HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-26; La Breteche Ltd.; Tentative Map (CT)STAFF REPORT DATE: August 26, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 81-26/CP-170 - LA BRETECHE Request for 24 unit ten- tative tract map and condominium project on property located on the north side of Navarra Drive between Viejo Castilla Way and the cul-de-sac in the RD-M zone. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is proposing to construct a 24 unit condominium project involving four buildings with subterranean parking lo- cated underneath the two front buildings on a 1.3 acre parcel as described above. Construction of this project will require ap- proximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork, primarily excavation work. The project will result in a net density of 18.5 dwelling units per acre, below the allowable range for 20 to 30 du/ac for this area. The property to the north is the La Costa golf course and that to the west, east and south are similar condominium pro- jects. With the exception of the golf course, all surrounding properties are zoned for multiple family residential develop- ment . II. PLANNING ISSUES 1) Does the project conform with the development standards of the condominium ordinance? 2) Does the project conform with the design criteria of the condominium ordinance? III. DISCUSSION Development Standards The subject property slopes mildly from the street, northward down toward the golf course, providing a pleasurable view for all the units. Additionally, as proposed, a large landscaped recrea- tion area dominates the center of the project. As shown by Ex- hibit "E", the project has been designed around these two fea- tures. Subterranean resident parking for all of the units is provided beneath the buildings fronting on the street. As shown by Exhi- bit "D", the underground parking garage will provide all required parking for tenants including one additional guest space. Access will be taken from a 16' wide one-way driveway at the east end of the project. The drive at the opposite (west) end of the project is proposed to be an "exit only" to avoid traffic conflicts in the garage. Staff feels this one-way access should not cause problems as all parking spaces except one within the garage area are designated for tenant use. Of the nine required visitor parking spaces, eight are to be located on-street, in front of the project. Based upon several field checks of the site at dif- ferent times of the day, staff does not anticipate the 10 on- street visitor spaces (8 required) to be a problem. To discour- age tenant parking in this area, no walkways from the street dir- ectly to any units will be allowed. Additionally, the close proximity of the cul-de-sac to the west and the fact that this is one of the few remaining vacant parcels on this side of Navarra indicate that the cumulative effect of such on-street spaces should not be a problem when all parcels are developed. As proposed, each unit will possess a minimum of 480 cubic feet of storage space, mostly located within cubicles in the garage. Approximately 230 square feet of common recreation area, includ- ing a large sun deck, gymnasium, sauna and pool is provided with- in the project. Private balconies are also to be located on the golf course side of all units. A decorative six foot high mason- ry wall will confine each trash enclosure, located between the buildings and the front yard setbacks just inside the drives. The entire front yard setback will be heavily landscaped, as shown on Exhibit "E". Several retaining walls will be located throughout the project, up to a maximum of 7 feet high at the point where the exiting driveway meets the building. Additional- ly, each building will conform to the 35 foot height limit for the area. Overall, this project meets all the development standards of the condominium ordinance. Design Criteria The proposed project also satisfies all design criteria aspects as defined in the condominium ordinance. The project appears basically well designed and will be compatible with similar ex- isting projects in the area. The recreation area is well inte- grated into the project, easily accessible, linked to all build- ings through a logical series of walkways and is the single most dominant feature of the development. Landscaping or active re- creation area covers half of the site and the view of the golf course afforded each unit is a considerable amenity. The project takes into account and adapts to the topographic constraints of a sloping lot and minimizes any asphalt areas through the use of subterranean parking. -2- The Land Use Element of the General Plan specifies high residen- tial density for this property (20-30 du/ac). The proposed den- sity of 18.5 du/ac is below this designation but is compatible with previously approved projects in the area. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact upon the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on August 5, 1981. V. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Nega- tive Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Plan- ning Commission Resolution No. 1856, recommending APPROVAL of CT 81-26/CP-170, to the City Council based on the findings and sub- ject to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS Planning Commission Resolution No. 1856 Location Map Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Environmental Documents Exhibits "A" through "I", dated June 23, 1981 PJK:wl 8/12/81 -3- LOC^TiO MAP CASE MIO.CT81-26/CP-170 APPI 8rAMT La Breteche Viejo Costilla Way VICINITY MAP BACKGROUND DATA SHEET w ^0: CT 81-26/CP170 APPLICANT: Breteche REQUEST AND I/XATION: Tentative tract man and condo pfirim-f- i-n (^r•ng^-•r^^r^^- ?4 unit N .rth side of Navarra Driye approx. 250 ft. west of Vieio Castilla Wav LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of lots 53, 54, and 55 of La Costa Unit No. 1 ' according to map 6117 filed in the countv o:^ Pan Dieao Assessors Peircel Number: 216 - 170 - 32, 33, -34 Acres l'34f> j^^g 3 GENERAL PIAN AND ZONING General Plan Land Use Designation R-H Density Allowed 20 - 30 Density Proposed 18.5 Existing Zone Proposed Zone N/a Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use North P-C Golf couT-HP ^•^^ -^-D-'"^ ^ Multi-familv East RDM Multi-familv ^^st Rd-n Vacant - multi-family PUBLIC FACILI11ES School District Dieguito and Encinitas Union Water District Leucadia Sewer District Leucadia County Water District .EDQ.. Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated 5-5-81 (Other: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued 8-5-81 Log No. CT 81-26 E.I.R. Certified, dated Otiier, . .