HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 76-15; PALISADES POINT; Engineering ApplicationI' 'Van Deli ,,' 'Assoc.. : , .17801 'CartWright ·Rd. 'Irvine, CA . , ,1\tti11 Bob Liewf.~· <Fee $50. .. 0.0 , No. Dated: '. ' ',' . 'SUBDlVIS19N GUARANTEE . " ~ ,,:ubdiv$$ion: Ca.:tlsba~ Ttact.76-15 , tIn1-t 1 ... " . , SAFECO TITLE · .. INSURANGE . COMPANY' , ',~ coiporatiop; ,,' , ,j. Gt1AR:ANTElES " , '. l'he <count)' .of San D~ego' and ~ny '~ity withtll ;Which .a1d, .ubdiYi8i~n :fos, locat.d in -. 'IIU1l1 not· exceeding $l,OQO .. OO tha·t'. aceor(i1ng to those ,public rec.ord,. 'wbic;h :under the. 'tecQl.'d1ng la~, impa,rt eonstruct1ve. notice of' matters affecti.'ng tba titl.' to. the. land. included within the exteriot" . boundary IIfhOwn onth~ · .. pof the~bov.e referenced 'aubdivisiQn, the only' . parties having' any' record title J..'ntar,8:t. 1~ said land. whose ~ignat.tireB· are nece$saty, under, the req~1rementa of the' SubdiVision Ma.p Act.,,' on the , certificateS ,consenting to the :reeorA_tion ,of eaid map and 'offering for de41cat.1on .ny.treet.~ roads. :av~nue., .• nd.'Qther easements offet'ed :fQr . ~e(U.cat:l,on by said map are as .e~, forth,' l,nSchedule 4. ''BRUCE ~.: JONES ,.: "Sect:etary," ". .. J: SUBDM~rON GUARANTEE . 'CLTA '(;uarante.e. Foria. ~o.. 14 P-3,5 (G.S.) .1~ev. 3-75 . , -'., .. " . '. .' , .. ~' :.,.., ...... ""'" ' ...... , ; . , .. , . , , . , ~ :' . , , , . " , " ;:;.., ·· .. m '$AFECO, ........ ,; y ~ I·. .; . ·:e· .. ~ , ' '~P<! . ,. '·S .. 554431· SubdiYi,s!ontCarlsbad' ifract· 76-15Un.1t; 1 " , 'the up' hereinbefote referr_d to ~s a'subdiy1sion Off VEstEEt .. : CRQ9KER NATI;ONAL BANK,., na~ion:al banking Qorporat'1o~ EAS$MENT' HOLJ)~'R:. < ' :;. ", .,' The slgna tut;e 'of ~AN DIEGO GA,S AND ELEC'l:RlC :COMPANY t o~r of an easement as disclosed by deed recorded December 29, 1954 as File No~ .1753'39 in Book 541"7 t page ,,s14"Qf Otflc1.al Recotds of San Diego County has been Omitt:ed undeJ: the prQvi,.1on.of Sectio~ '~64:l6t $u'bsectiQ~' :~ , (0"'1) . ., of the, Government Code, their interest is ,sucb ~hat it 'canno't: , r1peninto a fee. ,title .and ,sa~d, s-ignatul'e i. 11ot. -requited'1?y the,',; , g01le:rning body .. ,' , : ,', .. . ' .. ~' . , l ' , , .. -' ~ :' ,-' .' " --' ::,,~;' ". - .' ',,- , :' ." The aigllaturei(s) o~ tni! CitY. of carlsbad QlIIterCiJ)· of easetuents as , " disclosed by .docUIIlent,s ,r~eorded November 8, 1914.' as F11i! No. 7,4-297546 ' , 'j and Febrl,lary 3, 1915 'as File' No. 7~024517. Official Records. <n. San ,.' Dj,.ego County may be omitte4 under the 'provisJ.ons.ot' Secl:ion :66436, SUDsect10n (C'!'"l), ··of th~' ,Gov-ernm_nt Code,,! the1r interest beIng ,,(len. tha,t." it .cannot ripen into i fee.'titfe and/or said s1;gnature 1s, not. 'required '. by, th§! governing body~ ',' ",'," : .' " ' ..,'-- " , -, . ~ . , , " i .' ,:,,,,, : .j ", , ., l . , , ~., ;,"\.9"".'" SAFECO', '." 7,' • -~~. , ~ " '.. ' . , e~ " " . - , I ~ " " . "': . , S--554437 PARCEL 1; , ~, ,. . ,', That ~porti~n ~£'Lo, .":,c" ~f ~anch~: Agu. Hedi.~nda" in. th. City of Carlsbad, County of Sa~ DiegQ? State ofCalifotnia, according, to Map tb~reof N9. 823, filed:f.n. the office of th'e COll;Il'ty Reeord,r of San DiegoCoun~Y t November ,16., 1$96, des.cribed aafollws;' ~ -' " . ,.gf,'fining; ~:t theWesteriy; te~llU8' of ,the ,SOutl\erly ~ 11ne of Ta~rack , ' Ave.nue a8 shown: (In Ca:r;1sba"({ Tract"No.. ,73-8tJn1:t NOli 1, accQrd,ins. to Map' , 'tbereof No. ~.o39, f:Ued in ~he :o.ff1.Ce :0£' the County Reearder of' Sau,,' Dte.go County f NQ.V,embe·r 8; 1974 ,being; a 'po'int on the:' a:rC! Qt. ,. 632.00 fo~t, ,r:ad1u8 cu~e, ¢oncave Northel'ly,a~. radial line of~.aideu"e ·b.are: South 21t 35' 49" E~st,' t9 said point. ,thenee . WesterlY andNor:thWe8tti~.l,. alQrig: " the· .rei of said eurve" through a ~ cent!.'.l Jl:ngl-e,of 19 °Oi' 00" • d:'istance' of ~ ~1i~.s.9feet; theAce'tangent tQ •• i,dCuTVe N'o~tb 32:·34'4..9~ ·Wen, 199.64 ~ feet to the 'peglnp,1ng of a. tangent .$68 .. 00 .foQt r~d1us curvet' eonc$ve -. SouthwesteilYl thenee N()rtbwtun;el::ly'·.l~ng tJ;l~ ·ate 'O.f ,aid eUrVe~ tbrQugh a central.ngle; of 54°31'08'" 8.:d1st.nce of .5-40.49 feet; thence. tangen·t· to.said eurv., N~r1!h-,&1·05t~1'· West, ~S6 .. 07 .feet; thenee,'So"t~ o-~054t-()3ti Wes.'t, 3 .• -00 feet t9 t;he 'No'rtheasteorner o()f the land described in deed.:to Margaret. Murray Brownley J:'ecord~ N'ovembe:r: 5, 1981 a,. rile No. 81 ... ~ ,., . ,.' , 3'5043lt tben<;e alorig the. Northerly line. of said Brownley'. land Nort~:: 87·05'57" W~uJ't ,5·2.48 feet to. ':~he begilliling of • tang.nt 44;1~9() foot·' -.', radiuacu:1'Ve Cotl¢ave SoutherlY; thence WestCl!r1y along said: curve through .(I.eentra1 allgl. of 5°36'.541'·.a .dijtanee·of43.22 feet~ to theNorth.we8:t;~tl., 'cornet of satd :8l"()WIlleY"ff la»d, :saidpo1.nt also be.1n,8 a ·pcd.n.'t of ini-er:sectioit ~ 'Wi th the Nottheasterl,.y <line' of C.r11lbad llighlands Unit NQ. 2'~ ac;cord1.ng. " ' to. Kat;» the~.of .1{0 .•. '2825., fU~d. in the ~offie~ of,' the :CQPn.ty Recot4-..r. of· . ~. >-::. '~ :Sail Diego CO'qnty t DeceDlb.r "._. '.1951; . the:nee alonr 8.-,d lto1."tb.easterly :line, . - and the No.rtl\Westerly prolongat.1,on thetteof No-r~b 47·04 ·:35" West (i.c.otd·... , North' 47·.381.00'· 'W:e$1:) 10:0.0~ feet toe-an anglettoint: in' thebound,ary of' .. Carlsbael Highlal).ds. ae-cc)rding 'to Map. thereof No.:2·647, f~led. in the .office ,of the Countylteqorder: '!Jf San DlegoOounty, April'l$ •. ,1-950; ~ , thence along said boundary }{ol''th, 19~ 25 1 15" .~.~: (aeeo~.d -:North 09·· S1 t OO~~ . ·~""S't) ~ .. 83 ,·faet to the Southeaat.rlY. cQtner ·of Lot '.-i8-of •• '14 1'I&p 'No" ,- 2647. be,i.ng .190 tht Southwestet1y' ecn-ner of land ~4ea(:l!lbe,d in deed to.: . John.L.-mc~. et: ux:, recorded ~ April 8-. 1954 in. BQ'ok' .5198 ,page 549 of, ' 'Offieia~ .R,ee.ords.; 'thence along theSouthet'ly line of :-•• 14 W1c:k'!~ l~l1id,· ... ' South 87·05,'5:1" East, 171~19~.et (Recol'd ... S,outh 87°3'gf'lO" East l.71~39 . feet) ; .. tqence 1~a:';1n$ t.h~· :boun4~lty . of . saId Wick '$ land '~ortll: 86· 45~ ~'5,i' ' . Eas't 1.68 ... 3$. f .• et . to .n angu po1.lit1:.n the boundarY of th.~land Q.8ser,lbed in deed '~o Sunse.t Paeif;l.-e Ltdlt t r~a41rd~d 'S,eptember 11, ·l,.'81.as F1~e No:~ .. -.~ - " . ...: " -1 > ~ .J , ., .' " t.', ~ m~· SAFECD' """ .} " . '.' .f~_.~,-~'.:,~ ; /'.~ . j , , , , • •• '. :, 8-554437 PABe2 , ,-, , , " ~1-~91047 .• t.h~~cie continuiIig alo.ng the hound_u of,sald Suna.~cp.acifi:c:.'s .' " land South81·051~1~ East", 44,.57 fe~t to the beginning ()f a, ~.tig~P:t. ' ,'. 20.00'foot radius curv. ~oncave No:rtlitiest.rly~ t1J.~nce Noithea,sterly.:. .-lQng the arc· of .said curve. throu!n' a cential angle ot ::S9·20~47" -,8:: " "'" d~8tanc. of 31.19, feet; thence ta~ent to $aj,d .. cu'rve NOl'tb03·33,'1f)'t I", /", Ea8t~ :116.50 f.e,t, 'to, the'. beginning of "8-tangent 20 .. 00 fOot )·a;diu$ curv.e." concave 'Southwes't,Etrl:-y; 'tnenee Northwesterly ali;>ng, the a:r~' of said, cu~e '" .', ' through a. centrill.,angl~ of,61il06'31'!:,: dls:tallce .of 21.~3"f,eet to~he"', '. 'beginning, of ,. -rev_rae 22S'~OO' foot radiuseurVer coneave Northe8:.tfitrly thence Nci,rthWe8~t.r11 a,long"the arc' of .aid e:urve < througb a ceIlt.tai, ,angle ot 41 ~40t'6" a :<iistance of 16~.,85 feet ,to' the' end of said curve; thenc'e , 1eaTings"'id 'bQundary of' Su.nset Pacific'-s land No'i·th .741108'08," ~ast,', 56 ... 11 feet; ~o 4 point 'on a 172":90, foot, rad'1.us CUl'V. c'oncav. lfQ.rtheaster~y;: ' thanc,e Soutne.st~rly along, ,said (iurve through a een:tr.l' angle 6f 170'0.4' JSn . ' a 'distance of 51.26 fe¢-t; ·thenee ,North 57·03" 301t Eaat ,16~.'<l6 £ee.t't : ~ :. 'J ... ' , 'j ", ,j :,J , thence. Sout.h,42·S2;' 4:5lf. East 3~"2,fe.tJ t.l'lenc.e, South c 7Se'Q6· 44" East: ' . . '207.28 feet; thenee, SQuth ~3°5'.5f37" 'E;ast, 412.86 ,feet; thence' NO,ttH ," , ~, . -'~::: , 76°25'22" !a8,:t"~,5.61 feet,:, th,nce. So .... th 13·3'''-38't East. 12l~08 feet. to' , the beginn;ing 'of a: tangent 22S.00'fpot, rad;Lus 'Curve. concave North~~sterly; , :' thence. So\\'theasterly ,along ,th~' all'C of said -eurve through • een,t~a.};:" ~J;lgle" ' of 09°33'38" 8 4-iatance o£·,38'.04 ~e.t to the Northwesterly line nt' ,~ .' : . 2.1is8de:$ Dr-ive a~ shown on. satA. )lap'No,,' SO~9; th~nce along t~e boundary .. , ()f lJaidMap NO. 8e~9 •• ' fo1lows1-Sq\lth 340 59'20'" W~.'t 31.38 feetf' Sl)~th. ' 5S0 00'40Jf Ea,st., '294.61 feet, tQ the beginning 'Q£ a tangent 975.,Q'O :foo~j' • radi.u. cui'Ve; concave SQutbw~s-terly;. S9-uthea,sterly'.long the aJ;Cpf.8ilid. '" ' cl,lrvethrough a central' ,angle of QI·09 f 10" .. dist~nce of 19 .. 62 faet;::' , ta~gent :to·sa!d, curve. South .53°51'30" East, 39-7.00' feet to the!' :beg1~tiip.g' , , .1 .,' :',1 , " 'of .a tang&nt 11S,*00' fo~~ radius eu"e, concave Sov.thwesterly,~ 'Sp~theas,te~ly " along the aTc-ot" ,said e~rve thrQugh a "central ,engle of 24· 51,~,30" :a, ' :' ':- di1Jtanee ,Q.f 75,..92 feet;: tangent to satdcurve South 29-0()'OOj,. Eas~t: " , " 1-~~ ~ -; 'l9~00 fe~t 1;0, the beginning, pf a . tangent, 20.,00 foot iadius curv~,"¢:oncave':, Northli •• terty; '. Southerly aJ;ld Southwestet:l,y al~ng the arc of, said 'curve , . . ~ht;ough a central angle of 90,'00'00'" a distante of 31.41 f~et .to the . , , .. b-.ginn1ng 'of: '~' ,cOmpound ''S48~:OO foot rac;liu8 'curVe, Southwes:terly along , the a'rc of said eurve through a: central angle of 07·24~lllf ad:btailce of 70,81. teet;., .p.d leaving. saidel,lrve, South, 2i '3.5" 49" East, 'S4.,OO' ':fee,t: to ',' the Point· of aeginning~, ' , . '. ' '" . ,,' . .",' , , . :. ... " , ., '". ,~ '~ SAFECO' , . '1 _. ~ ", '1 ; -~·~-~-i • •• ~'. '. 1-, " " ';;':, ~. ~' " :' ',' ". , ,", ~ -.,' .. ". " ' ", , SAFECO''l'I'1'L!! INSt1RANCE COMPANY "~:'.~'----,- " , .,-, ~ " -' P1ELIMINARYS¥BJ)IVISION,R.!PORT CROC~ER BANK , 404 C-.ino Del ito So."· I',' " 5th·Floor San Diego" CA ' Attn: . Ch,r1sd,ne l.:arso~ No,. 8-571483 " Dated: January 5, 1983 Subdtv:1flion:· 'CARLSBAD' ,TRAO'l' ,7,6-15, 'Vnit ,#2' -. as of lO,59'A.M~ ,~ ... ~. ' .. \ " . ,:. ~ ; ..... ¥ ;- .-,' : ; . -I, _, : " ; ,~ l ,,~ ... Fo~ ,tbebenef1.t of the,CQuntr 4~ 'Sall Diego, any, City ~ithln.' ~ic~~h~, ,,' s:qbdivision is ,located, tb..e Subd,iyider and ,the Subd!vider' s: legist'l'eq , Civil EngineerQx: Licensed L4,nd Surveyor. " . , . ... , " ,.> A preliminary 'examinatton of those public. re~ords which. 'under the. J, -', ~': recording 1aws~ .impart constructive notice of DlAt,ters affecting, t~e :. , titl. to,the land j,:nq.lude~ 'with,in the e~terio1;' boundary .. hoWl} on;~ .~:. ' . of the. abov;e ref.er~need 8ubcii'V:$:l;Iton, reqeived' on 1 ,t ." ,by' , $AFECO TiUelnsu:rance Company" het'$in call.a the COJ!lpany, discloses ':, that, a.t the' date he:r'Q,f,thtt, only. pa,riles ,ha,v;1ng any 'record ~~tie: .~:> '. ,.. .' ',;: , .tnterest in said land who •• ,sigiultures a~e necessary, und.r. tl,le" ~equ:1reinen~s . , '." . of the Subd1v1siollKap Ae1:, on. the -.p' of .8a1.-<1 'subdivision "to .be fUecl .with the County RecordeJ;' ,of said pourtty are: set forth in Schedu:le· .. 4.~ " Thts·~epo~t is furnished ~.anaceQGmodat1b~, fo~ the sole'purp~se ~f preliM1na~ planning a~ facilitating the co.plianee wiih requir~~nt~' nece'8a-ry-for the 1 .•• uanee of: il Su,pd:t'visipn GUarant.'~ It. i,~' understpod '. that the'Company'. liability 1. ~~~elY th;a~ exp~es.ed ~nsuch GU4rante.~, and that'nC)' liabi11trsepara1iefrQDior Qther thAn the COmpanyt8'liabi~itY under said Gu"rant.e ·i8 tlfi'sumed by: tM .• Report .. except. th4t 1.1 nQ Guarantee, t , i. issued' uncl~r this. Order the Gaunt pa.f;d. ,f~t thi. R,port shall"e,. tp.e . '. ' l1UJXiJ:!iuia. Ii"bili ty, of th~-Com:pany;' . , . , . " . " . SAFJi;CO . TITLE INS~CE :COMPANY ~ :' . . ....... , 1 -~, .:~ '.: .... : , . " .. ","',:-. i . ~:.~~ ,.'.! PRELIMINARY,' SirnDlvtStONREPORT- ,P-:2,86 (G,. -St. ) , . " db' • f , ~'. , . . ,. -.; ,'. .' .,,' ~' , . ,', ""'m"'>, " , " , , SAFECO ." , .:. I I I , , , ' "'" . ' No. ' nateell , '" ,The' parties ",he.t;.e·1npeforeref.rred'to aref , \ .. VESTING:, . . ' - CROOKER; l{ATIONAL BANK" a national banking aBSQC,tatt,on EXCEPTIONS: ,.' . '. '. ': Carls pad Tract: 76-15, U1\tt 12,", ',', : ' ,1 ,1. ',A righ.t' of way and i~.eident. th'ereto fo'/: 'public road' pUl-pQ'~S~ e..,,' , conveyed to' the;qou-n'ty of San Diego by'd'eed recorded March 10'.1,936: as, Document ,No, 16633 in 'Book '479, 'Page, 3410l Offic~a1' Records a~d.,June.' , , 17', 1936 in Book· 521, PAge 2lcf of :Official 'll~eords a}ld particula,rly', ' descrtbed ~ Road ',survey 682~ " ' '.', '" , , . I • _ " I , '. . ,'. . ,NOTEf', 'The' 1~ter~8t i~' .~d ~ •• ~e~t.h~s ~inc~ passed .to the City of carlsbad. " . '. : ' ' 2. The',prtvriege .nd 'r:1sht-tQ e:x:~elld d.rai~a8e ,structures ~nd' ~ca.~atlOrt , alld' emb.~nt-,slopefl beyoud the ~~~,t. 'of Road: Survey 180~1 whete, " " required for the, const~uctioq an<imaintellance. of, iJaid highway, as" cO,~t~~ned ;l.n ~e.edl'ecQ~d~d March~ 2'~ 1970 ,aeFile' No. 37909:. ' ,,'.'. ,.,,' ' NOTE: 1,_ • " . Carlsbad. " 3~', ~.gr.,em~l1t 'bet.~ee~ dev~lop.~.:..iiwner a~d: th~ City ~f cari~bad 'for "the p'a)'mf;lntD,fa public fac11j. t~~8 fee by a,nd between SUNSET P'ACIFIC', ' LIMITED. a l~ml ted pa:rtnersh1p ~n(l': 'tHECIU OF CAlLSBAD" • )Ilun'i;cip.l" . , " ",' corporation and :rC!c:prd:ed Novem'ber 13, 198:J.,as' Fite No. 81~36011', :'" ~. i_, , -:. j, ~ -, ." •• , " " ~ " ' , , ,.' . . '. /~ , " , " J ...:;. • , --i' .~. ,- , \ _i , ',1 ~';.. '" .. :,,' ," .. '~ , , , ., • e.' ". '. ." - ,. ,S"",511483. ' .. . , ., . •. ' ,. .:, ., ' ~ ~--: Th.