HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-25; PRL PROPERTIES; Tentative Map (CT).• ----------------- ft ALP rIL 0 PT REQUEST M 4 Sal %__ - - 4___._i_i_'S_ 4_'... I%_-A A •._• 4. A ED Cenaral Plan Amendment 0 Spécif Id Plan M Tentative act Map D Site Development Plan Planned Unit Develoncnt 0 Conditiom3i Use Permit o major condominii.rn Permit . 0 Variance -Minor Condorrchüin Permit OP—Laming Camiission Determination • 0 Master Plan 0 Secial Use Permit 0-Major Condominium Conversion ::. -0 Acbrtinistrative Variance project (attach additional sheets if. necessary) Complete io C . n B . D. o . f _. _ieapp1it=pàs JiiiLdaeEk Hon Sces t.ocabon of Project LeqaJ. Description (coiiete) * All that tjortion of Lot"F'of Pancho Aa ifedionda in the C9untyof San Die bf C~alifbtnia,'acccobordii to map thereof 823, filedt1e office -State Assessors Parcel NuLT±er -:f:the co'unty_reccrdr :of said :iy ...2l2O5O -l4 .. ... . . Zne )General Plan ExistingLanduse R-1-710,000. - .. . Pi-M. Vacant ... .. Proposed Zone Proposed General Plan Site Acreage 29..8OAcres (p.tjft or ¶Iype) . • Ka—me (Pr.thL OC Type) - .Iva .-_ __.__ - Ma:L.ung Address ?Proptieanaeuent,_Lic. Mailing Address C/o Jerry Skullerud, C' C/a Jerry Skullerud 2655 4th Ave. . A vrni e City and State ip Telephone Z . and Stat e Te -. lephone : SanDip,CA 92103 I CDJJ'JFY THAT I AM TilE LEGAL OWNER JN1D I CIERri"IFY THAT I ATM THE CxcNER S P1SEN'E Tli' ALL THE ABOVE INFOPMAI'ION IS THUE AND TEAT ALL THE ABOVE IRFOPJ4 ON IS T' ANI) COERECT J tfl.fl? BEST Ui? MY KNOWLL3JGE lND- COPRECT 'ID TIlE BEST OF MY ROWLEDGE / s:LG2\iAajr -Z vw_ DAtE hL IA/7EA1 Zrc s:ECNATIJPE 'L ,'4ir7 DE TT" .............. I. .. t 4- 11 (..:... Calffomla fltleCotnpany (nd) ?-QO3 25 Camiro Del Pio South SnDego CA PRELIMINARY REPORT • COSOflT F$NK • 1024 GPiVES • EL CAJON, CA DateiLl 6, 1982 Attention: LAURIE CHISOL YourNo. 3633-CL OurNo. 3231 Dated as of 29 .............................. l2....at7:3OA.M. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title Insurance, the Insurer hereby -reports that It Is prepared to issue, as of the date hereof, a California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Form Policy of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth In Schedule A, Insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception in Schedule B or not excluded from coverage pursuantto the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) Is Issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the Issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability Is assumed hereby. If It Is desired that liability be assumed prior to the Issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. ........................... TITLE OFFICER J PIC11P,YJ L. ()NTC2flRY SCHEDVLJ •\ The estate or interest in the land described or rcfcrrcd to in ih: se1i'dL r'd by this report is A FEE AN!) AN EASEMENT itle to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in IN-AP ' N.V., a Nether-land Antilles corporation I he land referred to in this report is situated in the State of Calirorni. County of SAN DIEGO a -id is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1. 11 N . (I LE L DESCRIPTION C'RLER NO. 3231 P?CEL 1 J1 that portion of Lot 'F of RANCHO AGIJA HEDIONDA, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Nap thereof No. 23, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, overber 16, 1896, described as follows: Corrxencing at Point 23 of said Lot as shown on said Map No. 8 23; thence South 54010t081 East (Record South 53 0 52' Last) along the Northerly line of said Lot a distance of 807.00 feet to thF most Easterly corner of the land conveyed by Charles Kelly to Elrter Carpenter by deed recorded June 1, 1937 in nook 622, page 755 of Deeds, records of said County and the TRUE POINT OF LErINNING of the Parcel herein described; thence continuing South 5410 1 08 East along the Northerly line of said Lot 'F a distance of 540.00 feet; thence South 354952 West at right angles to the Noitherly line of said Lot a distance of 1166.23 feet; thence Nort) 54010b08u West a distance of 1321.26 feet to the boundary of th land described under Parcel 1 in final judgment in partition rccorded March 24, 1965 as Instruient No. 52516 of Official Records of said County; thence-North 42 0 2442" East zlong said boundary a ei;tance of 509.59 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Carpenter lands; thence South 54°10'08 East along the Southwesterly line of said Carpenter land a distance of 722.86 feet more or less to the Southeasterly line of said Carpenter land; thence North 35°49 1 52' East along the Southeasterly line of said Carpenter land a distance of 660 feet to the TRUE POINT OF 9EGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to the County of San r'ieco by deed recorded Noverer 13, 1969 as File No.208553 of )fficIa1 Records. P..RCEL 2: All that portion of Lot O F "of RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to flap thereof No. 823, flied in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, :ovejber 16, 1896, described as follows: Ccrrnencing at Point 23 of said Lot 0 F' as shown on said t'iap No. 823; thence South 5410$O8U East along the Northerly line of said Lot F" a distance of 807.