HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 79-28; MOLA DEVELOPMENT; Engineering Application.. .
a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby GUARAN-
TEES the parties herein, called the ASSURED, against loss not exceeding the liability amount shown
herein, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the
Company hereby gives that, according to the public records, on the effective date:
The only parties whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act,
on the certificates consenting to the recordation of the map of said land and offering for dedication
any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as herein stated.
In Witness Whereof, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this Guarantee to be
signed and sealed as of the effective date, the Guarantee to become valid when countersigned by an
authorized signatory.
Issued by:
Suite 100
2550 Fifth Avenue
Financial Centre
Sim Diego, Californi'l 92103
(714) 232-8921
~.~~ Authorize~
CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14
. ,
Guarantee Number Liability $1,000.00
Effective Date: July 31~ 1980
Assured: The County of San Diego
division of land is located.
Description of the land referred to in this Guarantee;
a California corpora.tion
Page 1 of Pages.
Fee $ 3S0 .. (}O
Type of Map: CARLSBAD ~RAC~
Map No.: . NO., '19 ... 28 ..
.CQnsisting of Sheet{s)
and any City within which said·
Chicago Title Il1s·urance Company
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Parti~ wnosisignatures are ,oecessarvbunder the requjreme)1ts ofthe SubdivisiolJ..M.ap Act."a~~ .... aS:foIlQvY.s·, " ' 1::,.. "lJ..l-e:' S' ... gnatu,re S} 01: tile par~y "\ l.es,l n-ameCf .necel;a'a];;~~r -'~::¥' ,
owner,(s) of the inter,est set forth,. may be 9~itted a.nd~r ,'the"',
,provisions Gf Section 66436 # SUP$ection {<:.}rlJ' Q,f the " '" '.
SubcU"visotl Map Aet., their it'lte.rest ias.a@' tbat:' it cantlot:' ~ip~n,' , '
into .ill fee title ami said sl9nat'l.tt~e e.G} .1-$ (,a.re,' .not ,re~i.t:~,
by th& local agency. ' .
Natu~e of Interest: Ej\SSHEWf , ,
O\>/:aer.: SAN DIEGO GAS 'A~ ,1U,ECi:,RIC Ca~UY;f 4.'
CQr~0ratloa' , '
Oc'tober 8" 1,,3,6-'$ll ncokSEtO,l'page-Sl
of official )1tecord$; l'Jeceinber9,,'1953
in aoelt 5071" p~~e :U~:7 of oft~<;,$,al. ,
Records; October, s.f: l.910aSFiie ·.rtQ~
lSQ918 ;Oat.-obe-r ,it, '191,0 as Fll-e ~<t ...
lSt'l-979 and Jaaual:y15 ... ;L:971 a~ ~;11~
NO. 11-S!t18, al+of official neco~4$
The signa.ture (s) of the party (tea) ,named li~~.u;.·e-i,naft:er as'.
owner{s} of t.be interest. sate fOl"'th" $:ay be Qrilitt.eg' UI'l<ler 'tl;le
provisions of Section 66436" .sub$ect.lotl tel fll.~f 't4~L .:
Subdivison Map Act, their·int.ere$t .1$ sucb..tl)at. it eanqot.
ripel-l . into at fee title and saia si9natu~' {$} 1;.$ fare) ~not
r-equi.red by the local. age:aay. " .
Nature of Interest;
Co-UN'H: OF SA5 D,IEGQ, , .
By document reeo~::'ded; sept~mber as # . 19$1' 'bi ~k -42,44,.. :pag~',
419 of Offlc.1al. ,llee:~;u,:-d$.~ August S"
1:969 as H.lle No .. " ~4-22ll, -and' .J~lY' in T-'
1970 a$ Fil.e 1~(,,.1'111'84, aU oti .
Official ReCC;t,'d~, "
, , Th~ stguature-of the party (les) . named ~lOt'1.~ill: be ... re9u'1r~d
as tt;'ustee/beneftelarYI uncar the provi's'1-ons9f'sect't-oti: :
66436, subsect.ion O~) :of 'Sabdlvl.Etion aag: 1\<:t"" ' ... . .
'f ~, •
,February 5, 1~1'3, as FIle No .. 7'3-0:!:06tt~ . .of
official Recot't'ls.. " , , .,...
TITLE ~INsi1,lU\NCE 'MP T:i!tU$T eO~ANf~, (l' :eali~Qrnia.,' cQrporati.on . " , .' '.
ARNOLD B. STBI~Ear a~,t~ust,ee U~Qet ~~~$t .
Agreement ,dated May 24,'19'1~~ .