£ after the infonnation you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further informati " '* s required, you will be so a sd. APPLICANT: AGENT: La Breteche Ltd., A Partnership Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 1888 Century Park East, Siiite 809 Century City, CA 90067 Business Address 213-533-6512 Telephone Number Herb Lewis Nam? 6502 Morro Heights Itoad Oceanside, CA 92054 Business Address 714-724-0302 Telephone Number MEMBERS: attarhprl list CVnershio Interest Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Name Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) 1/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. La Breteche Ltd. Applicant -Agent, -Owner, Partner 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5591 Citp of Carii^tiab^ NEGATIVE DECLARATICN PRQJHJT ADDRESS/LOCATICN: Viejo Castilla Way. North side of Navarra Drive, east of PROJECT DESCRIPnCN: Tentative tract map and major ocaidcminium pentd-t to ccaistruct 24 condcminium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of prc^rty involving three adjacent lots. The proposed project will require ^proximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an envircnmantal review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Impletientation of the Califomia Envircranental Quality Act and the Envirconental Protecticxi Ordinanoe of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaraticsi (dedaratioi that the project will not have a significant inrpact on the envircanouent) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this acticn is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaratioi with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. Catments frcm the public are invited.. Please sutmit ocraments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: August 5, 1981 CASE NO: CT 81-26/CP-170 APPLICANT: LA BRETECHE, LTD. PUBLISH DATE: August 8, 1981 JAMES C. HAGAMRN Planning Director ND-4 5/81 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp of Carlifftali PUBLIC NOTICE OF PREPARATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad intends to prepare a Negative Declaration for the following project: Project Description: Tentative tract map and major condonimium permit to construct 24 condominium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of property Involving three adjacent lots. The proposed project will require approximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork. Project address/Location: North side of Navarra Drive, east of Viejo Castilla Way. Anticipated significant Impacts: NONE We need to know your Ideas about the effect this project might have on the environment and your suggestions for ways the project could be revised to reduce or avoid any significant environmental damage. Your ideas will help us decide what Issues to analyze in the environ- mental review of this project. Your comments on the environmental Impact of the proposed project may be submitted In writing to the Planning Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008, no later than August 4, 1981. DATED: July 14, 1981 CASE NO: CT 81-26/CP-170 ' ' JAMES C. HAGAMAhK APPLICANT: LA BRETECHE, LTD. // Planning Director PUBLISH DATE: July 18, 1981 C 438•5591 i-t^i}>o;^4i-:^i7\L m\\\c.T Assiissyiixr roiy>i - Pnrt ii (To ]te Completed By Tlie ' DATE I. IVvCKGl^OIIND -. ' : • 1. APPLIDWr: CA 'S^Tg^H^ LTD-. CASE NO. ct^Bi-z^^cp-no .2. /dM-SS A\T) PHONE NUMBER OE APPLICANT: 3.- DATE QiECICLIST SIBMIITED lUXPLA\ATiC:;S Or A1.L AF¥lV^mi\m .ANS'.THRS MUI TO BE imiTTEN UNDER Section III - DISCUSSION OF E\7IR0NME\TAL EVALUATION) Yes ' Maybe No 1. • Taith vriil tlie proposal have signi ficant resiilts in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in • . changes in geologic substructures? ' ' " " " ' ' A' b. Disruptions, displacements, com- • . > .• paction or overcovcring of the soil? _____ X G. 'Qiangc; "in topogra]:)hy or ground - • ' surface relief features? ' ' ' " "'/' ' '' A d, Tlie destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic \j or pliysical features? ' ^ ' ''' '''' ' ''' e, AJiy increase in vsrind or water ^ erosion of soils, cither oji or off tlie sito? . .. • • • • - • • • • • • y ' y • f, Clianges in deposition or cro- . • sio)) of bcv'iclj sands, or changes • ' in siltation, reposition or erosion • i\'})ic]) may rioJii")' tJic cJiannc] of a . ri.vc;r or sl.)'ea;;i or ihe hod of the . ; '• ocean or any bay, inlet or lalco? • ' ' ' '.ill— . ^ A"" Yes >iaybe No 2. Air: V.'ill the proposal have s-j-givrp^/,y'/- rcsults in: • . " a. Air emissions or deterioration . • of ajiibicnt air quality? b. Tlie creation of'objectionable odors? ..... f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of .ground waters? c. Alteration of air mo\''cmcnt, . _ • mositure or temperature, or any . • change in clijiiatc, either locally . . . or regionally? ^ .. ' '/ X 3. Vfeter: Will the proposal have sigi- Ticant results in: ' • . ' •. a. Changes in currents, or the '• course or direction of water move- . . ments, in. eitiier marine or fresh ^ •' , waters? • . ^ • • _ ' ' y b. Clianges in absorption rates, . ' ; • ' ' drainage patterns, or tlie rate and ' ' ' . ' amouiit of surface water ruiioff? . • X c. Alterations to the course or ' - • flow of flood waters? ' • X Change in the ajfiOunt of sur- • ' • " face v:ater in any water body? \ • " _ ' ' '' ' "')( Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface . . " ..water quality, including but not . • limited to temperatiu'e, dissolved ' ' ox)'^p,cn or tur])idity? • . . ' ' . • ' 1_1_ ' r Change in the quantity of •• • ' ground waters, either tiirough ' • • direct additions or withdrawals, . ' ' or tlirougj) intcrceptio)! of an • aquifer by cuts or exxavations? ' . ' '' ' ' .'' y h. Reduction in the amount of • Av'atcr otherwise availal;Ic for ' • • public u-atcr su])j)Iies? • ^ •;' ' \ *1H__ , A. Plant Life. Will the proposal have signi- JB.cant results in: • a. Change in the diversity of . species, or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants}? b. . Reduction of the numbers of • any un.ique, rare or endangered . .. .." species of plants? C. Introduction of new species • «of plants into an area, or in a barrier to tlie non;;al replenish- 'ment of existing species? d. . Reduction m acreage of any agricultural crop? \ , • * 5. • Animal Life. Will the proposal have signi- jcicant results in: . - • a. Changes in tlie diversity of species, or numbers of any species of-aniiiials (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- • fish, bentliic organisms, insects or jnicrofauna) ? • . / Yes Maybe No d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6, • 'No2^s£, Will the proposal signi- Hcajitly increase cxistiiig noise levels? 