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of the lands conveyed by Charles Kelly to Finer Carpenter by deed recorded June 1, 1937 in Book 622,paqe 755 of Deeds, records of said County; thence continuing South 54010108r East along the Northerly line of said Lot F'1 a distance of 540.00 feet; thence South 3549 1 52 West at right anoles to the Northerly line of said Lot a distance of 1166.23 feet to the TRUE POINT Or BEGINNING, mu FAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED ORtER NO. 3231 of the Parcel herein dcscribec3;.thence continuing South 354952" a distance of 1091.51 feetto the boundary of the land described under Parcel 1 in final judgnent in partition recorded' "arch 24, 1965 as Instrurent No. 52516 of Official Records of said Co'nty; thence North 5232 1 21' West along said boundary a distance of 478.72 feet; thence leaving said boundary at right anales North 3727 1 39" East a distance of 740.00 feet; thence at right angles :orth 5203221 West a distance-of 294.32 feet; thence at right andes South 37027391 West a distance of 321.90 feet; thence at richt angles North 52°32 1 21 West a distance of 597.36 feet to an intersection with said boundary of said Parcel 1 described in Instrument No. 52516 of Official Records, which is a point on a nor.-tangent circular curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 600.00 feet, a radial line bears North 67c36149w West to caid point; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and along said boundary a distance of 209.70 feet through a central nc;le of 20 0 01'31; thence North 4224 1 42" East a distance of 42.16 feet to a line which bears North 54d10b08 West fron the 'RF POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 5410'08' East 1321.26 feet to the TPUE POINT OF BEGINNING. P7?CEL 3: 7.n ease-ment and right of way, together with the right to convey sane to others for ingress and egress for road purposes over, a!ong and across a strip of land 40.00 feet in width lying within Lo WF of Rancho uga Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof no. 823, filed in the of-"ice of the County Recorder' of said County, Noveriber 16, 186, the center line of said 40.00 foot-strip being described as follows: finning at Point 1 of said Iot F" as shown on said Map; thence 3th 25°01 1 05' East (Record South 24 1 45' Past) a distance of '.flO feet to a point which point is designated on said Nap as int 23 of Lot F", this point being the TRUE POINT 01' BEGINNING, n3 which point is the most Northerly corner of lands conveyed by Tharles Kelly to Elner Carpenter by deed recorded June 1, 1937 in 622, page 755 of Deeds, in the Office of the County Recorder -f said County; the said Carpenter land heino now known as Robert Hick's property; thence along the Weter1y and Northwesterly undary of said Carpenter (Hick's) land as follows: South °51 1 12 West, 315.60 feet to an angle point; and South 42°55'37 Vest, 374.50 feet to the riost Westerly corner of said land; thence South 54°10'08 East a distance of 2.14 feet along the Southern boundary of the Eick's property to the center line of the water ire easenent previously granted to the Carlsbad Municipal Water istrict and known as Line "r)w of the C.M..P.; thence South 238152r West (on and along the Northeasterly boundary of the lgllen Parcel No. 1) described in Exhibit ." of said Document No. . . LE'CAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED ':RrER NC. 3231 236220 (and on and along the center line of said Line D" of the C.r.w.D.) a distance of 938.72 feet to the beginning of a tanqent arc, concave Southeasterly, and having a radius of 600 feet thcnce Southwesterly along the curve of said arc, 269.80 feet to a T:ojnt; thence South 16°38 1 52" West 386.15 feet to the othwesterly corner of the De property described in .forementioned Document No. 236219; thence South 52032121r East (or and along the Southwesterly boundary of the said Dye property &nc1 continuing on the same bearing along the Southwesterly cundary of the Rigdon property and the Southwesterly boundary of the Allen Portion 2 described in Exhibit " of aforementioned noc:ument !o. 236200) a total distance of this bearing of 1214.69 feet to the most Southeasterly corner of said Allen Portion 2, which is the most Southerly terminus of this easement. 1:YrEPTIG therefrom any portion lying within Parcels 1. and 2. !-,''CEPTING that portion lying Northeasterly of the Southwesterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 as described in deed to the County of San Diego, recorded October 29, 1969 as File No. 198734 of Official Records, of said County. A .' (S I • SCI MD11 wc date heienI Ecptic'ns io Locraee in addition t' the princd .R'n\ md Adv\ions coni.nned in s:id policy ovid be as follows: . General and specie]. County taxes for the fiscal year 1982-83, a lien not yet payable. 2. General and spc-cia2. County taxes for the fiscal year 1981-82, First Installment, PAID, Second instalirent, DELfl;QTJENT. 