HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-08; S L & B SERVICE CORP, MCCOY, JOHN; Engineering Application~~ " i -1 I ... 1" It • , , r"o' .-, • • • CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE " CARLSBAD MUNICIFAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. ---TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7 '1-:Y (For Office Use) TO"THE PLAN~ING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE /v1 J1--.'I ""3/" It; 7('E I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Tract No. 7 '1--)( consisting of ~ 'gross acres, having /D ~lots, being a proposed subdivisi.on of land for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) S E £ ,q-r"TA-c-t-l-t::.A I genera lly located on the £ 14-.:5 i -r.(N~o-r~th-,~So-u~t~h,-=Ea~s~t-,~W~e-s~t)~-------------- . side of tI J+ L'-8y (Name of Stree"tff S ·-I "' between e 11-1( 7t-vE· ( Name of" Street) and Bo N JT f\-'-A-N .E . --~~(N~a~me~o~f~S~t-re-e-t~)----------------- TYPE OF SUBDIVISION ~~;~""+""~"~~~~~/~D~~~/~~~~)_~~~~~~ ______________ __ Residentia"j, Commercial, Industrial) / '. • APPLICA-TION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP l. 2.· PRESENT ZONE ~ /--7:n>o' PROPOSED ZONE R i -7.sl) v -r:;,....-,rJl-ftJ-T--'F=· =--____ the unde rs i g ned s ta te that . W E... IJ-" E.. (I, We; --. (I am, We are) ----r::->Oo<...:.-W--::.N.:-=-t:-'--...;..«.'-· ,5~' ",-' ._. _. _' __ 0 f th e pro pe r ty de s c r i be d he re ina n d here by (Owner, Owners) give OtJR. _authorization to the filing of this U1y, OUr) proposed tract map: , Name X h~/J-· /~ !2,77N'f r Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed Signature X·;fi!i;i;~· ~ .... "- Name III I" e., A. lTii--f..P" Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Dee Signature~ ·~tfiJZtlwal·&A f2i" .. t/ Name the -=~~-~~~--~------~--~~~~-----~------------(Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Si gnature ________________________________ _ Name~=__,,_~~~._-._---~--_.~~~------------------(Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Si gnature __________________________________ _ Name -r-(T~y-p-ed~o~r~P~r~in~t~e'd-a-s-,sh~o-w-n-o-n-=Re-c-o-rd~e-d~De-e~d~)------------------ Si gnature ________________________________ _ Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature Name and Address of Subdivider: S; L ~ 13 5 £;( 1/ I c..-£ C Q ~ P Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. ~o303 ... , LS"1o (;J ~'5 T LIN bit: "/S'Tn-lrR). SIJ,J· MR'(Ct!..5 t:;)..o (,7 c '''y <' F- The source of \-IJater supply __ C--..!..A-..:....:..~:'-L __ S __ i3=_=___.:...A-...:_.::b~ _____________ _ Type of street improvements and util i ti es wh-j ch the subdivider proposes to install-c.fd: u ~ 6?~ .. . ~~~) -2- '. APfLIC~JION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3. (7) it I/t""» t'6> The method of sewage disposal is ~ '-----------~--------~------------- 4. ProposEd storm water sewer or other means of drainage (grade & size) 5. 6. 7. ----- ,.4-S R E Q U t R GJj Protective covenants to be recorded 'N (J I'" t=-----~~--~~--------------------- Proposed tree plant i n g._---"-k~5=--_R~_""E::::.....;::Q"__lJ_'_I..:..f<._'.....:;.J:::;.'