HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-14; TEMPLIN HEIGHTS; Engineering Application, . ,-. • ~ '. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. () ~~ TENTATIVE' TRACT NO. 7~-/1 (For Office Use) DATE 7-/-7~ TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: I. Request is hereby made for approval of'Tentative Tract No. ----- consisting of ___ 8_3_.2_5_· __ 9,ro'ss a.<;:res, having __ 2_7_0 ____ 1ots, being a proposed subdivision of land for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) See Exhibit, "A"' CI.'ttached hereto. -------'-------------------------,,- 9 e n e ra 11 y 1 0 c ate don th e -r:;-;---:-;-E_a-o;:st----:;-;----:=----:----..---,-,-_______ _ (North, South, East, West) side of El camino Real (Name of Street) between Elm Avenue Extension ( Name" of Street) and Chestnut Avenue ---lN~am-e--o~f~S~t-r-ee-t~)-------------- Residential 'TYPE OF SUBDIVISION '(~Re-s~i~de-n~,t~i-a~l,~C-on-lm-e-r-c~ia~l-,~In-d~u-st~r~i-a'l')-------------- I \ . . l., -J! • • APptrCATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP PRESENT ZONE_....;E=---=l:-:"':'A;.;::....;:C=O=un=t=y_' _'_' _' __ PROPOSED ZONE R-1-7500 Ca+lsbad -r:;:--... Ip...,-_______ t.he unders i gned s tate that -r::;:--_...:;Ir:-:--::a.:::.m~-.---____ ' t.he (I, We) . (1 am, We are) -r:::--O~w~n~er~_---.-____ of the property described herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) give My authorization to the filing of this (My, Our) proposed tract map: Name Maie Caldwell Templin " (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature ~'~' d~\, " Name --(hT~y~p~e~d~o~r~P~rT.in~t~e~d~as~s~h~o~w~n~o~n~R~e~co~r~d~eJd-D~e~e~d~)---------------------- Signature ________ '_'_'_' __ " _______________________________ _ Name ~(Tr.y~p~e~d-o~r~P~r7i-nt~e-d.-a-s-s~h-o-w-n-o-n~R~e-co-r-dTe-d~D-ee-d~)-~------------------ Signature -------------------------------------------- Name -,~(flT~y~p~e~d~o~r~P~r~in~t~e~d~as~s~h~o~w~n~o~n~R~ec~o~r~d~e~d-D~e~e~d~)---------------------- Signature ----------------------------------------------------- Name -y(TT.y~p~e~d~or~P~r~i~ntZ.e~d~a7s-s~h~o~w=n~on~R~e~c~o-rdTe~d~'''D-ee-d~)r-------------------- Signature ____________________________________ ~ ___________ __ Name --r-(T~y~p~ed~·~o~r~Pr~l~·n~t~eTd~a~s~sh~o~w~n-o~n~R~e7c~or~d~e~d~De~e~d~)----~---------- Signature ----~---------------------------------------~~-- Name and Address of Subdivider: Investors Development and Mortgage Corporation 5850 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, California Name and address of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: N 18892 0. __ ---- David L. Chamberlain , -;i 1. The source of water supply City of Carlsbad & Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 2. Type of street improvements and utilities which the subdivider proposes, to i nsta 11 All streets and utili ties will be constructed in conformance with.city standards and regulations. ----------------~---------- I /\ -2- • .' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3. The method of sewage disposal is planned to be in the City of Carlsbad at the Encina Plant 4. Proposed storm water sewer or other'means of drainage (grade & size) ___ _ Will be a combination of surface and storm drain facilities in conformance with City standards. 