3. The privilege and right to extend drainage structures and excavation and embankment Elopes beyond the limits of Road Survey No. 682, where required for the construction and maintenance thereof, as granted to the County of San Diego, in deed recorded in Book 272, page 441 of Official Records. An easement affecting the portion of Paid land and for the purposes stated herein and incidental purposes to maintain and use and underground water pipeline or pipelines for any and all purposes, together with their necessary fixtures and appurtenances including but not limited to conduits and cables for incidental power transmission and communication purposes and purposes incidental thereto, granted to CALSTAD U1ICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a municipal water district, recorded 1overiber 27, 3.968 as File No. 202029 of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. . he privilege and right to extend drainage structures and excavation and -embankment slopes beyond the limits of Road Survey No. 1800-1, where reguired for the construction and maintenance thereof, as granted to the County of San Diego, in deed recorded November, 13, 1969 as File No. 208553 of Official Records. Easements and rights of way for roa aid public utilities, and appurtenances thereto, as rcscrved nz' conveyed by various deeds of record. Affects Easement Parcel 3. An easerent over said land for inciress and egress for road and purposes incidental thereto, in favor of various parties by various documents of record. Affects that portion of Parcels 1 and 2 herein described, lying within the boundaries of Parcel 3 herein described. . A Deed of Trust given to secure an indebtedness in the amount stated herein and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof; Dated : December 23, 1969 Amount : $77,722.00 Trustor : JOHN ALLEN ASSDCIATFS, a limited partnership S •. - - - CTiEDULE B CONTINUED DER NO. (131 Trustee : TRANS-STATE TITLE COPAY, a California corporation Beneficiary : BARBARA JEAN HIGDON, as her sole and separate property Recorded : December 31, 11969 as File No. 236222 of Official Records Affects Parcel 2 herein c3escrihecR. An All-Inclusive Deed of Trust given te secure an indebtedness in the amount stated heroin and any other amounts payable under the terms thcrecf Dated : July 24, 1974 Anount : $320,000.00 Trustor : APEX CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK CO., INC. Trustee : FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IPSUPANCE COMPANY, a California corporation Beneficiary : JOHN ALLE117 ASSOCIATES, a lirdtd partnership Recorded : July 29, 1974 as File No. 74-203462 of Official Records 1. An All-Inclusive Deed of Trust given to secure an indc'htedness in the amount stated herein and any other anot.nts payable, under the terms, thereof Dated : November 2, 1978 iunount : $630,000.00 Trustor : LEXINGTON ARMS, N.V., a Netherlands Antilles corporation •Trustee : SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COIPANY, a California corporation Feneficiary : APEX CATTLE LIVESTOCK CO., INC., a California corporation Pr-corded : Noverher 7, 1978 as File No. 78-481322 of Officialk, Records Peed of Trust giver to secure an indebtedness in the arol'rt tated herein and any other amounts pa''ah1e under the terns thereof Lated : Decerher 24, 1979 Amount : S210,000.00 Trtor IVAr, N.y., a flether1nrs Tirtilles corporation :rustee CAL-WEST MORTGAGE CO., a California corporation Deneficiary : L.XINCTON ARflS. N.V., - a Netherlands Antilles corporation !::ecorded : December 28, 1979 as Fflcr ro. 79-540031 of Official Recordn - This report will be subject to an ditional $5.75 charne for outside district reports upon cicsirj. -DDULE B CONTINUE!) -- :n} NO. 3231 TAX FIGURES FOR : 1981-82 'CODE AREA : 62006 PARCEL NO. : 212-050-14 LAND : $454,654.00 IMPROVENENTS : EXEMPTIONS : FIRST INSTALLMENT : $2,592.07 PAT!) SECOND INSTALLMEflT : $2,592.07 u1P1Ir) DELINQUENT PENALTY $160.52 'AXFIGUPES FOR : 1981-82 0DF AEA : 62006 - - ?1RCEL NO. : 212-050-15 : 9426,564.00 .!1PROVIflE1)TS $-0- EFPTIONS : 'IRST INSTALLMENT : $2,431.92 PAID ;CCOND IflFTALLNE : $2,431.92 UIJPTkIT flELTh(UENT PENALTY $150.91 S QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) (\ / AC I HAP 823 - RHO r [UONDA - POP LOT F I /st fi 0. K V •.y 1c occrr.:.g by redson of :-----._ t• ' ,7c/J .V ,.,( PT 1 P -i 21 , 5 - et 442 AC .v frJJ - PAR 2;,i 23/1 a S DETAIL r=zoo .) \' rj 0 ,21,(MP", v 7117 4'5 IL —o • \C% çí" ' •0 •/f/ • ,•• 1J //t) •• IV tv Ott- U - IV 10 1 1b? €5 I 01r-.---. I ..'... APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM - In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission, and City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all appli- .cants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this -form has been com- pleted and sighed, the information will he relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this-disclosure changes, an amendment • reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either gen- eral or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone number of.each.person or individual (including • trusts) who.own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of-"this application. Should one or more parties to the application be. a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name, of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who, is a' general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture, . Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 shareholders or less) or a real estate syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate number., date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syn- dicate address,, and the full names and addresses of each, individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should' the corpor- ation be a publically held 'corporation,then state' the full name and address of the corporation, the place of ,its incorporation, number of shareholders,' and the name and address of the officers of the corporation. Should you feel that additional information needs to be pr( in order to provide a fulls disclosure, please include it. 0 4 October 14, 1983 ,320212 N S OCT1983 RECEIVED LAND USE 00 . PLANNING OFFICE '° \3 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Michael Holzmiller SUBJECT: IVAR, N.V./PRL PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT, INC. ZC 290/CT 83-25/PUD 59 Authorization is hebv given to all relative public agencies 'and the City of Carlsbad to forward all written notices pertaining to Ivar, N.V., PRL PROPRTIESMNAGE- NENT, INC, applications to their Planning Consultant/ Agent: THE AGATEP CORPORATION P.O. Box 590 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: D. Agatep If there are any questions regarding this authorization, please contact me, Sincerely, 6r4 Jerry,4k7 NV d, C. P A. (tteFact and Agent of/Ivar) Pr sident PRL Properties Management Inc. l35 HotelCircle So., Ste. 215 San Diego, CA. 92108 (619) 299-2512 CC: AGATEP CORPORATION I I January 18, 1983 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Michael Holzmiller SUBJECT: IVAR, N.V. EIA, GPA & ZC Authorization is hereby given to all relative public agencies and the City of Carlsbad to forward all written notices pertaining to Ivar, N.V. applications, to their Planning Consultant/Agent: THE AGATEP CORPORATION P.O. Box 590 Carlsbad, CA 92008 If there are any questions regarding this authorization, please contact me. Si (At rney-In-Fact and Agent o Ivar, N.V.) 1 35 Hotel Circle So., Ste. 215 an Diego, CA 92108 (619) 299-2512 CC: PRL Properties Management, Inc. 0 October 14, 1983 M. Holzmiller Land Use Planning Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2223 CIO 1Z 9 9V c SUBJECT: Authorization to prepare EIR - ZC-290/CT 83-25/ PUD-59 Camino Hills Paragraph 2 of City of Carlsbad Land Use Planning Office letter (30, September 1983) requires preparation of a Focused Environmental Impact Report to complete the subject applications for Camino Hills. PRL Properties Management, Inc., (PRL) hereby authorizes preparation of the focused EIR. It is understood that costs of preparation will be borne by PRL. We would request a review of proposed "RFP's" to insure full dis- closure of all work to date, ie technical studies. Expeditious completion of the environmental work is requested. Respectfully Gerald Skullerud, President PRL cc: A. Anderson D, Agatep *y _ 0 (( GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that 1iAP NV. (the uCompanyil), a corporation organized under the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, established in Curacao, hereby constitutes and appoints JERRYSKULLERUD, with power of substitution as provided below, the true and Lw ful Attorney-in-fact and agent of the Company, with power and authority as herein described on behalf and in the name, p3ace and stead of the Company: To enter into contracts and other agreements for the purchase of real estate or for any other corporate purpose, to enter into any and all other agreements, understandings or arrangements necessary or helpful to the acquisition of real estate or its development, to enter into contracts providing for the development of real or personal property, to receive funds on behalf of the corporation and to give receipts therefor, to form or entet irLo, on behalf of the Company, partnerships or other corporations for the acquisition of or holding of interests in real estate, to accept assets, including securities and certificates of deposit, on behalf of the Company, to perform any and all actions helpful or desirable in qualifying the Company, or any entity in which it is interested, in any jurisdiction. To guarantee obligations of individuals, entities or companies in which the Company is interested, to approve employment or other arrangements, including agreements for incentive compensation. To open bank accounts, in the name and on behalf of the Company, approve and execute bank account agreements and resolutions, make deposits and withdrawals of funds, arrange for the issuance and delivery of letters of credit and call upon such letters. To borrow or commit to borrow, funds in the name and on behalf of the Company and to execute and deliver all notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, financing statements and other documents required in connection with such borrowings. To enter into agreements for the sale, disposition or transfer of any properties, assets or interests owned by the Company and to give such assurances, representations and warranties as may be appropriate in connection with any such transactions. - 2 - w -2- Said Attorney-in-fact is empowered to determine in his sole discretion the time when, the purpose for and the manner in which any power herein conferred upon him shall be exercised, an. the conditions, provisions and covenants