_-~h..J'__ ______________ _ Proposed grading plan (when required) As S Hb W tV The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property described in this appl ication for 1(15-5 i 1> FI"I 71lfL -r.( R=-"e-s-:""i d-:-e-'-n~t-:""i a-=-:l:-,--:::"C o-m.!-m~e-'-rc":;;:l:-· a-=-l-, -:I=-n-:d-u s-t:-r-:"i -a l::-,--=E-:-tc-.-r-) use of land. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) SS CITY OF CARLSBAD ) t. , /'. L.J-B <' .;:: /J .. I I <=-r rt 0 ~ w E3. I v.. ...,p 4-'" V c-'-t) " r · , bei ng duly sworn -(~I~,~v71e~)-----~--~(N~a-m-e~)--------------------~- depose and declare to the best of au ~ (my, our) knowledge that the fore- going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- 3 ·) .. .. ., ,I\p.PLIcAJION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT f>1AP EXECUTED AT ell-·R.. /..;-'s l3'IJ:-:1>' (City ) DATE .::r V'jV' ,£ ' '3' i )-iIj l' V OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AU~HORIZED AGENT: FORE ME THIS (Notary Public) -4- • c.A-J.-"<-I F (State) S. L"+ B S p"," til e.. e COR~ (Print Name) ~~u~~¥ .. -r-0.' B,,?\ ' 15' iJ (Mailing Address) ... Ckf( L5 '8 It-JJ C /f:1-1-r P, 9;J,ooJ' (City and state) (Area Code) 7; ¥ -7:l-9. ., 2-«.C'2- (Telephone Number) OFFICIAL SEAL REBECCA L. PATTERSON NOTARY PUBLIC-cALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO COUNTY MyCom,misslonExpire~Mar.13.1977 P. O. Box 925. Encinitas, CA. 92024 t I I I I I 'j, . ' PA H4' '. ~ 1 <) ~ 7 4 \., n9l~65 • EXHIBIT "Aft . That 'porlion of Lot 32 ofPatLerson's Addition to Carlsbad, in the GHy of Carlsbad, r";oU'nty of San t)iego. Slat(' of Califo-rnia, a,ccording to trap there,of ilo. 565, filed in the office' of I he C01Hlly Hecorder of :;8n j)i0go Count,., 'seplembe'r 22, 18-88, T',C::TI:Eil ',-!:iTli' aportinn bf the SClutil- pasted" 10.00 feet of Oak Avenue' adjoini.nl! said ,1.Of' 3~ on Li,l' ::\'rt!,·, west as vaca'led and close<:l to p:lhl ic ;J5(> l)ll ;':;cpt:pmber 3,0, 1939 by ()nl.e1' of the goaru of S,uf>ervisors of San i1it'>i;o ',L)II11t:.:' and .bping descrihed as a >vhole as fo11ows: l\eginnitJg aI' tlleintprscc t i(1n p[ tlit" ~\ltltlll'asl('.l"l·,' linp llf the ':.l('lL-,,,,,;';t 01'1\' 290;00 ft·el oC said Llll 32 ,vi':) t;,l' :;()lItl\,,'esLt'r1:; lilll' ,,1' sHid ;:ot, '32; thence' p<H{ll1el wLth the' ':()rlh\':0Slt~r1y lllH'\1[ ',3,d llll 32 heing alot1~ tilt> S('llILl,easterl" line of 1'11(" ';llltilwesll,.'dy 2~1(l.n'1 [ect (If sllio :.01 .32 ~rorll1 55' 31'37" :a3t, ('~t'cnnJ -;:orl h 5') 27 'ou" I:usl) ),lll.on feet; !lwnce paralll'l \viti; thp :',ltl(',w,'slerIY line of 1><1io 1.,,( 32 and rl,E' ;~(lrl.bwester1y prolol1\~ati',m llicrel)f :;l)r!1l 34'33'(I(l" ',\l'<>f, 300.00 feet.to an intersection t-liLh tIt(' ;;\j[t\!'\wst'I:'r1:; lint' .of tilt' ;~')lltll('astcrl!,10,.OO feel of Oak AVt'lltle adjoining said Lot J2 lifl I'll\:, ::"rI11\VCfll; rhem'£' along said ;'lorthwcst vd:; line Soulh 5')' 31 137" ::. ,,' J2h.OO fe{'t :U1an intersect ion wi! 11 lilt' ;,,)rt lnvesterly Pi."{llOlli;;'t(' i ,It) of the ':(\lI,tI.wesferl~: line. of said ;\1[' J2l lt~enC'L' aloHg said Pl'l1h',H'.I: iu,; and said :;oull!westerlv lineSoulh 34'3'3'0011 ·:asi, 300.00 feel tt' ~!I(' POiIlL(1f l\~ginninL':.· . •