HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-13; BUENA WOODS PHASE III; Engineering Application" ". j. , '. AJeEO~; , i..I/-,eas iSteoW.NLINe CITY OF CARLSBA~~~~t~/(;trrno,v APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT ~lAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIP.T NO. ~~~ TENTATIVE TRACT NO. -/3 , (For Offi ce Us'e TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND ClTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE June 7, 1974 , __ _ 1. Request is hereby made for .approval of Tentative Tract No. 7'1-. ~ cons i s tin 9 of ->4*-"2,,,-"-, 8"",,' ______ gros s ac re s, ha vi n 9 ".=.1=4=6_' _---'"" ___ 1' 0 is s' ." L being a proposed subdivision of land for property describe~ as: ___ . ____ ,~. __ .. L _'::' =--=~-~ .... .,----' --. i ,?~41 , (Exa<:,t Lega,' Descripti on) rAP-eEL 2: Tho::;e portions of Lots '3, 0/, 5, G, 7, 26 and 27, and of Canon Street is Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Co. 's Tract No.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dief,o,'State of California, according to ~hp thereof No. 1136, filed, in the Qffice of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 8, 1908, descr ibed as l'o~lows: i . COmr.1enc'inr: at the Southeast corner of said tract; thcnc e alonr: the East line of said tract North 00° 5G '20" 1:~'lst, 1278.83 feet to the THill~ POInT OF BEDIriliInG; 'thence l<::avinG the East line of Gaid tract, North 59°28'58" Hest, 315.00 feet; thence North 05°19'30" East, b35.25 feet; thence North 89°18'10" ~·7e5t, 270.00 feet~ thence fJouth 22°37'05" \vest, h36.89 feet; thence South 14°15'52" East, 30J-+.39 feet; thence South7003h''53'' West, 147.38 feet; thence South 66°10'23" West, 482.69 feet; thence North 31°52'55" vlest, 350.00 feet; -thence South 63°0J-l'lI7" West, 217 .1+0 feet to a point on the SouthT..rester1y line of said Lot 26, distant tli.ereon North 29°21 '20" \'lest, 80.00 feet from an nnr,le point in the .Southves1;;erly line of sa.id Lot 26; thence along the' Southwesterly lines of Lots 26 and zr Gouth 29~'21'20" Mst, 80.00 feet and South 35°22'40" EaGt, 512.98 feet toa mint thn.t bears North 35°22'40" "lest, 77 5.74 feet' fr-om the SouthvTesterly corner of said Lot 27; thenc e ITorth-71023'3?j"i East, 740.17 feet to a point that bears South· 52°16'56" \':est, 651.73 feet from the True Point of Beginning'; thence North 52°16'56" East, 651.73 feet to the TRlm POII?r OF' BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: Those portions of Lots 5, 6, ,(, 8, 11, 12, 25, and ::>6 and of Forest Street ani,C:J.non ~,t:i:'eet in Hosp F.ucnlyptuG Forest Co.'s Tract No. f: in the City of Car1s1k1.d, County of Gnn Dier;o, Gta.te of C[1.lifornia, accordinr: to j::ap rio. 1136, filed in t.he Office of the County Recorder of San Die[o County, June 6, 1908, described as follows: COT.1li1.encin[ at the Southeast corner of sai,l tract; thence alonr; the Ea.st line of said tract north '00°56'20" East, 1278.£33 feet to the THUE POIiTT OF' FEGI:iIJnTG; thenc e lea.ving the East 1 ine of saj d tn.ct North 59°20' 58" \'!est, 315.00 feet; thence North 05°19'30" East, h15.25 feet~ thence North 89°18'10" \-lest, 270.00 feet; thence South 22°37'05" "'est, )~36.89 feet; 'thence' South 14°15 '52" Ealf,t, 30h.39 feet: thence South 7003J.~'53'' Ylest, 147.313 feet; thence fouth hbolO'23" West, 1182.69 feet; thence North :no52'55"-West, 350.00 feet; ~hence South ():3°04 'h7" West, 217.hO feet to a point on the S01:1thwest line of said Lot 26, said point hears North 29°~l'~01t Wcst,130.00 feet from.an anr:le point in the Southvesterly line of Lot 26; thence north 29°21'20" '-lest, 3':')7 afeet to the most :';outhcrly corner of Lot 25 in sai.<'l tract; thence along thc ~~outh:' .... esterl:; boundarj' of said Lot 25, NOl't]1 23°;:7;h5" West, 195.00 feAt; thence i'1orth 6W'3()'?O" East, 902.15 fect; thence North ()1025'OA" l<:Ust, 305.