HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-09; DON WOODWARD THE MEADOWS; Engineering ApplicationForm 1,359 (4/75) CL T A Subdivision 'Guarantee Form Nq. 14 • • AMENDED Novembe,t 2, 19'8~ A}lENDED FEBRUARY 18, 1982 SUPOIVISIONGUARANTEE . AHENDEDMARCH 1.7, 19'82 Sl)BDIVISION: CARLSBAD rrUACT 80,-9 ORDER NO. Fir$t A.merican'Title lrisurance COmPany a corporation, GUAR';NTEES 8;39241-15 $' , ,50,~OO The County of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision is , located in a s,um not 'exceeding ,$1000~OO. That, accord'ing to those ,puQlic records which, under the recording laws; impart constru~tive notice ot matter$ affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shoiNn on the map of-the above refer~nced subdivision, the only' parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are nec:essary, under the requirements of the ,Subdivision Map Act" on the certificates consenting to the recordation '<;>f saic!map' and offering for dedication any streets; roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said ,map are: . -. . " SE;E ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A'" The map hereinbefore referr~ to is,a subdivision of: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Dated: October 28, 1981 First American Title Insurance Company BY ~' ~«JI./ '~ ~4 ~ ,~ PRESIDENT ari~ ~./,.t, SECRETA'V Moreus E. Mite~~ ~~ BY MAR 1 ] 198L',' RICK ,J;NG. " " ,A~' ,1'r~ • EXHIBIT "A", AETNA CAPITAL COMPANY, a Cali,£orn:f;a corporat:to~ as, recorq., oWrter~' , DAON ,CORPORATION,: holder of easement recQrded,Ju1y '11, 1980 as Fi1~ No. 80-217365 of ,Officii:l1 Records has be~n oniitted llnder the'p.rov-is'iori of Section 66436; Subsectio'n C-1 of the Government Coq'e. 1?heir i.n'terest: is such that ;l.t cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is~ot required by the gove+ni.ng, bQdy. TITLE INSURANCE:' AND TRUST COMPANY, a California ~orpora:tion' as Tr.uS,t'ee ~nder Deed of Trust: r~cordecl July IJ" 1980 as File No. 8Ci-211-366 o'f Off:ici;a1 Records. SAN DIEGO COUNTY DRAINAGE ·MAINTENANCE DISTRIC'r, holder ot easement r:ecQrded April 16, 1981 as File No. 81-117295 of 'Official Records" has been omitted " under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection C-1 o;:fthe Government Code. 'TheHinterest is Such that it canI~ot ripen into a fee title and $'aid sign~tut;e is not required by the governing ~ody. CITY OF CARLSBAD" holder of easement recorded April: 24, 1981 a~ File No. 81- 126304 o~f Official Records, has b,een omitted under the pr.ovisions of Section 664'36, Sub-section C-l of the GovernmEmt Code. Their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and saidsigriature is n.ot required by ,the governing' body. ' , RBC ~PJED MAH 1. G 1982' RiCK ENG. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORD~R Nb. S39241-15 ·e •• Th.t portion of ,Parcel. 2 of p~rcel. Map No.l0t79. tn ~he 'C1 ty of C&rl,ba.d,· County of San Diego, St.te of California,· filed in, the Office. e>f :the County Recorder of'San Diego County, J,une '27, 19S0 a. File N~. SO .. 2·04·5020f Official Record., being .ore .,.rticularly de.cX:ibed a. foll~w.': Commencing at the' most S~utheasterly 'corner of s~idParcel 2,; thenc'e'S'9~th :54'0, . 34'16'~ l-lesta diatatice of 63.00 feet to the Sou:thwesterJ,.y bO.t,mda:ry o,f,Melsor:e Drive, as de~igIlated on said parcel 'map to the TRUE POINT ,OF BEG;t;~TN,G: ,thence aiong, the.' , boundary of said Parcel 2,S'outh 54°34'16" West, 76.95 f'ee·t t9th'ebeginn~ng ,of a 5'00.00 foot radius curve,' concave Southeasterly; the,~ce Southwe,s'terly .10~8 the _r.c of saiel' curve through a centr.l angle of 46-02" 33", . a :dist;anc;e', of 40i. SO' feet thence leaving the arc of sa.iel curve South So 31' 4'3 "Wes,t 2'00.63 f e'e,t to the beginnging 500.00 foot ,r,adius curve concave Nort;hwesterly,;thence Southw~s'ter1y' a10.ngthe .rcof "said curve ~hrougha cent.ral angle of 48°50'06" a d:1stancepf 426.17 feet; thence leaving the arc of said curve along a non.,.t~ngelitline No~th 23°0~'00" West 64~.Sl feeti.thence North 77°00'00'· West· 330.64 iee't; t;henc'e ' North 2S000 '00" We.t, 41.09 teet; thence );eaving thebo~nd&'l~y ·of .aid ParceJ' . ,2, ,North 44-56'15" a •• t, 217.34 feet' to a point tnthe ar:c 'of a non ... t'~ngent 270 .• ,00 foot rad:1us curv.e, concave Nor,the.sterly, a radia!' tOlald c,urve' bea·ra Sou'th 44°56'15" West; thence Southeasterly along the arc ofsa:ld curve thr'ough 'a central angie of ',0-40'33", a distance of 3 ... 18feet;then~e le.·v!ng the arc of said curve, North 44·15'42" East, 9Q.00 feet; thence !forth, 3S'44'·01" West" 43.90 feet; thence North '26-45'07" West, 195.05 fe~t;theric'e':;Nor:th 12~3;9"4'O~ Wes.t, 4S.29 feet;. thence North 0·02'24". Eas,t, 212.33 feet; tJtence, North 10°58 '48" West, 59.76 feet; thence North 47°41'54" East, 90-.86-feet_;, thence North SSoSS' 52" East, 11S.09 feet; thence ,Nor~h 36°4.$"52" West, 32.60 feet; thence North 53°14 'OS" East, 56.00 feet to • point on th~ are' .of a non--tangent. 50.00 foot rad:lus c;urve, concave ,Northe'as·terly, a r~dia:l, line to .'a:i~ curve' , bt!ars South 53°14 'OS" West. thence Northwe.tetly, along :the a~c of 'ia,ld curve' thro~gh a centr,a1 anale 'of 3-16'22", a distance of 2.SS feet; thence 1eav~,na the .rc of .a'id ,curve along a, non-tangent "line which bear,s North 4,7°50'40" East, ~68.S1 f.eet; thence. NOJ:'th6000S'4S" East, 24.45 feet' to 4 point on the Southwester,ly boundary, of Melrose Drive, aa'idpoint bet'ng apofnt on the arc of a non-:-tanaent 3263.00 foot 'radius curve, concave Northeasterly, .'radfa1 to .aid curve 1;»ears South ~O-oe '4S" West; thence Southeasterly .long r.he arc of, said 'curve and the Southwe.terly boundary of *al,d Melrose Drive through a,· central angle, of 5-34 '32", a d1stance of .317.53 feet; thence continuipg along the Southwesterly bounda,ry of 'said, Melrose Drive and t.ngent to said cu:rv~, South 35,°25'44" Ea.'t, 786.87 feet to the, ':rRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNG. gr/bp Ri:C E I Vi: 0 . MAR' 18 19Bf~ Ri'CK ENG;,