HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-19; LAGUNA RIVIERA; Engineering Application~pp I i cat i.on for G~ad i 'ng ,~'ermi t·. ..• :,', , .. ' PERM,lt Nb,~ .. . .:( Letter' code+numberl CHY OF OARLSBAD ,.L~ 10J .:' . . . ,., PUBL I C WORKS' & BUI LD J NG DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue' 729-11'81 .. . ' 'S=subdlyiSlon ' . : c';'c i,tycdn*t::~ct , FOR APPLICANT TO' FILL IN . S ii:e' Addrs$s H:l:.1.1sideDrive, RefUgio Avenue and Neb1.1na Drive, · t.egal'D~scr i pti Or.! .'. Map No. Carlsbad Tract ·14-19 subdJv.isior:l Name , Lw:una Riviera Estates. Ulii ts . 6 & 7 (jw:n~r i ' -Phone · . L . It Partnership 729-7911 ,pwner"'s,Adores$ 1> .0.· BOx' 1155, Oarlsbad,:CA. 92008 . Plans by CFvir Engi neer 'R.C. E. Raymond R.· ~iba1' 1136 . ' ~rad,ing Cpntra¢tor Phone , ';I:'t':!!!lPleton 9radil'}.g 727 -1347 . ~ddre5~ .' "Check if :supervi sed :1650 :LinCla.Vista Pr., San Mar~ding_ X :'Party 'respon$ible for overal.l. superviSion ';Jerry .L.Rombojiis · Proposed u'se o.fgradEi site Sub d±vi flion . · Numb.sr of cub fe' ya'rds 'Cut: . ' .. : Fi, I I Import Waste ' .. '71,.0.00 166,000'/ o o T6ti:d· •. 5, bpO cub. Yds •. shrinkage . · Compa'cf~d 'f'ill s' (yes or no) "yes . 'Proposed SchedU:le of Start · Op,erat ions. Cdates) 9/22/75 " " , Sl:lrety' B6iid . Surety Company" ,-~ .. ' Surety. Ad.dress Date filed .Re;c'I d. by Ca:Shdeposi t Ret I d,' by' ' D~te fi'l e'd' $ , " .. The 'foU<;)w"ir:lgdocumsiits' are·requ.ire,<;I 'and sha-i b~coni'e a p'a'rf of the ,grad i·ng "'permi't when. they are .3.Pp:roved.··.. .. ' . ~rJ!,d.in~' plans " ·.~Spea Heat,ions. .~ .. ~·il. r:e.port. . ·~itYrrqp.: . ~·inage. structures . ~tainrrig walFs··: ~~paG~ i·on report, . Qther .... . . "SPECI Al' ''CQNrY'I''TJONSWH:1 CH.ARE 'MADE A pAf.n ,OF "EH}$ ;PERfvj,f T . ' :1 . A.utho·r:i zed hours' of operatJon_: }:: DO AM. to 5':00 PM, MOrldaY':'Fr:rdaY'~ .. 2. Had1-rout.E3s are to 'be, approved by C itv Englneer. . " 3. Adequate prov i s Lons s.h'at I' be r:nErde, .for erosI'QA and 531 tafTon ¢ontrb L 4. A.I J 's lopes sha I tbe ·0.1 anted per d.i.reGtJon of Parks&. Rt?creati·on DJrecTo,r:,-. -: J here'by acknow ledge that I have read the app I i ca-I--:--'-----,.-,-~----------'O'_'_--..,.'"'""--..,.,...---,.........,....-.-:---,:~...,.-__...,,;.,.. t i,or) and state' that the in format i ani have p rov i ded I NSPECT I QN,:DAIE rN$PECTbR I:S is correct and agree to comp I yw i th a I J Ci ty .a.:-....,..-'-'--.,--..;-,-----.:..----,.,..,....,.....,..;--'--,..,..,..~ •. ..."..;;S-=-I~GN:..::A;i!.:;T~U~R;::Ec,.;... ~ .otd'inar)ces and state laws regulating excavating Cln~, ,Groundpreparatlon .... ' ". grad.ir:ifh and the prOVisions and conl~·ition. . any '~~R-'-h-........ :...,..·d-..• -. .,...· --:"-'-' -'''''-''''''' "':""OO......,,.....-,---'-,.;..-,-.---;O--'-..,....,..~-,---., perm it "issued ,pursuant to .th i s appl i ca . 0 '. . f ~ug c gra.1 ng:: ". " ", .', ~ ..... ~------Compact i on' report, reo. I d. . ' .. Sig'natu~~re of Per '''''.s . .t?,.,A ~~ P'I" t" ,.';'& 'd'" .. , .. , .. " .. Owne'r Qr, 'hori zed qge t; ~,' -.--~ ~-'. ~', / . ',an Ingra1nClge '." F I nCl I cert i ficat'i on reo t d:: ... . .. , , -> ." > ',. Grad i ng per:'m it fee $ 321 .00. CPa 'i d) 'Work camp leted ... Surety Qond released Perm~~ /}/J/) by '~~ ~ Daf~ 19'5t5P)T/5 Permit Expiration Date /9 dt/l/? ~~6 . '.' , THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALI[)~TED'BY SIGNATURE IS A PERMIT TO DO ~HE WORK DESCRIBED, TH I S PERM I T I.S VAllO FOR A S I X (6) MONTH PER 1,00 .. ..