HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-27; BIRTCHER BUSINESS CENTER; Engineering ApplicationApplication for Grading Permit • ~o -;)7 • .-." : PENO._~ __ _ ;;~ Tees-::-~~-}t ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Validation by Finance Department Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Phone 438·5541 Surety Company , Surety Address Date Filed Cash deposit $ Bond No. Rec'd by Rec'd by Date filed The following documents are required and shall become a part 1---::-:-=:...L~~--"':~~~IO......J.-~-=r,,~~c=..!~..a...~'fJL~!!!!.... ____ l of the grading permit when they are approved. Grading plans Soil report Drainage structures Compaction report Specifications Geologic Report Other SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday· Friday. Party responsible for overall supervision UC . I--:=---'''''''''=--=--=.JI':'''-----''~'-L...E:::::=----------------I· 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Number of cubic yards Cut Fill Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Import Waste Start Finish I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to hU~ this application. Signature of Permittee Owner or authorized agent _ .... Gl....".""") .... b....,,yJ~8;!=~~"--_____ _ 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control. 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: o REGULAR GRADING· City inspector will make inspections listed below. o CONTROLLED GRADING· Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE t-----------------------------Ilnitial . site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE· EIA Log No. Permit Expiration Date Date _______ _ Rough· prior to drains By Final -slopes planted Compaction reports rec'd. Private engr. cert. rec'd. Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD , ,., /,;< Application for Grading Permit i""l ~ • I' , ( CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Validation by Fin'ance Department .~ ". , Building Permit Plan Check No. _____ ~_ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address Legal Description Phone 438·5541 Surety Company I Surety Address Date Filed Cash deposit $ Bond No. Rec'd by Rec'd by Date filed The following documents are required and shall become a part 1-~::..L=-Ll---!i!!! __ ~IIIIUII""--1j!111oooillll!.!:--'::!!!!O_~~ __ ~~""lIIIILl _____ -I1 of the grading permit when they are approved. Party responsible for overall supervision Grading plans Soil report Drainage structures Compaction report Specifications Geologic Report Other SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday· Friday. ,/ <:.. -' 1-,-! ..... t!.ll!!L~ ___ -.l.o=ill~~ _________________ I: 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Number of cubic yards Cut Fill Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Import Waste Start Finish I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to JL,(J~ this application. Signature of Permittee Owner or authorized agent QJt!>IP8:::r.""'1':... 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control. 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: o REGULAR GRADING· City inspector will make inspections listed below. o CONTROLLED GRADING -Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE 1---------------------------1 Initial -site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE- I EIA Log No. Date _______ _ Rough -prior to drains , final -slopes planted ~ Compaction reports rec'd. Private engr. cert. rec'd. o Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERL'( VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT ISVALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD ' . ':.', .', . ',.> 'If' c \, -'7 -. "Application for Grading Permit • CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Validation by Finance Department Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT TO Fill IN Site Address Legal Description I Phone 438·5541 Surety Company I Surety Address Date Filed Cash deposit $ Bond No. Rec'd by Rec'd by Date filed The following documents are required and shall become a part ~~c..L.£..LL-""""L«.~oo.-.1jc;...1.a---'!!!!6""'l1!!.t!!J.!.IL""'WI!'III-KlIIL ___ -I1 of the grading permit when they are approved. Party responsible for overall supervision Grading plans Soil report Drainage structures Compaction report Specifications Geologic Report Other SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. t. -1--:~-""""""".:=;..JI'!"'---":iii1oIfl"""-~ _________________ I" 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Number of cubic yards Cut Fill Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Import Waste Start Finish I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. Signature of Permittee Owner or authorized agent -&l .......... )iLlel;;.j-41'FN....,c:!Iei~"", -"'Ic, _______ _ 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control. 