~port1~il' ()f LO~. "itt. oi Ranqho A,gua. ·H~cl1QIida" in'the city: of.'catls~ad, CQunt1 of San Dleg~., State··o; Qal~fonti1a; accoi:d:l:ng' to Map there9t: No •. 823" fiied in the office' 'of the 'County Rec.t?r.der of San Diego, 9ounty; , .. '..," t ,Npv •• bet' 16, 1896" <leacr1bed ,.,s 'fOllowl(l:': . ' , .. , ' .-. Commenc1.11g'.:t the, Southe.aterly: eQr~el:' afLot 18 of <wu.SBAD HIGHLANDS, ' .'. a~eording' to "Map ther4!of·'No. '2647 .• , 'fiiea ill ~h~ office of the County' ," Recorder of San D1:ego'County., April 18,'.'1:950. be'1ng .1ao the:·Southwe,sterly corner of ~and de8~ribed in:deed ~o john L. Wick~ et ux~ reco~dea April . a, 1954 in :B,ook 519$,. -page 549 of Offic1.al Recoids. thence 'along ,tbe Southerly l~ne of said:Wick's land South' 87·05' 57'" Ea.t, ·171.19· ftet.: .. (Record .... Sou'tn 81·39'10" E •. st., 3,71.39 feet; thence leaving th~ b()'!l1lda'q . ,of. $$14 Wick' ~'land Notth 8:60 4.5:' 28ft E.8t·168.,~5: f_et ~9 ,an angl~ p()int. ' . 1.1\ the b,?undary, afthe lan.d· de.8crib~cl iri deed to $unljl.tI>ac!f!c·, '4td,:", .. recordeq.. September 11~. 1981 :as .Pile: "tio. :,ei ... 291047t thence: (!o1\tinti1ng, . along ~be b~undary. of said $l,Jnset . Pac ific "8 lan,d So~th 87·05' "57~JEas~. ' ' '44 .•. .5'1 feet to the beginning of a t8Pgent 26jlQO·fo.ot ~a.dtus euxve ~'Onc.ve: *'~thWe.terlYJ theJ'lc1e Northe·a.t.riy.'~longthe· a~c,'of .aid curve th,to.qgh' a central .ngJe of 89·'20'47" a'·~listance 'of 31,.19. teet;> thenee .tangent to .' said cUtye North. 03~33ti6tt ~~8tt ·116.~O feet to 'th.· Qeginning 'of -... . _ " ,,' tangent 20" 00 foot 'radius cUrv~t. concave. Southweat",tly; theq.c.e .Northw~8ter1y . ..~ along the' arc. o£.8a14 curve through a centra!' angleo! ~1·06"3l" .: ' .. dt.tance 'of, 21.33 feet :to . the ·be.ginningof a reverse 2'28.QO foot radius" curve. '~hence Nor·thweste:r;1y 'a1o.ng the: ate of iJaid curve through.: 'a,_ cen:tr$l . __ ~.: ." angle of 4l,:·40"46,t ... elistance of 16,5 .• .85 to the True ?o:lntt 'of It.ginn1ng; - the.nce leaving' the boundary ~t. sa:iii Su'nSet Pactfie' & land North' 7:..4·08 '08" . East to. point on a' 172.00. foot'):adius curve concave. NQ:ttheas;ter1y;· ., thence $o\1theaaterly .long .. iJ.aid . curve. th.rough .a centl'ai angll!. of :1.7·'O{ft 38r1 · a d:l,8~aric~ of $1 .. 26 ·,fe:e..t; thence }fo,rth 57'0,3",30" Eaat 16~ .. 06 ·feet,' . . . thence South 4~~52:·45" last ~.;;·72' teet thence south 7"·06'44'" ga"t.~07 ,,28 " .. ,feat; thence .South S'3~,5,t~7" 1: •• 1;> 412 .• 86 feet; thence North '16-25;'.22"", Ea8t '65.61 feet: thellc.e :~o~th·13·34'38u East, .. 121 .• 08 feet to -t:h.:,pegfnning . ' .. of. a tangent· '22,8. O'() , fo'Ot radii,lfl· cUJ;Ve, concave North~~terly; th.nce· SoutheasteJ:ly 'along ttU!' arc of, s.81.4 c~tve . through.. central angl;e 0.£' . . 09'-33 t 38""adiatancenf 38·~O~ feet to the. N.orthttester1y line ,Qf<Plll.1sades>" Drive as efnOWllon. Carlsbit.ci Tract NO.. 'r8Un·1t No; '1,. a~c:ord1ng ,~o,~p " 'thereQf No. 8039, filed in the ,offic,' of. the'. C~un'ty ·Recorder. qf Sail :. "'\ Diego County" November 8; 1974 • .thence along the ,poulldary of sa.id Hap,-,.... ~ No·. 8039 as follows.: North ~4·5.9"2"O"', ia$t, 18..6;2 feet;. Sout.h 5S·0o-t 40" . -" . . . -;>. ~.' • -, :; I "L .. ,:; '. . .. :~ , -. o , . -:-':",0:1 :r...fo'::i .~ .. ~ i ". _@J~ SAFECO __ ~-_._~~ ___ ----,.;_._._. __ -------..."\"._ T".. ,~. , 8-511483. Pa$.e 2., •• ,r: ",-.' "'. ~ ,'~' '." . . ~'. - E"S.t.lil,.9~ feetr ·Wo:!:'th.·31·Z9'AO" ig'st) 33~.88 :teet and No.;th 3s-oa'il": : East 1S .. 04 £e.e.t·,·to .the·Soutbwesterly line. of' C~t..n.tyRoad Survey No; 1800-1 (ltyt.~. as' El' CamtuQ, Real) as -s~own n~ ,sa1cd Map :No.-8039. ~be1ug 'cj . . ; point ontheareo{ '-2345.0(}.£0,ot ¥a:di,tts . curVe. eoncave 'Nor~heasterlY So; radial lj;ne of said C1lJ;'Ve·bear8 Sd~d~ 38·09'26'" 'West to; .-aid'.point;· ·thence along .said· SQutnwesterly line;Nortilli~.~er11~long the arc; ,. of' . said curve tb~oqgh aeentral ~1igijl of, 2:'··30·t4i"a'-'d~,:stan.eeof 10,+'4' .. 14 -feet. tn t~ SOl1therly line of' Holly-Brae EEita~e8 •. according: to MAp' thereof No • 5'5.-24. fiied. 1lLthe office' 0:£ theC01;l'ntY:'RecJlrder of "Sall .' ,Diego-County.' .Fep~ualY .2.'196~; thence-nongsatd 'Southerl-y tin~ North:. 810 l8'Oa" West (Record -·NQ,t'th.~1~49-fOOn:We.;th 638.6.6 fe.t,to.the .' . Easterly line: of .84id)tap ,Ne),-2647;' the'n<;.' alol}g 8ai~ Eas~e;.i:'!y 11:4i ", S<>uth 1()·2Stl~"We.t· (Reeord ... S(nith 09.Sl"'QQ."· .We.t)'; 64~,.'26:. te·~,:;. ~io the. North1fe8tei'1,-c.orne~ ,o-t ia-nd ~eserj.Pea .1n; d~ed .~Q Howard 't'.,Oldllam. -at' . , ux, recorded .SepteJrlb.r 1,1, i9S~ in Book 4'228,page 1.570£ Off,ieial ." ·Rec.ords) and, being 'al:1J(j an"aJig~e' point on said· Sun$e.t P~c1fte 's:' ;t.~nd; t ' .... thence' along' the' bourut8.ry of,udd' 'Suti.s~t Paeif~e·s land .a. ·foilows·-:,. : South '87°05"7" 'We:(lt 174,7.4··feet; Soqth 9·05',01 n. W~st'153~32 feet to s: :,"~' one ineh irQn pipe' :and 'R.C.E.~ Ta,g .No~ 7.39; 'NoJ;th' 36°06'01'.1. West-S7.-9,8' . feet (.B.eeorc(. NOrth j6·o~P02tt West 57",99' feeil·to the :True Point of. Beginning. '. '.' " ..... '. .' J . • , • • .' " '. .: ': ~ : " . ~ '. ~ " ... ," ,~ , . ',' -.... ' ~. ~ .. . '. " ~ .-~ --. . " : .-' '" . '"" ' .,' . .,-- -. ~-. - .~ . "' .. ' '-:-0: - .--' ., .' .. , , c!" " , .. ::">:;\" '; _, _ .• _.-r • .:-.,~ .. , " " . • ' -,< . ' , . ~,:-':' \iJ .SAFECQ, '.- ~ , " • ',. CJ'ocku National •• uk .. 404 'CQi'nQ D,lU., So., . 5'th '1001' ' : Sa1\·1)1,so, CA· Attn I . Chr!'.~ln., %;.arIOa, • fl!LtMXNAlY SUBDIVISION' QPOlT , , SUb4iyi.loft; Carlab.4 T~.ct 760--1' llnf..tl " ,/.' , ; ~ , ': -'.' ~< :~ , , ') ; ;' . -' , + ' ,:POJ' the· " ... fit of tbe County 'of Saa D1.S'. 'an1 01ty,.ithlil'wb.1.h ~th. " ',,' aubd1:YU10n ,1 •. locat". th~ SuDd.1v.icler and the Subd1v1d.~t. b,iatered ,--, Ct",11 Enli,n •• 1" 01' Lien •• d Land Surveyor. > ,', '. '...' , - A l'Xeii.iMty _x •• in.tion of tho •• public' l'.eeOl'da' *ieh,.uilcter ·the:' x.corditis' lava t-apart coutruc-t<1\,., notiC-of tll.t;t«-r. .flee'tins, the _ titl_ ~o tbe la~ in¢1uded within, ,be .xterl01'bounaary abowa on amap, of' the ,a~ov. 1',ter,,,ccd.ubClt,via1.on receiV4ul· OJl 'J' " .' • • by, $AlBCO.!l~l. lu.uranee Co.p.ny~ be rein called the Oampany. at,olo ••• that, .t the date hereof, t~.o.11 p.~tt..'b.vfDI.D' record titl. . int.r •• t 'in .aid land who.. ',1anatul'.' are n.c •••• t1.. under 'the requ-1t .. aD:'ti; ,oftheSu..,41ylI1oJl Map Act:. ,em tlu~ .p of •• id .ub4i-.l.1o..-' to be, lAed -.';' wi th tbe County ,lecorcl.1' o~' .. 1.4 County at. .et forth in Schedule A. ' Th1t ripor* ~. iurnt.hecl •• an .cCio~t;1:on~ for th. 801a .PUi'pq .... of prell.1 • .,. :,1&t\l1illl and facl1.1t.t,~n, th.-cOlllpl1aQce wltb ,~.qu1r .. n1;' n.e .... " for the i'JNanee of .. $llWl-v1.ioJl-Gual'.Dte.~ It ~,-ulld.r.tOod . tbat tbe·,COll,a1l1t • liability t. 801*1, that :.lC9~ •••• d' in auen Gu.retllla, " ;8114, ,t~t.:XlO .1~.b111t1 •• parate frQII O~ o,he" tNaB tne Coa,.ftr'e11ab11ity .. , uncler "1el Guarqt .. 1"~IU"d by eM ..... po:rt. except t13t if 'no Guar.entee . 1, 1 •• ued und.r "hi. Order th.-... u ..... t paU for thia tteport eball ba the .. xi1lUaliabilit, of ,the, C_P.~y. '. ' P!tEtiDWfAlY SUlDlVISIi)N I.PORT '·,286-(Q.S .. )' . , '.-,m SAFECD , ' ... .,·1 : ~ i '". ,':1 t .,' :, . ..:.''-'' .. : ..... ~' I . ;,' . . . -,. SA'.E CO. 1.' 1 'r 'Ii'l .1 I S n ll, A'-a 'at COM' A NY .' 8-$54437 . " ' , .' J.n~f1 J. 198~ •• of lOfS9A~H~ -. . The "'1' b.J:' • .ta~fQP rafe'treel to 1. a propC).ad .ubd1vutoll of:' ,'. 'nSTXNGl "f--""""", " , ~.,r--, , ,C'oeD! anONAt. tAn. ,.. ilat:1oQ..l 'ballk1Jia •• .octatton . " UClftlONSt '. , ' ' .. 1.' 'An Ea .... J).'t .ff.ct~lll •. po~tlon of', •• tel 1an4" tor" tbe. P.tpo ••• · , .t-atecl h.t.~ .net ,{"&tid.tit.). 'pUIPO ... , 1it f •• o~ of 'tile '.n 1)1 • .0·0 ••. ·'. " ,'&l.~tr1cc_p.D1. . .. , ' , lort . "01.. and' vtr.., . bcoriee!; , Dec_her Z9 .. 1.954 •• DocUMnt No. '11'339' to .!ook .5411, . ,«._ .514 of' Official IAttcot4.. . , -"-: ... Afl.c~'t Be,tulng at a p01;"tO.D ,he ltot'th ••• l'l'lY. line .f t.ot 31 '. ,of Qarl.kd Highl.DU, No. ,2, at per Map ~h'Jr.of 1{0". 28.25 '. til" in tb.Office of tJ\e aO~Dt1 ,a.cot4al" qf '.l:4' CoU$,lty '" , 'of S.n' .D;leso.cU..taM,.thereo •. $outli4:7· ,l8'f "at S,.il, ',' , f •• t Irca the 1IO.t. 1forth.r~, cowllllr t"*reo', then.ee tt08\ " Aid 'o1.t .. ~t k,1ftllinaifortb 74· ,'7'" 'Ott: ••• t. 12.'8 f •• ,tl' "" -::' ' '. .. v '" ' ~ ~: ,"'~ '-c , .~ @- SAFECD , .,- j e, ;..~ • --< i '." , ,-:A , i: 8-,,443t 'a.8 2 " , , 2. All Off.r «ad. Ddlc:at1oll 'for "atn.t and biabwa,. P\ll"po,.' loa.tn.r witb alo,. l!1,lt,t* ••• c.uted :b7 :l)oull ••• '$o1lt1$e,at Col)o.ratlou to. th. __ C{IY" .... of Carl.~adf Tec:or<le4 NQV •• ber :8. 1974 •• rile Bo'. 74-291546 01', Offici'll, ; .e'C!o:r4. and J., 1IOre ,.r.~c1l1a .. 1Y de.cd,lMd. •• follow., _" '.. ". , ~"'\ " " " i . ._ ' ;.-. . A. at'l'1pof land' 84~OO t •• t in w14th, for r~ purpo.,~.~.lyl'ft.l with' ,it.- ,o':t~:loQ. of ~t; l. ltacllo "u,llaatcma.,. 111, ~be Cit' ot. Carl.ba4_ COu,nty 01" SaD »1e,o:, St.~. of C.llfr()llt.~,.cc;orcltua to' Hap tn.reof No ... a2' filed ill 1;)-O~fle. of th4t County "corcl~ .. of. ~.1cr County. ' •• 14 .,trip betDI 4 ... u;!\)ed •• foll-.* ,_. .,' , . , . '.~. , ~.lnniJl. at tlur Sovth'.'1:erly comer of that ,ai:'Qe;1 Of'!i.llt1 stantaa . bylt.llY1;O \lick, 'recol'4u April I. 191'4-~a .ook.$l,a, .". $49_ of· , ~ '" '~ • ":I' ., ',I .. ..... , Off1c.ial •• CO"_ of, ,.t4 Coulltr. ,::t~aQc"~.1lI the ,Southerly 11 .• , of .. ld ... rateel MO'l'th.8,'· 06' '13" W •• t 17l,*3' f •• cto, the ,.,t.r11 ·bc:n.ui~.t'1 of, ' Carl.bad Klgblanda, ~p,Ho. 2641~ filed 1n th. Office of •• 1d o.~~~t1 leeordetJ thene. :alona •• iel ".tel'];1 bc>uuary South 10· .23' 57' w..t, ~1 " ,'.83 ~ •• t: ~o ~Jl aqia ;o1.t therein, t~'l\'C.' colttlllu1'01 al0. Hid EAsterly boulldaX1 to aM alona the ;lo):th""tr11 .bo~ml.rr of .~r'l.~d lf$.gblan.,cls, 10 2.'!fap No. 2825. ftled .J.n the' Offtce of tJ\e CouDt1 a.~()rcl.:r',Sou(h, ,,' 47·,08" 22" ka' 12()~,24 f •• tl ,tbeu. l •• vl .. aUd Iol't~ ••• ttt'ill bouudat,. . of Kat 10. 2825 South 81· 06,' 43" I •• " 349/1aa 1 •• ,1; "to "-be be,iMtns: of .• tanseat .J6.~'OO foot 1'.~11'" CtUl'v. COU... ,outharly, tn_lice 1 •• tlt1;"1,. .' . alo111 '.ale1 curve .thr~lh .. c.ntl'i.l 'apale. of$~· 31 t 24" ,.11 at. 4.,.,taRc4f! of 540 • .$,1. teet., thenc. taalent, t~ •• 14 CU."_ South 3~· 34· 3,-,' ".1;: 117.35 t.et: to the besl_tal of «ta~l.nt. 63%.00-ffJOt ncu'u, ~utv. . concave )(~r~h.rlYJ . :thance . kltar1'1' ,a1:~lll .aU curVe thrd'qlt .. ' c.nt~.l . auala of 7'·' 011 09" •• arc. distance of 311.59 f.et; thence 410n. a raclt.l1i .... of •• 14 curv. ltol'1;b 2t·'35·49IfW.lt~ 84'.00 f •• t' to ,aP911lt, in ,. cOIle.nt-ric. ~48.00 foot red1u. elan-_. 'thela¢.W.stefly' illon, .a14 ' .. ·cQllCeatrle .c1Jne 'th~~lb .. central antl. of. 79· 01' OO".u . .,rc cU .• ·tanc.&, of 7'55.15 t.,n. thtue t.nseat to .aid cotv, Korth ~2·34t 4," W •• ,t 177.35,fe.t to (he ",:1iml11,& of • t ... i •• -c·"z.oO t<to't. ~_iu. C.lan-. conca .. e SouthailYl thence W •• tarly &10", .. 14 ¢utve thJ;C)ugh .. cel\~ul I.nll. of 5.·3.1' 24ft en. arc 4:£atanca of 620.45 f •• tl thQc;.e taagent to' •• 1d curVe' .Nol'th81· 06' 13" W •• t 269.1& f"t' to ~h.' 'ot~t ,of Bes1nntu,g •. To,4'tb.r w.tth the n.c ..... ~: .1~p. r1sh·ta .ppur.t.nant ther:~to., , .' 3~ ..,. ..... nt. ,aff.ct1q • JiO:ttiC;Ul of •• 14 land and f'Or the pu~po.e.; atated be.,e111 and' tn¢tchlft.~.l pUpf;».... " , ,,',' " " $ill favor oft C1't1 of C_1'1.oa4 , l<ttl ,Publlc "ater·lin., , leeON") '.bru.ary' 3. ~91,5, a. '11e NQ,. '1~24S11 ' " Af:f.¢t.. Th.~ po~'1oil of Lot ',1 of: bDebo ..... a.4ioncta CCc.oJ'<U."S, to Map th.reof ,Ko. 823 .. U.tecl:tll t.he Off(ce, of t11.' Count,. , , ,t, ~ . ..-"t .. ) , .~ aecord_r o.f, San 1)1_,0, State' of Callfol'nia., be1lll • '.tr1;" -' , m' ' of land 12.00 t •• t 1n·'v1cltb. 6.GE) f •• t O~ •• ch side of . the fol1ow1ns d.,cr1bei ceutarlt •• , ' ", : , , ',SAFECO, , " ,-' " -" " , .; " • -::'1! " I , .' . 5-S..54437 ,.,. 3 e· . . :~.' .. ' . ;- ••• '~, , ,-..-, . . hI11atdias: ~t' the Horthtra.~ c~~.l' of x.Ot· 280, "~:QI au' ~ng~. ,ol~i in: (be bOundary .of Lqufta lU',;ylera. If.tp '1.0.1516. ,f11_ ;ttl 'tht otfl~.ot. •• 14 Co .... nty 1tecorct.rJtbenc. SO .... tb ,8.'· :09'32" ••• :t(bQQJ.Od,. ;South ·16 .. 34' 37*" ... t ,.1.' ~aicl. Map 1516) a10 .. the Hortlierl,. 11:0. Qf_.!cl. Ma,,"-~ "16 • 41ttaRf;' of 153.01 f,et t.o (h. nul fOlRt' 0" 'l1Gl.nXI(h tlte_e . l •• vin, ".it!· 'lJotitlierly U;.e· NOrth 2· "t·· 37ft' ".t. 4tttt.,._ "t 35-.11 ' f •• t to ~b. b,,~u1n& of • Iso.oet· toot 1' .. 41" .. ~1\in. e~~.! •• t.rl'J· . tlteuce JilOl'tberly alol'lJ the .I\'~. of .•• Ue.Jive' ·,th1tqu;p ., c.llt~.l .:nile of .', 12:-38· 23" • ,di.taue •. of 33.09 f •• ,,· t ••• _ l •• tilll •• 1e1. curv •• l()og .• ftO~t·'IlI.llt ·.~1n.e: Boqtn. .14· 38' .00" kat' d1atanee of 1$1 •. 16tee'tJ .. tMtlCe North 38-115'· 00" U_t27la, t •• t, thana •. IOf,th '~·S9~ ;10" We.t:. ,- 410)11 (b,e prqlona.tiolt of , t.acttal ~1_ to • 60' .. '0 foot .rut .. curv* . ct)X'Cav. lior~h."ly. 41*taft(:. of ",0 f •• t to.." -,01 .. «:1 ... , the .~C, Of .a~4. ' .. cutye, ,'tbence J.~t.rl' .• 1'0 .... : .. :14. aX'c th~(niah a ceqtral·ali,l. of 17-'3~t' 19-"'. clt.t.ue& of '186.,0.5 f.et '-0 a point of terataUl:, •• ·td, point. b.1ul .- pcd.ilt .~ ,tht boul\dal'1 'Of Carl.bad'~~t.-d •• · .ac,cor4tq t'o. Ma~ .Ot 8039,:'·, ftled in tbe Offlce of .aid'Coul1t1 l.co-rd.~. 