~1 feet; th~nce Sout]1 89°1S'lO" East, 557.72 feet to a roint on a non-tanr::ent curv'e concave Southeasterly and havinp; a radius of 310.00 feet; a radi'?1 line to s3.id point bears North 84°117'53" vlest; thence Northeasterly along saId curve thrOUGh a central anp;le of h1° 31 '00" I1.n n.rc distance of 221L131 ,feet; , ' thence South 89°18'10" mst, 46.07 feet to a p:>int that bears North 00')56'20" Bast from the True Point of HCGinninr,; thence South 00°52'20" West, 984.83 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ' .,,' ."i-'._ " '. . , 1" " >, •• f ,. -: \ ' >'1'1-' ', ... '~ ,~.r .• '~ ~-. !",;,:,t-,'-_-:.'~ .. J~" ,. !!1,"..;~~:' -t • • • ARPU'CATION FOR APPROVAL lENTATIVE TRACT MAP PRESENT ZONE" __ P_-_C _______ _ PROPOSED ZONE, __ P_,-_C ___ -'--_ -r:;--....,..-W.,e _______ the undersigned state that We are (I, We ) --r(I;:--::"a-=m-, '~;-:J e---a r-e'):----- Owners.' . ..... of the property descri bed herei n and hereby (Owner, Owners) give Our authorization to the fi'ling of this U~y, Our) proposed tract map: or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed Signature .. • • • • • • 4 • • • _ ~,I. • ... . . , Name . . . . . . . . ...... . (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature Name, (Typed or Printea as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature Name ,- (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature ,Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature ·Name and Address of Subdivider: Kamar Construction Co. 325 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92098 Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: 'Arland M. Wiberg 431 NO'. Hale Avenue, Escondido, Caljfornia 92025 No. 15.382 '. - the 1. The source of \'Jater supply _~C:.:!i,.,!:t~y~oL!f~C~a;url:.=I'=_'s:ubi.!.!aa..;di.!..._ ___ __=_ ____ ~--------::__ 2. Type of street improvements and utilities which the subdivider proposes to ins ta 11-Full Street Improvements with curb and'· gutters, sidewalks and A •. Cc Paving over D. G. Base. Drainage facilities -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF Sa~n_D_i_e-i=g,-o_____ 55. ~ On June 18" 1974 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _______________ _ Jerry L. Rombotis __________________ " known to me to be the person. __ whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. Gc~99L#Q~~ pamela A. Jones Name (Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for said County and State ,,,~ FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP ~ S® BI!CUAITY TITLE OFFICIAL SEAL PAMELA A. JONES NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY t MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH IS! 19761 ,~.., .. .... r #"..,. .. l " • • { ARPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3. The method of sevlage disposal is Gravity Flow City of Carlshqd .,} --------~--------~~----------------- System -4. Proposed storm water sewer or other means of drainage (grade & size) -,-..0,--,-_. 42" Rep in Monroe Street and ~others per City requirements 5. ' Protective covenants to be recorded Y~§ ~------------.--------------- 6. Proposed tree planting Yes -Landscaping Plan to fo __ l_l..:..o.:.;.w_-.-,-________ _ 7; Proposed grading pOlan (when required) as per te'nt;atL'¥~.map. The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property described in this application for Residential' -, 7:( R;::-e....;s:.:,i:=,d~e=n.::=:t ':;::i a:.;1;=..,~C=om-m-e-r-'-c-:-i .-a """1 -, -=I=-n-:d-u-s t-:-r--;i:-:a-=-,-,.-E=-t:--c-.-t-) . " use of land. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) SS CITY O~ CARLSBAD ) "\ " bEdng duly .:J: SV/Oi~n declare to the best of knowledge . that the fore- going is true and correct under purjury: -3-