HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 77-02; WOODRIDGE UNIT 3; Engineering Application··'.at.',~n,. fqr· G'r~drngPerril'H ,·1, , ' ' '.cITY .QF CARLSBAD PUBLIC' WOR~S &~BU~I LI:'HNG ,DEPARTME;NT. '. '. . .'.<'~ .' PliRMfT No',~ . . .:. \\1 .'~ (.{,et.ter·.code + .nlJri1.:·( . l=,I·ot ," . " S::stJbdlv ksion '.'. ~--' ... , ~ ~~ 1200 ~lm -A-\l.erl'ue -~ -, . -" I . 7.2 9.~1l8. t: ,,--C=Clty' . <;:ontract . .' . FOR APPL I CANt TQ F.I LL IN ; , Site.Address .Surety.~dnd ' .. , ,. .. ' Monroe . ~nd Hoso Way, Lega:1 Descr,i pti on Carlsbad Tract #77-2 ,Map N6~ /' :. ,:\ . . ~Sur~tY-::CQmpan:Y-. Unit #3, .. 77"-? / tlpjT''''S;,',: Subcj'iv'ision Name Woodridqe 'Unit 3 ,pwner Brocfdmoor Homes Inc Phone, .. Date F i· J~d . ~wnerl s Address~, . Ca$h oe.posi't Hec "d byD<;ITef i:.'1 ed , 3911 Sorrento Vaney Blvd;·'san Diego CA 92trl .. $., ... " P'I ar:lS .by C i:vi I Eng'i'n:eer' R.·C.E.·" ··The fo·!!owi.ng documehts are requJ.r..ed~ anif sha I ~ t:-::-:-,-,A=r.l=a=n=d:-=M~·. -,W"",i=,b"""e.::.'r ... !JI' -:'-__ -'-_~1,::-:5,3F-'8=2;;.-:----,-""'"" _~ ·become a pad of: the gradTngperrili't 'when they Address. Phone g,re :approved.. . ~'':-' +43::::.1.:.....,:.H.:=a:::i~e,.,.:.. A:.:.v!..--·-=E:::s.=:,co=.:n.:.:d~i=-=d:.:;::o_CA=-=---!9-=,2=-=0=2=-5.:-, .. ..;.,' ,...,7-:4.=:,5_-,.=;;32:;:;:2;:.:2;.-.,....,.,. .. "'-1· " ~Gradi ng pi ans·_., _,Spec I 'ii.cat ions Sbif. Eng,ineer R~C.t:: . Phone{ _._·''SoJr teport. ~Vlcl·nitymap. f::--,"_'7R1:;=-;" c=h.:.;:a~r-=d_W:.:.:hc:.:i;::.:;l;..;:e~_--::2:;,.:,1.:..9.::,.92~--:-~."-:_ ~--:;;2;,;;;2:;,.:,4_-Z::;;.;,9'-1;;..;1'--',.-~......,. ~Drai nage st;ructLi res ~eti;l in ihg wac! Is Gr,asl' n9 Contractor·· -Phone'.": ··_·:·_CQ~j)c;lct·ion report· .. _._Qt·her . ~ Check j·f super-v i'seq , ' qradinq. X" . Party r:'e'sponslb:lefor overclJl ; AtlandM •. 'Wiberg :?uper-vi:'S ion' proposeo use of grade ,,$ i,t~ Res.±.dentidl ~umbElr of cubic yarqs . Cut' 'F i I I, .4000 ," 4000 . Tota'i , " Propbs~d Sqhedule of QperatioAS' . (dates) I I mpor-t .. Start 11,:,,1:-80 ' I Waste ·Fi nlsh 1-1$-Sl : " 'S'PEC:) A~ 'C.OND "T I:ONS :WH I~CH ·:AB~· MADE' .. ..A flA.RT OF THI'S PERM I T 'I •. Author i'zedhouf:s .of '0perai'i on,:' : . ..,: QO AM to , ~ 5: GO PM, MOhda~y-F'r,j d'ay,. ~ ,:' '-- .' 2 •. Hau.1 routes are ... 'to beapprove.d by Cit'?~ .. '·Eng:i:n~eer:.c ~.t; .- .3 ... Adequate. Dr:.6Vi s i:ons shat I :be: 'made {or .. , E?'ros.i'.o,n ~_and-s'i t tat i on' co~'trQ~I.~:-~.. ~_. , 4. AI,I'sI6P.ess·hal'lb.e pl.anted p.er ,cU'recthoJ] . of Par-'k?" & :Re.creafi O'n: [) i rector.· :" .. I h,ereby' ,acknowledge that I have' .read the app I i ca;..· .: :. ..',' . ! ·~·o J1 :~~. d s ta te t hat the i n f o'rma t ~.o n . I 'h av~· pro v tde cJ.,---o"'--'7, I""'N'-S-P""'E C..,., r-:,--IQ ..... N---~ .. ---O;..,.-".----""'-..,.......O-'-A ..... J:E-.' -~ """"'"71-:-:N''':::''S·~PE~C='=T::-:O:":':R''-:',-=-g . '1 S, cq rrec-t an q ag ree to camp I yw I, thai JC Iity 1--0::--"--.'-:----.,..'-:-:-' ......... --'--:-------i--...,. .. -...,...........,...,;:S'-'I.,:;'G~NA:.:,T.;.;U::.:.R.:,=· E=-' _ ,ordin.ances and State Jaws rElgu,lating e~cava-ti,'ng',qn.dGr9und preparation> .... gt'adi'.ng,and the provisi'ons ~~'Acor\ditians of any . '!--,..H'--' -, ,..,.·''''''h ..... ·'>i-:'-d....,'.--.·';';O·: ..... ··:.... .. -.,.;,.· .. :....· ----....,.-•. """.,.;.,'"....,..,.--'-'.:.:"..,,.-..-.. --. .. :....-- permrt rssuecj: ,pursuant to t~. Ui.·at·~on,~i. ~.. A: . oug g~a.'I.ng. . . . . .. ,' . . " )c::1,~/~ " ~: ~ Cbmp?JctH>nreport r~c'd •. Si'gnature of Permittee' '. l.I-A!