HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 77-02; BUENA WOODS UNIT 2; Engineering Applicationi J I , '. '*'~ ,,-~,r Form 1359 (41.75) CL TA SUbdivision Guaran,ee Form No. 14 • : SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE r - SUBDIVISION: CARLSBAD TRACT 77-2 UNIT 2 ORDER NO.-806290-6 _ FEE $ 50.00 First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES _, -.. . . Tpe Co~nty ·of ' .. San Diego and any City within which said subdivision 'is . : .. :: .. " , . '.: ~oca~ed .in a sum ~ot -exceedi.ng $1000.00. '. ~. ~. '~' " :~:.:, .: ....... "'That;' acc9;<;ling t~. tho~e public records -which,' under the recording laws, impart constructive ,:,oticeof n:'atters . - " .. : .. ': . : .affecti~9 the' title to the land included withirl the' exterior boundary shown ·.on .the map of the above referE!nc~d .-: -: '. . .; ..... ,.. \ .... su'bciivjsion,' the onlY' parties having any record titie ·j·nterest· in said land whose signatures-are. necessary./under· the ':' :..; .. : .. :. :,' : :: .. : . -reciuire~ents o'f 'the Subdivision Map Act, on the ~rtif.icate~ consent!ng to the recordation of-said' map .ahd offerlfl9 ' .. :' ':. "': ::. fO'r dedication a~y st~ets, rbads, avenues and other e,!sements offered'for'dedication by said map are: :.' .' ..' '" . . -... . '.: '.' ',' . ." '. . .i~/;;:·; ...... : .. --"GENS'TAR -DEVELOPMENT INC • . -.,: .. -.;-. -" -'. -. --' --' . .', .... ~ . .~. t:. ,~~ .,:; ..... ,' .' .. ' .. :-'.:': :: ~~:') .SAFECO TITL~ INSURANCE COMPANY, '~s Trustee '-in Deed' of Trus;t r'e'c6rci~d' December-22,,: ... :~. . :~":·/~:",}::·_::,:_: .. :::l~:~l -a.s: Pi;Le.--No .• -297899 -of-9f.~iCi~1 ~~co-rd~.... ._', .. .,_.'.--' _ ..... "::. ' -'~-:-;:~';"::.--"-:" -:·iIR~T-AMERICAN TI~E. INS~NCE·'COMP~>".a~ .. 'T~~s-iee irt· De~d '~f T~~-~·t··i~~-6r:d·~~- .'_; :-:. :,; .. ~ .. -. -.-":Sep,te~~er. 11, -1979_ as :File. NQ. 79-380'192 ·of Official_ Records.-_ ': : _. '-', ::.. . . ,'-<:>:~::;,::::.'.;,-::::" .:. -. -' , ---"-'::~':~": ---:-.-:'" .. ---, -'''-'-'. .-'-.. -; ~_ -:. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: : . --'. : .... , /-.. .. :: .. ~:.~ .. -: .. ': .... : .. : ..... " .' . '. ~' . ,:' :'~"" " : .... : ." .... '" ." •• ': ; •• ' • '.' • '. • I ., ': ~. :.' • : _,_ .. .: ..... :::--:" '" ... . \ . .' . " '. .,. .:., . ,'J:<::-.. :'." ...-.' -LEGAL -DESCRI:P.TIO~--ATTACHED .. HERETO. ':', . ' .. : .. ' " . ," ,': .:. " . . - .. , ~".' . . First 'America~ Title Insurance Compi.my. . BY' PRESIDENT BY ~~~_--LLJ~ RALPH M. SNYDER ~T~~RETARY- " .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORPER NO. 8'06290-6 • • All of those portions of Lots 4, 5, 6. and 7,-of Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San ~iego, State of California, according to Map thereof No.' 1136, filed in the .' Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June. 8, 1908, being described as follows: . . Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Car1sbad'Tract No. 72-11, ac- . cording to Map there.of No. 7682, fi:Led in the Off;f..ce of 'the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 29', 1973; being a point on the Easterly line of said Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No.1;. thence along the Northwesterly line of said Carlsbad Tra.ct No'. 72-11, South 52°23'46" West 442.18 feet to the most Easterly corner of Carlsbad Tract No. 77-2, Unit No.1, according to Map thereof No. 9540,'filed . . .in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County January 29,' ":' c.... .' 1~80; thence along th'e boundary of said Carlsbad Tract No •. 77:"'2, Unit . ·No. 1, North 37°36'141' West 233.00 feet; thence North 57°59'37" West .'. '101.44 feet; thence North 4°10'28" East 118:50 feet; thence North . '. 32°17'25" East 170.00 feet·;"thence North 32°00'00'·'.West 130;00 fe'et · .. ·."··.to .the most Northerly cornder 'of l?aid Carlspad Tract·No. '77-2, Unit .... ', : . ".:,:. ·No. 1; thence leaving said boundary North 5~000'.001.l East 50.00 feet;': .' .. :' thence 'South 75°40'23" East 57-.04 feet;' thence North 0036"2~'" East 17-2.53' feet; thence North 13°35'00" West l7~63' ·feet;. the.nee South'"S6° 44'11" East 216;16 feet; thence South 1 0 03'.10" We'st 2l2.S0·fe·et;· thetlc"e ." , -- -;'" .. ". Sou"!=h 47°33'00" East. i04.00·feet; thence' "South '62.°00'00" Eas.t .86.60 . . ", feet; thence South 82°16'57" East 92.45 ·feet fo the' Eas.ter1y·:line of said .' .. ,":':" -;:', '. ·:·Hosp·Euca1yptus. Forest Company"s Tract No.1; thence along ~aid Easterly.:" ... ":." ..... ~ 'line, South 1 °03·'10" West" (South' pe.r. Map :1136)' 195.00 fe'et" to' 'the_Po:i,h~ .... .. '~ :".::. ::,:(,:' ". .' \ ·of,-:l3eginning. -. .. .. -. . . ".:. " ", . ," -. '. . . \'" " . ',' : ' .~: " .' ., ~:. .~. . '" ..:. .. . .... . ,.:. --......... ,. ""',' . " ': . ~: -.: ~ . "~' .. ," ~. . : : : -, , : . • 'r • . ~ . " '," -I