HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-26; LA COSTA LAND CO ALGA HILLS; Engineering Application\ '"1 • u' C' ~;T;, .... -" ... ~ '. • I, .. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF,THE CARLSBAD'MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. --,----.' ' TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73-26 (;::-Fo-r~O~f!;:';:i-ce-,"'U;--s e-)'--- DATE 'June 4:, 1973 I. Request is hereby made for.appr9v~1 of Tentative Tract No. 73~26 consisting of __ 6.;..,4.;...± _____ 9,ross acres, having _....;1....;9 _____ 1ots, " ...• being a proposed subdivision of 1and for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) Being a portion of the South Half of Section 25, Township 12 South, . ' Range 4 West , San Bernardino Meridian , in the City of Carlsbad , County of San Djego, State of California 4' . genera 11 y 1, oca ted on the --.-_--:---,:....;S:...::o:,.::u;:,;;,th~--:-:-:----:-r-------­(North~ South, East, West) side of Alga Road, (Name of Street) and Alisma Street' (Name of Street) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Residential between Alicante Street' (Name of Street) (Residential, Commercial, Industrial) , ~I ).. ' ~, .,;1 e ~ t.. • ~ :7 tPP~ICATION FGk APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP PRES ENT, ZONE __ . ...:.R.:---=b;...-...::;·M~a:.::.:n:;::.d-=· P:....-~...;::C:::.-__ PROPOSED ZONE R-D-M and P-C the undersign.ed state that I am the agent fo~ (I am, We are) ~~o~w~ne=r~_'_'_"_'~'_'_'_'_' _. '_' __ of the property described herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) . I I Burton L. Kramer' (I, We) give my authorization to the filing of ~his (My, Our) proposed tract map: Name . La 'Costa Land Company' (Typed or Printed as s~own on Recorded Deed) Signature ·.1:B·~Jt:"'~L~ L.y .. ~· .... ~ .... Name Burton L. kranier~ Vice' President· (Typed or Printed as shown on Recor~ed Deed) the Sig~ature ___________ '_' ._._. __ ._._._,_._._._._._. _'_'_'_'_' __ ~ ________________________ __ 1. Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Signature Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Signature Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Signature Name {Typed or Printed as shewn on Signature Name and Address of Subdivider: La Costa Land Company Recorded Deed) Recorded Recorded Recorded Deed) Deed) Deed} , , Costa Del Mar. Road. Carl shad. CaJjfornja 92008 Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: Rick Engineering Company '. 5620 Friars Road, San Diego, California 92110 No. 94116 .... . The SOU rce of wa ter sup ply _~C;!...a~r~l.gs~bb!.ad!.!...,j,M.u..\d.ulln.l..loico<.&i.,t.<'p~a..L.l -xW'y-a!;4tl.s;eu.r....JD'-'J,.j;j s:ut.J,..ril,.l...c<.J.t_-:--____ _ . 2. Type of street improvements and utilities which the subdivider proposes to install-Public streets to be in accordance with City of Carlsbad Standards: private courts as shown on the typical section. -2- • I' " , ' ~: 1 ... l.., .'.J • WPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3. The method of s ewa ge dis posa 1 i s _---=L::::;e::.;:u::.;:c:;.::a:.::;d:.:;.ia=-.;C::;.;o::.,:u::.::n:,::.:t:..Ly_W:...:..::a:.::.te;::.;r:....::D:;i=.st.:::r..::.ic::..:t=__. ___ _ , ! , , 4. "Proposed storm water s@werorothermeans of drainag~ (grade'& s;ze) _____ -===-=,_ Underground conduits varying from 18 11 to 54 11 as shown on the, tentative map. 5.. Protective covenants to be recorded Cove'nants« conditions and restrictions 6. 7. to be recorded ,Proposed tree planting Street trees, in accordance with Carlsbad Standards Proposed grading plan (when required) Proposed grades as shown on the tentative 'map. '" The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the,property de s cri bed i n th i sap p 1 i cat ion for --r=---:-:~.,=-R7=e~s~id~e~n.:.!t:=cia~l=---:-=---=--,---:--:--;:;--=-c:--'"T"" (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Etc.) use of land. -, ' " r STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY or SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ) ) SS ) AFFIDAVIT I I Burton L; Kramer age'nt for the owner (1, We) (Name) "": -. " being duly sworn depose and declare to the best of my knowledge that the fore--r(m-y-,-=~ou-r-")----' going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- r , " .; " Ii ., ;, II ;! JI " " ~I I' . " \1 , . • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP EXECUTED AT _.....;. C:::..a-:;:;r~l'7sb:;:;.a::::.;· d~'_'_' _ .. _._._. _. _. __ --,-_______ ....:C:::.:a:::.;:lr.if~o:.=..r!7'_nl:.::· a~ __ _ (City) . (State) .. . ..... " ..... DATE ____ ~J='u=n=e~ .. ~4~;_·=19~7~3~·_·_·_ .. _·_·_ .. _·_·_·_ .. _'_'_ .. _._. ____ ~ OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: . La Costa Land Company By: Burton L. Kramer, Vice Pre sident (Print Name) "f -aCht~· L t&. .. ~ . . Signature) , Costa Del Mar Road (Mailing Address) Carlsbad, California 92008 (City and State) (Area Code) 714 729-9111 (Telephone Number) --.,. -, . SUBSCRIBED 'AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 4th '·DAY· OF June ' ~ 1973. ----~=----~ ----~-------- . Sondra K. Muter (Notary Public) ,.f' " -4- SONDRA K. MUTE.R ' NOTARY PU\3L1t? . CALIFORNIA . PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN . SAN DIEGO 'COUNTY . My Commission Expir~~ ?e~c:mb:r}.9:.:9!.-' ......... 4. u . .r. 4444 vJ14!V 44 . . . . " .,: t.... ~ .. ~ t' ~ ", " . ! , .. . ., " " II II