4.. AIt.'t .... nt· M' •• h d •• 'lop.r~.J: aM. 'the Cit,. 'of a.rlab.eI 'for lb.. ",.ant 'Of a publ~e taciUtt •• f •• by ,ubetweei\ SUltstr ·?ActPIC tIHl$, .~ 11.1 t.s :partner.hi, .n4·· ft. ·cttt. 0-' CAlUlAD.,. mnU,et'pal c;ol'~r.t10J\ r.Qor4a~{ lfov_bat 11, 1'.$1.. rtl. 19. 81-360117. . l.t.~.Q.C' ' ta hereby .. 4. t~' .aU ,d~UMllt . for: f\ll1:'~ p~tt:tcula~." , ' . . , " ' .' . " .: ' , ~" , . :.:.' .... " .~ 't'" I. ' ,.s-? ,-,' ,- :,: 't'.t -.~ .-~ i, ;':'~, ,~: . " _~r -, ( •• 1; " , ~, ",!,' ," \ ,', .:~ '~' SAFECO i, -e .,., "554437, lAtelL 1. , ' nat port1on. 4f l.o~' "I" 'Of b~ho 'I-U 1l.d1~.~1a th~:'Clt1 :01. Ca'f'ijib'd" (lOU1tt.y of to1)te.o. $t.t.' of CaUfo.mta, .ccor~U.AI toM&p tb.-teo! .0. " 823, 11184 1n.'the,off1c.. of the CO",,, Recorder,of ".1)1'10 eo_nty, NCMIIlbcr 16.189.4.' 4 •• citbed a. followa., ' ' ".ilUlt~,.t the V •• t.er17tel1lin .. 'of the toUth.rl'.11~ ,ot T._1r.~k' ,,' Av.~u ••• ,how 'on Oar1.bad Tract 'lIo~ 1,),8 Unit N<h '1. •• ccor41~. 'to *p thereot.o. 1039. fil.d in ~b. otf1Qa 0; the Cou~t1 "eo~4.r-ot Saa . :01810 Count1 .. Iov-.ber· 8 •. 1974 haUl" po11\t oa'ttl_ aJ;'¢, of .. "2.;09 £'001 x:a41u, . cuna t, . cone.ya , HOl'therl1, a, 1'&4,*al lbe of ~.td: e:utv. b •• rtSouth . 21-'5 t 49· ':'*t, ~,to •• Upoiftt. th.ne_ W.at.,ly ,aad.ox-t ... te,rlY .10ng. ~b. are of ,del' curve tb~ou8b· .. cenlTai an.1_ of 79-()1''''OOU .IiU.tailce of '" 871.'; feet; thtAAe tanS4lat (0 •• lll cune North, 32-34'491t W •• t, 199,.64 : '. fe.-t to the ",1_ing o.f atansent '68.00-f-oot TeeU .. cltrve .• ¢o •• y~ . Soutlnr •• terlYlt.henea :,Nol't~.t.rl1 .lon, the :.re 01. "14:'<:\.rV. lllroUgh" ,. .. e.llttal aD11. of .54-31':08'" '. ett •• 'nee of ,40 .. 49 f.atJ. thence 'taupn~ ,< -(; ': .. "" ..... . , : ... ' ; ";1 . .,.~ -~,~ <&~ ,,' ,~. ,,' to •• id curve.,. "orth S.7-0S' 57" Weat, .256" 07' f •• t; thenc. South '02-54'03" w..t. 3.00 f •• tto tbe North ... t, cotr.-r of tbe Uncl ae.riMa u de.d to Karp .. et H\lrl'&,. Br0W'll1e,. ~.cC)r4.c;l .oY_"r S, 1'81 •• ril-1(0" 81~ .. 3'0431; .th.n~e alo»$ th. Kortberly line of ~.id. 'tonI,,.·, •. laM .North '7·0S"'" W.at '~.48 f •• t. 'Cotha H,tnnS,na of •. tansent 441·~O.O foot " -rldtua elirv •. cone ••• Soutb.l'lYJ . theae« Waiterl,. .10 .... 1<1 curve .tln:'o1,lSh . .-'. ,', , a ce"'U'al ansl. of '·36'54" a d1.t.~c:e of 43.la f •• t to the!forthW'terlr . eonerof •• 14 'Ir~1.y1.1.l\Cl; .ai(l:point .• t.o Min. &. pol~t of il.lt;er.ect1otl . wltb tbe KQrth ••• te~11 11 •• of.C.~l,ba4 Hl.hl.~4. Uai~ '0. 2 •• c~ot4tng to Kt.p there.f Ito. 2825. n1.4 i" the of tic.. of th.Co\lat,1l.co~4.t' 'of Sa" J)18,0 CoU'Rt1, Dec_bel" 5, 1951, thene. aloaJ •• 1d lfol'tlul •• terlY, lin8 .~. altd the lfol:'tlnreat.rly pl'oloJ1,at1oD th.reof Borth 47.'0413'" w..t ("COfe! ..,; -'rth 4'·31·00" .elt) 100.06 f •• t to an aQat. point 1. the boundaty·of a.rl.bad "lp1.",4a •.• e.cordl~l. to', .... 't ... r.ot~ .. 2641 Jc .ltle4 1. tbe : i ofl'1c80f' :tb. County 'beotcler .ot . San .111.a.o CQWU;Y. Allr11 18t , 1950* . tbane. a1,o ... U boundaq Kotth·1O··2J'15~.a.l (beard :-_ NOl'th 0'·51'0.0" £alt) 6.83-t •• t"o the So"tbe •• ,.r11c;.oxne., of tot 18 of' .alel Hap NOi! . ·2~47.. ~it.ll .1a,,: .tb. Southwe_terl,. co~~r· of lalld da.cr~"4 .. 1'Cl ••• 4 to· John L. Witk •.•. t 'Ux. t-eco.rc!-d April 8. ltl54 :tn look 519'~' P... ,.49, of ' Official Aecord.; tbence along tbe Southerly line of .. 14 Vick'. 1.04 South 87·05'57" I •• t. 111.1' f •• t (a..¢(Jfd -South 81·lt'10" *-.. ~ 111~39 f •• t)" tbane. 1 ••• 108 tbe bQuttda1iY of .aU Wick'. b,a<1·'Nonh 86-4S·'25" I •• t 168.3:5 f.,t to aft .nal. ppiftt 1.. the. bo"n4&,1'1 of th,. 1.M ~a.4:l;:ib.4 : in deed to $unaet '4c1fic Ltct" recorded Sapt_bar 11, 1981 •• ,1.1. No." i ' '($)" , " . . ', .' -' ~-' SAFECO . . i ~ ~---.:-. ~'54431 ~ ••• ,2 . •• •• " . , .', .... ", . ',fJ-,,- 81-~'~04.1., th •• ¢e contiftultlJ .:10.111 th* boui'4Clary ~f •• 14 slI.at 'aCific. t~; laucl S'outh 8.1·05"'" IJ.t,.44.c51 f·ee:t to t~. b_ttmi1"a of· .• "ltgeat . " 2.0.00 foot ·tu1u& c;u .... e c:.oac.a •• North'ft.tetlYJ thenc" Not:tha.atarly .loll& ·the arc ot· .. i~ Oil". t~iioUlb .¢.rtt~.l .'Qgl, 'of, 89-.20"41". .' ,.>'~.: d·i~t .. c. of 31.1' f •• t; tb.eil4* ta"s«nt 1:0 ' .. 14 ¢urv. NOrtb 03·33" 16" _ :" '; -t .. . Ia_i, 116. SO. t.et ,to' the ~.ginn1l\1 of .. ,t.Il,ellt. 20.00 foot ra4111,' cune, : -... ",".; conc ••• · Sou.tltnatit'rlYJ· tb.n~. lfoXtll'ftatetl,. alonS ,-.;b. arc of ,ata . curve: . ."; \ ':: thr~&h a central an81 •. of 61·06"31" • 41stance 01 21.33 feet to'the . , " ~". ba.tJUita. of •. r ....... r.. 228. OOla-ot ,f-,;tu, curt., co:n.c;ave Nqrthaut.rly, .' . <- tb •• e. lfo~thw'1.r1y 810ni . the _rc of •• 14 <nina tbt~U8h • (tUtrel·angl.' .' ... of 41-.0"6" • 61et ... -of 165,'8' f •• t.to tbe lindo! •• tel 0""-'; thence. .... .'':::~j 1 ••• 1n,·.a:1cl. boundal1.o.t.Su"".l ,.«;lllc'_ 1a114 Bortlt 74.{),S'08ft I •• i:,:··: . , :' .. ,>;' .. 1 ":, ... ,,)~ 56.11 f •• t·; t-o " :ftQ1nt on .. 112.00 foot Ta40iu.c..un. ~oacav. ftOl'ttt..~tat"l"J .. ~.:~::,~; th .... Squtll •• te:rl, .1o .... U curve tbtcmah .. cantr.l ,anll. 9f '17·:O~:f~~" . . : ' ~ a dietellc .• ()f 51 .. 26 t.et; tbe"ca !forth ,7-0.3-'0" aa.t 1".0.6 t •• t;' ":.~f,:?:."';' . tbl.1lCeSouth 42·'2f~5ltl •• t ~w'12 fe.~; tlqtace',SOutb. 7'S-06'44" ".t' " .' ..... ". 20.1. t8 I •• t;' thelic. ,South '3~5S '37" !.at 4.11 .. 8' f •• t:ltt. .. ncta NOtth. ' :, ':" 7~·2Sf22" I •• t 6'.61 f ••. t; theoc. South 13*34'38"' I •• :t.· 121~08 t •• ,t. to . :. > the.' _Itn.,.in, of ., tan,ent 228.:00 foot rac!1U. Otll'V.·. conta.e If,trtb,, •• ·ltr11. ,thaDc. $outb ••• tel'l, aloug tb • .aTC of .aid eupa thr",*sh .:. c ... t'tU au.l .. , . of 09,'))'38", • 4t.ta.ce of 38~i04 teet.o tb. !totthllt •. t.rl1 line o.t .. " ,.", .. "'( 'ali ...... Dl,"lv, a. ahCMt Oll •• 1d·ita1' lith '80391'thcnee. aloqthe. ·b~un.dat'7· " of •• 1d Hap llo., 8039 a. follow" South .34·S'·~()" " •• t 31~38 i.at; South, 5"·00·'40" 'a.~. 294.61 f.et to tb.beatma:(nlof It t •••• '#t ,175.00 foot,' , taal". ~u:rv.t ¢onca'ft Soutlure'ted.y; S'outb ••• *_rlyaloDS the ate of •• 1.4 ,c;urve through., e •• tral aQsle of 01·09'10" .. dutanc. of ,19 .. 62. I.etf t .. ".ant to _aid cu."e,. SOuth '3·51"30".,Sa.t. 397' .. 00 t.at to tbe ~.31untilg , of a ta .. ent 115.00 foot ~.41u. t~IV •• conqava Soutnw..t.r.l't~~h.~.t.rly a10 ... tb.·:a:r:c of •• 14 c;.Un'C through It -:_ntral· ausla' of'2.~'1'30" •. ",,: . ,ti.taACe ·of 7.5*91 !.atJtangent to •• 1el CUtv. SOllth· 29-00·00'" •• t.. 39.00 t •• t :tQ ~h. b •• inning 0' .. t*ll8*'At 20.00 f.oot r.dtu. ell"_. concave ... Jortbw •• ~.r11J' S~uth.r11 .ad Soutbw$.t.rly.aloll,'tbe ate o( •• 1d~ur •• throup • centl'.l &.nlle of '0-00·00" .. 4:1.a ... nc:e Of 31~41,.'t •• t 1.0 ·t" •. ," bes11lntn, of .. e~ound '48.00 foot 't'''tu. curve .. 'So~t~.t'1'11 .1Ql1g the arc of .at4 curve tbr..,.*h .. c.Qtral .nale of 07*24f11" .. 4i.t_ne« of> , 10.e1 te.tj.aD4 le.v1 ••• :l.d c"na South 21·3S'491f Eaat.t, ,84",OOf.~t to ~h. '.of.n~ of )asianing. .' '. '.; , (;J. SAFECO .~. ' .;; • .1 "': ',' " , ' , " Van Dell , Aa.O~~ ~'801 Ca~~1.gb:t; Rd: :',' ll'V1ne, CA 4ttnt B'ob Lt.wer' .' SuaDl-VISION' ,GU.\RA.NTIE ' " , Pee No. $50.00 " S-5-1l483, , , , ,:$1,lbd1.vi.tonl " 'Carl.~d -Tract ,,' : 76-1" Ul'll t '1" , Dated: ~n~l'Y S .. ,1983 •• of'1();~9,".J.l. , ' , 7"'--~mco TIm :,lKSV!ANCB COMPAlft , .,corpor&tion' alTA~ES , .' '" The Coun't1 of$.u: Di.so ,ando.y, Ctty v1th~n'vhlcb. •• 14 .ubdlv1sion" is ' , " located in A ~ ,not ,.xceedin, $1.000.,00 tha~,accoI'41.~· ,to' lbo •• p~l)ltc, ~ecord. whtc;h u-nder tbe recording lawai :&apart COD.truc;tive,not:iee of ,utter. aff:',ct:ing ,the ti.tl. t~' t~. lanel ,18C1-.4" .lth:1n the exterior , boundary-.~ on th ... pof tbe a'bove ref.~.nc..4 ,,,,,,b4ivleion, tne only pal'tie. having"anyteeo1'4 title {:Qt..r •• t 1'0 •• 1d land who ••• igba.-iures 4re ~ec.s.a". u:~d.r tll. r4tqu$;raaeut. ~f',the Sub41Vlatol'l. Map Act., art, the certifieates consenting t~ the're«otdat1on of •• 1d, map ~~d offering for ' dedication, any streets. 'J'o'ad:s. avenu':, and other ••• _enta ,o~fe't.cl tQ't decUcatiol\ by '.a1d, "P are ~. set fOf~b ill S~b""\ll' ,A.. " lUWCI n. JO"SS, , Secretary' , SUBDIVISION GUARANTI! CLf! Gual'antee Form, No. 14, ' ' .... 3' (<:.8.)'Rev, J-1$. . {. w. }t. LITtl.E' Pr •• id.nt~ [ ; , , , ' ", ' ", '( , / '00 , SAFECO" > -" J' , " -.:: ': j , f "-'<'~~ ,,J. , f ':1 ",j«', '~ .... " ~ r~ '" , ' -... : " ... ,-, ... , , .' " , '. • , S, A ., & ,(;. 0' TIt L B ,t N $" 11 '~' AN' '0 I qO K 'r' A, N Y :: ' ',\ , " - , SubdJ.v1sion:" C«J:l'iibad. Tract , 76"!'1! ·U'nit #1.' " OWNER.. eaocu:a 'NATlOlfAt '.BA!lI(. a n.tf.onal banking ••• oelation , IAS!M!NT R01;.1>ER; , , " ", Ttle. .iIQa~re of 1m: CIte OF. c.w.sjA1,) oWne.r(,) Of' e..a'eaaeuta ... di'elosecl ' 'by d_.1t teCOl'(i4d 'Ha~4b 10, 1936 a. Fil. No,. 166'33, tn Book 1"79~ pag& ' 341 Otfie1al aeeoX'd. and June 17., 19'6 in, :look. 5'21" pa.. 230 Officdal Record. ,and Marth, 2., 1970 a. "~1. 'N~. 31~O,9 "Off~1al a.col'd. of Sen " l)lego Coun.tyhave be.etl OIaitted uncleI' the ,p1:'oYisions ,of',$ec;t14)11 66436,. Subs~ct1on (C-1), of the GovetlUl1ent ~oct.; ",b._ir in,ter •• t 1's such, that. it:,' ,~.nQot ripen into _ fe. titl. and,.aid s1gnatu#e 1. not ~.quir.d by aovefning body. , ' . , ' ,I , '. ,~ . ':, --: .. "" , " , " " 'r' )", , ,'," " ';.1 "'" :,:"::l -f--. .- , ": . l' . , " , ;" #. --:,' , ,-~ :'; M,' )- , , ~ .. ,. " ",'; , .',.i. ", , , """'m"" . "';, ',,~'" . SAFE~O' ,." I , ' , , ; "" , " • 8·57148:3 ,~.t pOrtlo~ of, L~t nIH of)lallclio A"ua. He~1f,)ilda, in: tb.e CIty of, C.',d.b.cl. Count.y of -S.:n D1eSO.. ,St~te of -California, .ecotditaa tCt Maptb~r.Q,f, 'No'. ' 823, f1;1e4i in :the offiee of tb.' County Reeorder-of $an Diego County. Nov_ber 16. 1896. d.8cd,bed a. fel1oa.r " ' , , 'C,oalJIMtAci1l8 : at th.: South ••• tarl,.' coi't\.r ,~f' L~t 1$ of C~SB4J) 'lIIGRL.AND$~ , aecording to Map' the:reofN()-,. ,$647. lUed 1n the of tic. of :th. COounty , , Recor<ier of $.11 nieso, County , AprU '18"~ 1950, b":big 'al.othe $o\JthW •• terlY 'corner ot land d.scribed'ili 4ee~ to john L., Wlck"i.~ u~. ~eco~aed ,Api:11 , a. 1~'4 in BOQk .sl'98.~ pst 549 t;J£ 0If1e1:&1' beards; thence' :along the ' ,So¥th.rly ltne of .aid W1,ek"B,l. •• d $out~ 87-0"57" •• at;'171~19 feet' (R.ec.or4 -~ou~b 81-39' 19" I •• t,. 171 .. 3'9 (eet" thene. lea.vin.' the ,boundary , ' of aaU WIck'. land ,North 86-45'25·t E.at ,16th3S, ,I •• t; to 'An ',Jnlle PQint . i. the bouQdal:1 of the land d •• ettbe<1 tnd.ed' 'to 'Suna'at ,Pacif10:,' Ltd.; Tecotd.4 Sept_bel" 11, 1981 •• 111~ No,~ <81 .... 2'1041., ~h.nc. con.til\u:tng' ' along the bc;niradaq oi: •• 1d Sun.et; Pacific'. la1l4 South87~O.s· S1~ Eaat. 44.51 f ... t, to th~ pegin.nil'lg of .. i.I'l,e1lt, 20.:00 foot 1'.~1 .. , 411J'V~qQn¢.vtl' : , No-rtbweaterlYf theneeNortbe.aterly along t~. ~l1:e: o~ ,aaid curv.' th:tougb:, , ;, a c.ellttal angl. of' 8.9''10'4'7'' .. ,~U .• t.nQ. of 31~l' f •• ,f;: thel\ce tangent to ," , .1,14 'Cu"e Nonh 03-33'1'6"" 1 •• t",,116.,50 f •• f tQ the \)eglnningQf .. ' ' " , '. tant.nt 20.00 foot l'M:btscurv.;: ~Oile..,.' SOtith .... t.tl'; then.ce NQtthwe.te~ly-' , auna the ate of' aa1,d ,eurve, "t;hrll\18;h .. celllral'.Jlil. IJt: 61-06':U'f", A: ' , " , di.tal\C. of .21.3'3' feet, to the: beg1;Ditiill of .. rever •• 2'28,.00 foo.t r-.diu.: ' , . curve; the1).ce NO'Jfe;hWeaterl.,. along tha,.re. Qf •• 14 curve, t,hrough ,a,' ee:n~~al" anal.ot 41·4()'46" a,d1stano. 0'1 16'.S.s,'to ,the True 'otut.of Beginning; . , ' th.D.C. l.aving t:be bo'UIldary of .. td, ,Suue.t ra~1f~~,'. laM 1(oX'1:h74·08'08" 'I •• t t.o apoi1:l;t'cm;. 172 .. 00 foo'tradiu,eutve conca~ No~t'h ••• ter11. thenc. SO\J;th~.te:r11 alOilS' s.1(Jct.Jne tltroulb ., c.Jiltal altSle of 17·04' 38" a d1atance of 51.,26 f •• t; thence Nortn 51-03·30"' ,Eaat 163.06 feet. ,,' thence South 42·S2t 4$" kst 3.72: f.et theuce South 7'·06'44n 18,81. 207.28 feet, thence South 53·$$·37" xa.t 412.86 f •• t;, thenc.e Nortb,16"25 ta2t', B.at 6$.61 fe'et thence: South 13-34138" ZCut, "lil,.03:f •• t to the b.sin~inl of • tangent ~28.00 fo()'t to.diua 04"*.-c'oncaveNorth •• st;erly; thence, . ,?' Sputh ••• tet1yaloni,the areo! •• 1:d cu.tve,throllgh acentl'al ~ugle of . 09-33'3'" a d.!.t.nce of 38,,04 fe.t. t,.. the tcorth"..t~-rly lin. of P.l:l.ide, Drive .i ,.hOWIi on Cat-l.bad 'rr.c,t Ko. '7,..8 ,Unit No., 1. ,ccord1iig to Map thereof No,. $0)9, fl1.d in the' off1~.of the Count1Reco~der ·of S.n DlegoCounty, ,NoV.IIl'>er,. ,8., ,19'74; 'thence' _laug . the bouJ\da", Df' .laid, !fap , ' No., 3039 •• fO"l~ov.; 'NQr'th 34-59'20" B.at:, ~3.62 fe.t,; SoUth' .5'·00'40" ~ .' < ,', " , " ,'m''"' , ',,: ~' " ".";' '-;1 'oj': .. , , , j '" SAFECO,', . " ':'; ,8-571483 1'.,e Z .• ' '. ' ' • ltt.t. ,1-11.92 '{eet., Nortn 3'·Z9f 40"lt •• t, 331 •. 88 i •• t:.ncl Rc;l)!':th 38~08~i:l·"· , laet18.01F f e.t ·to th. Southwesterly' lin. •. 'of Couttt1ltQacl: 8""'1 NO,; '. 1800-1 (known as El Call1l,no -a •• l) ,.' .h~ on sa1c1~p. No,< a039. 'bei;n8 a pot1tt on the atc 'of a 2'345.00' foot ~adi1l4 curve ¢()~.ve :NQ'tt1:'l.ea.t'tt-lY"a 'radtal l,ln" ,of said ~t1tve 'beat. ,Bautb 38~09''26" Weat 'to .aid p,0111tt' " thence .long •• 1d,Sollthwe8terly line. No~thft.t.rly. 41ong.the a~'of; • aiel curve through • ee.ntl'al' aql. of 25·30'42" « cl1'tanc,eOf lQ44.,:t4 ." ·f.et 'to tb. S<ulth.rl)' 11n. of Hol11~Jra., lat_tea,' .,¢eOJ:4.t~8:to MaP.' ' :' thereof 'No~'.5S24. filed1n ~h. olitc. of the Cou~t,. ~cotd.ro£ ,8.n. '. Dleao Cotlltty. Fe'brua:ry, 2 ~. 1965; theD.c, a1Qns sa1dSoutherly l1ne NQrth 81·1$'08'· West (~corcl · ... lfoTtb '8l·49tQO~ W.st) , '38~66 t.et to th~ :.