HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-18; Blankenship; Tentative Map (CT) (2)STAFF REPORT DATE: July 23, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Catherine D. Nicholas Assistant Planner SUBJECT: CT 80-18-BLANKENSHIP - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR LAND AND AIR SPACE DIVISION TO DEVELOP TWO CONDOMINIUM DUPLEXES ON THE WEST SIDE OF HARDING STREET BETWEEN AVOCADO LANE AND CAMELLIA PLACE IN THE R-2 ZONE. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative subdivision map for land and air space division on one .53 acre parcel located, as described above. The subject property is a corner lot occupied by one single family residence. The project is being brought before the Planning Commission as a five unit subdivision. Approval of the request would create three parcels of real property and subdivide, by air space, two of the newly created parcels for two duplexes, to be constructed. The third, remaining parcel, would contain the existing single family residence. An application for a condo- minium permit, for these duplexes, has been submitted. Condominiums with four or less units may be approved by the Planning Director. Review for approval of the condominium permit for this project will be processed in accordance with this provision of the condominium ordinance. For your perusal in evaluating this subdivi- sion, condominium site plans have been included with this report. II. ANALYSIS PLANNING ISSUES 1) Are the lot configurations and accesses acceptable while providing for the type of development proposed? 2) Does the proposed subdivision meet the requirements of Title 20 and the Subdivision Map Act? 3 DISCUSSION The proposed land subdivision would create three rectangular parcels. The two parcels to be developed as condominium duplexes would each be approximately 7500 square feet. The third parcel, containing the existing single family residence, would be approximately 8300 square feet. The lots themselves are regular in size and shape and would satisfy the underlying zoning and land-use requirements as specified in the General Plan. The two condominium lots would be physically suitable for the proposed development and density as duplex condominiums. The remaining lot would accomodate only the existing single family residence. The proposed and existing developments would be consistent with surround- ing land uses. Each of the three lots would have a driveway off Avocado Lane. This access would be suitable for the proposed condominium project and single family dwelling. Conditions have been applied to bring off and on-site improvements in conformance with city standards. Staff is satisfied that the proposed subdivision satisfies all aspects of Title 20 and the Subdivision Map Act; and will accomodate the proposed development. III. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1670, recommending approval of CT-80-18, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS Location Map Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form PC Resolution No 1670 Exhibit "A", dated 7/1/80 Exhibit "B", dated 6/3/80 Letter from R. Zimmerman, dated 7/14/80 CDN:ar 7/16/80 -2- c MuLiri t HARDING SIT Hucri 3T=f^ ui B50N o C3 cr so-IS U^^/\nOb\ MAF BAa<:GROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CT 80-18 APELICANT: Blankenship REC3JEST AND IJOCATION: Tentative subdivision map for land and ^iy gpage division to develop two condominium duplexes on property generally located on the west side of Harding Street between Ayocado Lane and Camellia Place. ^ LEX3AL DESCRIPTICN: Lot 1 of Parcel Map 4 28 in the city of Carlsbad, filed in the office of the County Recorder of January 20, 1971 as File No. 11429 being a portion of Lot A, of Brentwood Village Map No. 4369, recorded October 19, 1959. Assesscrs Parcel NuRiber: 204 - 210 - 46 Acres . 53 No. of Ints 3 GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING General flaxi Larsd Use Desigr^tion RM D^jnsity Alla,rec 4-10 DU/AC Density Proposed ip Existdng Scne R-2 Proposed Zone R=2- Surroiandiag Zoning and Land Use: Zonjjig Land Use North R-2 SFRS So^^th R-2 Duplexes/SFRS R-2 Multiple/Dplx/SFR West R-2 SFRS FU^~C FA.CIIITTT^.q School District Carlsbad Unified - Aamt dated 2/25/80 VJater District: City of Carlsbad " Sev,-sr Dxstrict City of Carlsbad EDU's 4 EDU - Reso. 6041 allocated 1/2/80 P.±:lic Facilities Fee Agreement, dated February 24. 1980 S-rvTRONMENTAL IMPACT' ASSESSMENT X Negati-'/e Declaration, issued JULY 17, 1980 Log No. 72} E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, If after I lio i II form..! I i or, yoii iiavc .sujjiiii LI ( tl l,.is liccii rc^vit-wecl, j.t it tliat. fiirLljcr inf onual, i (m i.'i j'utjui n.d, you will 1H.> tio advisi^l. dotermi iK.-d APPLICANT: AGENT: Nayda Prentice - Owner of Record Jeff Blankenship - Joint Venture Partner Name (ijidi virtual, pari i]or;;hjji, joint; vt^iiLun.,', corfK/raUion, syndication) 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Busine.ss Addro;; 434-1051 Telephone Numlier Jean Jensen, Land Planners name P.O. Box 1307, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Cusine.'is Address 434-4074 Tclcplione liumber MEMBERS: Nayda Prentice (Individual) Name (indi.vidual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4022 H Layang Layang Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Homo Address 2963 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 729-9235 729-0487 Telephone Number Telephone Number Jeff Blankenship (Joint Venture) 344 Chinquapin Name ' !)