HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-18; G.R. CAPITAL N/S UNICORNIO DR.; Engineering Application• GUARANTEE First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET. (P. O. BOX 267) SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92702· (714) 558-3211 J 131455 . 1'347(11/68) Form 1359 (4/75) CL TA Subdivision Guarantee Form No. 14 • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDJVISION: CARLS~AD lRACt 81-18 ORDER NO. FEE First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES 842773-14 $50.00 The County, of San Diego and any City Within which said' subdivisi¢lIl ,is located in a sum not exceeding '$1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart C;:9nstr~ctive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior ooLmdary 'shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest In said land whose' sign'atures 'are necessary, under'the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the ,certificates ¢nsenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues lind other easements, offered for dedicatipn by said map are: G.R. CAPITAL, INC., a California corporation .as record owners. TITLE INS~CEANPTRVS'1' COHPANY, Trustee unq~r Deed of Trust recorded January' 23., 1981 as File No. '~1-021883 of Of;ficial Records. The map bereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: Being a Subdivision of L~ts 515, 516, and 517 of LA COSTA MEADOWS UNiT NQ~ 3, in the, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St.ate. of California, according to Map thetegf No. 7076, filed in the Of,fice of the County Recorder of San Di~go County, October 6, 1971. Dated: April 9, 1982 First American Title Insurance Company tRESIOENT BY ASSISTANT SECRETARY '. " • _Application _forGfaaing Permit • PE NO,. "'"'_ '_--,-~~_ -CITYOF-CARLSBAD \/ ENGINEERING D_EPA·RTMENT' 1200 Elm Avenue ,Validatio.n by Finance Department 43~·5541 Building Permit Plan Check No. -'-___ ~_ FOR APPLICANT to FILL IN -, . ~ .. -Site Ade;!ress --SuretyCo.mpany _Hene;! No.. ---,,_ .. , Legal Descriptio.n Map ~e. -" Surety Address -, -~ CARLSBAD TRACT 81-)8 --.-, Subdivision Name Date Filed Rec'd by LA COSTA VILLAGE COND'OMJNIUM -- Owner Pho.ne Cashdepesit Rec'd by _ Date-fiI ect G.R. CAPITOL. ,I NC. (114) 640-,8816 ,$ Owner's Address ' The fo.llpwing de'cumentsare require-d and shall beceme a part 359 SAN MIGUEL DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH CAL. 92660 -; of the grading permit when they are,appro.ved~ Plans 'by Civil EngineE)r R.C.E. Grading plan~ SpeCifications HENRY , WORLEY 18673 : --ASSOCIATES. INC. Address Pho.ne --So.il repert --Geelegic R~pert, 7875 CONVOY CT. SAN DIEGO -CAL. 1)71-7728 --Drainage structures --Other So.il Engjneer ,R.C:E. Pho.ne --Cempactio.n repert - GEOTECHNICAL EXP['ORATH)N _INC Ci6o-o428 -' Grading Co.ntracto.r Pho.ne I --SPECIAl., CONDITIO:NS WHICH AREMAD'E~ : A PART OF THIS PERMIT - Address 1. Authorized, hours of operation: , -7:00 AM to. Sunset, Mend~y -Fridtiy. Party resPo.nsible fo.r o.verall supervisio.n ,---- t 2. Haul-reutes are to be appr6ved !Jy City Engineer. Prepesed use o.f grade site >- 28 UNIT CONDOM I N'I t)M DEVELOPMENT 3. Adequate pro.visions shall be J1lllc;:le fo.r-erosiQnand -silta~io.n , Number o.f cubic yards co.ntro.l. Cut2369 Fili 2369 Impert 0 Waste 0 All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 1 I I 4. -- -, Finish : 5. AI! fills to. be co.mpacted to. at least 90% o.foptimum Pro.pesed Schedule