5. Protective covenants to be recorded ------------------------------------- 6. Proposed tree planting to be in conformance with city requirements 7. Proposed grading pl an (\'Ihen requi red) A preliminary grading plan has been incorporated in the Tentative Map The adopted general plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property Residential described in this application for ~(R~e-s~i~d-e-nt~1~·a~1-,-=Co-m-m-e-r-c~ia~1~,~I-nd7u-s~t-r~i~al·,~E~t-c-r.) use of land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) SS CITY OF CARLSBAD ) AFFIDAVIT I, Maie Caldwell Templin ~(~I-,~W~e~)--------~(~N-am-e~)----------------------- • , being duly sworn depose and declare to the bes t of my knowl edge tha t the fore--r(-my--, '*--o-u-r--) ----- going is true and correct under the penalty of purjury: -3- " "" , .., .3 V·II '.: '~J'~ .,' .... "''''v.. • ",,'" \ ... . • ,WP-LICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT t'lAP EXECUTED AT . Carlsbad,-· CaTiforhia ----(IrC~i~ty~)--~--------------------~(S~t-at~e~)------- DATE July 1,· 1974 --------~~~---------------------------- OWNER AND/OR OWNER1S AUTHORIZED AGENT: Maie Caldwell Tempiin (Print Name) '~(~re~~~d 947 Heather Drive (Mailing Address) vista, California 92083 (City and State) (Area Code) 714, 726-5802 (Telephone Number) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ___ I_s_t_~_D.AY OF _____ J_U_l_Y __ J~ .~i~ Dolores F. Brown (Notary Public) Ji!!,'ii!liiilli!lffi!ffilt!!,rc!ffi!ffi!lijlJmIi!llRliillilliil!IT!!!iilll - OFFICIAL SEAL DOLO~;:S F. BROW~~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,CALIfORNIA . ' ?RINCI PAL OfFICE HI ~ MY<~~!'~;SSION E~~~R~~EG~A~.u~~y 1977 ~iilf~!relf~JiillGlI@I~,@ffi!ffiliClfill!2!~jB,~ -4- TO: • • APPLICANTtF TENTATIVE MAPS BEING FILED' cfuRRENTLY I11TH OTHER APPLICATIONS (i.e. LI.R., SPECIFIC PLAN, 'ZONE CHANGf;, ETC.) The Subdivision Map Act sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on the pl"'ocessing of Tentative ~1aps. Thi s time 1 imit can only be. extended by the mutual' concurrance of the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for tentative maps concurrently with othe'r applications, i·n an attempt to/speed up the overall process, the fifty ('50) day time limit is often exceeded. If you \1ish to have your applications prates'sed cdncurrently, the following statement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept your application for the tentative map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. I understand that the processing time required by the City on my appli-cations may exceed fifty (50) days and hereby waive this requirement and fully concur with any extensions of time that may be required to properly review all of my appl ications in order that the env';r'onmental impa'ct report and any other prerequisites to this application may be processed concurrently. (Date) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: (Case Number) Ad~ress) / /7' / /' 1:/?//..{bt:2c? vu//r . 7/~ 72'j,-:-:72eQ ( area code )--rtel eph::"'on---·e':"'-no-.~)""" ----- . ,. . ) , .. , , ~ , 1- 2. 3. 4. 6. • 7. 8. . . . . ' •. /' . . ../ • SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FoR~ . ,.'J' ~ ',:. , 1~.l'k~11· . SPECIFIC PLAN/TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPf~ENT /SITE ,~DEVELOPMENT PLAN SPECrAL. USE PER/lnT Gross Acres .(or square footage ·if less than a:re) __ ·...,;;8 ...... 3_ . .,--___ _ 243 Number of 'Lots ----------------~--------------~------~~~ Type of Development Residential ~(=R-e-s~i~de-n-t~l~·a~l~',~C~o-m-m-e-r-c~i-a~l-,-·~I-n~d-u-s~t-r~i-a~l~}----- Present Zone 'R-1-9000 . Pr'oposed Zone .' '>1',.:'~' '~''''o· --R...---r ..... -.... '.,.,.s--O"O..------( . f h t d) 1 C ange 'l"eques e . General Plan Land Use Designation -----------------------~ Residentiii Source of Water Supply City of C.arlsbad and Carlsbad-Municpal Water Dist!ict Method of Sewage Disposal __ ~c~l~'t~y~o~f~C~a~r:l~sb~a~d~S~a~n~i~t~a~r~y_'~s~e~w=e~r __ _ Types of Protective Covenants to, ~e Recorded __ --,-..,--____ _ Typical FHA/VA cc & R's 9. Transportation Modes Available to Service the Development ---- North County. Transit ,.10. If residential devel'opment please cdmplete the following: ?l) School District Serving the property "Carfsbad Unif'ied school District, b) Are school facilities capable of serving' this project: Yes" school letter on file for original t?ntative. 