• sne Address 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 434-1051 729-5013 trlaliad, CA Telejihoiio Niunber Telojihone Numljcr (Attach more sheetis if necessary) I/VJe declare under penalty of perjury that t.lio information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and tliat it will remain true and correct and may bo relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Nayda Prentice and Jeff Blankenship Applicant BY If iiftor the iiif orina t i 0)1. you havo .';u]jiiiitt ctl h.i.s hcc.u rc^v i owed, it ia determined tliat furLlici." informal j f)ii i:; luquircd, you wil) ha so iidvi tu^cl. APPLICANT: AGENT: Nayda Prentice - Owner of Record Jeff Blankenship - Joint Venture Partner Name (individual, partuer:;hii», joint veiiUuro, corporation, .syndication) 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92,008 Busine.ss Addres 434-1051 Tele^jhono Humber Jean Jensen, Land Planners Name P.O. Box 1307, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 434-4074 Telephone Mumber iviEMBERS: Nayda Prentice (Individual) Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4022 H Layang Layang Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Home Address 2963 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 729-9235 729-0487 Telephone Number Telephone Number Jeff Blankenship (Joint Venture) 344 Chinquapin St.,Carlsbad,CA Name Home Address 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 434-1051 729-5013 Teleiihone Ntunber Telephone Number (AtLcich more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury tliat the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Nayda Prentice and Jeff Blankenship Applicant Robert D. Zimmerman 620 Avocado Lane Carlsbad, Ca. ^^008 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Ref: CT 80-18, Blankenship, July 12, 1980 Dear Sirs, I am unable to attend the public hearing considering the proposed subdivision of Lot 1, Parcel Map 428 of the City of Carlsbad, filed January 20, 1971 as file nd. 11429 as a portion of Lot A, Brentwood Village Map No. 4369, recorded Oct. 19, 1959. However, I wish to express my opinion that the proposed subdivision should NOT be approved. The proposed subdivision would be inconsistant with the neighborhood, in violation of existing zoning and the declaration of protective restrictions recorded October 25, 1959 as doctiment number 220181. Avocado Lane is a relatively quiet. cu-de-sa:C of single family homes. Multiple residence housing would inorease traffic congestion and create pa,rK:,ing problems. It would needlessly densefy a neighborhood of small (lLp;^r'j3cimatery , 6800 lAI lots. The existing neighboriiood would. allow-the coiistruction of three smaller sized homes cn Lot 1, oj:;;pvidin^ aut-quate parking (a two car garag^ for eacli hoiae) .and ; 3-u.fficient yard area and setbacks ?to-inaintaiTi the. <=^idtiiig:^ I'- z level of privacy^and quiet. Downzoning would be detrimental to'the existing neighborhood. I purchased my home on the presumption that this area would as one of single family dwelings.. I oppose the proposed subdivision and downzoniug of the neighborhood. Sincerely Yours, ECEI' CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Dc ^- rtment 4 S INITIAL STUDY SUMMARY DATE: July 17, 1980 TO: James Hagaman, Planning Director PROM: Catherine Nicholas, Planning Department SUBJECT: EIA NO. 728; TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR LAND AND AIRSPACE DIVISION ON THE WEST SIDE OF AVCKIADA LANE. DISCUSSION The applicant is proposing to subdivide one .53 acre lot into 3 parcels. The tentative subdivision map would, additionally,, divide by airspace two duplex condominiums on tv/o of the newly created lots. The project would result in a net density of 9 du/acre, which is in conformance with the General Plan designation of 4-lQ du/acre for this sice. The site has been previously graded and is devoid of any significant environmental resources. Several mature avocado trees presently inhabit the site. Development of the site would require removal of some of the trees. Approximately 5 cubic yards of grading is proposed to attain buildable pads. It is anticipated thiat this minimal amount of grading should not result in any negative impacts. The subject property is bordered to the north and west by single family residences. Parcels to the south are developed as single family residences and duplexes. Properties to the east are occupied bv E raest home, single family residences and a duplex. Tnis project shouli n t result in any adverse impacts to the su:rrounain-g ^nvircniaeni-nl resources. EZDOMMENDATT . rt is reccmriendec tnat 3 declaration of negative environmental impact be iv.^nsd for the project based on the following ^--jisrif icar icn: JUSTIFICATI':;-: 1. The site has been previously disturbed and is devoid of any significant environmental resources. 2. A relatively minor amount of additional grading is proposed, which should not have any adverse environmental effects. 3. The surrounding area has already been developed or committed to development for residential purposes. Based on an initial study of the project and a field- investigation of the site, the Planning Director has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the environment and therefox-e, has issued a negative declaration. Log No. 729. CDN:ar 7/17/80 •2- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp of Carlsfbab NEGATIVE DECLAPJ^TION TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1181 PROJECT TITIE: TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP PR0JE(Jr LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF AVOCADO UMME PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING TO SUBDIVIDE ONE .53 ACRE LOT INTO 3 PARCELS. THE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP V^fOULD^ ADDITIONALLY^ DIVIDE BY AIRSPACE TWO DUPLEX C0NDO1INIUMS ON TWO OF THE NEWLY CREATED LOTS. THE PROJECT WOULD RESULT IN A NET DENSITY OF 9 DU/ACRE, WHICH IS IN COMFORMANCE WITH THE GENERAL FLAM DESIGNATICN OF 4-10 DU/ACRE FOR THIS SITE. THE SITE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GRADED AND IS DflVOID OF ANY SIG- NIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL RESgjRCES. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE WOJLD REQUIRE REMOVAL OF SOME OF THE TREES. APPROXIMATELY 5 CU3IC YARDS OF GRADING IS PROPOSED TO ATTAIN BUILDABLE PADS. THIS PROJEC"" SHOULD NOT RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS TO THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENTAL "RbSOURCElT PROJECT PROPONENT: LOG NO: 729 JEFF BLANKENSHIP PEIOT/FILE NO: CT 80-18/CP-89 The City cf Carlsbad has conducted an environmental re\riew of tVie above described project purusanc tc the Guide lines, for Implementation of the Califomia Environmental (>aality Act and *:he Environmental Protection Ordi.nance of the City of Cai-lsbad, As a result of saici re--uir- a <lraft Negative Declaration (DecJarntlon of Non-Significant Inpact) is hereby jlso-ned fcr the subject project. Jvistificatiai .for this acti.on is on file in the Planning Departrnanto A copy f rhe Negative Declaration w.tth .•5iipportivc docunierits is on file in tha Planning ' J)epo-ti:.:^.z, City Hall, 1200 Elin Avenue, C-rirlsbad, CA. CtoiOT.:nts frooi the public are invited, Please submit ccnments in writing to the Planning CaT!nrd.ssi<5n mtMn five (5) days of dare of publication 2 \%\J • SIGNED: Ji^llES C. HAGAMAI^l PL\N>JING DIRECTOR, CITY GF CARISBAD 4 i NOTICE OF DECLARATION •MONSIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IKPACT rO^ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Carlsbad has issued l^egative Declarations for the following projects: LOG NO. 728: THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING TO SUBDIVIDE' ONE .53 ACRE LOT INTO 3 PARCELS. THE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP WOULD, ADDITIONALLY, DIVIDE BY AIRSPACE TWO DUPLEX CONDO- MINIUMS ON TWO OF THE NEWLY CREATED LOTS. THE PROJECT WOULD RESULT IN A NET DENSITY OF 9 DU/ACRE, WHICH IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION OF 4-10 DU/ACRE FOR THIS SITE. THE SITE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GRADED"AMD IS"DEVOID GF ANY SIGNIFICANT ENVI RON-MENTAL RESOURCES . DEVELOPMENT'OF THE SITE WOULD REQUIRE REMOVAL OF SOME OF THE TREES. APPROXIMATELY 5 CUBIC YARDS OF GRADING IS PROPOSED TO ATTAIN • BUILDABLE PADS. THIS PROJECT SHOULD NOT RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS TO THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES. APPLICANT: JEFF BLANKENSHIP CASE NO: CT 80-18/CP-8g A copy of the nrdriGcfc Negative Declarationr, witli .cjupportive information is available for public review at Die Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Kim Avenue, Carlsbad. CommcnL.s from tho public are invited. • Please submit comments xn writ.inci to the P.lan)iinfj Department witliin fxve (f.) day.s from the date of tiixs notice. AUG 2 1980 PUBLISH: ^ . Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, js. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Joumal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: .NOTICE OF DECLARATION NONSIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT NOTICE (S HEREBY GIVEN that Ihe City of Carlsbad has issued Negative Declarations forthe foHowing projects: LOG NO. 728; The applicant is propos- ing to subdivide one ,53 acre lot into 3 parcels The tentative subdivision map would, additionally, divide by airspace two duplex condominiums on two of the ' newly creBted lots. The project would resuit in a net density of 9 du acre, which is in conformance with the general plan designation oi 4 10 du acre for th.s site. The sile has been pre- viously graded and is devoid of any sig niflcant environmental resources. De- velopment ofthe sile would require re- moval of some of the trees, .-Approx imatelv 5 cubic yards of grading is pro- posed to attain buildable pads This project should not result in any adverse impacts to the surrounding environ- mental resources. Applicant: JEFK BLANKENSHIP Case No CT 80-18 Cr 89 A copy of the subject Negative Dec- larations with supportive information is available for public review at the Planning Department. City Hall. 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Comments Irom the public are invited. Please submit comments in wriling lo the Planning Department within five (5) days Irom the date of this notice CJ 8917: August 2. 19B0 19 . 19 . 19 . . 19 19 2M/5-79 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Car[^^bad, pounty of San Diego, State of California on l_d •ZLZ day of ;,• ^- Clerk of the Printer Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, gs. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ^™N°siGmncA^N™ published in each regular and entire issue of said ENVIRONMENTAL newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on IMPACT the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Carlsbad has issued Negative Declarations forthe following projects: LOG NO, 729: The applicant is propos- ing to subdivide one ,53 acre lot into 3 parcels. The Tentative Subdivision Map would, additionally, divide by air- space two duplex condominiums on two of the newly created lots. The project would result in a net density of 9 du/ acre, which is in conformance with the general plan (lesignation of 4-10 du' acre for this site. The site has been pre- viously graded and is devoid of any sig- nificant environmental resources. De- velopment ofthe site would require re- moval of some of the trees. Approx- imately 5 cubic yards of grading is pro- posed to attain buildable pads. This project should not result in any adverse impacts to the surrounding environ- mental resources- Applicant: JEFF BLA'NKENSHIP Case No: CT 30-lS/CP-89 A copy ofthe subject Negative Dec- larations with supportive information IS available for public review at the Planning Department. City Hall. 1200 Elm Avenue. Carlsbad. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within five (51 days from the date of this notice. CJ S907: July 19. 1980 Q 19 19. . . 19 19 19 2M/5-79 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad,^Cjpupty of San Diego, State of California on ^'--^^g < Ztn day of Jzl-v . / ' . : / - :• Clerk of the Printer Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, gs. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, NOTICE OF PUBLIC . . HEARING I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am prmcipa I clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Joumal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the published in eoch regular and entire issue of said Planning Commission o£ th^. City of , i i r Cadsbad will hold a public (earing at newspoper and not m any supplement thereof on the City Council Chambers. 1200 Elm iL i II • -J i j. -j. Avenue- Carlsbad, California, at 7:00 tOllOWing doteS, tO-Wit: p.m. on Wednesday, July 23, 1980, to consider approval of a tentative subdi- vision map for land and air space divi- sion lo develop two condominium du- Julv 12 1 80 plexes on property generally located •'. 19 ... . on the west side of Harding Street be-tween Avocado Lane and Camellia Place and more particularly described as: L.jt 1 of Parcel Map 428 in the City of 1 O Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of .... California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder on January 20,1971 as file no, 11429 being a portion of Lot A. of Brentwood Village Map No. 4369. re -i Q corded October 19, 1959, I V . . . . Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing, Ifyou have any questions please call the Planning _ Department at 438-5591. 1 9 .... Case File: CT80-18 Applicant: BLANKENSHIP CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION CJ S899: July 12. 1980 ] 9 2M/5-79 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State of California on the 12th of Jn.1y 1980 day f Clerk of the Printer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE IS HEREBY Carlsbad will ho 1200 Elm Avenue, July 23, 1980, t for land and air on property gene between Avocado cribed as: GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Id a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, Carlsbad, California, at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, o consider approval of a tentative subdivision map space division to develop two condominium duplexes rally located on the west side of Harding Street Lane and Camellia Place and m.ore particularly des- Lot 1 of Parcel Map 428 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of January 20, 1971 as file no. 11429 being a portion of Lot A, of Brentwood Village Map No. 4369, recorded October 19, 1959. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-5591. CASE FILE: APPLICANT: PUBLISH: CT 80-18 BLANKENSHIP July 12, 1980 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION C HARDING ui \ < R50N o (ft A R E c EIV ;^ 41 -• July 10, 1980 C!T Cr CrX! :.:.-OC. . J Catherine Nicholas Planner City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CT 80-18/CP-89 Avocado Lane and Harding Street Condos As per our meeting yesterday, here is the letter to confirm that I wish to petition the Planning Director to accept the 5' side yard on the above mentioned subdivision. Since the corresponding side yard has 32', it more than compensates for the required 7' needed for each side yard. This request is based upon the code 21.12.040(2). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and the assistance which you have given me in this planning process. Sincerely, n Consult P.O. BOX 1 307 • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 3200B • (714)434-1051 STREET 3''39'00'W. ?o.'oo' EASEMENT-21' , EXIST G"MAIN iV-j w d ^90^00 Q^ZOOO' L-- 31. 24' it ' 7r—r A 7- 0 on I 30' 1 LEGEND SUdDlVlSION aoUNDARY SZRBET.CEMTERilNE., BKIST/Ao SEWER LATERAL PROPOSED SEWER LATERAL EKI5T POWER POLE "^Z STREET UGNT BXISTIklQ POWER POLB EYISTING SEWBR EK15TIN6 WATER. MAIM EXISTING PC. PAVEMENT w/ CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER7 SIDEWALK (CV EXISTING 3UILDING TO REMAIN 45 SINGLE FAMILY UNIT PORT/ON OF EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE R£MOI/ED PROPOSED 2 UNIT CONDOMINIUM NOTE: ALL SWALE DQAINAGE TO BEAT I MINIMUM EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED PR0P05BD Z UNIT CONDOMINIUM A/. 20"?39'OO-*K It&OO' Original application submitted 2/25/80 Had to cl^j^ge from Minor to Major Receipt No. , /,^hp ^/sfM *^ APPLI(7ATI0N NO. CARLSBAD TRI\CT CITY OF CARLSBAD (Please Type or Print) DATE: April 1, 1930 REQUEST: Tentative Subdivision Map for: Land Division (Land division - "air space division -- combination land and air space divisionO LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on the West side of Harding Street between Avocado Lane and Camellia Place ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: Book Page ^-^^ Parcel 204 p«rr<^ 210 V^.^n^A Book Page Parcel (If more, please li.st on bottom of page). 4. OWNER(S) : Name Address City Zip Phone Nayda Prentice ^eff Blankenship 2910 Jejfeyson St., Carlsbad. CA 92008 434=0051 Person responsible for preparation of Map: Nam.e Address City Zip Phone Pete Chandler 503 Vista Bella. Suite 10. Oceanside. CA 92054 7S7-'5320 Registration or License No. : APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ^^^^x;;^^,.*.