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: o REGULAR GRADING -City inspector will make inspections listed below. o CONTROLLED GRADING -Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE I---------------------------Jlnitial -site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE- I EIA Log No. Date _______ _ Rough -prior to drains Final -slopes planted Compaction reports rec'd. Private engr. cert. rec'd. Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Financ~ THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCFUBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD : ·.:::;'>~~,~f~~~~t;t~i!;~~;V,~~~t~~~~~~i~~W~Jlj~~l~~f~)~~· ~ .;--;',' '--~''':'''"_ ." . ," :;:. ~,~-:. ~, .. ' 7_-::~ T .... -~".'t~~ •• '<:.. _~~.. :"!.:"~iC;> ,.:,;:, ', . . ,; :~. '. ,-'~.~'~ _ -. ,= t'~~· --- Received DEC 19.1980 GUARANTEE ~-. First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. O. BOX 267) SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702' (714) 558-3211 I RECEIVED NOVf 8 198Q: J 126918 1347(11/68), J -j j 1 1 1 .1 F6rm 13!S9 (4/7!s) CL TA Subdivision GII.rant .. Form No. 14 ( tit SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: CARLSBAD TRACT 80-27 ORDER NO. 822054-15 FEE $ 50.00 First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision i$ located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the· requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Dated: November 4. 1980 First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT BY 8· ~ ,~ ASSISTANT SECRETARY R • GENE SMITH I, I . , .t r ~ ,.~-.... ---.. -.. ,.,... ------. --.~ ... EXHIBIT "A" ( -. BIRTCHER BUSINESS CENTER -PALOMAR I, a Limited partnership. as record owner .. BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, holder of easements recorded January 5, 1965 as File No. 001288 and September 21, 1965 as File No. 171355 of Official Records, has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection C-1 of the Government Code. Their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, holder of easement recorded March 8, 1976 as File No. 76-067033 of Official Records. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, holder of easement recorded October 14, 1980 as File No. 80-338477 of Official Records. \ -. ~ . I I I I I , ::----~ :w~D: :.'':\'i-.. -~-.-..:-.:--...:.---:...;.. .. -.:::..:....:::-~-..:. ......... --"""~--~,......-"--... ~;.:..-.-.---.... LEGAL DESCRIPTION' ORDER NO. 822054-15 ( -" ,. _:._ ........ :. •• .::" ...... ~ _._~_._ ... "'w' -. Lot 10 of Carlsbad Tract No. 79-14. in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 9744, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Au~st 5, 1980, described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows: Beginnint at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence along the boundary of said Lot 10 as follows: North 84°55'04" West 292.16 feet to a point in the arc of a non-tangent 316.00 foot radius curve concave SOl,lthwesterly, a radial line of said curve bears North 83°26'1711 East to said point; Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 17°39'37" a distance of 97.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse 50.00 foot radius curve; Northerly along the arc of said curve'through a cent];'al angle of 33°37'43" a distance of 29.63 feet to the beginning of a reverse 55.00 foot radius curve; Northerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 25°23'27" a distance of 24.37 feet; non-tangent to said curve North 08°30'57" East 531.47 feet (Record 531.468); North 79°42'00" East, 674.51 feet; South 39°38'41" West 361.29 feet; South 24°47'36" West 307.30 feet; and South 13°10'59" West 268.64 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING for a period of 50 years from January' 22, 1958 of all oil, v gas and mineral rights without, however, the right to drill, mine,' explore and operate through the surface or the upper 100 feet of the s~bsurface or otherwise in such manner so as to interfere with the use or proposed use of the property by the Grantee, its successors or . assigns, or in any, manner as to endanger the safety of any airport or building or strucutre that may be constructed on said property or proposed to be constructed on said property as contained in Deed from Carlsbad Properties, a co-partnership to County of San Diego. a political subdivision of the State of California, recorded February 17, 1958 as Document No. 24786 in Book 6952, page 391 of Official Records. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THIS IS A TRUE. AND CORRECT COpy OF THE LEGAL DESC~UPTION ON ---------- ~SBAD TRACT~8~Qc-~2L7 ______________ ~ _____ _ FIRST AJlERICAII UTLE ~ANY BY: f?>~ - Novemher 4, 1980 r I . . I I I