HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 82-16; THE VILLAS AT CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE J; Engineering ApplicationPLEASE NOTE CAREFUL•THE LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS A LJLIMITATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AFFORDED BY THIS GUARANTEE. IF YOU WISH ADDITIONAL LIABILITY, OR ASSURANCES OTHER THAN AS CONTAINED HEREIN, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMPANY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THE AVAILABILITY AND THE COST. GUARANTEE No. 13350420 Fee$ 50.00 Liability$ 100.00 Dated .7/8/83 SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1301 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92112 SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES RIICK . ENGINEERING herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated above which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2 The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurances herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability ëxcee'd theliability amount set'forth above. .SUR4 "h I 5. /"_ $President Authorized "Signature GUARANTEE CLTA Guarantee Face Page (Rev. 6-8-71) CAP-28 (Rev.6-80) . . . SAFECO p t PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THE LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND-LIMITATIONS AND THE -SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AFFORDED BY THIS GUARANTEE. IF YOU WISH ADDITIONAL LIABILITY, OR ASSURANCES OTHER THAN AS CONTAINED HEREIN, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMPANY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THE AVAILABILITY AND THE COST. GUARANTEE No. 13350406 . Fee$ 50.00', Liability$ 100.00 Dated 7/1/83 SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1301 Third Avenue - San Diego, California 92112 SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES RICKENGINEERING herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated above which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect..orpriority of any matter shown therein. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurances herein set forth,. but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth above. - F Authorized Signature GUARANTEE CLTA Guarantee Face Page (Rev. 6-8-71) CAP-28 (Rev.6-80) . . SAFECO 11 00. . EV1ROY:1ENT\L JMPACT SSPSS.ENT FOIi Part I ('To be Completed by AP]'LIc\NT) CASE NO: DATE: i cart: Treetops Un1irrited Address Applicant: 3900 Harney Street, San Diego, California 92101 Phone Nuer: (714) 299-5100 Na're, address and phone r;iiher .of person to he contacted (if other than Applicant": Rick Engineering Caripany, 3088 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008' GEYL:R.L TOR'-\TIO: Dcscripten of Project: Residential development of Village "J", in Calavera Hills per Master Plan MP-150) as approved by City Council, J.2/28 /78 -"Ordinance number 9517 Project Location/Address: In Calavera Hills, parceLat northwest corner of Elm Avenue and Tamarack Avenue, (future streets). Portion of: Assessor Parcel Nim'iber: 167 100 ' - 29 Zone cf Subject Property: R-1 (PL) Proposed Use of Site: Mulitiple Family Residential Development Condominium List all other, applicable app] Condartinium, P. D. E86LLNflr ' pe4a c'scii1e H5 .cti'ity area, includina cliztincuisbinC nturai ar.d chract2risticS; also provide p):ccse s]oze ar,1vsis •:hEn apDrauriate. There are two predaninant knolls in the north-south direction taking off fran the major ridge located at the approximately alignment of proposed Elm Avenue. The knolls are bounded by natural drainage swales which meet at the northerly boundary. Desorihe energy ccnservatiOn ea;urcs incorporated into the design and/or operation of the project. (For a more soecific discussion of eery conservation requirements see , of the City's EIfl Guidelines). See attached sheet for number three. If residential, include the number of unitsi schadule of unit sizes, ranqe of sale prices or rents, and type of household size expected.. See attached sheet for number four. If cciirnecial, indicate the type, whether neidborhod, City or recTlonrlly oriented, square footage of sales area, rac!ities. N/A If industrial, indicate type, 6stim.ated ëmloymcnt PC-r shift, and loading facilities. N/A •, If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employcnt per shift, estimated occupancy, icading facilities, and community benefits to be dcriv6 frcm the project. N/A • _NV i :77CT L'SI S Answer the follcwing qi:estions by placing a ohec: in the appropriate srce. (Discuss all items checked yes. Attach • additional sheets as necessary) YES NO Could the project s icin ificantly chance p1e30flt land uses in the vicinity of the activity? Could the activity affect the use of a i-cc- reational araa, or area of