^ ^*<vJt—«V I hereby declare that all rn€©4:mation co?nrained within this application is true; and that all standard conditions as indicated on the attachment have been read, understood and agreed to. Name Address City Zip Phone _ Land Planners/Jean Jensen P.O. Box 1307. Carlsbad. CA 92003 434-4074 Representing (Company or Corporation) Company Relationship to Property Owner (s) Agent As per State Lav/ the City has 30 days to determine if your submitted application is complete and ready for acceptance. Incomplete applications may delay acceptance. To better ensure complete applications, the Planning Department would appreciate v;orking with the applicant during the planning stage of the proposed development. This request is not a requirement, however, it may avoid revision of plans or non-acceptance of the application. ATTACHMENTS; Supplemental Information Form - Planning 20 Time Extension Agreom.ent - Planning 37 Standard Conditions - Planning 28 Preparation Chock List - Planning 33 Procedures - Planning 36 FOm: Planning 8 Date of Planning Commission Approval SUPPLEMEHTAL INFOmATIOM FORM SPECIFIC PLAN/MASTER PLAN/TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ PUD/ CONDOMINIUM PERMIT/PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 1) Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 23,232 Sq. Ft. 2) Number of Lots or Units 3 lots/5 units 3) Type of Development ^ Residential Residential, Commercial, Industrial t TJ 2 4) Present Zone Proposed Zone (If change requested) 5) General Plan Land Use Designation Medium 6) Source of water supply City of Carlsbad 7) Method of sewage disposal City Hook-up 8) Types of Protective Covenants to be recorded Condo CC&Rs 9) Transportation modes available to service the development North County Transit system and auto transportation, 10) School District(s) serving the property Carlsbad Unified 11) If your project is for or anticipates being for more than 50 res- idential units do you prefer to dedicate land pay fees , or a combination thereof N/A 12) Methods proposed to reduce sound levels Landscaping 13) Methods proposed to conserve energy Standard Additional sheets may be attached if necessary to answer any of the above questions. FORM PLANNING 20 - February 1, 1979 STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION I'lAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Maps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City Council action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which are prerequisites to the map; i.e.. Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded. If you wish to have your application processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept your application for the Tentative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. The undersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the time limits, therefore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete to properly review all of the applications. April 1, 1980 Signature Jeff Blankenship Date Jeff Blankenship Owner /Joint Venture Partner Nam.e (Print) Relationship to Application (Property Owner-Agent) FORM: PLANNING 37, REVISED 3/8 0 Original application submitted 2/25./80_ Had to ch to Maj or. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT fy-^.-jei;; o. Had to ch.^e from Minors Applicatior^.eceived y^rt.^ ^•'•'^^ CARLSBAD (PLEASE PRINT) 1. REQUEST: Condominium Permit for ^ new/1 existin^j^j^^s on property of approximately . 53 ^acres. 2. Location: The subject property is genercilly located on the West side of Harding Street between A^mr^aH^ T.gri^ Camellia Place 3. ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: Book 204 page 210 Parcel 46 Book Page Parcel (If more, please list on bottom of page). 4. OWNER (S) OR PRINCIPAL OF CORP. Owner/Joint Venture Partner Nayda Prentice Jeff Blankenship 2910 Jeffer.gnr. •q^ Ca-rlgKari^ TA Q9nn,'^ 434-1051 Name Address Zip Phone 5. Person responsible for preparation of plan: Pete Chandler 503 Vista Bella, Suite 10.Oceanside. CA 92054 757-5320 Name Address Zip Phone 6. Registration of License No: ' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE:* I hereby declare that all iirformation contained within this application is true; and that all standard conditions as indicated on the attach- ment have been read, understood and agreed to. Name Address Zip Phone Land Planners/Jean Jensen P.O. Box 1307 Carlsbad. CA 92008 434-4074 *NOTE: If the applicant is an agent to the property owner, a signed and notarized letter authorizing the applicant to represent the property owner must be submitted with the application. The City of Carlsbad Planning Department v;ould appreciate the opportunity to work with the applicant throughout the Planning Stages of the proposed development. In an effort to aid the applicant, the Planning Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application and plans prior to submittal. This request is not a requirement; however, it may avoid major redrafting or revision of the plan which only serves to lengthen the processing time. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Information Form - Planning 20^ Standard Conditions - Planning 27^ Preparation Check List - Planning 3_2 and 32A Procedures - Planning 36 FORM PLANNING 13^ Date of Planning Commission Approval 6/11/79 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM SPECIFIC PLAN/MASTER PLAN/TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ PUD/ CONDOMINIUM PERMIT/PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 1) Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 23,232 Sq. Ft. 2) Number of Lots or Units 3 lots/5 units 3) Type of Development Residential Residential, Commercial, Industrial R 2 4) Present Zone ^ Proposed Zone (If change requested) 5) Gene,ral Plan Land Use Designation Medium 6) Source of water supply City of Carlsbad 7) Method of sewage disposal City Hook-up 8) Types of Protective Covenants to be recorded Condo CC&Rs 9) Transportation modes available to service the development North County Transit system and auto transportation, 10.) School District (s) serving the property Carlsbad Unified 11) If your project is for or anticipates being for more than 50 res- idential units do you prefer to dedicate land pay fees , or a combination thereof N/A' 12) Methods proposed to reduce sound levels Landscaping 13) Methods proposed to conserve energy Standard Additional sheets may be attached if necessary to answer any of the above questions. FORM PLANNING 20 - February 1, 1979 STANDARD ONDITIONS CITY OF .aRLSBAD SPECIFIC PLAN/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/ yARIANCE/PLANMED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/ SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/SPECIAL USE PERMIT COHDOHINIUM PErulIT/PRECI SE DEVELCPMENT PLAN Development shall meet all requirements of the subdivision, zoning and building codes, laws, ordinances or regulations of the City of Carlsbad, and other governmental agencies. Some of the mora pertinent requirements and procedures of the City are listed below for your in- formation and concurrence. Please read this list carefully and feel free to ask for further information or explanation. 