of any instrument or document which may be executed by him pursuant hereto. In Ihe acquisition or disposition of property, said Attorney-in-fact shall have power to fix the terms thereof for cash, credit and/or property, and if on credit with or without security. Any and all documents entered into by said Attorney-in-fact pursuant to.. this Power of Attorney shall be in such form and substance and shall have such terms, representations and under- tings as said Attorney-in-fact shall at his discretion deem advisable or necessary. Said JERRY_SXULLERIJD, is hereby granted authority to delegate or substitute in writing, from time to time, the authority contained in' this Power of Attorney, upon such terms and conditions as he shall deem appropriate and such substituted or delegated powerholder shall be possessed of all authority, powers and discretion granted pursuant to this Power of Attorney to said JERRYULLERUD , subject to said limjtatiois and conditions. Subject to the right of the Company to terminate this Power of Attorney at an earlier time, the f Dregoing Power of Attorney shall lapse and expire on December 31, 1990, but such expiration shall not impair any action taken or agreements entered into by said Attorney-in-fact prior to that date, or the date of termination if earlier. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Power of Attorney to be duly executed by its Managing Director this 6th day of -Septmber, 1982. ANTILLEAN MANAGENENT TI ON 1/ "AMACO" A. Michael -F. Elias RQnald E. Wijngaar CS/p'I CU R/\CAO NETHERLANDS ANTILLES The Undersigned, Gerard Christoffel Antonius Smoets, a civi law notary in and for Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, duly authorized to take acknowledgements, certifies that Mr. MICHAEL FRANCIS ELIAS and Mr. RONALD EDWARD WIJNGAARDE, known to me, both residing in Curacao, did acknowledge to nit that they did sign and execute the foregoing deed in th'.ir capacity of attorneys-in-fact of ANTILLEAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION "JACO ,', a Netherlands Antilles company, which company in turn is and therein acts as managing director of the limited liability company known as: IVAR N.V. and as such the foregoing deed is the true act and deed of IVAR N.V. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I do hereby place my hand and the off Ic seal of office in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, this eight), day of September nineteenhundred and eighty-two. \ //• C 0 % % (C. v tLn d a Ik,: dw S octbrc 161) C3unLy; C 1zciu. i' ,rIaid Aiu IIt 1hI puUic 'i. cLI1tnt çs Ifljli by a6-ifig in thc c:li /.,,t ............ .......... boar4 tho I I CETLF1D aa Curacao 6. by the Luenant Governor lIuid of Curacao. SlJSamp O. Slnaurt: 1I11 ir '0 ? C LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' PAGE NO. I DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: All that portion of Lot "F" of RANCHO AGIJA HEDIONDA, in the County. of San Diego, State of California, according to Hap thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896, described as follows: Commencing at Point 23 of said Lot "F" as shown on said Nap No. 823; thence South 54°10'08" East (Record South 53 °52' East) along the North- erly line of said Lot "F" a distance of 807.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of the land conveyed by Charles Kelly to Elmer Carpenter by Deed recorded June 1, 1937 in Book 622, page 755 of Deeds, records of said County and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the Parcel herein described; thence continuing South 54°10'08" East along the Northerly line of said Lot "F." a distance of 540.00 feet; thence South 35049152 West at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot "F" a distance of 1166.23 feet; thence North 54°10'08" West a distance of 1321.26 feet to the boundary of the land described under Parcel 1 in final judgement in partilon recorded March 24, 1965 as Instrument No. 52516 of Official Records of said County; thence North 42°24'42" East along said boundary a distance of 509.59 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Carpenter lands; thence South 54°10'08" EAst along the Southwesterly line of said Carpenter land a distance of'722.86 feet more or less to the Southeasterly line of said Carpenter land; thence North 35°49'52" Last along the Southeasterly line of said Carpenter land a distance of 660.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to the County of San Diego, by Deed recorded November 13, 1969 as File No. 208553 of Official Records. PARCEL 2: All that portion of Lot "F" of RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Hap thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896, described as follows: Commencing at Point 23 of said Lot "F" as shown on said Hap No. 823; thence South 54 °10'08" East along the Northerly line of said Lot "F" a distance of 807.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of the lands conveyed EXHIBIT "A" (7 Page One of three pages AL hL(hiii ii)I J85 PAG}: NO. 2 0 by CIIJ i I c }e) I y to EIme'r Carpenter by Dyed recorded June 1, 1937 in bcoh 622 1 I'.