o.f Start Operatiens (dates) density unless no.ted etherwise. ,---,--- I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that -- the information I have pro.vided is correct and agree to. cemply with -all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, --~ Under City Cede Sec. '11.06170 this grading is: and the previsio.ns and cenditio.ns, o.f any permit issued pursuant to. o REGUlARG,RADING -City ihspej::ter will make inspectiens this applicatien. listed below. [] CONTROLLED GRADING -Private grading engineer sball Signature of Permittee ebserve werk, coordinate' tests, make reperts. -' Owner er autho.rlzed agent INSPt;CTION DATE INSp. SIGNATURE Initial -site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE- Date -'Ro.l,Igh -prier to. drains I EIA Log No. Final -slo.pes planted By -- Plan check fee $ ,Cempactien repertsrec'd., , Grading permit fee $ ---, Permit Issued Private engr. cert. rec'd. --by , Date ----Ceples. White Office, Green Bulldmg, Permit -E~piratio.n Oate Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Go.ldenro.d,Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD .--~------------------------~----~ --~--- - - ~ .. " . ~ ~ -. ';. '. _ · .. ~ .. ::i'''''~:~~~'r~'::·;y::.;~:-~-.::~~ -:".. I ,'f o .,' }~,ppliQ8tion for Grading Permit 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue PE NO. ~-'-___ .:- i 438·5541 Validation by Fin.ance Department· '. . .. ' .. . :.~\ Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ , . FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address Legal Description Map No. CARLSBAD TftACT 81"18 Subdivision Name LA COSTA VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM Owner Phone G.R. CAP.TOL. INC. (114) 640-8816 " ~, Slitety Company , Surety Address .' D.ate Fileq Casb deposit .$ : ' R.ec'd by. .' .'. "". ,'- Qate flied':' i ", , ."-...... -'~. " -~ .. >. ,: ' Owner's Address The following dqcum~nts are required and shall become I;i Part' _ ~ ·.·i",· 359 SAN MIGUEL DRIVE NfWPORT BEACH. 'CAL. 92660 of the grading permit when they are appr.oveci,:· '. -';.' .. ,.';',.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~' !~. : Plans by Civil Engineer R.C.E. , ': __ Graqing plans __ 'Specilj(:ations," . . .. HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATES. INC. 1861~ S '1 G. eOI~g·fc.· .Rep~ri. I,<'.~ Address Phone --01 .report --,.' 7875 tOMYOY. CT. SAN DIEGO • CAL. 571 .. 7728 --Qrainage structures '--Other ' • Soil Engineer R.C.E. Phone ~ CO{'l1paction report .,.. . .':. (~ : GEOTECHNICAL EX,.l6RATION INC 'i~ ... 0428 Grading Contractor Phone. Address 1. ,Party responsible for overall supervision I SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHI~H ARE MAb.~ ". :. A PART OF THIS.PERMIT' " . Authorized hours of operaHori: '. . . 7:0~ AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday: '. t '., " I'· '. " . :.~ -<;-::'; '1 ,J. ; (: , ~ . ~~--~--~--~~---------~--------------1:2. Proposed use of grade site Haul routes are to be approved by 'City Eng'ineeF: I', "f Adequate provisions shall be m~de for e(osion. andsBtation '. '. 28 UNIT OONOOHIHJUM OaVELQPHENT ~-~------~-~~~~~~-----------------I 3. Number of cubic yards Cut236b Fill 2369 Proposed Schedule of . Operations (dates) Import 0 Start Waste 0 I Finish I hereby acknowledge that r have read the application and state-that the information I have provided is correct and agree to complv with· all City ordinl!loces and State laws regulating e>,eC8vating and grading, .and the prolt'isions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to '\ t~is application. Signature of Permittee ---\ Owner or authorized agent _______________ _ ". control. . , " .