7, • •L3rJlt_[ind_ r.l ar£. Will the pro- p6.';aJ sig.nj ficantl y produce new light or glare? 8, ' Land Use. Will tlie proposal have sigiirncant )-e;-.ults in the alteration of Ihe ni-er.e/u. or planned land use of b. Reduction of the numbers of • , • • • any unique, rare or endangered _ . • species of animals? , ' . . •• 1_1__ A • • c. Introduction of new species • of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or . movement of animals? ' ' '/ X I- . • * 9. Natural Resources. Will the pro- posal Iicive signiTicant results in: • a. Increase in the rate of use of. any natural resources? b. Depletioii of any nonrencv.'able natural resource? 10. Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of haz- ..• ardous substances (including, but ^not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiatioii) in the . event of an accident or upset conditions? f. Increase in traffic har.ards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Yes Maybe No "• 'PopuIatio7i. Will the proposal . . . .. • • significantly alter the location, ... . distribution, density, or growth ' . . ' rate of the human population of . ' • • an area? . .• .' HI l_ll_ . A 12. Housing. Will the proposal signi- . • HB-Cantly affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional ' ^ housing? ^ ' // . ' '"'" '' ^ A 13. • Transporta tion/Circula tion. Will • • • the proposal Jiave signifipajit re- ' suits in: ' . • • a. Generation of additional- • xd vehicular movement? •' ** "A b^ Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new " ' ' •• parking? . • . . . ^ ' 'J/__ ' '.l..; „•. ' 'iJL Iinjiact upon existing trans- portation systems? . • ' *111„ ' "111_. * X d^ Alterations to present " " - » patterns of circulation or move- • ' . went.of people ajid/or g,oods? "'Ul^ "111__ . A 0^ Alterations to v.-atei-bornc, rail or air. t7\'iffic? ' . , '''.';"'• ''' X Yes Maybe No 14. Public Services. Will the pro- })osal have a significant effect upon, or have significant results in the need for new or altered govcinmental sei"vices in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? • c. Schools? ' •. ' d. Parks or other recreational • facilities? • • * e. Maintenance of public facili- • tics, including roads? f. Other goveininental services? ' 15. Energy. Will the "proposal have . • significant results in: a* Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energ)'? b^ Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the develop- ment of new sources of energy? 16. " Utilities. Will the proposal have' significant results in the need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: •a. Power or natural gas? b^ Communications systems? c. Water? • • d. Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? i:. Solid waste and disposal? 17v • IKiman Hcaltj). Will the proposal liaver iTigjirgleant rcuilts in the creation of any healtii hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? 1. 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal have significant results in the obstruc- tion of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the pro- posal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. lieCTcatlon. Will the proposal have si"gnificant results in the impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Archeological/Ilistorical. Will the • . proposal have significant results in the alteration of a significant • •'. archeological or historical site, . • structure, object or building? Yes Haybe No 21. ANALYZE VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJI-CT SUCH AS: • a) PHASED UEVILOmnXT OE 11 IE PROJECT'; b) ALTi^l^;AIE SITE DESIGNS; c) ALlTRN^MIf SCALE OF DEVELOP.ME.NT: d) . .'XLTPRNATE USES EOI^ THE SIIT:; e) DEVnLOP^vENT AT SOTi EU'IURE TL\E Pv/VITT.R THAN NOW; f) ALTERNATE SITES FOR THE PROPOSED USE; g) • NO PROJECT ALTE1<N.'VTIVE. 22. ^^ANDATORY FINDINGS OF STGNTFICANCE, III.' DISCUSSION OF EWIROXiNlENTyU EVJ\LUTION • yps Maybe No a) DOES im Pl^vOJECT !I'\VE HE POIW- ' • TIAL TO DEGI^vADE 'HH- QUALIT\' OF •• THE EN\aRONME.\T, OR CUl^TAIL HE DRTBRSriY IN HE EAYIRONMEINT? ' •_ < . • , . *~ " •' b) WES TIE PROJECT ILWE TIE POTEN- ' TIAL TO AC11IE\T: S110RT-7TRM, ID ' . Tim DIS.M)VA\TAGE OF LONG-T]:re>I, BIWIRON^U^HAL GOALS? (A SHOin- •, : ' • 'nmi IMPACl' ON HE IHNVIROXMoNT IS ONE WHICH OCCbT^S INA RE- ••• ' • • ' v • DATIVELY BRIEF, DEFINITIVE ' ' ..' PERIOD OF TI>E WHILE LONG-TERM IMPACTS WILL ENDUPKE VELL INTO THE RJHJ]^.) • . • • A c) -DOES HE PROJECT HA\E IMPACTS . . .• . . • WHICH. Mm INDIVIDUULY LIMITED, . ' •' • BUT CU^^ULATIVELY CONSIDER/VBLE? ••(A PROJECT M\Y HJTACT ON TWO •• -OR MORE SEPARATE W:SOURCES -•• . - WHERE HE Bfl^ACT ON F.^ai 1^- ' * • • • . : •• • SOURCE IS RELVriA^ELY S>.LALL, " . • •BUT MERE H-E EFFECT OF HE . . •• • • - TOTAI. Ol- HTOSE I^?PACTS ON HIE •' ENVIRO.vMENT IS SIGNIFIOVNT.) ' ' " " ' • X d) DOES HIE PROJECT IL\VE FAVI]^^ON- ' • ' • MENTAL EFFECTS V.IIICH IVILL • CAUSE SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE * • ' ' •' . • •• EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEINGS, ' •• EIH115R DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? X Wiuu pe(i\)\(^ ^Piu%\\/\AA^^^' Qoo cmc ^ptMi of PISQISSION OF ENVTR0N7>ENTAL R^ALU.VrTON (Continued) • rv. pEH:RMINATTON. (TO BE COr^ELEIED BY HE PLmNING DEPAJiT>IENT) On. tlie basis of this initial evaluation: )L 1 find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a ^JEGATIVE DECLM^/VTION will be prepared, , I find that although the proposed project could have a . ' sifjnificant effect on the environment, there v/ill not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A conditional negative declaration will vriil be prepared. I "find the proposed project have a significant effect on the environment, and aji ENVIlTODiNTAL IMPACT IMPORT is required. . . • . - Date: lfn|[ 7 V. MITIC^TUNIG ME^\SURES (IE APPLICABLE) MITIGATING MFASURES (Cpntinued) VX •'APPLICANT CONCURrxENCE V.THI MITIG.ATING MEA5HPvES • • • ' • THIS IS'TO CERTIFY' HL\T I M'WE RRaEAED HE ABO\Ti MITIQ/ITIONG ME/v- SUraZS AND CONCbTv IVIHT HE ADDITION OF HffiSE JNEASURES T'O HiE PROJI'.CT Date: Signature of Applicant ^ F^irfflOO. 00 RECEIPT NO: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMEOT FORM - Part I (To be Completed by APPLICANT) CASE NO: CT^CLfo /CP IlO EATE: Applicant: LA BRETECHE LTD. Address of Applicant: 1888 Century Park East Suite 809 Century City, CA 90067 Phone Number: (213) ^^•^-f.