HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-45; LOMA LAGUNA UNIT NO 2; Engineering Application• CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. &. g /7 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. "7~ -t/-,.s- (For 'Office .use) TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE Aug. 28, 1973 1. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Tract No. 73-45 ------- consisting of --=2:.:.1.!...:.8~1=--____ g,ross acres, having ----:6:;..=1:...-____ 1ots, being a proposed subdivision of land for prop,erty described as: (Exact Legal Description) Portion of Lot I Rancho Agua Hedionda Map 823 The City of Carisbad, California generally located on the easterly of Carlsbad Tract 71-5 on an extension of (North, South, East, West) Park Drive. side of between , ( Name 0 f Stree t) ~(r.-N~a-me-o-;::f-S;::-;t:-r-e-et7"'1):-------"-- and (Name of Street) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Residential ~(R~e-s~i~d-en~t~-i-a~l-,~C~o-m-me-r-c~i-a~l-,~I~n~du-s~t-r~i-al~)~--------------------- It . f 1 . , ! ' , , i , 'f\ip',LI~A,iIi)N FOR APPROVAL TENT,ll,eE TRACT MAP • 1. PRESENT ZONE ____ PC_' _____ _ PROPOSED ZONE __ PC ____ '--__ -"-- ~=--.,..,.._.__-I_----the unders i gned s ta te tha t -r:;:--I_a_m-;-; __ ....,..-____ the (1, We) (1 am, We are} --r:::--o_w __ n_e....,r:-'_'_' _' ,...' '_'_'_' _' __ o,f the property descri bed here in and hereby (Owner, Owners) give my'" ' authorization to the filing of this -(My, Our) proposed tract map: NamE!'1. Allan' Kelly' for' Rancho Agua Hedionda a partnership of which I am manager (Typed or Printed as shown on Reco'rded"Deed) SjgnatureW.(lf!£~.·.~······ ...••.. Name --T-(Tr.y~p~e~d-o~r~P~r7in~tL.e~d~a~s~s~h~o~w~n-o-n-nR~e-co~r~ti~e'd~De-e-B~)~----------~-~ Si-gna ture ________ ' _'_'_'_' _. _' _' _'_' _' _' _' '_'_' _' _______ -:--_____ ---':.....-_ Name ~(T~y-p-e~d-o-r~P~r~i-nt~e-d.-a-s-s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-c-or-d~e-d~D-ee-d~)~--~----------- Signature _____________________________________ ~ Name __ r-r.~~~~~~~~~~~_n~~~~ __ ~---------~~-(Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature _________________________ ~ _____ ~_----- Name -r-(T~y~p~e7d~o~r~Pr~1~·n~t~e7d-a~s~sLho~w-n-on-rR~e-c-or-dTe-.d~De-e-d~)-,-------~----------Signature _____________________________________ __ Name --~(Try=p~ed~o~r~Pr~i~n~t~ed-.-a-s--shro-w-n-o-n-'rR~e-c-or-dTe-.d-D~e-e'd~)------------------ Si gnB:i:ure -----------------------:--------------- Name and Address of Subdivider: Rancho Agua Hedionda 3095 State St. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 P.O. Box 463, Carlsbad, Ca. Y2UU~ Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: Rick Engineering Co. 509 Elm Ave, Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Robert C. Ladwig L.S. 3189 No. ~.S. 3189 The source of wa ter s upp ly ___ C~_· t_y __ o_f_C_a_r_l_sb_a_d __ ' ___________ _.__-- 2. Type of street improvements and utilities which the subdivider proposes to , , install-full street improvements with underground utilities -2- L I' • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP .' .. 3. The method of sewage dis posa 1 is __ C_1_' t_' y __ o_f_C_a_r_ls_b_a_d_s_e_w_e_r_sy_s_t_e_m ____ ____ 4. Proposed storm water sewer or other means of drainage (grade & s:jze) __ -.--____ As re~uired by the City Engineer for the City of Carlabad .5. Protective covenants to be recorded none --=~~-----------~--~ 6 .. Pro po sed tree p 1 ant i n 9 ____ a:::..;c:::.::c:,:;:o;.::,r.:.d 1=..:· n:.:.cg:l-.:t.:.o .....:C:::.::i:..:t~y_o:::c.;f=--=c:.::a:.=.r=.;ls=-=b:.=a:.=d:.....::.;d 1=-=' r::...::e:.;;;c..::t.=.io::.;;n::..:.:--W.;:..e=....;.w:.;;;o..;;;u.:;:.ld~_ prefer to use several varieties of eucalyptus 7. Proposed grading plan (when required) to be prepared after the approval of tentative map The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the prQperty described in this application for Residential -··~(;~::O-,e-s-:.t-:·d,-e-n'-:-e·'1-;-· .. a-::,1-.,-··>"""G0-. m-m-e-r-€~-:-i··a-:·J;-,-··~":;'l-nd-;-"l:l-· s-:-~t,-·r· .. i,.....,a·l:;-,-;:;·E:-;-t-c--r. ) use of land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT SS _~Iul..,.,W;..:.r.:..-.A~ll:.=a~n;...:K~e::;.:l::.::.ly ... · --r;;..,----.---------------, ,be; ng du 1 y sworn (I, We) (Name) depose and declare to the best of my knowledge that the fore-. -r(m-y-,--"o"'""ur-)..---- going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- • • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP .. !t. EXECUTED AT --""Ca"""'r ...... l...,.~*ba~d:'---T·_· _. _·_·_·""'Ca....,·l .... · f""'f=or ..... · n",-,,' i""'· a'-----"------r~~-r-_--lCity) (State) ....... ' ....... . DATE . September' 4 ~ 1973" . . . .. . ... . ----- OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: W. Allan Kelly SigTlafure) ~ P.O. Box 463, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 (Mailing Address) (Cityand'State)' (Area Code) (714)729-4866 (Telephone Number) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS __ !/-l--H. __ ---'DAY OF S¥lemlf!/r., 1-971. ~7??'?Jrff7r (Nota~y blic .~.' -4 .. W" ... _ .................... -............................. "W" ........ ~ OFFICIAL SEAL . EUNICE R. NORDBERG NOTARY PUBLIC· CALIFORNI/\ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY My Commission Expiros January 4, 1976 .,... ..................... T ........................ ·W·Iol'W·oI'1, .. Io,''1.''!,I'\'.fW'W'W'W'W''W''W .. " r' , j 1 !