1) All conditions for Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Planned Unit Development and Special Use Permit shall be completed and the project commenced within 18 months from final City action, unless otherwise stated as part of the approval. There is no time limitations for Specific Plans unless required as part of the approval. 2) Development shall substantially conform to the approved plan. 3) All public improvements shall be made in conformity with City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 4) Prior to any construction, the applicant shall submit plans to the appropriate entity providing domestic water to the proposed development, for its approval of the location, type and adequacy of water lines. 5) Prior to any construction, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Fire Department of the location and size of \ fire hydrants. 6) The applicant shall install all required fire hydrants and- dry-stand pipes prior to framing const'^uction, and said fire appurtenances shall be functional prior to commencing such work. 7) Street trees, as required by the City, shall be installed by the applicant at applicant's expense. Trees shall be of a type approved by the Parks Department and shall be installed to their specifications. If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, said removal shall be at the applicant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make all arrangements with the Parks Department concerning the require- ments of this condition. 8) A detailed grading plan which includes proposed drainage and erosion control landscaping or other measures such as desilting basins shall be approved by the City Engineer. 9) Immediately after grading, erosion control landscaping and/or other measures such as desilting basins shall be installed. This control may be the final landscaping if so approved. 10) A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submitted for Planning Director's approval for all graded slopes 5' or greater in height and any other areas required by law. 11) Prior to final building inspection clearance, all landscap- ing and irrigation systems shall be installed or adequate bonding accepted. Said landscaping shall be maintained in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. 12) No signs or advertising of any type whatsoever shall be erected or Installed until plans thereof have been approved by the City of Carlsbad. As part of the approval process, the City may modify these conditions or add others, especially those of a more specific nature. The applicant will be notified of these modifications or additions by Resolution. Form Planning 27 /Date of Planning Commission Approval PREPARATION CHECK LIST CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/VARIANCE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONDOMINIUM PERMIT/SPECIAL USE PERMIT A. Documents Required for Submittal: L)- Application with supplemental sheet completed. Standard condition list. Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of subject property or other form of description acceptable to the Planning Director, Thirteen (13) blueline prints of the plan for all applications except a PUD which requires 18 prints. Minor Condo permits which require 3, and Major Condo permits which require 18, Maps must be folded in a size not to exceed 8% x 11. REQUIRED PLANS ARE AS FOLLOWS: CUP and Variance: Site Plan* PUD: Site Plan*, building elevations, landscape plan, cross section of proposed grading, SDP: Site Plan*, building elevations, CONDO PERMIT: Site Plan*& building elevations, landscaping plans, SUP: Site Plan*, grading plan, ,*Site Plan as a minimum shall contain all property lines, building locations with horizontal dimensions, driveways, and parking stalls with dimensions, location and dimensions of landscaping. Environmental Impact Assessment or Report with fees (if required) 6) Fee: Conditional Use Permit, Variance, and Special Use Permit - $50,00. Planned Unit Development - $50.00 + $1,00 per unit. Amendments for PUD's - $50,00 + $1,00 per unit within area being amended. Site Development Plan - $25,00 Condominium Permit - $50,00 + $1,00 per unit within area being amended. 300 Foot Radius Map - (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit and Minor Condominium Permit). A map to scale not less than 1"= 200' showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Planning Director if the required scale is impractical. ^SfP Property Owners and Occupants List: Two copies of a typewritten list of self-adhesive (Avery) labels of the names and addresses of all persons owning property (as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll) and persons in possession, if different, within a 300' radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. The latest equalized assessment roll is available in the Office of the Assessor of San Diego, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 103, San Diego, California; telephone 236-3771. Conversion to Condominiums; In addition to the above property owners list, the application shall include a list (prepared as above) of names and addresses of all tenants of the units to be converted to condominiums. 9) Disclosure Statement, FORM 32 PLANNING Page One 10) A written statement by the City Engineer that he finds there is adequate sewer capacity available for the proposed use at the site or that he finds that the proposed use and site can be adequately served by alternative City approved onsite sev/er system. Applicant, please note, this determination must be done prior to submitting application and it may require preparation on your part to provide sufficient evidence to the City Engineer. It is suggested you make early contact with the Engineering Department for such determination. 