^^7 Najne^ address and phone number of person to be contacted (if other than Applicant) Herb Lewis. 6502 Morro Heights Rd. Oceanside, CA 92054 GENERAL INF0RMATIC3N: Description o£ Project: (see attached project description) Project Location/Address: The project is located on the North side of Navarra Drive, approximately 250 feet West of its interection with Vieja Castilla Way Assessor Parcel Number: 216 - 170 - 32,33 & 34 Zone of Subject Property: R.D.-M . _ Proposed Use of Site: The applicant proposes to build a 24-unit condbminiijm project List all other applicable applications related to this project: Cnndnmininm Permit ; .. Tfantativp .qnhH i iH .c; i nn Map ND 1 EIR 1 '-^ t- . 2. Describe the activity area, including distinguishing natural and manmade charactsristics; also provide precise slope analysis when appropriate. The project is located along the South portion of the La Costa Golf Course. It is approximately midway between the Clubhouse and the entrance to San Marcos Canyon. The site was graded in the late 60's. There are existing condominium projects an the West, South and approximately 200 feet to the East. 3. Describe energy conservation measures incorporated into the design and/or operation of the project. (For a more specific discussion of' energy conservation requirements see of the City's EIR Guidelines). The buildings are oriented so that the windows and patios are on the South and North side's to take advantage of passive solar heating. All units in the project will have solar heated hot water and heat pumps. 4. If residential, include the nianber of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type cf household size expected. The project will contain 24 units, the smallest unit being 2,375 square feet, r"> the largest being 2,973 square feet. Units will range In price from $273,000 to. $341,000 - mostly owned by older adults or as vacation'homes. 5. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood,- city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, . c.id loading facilities. This question does not apply. 6. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities. •This question does not apply. 7. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, leading facilities, and community benefits to be derived frcm the project. _ . This question does not apply. -2- 1. ENVIRONM-SNTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Answer the follov/ing questions by placing a check in the appropriate space. (Discuss all items checked yes. Attach additional sheets as necessary).. YES NO 1) Could the project significantly change present 'land uses in the vicinity of the activity? 2) Could the activity affect the use of a rec- reational area, or area of important • aesthetic value? 3) Could the activity affect the functioning of an established coramionity or neighborhood? 4) Could the activity result in the displacement • of community residents? 6) Could the activity decrease the number of low and modest cost housing units in the city? 7) Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unigu-3, that is, not" found in other parts' of the County, State, or Nation?. 8) Could the activity significantly affect a historical or archaeological site or its settings? 9) Could the activity significantly affect the potential use, extraction, or conservation of a scarce natural resource? 10) Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source nesting place, source'of water, etc. for rare or endangered wildlife on fish species? 12) Are there any rare or endangered plant species in the activity area?^ 5) Could tha activity increase the number of low •and moderate cost housing units in the city? X X X 11) Could the activity significantly affect fish, wildlife or plant life? • 13) Could the activity change existing features of any of the'city's lagoons, bays, or tidelands? » C f • 3 • € - X 14) Could the activity change existing features of any of the city's beaches? . x_ 15) Could the activity result in the erosion or elimination of agricultural lands? X_ 16) Could the activity serve to encourage develop- ment of presently undeveloped areas or intesify development of already developed areas? • 17), Will the activity require a variance from established environmental standards (air, water, _______ ^ noise, etc)? 18) Will the activity require certification, authorization or issuance of a permit by any local, state or federal environmental control agency? ' 19.) Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the city? 20) Will the activity involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? 21) . Will the activity involve construction of facilities in a flood plain? ' 22) VJill the activity involve construction of facilities on. a slope of 25 percent or greater? ^ 23) Will the activity involve construction of facilities in the area of an active fault? 24) Could the activity result in the generation . of significant amounts of noise?. • " x - 25) Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of dust? ' x • 26) Will the activity involve the burning of brush, trees, or other materials? • ' 27) Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any por-tion of the region's air or water resources? (Should note, surface, ground water, off-shore). . • • • - 28) Will the project substantially increasie fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.)? ' 29) Will there be .a - significant'change to existing -.^ land form? X (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards 5000 (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form 90% •_ (c) maximim height of cut or fill slopes will not be changed 30) Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities, sewers, drains, or streets? 31) Is the activity carried out as part of a larger project or series of projects? ..5- V" II. STATEMENT OF N0N-SI(3^IFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in Section I but you think the activity will have no significant environmental effects, indicate your reasons below: III. COMMENTS OR ELABORATIONS TO ANY OF TOE QUESTIONS IN SECTION I (If additional space is needed for answering any questions attach additional sheets as may be needed). Signature "^^^-"o^ (j^-y^^^hT^^^fk (Personcomplet leting report) Date Signed -6- LA BRETECHE PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project proposes to construct 24 airspace condominium units on approximately 1.33 acres of land. The site consists of three existing multi-residential (R.D.