-, ·Ea.t.tly ·U.n. -of a.aid Map No" 26.41; thellCe' along .· .. 1d . 2.,ster11 l:i.ri... . _. SQuth 10'·25 t 1.5'" We.t (Recot:d -S-outh 09 ·'1' oO't w."t.)' -6{6. 2.6 'feet to the " North.eterly "eorner of lalld d.~l"l""d in .a.ed: to' ,J:toward 1!. Oldh.-'at· . \IX, recO~ded' Sept~bei' Ii, ·1.9S1 i1J. Book .2·~8, ,age 151 ·of ,officUl· .' . a.corda; and betal elso fill anal-. point on • .,1d Suna.tPae-ff·!c'. landl, ;".': tbence along the boullda,ry of sald S\l~et ,ac.1fie'-s land .. follow.,f . South 81·05'5,1":Weat 114~74 fa"l.l'South 9·05'01'" W.sll.5:3 .. .32 l •• t to 11 . one inc.h iI'OD' P1.,. ·,.tid. Rt:C.!. Ta,No., 739} NQ.ttb 36·06'·OlJf'V.st 57 • .98 I •• t, (It.cord •. lforth , .• ·06t'()2" W •• t 57.9.9' f •• t) to th.T;rue Point', of Jta1Q1q.. " ,,' , '-. . '. " : ,~\- '" ' ~ . P'- ':-.' '. : I • ," .. , ", -: ~ , ' I' ~ _, " , 't' .... ": ,_ .~_~ ",,', '. -,.. " ,', . , :.: " " , . " ", , 'I . i '. , " . '. ,)..-.' ! I I, ' ". ,SAFECO', TITLE· INSURANCE CtmPANY PRELlMINAR'f' StJltbIVIS'iON' REPORT ., ,I •• Croc:.ker :naIi1~: , 404 CaminQ Del Rio So~th 5th ll'lool" , San Diego:, CA' " ,At tn;Christin~ Larson , ,. • No. Subdiv:ision;Cal'la'bad Tract ,',' , , 76--01Sl1ir,tt No~ ,3 " '. For the benefit of the Coun'tY, Qf'~San l>~~go,,~~, C}1:ty wi1:hin which the ' subd1viaion 1, locat,ed,' ~he: Sub4ividet and the Subdivider's, Regis,tered Civil Engineer or. ~~c~nsed ~and Surveyor it " • A pre11minary'~~Mination'of thos~~ublie:re.cotd. which; under ,the reeording lawa, upart ,co~stru¢U.ye: notic.e of' matt,re aft.e,ctirtg the 1:1.t'1e to, the 1a11.4 inclu<lecl wi:thin ,the' ~te.rior 'boundar)' .hOlmon: a map " . . ,..~- ", ~. ! , , I, , , .' -~{ , .. ' , of the above r~feren~ed' s~bdivisl()n'reeeived' on ,.' ,,',"', ' I , ,by'" ~ • • i ' SARCO Ti t1e Insur:anee Camp.PT, hereinE;.411ed tne 'Company t d,is~lo'ses .. t11."t,at the:' dat,& ,1:1ereo£" ,the-'only part:les' havins any ieeoX'd title ' l~tere$t,~n'said l.nd whose 'signatures are.nece.8ary~ under ~he requirement~ of the Sul)div:t;siqn Hap Aet:~ on the map of said subd:lvis1on to ,be filed', ' with thtl County Reeprder' of 'said Cout\ty are sat, fortb in Schedule A,.' This report' is furnished as an 'aeeommodatfon, tOt; the' s01e,purpose of" preliminary planning and ~,aciU.tat1:ng the cPlIlpltanee with requi;.Tements neces,s.ty fot: the issuance of .a' Subdivision Gu,a~artt.e~' ,It i. u~derstodd ,that the C~pa~Y'8,lfab111ty :la'soleiy that·exp~e,s.d in.$uc.h Guarantee', and that ,nO: :Uab1l1tyseparate f't'QIIl pr otheX"';tl'UIU the Compauy:t s U.ablli:ty , under s.id Guarantee, ,is ,as,si11lied bY:.:t~ls Report; ~cept that',-if nQG.uarant~e ' ,1s issued un(i'(tt' this ,OX-del;' the alSlount paid for thi., Report, shall he, the . maltiml:Ull ll~b:f.li ty of the Company.. ' '., " '. " ." \ . , , 'P~EL'IMlNARY ~~DIVI,SION REPORT" , P.286 «;,.,S • .)' SAFECO T1TLE INSURANCE COMPANY , By, ' ' ~lS/&CHUFNE~,-" : 'l,tIe . 6Ifl~~r ' , .' " - m: SAF,ECO' , , , '.I " :! j. " ~: -.' , " ., .... ' •• ',. S A lI'lS C·O T t T ,L E ' INS' U R A ~ C' E ,C 0 'M P' AN' Y ~REL.rHINARY· SUBD·ivis:rdN REPORT~SC,HEDuLE A " $'<!"571484 , " Subd'!visioIi: , '" . ~ .,r' S'EE "EXHIBIT "A"' A'l'TAcHED " . , ,-~- , ' The ,pal:tiesller~i'!lbefore refer,red to are: . -'. , VESTIN<';: CROCK~R NATIONAL BANK, Ii n.tional banking association, " ' , EXCEPTIONS::, Carlsbad, Tracrt 16-lS Unit No;~ 3 " " ' .... ,''. " , " . . ' , , l~ ,An Offe:r: a~d'riedicati9n for~tl'e~t a~~ h~gh~.1 purposes toge.~hfn:o' '. Y1(h, slope rights, exe,(!uted by Dougla.s. Sou.t1:lwest Corporation, to ,th~ City of Carlsbad. recorded'Novembcn:', 8., 1974 a. FileNo. T4-,297.s4~ ,of oft,ic1al aeeoTd8, and ,is 'more particularly de.scrib.d as follOw's1 ," " ", , "" A strip of l-and 84,;00 'feet in wid"th. for road PlJrposes, 'lying, with a , port-ion of ~ot I~ ~ncho Agu. Hed:1onda. in the . City of Car.l.SbadtCoun-ty of' San Di~gp,' State of ealifrolt1a~, ,accQiding to Map thereof.,No. 823' '.: filed in t.b.eO.f',fie_ of the '~oU~ty !tecorder o.f· s,,1<1 C')l~nty, aaidstr;1p pe4.ngdescribed as follows; , " ,\' , Begi-nnlng ,a:t' the Soutb,~.sterly earner of that parcel of'land ,granted by Kelly 'to Wiek~ re~orcded, April 8. i9S4in Book 51.98,; Page',549,; of Offieiai Rec,o~ds of said: C01,1nty, thence along the, S:outherly line of :safcl ' . Parcel North 81° 06 t 13" West 171: •. 36' feet 'to the Ea$tetli, )oundary' Qf/ Ca,rlsbad Highlands" Map No." 2647. flted in the. Off lee-of sai;d: County': .' ~~corder~ thenee along said Easterly boundary South 10,-23· ,57· West,.,' 6 ~~t3 f~et to an angle .point, the1;einl "thene.e continutng al,ong s.id. Eastetl;y ,b,ol1ndary t,o, and aloJ;lg the No:r:theast .. ~ly l;oundary of CaT~sbad, Highland,s' Nb ~" Map Jio,2825, filed in the.Offiee ,of the Count', ~¢Qrder,sout:n ,:" , , 47° .o8 r 22ft East 120,.24 fee.t; thence leaving "a1d J'tol'tbeaster1y 'ooulldary " ,of, Map No •. 2825 South 870 ' O~r, 13" Eas:t '349 .• 28 'feet: t,o ~he beginning of a.-, tangent :5,68.00, fO.at' ra4~us :I;urve concave 'So¥therly; thenee,. !as'terly' along ,said, curve. t~rough a:'central' angl.,of 54· 3,1' 24'* an arcd1.stanee. 'f" 0, ' ,', L " .. ' .. , -:'" ' '" .' ~."', -E " , '-~ ,; -, ~ ! I , , " ... - i ' j , : , 1 , " . ! " . ~, . i " " . " • ,' .. ~ ". \ ' thllt portion of Lot "I" of R~ncho Ag~'Hecr:LOn4.t in the, Ci:ty' ofC~rlsbad,'. County of San D1ego~.State of' Cal~f'Orn18;. aeeording to -Map thereof No.. ' a2l, f'iled in the' of~iee: of the Cou~ty leeordet .of' San Diego County.' , 'Novembe~ 16 t 1896 •. de$erfbed .8 foll.owal . " . ' ': ""., ; '. , ',' t <" Beginnlng at the' 'No.rtnWet) t eQ:r;n¢r' ot' u.gUDa ,~iv1era, unit, No ~ . 9 ~ ae'cord;1:'~ \ to Map ther~of No. 1516. filed' in the4)ff1.ce, of,. the" Cc»ut\-ty Recprde't of, San 1)iego County, DeeeDlber29. 1912:;,the~¢e along the Nottbe-rly line of' said Map No., 7516 and' ~he 'Easterlyprolonga=tion, thereof South 86-·01' 31-! Eaat. (Rec'ord, ~ 80\1.th 86·34'37" Ea'st),780.01 fee.tta tbe West:etly. • • .1 , , ?rolongat~on o~the SO\Jtberly' 1i11e -of CaT:1.ba~ Tract No • ..t,3..&, Unit NC)~ , 1, according to Map thereof N9 .. 8Q39. ~11ed in t~e offic~ otthe qounty , R~eorder ofSan,D,iego County, Novem.ber ,8. 1974; thence .19i1g sa;1.<tprolcjngation North 74·~$'12" East; 242.42 feet to th.e. Soutl}wes:terly cornel; of said Map NQ~ 8(}39'; thence. a,"ong Sou~·bwe!J-terly line of 8411d Map' NC>. 8039. North 49-17.1S2" Ea~t 454 .• 97 feet (bcor4 -North 49-21'00" ,East ","' 454.19 feet): t-o the Westerly. terJJi~u. of.. th. Southerly line'of 'tamarack Avenue. as shown -on' ,aid ~p-No~,8039.' being a PQin't :ontha aie'of a 632,00 £.Qot radius curve, conciave" Northerly,,' .: radial line of'~aid curve belU'; ,South' . 21-35' 49" l!:ast -to ;s~ld po.lnt;' "thence leaving th. boundaJ;y ~f said Map '. NQ., 8039, Westerly and Nor~hwesterlY _loilg the arC of said c~rve-·througb . ' a' centr.al angie of 79-01 'OO"a dia,tane~ of, 871,.~9 fee.t; thence t.n8e1'l.t to said eutve,,' North ·32~34'49:tt West, 199 .. 64£eet to the beg:f;~ning"of ~ , ,,' tange:ntS'68.QOfoot radius curve. con~'ave. So~t,hwe8terly; the1)c.e N(jrthwes·ter~y along the a;rc of said curve tllrough . a·, central angle of' 54-'31-'98" ,J!'-. ,distance of 5~0.47 feet.; thence tangent to aaid cutve. No~.th SV·O,S'S7'!', ", ' . 'West; 2S~.:07 ,feet.; thence Sou,th 92·$4"03", West, 3~,OO. feet ,to .an ,.ngle' . pOint ;1.n thebQundaiy of -the land described" ~n, deed. to Ma).:garet !roliAley· rec:~rded, ~ovem.ber 5, 1.9t31 as Fi,le. No. ,81-3504'31; ·thenee a10ng 'th. East~t'ly boundary of said Brownley·, prop'arty South 22~6'04tt East. 129'.16 f.et. South 59-07' 25ft West ~O.OOfe..t, to. the NQrtheiufle-rly ~1ne ()~!J~arlsbad . ' " Highlands Uni:tNo., 2,. ,ac;qordingto Map thereo! ~ ~!i~,,'Uled1ti ,the off:(ee of the Recordar' of Sa:nDi~go Co~ntY.Dec:empe" 5,· 1951; thence,:· " ' ... 'along said Map No. 2825 South 47'~04 "35ft. Eas,t (Record,-SO\lt~: 41-38 tOQn ,".' Eaat) 4i6.Z0 feet to 'an angl. point in tbe' bou~da;y 6f the' ~nd'desc;~ibed in deed to'Sunset P,aclt.lc Ltd., reeqrded' Sept.embe~ 11, 'l98l"as,.F11e,'NQ.':, 81-29-104:7; theJJ,c-e 'cont-inui,ng ,alq-ng the . boundary Q~ .sa1d' Sunset facific '.8, , land as fOllows: Sq"tb 71--2S"44"' East 687.90 'feet (Record .South 7.i·2,6'~031t , East687~7S.,feet) SO\J,th 13-12.'4,2" West' 378,.47 feet (:R.e~ord ... Sou'tb; 13-09t~5"-,West 378.:34 feet), to. th~ ,~e p~tt' of~eg1.nlling~ "", ." . , . . . . ". 'I; ~ ,< , ' . .; , .,-T, " , , ~, . .,- ,'" . ~ . , - "($]"""'" SAFECO' ", " ";' ,; ,~ 'J \' . \ .' ' 8-571484 P.~ge.2 :. .. " • " ':-' ' .. ,' .. ' ot' ,:~40.S2 f.$ett'j the~ce:' t.tige~tto s~t4' .cl).'XVe Sq.uth ·32-' 34" 39" ~~st .,' ~ 177,.35 feet· to ~he 'beginning' of-a<tangent' 632 •. 00 ,·foot. 'radius' el(rve, ~oneave 'Northerly; thence Easte;ly along II,aid. (lune through a eelJ.~raf " angle :0£ 79-01''': "00'" .n arc ct1~t.l;lceof871.59 feet; thence ..• 10~ a' '. redia11ina ,of$aid; cune North lle' 35," 49" West. 84.~,(1 f .. et t.C) a.:p.o!nt " in a conc..etit:d:c S48 ... 0~·,f,90t iatitus ·curv"; tnen'e.e W.s:terly 'along; s.aid.' . , '¢oneentxie 'c.urVe ~hro\lgh' a .central angle: of 79-~Ol tao"': an ate d1-$tance 'cif 155.15 feet; thence tangent' to .said-eurv,· North '32-' .341 :49'" We:s.~ 117.35 feet to th.· besinning 'Of ~ tangent,6'S2.00 foot.radiuB curve coneave Sout.herlY; ~h~n¢e ,Wes'ter'1y al.ong •• i4. curve through: a celJ,tra1. ,angl. {jf, 54~'. 31 t 24tt'an. are diiJt.nce'· of' 6'2o.~4S fee,t;. th4niee, ,tang.titto : said curve North 8-7' 06· 13" West 26~f 18 fe-at to 'tl1e Point .af Regiimlng ... , . '. ,.' -.. . ' 2.· .. An ea.'eIl\8nt sf-feet ing, Ii' por,tlon of sa.id land " and f~cr th$ -P.ur.po,ses: sU,ted herein and 1nci4ental 'p,urposas,' ." : . '. , ' ':,... , in favox of: . < Tne. City of Carlsbad ' , ' For; , , ' Public. 1ITater line . Recorded: l!'ebr,uary>i, 1975.a& File,No., 15-024517 Atfectst . Tha·t portio,n of ~ot I of Rancho Ag~a, ~~dlonda'acQQrdtng to Map:, the'teof No •. 823. file.d.·in the Off.ice, 0'£ tlteCou~ti' .Recorde~ 6f, S· .. n Di-eao;, State of 'C4lifornia, beiri$'8 ,s·trip .of land 1.2..'00' teet in Width,' 6.00 feet Oll·each si,de of, the. fOl,lowlng described ~enterline;" ... . Begin~ng.tth~ ,Northwest e~rti~r Q£ Lot' 280. being an' an~l~'po~n~ in the 'bo\1~dary of. Laguna R,ivier4 ~ Hap No. 75],.,6 t filed in th~ Office of said county Recorder; thenee S·outn··~6e 09 t 32" :&as-t: (Records So:q.thS6° 34' ,37", East per 'said-Map 7516) along the NQrtherly l1-n~ Qfsaid ~p. 7516 a distance. .of 153.01 feet to' the TRUE fOINT OF BEGINNlNG'; th..-nce·· le.vi.1i~ $ai((N'oitherl,.y ;l;ln'e Nc;,'rth ,'1',43' 37" 1J;ast' .di~t.ance o~ as.7i fe.et 'to. the. beg!nntng' of ~ lS~,.,OQ: foot ·.ra4iu"clJtve ·co'r)C.aye Eii.terly; then~e Nor~herly.alO'ng the arc ·of said curve through a'centra~ .angle of 12· 38; 23" a distan.~ Qf 33.09.feet; thence leav:hig ~a1d cui'le 'along a non-~angent 1iJle South'74· 38'OD" Eas't. distance' of 15L.16feetf , thence 'N()t:th 3S·,' 1$LOO" ~.s~. ,213.Z,s feet; thene~ Notcth ,3· ,59'·'30'f. W4lst along' the :pro10ng4tioit':o£ a 'radi..l'.;iin~'·to a 605'.5Q (!>o,t tad11,lEl eutve c,oncave Wottherly .. d1stallce o~ 9.~O feet to It point ill the, .·rc 9'£ said curv~. thence East'erly along. said .arc through a central .ngle: ,of '17~ '36'. 19" a distance of'186;.05 feet to .a point .of te,rmi:nu8. said point 'baing'a , ,point, in the boundary. of ·Ca.rlj·bad Palisades acc<?rding.' to Map No,__8039.' . f.1led in, the: Of~ice.of $aidCounty 'Re(:,orde-r.··· '". ," . ':t: .. ~ '~ 'SAFECO' .~ -~ '. ~' ,-.,~ ~,' . ~.>,;.t .; '. -~ ~ •• < ':.1 . ,'; " ~~ . ~' ':: I :-', ,""" -p'-, .-, . ~ , . " I~ , I , I " " I " f S-571484 Page 3 <'I -. ~' '6 ' ..•. , -':./' " , . .' ," .,' 3~ ,An agreement betwe~n ',developer-awer and, the ·O$,ty of carlsbad for the' pay,nent ,of, a pupl~c:' ,£ac:;,f.1:l tie$: f,e :byapd bet.1fe.~ SU~~ET: PAC~FIC: , LIMITED, a 11m! ted, partne·r$hip aJld THE ~ITY OF CARLSBAD, 'a ,.~nie:lpa~ . , ,: eorporatlQn ' .. x-eeorded 'Nov.elnbe~ .13, )96l aa-F11e No. 8l-~6()11.7~ :,' . Ref.erenee !I..' hereby made-to's~id 'doeumellttor: full partic:ulars, ~.: ': ' .. " , , , : . ' . " ' '. " '. , " , " . " , ' ,,' ,I .j ~. : ~ , , . '. .. -.~ ,\ .:- "" . ':'" ) ,~ . " !-. ;. ~, , ~ -. , " '. ~ I ... ---------------------~------_.---'-'-'-. -.. -.---.-• SUNSET PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT 2151 Michelson Drive Irvine, CA 92715 • C7' SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AMENDED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT No. S-554437 Dated: May 19, 1980 as of 7:30 A.M. Subdivision: Carlsbad 76-15 Unit No.1 For the benefit of the County of San Diego, any City within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor. A preliminary examination of those public records which, tinder the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown qn a map of the above referenced subdivision received on September 30, 1977, by SAFECO Title Insurance Company, herein called the Company, discloses that, at the date hereqf, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map of said subdivision to be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A. This report is furnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary planning and facilitating the compliance with requirements necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Guarantee. It is understood that the Company's liability is solely that expressed in such Guarantee, and that no liability separate from or other than the Company's liability under said Guarantee is assumed by this Report, except that if no Guarantee is issued under this Order the amount paid for this Report shall be the maximum liability of the Company. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P-286 (G.S.) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE C~MP~ . S/t,!{;YJ. 4lvhV • "- S A F E COT I T LEI N SUR A N C E COM PAN Y PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT-SCHEDULE A No. Dated: S-554437 May 19, 1980 as of 7:30 A. M. 'Subdivision: Carlsbad 76-15 Unit No.1 The map hereinbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of: SEE EXHIBIT "An ATTACHED. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: VESTING: DOUGLASS PACIFIC CORPORATION, a Califotnia corporation, formerly known as Douglass Southwest Corporation EXCEPTIONS: 1. General and special district taxes, a lien not yet payable for the fiscal year 1980-81. I-A. General and special district taxes, now payable, for the fiscal year 1979-80. (Both Halves Now Delinquent). Affects Assessor's Parcel Number 207-200-09. lB. Delinquent general and special district taxes for the fiscal year 1975-76 and' subsequent del.inquencies. An estimate has been ordered to determine the amount necessary to redeem. Affects Assessor's Parcel Number 207-200-09. I-C. Additional amounts that may hereafter be assessed within the guidelines. defined in Chapters 49 and 242 of the State of California Statutes of 1979. 2. An Easement affecting a portion of said land, for the purposes stated herein and incidental purposes in favor of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, For: poles and wires Recorded: December 29, 1954 as Document No. 175339 in Book 5477, page 514 of Official Records I!"'-----------------~----------------~=..,..---'~ ---- S-554437 Page 2 • Affects: Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 37 of Car1sb~d Highlands No.2, as per Map thereof No. 2825 filed in the office of the Recorder of said County of San Diego, distance thereon South 47°38' East, 5.21 feet from the most Nor~herly corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning North 74°57'30" East, 12.8 feet. 3. An easement and right of way for ingress and egress for road purposes to be used in common with others over a portion of said Lot "I", described as follows: Beginn:ing at the Southeasterly corner of the Parcel of land granted to John L. Wick et ux, recorded April 8, 1954 in Book 5198, page 549 of Official Records; thence South 2°20'50" West 60 feet thence North 87°39'10" West to a point in the Southeasterly prolongation of the Easterly line of Birch Avenue as shown on said Map of Carlsbad Highlands; thence North 47°38' West along said Southeasterly prolongation and along said Easterly line to an angle point therein and North 9°51' East 6.83 feet to s~id Southeasterly corner of Lot 18; thence South 87°39'10" East, 177.93 feet to the point of beginning as granted to Ronald S. Schwab and Patt,i L. Schwab by deed recorded January 12, 1970 as File No. 101892. 4. An Agreement of Sale dated August 1, 1970 by and between Florence L. Hiepler et al ~s vendor and Ronald S. Schwab and Patti L. Schwab as vendee, and ,recorded May 11, 1973 as File No. 73-12797.0 affecting a portion of the land herein described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 18, Carlsbad Highlands in said City, County and State according to Map thereof No. 2647, filed in the office of the Recorder of said County; thence South 87°39'10" East, 171.39 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 54°24'10" East 104.28 feet; thence South 82°l4'10"East 116.83 feet; thence North .2°20'50" East 130.00 feet; thence North 29°46'34" West 220.02 feet; thence South 35°02'52" West 147.62 feet; thence North 87°391,10" West 6.57 feet; thence South 2°20'50" West 123.93 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH an easement for egress and ingress for road purposes over said portion of Lot 1, described as follows: Beginning at the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the above described property; thence South 2°20'50" West 25.00 feet; thenge SOllth 87°39'10" East 38.13 feet; thence North 54°24'10" West 45.60 feet to the ':j:RUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 5. A deed of trust dated June 26, 1974 to secure an indebtedness of $5,157,000.00 and any othe'r ob liga tions secured thereby, recorded June 28, 1974 as File NO'. 74-174699. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, a California corpor?tion, Trustee: SAFE CO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, Beneficiary: MARINE MIDLAND REALTY CREDIT CORPORATION, a New York corporation. Covering this and qther property. -----------------~-~~--------- S-554437 Page 3 Said de~d of trust was modified by Amendment executed by Douglass Southwest Corporation and Marine Midland Realty Credit Corporation; dated February 28, 1977 and recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77- 079652. 6. An offer and dedication for street and h~hway purposes executed by Douglass Southwest Corporation to the City of Carlsbad, recorded November 8, 1974 as File No. 74-297546 and is more particulary described as follows: A strip of land 84.00 feet in width, for road purposes, lying with a portion of Lot I, Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Ca-rlsbad County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County, said strip being described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of th.;tt parcel pf land grant~d by Kelly to Wick, recorded April 8, 1954 in Book 5198, page 549, of Official Records of said County; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel North 87°06' 13" West 171.36 feet to the Easterly boundary of Carlsbad Highlands, Map No. 2647 filed in the office of said County Recorder; thence along said Easterly boundary South 10°23' 57" West, 6.83 feet to an angle point therein; thence continuing along said Easterly boundary to and along the Northeasterly boundary of Carlsbad Highlands No.2, Map No. 2825, filed in the office of s.;tid County Recorder, South 47°08 '22" East 120.24 feet; thence leaving said Northeasterly boundary of Map No. 2825 South 87°06'13" East 349.28 feet to the beginning of a tangent 568.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 54°31'44" an arc distance of 540.52 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 32°34'39" East 177.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent 632.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 79°01 '00" an arc distance of 871.59 feet; thence along a radial line to said curve North 21°35'49" West, 84.00 feet to a point in a concentric 548.00 foot radius curve; thence Westerly along said concentric curve through a central angle of 79°01'00" an arc distance of 755.75 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 32°34'49" West 177.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent 652.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 54°31 '24" an arc distance of 620.45 feet; thence tange_nt to said curve North 87°06' 13" West 269.18 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with the necessary slope rights appurtenant thereto. 7. An easement for public water line purposes executed by Douglass Southwest Corporation, a California corporation to the City of Carlsbad, recorded February 3, 1975 as File No. 75-024517 and is mo:r;-e particularly described as follows: That portion of Lot I of Rancho Agua Hediortda according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Re~order o~ San Diego, State of California, being a strip of land 12.00 feet in width, 6.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline. S-554437 Page 4 Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lo-t 280, being an angle point in the boundary of Laguna Riviera, Ma~ No. 7516, filed in the 9ftice of said County Recorder; thence South 86 Q9'32" East (Record South 86°34'37" East per said Map 7516) along the Northerly line of said Map 7516 a distance of 153.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said Northerly line North 2°43'37" East, a distance of 85.71 feet to the beinginning of a 150.00 foot radius curve concave E?sterly; thence Northerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 12°,38'23" a distance of 33.09 feet; thence leaving said curve along a non-tangent line South 74°38'00" East a distance of 151.16 feet; thence North 38°15'00" East 273.25 feet; thence North 3°59'30" West along the prolongation of a radial line to a 605.50 foot radius curve concave Northerly a distance of 9.50 feet to a point in the arc of said curve; thence Easterly along said arc through a central angle of lr36'19" a distance of 186.05 feet to a Point of Terminus, said point being a point in the b·oundary of Carlsbad Palisades according to Map No. 8039 filed in.the office of said County Recorder. 8. A deed of trust dated April 22, 1975 to secure an indebtedness of $339,440.00 and any other obligations secured thereby, recorded April 29, 1975 as File No. 75-099712. Trustor: Trustee: Beneficiary: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, a California corporation, SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, MARINE MIDLAND REALTY CREDIT CORPORATION, a New York corporation. Covering this and o·ther property. Said deed of trust was modified by Amendment executed by Douglass Southwest Corporation and Marine Midland Realty Credit Corporation dated February 28, 1977 and recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77-079652. 9. Rights of the public to use that portion of said land lying within Palisades Drive as shown and described on said Map No. 8039. 10. A deed of trust dated April 1, 1974 to secure an indebtedness of $430,000.00 and any other obligations secured thereby, recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174700. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, a California corporation, Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, Beneficiary: ORVILLE G. HIEPLER.AND FLORENCE L. HIEPLER, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; RALPH T. CLAY ~D CHRISTINA W. CLAY, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; VALDO RAUDE AND EMILIENNE M. RAUDE, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided 10% interest; THOMAS E. ASpEL AND BARBARA A. ASPEL, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; EDWIN G. WILKENING AND ERNA C. WILKENING, husband and wife as joint tenants, as --.~~~------------------~--------~------------------~----~~------------~------------------ S-554437 Page 5 • to an undivided 5% interest; M. ANDERSON AND EVELYN ANDERSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; HARvEy L. SIGURDSON AND ELAINE SIGURDSON, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; LOWELL 1. TORGERSON, JR. AND BONNIE TORGERSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 7-1/2% interest; NORRIS W. STOA AND MARTHA STOA, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; MAGMUS S. EGGE AND ELAINE J. EGGE, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; FRED BJORNSON AND EVELYN J. BJORNSON, . husba~d and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; JOHN W. SPANN AND VIOLET L. SPANN, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; and CLARENCE W. SPANN AND SHIRLEY SPANN, husband an!i wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; HENRY E. ERICKSON AND KAYE ERICKSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; and LOREN F. BJORNSON AND ANNETTE M. BJORNSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 5% interest. Covering this and other property. Said deed of trust contains a provision for the subordination of the lien thereof to the lien of future deeds of trust upon the terms and conditions therein contained. By agreement recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174701 the lien or charge of said deed of trust was subordinated to the lien or charge of the deed of trust recorded June 28, 1974 a.s File No. 74-174699. By agreement recorded April 29, 1975 as File No. 75-099711, the lien or charge of said deed of trust was subordinated to the line or charge of t~e deed of trust recorded April 29, 1975 as file No. 75- 099712. By agreement recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77-079650 the lien or charge of said deed of trust was subordinated to the lien or charge of the deed of trust recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77~079651. 11. The effect of a Notice of Violation issued by the City of Carlsbad and recorded on October 23, 1975 as F:i,.le No. 75,...293751. 12. A deed of trust dated February 28, 1977 to secure an indebtedness of $513,600.00 and any other obligations secured thereby, recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77-079651. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Beneficiary: MARINE MIDLAND REALTY CREDIT CORPORATION Covering this and ot'her property. -------------------~-------------------- Fee $50.00 No. S-554437 AMENDED SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE • Subdivision: Carlsbad 76-15 Unit No.1 Dated: May 19, 1980 as of 7:30 A.M. SAFE CO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation GUARANTEES The County of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the ce~tificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication -any streets, roads, {3.venues and othe-r easements offered fo-r dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A. BRUCE M-. -JONES Secretary An Authorized Signature SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 P-35 (G.S.) Rev. 3-75 w-•. H". -LITTLE President • . ' S A F E COT I T LEI N SUR A N C E COM PAN Y SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE-SCHEDULE A No. S-554437 Subdivision: Dated: May 19, 1980 as of 7:30 A.M. The map hereinbefore referred tp is· a subdivision of: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNER: Carlsbad 76-15 No.1 DOUGLASS PACIFIC CORPORATION, a California corporation, fOl:'lIlerly known as Douglas Southwest Corporation TRUSTEE: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, as trustee under deeds of trust recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174699; recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174700; recorded April 29, 1975 as File No. 75-099712; and recorded March 4, 1977 as File No. 77-079651. VENDEE: RONALD S. SCHWAB and PATTI L. SCHWAB, as Vendee under an Agreement of Sale recorded May 11, 1973 as File No. 73-127970 NOTE: The signature of SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, holder of an easement as disclosed by deed recorded December 29, 1954 as Document No. 175339 in Book 5477, page 514 of Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (C-1)., of the Government Code, their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body. .. ------------------------~----------------- S-554437 Page 2 NOTE: The signature of the City of Car1sbad~ easements holder as disclosed by deed recorded February 3, 1975 as File No. 75-024517 in Book 197~ of Official Records and recorded November 8, 1974 as File No. 74-297546 of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (C-1), of the Government Code, their interest is such that it cannot ripen into"a fee title and said signature is hot required by the governing body. NOTE: The signature of RONALD S. SCHWAB and PATTi L. SCHWAB holder of an easement as disclosed by deed recorded January 12, 1970 as File No. 101892, Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the p.rovisions of Section 66436, Subsection (C-l), of the Government Code, their interest in such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body. 1) . .11;: Jv\ . , ,I I I , COHP: (1 'I ''s, '( ", • x PA 62 x I S.,.55L1-437 E-14309 EXl.lIHIT "A" Tlit;lt portion of Lot. "I" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the CHyof. Carlsbad, Co l.tllL.>· of San Diego, S tate of California, according to Hap thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Dieg~,·. Cou'h!::i, . November 16, 1896, described as fol1o~v.s: Beg:lllning at, the Hest.erly tenniilus of the Southerly line 0.f tamarack Avenue' as shown. on Carlsbad Tract No. 73-8 Unit .No. 1, ac.cording,to·Map· the:t;eof No. 8039, filed in the Office of the County Recorder .of San Diego. County, Nov- ember 8, 197/1-, being a p,oint on the arc of a 632.00 foo,,!: radius curye, con- I 'cave Northerly, a' radial line of said, curVe bears Sou'th, 21 °35' 4$)1' Eas t, to ' . 'said point; thence Hesterly and Northwesterly 9,1011g the a;t"c of said curve through' a central angle of 79 °01 '00" a dis'tartce of 871.59 ,f-eet;' thence tangQnt to 'said curve North 32°34'lJ,9" Hes!;., 199.1.7 feet to the beginning 0,£' . c:i. tangent 568.00 foot radius' 'curve, concave Southwesterly; 'thence No'rth-. , ''"westerly alon§; the arc o.f said curve through a ,central angle of 54°31' 24" a distance of'540.52 feet,; thenc.e tangent to said curve~ North 8r06'1311 Hest, 256.35' feet; thence S,outh 02°53'4711 He'st, 3.00 feet; ·th.ence North 87°06'13" Hest, 79.64 feet to the beginning of a tmigenf: 475.50 foot radius curve, concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve· . through a central angle of 02°10'39" a dista,nce of 18.07 feet to the No:rth- eas,terly line of C'arisbad" Highlaflds Unit No. Z, according to Map thereof' No. 2825" filed ·in the Office of the Oounty ReGorder of San Diego County, ' Dec;c.1Ilber 5,' 1951; thence along said Northeasterly line <Ind the Horth,'les,terly prolonga,tion .thereof North L~7°05'3511' West, (Record -North !+r38'OOIl West), 97.33 feet to an angle point in the boundary of Carlsbad Highlands, acco~ding to Hap thereof No. 2M,7, filed· in' the Office of ·the County Recorder of'San D:i,.ego County, April 18, 1950; thence along said boundary North 10°23'5711 East, (RecQrd N01:th· 09°51'00" East). 6.83 feet to the Southeaster1v corner of'Lo,t 18 of said Hap No. 26?J,7, being also. the Southwesterly corner of, 1atld describe'd in deed to. John L. Wick, et ux, recorcled AprilS, 1954 in Book 5198, Page 549 0,£ O:Efic:i.al Records; thence along, the 'Sou,ther1y line of said Hick IS iand South 87°06' 13" East'; 171.36 feet (Retord -South 87°39'10" East', 171.39 feet); thence leaving the'boundary of sal<;1 Wick's land, North 86 0 45' 09" East" 168.19 feet; thericeSouth 87°06'1311 East, 44.97 feet t,o the beginning of a ·t~ngent 20.00 foot radius curve~ concave Northwesterly; thence North- easterLy. along the,arc of said curve through a central angle of 89°20'3111 ., a dista~ce of 31.19, feet; thence tangent to,s'aid cui-vc North '03°33'1611 'i' East, 116.65 feet to the beginni,ng of a tangent 20.00. foot radius curve, concave Southwesterly; thence Nortlnvester1y along the arc of said curve , thro]1gh a central' angl,e of 61°q6!3t" a dis.tar-ce of '21.3~ fe,et to the b.egin~' ,Ring of a reverse 228.00 ,foot radius curve; thence 'Northwes'tel"ly along the m:c of'snhl cu:i:ve through n central nnglo of: 20°15'1.1-1," a d.l.stance of HO.63 fcut to. the (:lltl of lia:L<l GllrVe;, l:lwlJ,(':l~ l(~:tv:i.ng Hn.l.d cllrvc NC>J;'th !j3°I.,O'()211 Ea!;t, :~:H.2() feet:;' thenee :ioul:h "/G(>J:('10" I'::u;t, ,1:1.\G.97 feel:; thence -South 5-1°'27 13111 E:u;t, l152.59 feet,; thence NOl'th 6/~05/~'3/I.u East, 60.86 ,feet.; t'1\Cnce· S.outh· ~3°34138" East, 108.79 feet to the beginning of a tangent 228.00 foot radius c'J,rve, conc'ave Northc as terly; t1lCllce Southeast'erly' along the arc of .. s.:1.id curve through'a centxal angle of 09°28' J.9" a dis,tancc of 37.69 feet to the Nortlnvcstcr1y line oJ; Palisades Drive as ShOlVl1 on sa).d Nap No. 8039;. thet1Ce al0l1g the boui1dary 0'£ said Nap No. 80J9 ·.:1.S folloH£;: South 34.0~9'.2011 Hest,' 3l~30 fect; Sduth 55°00'l~6" Ea9t~ Z9Lf:61 feet to the begimling of a tan'gerl.t 975~00 foot radius curve, concave Soutlnvester1y; ~:;outhcaster1y along the arc of said cu)."Ve thro'ugh a ,central angle of 01 °09'10" a distance of i9.62 feet;· tangent to said curve, South 53°;51"30',' East, 397.00' feet to the. Page 1 of 2 TYPE: l~\ ~ • .J -.' COUl). ( I' •• ) I ,I.""U.';. ·t J './ : ' i ,.",.. AHENDED DR: Fn.D 10-14-77 8-554437 E-14309 hCGinninr; of a tangent 175.00 foot'radius curve, concavc'Soutlnvcsterly; Souche'as tcrly along the arc of said curve through a ,cen·tral angle oE 24,051 1 30rr 'a'distance of 75.93 fee,t,; tangent to said curve South '29°00 1 00" East, 39.00 feet to the begirining of a tangent 20.00 fQot radius curve, cope,ave Northwesterly; Southerly and Sotl.thwcsterly along the arc of "said. , :curve' through a central' angle of 90°00 i·OO!', a distance of 3Ll~2 fe!;!t to , thc'begiiming of a compoui1d 5l~8.00 foot radius qur.ve; Soutlnvestcrly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of O'r24111" .,'a distance of 7'0.81 feet; and leaving said curve South 21°35'49" East, 84 ... 00 feet' to the Point of Beginning. ,I CA?LSJ3AD TRACT NO.. 7-6 -:15 UNIT NO. 1 • ! '! l'age 2 of 2 • MAY 3 0 19~Bn. CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department • Do\:}nJ.;ii"· !,outhwest Corporation ,..,.~'"nt;X 1114 "'. ,."~ . /Carls:bad , CA 9~00a . TlMENDED Attn: Mik~Rol$ton ..... ., SA:FEGO T'ITL!E INSURANCE COMPANY ~5:' ·liiiL,JI.:.,. "-"'5--.:m., iR~' :e·'ftft,·· ,'; !.iUIII.. ; "IVW,. ; \ ~~ £1, as of 1:3'0 A.'r.!. Suhdivision: Carlsbad: Tract No,.· 7-6',::J;SJ CarJ:sDad palisades; '. 'For the bene'fit 'of the County :ofS.an ·Oiego , any City wit:hin whiCh the su'hdivisioll is localed, the Su'bdiviaer and ithe Subdivider's Registered CiviJ: Engineer or Li. censed Lan.a SUTv~yor, A preliminary examination ,of those public -records which, under the recording laws, impart constl:uctiYe notice of mi\tters affecting the title ·to the Iland included within the exterior boundary shown on a mai' of the above referenced subdivision received on June 3, 1977 , hy SAFECO Title Insurance Com. , pany, herein called the 'Company, discloses that, at the date 'hereof, the only partics having any l'('('ord title inter. l est in said land whose signatures arc necessary, under the reql!irements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map of said subdivision to be 'filed with the County Hecorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A. This report is furnished' as an aecommodation, for the sole ptlr,pose o(prelimillary plaullhlg and {lJcilita.l:ing the 'compliance with 'requir.emenls neces.sary for the issuance of a Sui,division GU3rQ.J.(- te'e. It is understoQd lhfJl lhe Comp~i}.y's liability 'i:s so.Lely that eXl~tessed'irt such: Guar,Ii.I1(ee"IJJld: t~ba:l >1l0 liabilhyS'cpara'I'e ;from or ,()"(hcr 'fha.it 'the !CO.hl'I),any'sliabilily ,uIHI('r sai«(c GllarDI.I'tce i.s ali~ !!umed by :this :ltC'l~l)rl, '.excc,l'l !Ilhat if ")~) Cli,araiXle,e ,is lissued uhdertl)is Order; the' aniOllllt; p,,:hl) for. ibis 'Rt'I'oftslraU be 'th(~ m~~'i~Il)\I.m :U~bility ,o:t :t:lte :Co.hlp,auy. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P-286 (G. S) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE C.OMPANY ,0 'Charles Smith/Bill Schuffert I>y ........................................................................................... . Title Offirer . 'I~I··· ., , ... -w:.~-.. tt-.".,...l''''''''''''''''' ___ '' ...... --..... _.,.. _ .. _--'~-.---'------'" .....---.-'---' t _' . I. F !. 'c. '0 ' TIT L B I. S U 1l A I C leo K PAN T " : JIo. . , ... .5.54431 Da'~dl .1UQA 1. 1977 •• of 7:30 A. K • . , . ,. SulJeU,'f1.to. sCal"la'ba4 76 ... l.$ Carl.bad. 'aliaad •• The .-p bera1Dbefore reterr.d to 18 • propoaed .ubd1'f1.1oa of: SIlDHlIl~" A." Aft/aCJlll). , '!M .... ~.-~"":~"f."'" ·-·u-..l -. ,-_. . r-t!"-"'~ -f! .......• _._ ._.1 JlftDIG . , _. . . JOM a. .• ..aI •. -. ' ........... ~ '10;-......... ooJ'4e4· _ . hit...,. .16.1" '.1'0.:-. .. "2 ... ,.,..."" : ..... ~t . ·~"""";"''''''''''-'1''.'' ... _. , ,~, '1 ''I''A~'-' "'1.-. .. · ,-" . 4:1 ... _---.. -_<Ii . 11a. .. t...... --A ...... • --..r, --wy n .""-. ~-~_ ....... _ , ... "',.. .. ~ <MIl. , 'fo~ de f~,.at 1'77-1..... _', .,.'.' '. -.. . 1&. _1I.'Tt ~'7 ' ... C1IJ .... -f.~ ... 'Qul, ,.u 1174 aM .......... li ..... i ............... ur. n4 •• if ,.U .. _ "'o.J_ JO, It'1.1. '.10,.K2 .• 14,. . uUca la lUCel 2G7-1GO-Of~. .> 1).. hlilUl_t eo.aty ... ctty u..e f.~' '. f:lMtl ,.. "7' .... : ........ , _u, .. .-.c .. ~ ... , .,·c"'in'1to dd ••• if ;aU .. ~it. ', .. W •• ,J ... JO, »:77 ••• 37.,".· . f' -Ill .... t .. ,.~ 207~aoo-oa •. . #. ~ • ~ '.' -' 1c. ~ eo.t7 .. Ci&7 .... f.~ .... fUul ,.u 1'14 ..... ....... ' 'leU .. __ ,*-•. 'A'.' ..... ..,. .. n.d •.• if ,.u 0.; ,'~ . \ ..,.~ J ... JO. 1t17. <,13._.14. I ' ". i. ' .. :.; "t: ,. {, . / __ i ... ~$.$4:437 '.JlP ,.,. • _.eet.! .. 7_ce! 207-200-09. \ a. • ~1i._ ' ••. ,. :..a iMU-ta OareD fo~ ,.u.c ·rAI ,.~ ... OftI' a POrt," 0' ,.U , ..... ,~ __ ,tIMt Cota~1 ~f ..... DU ... "1 c1"'i ,.."nJ _",,10. l'. 'M ,..'".-.. , .. ,. 'MD·lia ""'.'9 .... 341 of '. OfJ"'~"~"'l"d':_ J .. 17, l.", til .. 521, ,. .. 2)6.f Offtc.lal ,~ •. a;M pati4~1'17 '~ .. INa' .... .,·'.2.·' k'tiI Jaft .... "'l·~'L· ' . , ' , ...... 1.""' .. W, "-"'t t ' .,. . . . .' . 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"-ttJtea:t '.,* \~ty of S. DUIO ,Me .1Ilce' ...... to, ~. C't)'.I'Cat_.... .' .' . I. • ,,'JlC"'t. ,of W .... ted Aupat 1. 1'70. 'y ....... rloi'eaca l, •• .,1.2,.' &1 .. .,._o~ ,M4 ~. 1.8c __ ... P.t~ L. khU .. ........... t.eeol'W Kia, U, It73 .. rlle .... 73-127"0' .,f.etta, • port1ft of ehe 1-.1 Hr. a.ertMd .. fou.wz .' ""_lB, .• ~ .tI'te 1oft.8terl,. .. hR.f Lot 1 •• C&rleki B1P1a4l .. ill ... ,. City. ·co.atyOil Ita .... ~PI· toKap thfteof Ro. 2647. fU .. , a ·t •• fft .. of ,~ 1eU1'.1' .• f . ..u ,t:o.ty, tUaee I_til 87·:3'·'10"'" .... 171,"'''' .to ' .. ''PIJI "_;or UCDDtD1G; ·tMace ,_til, S4"24'lO" .... ~04-. Uf .. t, .tb .. ~. ,.~ ,.2'14'10" IJut U" •. " f..-t ;,t .... ' liorth' t·,ot,.,~ ..... 'UO.&)O f •• " ..... *~ ,2.'-46'34" .... a20.0% ·f .. ,&:" ....... 80 __ "-\02"2" '\'" J.47.f2 ,t'-:I ~ .. c. IOrtJlI7·39':lQu vu~ .,." ! .. ,. t)" •• to .. tll 4·',20''5.0" Wit. US,'" fat ~ tJr.e tal·· lOUT or _.lJIO" :toGftIIa llfM faa: ..•.. '1",. f.l' ( .... 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HUe. 4, 1977 .. r11. 10. 17- 079652. ' " ' . ! '. ~ "i .M>_c" ( .... ' \ ,,:"~ ."1: ... C',::,{ ~ .. ~ • ~'I .:,' "~ . . "If:'": .. ,I .: . :''''''J r •• i " " --, ( ." , ~ .. *.""'»44,37 , ... t .. ·' / ) -:~ . ' , .. (01:, .... : -~ :f I •• ~ ... 1 .... '54437 , •• >I'y,a ) • ~ • .~:. • , .. '>,~ 01' ,,":"" ... U._.~ i.t. ' .. "., .. l"" ',0.,. 1,.ft1A .f.·au '1~·.:, 1,iq, _£~~: , .. UI.,. llJ'~ .. U I." ......... 1'"... , •. MU Hap lto. lO't·. . ... ~4. • : .... ,;.f ' ... ' ....... '61 1, 1"' ....... _ .... .: ... : ... ftt: .. *'A ...... :. ,_ ,.,.:."1''-'" , ..... w.... \.-.. tIia ............. , ~ • . ... --. . '''. . . ".. . .. ~. ..' ,MJ8.. •. . I'~ •• _.' ~",'2't 1:'74 !. IU ..... ,' .. 11 •. 70.0.... .-... ' -'.' .... -~ , t~~1'1 ,~a .~ ·CQIlOu.tXmt, • Ca11foft1a corpot.~J Il'.u", IAIICO fl%U ~CQIIf.d'r •• C&1UoIda'ee.,.u-, .... n.c1a171 ODu.t.a G. IIIIl'LD MD ~ L. 1ilItLIi., .. ~ .. wlf ... j • .ta, ............ __ 1YitM1: 10% ~tfIWt' ' ULrB r .0000t ,Ali ,0IIIIft%U.. W. cu.!'. k ........ ~te .. ,.' jNa~ ttua ..... to __ 1'YUM 10%·ta'-",' YALIO lAUD. jQ 'wtl.X ... H. lAUD., <.b.uHM. ... WU .... j'.iAt,~." ~, ... te .. UDiiliv.wei 101 :fa .... " ftOlUB I ... 4IllL . : .. AiD lUI." A. AltlL., ' ........... w1fa .. j.iat. eea.t •• , •• 10 ...... 1T1M&t 101 ia .... " DWtI C. Wll.DIIltG A,JO)' ~. :C, WiLDJlDIC, Ja ......... vUe .. jo1at t41auta.> •• ~" I , " . ., "--~~ ... -"I' " '. T " . ; , ' . .{ " '--:} , .. ~ . -'. 'J ,~ . 'J . . .,. ~ , ~ . t , I; '. f .~.~ -1 :' l- I __ ..... m4~7 ......... • • .,,,...! ' ......... 'f' ,A , ' ; .' ., , 1. . ~ ~ , , " , OnI.r 10. '!"'.5S4437 ,-,-... • Ii. ~ ~,. -,:i. _,., '.f. ..... of V1.oladoa u .... 1>,. tM Cit,. of C_l'W ... ~ ...... 'O:c,C .... ~3, lf7.5 .. r1.1e 10. 75-2'3751. . . r" ~. ; : , ,.. I .-I'.~.~ ,,' ') .; , ". ·l8;JOQ:. tra.! ... u..". ,..: .... ~ ;0' 6'-COIIPaG' :JMk&c .. t.t·.·:.; d.ly:&.. .. of laM'. i. d..fiMj ill ~. CNe SeeUoa:66424'. 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" - r • S-554437 E-12885 • • EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Lot "1" 'of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, AND a portion of Palisades Drive, as shown on Map 8039, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Novemb~r 8, 1974, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6 of Rolly-Brae Estates, accord- ing to Map thereof No. 5524, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 2, 1965; thence along the Southerly line of said Map No. 5524, South 81°18'06" East (Record -South 81°49'00" East), 638.95 feet to the Southwesterly line of County Road Survey No. 1800-1, 90.00 feet'wide, (known as El Camino Real) as shown on Carlsbad Tract No. 73-8 (Carlsbad Palisades) Uni~ No.1, according to Map thereof No. 8039, filed in the Office of the County'Re- corder of San Diego County, November 8, 1974, being a point on the arc of a 2345.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterly, a radial line of said curve bears South 63°38'58" West to said point; thence along said Southwesterly line, Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 25 °30" 47" a distance of 1044.20 feet to the boundary of said Map No. 8039; thence along the boundary of said Map No. 8039,as follows: South 38°08'11" West, 18.00 feet; South 37°29'40" West, 381.91 feet to the Westerly boundary of said Map No. 803.9'; thence along said Westerly boundary South 55°00'40" East, 184.87 feet to the beginning of a tangent 975.00 foot radius curve, concave Southwesterly; So,uth- easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle o,f 01 °09' 10" a distance of 19.62 feet; tangent to said curve,'South 53°51'30" East, 397.00: feet to the beginning of a tangent 175.00 foot radius curve, concave South- westerly; Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 24951'30" a distance of 75.93 feet; tangent to said curve South 29°00'00" East, 39.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve, con- cave Westerly; Southerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90°00'00" a distance of 31.42' feet to the beginning of a compound 548.00 foot radius curve; Southwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 07°24'11" a distance of 70.81 feet; leaving said curve South 21°35'49" East, 84.00 feet; and South 49°22'00" East, 454.79 feet to the most Southerly corner of said Map No. 8039, being also a point on the Southerly boundary of land described in deed to Douglass Southwest Corporation, recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174698; thence along said Southerly boundary, South 74°35'32" West (Deed -South 73°25'00" West), 242.60 feet to the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly lin~ of Laguna Riviera Unit No.9, according to Map thereof No. 7516, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County; thence along said prolongation and said Northerly line North 86°09'32" West (Record -North 86°34'37" West), 779.69 feet to the Northwest corner of said Map No. 7516, being also an angle point in the boundary of said Corpora- tion's land above referred to; thence leaving said Corporation's land and en- tering portion of the land covered by R.O.S. 3786, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, as follows: North 55°50'00" West, 122.00 feet; North 50°46'40" West, 250.00 feet; North 36°54'00" West, 155.54 feet; North 86°33'32" West, 192.34 feet to the boundary of Carlsbad Highland No.2, according to Map thereof No. 2825, filed in the Office of the County Recordel: of San Diego County, December 5, 1951; thence along the Easterly line of said Map No. 2825, North 03°26'28" East, 226.47 feet to an angle point in the boun-' dary of said Map No. 2825; thence along the Northeasterly line of said Map No. 2825, North 47°08'22" West (Record -North 47°38'00" West), 415.56 feet; thence Page I of 2 Y'PED -7-77 -554437 -12885. leaving said Northeasterly 1in.e and entering said Corporation's land above referred to as follows: North 59°03'38" East, 10.00 feet; North 22°38'57" West, 128.67 feet; North 87°06'13" West, 79.64 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southerly having a radius of 475.50 feet; thence West- erly along the arc of said curve through a Gent;ral angle of 02°09'51" a dis- tance of 17.96 feet to the Northeasterly line of said Map No. 2825; thence along said Northeasterly line North 47°08'22" West (Record -North ,47°38'00" .West), 28.60 feet to an angle point in the boundary of Carlsbad Highlands, according to Map thereof No. 2647, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 18, 1950; thence along the boundary of said Map No. 2647 as follows: North 47 °08' 22" West, 68.81 feet (Record -North 47°38" 00" W,est, 68.79 feet); and North 10°23 I 57" East (Record -North 09 °51' 00" East), 6.83 feet to the Southwest corner of land described· in deed to John L. WicK". et ux, recorded April 8, 1954, in Book 5198, Page 549 of Official Records; thence along the Southerly line of said Wick's land, South 87°06'13" East, 171.36 feet (Record -South 87°39'10" East,' 171.39 feet) to the Southwesterly corner of land described in that Agreement of Sale recotded May 11, 1973 as File No. 73-127970; thence entering the land described in said Agreement of Sale as follows: North 86°45'09" East, 168.19 feet; South 87°06'13" East (Record -South 87°39'10" East), 37.76 feet to the Easterly boundary of the land described in said Agreement of Sale; thence entering said Corporation's land above referred to as follows: South 87°06'13" East, 7.23 feet to the beginning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve, concave Northwesterly; East- erly along the' arc of said curve through a central angle of 90°39'29" a dis- tance of 31.19 feet; thence North 03°33'16" East, 116.65 feet to the begin- ning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve, concave Southerly; Westerly ,along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 61°06'31" a distance of 21.33 feet to the beginning of a compound 228.00 foot radius curve; Southwesterly along the arc of said curve thrOt~gh a central angle of 41°02'29" a distance of 163.32 feet; thence leaving said curve South 38°10'53" West, 56.93 feet to the Southeasterly corner of land described in deed to Howard T. Oldham, et ux, recorded September 11, 195.1 in Book 4228, Page 157 of Official Records; th,ence along the boundary of said Oldham's land as follows: North 09°05'13" West (Record -North 09°38'10" West), 153.34 feet; and North 87°06'13" West (Re- cord -North 87°39'10" West), 175.00 :teet to the Easterly boundary of said Map No. 2647; thence along said Easterly boundary North 10°23'57" East (Re- cord -North 09°51' 00" East), 646.37 feet to the Point of Beginning. arlsbad TR 76-15 Page 2 of 2 ~. . :.-t, oe--. • • SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA·NY D0trC-L1\Sfi ~m.JTJIur.ST COPP0RATI0N 647 CaI'lino De Ll'.s ~1ares suite 105 San Cle~ent~, California 92672' J\'1.FNDED· Preliminary Subdivision Report No. Dated: S:"'S54437 Fehruary'lO, 1977 as of '- . Subdivision: 7: 30 .A.r". I / Fo~ the benefit of the County of ~an Diego within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the. Subdivider's censed Land Surveyor. ,any City Registered Civil Engineer or Li· A preliminary examination of those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to t~e land included within the exterior boundary shown on a map of the above referenced subdivision received on " by SAFECO Title Insurance Com· pany, herein called the CompallY, disch?ses that, at the date hereof, the only parties haYin"g any record title inter· est in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdh'isioll :tHap Act, on the Inap of said subdtvisioll lo be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A . • This report is furnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary 1>lanning ap.d facilitating the compliance with requirements. necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Gmll.·an- tee. It is understood that the Company's liability is solely that expressed in such Guarantee, and that no liability separate from or otlier than the Company's liahility under said Guarantee is as- sumed .hy this Report., except that if no Guarantee is issued under this Order the amount paid for this Report shall he the maximum liability of the Co~pany. . PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P-286 (G. S.) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Charles S~ith/Bill ~chuffert By ............................................................................................ . Title Officer , , P-__ ------__ --------------------------------~----------------~. . " " • • S A F E COT I.T LEI N SUR A N CE COM PAN Y No. Dated: PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT-SCHEDULE A S-554437 Subdivision: February 10, 1977 as of 7:30 A. M. --..... _-- The map hereipbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of: SEE EX;HIBIT "A" ATTACHED. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: VESTING: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, a California corporation·. EXCEPTIONS: 1. County, City and special district taxes, now payable, for the fiscal year 1976-77. First Half now delinquent. lA. Delinquent County and City taxes for the fiscal year 1975 and subsequent del~nquencies. An estimate has been ordered to determine the amount necessary to redeem. 2. A right of way and incidents thereto for public road purposes over a portion of said land as conveyed to the ·County of San Diego by deed recorded March 10, 1936 in Book ·479, page 341 of Official Records and June 17, 1936, in ~ook 531, page 230 of Official Records. Said instrument additionally conveys the privilege and +ight to extend drainage structures and excavation and embankment slopes beyond . " " • • Order No. S-554437 Page 2 t4e limits of the above described right of way where required for the construction and maintenance thereof. 3. An easement and right of way for ing,ress and egress for road purposes to be used in c,ommon with others' over a portion of said Lot "I", described as follows: , 'Beginning at the Southea~terly cbrner of the Parcel of land granted to John L~ Wick et'ux,' recorded Apr~l 8,1954 in Book 5198, page 549 of Official Records; thence South 2°20'50" West 60 feet thence North 87°39'10" West to a point in the Southeasterly prolongation of the Easterly line of Birch Avenue as shown on said Map of Carlsbad Highlands; thence North 47°38' West along said Southeasterly prolongation and along said Easterly' line to an angle point therein and North 9°51' East 6.83 feet to said" Southeasterly corI;ler of Lot 18; thence South 87°39'10" East, 177.93 ~eet to the point of 'beginning as granted to Ronald,S. Schwab and Patti L. Schwab by deed ~ecorded January 12, 1970 as File No. 101892. 4. An easement over said land for poles, wires and incidental purposes, as conveyed to the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, by deed recorded December 29, 1954 in Book 5477, page 514 of Official Records. The route thereof across said land is more pa~ticularly described as follows: Beginning at, a point on the Northeasterly line of Lo't 37 of Carlsbad Highlands No.2, as per Map thereof No. 2825 filed in the ,office of the Recorder of said County of San Diego, distance thereon South 47°38' East, 5.21 feet from the most Northerly corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning North 74° 57' 3011 East" 12.8 feet. . ' 5. The privilege and right to extend drainage structures and excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of Road Survey 1800-1 where required for the construction and 'maintenance of,s~id Highway as conveyed to the County of San Diego in deed recorded March 2, 1970 as File No. 37909. The interest of the County of San Diego has' since passed to the City of Garr'sbad. 6. A deed of trust dated June ,26, 1974 to secure an indebtedness of .. $5,157,000.00 and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded June 28, i974 as File No. 74-:J..74699. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION', a California corporation, Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMfANY, a California corporation, Beneficiary: MARINE }UDLAND REALTY CREDIT CORPORATION, a New York corporation. Covering this and other proper~y. • • -~ ,Order No. S-554437 Page 3 7. A deed of trust dated April 1, 197-4 to secure an indebtedness of $430,000.00 and any other amounts payable under the terms, thereof recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174700. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, a California corporation, Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE CONPANY, a California co~poration, Beneficiary: ORVILLE G. HIEPLER AND FLORENCE L. HIEPLER, husband and wife as joint tenants,as t9 an undivided 10% interest; RALPH T. CLAY AND CHRI-STINA W. CLAY, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided'lO% interest; VALDO ~ RAUDE -AND EMILIENNE M. RAUDE, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided 10% interest; THOMAS E. ASPEL AND BARBARA A. ASPEL, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; EDWIN G. WILKENING: AND , ERNA C. ,WILKENING, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 5% interest; M. ANDERSON AND EVELYN ANDERSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided, 10% interest;, HARVEY L. SIGURDSON AND ELAINE ,SIGURDSON, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; LOWELL I. TORGERSON, JR. AND BONNIE TORGERSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 7-1/2% interest; NORRIS W. STOA AND MARTHA STOA, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; MAGMUS S. EGGE AND ELAINE J. , EGGE, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; FRED BJORNSON AND EVELYN J. BJORNSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 10% interest; JOHN W. SPANN AND VIOLET L. SPANN, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; and CLARENCE W. SPANN AND SHIRLEY SPANN, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 2-1/2% interest; HENRY E. ERICKSON AND KAYE ERICKSON, husband and wife as join~ tenants, as to an undivided 2~1/2% interest; and LOREN F.' BJORNSON AND ANNETTE M. BJORNSON, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 5% interest. Said deed of trust contains a 'provision for the subordination of the lien thereof to the lien of future deeds of trust upon the terms and conditions therein contained. " ' By agreement recorded June, 28, 1974 as File No., 74-174701 the lien or charge of said deed of trust was subordinated to the lien or charge of the deed of trust recorded June 28, 1974 as File No. 74-174699. By agreement recorded April 29, 1975 ,as File No. 75-099711, th~ lien or charge of said deed of trust was subordinated to the line or charg'e of the deed of trust recorded April 29, 1975 as File No. 75- 099712. Covering this and other property. • • Order No. S-554437 Page 4 8. An offer and dedication for street and highway purposes executed by Douglass Southwest Corporati"on to the City of Carlsbad, recorded November 8, 1974 as File No. 74-297546 and is more particulary describ~d as follows: A strip of land 84.00 feet in width, for road purposes, lying with a portion of Lot I; Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the cCity of Carlsbad ~ounty of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in ,the otfice of the County'Recorde-r: of ,Said C01,1nty, ~aid strip being described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of that parcel of land granted by Kelly to Wick, recorded April 8,,1954 in Book 5198, page 549, of Official Records of said County; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel North 87°06'13" West 171.36 feet to the Easterly boundary of Carlsbad Highlands, Map No. 2647 filed in the office of said: County Recorder; thence along said Easterly boundary South 10°23'57" West, 6.83 feet to an angle point therein; thence continuing along said Easterly boundary to and' along the Northeasterly boundary of Carlsbad Highiands No.2, Map No. 2825, filed in the office of said County Recorder, South 41°08'22" ,East 120.24 feet; thence leaving said Northeasterly boundary of .Map No., 2825 South 87°06' 13" East 349.28 feet to the beginning of. a tangent 568.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 54°31'24" an arc' distance of 540.52 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 32°3'4'39" East 177.35 . feet to the beginxling of a tangent 632.-00 .foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Easterly along said curve through a' central angle of 79°01'00" an arc distance of 871.59 feet; thence along a radial line to said curve North 21°35'49" West, 84.00 feet to a point in a concentric 548.00 fodt radius curve; thence Westerly along said concentric curve through a central angle of 79°01'00" an arc distance of. 755.75 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 32°34'49" West 177.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent 652.00 foot radius curve co~cave Southerly; thence Westerly along sai.d curve through a central ang;I.e of 54° 31 '24" an arc distance of 620.45 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 87°06'13" We~t 269.18 feet to the Point of Beginning. . Together with the necessary slope rights appurtenant thereto • . 9. An easement for public wate~ line purposes executed by Douglass Southwest Corporation, a California corporation to the City of Carlsbad, recorded February 3, 1975 as File No. 75-024517 and ~s more p~r~ic~larly described as follows: That portion of Lot I of Rancho Agua Hedionda according to }mp thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego, State of California, being a strip of land 12.00 feet in width, 6.00 feet on each side of the following deScribed centerline. Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 280, being an angle point in the boundary of Laguna Riviera, Map No. 7516, filed in the office of ) • • Order No. S-554437 Page 5 said County Recorder; "thence South 86°09'32" East (Record South 86°34'37" ~ast per said Map 75'16) along the Northerly line of said Map 7516 a distance of 153;01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said Northe:t;'ly line North ".z°43'37" East, a distance of 85.71 feet to the beinginning of a 150.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly; thence Northerly along the arc·of said curve through a central angle of 12°38'23" a distance of 33.09 fe~tj thence leaving said curve along a non-tangent . line South 74°38'00" East a distance of 151.16 feet; thence North 38°15'00" East 273.25 feetj " thence North 3°59'30" West along the prolongation of a radial line to a 605.-50 foot ra4ius curve concave Northerly a distance of 9.50 feet to a point in the arc of said curve; thence Easterly along said arc through a central angle of lr36'19" a distance of 186.05 feet to a Point of Terminus, said point being a point in the" boundary of Carlsbad Palisades according to Map No. 8039 filed in the office of said County Recorder. . \ 10. A deed of trust dated April 22, 1975 to secure an indebtedness o·f $339,440.00 and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded April 29, 1975 as File No. 75-099712. Trustor: DOUGLASS SOUTIDvEST CORPORATION, a California corporation,. Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, Beneficiary: MARINE MIDLAND REALTY CREDIT CORPOP~TION, a New York corporation. Covering this and other property. 11. The effect of a Notice of Violation issued by the City of Carlsbad and recorded. on October .23, 1975 as. File No. 75-293751. / • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF PALISADES DRIVE TO BE QUITCLAIMED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION That portion of Palisades Drive, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, as shown on Map No. 8039, filed in the 0ffice of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 3, 1974, des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the most Westerly corner of said ~alisades Drive, thence tilIorth 34°59 120" East, 31.30 feet to a point on the arc of a 228.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterly, a radial line of said curve bears South 66°57 103" West to said point; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 22°15'10,1 a distance of 88.55 feet to the intersection with the Westerly boundary of said Palisades Drive, a radial line of said curve bears South 44°41'53" West to said inter- section; thence along said Westerly boundary North 55°00 140" West, 82.24 feet to the point of beginning. ?? L £C£/I/.£} .. WP'JI /#"J/C"ITEf "fRE"! TP' ~E ;r;lc#TE~. ,; i~ "-APP,eon for Grading Permit " CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERIN.G DEPARTMENT • NO. ~, __ -"-----'-,.- 1200 Elm Avenue 438·5541 Building Permit Plan Check No. __ ~ ___ _ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address Surety Company Bond No. Legal Description Map No. Surety Address s/::>'" ::I+r::l('!hp(j 76-15 Subdivision Name Date Filed Rec'd by Palisades Point OWner Phone Cash deposit Recid by Date'filed Mb1a DeveloPment CorP. 714~536-2547 .$ . Owner'~A=' . ' . The following documents are required and'shali become a part 80 Ave., Huntmgton Beach, CA 92648 . of the grading permit when they are approved. Plans by Civil Engineer R.C.E. Grading plans Specifications Van Dell & l'...C::q()('!iates 31897 : ---- Address • Ph1ne --Soil report --Geologic Repor.t 17801 Cartwrl.ght Road, Irvine, CA 7 4-966-1100 --Drainage structures --Other Soil Engineer R.C.E. Phone --Compaction report Action Engineering 13801 714-634-2092 Gr-ading Contractor Phone SPECIAL CONDITION$ WHICH ARE MAD,E !-bla beveloprent Corp. 714-536-2547 A PART OF THIS P~RMIT Address 1. Authorized hours of operation: , 808 Adams 'P.ve, Huntingtcn Beach, CA 92648 . 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday .. Friday. Party responsipl~for overall supervision ... l>bla De:velop:rent CQrporatiop 12. Haul· routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Proposed use of grade site sinqle family residence 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation Number of cubic yards 'control. Cut Fill Import Waste All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 533,000 t 587,000 t cyl 4. 54,000 none Proposed Schedule of Start 8/15/~1nish S. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum Operations (d~tes) 6/15/83 density unless 'noted otherwise. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that .. all City ordinances and S te laws regulating excavating and grading, , Under City CQd'e Sec. 11.06170 this grading is: '. th' 'nform"'on I h'" ~~:'d'd I, CO"",'" .nd •• r", to comply with and the provisions and c 'tions of any pernlit i~sued t:5suant to thl .. ppllcation. ~ .0~ o REGULAR GRADIN~ -City inspector will make inspectioris listed below. -- , Signature of Permittee \.. (ly-.fS-83 o CONTROLLED GRADING -Private grading engineer shall Owner or authorized a~ \ observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. INSPECTION [)ATE INSP .. SIGNATURE y'/Io/Ftf ~ Initial -site .prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE-~ ",r ~ Date Rough -prior to drains I .. EIA Log No. Final -slopes planted '-""""'" f By Grading permit fe!..Y1 b,I[J',~/i'lan check fee $. PAl D Compaction reports rec'd. ./ . , Permit Issue( r{/~ ..... ( V. ~'5" .... ~ Private engr. cert. rec'd. v" .. ., . by ..." ' ""ate Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Permit ExPir:;:nbate . Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED . THIS PERM IT IS VAll D FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PER 10D ,--.., r/(,E APp.on for Grading Permit • CITY OF CARLSBAD ,,,' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Validation by Finance ,PpPartment 438-5541 Building,Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT"TO FILL IN Site Address Legal Description -Map No. Subdivision Name Phone Surety Company Surety Address ., Date Filed Cash deposit $ .. "" I .. Bond No. Rec'd by , Rec'd by Date filed Own~r's Address . The following documents are required and shall become a part eou .N.lamS AvE.... Hmtington Bem:h, CA 92648 J-------:::~----------_=_::__=__-'--------'--:-"~_t. of the grading permit when they are' approved. Plans by Civil Engineer -Phone ~ 71.4-634"'2092 . Phone 114-536-2547 Grading plans Soil report Drainage structures . Compaction ,report , Specifications Geologie Report Other SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. k~~~~~~~~~~~~~-E!~" .=::.:----------1: 2. Haul routes are toj;>e approved by City Engineer. 1--~~~~-2:~~~~~=~~-----------l 3. 'Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation Number of cubic..y.ards _ control. Cut ' -Fill Import Waste I---..,.---r---------,--------,.--------I 4. All slopes shall be 'planted per City Code. , 54,006 C'j'l' S/15/i::inis~ I hereby acknowledge that I hav,e readLhe application ;md state that the information I have provided is cQrrect and agree to comply with' all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued p'ursuant to this application. ' .; --""';\1 !" -, ,{l'" , lI' { , I.. ' Signature of Permittee I'" . " " t,;, -, ~ Ownefpr authorized agent ___ ---' ____ ------ ENVIRONMENTAl:-CLEARANCE""" ~ -. ~' , Date' 'c::..: _' __ ---_..,.- .EIA Log Np . ..:_' ____ _ .. ' . i ,. By,,· ____ ~ __ Permit,lssued. by __ -:-"';"::'~::..:!.L~:..:::::::::::::£;::::::!::'~ua "\ , .... Permit Expiration Date _' __ --:-~-_~----------. ~ " .. - 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. , Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 t,bis grading is: o REGULAR GRADING -City inspector Wi.Lf make inspections -• listed below,·· -. 'Q CONTROLtED GRADING -Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. Compaction reports Private engr. :cert. rec'd.~ Copies: '-.. White:Office;, Gre~n-Building;· ' .• .-:'(ellow~lnspectQr,; Pink:Perm!ttee; ,Goldenrod-Fi . THIS FORMWHEN PROPERL'Y VALIDATED IS A PERMITTO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMITIS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD '