! -'.. . . , PC-PRESEHT ZONE~---:.R~-~A-...I·l..:;:.d _____ _ PROPOSED ZONE --------------------- . We the undersigned state that . we are . -rcr',-..We-)r---;.;.;::;..----· (I am, He are) the -r;;-o""",w",,-,n=er,-:::-_' ._._"~. _ .. _"_._" _. "_of the property described herein and. here.by (Owner, Owners) give 'our .... authorization ·to the filing.of this 01y, Our) ." ' proposed tract map: • .. • .. • ".' .. e e • • .. ~ .. • .. ~ ~ .. .. .. .. ~ ..... Charles Name I --~--~~~~~r-as--s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R-ec-o-r-d~e~~~----~----~--~-------- "', ' " Signature .;. ------------------------,.......-----~--.-;,:., ... , Name ' .. ' . .. ." ~(T~y-p-e~d-o-r-=Pr-l~'n~t-e~d-a-s--s~ho-w-n-.-on-,~R~e-c-or-d~e~d~,D~e-e~d~)--.,-.--~--------------~ , ";" " .: : " . " '-.,.":, '''~ .. , ,::,.:: ::~.;:. /.~;~.:.~" .• : 5i gnature ________ ..,..-________________ .....,; _____ ~ -' .. ::;. Name " ••• ~~ :,: ..... :~ M', ;' .. ::. .. , . .' .... .. :.,:~~'" ", (Typed or Printed as shown.on Recorded De~d), , . . -... ,' ' . '., >~. ,.,".: .:' '!"':" . ~ .. '~. ~~":~.::--~-... Signature ___________________________________________ ___ ... ' ".; ~. '~~' .. :.. ". Name -r.(T~y-p-e~d-o-r~P~r~in-t~e-d~·-a·~s-s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-co-r-d~e~d~Oe-e~rl~)----------~---------------Signature ____________________ ~ ____________________ ~ __________ --___ Name --(~T~y~pe~dT,~o-r~P~r~i~nt~·e~d~as--sTh~ow-n~,~o-n'R~e~c~or~d~e~a~O~e~e~d~)--~------------~----- . .. '.. .'.: :. , . ~ ~ .-,:' . ;: -',", Si gna ture ___________ ------------------:--___ --:------....-:~ -': .:" .. " . . ' ~... ,,::' :." ," .::--' , . -" Name and Address of Subd i vi der:' . . ' . .. . ,~ . Larwiri-San Diego, Inc. '. . .~ - . 6150 Mi ssi on Gorge Road, San Di ego , . .'Ca 1 i forni a 92.120 -------------=-----~----......;:~;.....--------~----------------.. " ~ ," '-.. . . . Name and address of Engineer or Licensed' Land Surveyor:' . . ~..' , ., .... No.,C.L 18010 .... ,:.< McCabe Engineering, Inc. ';'-, 607 A1~wych Road, El Cajon, California 92020 . . 1. The source of water supply ----:C:...;.i~ty~o:...;.·f~Ca~r~l:...;.s.;;;.b.;.;.ad~ ______ -------.......... - 2. Type of street improvements and utilities which the subdivider propo~es to instal1-Paved pri vate dri veways, dedi cated streets and underground, ut.i l~ ti es. , " -2-.' ,. ,.' ... • : v~ •• \;', ',: :':':" .~. ':, .... -: ~ ., • '.' ,I ~,": '. ,': ,'" , '. 3. 4. ' . . '. ~ _ v __ . . The method of sewage disposal is --=u~n.::.;de:.:r .... g~r.:.ou::.:n.:.:d:...'.::.co=..:n..:..:v:..;::e~y.::.:an:.:.;c;.;:e:..,,· ..;.v..:.;ia:;....J;;p;.:;u.::.,bl.:..i:..;:Gi..,· ____ ........ :.....-_ _~se;;;..;.w.;...;;e...;.r_m_a_i_Ii_.s ___________________________ ,;;.,;.".;_··. : '.1 Proposed storm \'/ater sewer or other means of drainage (grade' & size) -------." 