-M) zoned lots. They are located on the North side of Navarra Drive in that portion of the La Costa Land Company development known as La Costa South Unit No. 1. These lots and the related public improvements were graded and improved in the late 1960's. There are several existing condominium projects located adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the La Breteche project. The developer proposes to construct a building adjacent to and parallel with Navarra Drive that will contain underground parking and 16 units. The units in this building will be the type commonly referred to as "stacked" units; that is one ownership over the top of another ownership. In addition to these units there will be eight more units along the North boundary of the site adjacent to the main playing area of the La Costa Golf Course. These units will be the type commonly referred to as "Townhouses." They will be multi-level units that conform to the manufactured slope along this portion of the Golf Course. A portion of the larger building of this complex will house recreation facilities to serve the owners of all the units of this project. In addition to this recreation facility, the project will contain a swimming pool and spa. The developer wishes to construct luxury units with total security and continue to maintain the relaxed suburban atmosphere of the City of Carlsbad. II. 22.) The slope along the North boundary of the site will be terraced and multi-level townhouses will be constructed on the terraces. 24.&25.) Significant amounts of noise and dust will be generated during the construction of the project. This disturbance will be temporary and will be partially mitigated by the City Ordinances regulating working hours and grading procedures. 29.) The grading required to construct the townhouses and the underground parking will change the existing ground quite substantially. The changes, however, will make this site look quite similar to the projects on the East and West. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 County of San Diego 220 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 438 - 5591 Citp of Carl^eitiab NOTICE OF DETERMINATION This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad on September 15, 1981, approved the following project: Project Description: Tentative tract map and major condominium permit to construct 24 condominium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of property involving three adjacent lots. The proposed project will require approximately 5,000 cubic of earthwork. Project Address/Location: North side of Navarra Drive, east of Viejo Castilla Way. The City made the following determinations regarding the environmental inpact of the above described project: 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of this project. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supporting document is available for public review at the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. DATE: September 22, 1981 CASE NO: CT 81-26/CP-170 APPLICANT: LA BRETECHE, LTD. JAMES C. HAGAMAN Planning Director 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438 - 5591 Citp of Carlflibab NEGATIVE DECLARATICN PRQJBCT ADDRESS/LOCATICN: North side of Navarra Drive, east of Viejo Castilla Way. PROJECT DESCRIPTICN: Tentative tract and major oondominiura permit to construct 24 condominium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of property involving three adjacent lots. The prcposed project will require approximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act and the Envirconental Protectioi Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaraticai (declaration that the project will not have a significant inpact on the envirconent) is hereby issued for tte subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. Comients from the public are invited. Please subnit ocmnents in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. ^ c DATED: August 5, 1981 JAMES C. HAGAMAN CASE NO: CT 81-26/CP-170K Planning Director APPLICANT: LA BRETECHE, LTD. PUBLISH DATE: August 8, 1981 Wh-A 5/81 Carlsbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3138 ROOSEVELT ST. • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 •. [Proof of Publicatiofr STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am prmci pal clerk of the printer of the CarlSbad Joumal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice . of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCA- TION: North side of Navarra Drive, east of Viejo Castilla Way PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenta- tive tract map and major condomi- nium permit to construct 24 con- dominium units on a 1.33 acre par- cel of property involving three adjacent lots. The proposed project will require approximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork. The City of Carlsbad has con- ducted an environmental review of the above described project pur- suant to the Guidelines for Imple- mentation ofthe California En- vironmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordii- nance of the City ofCarlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject proj- ect. Justirication for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declara- tion with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue. Carls- bad, CA. 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. Dated: August 5, 1981 Case No: CT 81-26/CP-170 Applicant: LA BRETECHE, LTD. JAMES C. HAGAMAN Planning Director CJ S523: August 8, 1981 AUf^USt_ 8 _ ; _ [\ , , 1^1, 19. 19 19 19.... I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on t. r'l (: 1' • i'.Yi day of . AuEUst, W8^ Clerk of the Printer 1M/6«1 Ca rish a d jo urn a I Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3138 ROOSEVELT ST. • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, js. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Joumal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: PUBLIC NOTICE OF PREPARATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Planning Department ofthe City of Carlsbad intends to prepare a Negative Declaration for the fol- lowing project: Project Description: Tentative tract map and major condominium permit to construct 24 condomi- nium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of property involving three adjacent lots. The proposed project will re- quire approximately 5,000 cubic yards of earthworlc. Project Address/Location: North side of Navarra Drive, east of Viejo Castilla Way. Anticipated Significant Impacts: None. We need to know your ideas about the effect this project might have on the environment and your sugges- tions for ways the project could be revised to reduce or avoid any sig- nificant environmental damage. Your ideas will help us decide what issues to analyze in the environ- mental review of this project. Your comments on the environ- mental impact of the proposed project may be submitted in writing to the Planning Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008, no later than August 4, 1981. Dated: July 14, 1981 Case No: CT 81-26,CP-170 Applicant: LA BRETECHE, LTD.' JAMES C H.AGAMAN Planning Director CJ S487: July 18. 