-', ;:. ,'. •• 'r f : "-:'. . . All slopes shall be planted per City Code. " . . ; : 4. 5. All fills to be compacted to a~ least 90% of Q,p.tirrium density unless noted otherwise. ", . ~ .. ..... Under City Code 'Sec. 11.00 170·.thIS·grad'I'rlg is: ":" :<'1 o REGULAR GRADING -City ·lnspec~or will make in~pectior:is.;.' listed below. '..' ;';' " .' T :. \:,;::: o CONTROLLED ~RADING· Private grading'ehgiR~er shaH :;\~\. . observe work, coordinate·te.sts, make reports. .' . ',' ;;, . ',". \~.,' :.:' INSPECTION DAT~ r~sp': SIGJ~ATQf(~';:: .' .. 1--___________ . ..-, __ -------.:~--~----------~llnltlal . site prep. " ~ , j I--~-----------~-~--~~~~~~+-~·~·-~,:J, : ,,~: ENVIRONMENTAL CLI=ARANCE- Date _______ _ Rough -prior to drains By Final -slopes planted ~'& ~l • ~. ~.' ; ;. , EIA Log No. ~------~-----~-------~~----~:~~----~,~, '. .~ Grad'rng permit fee $ Plan check fee $ Compaction reports rec'd. ' ,.*~ , I' -: ~ .. ",t-, . . .....'; ~ :.: P.ermit Expiration Date '" ,. .,.' .<~>'~~: ~ . ' .: ., . . ~ Copies. Whlte-Office, Green-Building, . .' ,-:" ·~"?·,~Y'· . . Yellow-Inspector; Pink-permittee; :G0Idel'lrod.jlTinal'l~~·;~.: .. ·~< THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VAUDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRiB~D .:,',' ':. ·,,·" .•... ;.·.~ ... · ..... c.,,' •• ;,:·.-;,:.;.'.·.'.·.:.:1~ ... ::·.·,'"::.~I .. :"·.··, . THIS PERMIT IS VALID J=OR.A SIX (6) MONTH PEBJOD'·,. ., . .: .~,.>:.(.,. ~ '.' . ; . ~ '. \~.-·.:lJ.\~'f., ...... >·,. '." ": . ft!ft:m it Issued tI{' --------_______ Date ----------------' Private engr. cert. ree'd. f' I. ':" ",,-, " -, it "" 0' , Appfi~tion for Grading Permit, 0' 'CI.TYOF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENi , " " ~ " 1200 Elm Avenue , " Building Permit Plan Check No. _~--'-__ --': FqR APPLICANT TO j:'ILL IN Site Address ' Legal Descr.iption tARLS,BAD TRAct 61"'16 Subdivision Name , LA COSTA VILLAG~,cotmornNlu", Owner Phone :G.~l\CAP JTOt.. .nl,t ~ '(1.14) ll4o.""S8t', ". , 438-5541 SuretyCompany: Surety Address Date Filed Ca~h, dep~:)sit ,$ Validation by: Finance ,Department ' , , : ~ .. , I : ~.' . ~ ~: .. '--;:. . .' " .' J,; :' '. ',. Bo~c;l'-N(;'.' "';?,' " ",.; , , ';, ,,:" ," , ,'c' ~ , " , ~ -. ~:' '; . -' "-- ' .. ,'" - " ,-, ,~;: .. . Rec'cifiy,: ~. ~" , .Recidby: ,{',,' ,D~tefil~d ' ',' , I ' , " , " "," ',',-,:" ":'>:' ',~L;:;", ~ Owner's Address : The following documents' are 'required aridshali becortiea'part'::',;",:,;' ' ,~:i::.:::59~, ~$;:::::.A~tf=-' .:.!M-=-.l G:=U=-=E:::L,--,O:::;.;J:,:::l'=-::V~:E'--".::NEY=' P...::O~R~T~J:;;!E=-A:.:C.!!-H.L...! .. C:.!..A=L=li-,9=2~6~6=O_---i' i of the grading permi1; when t~ey are:-a~prqVed:: :""':":':" ," ' ,-' , Piansby Civil Engineer. R.C.E. U£NI'i;¥ Vi \t A~ £0;.. Grading plans SpecifiGations H, n 'JORLE"" .,$0&1A1£8. we. 180111 _, _, 'Soil report , ,," "Ge~hjgi~' H~P' ort •• ; C" Address Phone ' ,. 0" '...... ...71: prcainage structures: -'-' Other ' .. ,:-:': . 7il7S CONVQVCT. ,SAN' J).liGO:« CAt,: !!i,it... '2B, , ' Compaction report, Soil Engineer " R.C.E.' Phone GEOTECHN'1 CAL EXPL.tJRATIOtl nrc.. 1i6o ... 04~S , Grading Contractor , I, .. :"': ~. , 1 . , '~Patty responsible tor 6ver~1I supervision l ~P-ro~p~o-se~'d-u-s-e~o~f-gr-a-de-s~it-e--~,--~--~',~~' ,----------~~--~I 2. 