-g 7.5 of Deeds, records of said County; thence continuing South 54q)0'08" EsL along the Northerly line of said Lol 'T' a distance ( of 540.00 feet; thence South 35 0 49'52" West at right angles to the Northerly -line of said Lot "F" a distance of 1166.23 feet to the TRUE POINT OF I3hG114,'ING of the Parcel herein described; thence continuing South 3549'52' West a distance of 1091.51 feet to the boundary of the land described under Parcel 1 in final judgment in partition recorded March 24, 1965 as instrument No. 52516 of Official Records of said County; thence North 52°32'21" West along said boundary .a distance of 478.72 feet; thence leaving said boundary at right angles North 37°27'39" East a distance of 740.00 feet; thence at right angles North 52°32'21 West a distance of 294.32 feet; thence at right angles South 37°27'39" West a distance of 321.90 feet; thence at right angles North 52°32'21" West a distance of 597.36 feet to an intersection with said boundary of said Parcel I described in Instrument No. 52516 of Official Records, which is a point on a non-tangent circular curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 600.00 feet, a radial line bears North 67°36'49" West to said point; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and along said boundary a distance of 209.70 feet througha central angle of 2000113111 ; thence North 42°24'42" East a distance of 429.16 feet to a line which bears North 54°10'08" West from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 54 110 1 08" East 1321.26 feet to 1he TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: An easement and right of way, together with the right to convey same to others for ingress and egress for road purposes over, along and across a strip of land 40.00 feet in widLh lying within Lot "F" of RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, in the County of SarrDiego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896, the center line of said 40.00 foot strip being described as follows; I, Beginning at Point 1 of said Lot "F" as shown on said map; thence South 25°01'05" East (Record South 24°45' East) a distance of 229.00 feet 'to a point which point is designated on said map as Point 23 of Lot "F", this point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, and which point is the most Northerly corner of lands conveyed by Charles Kelly to Elmer Carpenter by Deed recorded June 1, 1937 in Book 622, page 755 of Deeds, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; the said Carpenter land being now known as Robert E. Hick's property; thence along the Westerly and Northwesterly boundary of saidCarpenter (Hicks) land as follows: South 11 0 5112l1 West, 315.60 feet to an angle point; and South 42°55'37" West, 374.50 feet to the most Westerly corner of said 13nd; thence South 54110'08" East a distance of 2.14 feet along the Southern boundary of the }IicI's property to the center line of the water line easement previously granted to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and known as line "fl" of the C.M.W.D.; thence South 42°38'52" West (on and along the Northeasterly boundary of the Allen Parcel No. 1) described in "Exhibit A" of said Document No. 236220 (and on and along the center line of said line "D" of the C.PI.W.D,) a distance of 938.72 feet to the beginning of a tangent arc, concave Southeasterly, and having a radius of 600 feet; EX1-IIBi 'A" P of ree pages IA1; ti, G80 • th'iic t . soul hwt'St along the curve ci said arc, 269.80 feet to a P0ul ; Lh'nur Smith 10 I 5 2 W's( .3R6. i! feet to the Sonthwesteily CO I'lW V (11 i I hr I)v' 1Iolt'rt \' dos Crj in'tI i 11 ;tfoiemt'nt i cuied l)ucunient Nt 236219; thence South 52°32'21" East (on and along the Southwesterly liouda rv of ilic said Dye property and continuing on the same bearing along the Sonthwrs er) y boundary of the Higdon property and the South- westerly boundary of the Allen Portion 2 described in Exhibit NA" of aforementioned Document No. 236200) a total distance of this bearing of 121 14,69 feet to the most Southeasterly corner of said Allen portion 2, which is the most Southerly terminus of this easement. EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion lying within Parcels 1 and 2. EXCEPTING that portion lying Northeasterly of the Southwesterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 as described in Deed to the County of San Diego, recorded October 29, 1969 as File No. 198734 of Official Records of said County. ORDER NO. 234488-JB jw 8/24/78 ''• . . - E)IBIT 'A" Page Three of three pages - ••- - --- - -- - - - - • .: ..• STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets ai fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Maps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City Council action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of. the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which are prerequisites to the map; i.e., Evironmentai Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded. If you wish to have, your application processed concurrently, this agreement mustbe signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept. your application for the Tntative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approvd. The undersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the. time limits, therëfore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application. was accepted as co -nplete to properly review all of the applicatibns. • • •. ... • ________________________ , 7 - 'a Date A/ '2- f V. V . .0j A Name (Print) Relationship to Application • (Property Owner-Agent) FORM: PLANNING 37, REVISED 3/80 .' "• •. ', :' : '., - - NG .POUEETS I. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS • General Plan Amendment/Zone Change -. Minor Cond iniumPermit(4 or less unit • T7 Application Form 2. General Requirement Items H-Q • 2. General Requirement Items: 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property - three (3) copies of items A-fl showing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and - items K, L, 0, P, Q • land uses. 3. Conversion to Condominiums -list of names a1 addresses of 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $200..00 + $5.00 per lot or : all tenants of the units to be converted to condominiums. acre. Zone Change: $500.00 - I 4. Fee: $50.00 + 51.00 per unit Master Plan/Specific Plan/Precise Development Plan •; Site Develoorent Plan 1. Application Form Form • . 2. General Requirement Items; • 2. General equirement Itrms - eighteen (18) copies of items A-fl -thirteen (13) copies of items A-fl. W - items EQ - items E-L, 0, P, Q • 3. Fee: Master Plan $1,000 + $2.00 per/acre 3. Fee: $350.00 Specific Plan $1,000.00 Master Plan Amendment: Minor $50.00 + 2.00 acre ConditionalUsc Permit/Special -Use -Permit • Major $500.00 + 2.00 acre i. Arplication Form • - • • 2. General Requirement Items: • T,entative Tract Map . - thirteen (13) copies of items A-fl )'. Application Form - items F--Q_ (item-, M,N & 0 not required for Special Use /2. Eighteen (18) copies of *the Tentative Tract Map Permit) • ,3. General Requirement Items 3. Fee: $400.00 - eighteen (18) copies of items A-C 0 - items 5, G-K, M-R : Variance 4. Fee: $500.00 (1-25 lots or units)• I 1. Ajlicaticn-Forra • $750.00 (26-100 lots or units) 2. General Requirement Items: • $1,000 (100 + lots or units) - thirteen (13) copies of item A • Extension: 1/2 of original fe - iters 5, G, H, J-N, I if alicable, and P • Revision: 1/4 of tentative map and regular fee on (see Title 19. Environment) • addit-ional lots or acres. I 3. Variance Supmlenental Sheet - • 4. Fee: Single Family = $100.00 Planned Unit Development Other = $250.00 •1. Application Form • • • W • 2. General Requirement Items • PlannnqOormnission -Determination • - eighteen (18) copies of items A-fl 1. ica Form - items EQ 2. One page statement precisely indicating the determination 3. Fee: $200 request. Administrative Amendment $5000 3. General Recuirement Items: Major Amendment: $200.00 • - thirteen (13) copies of items A and D - items M, K, &,-6 L Major Condominium Permit (5 or more units) 4. Fee: $25.00 -- 1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items: ministrativeVerianc eighteen (18) copies of items A-fl T_. Ppplication 'rorm - items EQ 2. General Requirement Items 3. Conversion to Condominiums - list of names and' - (3) copies of items A & D, if applicable addresses of all tenants of the project, proof of - items C, H, J-N, and P notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing • 3. $100.00 • '• • tentative map. • -S 4. Fee: $50.00 + $1.00 per unit $5.00 per unit for notification of tenants • • • • II. C1J - - . E. One () copy of colored site plan (24'x36") . . - . A. Site Plan: Shall include the following infornition : • F On (1) copy bf colored ~ievatiori (24"x36 ") - of azp11ca'it, eflgieer no/or One (1) copy ec' of 8 1/2ll site olztr and elevations . --i:-.--- one (1) copy of 8 1/2"x11" location map (suggested sc a le . - 1__1 oQse:rL5 . .- ifl))Ofled locations of: . . " . . . , ' :2OO - V1CifliC 1(LapS On the s1rO plan are not acceptable) ,- - . ,. . bt pedestrian and vehicu1r, showing . . . Env ironmental Impact Assessment Form ($100) service areas and pints of ingress ar egress . . off-street parking and 1oaaingreàs showing . j public Facility AgreenUflt: 2 copies: One (1) notorized location, ruxr anI typical dimension of spaces, • . . . . . .. - . original, One (1) reproduced copy. and ee1 stops. . ' t - distances bt'.•icn building and/or structures , - . • Disclosure Statement build ing s oacs (front, rear and sides)' 0 Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of - location, height, and materials of walls and fences - location of freestanding signs subject property or other form of description acceptable to - all drr.'ewavs to scale on adlacent'and' across - the- the.Planriing Director. street pro'orties for a cistance.of100feet beyond Prope.c L i' ore') 15L cdorcsscStmJe looes "Ej ect cite (Not"ueedE-d fOr Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit - existing curbr, gutters, sidewalks and existing - and til.flOt CCncJonlfllUTfl Petult) 1) a typawritten list of the paving wi:'Jths within 100 feet on adjacent and across names and addresses of all property owners and oOcupants the street proparties. . within a 300 foot radius of subject property. The list - typical street ection shall include the San Diego County A5se550r'5 parcel number -. any existing median islands within 100 feet of from the. latest assessment rolls. 