1;;JOTS: Said beneficiary is an aSs.t9nee by ass1.guiilen·t.,. -recorded
June 3 r 1976 as Pile t'~o. 76-170087 of -offiel,alr .B.eeot'ds· '
. :
, ',I'
Page of Pages Chicago Title Inslirance,Company ,
--. I I
,Parties whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act; are as'followS','
4-. The signature of the party ,(,j,esl nat'tied bal(lw wlll be r~qtd"red
as trustee/beneficiary I under the pJ:Qvisions ('.)f, section 66436.,.
,$~bsec.ti.on (b} of Subdivision Map Act. '
J\ily 15",,1977 as File ,No .. 11-2a;4e,4'·O:f.0,ffl:etal~
Records _ '
TIT!. E INSURANCE ANn TRUS~ CO~U?J!.m" a 'CiU lfQrnia corporat.ion ','" '
~aor~s w* TO;1Ln~SOl>l Am) NAR!t. A~, ,mm:llfSOki'~"
husband and wi.fe, ,as conuaunity P~QPfiU:t3r
$. The signature of the part.y (i.ea) ,aam~d1;)elQli1 will b~ 't"equit;ed.
as trustee/beneficiary ,und-er tbe provisiQ¥\$, of .J5ec.ti;¢n',
6j436:1 subaectiol'l (b) of Subdivision MapA~t.: '
January 2,198& as, File NO. $Q-{Hll-:079o,f' ,
Official ltecortls
CHICAGO '!tITLE, II4S0RANC.s (';X)~ANYI a:1:-tissatnt.i
CAt-PACIFIC C'APn?AL OOtaPOf.tl.1.1~OIv.#" :a-:Callfot'hia ,
corporat.ion# as t() an undivldeQ 1/4 1nterea~,J' -
B.O~CO# IlilC~, a Ca11fornia earipO:ratiQf!.r as 'to an
und iv ided 1/4 interest" 'MOa~!:~~R t1:tNSKt Al5lD
AGA'f".dA, tUNSKI l' ,huaband andl*,ifce, as-'jo1'(d~:
tenants, as to an und~vided 1/4" interest an4
WItt-lA-a S. RANDaL:£. MiD GaRAt,DINE R .. ltANllAtt.,
husband and wife j' as join.t te.na~t~,'h ,~ to. :an.
unai'Vided l/~ inte,res'~ ';'
'6.: The $iguature of the party' ties}. Mmed beloll',wUl be requ1red
astrust.ee/beneficiary, unde:t: th~ pro'¢isions Qf Section'
6:6436, ,subseet1on (b) of' &lbdivi~ion-Y!a~ Act., '
Janttary 2:2:, 1980, as Vile 'No. 80-:624632, of" -,
O~ficial Records
cglCAOO ,1l,IT'LR IN$U~C~ OO~W~y ~ A; lliss(jut'i '
corpo~at!on_ ' ,
'1,., 1:he signa-ture (s) of the party (1es) named 4&l".~naf,tera$,
Qwner{s) Qf the interest. set forth .. may be 'Qi,llit,tE!.ci:. ur.t(le:r,tbe _
p~vision$' of Sectio~ 66436# Sub$ec~ion(e)(l) ot the
Subdivison f~ap Act,.' their interest i$' such that it canncit:
ripen into a fee ti tleand said signatqre {sl $$ (,A1:el'net
required. by the local agency.
Nature of Interest:
PIPEa:,lr~E EASEft,UU~~ -
COSTA ~AL :t;lONtCIl?At flA~a tlISTRICT,~ a
ft'ttUlicipal wate,r district: ~:, '
l<iiarep 28 ~ 19$0 as File .«0, .. 80"':101'961
Qf Offic1~~Records '
Page of Pages Chicago Title Ins,uranc~ ,Com,pany
1 i '-I ,
. Parties whose.signatures are necessary, under the requirements·of the Subdivision Map Act, are as follo'ws:
It ~ll be a requirement,Qf the t'Ocal AgeflCY,t $n o:t'd,r to fIle
the Map named her-ei~l:l tba.t:: arrangements De made· for:'
bonding/payment of taxes and assessments on said land' for:
fiscal year 1980-1981.
9. w,.,.~e requirement tbat the Company he prQv18e~' with' two ta.}
pl:ints 'of the Fillal Map named h~u:~itt appr>$v~ by-the,. Local., '
Agency, in or4er tnat. the Com~ny ma.y issue its; GuarcQtlt~~ for .
. said. tract 'tillen. called ~t)r bl" the City atnd/ot'tlle Count.y,. .. ' ,,'
'Map NO. ·CARLSBAD WRACl.' l;.'f() .. 19-26:-~ ,
'. ,
.. '
Page of Pages Chicago TItle Insurallce Compar1Y