1981 .Jul.y. .18 19 8.1. 19 19. . 19 19. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carload, County of San Diego, State of California on the 18th day of July 1QR1 / Clerk of the Printer 1M/6/81 Carlsbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3138 ROOSEVELT ST. • P.O. BOX 248 •CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 i [Proof of Publicationj STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the I am over the age of I am principal clerk published twice weekly newspaper is published which newspaper at all subscribers, and which City of Carlsbad, Cou NOTICE O HEA'; United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; | eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter, of the printer of the Carlsbad JOUmal a newspaper of general circulation, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said nty of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on F PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Cham- bers, 1200 Elm Avenue. Carlsbad, California, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednes- day, August 26, 1981. to consider approval of a tentative tract map and condominium permit to con- struct 24 condominium units on a 1.33 acre parcel of property gener- ally located on the north side of Navarra Drive between Viejo Cas- tilla Way and the cul-de-sac and more particularly described as: "All of lots 53, 54. and 55 of La Costa South Unit No. 1 in the city of Carlsbad, county of San Diego, state of California, according to map thereof No. 6117." Those perso,ns wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially in- vited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-5591. Case File: CT 81-26/CP-170 Applicant: La Breteche, Ltd, CITY OF CARLSBAD • PLANNING COMMISSION CJ S538: August IS, 1981 the following dates, to-wit: August _ 15 .' ... 19.81 19 19. . . 19, 19, I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at.Carlstiad^County of San Diego, State of California,fln "^S^ -f?,^? day of August, 1M/6/81 Clerk of the Printer WOOOSIDE/KUBOTA « ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULT! NoT ENOINMKR: 2465 Pio Pico Drive • P.O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (714) 729-1194 RECEIVED SEP 81981 CITr OF CARL; AD September 4, 1981 Planning Departi. t City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Carlsbad Tract 81-26/Condominium Plan 170 (A Resubdivision of Lots 53, 54, and 55 of La Costa South Unit No. 1) Costa Real Municipal Water District Gentlemen: This office has just been apprised at the fact that the subject tentative subdivision map is now being processed by the City of Carlsbad, and we regret very much that we were unable to submit to you prior to the consideration of the Planning Commission a report as to the public water service requirements of the devel- opment. As we now understand matters, the City Council will consider the subdivision map as a result of the favorable action of the Planning Commission, and we would appreciate very much having you convey to the City Council the information and recommendations that we have for the Costa Real Municipal Water District in providing public water service to the new proposed subdivision. Our most important concern for the project is the fact that public water service will be made available to the entire development; however, the property is currently burdened by an existing right- of-way and high-pressure pipeline, which was constructed at the time of the original subdivision of La Costa South Unit No. 1. This being the case, in order for the proposed development to pro- ceed, there will have to be a relocation of the existing pipeline facilities and all of the requirements of the Water District will have to be in conformity. In Orange County, Santa Ana • NOINBBRS September 4, 1981 City of Carlsbad Planning Department Page 2 We have had discussions with the consulting engineers of the developer for some time now; however, we have not reached a definitive conclusion. In any event, we recommend that your department include as a part of the conditions of the approval of the subdivision a requirement that the existing public water system facilities will be relocated in accordance with the rules and regulations and requirements of the Water District. The Costa Real Municipal Water District has a vigorous and de- tailed set of rules and regulations regarding public water service developments. We recommend that the approval also include a condition that the developer for the construction of all of the required facilities that are required for condominium with the existing rules and regulations, will be responsible for all of the to condominium-type of this subdivision will be responsible public water system developments Furthermore, in accordance the developer financial obligations involving the expenses for the construction of the water services and installation of all of the water meters and fire protection facilities. Please contact the undersigned immediately if you have any questions regarding the project or the recommendations and comments that we have made herein. VerV Jack Y. iK'ubota, District Engineer Cos^a Real Municipal Water District cc: Costa Real Municipal Water District Manitou Engineering JYK:mtw CMWD 79-404 CT 81-26/CP-170 (LA BRETECHE) Add Engineering Conditions: 1) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulations, and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project. 2) The applicant shall relocate the water line and easement, that currently crosses Lot 54, to the satisfaction of the Costa Real Municipal Water District prior to the issuance of any building permits. f*^^ A*<»t^ WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. UJ..