HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-49; PALOMAR AIRPORT INDUST PARK; Engineering ApplicationI . ~ \ 1 .. -~~ • CITY OF CARLSBAD ~PPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER LG.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. ---TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73-49 (For Office Use) DATE 9_/7-78 TO THE PLANNING CmlMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Tract No. 73-49 consisting of __ 3_3_7_._15 ___ 9ross acres, having _-...::8 ____ .-;lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) _See attached Exhibit A f . 9 e n era 11 y 1 0 cat e don the --,=,-S",-ou_t;:-h_-=-:---"'i'-:-''':'-''-_:;'''''''''; (North, So-uth-, East, West) El-C;;in~ Reed s"jde of Palomar Airport Road between El Gamino Real ( Name 0 f'::--;::S:"7't-=-re-e-:-t"T) -------( Name of St ree t) and Kelley Drive ( Name of-::S::-:-t-r-ee·~t;-,:)--------- TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Industrial .'-'-;( R.:-", e-s-'-; ~d e'-n-:-t-:-i "':"a l<-,-,"""'C-or-nm-e--r-c 7"i a""-:;''''''',--;""I n-d'u-s 7"t r-'i a 1) , , I 1\ j , j • to,. .;0 t _ ~ _ .. .. , 1:::['.:...,P:..:L:.;,;.I..;:.:C{;..:..;,n,.:.I.::;O N.:....:-F O;:.;,R.:..:..:.;'lX P..,;.P..:..;.R O.::...;V:,;..A;.::..L ...,.;T~E:.;.:.r H A TI ~lAP , ** .... ** 1. PRESENT ZONE __ -::.A-=---=.,l...,.;-B:::.--____ _ PROPOSED ZONE~M;;,.....:;.:.&__:C;...-...;;;2 _____ _ the --.-",.--..;.W;..e~ ______ the undersigneri "tate that We are (I, ~ve) . --r;(I'-am-,--;-;W-ea-r~e )r-"----- ~~---O~w~n-e_t~s_·~·-· '_'_'_' __ '~of the property Jescribed herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) give our authorization to the filing of this (My, Our) proposed tract map: Name See atEached Exhibit'B (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature -------~--------------------------------------------- Name --r-(T~y=p7e7d~o~r~P~rl~·n~t~e~d~a~s~srho~w~n~0-n'R~e-c~o-rdTe-d~D~e-edT)r--------------------- Signature -----------------------------------------~-------~ Name -,.(T~y-p-ed~0-r-P~r~i~n7te-d~a-s-s~h-o-w-n-o-n~Re-c-o-r~de-d~D-e-ed~)~---------------- Signature _______________________________________________ ~ ________ _ Name --n(T~y=p7ed~~~r~Pr~1~·n~t~e~d~a~s~srho~w~n~o-n'R~e-c-o-r'de-d~D~e-ed7)r---------------------- Signature ____________________ ~---------------------------~--- Name -r-(T~y~p~e-.d-o-r~P~r~i-nt~e-d.-a-s-s'h~o-w-n~o-n~R~e-c-o-r~de-d~D~e-e~d~)----------------------- Signature _____________________________________________ ~ __________ ~ Name --r-(T~y=p7e7d~o~r~P~rl~·n~t~e~d~a~s~sTho~\7vn~o-n'R~e-c-o-r·de-d~D~e-ed7)r--------------------- Signature ___________________________________________________ ~ Name and Address of Subdivider: C. C. &: F. -Palomar Properties, Inc. '. Cabo~, Cabot & Forbes:,~ " . • ' .} ~ --_tt--,j 11 0 West "A" Street, Suite 11 00, San Diego, California Telephone: 239-0861 , Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. 9416 __ ~VV~l~'l~ll~'a~m~B~.~R~i~c~k~~ ________________________________________________ ~' 5620 Friars Road, San Diego, California 9211 0 See attacheq Exhibit B The source of wa ter s upp 1 y ___ C_ar_l_s_h_a_d_M_u_n_ic_i..:.p_a_l_W_at_e_r_D_is_t_rl_' c_t _______ _ 2. Type of stteet improvements and utilities which the subdivider ptoposes to ins ta 11-Public improvements in accordance with City of Carlsbad requirements and streets as' shown on Tentative Map. -2- \ !~ ,; ) Ap.F'tJCAT(.ON FOR AP'PROVAf: TENTATIVE T MAP , 3. The method of sewage disposal is City of Carlsbad -Sanitary Sewer System 4. Proposed storr" water sewer or other means of drainage (grade & size) ___ _ Existing drainage channels and storm drainage conduits to City of Carlsbad Standards. 5. Protecti ve covenants to be recorded C. C. & R. Documents to be recorded with maps as recorded. 6. Proposed tree planting in accordance with City of Carlsbad Standards 7. Proposed grading pl an (when required) Grading as shown on Tentative Map - future grading to be by individual tenant • The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property described in this application for Residential --r.( R;::-'e-s";"dc-"e-n t-:"l'-' a"l:-"',--;::C-om-m-e-r-c-'; -a 1::;--, -;I=-n-;d-u s-t:-r-:;:-a-:;-l-, -:E:-:t=-c-.-r) ,use of land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD (I, We) ) ) ) SS AFFIDAVIT (Name) See Attached Exhibit liB II , , being duly sworn depose and declare to the best of knowledge that the fore-'T"{m-y-,--ou-r""<)--- going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3:- l~ I