11) For residential projects within Vista, San Marcos, Encinitas or San Dieguito School Districts, the applicant shall indicate whether he prefers to dedicate land for school facilities, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. If the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall suggest the specific land. For residential projects within the Carlsbad Unified School District, the applicant shall submit written confirmation that school facilities will be available and serve the project at time of need. 12) Public Facility Security Agreement: Secured agreement with application submittal B) Drafting of Plan: 1) Sheets to be 24"x36" with 1" border (standard "D" size). 2) Scale to indicate: 1" =10' is generally sufficient; however, the scale is to be appropriate for sheet size. 3) North arrow oriented to top or left side of sheet. 4) Lettering must be legible. It is preferred that it be drawn by mechanical means, in ink, and heavy upper case. 5) Location map showing the distances to the center line of the nearest intersection. 6) Title block with name and address of applicant and drafter, and pertinent information such as uses, total acreage and date prepared. C) Information on Plan 1} Proposed and existing structures: a) Proposed use of all structures (in general land use terms). b) Building dimensions, setbacks and distances between buildings. c) Type of construction proposed. d) Identification of fire rated walls and fire sprinkler systems, e) Height and number of stories. f) Gross floor area per structure. g) Proposed changes and additions to existing buildings. 2) Existing and proposed right-of-way, public and/or private: a) Distance from property line to center line of right-of-way. b) Widths of right-of-way. c) Location of existing and proposed sidewalks and curbcuts. d) Easements - type and location 3) Parking: a) Location, size and numbered consecutively. b) Identification of loading zones. c) Dimensions of driveways. FORM 32 PLANNING PAGE TWO 4) Landscaping: a) Existing and proposed trees in the public right-of-way. b) A schedule showing types, size and location of all plant materials proposed on site. c) Indicate a permanent watering system for all landscaping areas by showing the location of water lines. 5) Refuse pickup areas (not required for detached housing projects). 6) Signs: Size, location and height of existing and proposed signs. 7) . Lot lines and dimensions. 8) Location of watercourse or areas subject to flood. 9) Location of proposed storm drains or other means of drainage (grade and size). 10) Topographic contours at two-feet intervals, with indication of manufactured slope. 11) Cross section of proposed grading. Existing contours and proposed graded contours for all grades of 4:1 or greater shall be shown. 12) Delineation of development phasing. D) Miscellaneous Information for Planned Unit Development and Condominium Permit Applications. 1) Document explaining who shall be responsible for maintaining open common areas and how maintenance is to be performed. 2) Document explaining special development standards requested. For custom home Planned Unit Development, all development standards listed in Section 21.45.120 shall be included. 3) Elevation of proposed buildings (not required for custom home PUDS). FORM 32 PLANNING Page Three (3) Plans Required for Condo permit (Section 21,47) Major Condo Permit/Tentative Tract: (5 or more units), 18 copies showing all information listed below, except that only 3 copies of the landscape and irrigation plans are required. If tract and condominium plans are separate, 18 copies of each are required. Minor Condo Permit: (4 or fewer permits), 3 copies showing all information listed below. In addition, the Engineering 'Department reuqires 7 copies of the tentative parcel map. Site Plan a) Location of Buildings and property lines. b) Location of storage for each unit and size of area in cubic feet. c) Location of laundry facilitieso d) Location and construction of refuse collection facilities. e) Location of all utility meters (gas, water and electric) and a note on the plan indicating that each unit has separate meters. Parking Plan Show all parking spaces, as well as the dimensions of spaces, back-up areas, driveways and garages. Recreation Plan Show location and size of all recreation areas. Include picnic tables, pools, spas, bar-b-ques, children's play areas, etc. Landscape and Irrigation Plan a) Location of all landscaping indicating type and size of plants to be installed. Check street tree list if street will be installed. b) Location, sizes, dimensions of sprinkler heads and staking, backflow preventer, pipes, water meters, controls. Building Elevations Show the elevations and include a description of building and materials. KJLrddd 10/31/79 FORM 32A PROCEDURES 1) Application to Planning Commission: In an effort to aid the applicant, the Planning Depa.rtment requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application in its various stages of development prior to submittal. It is more effective if applicant meets directly with staff; however, written or telephone communication is acceptable. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make the initial contact for such meeting. 2) Submittal: Application will be accepted only if the application, plans and other pertinent materials are included. 3) Review: After accepting the application staff will submit it to the department review board (DCC) to ascertain if further information is necessary. Staff will attempt to conclude this review within two weeks, but in no case shall the review period be longer than 30 days from receipt of application. 