·7, , '. , .... ,:.1-:,... . .:::-P·7"I·-....,t·"-::·---,..,-&':-: ""-"d':-' ---c-.:.... ...... ,.--'------------.--'-.,...;...-"-'--.. ....,..~ .. -".""""':...--" '" .... .-. .. :an : 1 ng 'ra I.nage' '. 'Owner or authori zedage~~ ~"'!-5r ".A. .....,..."="' ,::---.'--7--..... ' ,....' :",:-' '-:-.;-" .. -;-..,.-......,.,~~...,-;-,-,.~ .. .,:.... ---,-;."-;"";"~-.. //. .. .. ..'.·Finq'l' ce:rt~ficat·ton ·rec'i!. .. , Graqing permit fee $ 78.00 WO'r·kcqmpletec,J . S:urety 'bond re reaseq Date //h/Jo .. I ", ,,/ . Permit Exp irati on Date ..' THJ S FORM WHEN PROPERLY VAL,I DATED BY '$ IGNATURE I'S A PERM.IT TQ' 00· 'rHEWORk DESCRJBElJ " \ ' . " ' , TH I S PERMIT· IS' VA tJO' FOR A S IX. ('€i) MOIXJTH PER .. ! .00' ~----- i/ ""Form 1359 (4/75) CL TA Subdivision '# Guarantee Form No. 14 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE ';.. SUBDIVISION:: CARLSBAD TRACT 77-2 UNIT NO ~ 5 ORDER NO. 811879 ..... ,6 FEE First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego -~ ------.---------.-.~-.+ and any City -within_whicb_s.!li!! supdivisi(;m is _, _, __ _ located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior <boundary shown on the map of the, above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by s,~jd map are: GENSTAR DEVELOPMENT ~ INC., a New York corporation, as record 9wne,r., FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a ,corporation, as Trustee of Deed of Trust recorded September 11, 1979 as File No. 79-380192 of Officia~ Records. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO Dated: April 11, 19.80 First American Title Insurance Company •. "', BY PRESIDENT BY RALPH M. SNYDER LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. 811879-6 Those portions of Lots 25, 26, and 27 in Hosp Eucalyptus Forst Company's Tra~t No.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Cal~fornia, according to Map thereof No. 1136, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 8, '1908, being more parti- cularly described as follows: :Commencing at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2S distant thereon . North 23°27'45" West 195.00 feet from the Southwest corner thereof; thence leaving said Westerly line North 68°37'10" East (Record North 68°30'28" East per Deed) 237.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continu- ing North 68°37'10" East ,(Record North 68°30'28" East) 123.45 feet;' thence South 18°03'07" East 249.57 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1042.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterly; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle Qfl3.°42-'-2~!'_a di~t~!lce of 249.45 fee t ; thence leaving said curve South 31 ° 46 rOS'!-,East-" 2A2. •. 82 __ f.e_e,t __ tQ _ t~~_ . beginning of a tangent 758.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly; . --- thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 13°16'25" a distance of 175.60 feet; thence leaving said curve, South 1,8°29'40" East 232.91 feet; thence South 7lo30'20~ West 65~00 feet; thence, North 33°28' 42" West 220.00 feet; thence North 3lol5'471t West 240.00 feet;-thence North 28°07'14" West 297.00 feet: thence North 18°35'03" West 394.53 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE UNDERSlmiED HEREBY CERTIFIES THJiT THIS IS A TRUE AND aORRECT COpy OF THE L~GAL DESCRIPTION ON CARLSBAD TUfT 77-2 UNIT NO, 5 ------...,. • m~n:-___ F ... e,""b~r:..l;utli:a~r.,1.y ___ 2.il..9 .... , _J.,;92J8,uO"--___ _ $. ,. ,