1---2_8_U_N.;:..::lT_O:;;..,O~HD--=OM...:...:.:,-H~.:...:"tU~M_f)c.::, £~VE--="'--=OP"-=-f1=E~~~r_-'--_~_-'--_I;' 3. Haul routes are to ~e ap'pr;ved b¥"City '~ngin'~e~;! ,:' ,', '~" ~ V, :j Adequate provisions sh~l/be m~de for ~r~s!on'.a~~ s,i;t~tio~" ';:i. : control. .', " ' " "":, Number of cubic yards Proposed Schedule of Operatio[ls (dates), Frnish ' I hereby acknowledge that L have read the application, and state that , the infprmation:1 have provided is correct and agree to comply with' , all City qrdioanc,es and State laws regulating ,e~cavating and ~rading" , 'and the provisions and conditio,ns of any permit issued, pursuant to ; this a'pplication. , , , Si~nature of permitt.ee,' ~ __ ~ __ ....:-_____ ---'-,~ Owner Or authorized agent --,_--'-,--_--,-____ --'---'-'_ , , , ENVIRONMENTAL t,LEARANCE ,: I Date ~~ ____ ~ EIA Log No. By All slopes shall be pl'anted 'Per:Cit~ cod,a;,>, :;' ",,' ":',;~ .' ' , . • )' ~ .1, c:?" " , . ' . '. ~ : 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of'qptimum:: "':, >/,}:', density unless noted oth'erwise. ' :' ':<,7;',' \: ';: <f:~,:~~5;> ' : .. ,:'.' .:r{~,~~ . Under City Code :sec. 11',06 '1;70 .thj'~:g:r~ding is:." " ,',:;,)':-: ~ . , 0 ~EGULAR GRADING-City inspect,o~ wiJ:lrn~~e, iri,SP~cti~'~'~";:::4' listed below. , , ~,,' ,,:.,:,' t • ,~, 0 CONTROLLED GRAOING: Private gradin~, enghJeer ~h~II'r,;L f:, .~~ . , observe work, coordinate tests" make reports. }-.: . -.: ~:';t:'t"~ , ,-" ,', ,'" ", , ,", '~:'i IN$PECTION DATI;:, .. I~SP: SI<,3NATUf{l=: :i:,/{'f.~ ,Initial,-site pr.ep, " . ,,' .' ',. ".;,:;'~;A-: . : Rough .. Jlrfor to dr~ins ,#' > > • '<)l~::, • • -, ' ~!, ."~, , - Final -sloPEls planted .' " . ;=~:::;, fe. $ Plah check lee $ :::::~::.::r:~::~~:'d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '}~' j ..... , . • ., , -1: by ---'.0.,-.,,,.:-.---"'-----..::."-'-'.',, 'Date """"'"'-'-,,-----"--~,__! Copies· White-Office' Green~ai1ilding' " '. ,-':' !"~',:;'_':,;.(-J ': ....... ,. , .' I • "." or '<. '< h~':.. ~:",~ ..... ' _ , ,Y~lIow~lnspector; -Pink-Permittee; Gbl<;lenrbd:F.inan~~",:~<:;~. ' TH:IS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMITTO DO THE WORKDESCRIBED " . ,':/ ':.!'J:;r-T~: PE ~~I~,.I~ V :L~~;.:O R A, ~IX::~ ~~NTH PE a 100 ; '. • i. . ;, <".',,;):2 ;:~ti Perm i't :Expiration,Date l .f -'-~--., .~ .. '-. t .,,---- Appli~tion for Grading Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD. . \ o PE NO. __ ~_"""-- . ' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ·1200 Elm Avenue ; 438·5541 Validation by Finance Department: . Building Permit Plan Check No. __ -'--_~_ " . , » . i 1, ==========F==O=R=A===PP=L=IC=A=N=T=T=O===F=I L=L=I=N====================:::::::==:::::;:::=;::::::;::::=::::=±'=:;;' :;::::::==t:::::::::::;:::::~..; r-----~--~--~--~~~~~~--------------~r---------------------~'.~----.~'~~~~~~ . ; Site Address Surety Company BOl;ld 1\16:.' " ',1 • " ' , h..,-; Date Filed ~ . '. ",;,' " Owner G .. R.. CAP'tTOl~ nit .. Phone (1t4) 040-0fJt6 Cash deposit " $ . Rec'd by Date filed Owner's Address The following documents are re~uired and shall become ~ part. < . ,>. : _ J---=S.::..!;9==--S~A_U_· ~tt:.:..I~;;.:.!,2.U.:..::E::.::L..:....::.f)::.::R.::..n:!..:fE::,.-=-tl.:::::E~U=-PO;;:.;;'I~,T~:B:.z:f!f::;::~C~K~'lz.....::'C~A~l.!:. .. -,9~2::26~_a~!)'