4) Notice: Upon completion of the application review, the applicant will be informed by letter if further information is required if any, or if the application is complete what date it will be heard by the Planning Commission. 5) Planning Commission Calendar: The Planning Commission adopts an annual calendar that indicates application closing dates, staff review dates, a staff recommended review dates as well as Planning Commission hearing dates. The date your request will be heard is selected from this calendar. You may acquire this calendar at the Planning Department. 6) Staff Review; Staff prepares a report for the Planning Commission. This report is reviewed by the DepartJnental Coordinating Committee (DCC), which is made up of representatives from the departments of Planning, Engineering, Fire, City Manager and other as may be necessary. You are invited to this meeting to explain the project and respond to staff recommendations. Upon completion of this review, staff will prepare final staff recommendations to be sub- mitted to the Planning Commission. The final report with rec- oimnendations will be available at the Planning Departinent five days prior to the Planning Commission hearing (Friday afternoon prior to the Planning Commission meeting date). 7) Hearing: The Planning Commission meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 P.M., or as indicated on the Planning Commission calendar. Depending on the type of application, the Planning Commission will either make a recommendation and forward to City Council or take final action. Appeals: Final actions by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council, provided such appeal is filed within ten CIO) days after the Planning Commission action. The applicant should review with staff the procedure on the various types of applications. 9) Final Decision: The City will notify the applicant and property owner of the final decision. FORM: PLANNING 36 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL DEC. 6, 1978. I / J APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all applicants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this form has been completed and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this disclosure changes, an amendment reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either general or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture. Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 share- holders or less) or a real estate syndication, -then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syndicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corporation be ' a publically held corporation, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers of the corporation. Should you feel that additional information needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please include it. If after the information you "nave .subinitt(.:cl l,a.s bccni rc!v.icwcd, it is deteriiiincxl that fiirLhor inrormal. i on i;; rec;iuirocl, you wJ J 1 bo so iidvi;;od. APPLICANT: AGENT: Nayda Prentice - Owner of Record Jeff Blankenship - Joint Venture Partner Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92.008 Business Address 434-1051 Telephone Number Jean Jensen, Land Planners Name P.O. Box 1307, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 434-4074 Telephone Number MEi^iBERS: Nayda Prentice (Individual) Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 4022 H Layang Layang Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Home Address 2963 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 729-9235 729-0487 Telephone Number Telephone Number Jeff Blankenship (Joint Venture) 344 Chinquapin St.,Carlsbad,CA Name Home Address 2910 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business Address 434-1051 729-5013 Telejihone Number Tele];:hone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/VJe declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and tliat it wil.l remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Nayda Prentice and Jeff Blankenship Axjpl icant i^ientj"': 1200 ELM AVEISiUE Ff ^^0^ PI TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 WU£wf rSM (714)438-5621 Citp of Carlsfbab January 3, 1980 RE: APPLICATION NO. M-16,17 Your application for sewer allocation on the Second Phase Sewer Allocation Program was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on January 2, 1980. If your project requires a discretionary permit, i.e. Tentative Tract Map, Planned Unit Development, Condominium Permit, variance. Conditional Use Permit, etc., application for such permit shall be filed within sixty days from January 2, 1980, (on or before March 3, 1980) . The appli- cation is required to diligently pursue his permit to a final decision. Please note that Coastal Permits are not discretionary permits as referred to in the Second Phase Sewer Allocation. Application for Building Permit must be filed within forty- five days from January 2, 1980, (on or before February 18, 1980), for those projects not requiring further discretionary permits, or within sixty days after final City action on the discretionary permit. The applicant is required to diligently pursue his permit to a final decision. The City Council may extend the time for building permit applications an additional sixty days for major projects. If you cannot meet these deadlines you should so indicate on the application for'a Sewer Permit. If you have any questions please feel free to contact my office, (714) 438-5541. Les Evans City Engineer LE/JE/mmt C: Building Official Planning Department City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 729-1181 ^Bl^EIVED FROM x77 ^^-^o^PKP^A^ ^.^f I ADDRESS z// A/C. NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A ^/3^z AAP/ i 1 : m /US' r<ZO <~\ <"CL i. TOTAL 7if7 S7 6 ^ lb.c7 A id: F^INANCE DEPARTMENT FROM: ENGINEERING/PLAIMNING/BUILDING 32 0 DATE: ITEM(S) CHARGE TOTAL CHARGES