HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-39; SPINNAKER HILLS; Engineering Application< ~d ? , " . J I \ ~' . . - 1.0 . ~ < .. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTtR 20.12 OF THE CARLSBAD "MUrnCIPAL CODE . FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. t~~ .. TENTAT.IVE TRACT NO.~r 7 ~'3~ (for Office Use DATE ___ -:--_______ _ TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CI;Y OF CARLSBAD: I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Tract No. 73~39 cons i s tin 9 of _-=9;..=2.,.:..' ..::;.8_=_· _____ 9ros s acres ~ ha vi n 9 _-.:3;.,:0:..;4:.....-· ___ 1 ~ts ~ being a proposed subdivision of'land for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) " North Half Southeast Quarter, Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, . . " . San Bernardino Meridian and portion of Southwest Quarter, Northeast Quarter, . Section 28, and portion of Northwest Quarter, SbutJhwest Quarter, Section 27. ~ . genera 11 y 1. oca ted on' the --r:-:--~ea;:;..s;:.;t=--:-:-~;::---:--""'""';"";""--;.--_______ _ (North, South, East, West) side of La goon Lane. (Name of Street) bet\'Jeen Poinsettia &' BatiyUitos Lagoon (Name of Street . and _____ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~--__ --__ -----------(Name of Street) TYPE Of SUBDIVISION . residential TR~e-s~id~e~.r.~.t~i;:;"a~l;:;",~C~o-m-m-er-c~i~a~l-,-I~n-d~u-s~tr-l~'a~l~)--------------- I • I .. 1" .. :-~".,~~...... -. . .' '. ,)Pt;LCATICN FC:-~ APPROVAL T TIVE TRACT ~iAP ,\,~~,"c ~,', -,-:-" ~):%""~~:>~~"-': "<'-':":':~"'~":"~~,~i~!>t~~~;~0~g~~~t;~:':~;~~t: -< ~ •. ' , .' . ' : '. PRESENT. ZONE R~1-7 ,'500 & RDM PROPOSED ZONE R-1-7 ,S().Q-'~~~ --r-=--.....-:--.-.....:iIw!~ ____ the undersign.ed state that I am thel (I:> ~'!e ) -"-(I:;:--a'="m~:>::..:.nH-e -a-r-e'"'l')-----' --r-::--_o_w_n-=e_r_' _: _ ........ ,...._._._._. _. _. _of the pr~perty described herein and hereby' (Owner, Owners) . give ·.my-'· authorization to the. filing of ~his (My, Our) proposed tract map: Name Donald' B. Ayres' .' , . . (Typed or'~printd ~S~"o\V 0 Re~orded Deed) Signature··)(·· .~~ ............ . . If ~ Name ',' . , ..... ... . . ," (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Sig~ature _________ '_"_'_'_'_'_" __ '_'_'_'_'_"_' __ '_'_"_' ___ '_._.------------------______ __ Name ~(~ly~.p~e~d~0~rp~r~i~n7t~ed~a-s--s~ho-~-Jn--o-n~R~e-c-o-r~de-d~D~,e-e~d~)----------------~------ Signature ______________________________________________________ ___ Name --T(-~ly~p~e~d~o~r-Pn.r~l~·n~t~e~d-~as~s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-c-o-rd~e-d~D~e-e~d~)----------~--~--------- Signature __ ~ ______ --____ ------------~------------------------____ ___ Name -r(T~y~p~e~d~o~r-Pn.r~i~n~t~e~d~as~s~h~o-w·~n-o~n~R~e~c-o-rd·e-d~D~~-e'd\)----------------------~ Signature ------------------------~--------------------------------- Name --T(-~fy~p~e~d!7o~r-Pn.r~l~·r~,t~e~d-a~.s~s~h~b~w~n-o~n~R~e~c~o~rd·e-d~D~e-e-.d\l------~----------------- Signature __________ ~~ ____ --------------------------------------~-- Name and Address of S'ubdivider: Standard Pacific of San Diego ' , 7670 Clairemont Mesa Bmllevard San Diego I C?alifornia 92111 Name and address of Engi neer or Li censed land Surveyor: No. 1S 3189 Robert C. Ladwig '. 1. The source of \\latel'" supply-Carlsbad Municipal Water District 2. Type of street improvements and utilitiES \lfhich the subdivider proposes to instal1-as required by City Engineer. --~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------------------- -2- ~... _ i-.... " ... "--, ,-:"~;".-.. : "'~:-:7!?~t.~/:::>~~;->::-~> ." }~ '>?L rGA1IGN FOR APPROVAL TENT.~E TRACT HAP_ •. , '0:-~ _~'<. ~ • . :. .. ~ : '. ~ , . , 3. The method of sewage di sposa 1 is City of Carlsbad --------~~---------------------------- . 4. Proposed storm water sewer or other means of drainag~ (grade'& size) ------ 48" at 3% and others smaller 5. Pro tecti ve covenants to be recorded __ ,....:\J=-\.J_\J-.:·-.:c::.-__ ~U:;;..:o~t4E..!:lo-_________ _ 6. 7. Proposed grading plan (when required) a~; shown grades are approximate • '., The adopted general 'plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the·property .. residential described in this appiication for (Residential, Commercial, Industrial~ Etc.) use of land. . , . . ,. , STATE OF CAt..IFORNIA COUNTY OP sXN§!Mtoo £~~~-~-GARb£gA~ ) ) ) SS , ., AFFIDAVIT -, . " . . , .... .. .. _-.=--..,..'.;..' ~ ______ I)_O_NAr:-;-LD--B-r._AY_R_E_S--_--_----__ --__ ) bei ng duly s\'JOrn (I~ ~e) (Name) depose and declare to the best of -,--__ my~..-_-.-:knowledge that the fore'- (my, our) going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- .. --~,,~~;_!;, ... ,.>:-. ..,.-, ~'~':~"'I.%if.ti:w;P.':;t;',~,~.,,;;:"lS':,':,c;:,:;;.,,:,.:<,:),:,·,~ ,.,"::/ ~ •. ~;i~~ ' .. ;.v-,,:·~·!t·', .. :-::,-::;:. ~<: _ ,c, .,':. :::::-:'~,~,;,~',' ~:'::'::""-'''/_'''~;' .. c<~":·"';;';;~'::;.·,;.,,~,., .. :,: .. ,/~,::-':i~'~:/i_'~::~.,... ?RLICATTON FOR APPROVAL ~E'ATIIJE TRACT l\i~P • . , • • . ' EXECUTES AT ' , 'Hunt'i hgton' Beach; . , " , ~,Ca 1,i forn i a ----~(~C~i'~ty~)~,----~~----~------------~(~S~ta-t~e~}-------- ... .. . ... . ..... . ....... DATE 'Deceniber' 23', 1974""""""" , OHrJER AND/OR mINER' 's AUTHORIZED AGENT: RANCHO LA K0STA, a Limited Partnership By: Donald B. Ay,r;e.s, General Partner (telephone Number) , • i"!.. SUBSCRIBED 'AND SHORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ___ 2_3_r_d ----,.. __ ,DAY.0r., . December ... 1974,~~;!,J\ " (Not~ry Pub 1 i c) " -4- OFFICIAL SEAL BETIV L FAUST NOTARY PUBLIC, CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN' 'ORANGE CQUNTY My Commission: Expires Oct. 4, 1976 . , 'l;: + v .... v'" v v" y .. v V" ;: V:'" y ".. \. " i '