---il~ of the grading permit when-they are approved.. .. ',' ' ; Plans by Civil Engineer R.C.E., '. ,', tn~NRy. HORltW ASSO¢lATES,. Utt. 18673 '--Gradingplans --' Specifications ".', :' , i Soil report ' __ ' _ (,3eQl9gic ,Report' ..' I Drainage structures 'Other" . Compaction report· Address 7815 eOmlGV Cr. SAtS tHEGo. CAL. Phone , S7t-172U , ; So iI Engineer R.C.E. Cl1flT£CUNl CAt. EXPl'oRATfOrJ me •. Phone 560-"04213 s', '" .~ ,.' Grading Contractor Phone SPECIAL CONDITiONs WHICH ARE MADE' rc~ _____ ~. ________ ~~~,~·· __ ~ ____________ ~ __ ,I __ ~ __ c-__ ~ __ A_P~A~.R~T~O __ F.~T_H~IS __ PE_R~M~IT ____ 7-___ ~'~' ~,~ i Address ' :';-"", 1. 'Authorized hours Of operation: \' 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. . " r _ ,1, ~ ': .' I, 'Party responsible for overall supervision I---~-~-"'-----~---------I\ 2. Proposed use of grade site ' 23 urur OO~DOMHHUti t)£VEt..QP}~!!NT ~~----~~,~~----~----------~--~-----------I 3. Number of cubic yards Cut23G& Fill 2369' 'Import (j Waste 0 ~~l ~j-r---., ~--;----J -'-----=:.--u 4. :5. Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Start' Finish I hereby acknowled~e that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is·cor.rect and agree to comply with- all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, , , , Haul routes are to be approved: by City Engin'e~r> ,:".> , ' ..;-,~ t .\ '-:. ~ .;~ J .' wI 41/;" , Adequate provisions shall oe madtHor e~osion'a'ni:j siitation'~:;:"",~, :. control. . , . ", .: ' ';,:\ : .. i All slopes shall be planted per Oity Code: ,',: : ~ ,', .. " t ,fJ '1., i All fills to be co;"pacted to atreast '90%' of oPti~um " "~'. ,~ .,:. ~:~ ,I, density unless noted otherwise. _' .,: :~ I--. :. ;'~ '~"' " .r" . ~'~:t ,--. _. '''': .. r i· .. and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. Under City Code SeQ. 11.06 170 this graCing is:. . .. <"~ ~ o REGULAR GRADING -City inspec:tor will makE;! insp~ctions.~". I listed below. ,', ', .. ~,~,y o CONTROLLED GRADING -Private grading ~r'lgirieer shall .,,:;'. ! observe work, coordinate tes~s, maker~port~. ;, ' " :~:~'" , .' . . . ~ Signature of Permittee ;.' , INSPECtiON DATE INSP; SIG,NATUfli::" .f, t ,., ,', ~. 'Owner or authorized agent -'-_______ -'-______ ___' 1--___ ~,· __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ _______________ llnitiar -site prep. : .::: I----:...--'-----+-------+-----'-:-""---:; .. -~·-' =" ';7' ..... '. ~(:. r· • t -~.,~ ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE- . Rough -prior to drains . '.:~ , " , , Date ____ ---- '. . '.: '\ ; '- \ '. EIA Log No. Final -slopes planted L.-~--"-----------~B~y-===::::====---_t=--~---~-~I-'---I-~---:-~---:--:-'"~·,-:-:-~: .. ~rl Gr~ding permit fee $ Plan check fee $ Compaction reports rec'd. ,... '. ' . :! Ji ~p~er:m:it~ls:su~e~d~~~~------~~~~~~~=--------~-~pr~iv-a~te-e~n~g-r.~c-er~t.-r-ec~'d~.~--------t~~~~--~·~~e~::~'· .-, '" -::~ by ___________ Date __________ -~ Copies: White-Office; Green-Building'; . , " '.: ,,> ,(, , Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee;GQlaenrod"Financ~: ,~:, :' ,P~rmit Expiration Date THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED· THIS PERMIT IS VALl.D FOR ASIX (6) MONTH PERIOD ".:.:' 1 ·~:./t ; ,/ .. ;~ ,,?~:~.' -~ - ... ,.,:", :,..: ~: 1:"";:~~:~I: ,. " " :'''' . ;_,,' ''''''; •• \'('rj...,I1 .... ~.ff:~ ..... ..;: .. ---<'b\.:.t'v...4 ••• ,,,,,,_,\;~ • .., ••.. ~-:'",,::"~ ... ,~..r.1. :", ... "~ . 'r~..# ..... --.,...,.~ ., ......... ~ .... _ ............. -.......... ·.~"~""'l~.~ .... ,; .. .,_ ... ~"-.-.'''t-''''~-.,:;~~ • ... 