'map. (Written confi~matio~ of this requirement must be received by the Planning Department at l~ast one ·week. prior to Planning Commission hearin~. If not received by this time the request wil~ be denied.) . -- 11. Methods proposed to reduce soun~ levels_. ___________________ ~ . . . Conventional equipment.muffl~ng devises . 12. Methods proposed fo conserve energy . Applicant. propose·s to to do total grading in one operation ·to conserv? energ:y'require~ for separate operations ., , . Additional sheets may be attached if necess·ary·to a'n'swer any of the', above questions. - ~T '/ t/-lt/(f9/) . .. ' ," .. '. .... ~:; " ' . .' .... , . -'-) :,,' .. :':1, • .. ~.-- ', . . , .~, . . ,··AI , .-~ ... -,,' . ; - -:'!":' , ,~, I .... ' .. , FOR~1 Pl ann 1l!.9~., __ _ . ~·:"'8~ 7'5 . D ate 0 f P 1 ann i n 9 Co 1111ll iss ion A p p r 9 v a 1 ____ , '_, __ ' _, .;. . , ,.,.. .. -\. , '. ""-.. ~. .) ~eceipt No. ______ ~ "y;:', i '.:) REVISION TO APPROVEJ? T.TIVE MAP ,.' . .' ". APPL-ICATION NO. CARLSBAD 'TRACT 74-14 REVISED TENTAT:IV;E MAP; CITY OF CARLSBAD .... I (Please T'ype ~~ Print) ,. . ~" Date·f,";;~'huar.y·13'>197·7:· 1. .. REVISION TO APPROV.ED TENTATIVE MA.P, REQU~ST; . Tentative Subdivision Map for: Sin.gle F~~ily" Subdi v.ision (Land division -air space divi~ion ai'r space division) combination land and . 2.. LOCATION: The subject property is· generally located on the East side of El Camino Real between 'Elm' street -------:-----~-- and" Tamarack . 3. AS S ES S-D, R t S N U M B E R : . B d 0 k 167 P age 10'0 Par c e 1 19 Book Page Parcel (If more, please list on . :bottom of page). 4. OWNER(S): Name Address City Zi~ Phone ," }~ II ; , f' , .' '. \' , " f '~ " , ; , .' Haie C. Templin, 947 Heather Drive, Vista, CA. 92083 72'6-5802 . , (, 5. Person responsible for preparation of Map Name Adcress City Zip Phone E. Brian Smith, 2656 State st., Carls.bad, CA. 92008· '729-8981 R~gistratinn or Li~ense No.: ____ ~1_3_8_l_7 ______________ ;, __ ~~~ ~PPLICANTS SIGNATURE: I.hereby declare that all information cont,ained within this application is true; and that all standard conditions as Indicated on the attachment have ~een read, understood and agreed to.. " Name Address City Zip P'hone ... .".~ . 'i' . " . .~+ , . '~~ ",: ,.'t .' ;,: .'. ',;: .~ ',' ~. .. ~ . ' . .. '-" . . " ,~ & Mortgage C:;orpora bion i 585.0 Aven.lda. Enc';Ln,as .... .--' ·r. ---../I------.-~-..--I-+,i-----=-------------P':<M-~.I-,-,,:n.,..,--f"":::r9H·'-FroM"'nia . " '; 729-9284 9-2'OOS';'i' --- Relationship to Property'Owner(s) Agents' The City of Carlsbad Planning Departmen~ would appreciate the opportunity to work with the appl ica'nt thr'oughout. the Planning ··Stages of the proposed development.· In an effort to aid t~e , applicant, the Planning Departmerit requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application and plans prior to submittal. This request is not a requirement; .. ..: .":' ,.. .' :F-. ~; ,:y , '. .' ' ... however, it may avoid majqr redrafting or revision of the plan. which only serves to lengthen the pr?cessing time. ATTAtHMENTS: . . Supplemental Information Form Planning 20~ Time Extension Agreement -Planning 37 Standard Conditions -Planning 28 Preparation Check List -Planning 33 Procedures -Planning 36 FORM: Planning B Date of Planning Commission Approval ; • "T~t . . . ",., • .t --.--~.