-....;,: J CONSULTIMC "™«J f L JL J ENGINEERS 2465 Pio Pico Drive • P.O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, Catifornia 92008 • (714) 729-1194 RECEIVED SEP 81981 CITr' OF CARLi AD September 4, 1981 Planning Departr. t City of Carlsbad Pianning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Carlsbad Tract 81-26/Condominium Plan 170 (A Resubdivision of Lots 53, 54, and 55 of La Costa South Unit No. 1) Costa Real Municipal Water District Gentlemen: This office has just been apprised at the fact that the subject tentative subdivision map is now being processed by the City of Carlsbad, and we regret very much that we were unable to submit to you prior to the consideration of the Planning Commission a report as to the public water service requirements of the devel- opment. As we now understand matters, the City Council will consider the subdivision map as a result of the favorable action of the Planning Commission, and we would appreciate very much having you convey to the City Council the information and recommendations that we have for the Costa Real Municipal Water District in providing public water service to the new proposed subdivision. Our most important concern for the project is the fact that public water service will be made available to the entire development; however, the property is currently burdened by an existing right- of-way and high-pressure pipeline, which was constructed at the time of the original subdivision of La Costa South Unit No. 1. This being the case, in order for the proposed d'evelopment to pro- ceed, there will have to be a relocation of the existing pipeline facilities and all of the requirements of the Water District will have to be in conformity. In Orange County, Santa Ana BHOIHEERS September 4, 1981 City of Carlsbad Planning Department Page 2 We have had discussions with the consulting engineers of the developer for some time now; however, we have not reached a definitive conclusion. In any event, we recommend that your department include as a part of the conditions of the approval of the subdivision a requirement that the existing public water system facilities will be relocated in accordance with the rules and regulations and requirements of the Water District. the Costa Real Municipal Water District has a vigorous and de- tailed set of rules and regulations regarding public water service developments. We recommend that the approval also include a condition that the developer for the construction of all of the required facilities that are required for condominium with the existing rules and regulations, will be responsible for all of the to condominium-type of this subdivision will be responsible public water system developments Furthermore, in accordance the developer financial obligations involving the expenses for the construction of the water services and installation of all of the water meters and fire protection facilities. Please contact the undersigned immediately if you have any questions regarding the project or the recommendations and comments that we have made herein. truly yo,ur/s , Jack, Y. K^ubota, District Engineer Costa Real Municipal Water District cc: Costa Real Municipal Water District Manitou Engineering JYK:mtw ^ 3h J(0 LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR SEWER SERVICE Ov^ner's Name INTECHCO of U.S.A. Claude Buchert, Pres. P^one No. Mailinq Address ^^^^ Century Park East, Suite 809 ""Century Citv, CA 90067 Service Address; Navarra Drive Tract Description: lots 53 & 54, South #1 Assessor's Parcel No Type of Building condos Lateral Size: 4" Extra Footage: (3 $ 216-170-32 & 216- 170-33 (213) 553-6512 ^EWER PERMIT ISSUED UPON RECEIPT OF BUILDINS PERMIT. BUiLDiNG PEP.MIT MU5T iP - APPLIED FOR B¥ .^A^/^ No. Units 20 Connection Fee $12,000.00 6" 8" Saddle Easement Connection^P^^'^^ 4,000.00) Extra Depth: & $ Amount Rec'd $q,ror).r>r Ck. No/Cash dtfcj2£i2°3S?^'V Date Q-tQ7l-A Rec'd By V;L^ Lateral Fee Prorated Sewer Service Fee Total 8,000.00 The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) of the property to be served. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the application is submitted. If a service lateral is required, it will be installed by the Leucadia County Water District. The service lateral is that part of the sewer system that extends from the main collection line in the street (or easement) to the point in the street (at or near the applicant's property line) where the service lateral is connected to the applicant's building sewer. The applicant is responsible for the construction, at the applicant's expense, of the sewer pipeline (building sewer) from the appli- cant's plumbing to the point in the street (or easement) where a connection is made to the service lateral. The connection of the applicant's building sewer to the service lateral shall be made by the applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in confonnity with the District's specifications, rules and regulations; and IT MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT BEFORE THE SEWER SYSTEM MAY BE USED BY THE APPLICANT, THE APPLICANT, OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT AT THE TIME INSPECTION IS DESIRED. ANY CONNECTION MADE TO THE SERVICE LATERAL OR COLLEC-^ TION LINE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL AND INSPECTION BY THE DISTRICT WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALID AND WILL NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED. The prorated sewer service fee is based upon the date the District estimates that service will begin and covers the balance of the fiscal year. There will be no additional fee or refund if service actually conmences on a different date. For succeeding fiscal years, the sewer service fee will be collected on the tax roll in the same manner as property taxes. The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information given is correct and agrees to the conditions as stated. Account No. Owner's Signature .1 h ' - *.",n;.;ir ISSUED UPON LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR SEWER SERVICE Owner's Name Hwei-Chih Hsiu Phohg -No }^Q4fty-4ga6, CUILDING PERMIT. •> I'lPsUn MUST BE /S3 Mailing Address 17218 Cloudcroft Drive Poway, CA 92064 Service Address:,X'^2>o Navarra-itreeL Tract Description: int 55, South #1 Assessor's Parcel No. 216-170-34 Type of Building rnndn Lateral Size: 4" __ 6" _ Extra Footage: @ $_ 3,000.00 No. 8" Units i2 Connection Fee $77?na"nn Saddle _ Easement Connection (Pf^ pd 2,400.00) Extra Depth: @ $ 600.00 Amount Rec'd $600.00 Ck. No/Cash 5477 Date 8-27-79 Rec'd By .i.q. Lateral Fee Prorated Sewer Service Fee Total $3,000.00 The application must be signed by the owner (or his authorized representative) of the property to be served. The total charges must be paid to the District at the time the application is submitted. If a service