'oJ . . Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN· Site Address AppliClition fQr Grilding Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGIN·EERING DEPARTMENT; , 1200 Elm Avet:\ue 438·5541 ' . ;-:. 'I., .' Surety Comparw Legal Descrrption CAalSOAD 1~T S1~tS Map No. SLir~ty Address Subdivision Name U\ tGl.1'tC1 VU .. lAGE CONOOmtUUM Owner a .. n .. CAPITaLt> me. Date Fiied Cash deposit . .$ J •• ~ _ ... -I:::; " PE NO. _'--_-",----' Validatfon by Finance Department. ',' ," , .... ;.,', I ,:,'. .. , '~ > 1 ,.. ! . '" , ~ ", ,.') I' 'l.,~ '-'. t: r ~ -',': " .'."., ..... ( , :. ,Rec'e! by: . Date-fileq I ,." ' ,;_" Owner's Address . . TIle following documents are requiree! and shail become .a,part ," \,~: 359 S,No, l{lOOtL DRIW t!t!UPORT eRACH" CAL. .. 9466r) . , of the grading permit when they are approved. ~...~: ' I--'-P":"la":"n-s-b-y-C-iV-i-1 --En-g~in-e-e-r-":"":"-":"":"-":"":"":"":"-"-":"":"R~.C"-· .--E":". ":":::":::......!!::;'::,:c..;::..::'-=---i'l . • ,.'.].- HOmy UOnl.EY A~.SOt:JA1~SJ JUC~ 18673 ,i --Grading plans ..' Specifications .' '. Soil report "' Geologic Report .,' Drainage'structures __ Oth'er ", Phone S11-,,2C. Phone Compaction .report .. 'to S40 ... 0l}'20 Grading Contractor Phone SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHiG:H ARE.MADE>: ,," .. . ". A PART OF THIS PERMrf . " '" ":.'::~ .J\ddress .".... ."" .... 1. Authorized' hourl? of oper'!ition: ~Party responsible for .overall supervision' 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday· Fr.iday. , ., I-------'------~--,--------I\ 2. Prop'osed use of ,grade site . . . 2:J um 1 OtnU.lO:'U U a'Ua01ZVELOPHSlfT Number of cubic yards Cut23GB Fill 23C9 II Proposed Schedule of Opera~ions (dates) 'Impqrt 0 Start Waste I) I Finish I hereby acknowledQe that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with' all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any per-mit issued pursuant to this application. Signature of Permhtee Owner or authorized agent .~~_~ _________ _ 3. 4. Adequate provisions shall be ma"de for ·~rosi.6nand .silta~i'on'''· > .. ~ control. ".. .• :" '; , ,. j-, All slopes shall be. planted' per City Cod~;'· . ': '7 All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optim.um ., . ~. " ~ (r .' .. .. ; density unless noted otherwise. .. '., ... ; . ,'. .' Under City Code Sec. 11.06 HiO this grading .is, '-::', . tJ R.EGULAR GRADING -City inspector will make inspection's":' listed below. ' ; ," ,,' ." '.t .... · o CONTROLLED GRADING· Private grading 'Efnghlee~ shall,;;; observe work, coord i nate .tests; make reports: ,1. ";".'., . .. _.. ~----' .. iNSPI;CTION' DATE INSP. SIGNATURE ,\ 1----:-------------------'------1 Initial -site prep. ! ! \ , ENVIRQNMENTAL CLEARANCE-. : Date ____ -'--__ _ Rough -prior to drains Final· slope's planted. ' 'j I EIA Log No. r--------~r-----r_--..:..-~----~-~'" By 'P I.....,.....---~----.::..-=========--___J_::'~~_:_~r_; --'--I-'--~. ,~.":-.. ~. ,f G~adlng permit fee $ Plan bheck fee $ Compaction reports rec'd.: , '. ,I Permit Issued by Permit Expiration Date Date _________ -' Private engr. cert. rec'd. -" I~ .( ~ t -. t: ':'1-":; 1 Copi'es. '-+ ",,\ , White-Office, '~reen-BuJldlng;.. -:;'., ", .. ~.;,;'t .. Yeliow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; ·Goldenrod.:Pinaiice ,f;?;: . , .":' \,~ .. tt' , ... THIS FORM WH:~:I~~~~~~i ~A;!~ ri~~~S ~ ~~~~1~6~~HO P~~~O~ORK ~E~CRIBED' ....•.... '. ;;;, )~,' di; :".~... '-.