important aestheiic value? - Could the activity affe.t the functionina of- an established community or neichboriood? X Could the activity result in the displacement - of community residents? -_X 5) Could the activity increase the number of low -and moderate cost housing units in the city? X 6) Could -_ activity decrease the number of low • and modest cost housiq units in the city? 7) Are any of the natural or man-made features • in the act1:it•v area uniqu2, that is, not found in other parts of the County. State, or Nation? X Could the activity sianificantly affect a historical or archaeological site or its 0 settiriqo? X Could the activity signifiáantly affect the potential use, extrnction, or conservation of a scarce natural resource? X Does the activity arca serve as a habitht, • food source nesting place, source of water, • etc. for rare or endangered wildlife on fish • species? _x Could the activity significantly affect fish, • wildlife or Plant lifc? x !re there any r:re cr en'3anqercd plant species in the activity area? X l) Could the crivfty cin;c e>:i -Li:i fct-ure of any of Lhe c.tyt a lz;inn, Lyc, or ti(JClaP•i? x x x x x x x x x x x 1') Cou1 the Fciity chnjc c>:isting -features of any of the ciLy's beachcs? Could the activity result in the erosion or elnin t1on o agricu1turl lands? Ll Could the activity serve to encouraQe develop- ment of rresentiv uneve1oed areas or intesify dove] opr.ont of elrcav developed Eires? 1':'i11 the activity recüire a variance from established environenta1 standards (air, water, noise, eo)? Will the activit'recuire certification, authorizet.on or issuance of a permit by any local, state cr federal environenta1 control agency? 1) -7ill the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the city? Will the acti*ity involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hzardcus materials? Will the activity involve conStruction of f acilities in a flood plain? Will the activity' involve construction of facilities ol, a slope of 25 percent r creater? Will the activity involve construction of facilities in the area of an active fault? Could the activity result in the generation of significant a:nounts of noise? Could the activity result in the generation Of siqniiicarit a1oun.s C: dusty Will the actvty involve the burning of Drus:-, trees, or other raterials? Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (should note, surface, ground ';ater, off-shore) 2 ) Will the project cthstentially incrcse fuel con El rniori (leatricty, oil, naturl gas, etc.)? 2) Will tcrc be r ;ic;i cmt. chancie to cxitinc land or? () incLt' titCc grc3i.ng to be done in Ct)h-C y: 526 (b) crcthtt of aitcratiofl to the present Ind fCfl 84% (c) axim' height of ct or fill siops - 30 feet onsite &pproxiinatel 50 feet for Tamarack Avenue. 30) i11 the activity result in substantial increases in he use c-f utilities, se;.'ers, drains, or strcts? - 31) Ist:e acvty carried ot as part of a arer proj or zeries of projects? - • NOTE: 29(á) Of the total 586,000 •C.Y of cut material, approximately 167,000 C.Y.: is for fill on- site and adjacent Tamarack Avenue. The excess material will be exported to Villages "C&D", "G", "0", "P-l" and "L": - Villages "C&D" 190,000 C.Y. - Villages "G" - 50,000 C.Y. - Villages "0"., "P-l" and "L"- as required BY____ DATE: --5--- • • STATE$ET- OF •:ON-TG:IFICJ\T E IR0NTAL EFFECTS If you have answ ered yes to one or more of the questions in Section I but -:ou thiii the activity will have no significant envir:aental effects, indicate your reasons below: S 22) The site develortent has been terraced down to conform with the natural lay of the land. The developient has been pulled back and preserved the natural canyon at the central and northerly part of the site as much as possible. Saie slopes, as they extehd partly into the natural swales are in area greater than 25 percent slopes. CONTS OR EL&ETIONS TOPUNY OF TF QUESTIONS IN SECTION I (If additional srace is needed for answering any questions attach additional sheets as may be needed). S. ., Signature kd-oLQ_i (Person completlng report) Rollie Magboo Rick Engineering Ccnipany , Date Signed / - -f—c.._- ._ -6- C+1ENTS TO QUESTIONS 3 & 4 OF .PART I The energy conservation measures incorporated into the design of the development will follow the guidelines stated in the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Energy saving techniques will be included in the architectural designs and landscapeing and wherever possible, solar heating and insulation, whiclv rreets the States Standards will be issued. A total of 222 dwelling units consisting of two story flats, ½ split, detached parking are planned. The units range from 1100 to 1900 square feet. Dwelling unit prices would probably range fran $68,000 to $85,000 depending on square footage and location.