lateral is required. It will be installed by the Leucadia County Water District. The service lateral is that part of the sewer system that extends from the main collection line in the street (or easement) to the point in the street (at or near the applicant's property line) where the service lateral is connected to the applicant's building sewer. The applicant is responsible for the construction, at the applicant's expense, of the sewer pipeline (building sewer) from the appli- cant's plumbing to the point in the street (or easement) where a connection Is made to the service lateral. The connection of the applicant's building sewer to the service lateral shall be made by the applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in confonnity with the District's specifications, rules and regulations; and IT MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT BEFORE THE SEWER SYSTEM MAY BE USED BY THE APPLICANT. THE APPLICANT, OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT AT THE TIME INSPECTION IS DESIRED. ANY CONNECTION MADE TO THE SERVICE LATERAL OR COLLEC- TION LINE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL AND INSPECTION BY THE DISTRICT WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALID AND WILL NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED. The prorated sewer service fee Is based upon the date the District estimates that service will begin and covers the balance of the fiscal year. There will be no additional fee or refund if service actually commences on a different date. For succeeding fiscal years, the sewer service fee will be collected on the tax roll in the same manner as property taxes. The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information given is correct and agrees to the conditions as stated. Owner's Signat/re 'I i.' Date 9841-9845 Account No. AI^LICATICXN REQUEST • Zone Change • General Plan Amendment ^ Tentative Tract Map • Planned Unit ^ Major Oondoaninivim Ll Minor Oondaminixam Permit • Master Plan act Map ^ ^ • Precise Development Plan • Specific Plan • site Development Plan • Conditional Use Permit • Variance • Planning Ocnmission Detennination • Special Use Pennit Conplete Description of project (attach additional sheets if necessary) See attached proiect description Location of Project The project is located on the North side of Navarra Drive approximately 250 feet west of its intersection with Viejo Castilla Way Legal Description (conplete) lots 53, 54, 55, La Costa South Unit No. 1, Map No. 6117 J^sessors Parcel Number 216-170-32, 33,34 Zone R.D.M. General Plan R.H. - High Density(20-30(Dtt/AC) Existing Land Use Vacant, graded building lots Proposed Zone Same Proposed General Plan Same Site Acreage 1.349 Acs. Owner Applicant Name (Print or Type) La Breteche Ltd. Name (Print or Type) Same Mailing Address 1888 Century Park East Suite 809 Mailing Address City and State Zip Telephone Century City, CA 90067 (213)553-6512 City and State Zip Telephone I CERTIFy TCAT I AM THE LEGAL CmSER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATIOSF IS TRUE \pm CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER'S REPRESENTTVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT 10 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE sIGtlATORE DAIE SIGNATURE DATE tt tio. Receipt [r-irh is^plicfetim received 1 ''-'41-/s^' ~-''H taif ' Assigned Nvinber I Case b If after the informationyou have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further informaticf^s required, you will be so ad sd. APPLICANT: AGENT: MEMBERS; La Breteche Ltd., A Partnership Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 1888 Century Park East, Suite 809 Century City, CA 90067 Business Address 213-533-6512 Telephone Number Herb Lewis Name 6502 Morro Heights Road Oceanside, CA 92054 Business Address 714-724-0302 Telephone Number Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Niomber Telephone Number Naone Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/V/e declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. La Breteche Ltd. Applicant Agen^, O.meg, Partner LA BRETECHE PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project proposes to construct 24 airspace condominium units on approximately 1.33 acres of land. The site consists of three existing multi-residential (R.D.-M) zoned lots. They are located on the North side of Navarra Drive in that portion of the La Costa Land Company development known as La Costa South Unit No. 1. These lots and the related piablic improvements were graded and improved in the late 1960's. There are several existing condominium projects located adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the La Breteche project. The developer proposes to construct a building adjacent to and parallel with Navarra Drive that will contain underground parking and 16 units. The units in this building will be the type commonly referred to as "stacked" units; that is one ownership over the top of another ownership. In addition to these units there will be eight more units along the North boundary of the site adjacent to the main playing area of the La Costa Golf Coiirse. These units will be the type commonly referred to as "Townhouses." They will be multi-level units that confoinm to the manufactured slope along this portion of the Golf Course. A portion of the larger building of this complex will house recreation facilities to serve the owners of all the units of this project. In addition to this recreation facility,, the project will contain a swimming pool and spa. The developer wishes to construct luxury units with total security and continue to maintain the relaxed suburban atmosphere of the City of Carlsbad. CASE KO.: _ APPtrCANT: HT ai-?fi/CP-17n DATE REChlLVED: 6-22-81 -La. Breteche. Ltd. REQUEST: Construction of 24 airspace condominium units ENVIRONMENTaL EXEMPT OR EXCEPTED: Posted: S' 8' Filed: Prior Ccitpliance: NEXSaUVE DECLARATICN: Published: Filed: Ibsted: ^- S~ Bri ENVIBCEIMENTMJ IMPACT REPORT:_ Nbtice of Preparation: PubUshsd:_g_Sj_gJ_ Itotioa of Determination: 7^^^'8: | Notice of Conpletion: Nbtice of Determination: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Date of Hearing: 2. Publication: -•' 3. Notice to Property Owners 4. Pesolution Nb._ (Continued tO:_ 5. j^ipeal: Date CITY OOUNCIL 1. Date of Hearing: /j^-f/ 2. Nbtices to City Clerk: 3. Agenda Bill: Cd^'^ 4. Pesolution No.^^^,^ Af0M.'^4. ^^/lAl^l ^- Date; 75" g/ ACTION: Af^/o</eo( Ordinance tb. Date: CORRESPONDENCE Staff Report to l^licant: ^- i t- g f Resolution to j^aglicant: ^ ' ' ff THOMAS BROS. MAP PAGE NO. 20