18 inch diameter pipe (A.C.P., C.M.P. or R.C.P.) 5.. Protective covenants to be re,~orded Will be C.C. & Rls of Homeowners' Association· 6. Proposed tree planting per City and F.H.A. specifications 7. Proposed grading pl an (when required} Wi 11 be submit.ted.'for. a~pr~va''''' by' .; ':' . :f :::"'.';~": the city Engineer. Tentative g~ading fs shown on·:.~he ;ten~~t:i'v~:~ap': ;.: ... ~ .... ::: ... :.:.:< ..... ;: ..... ;::~ submitted herewith. ... . ":~ .; . .' ~ ,~ ,', -'. . ~.'", . -----.....--------~---~----------~-.....-~.' ... ~.: • -: : __ J" , . \ ... -... ~ " -" --. : .... ' '~. ::' ...... ~-------------------------~----------~-~--------~~----~.' The adopted general pl'an of the Cityof Carlsbad ·recognizes·.th~··pro·pet:"ty··:/.:,~ ,::-:,:.;,:.,:.-. ': • -" < :,~ 'I': -; •. ::.' ; ~ .. ' .. '~::'.-.. }-.," ~: ____ described in this appl ication for . Low Density Residenti.'al . '.'. .' -.. .. ' .. ~ ...... (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Etc.).·'.-.: use of land. ", ~ . : .... . ., . ~ ... ,..: ~ . :..... . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CITY OF CARLSBAD ) ) 55 ) -• " _. .-1 •• . "-." AFFIDAVIT '. " ...... <.~ .. ,:-" '. ...... '- . '. . , '" .: : ..... #' -. .- -.' . " . " . -:. : ~ '. . .' ~. / . . ~ ....' -. --=H~.;,--!-W~.:-f"M!:SOe .... ·i..liOls~t:.s::e"""r..&.r-=-I.=.I--¥:an¥d~G~ ..... D~. -.!S~o:::..l;!;.:;l~a~z~z:.l:o,,--__________ , being du'ly sworn (I, We) (Name) depose and decl are to the best of -.--....;::O~u~r _________ · knm'/l edge. that the f~re..,.· -(my, our) going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury:' ./ . ;" -3- ."', -. " ' .. . -. -. '. -~.' " ... \ EXECUTED AT _8_' a_n-r::;D:-:-l-:-' e....:g~-0_'_-_'_-_-._._-_._._ •. _-_-_._._. _. ____ C_· a...,....l_if;o~r::-;-n_,_l~' a..,·~ ____ ~ (City) '(Statei) .. DATE~~M~a~y~·3~-,~·-_i~9~7_3~·_-_-___ ._--_._._._._'_ .. _._._._._._ .. _. ______ _ :. -'" OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: . (Mailing Addre.ssJ '. ' -," . :~ - -!, . ~ ~ -~-~(r-;:C:-:-i t~y";"--a-nd-:-:::S":""ta-:t-e'T") --:.-. ------" -. , -• ,'-',: _. _'0-.' .' .. -," .-' -'~:;.:".: ,-.:; , ~(:...:;Ar:...;:e::..:a:.:... . .:;.Co::.:d::.;:e~l-=· ~ .. .,.... "'l"" ..;.,; .... ..,.. --:-:--:,..' ...... ...,'-.' __ .• ---_. _-,._ '. ': " (Telephone Nu:mber) -. , . • W '" .' ". ': ". • .~ ... -'-. ~ .: . ~:'-: -::-:. :- • • f";' SUBSCRIBED AND S~JORN TO BEFORE ~1E THI~ --=.T.:,:;hl:;;' r;;.;;--d:::-... ____ DAY OF .. ~. ·~L.;·· >, ",~~ .··Z2id~·,d.'.' .. '." .. ~lTi (2. C A-i\) r\JA v A " (Notary Public) '"", ' ", . ~'.. " " -. ,. . . ' -4- '-.-= .' .. . , . . ,.' -~ .. . '. " .: .-~. . . ~" -.' '~' . . '.; . -.:' ~ .. "' . , ," --. -,'. , , .. ' ,. J,"',., '. .-"",.,,, _. ~ ---. --. .:~. ....."- . ~ -".: .' ., ',' ,-'- . , . • .: _. f .,.',. ~.-: _ 1:-": ":, .,".:.t; • _ .... • • • -,,~ " .,,: .. ,.':. '.~ :-.> ',:",---' • '. ,- • .' .-: _ • _ .; ~ ~." '. T' " . -. ~ ". . '. ' , .' .', . -"{'-: . , . . '~,~, ~ --' ~ .. ': ' .: :-0-"." "-' " ,~ . . :'