2). Two separale sets of • subject site. - aodrosscd stamped envelopes (four sets for condominium con- - nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or versions) of the prope -r ty owners and occupants within a minus distances from subject site. ' 300-foot radius of subject property. For any address other - location of all buildings within-100'feet-ofsubject' . than 51fliL fi3:y t-eicience, auartment or suite nwr,hr must pro>e sties; . . . . be included. DO NOT TYPE 1ESSOR'S PARCEL z;EER ON ENVE- . - vicinity map showing major dross streets . LOPES AND LETVE' RETUPSN OI- ADDRESS BLT\NX. 3) For Condominium - a sumaary tabl indicating the following . Conversions, two separate sets of, addressed ° stamped enve- infnrmation: lopes of all existing tenants is required. • site acrange , ....... existing zone and land use . N . .0_Q2zJus_Map 0 '(Not needed sow Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit prooscd land use and Minor Condominium Permit). A map to scale not less than total building coverage . ' , 1' = 200' shoving each lot within 300 feet of 'the exterior • building sq. footage' .• , : uriwies of the subject property. Each of these lots percent Ian-iscaping . . . shall he consecutively numbered and, correspond with the pro- . . • . - nuler' of parking spaces - . . perty owner's list. The scale of the: map may be reduced to sq. footage of open/ecreational ' a scale acceptable to the Planning Director if the required ' space (ifaoplicable) . . ......... ' scale is impractical. - . cubic footage. of storage space ' • 0. For residemt'ial orojects within Vista, San Marc CS,_EflciflitP.s (if applicable) ' . — orsarTho Scooj. D_st.L.ctS, tre aoiicc.nt sta.L i'li- whether he prefers to dedicate .land for school-facili- B. euiinn v (24"x36") tier, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of ties, -- existir propased contours on the site and within . 0 th ose. Ii the apolicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall O 100 feat of thebeundaries o the site. . . •' suggest the specific land. . - elevations of the site • existing -on-site trees; those to be reaoved and those , ' . 0 Fo residential projects within the Carlsbad Unified School • to be saved. 0 District, the applica nt shall submit itteft confirmatior C. 0 Preliminaryr.andsc__e.and -IrrigtionPlan* (24"x36") 0 , that school facilities will he available and serve the - loation of planting areas and -'E i.cal plant materials . . project at t:imo of need. , Preliminary Title Report (quantity and size) location areas to be irrigated of Q. -proof of sewer availability if located in th,eLeucadia - • . - County V.Zatnr District. D. . EL,ildg'F.nvatior.s -and_F)oor'p]ens* (24x36") _Statement of agreement to waive tentative tract map time L'OU )iou W i Lil Square T503i included 0 . limits. .-laton and size of storage areas - - . — all I'uilnu,qs, structureS, wails and/or fences, signs - - ' I ' ' ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE FOLDEI) IN 2\ IZE NOT TO E)CEED - . axx. ...tc.1or lqhtu. •' . . , •. . . . ( i/2."xl 1". av1r,&',MNrAL INFORR'.vIATION FORM ... .. VARIANCE . .. 1) Gross Acres (or square footage, if less thei acre) 2) Zone . 3) General Plan Land Use Designation 4) By law a Variance may be approved cnly if certain facts are found to exist Please read these requiremats darefuily and explain how the proposed project maets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary.. a) Explain wbj there are exceptional or extraordinary circum±ances or ocnditiais applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not piy generally to the other rperty Or class of use in the same vicinity and zene: . . -. - . . . ...... h) Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservaticn and eajoyrnent of a substantial property right possessed by other property in - ±h-- same vicinity and zcne but which is denied to the property in qestien: •c) Explain thy the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zcne in which the property is located d) Explain why the granting of such variance will not adverecly affect the ccnprehansive general plan: - . . I • - 1002895 ARTICLES OF INCORPRATION OF PRL, INC. I The name of the corporation is PRL, INC. II ENDORSED FILED In the omc, of the Secretary of State of th, State of COIflQrnI, •1 SEPI919BO. MARCH lONG EU SocrotarY of Stt Colleen R. Potorsen Deputy The purpose of this corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a corporation may be organized under the General Corporation Law of California other than the banking business, the trust company business or the practice of a profession permitted to be incorporated by the California Corporations Code. III The name and address in the State of California of this corporation's initial agent for service of process is: The Prentice-Hall Corporation Systems, Inc. Iv This corporation is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stock and the total number of shares which this corporation is authorized to issue is 100,000 common shares. Dated: September 11, 1980. 7'J. \TERENCE O'MALLEY I hereby declare that I am the person who executed the fore- going Articles of Incorporation, which execution is my act and deed. • ERENCE O'MALLEY / 40 CERTIFICATE OF AMEI •T ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF PRL, INC. A California Corporation - , r L_. V • - LEJ - £ I -, C The undersigned, Juan de Oyarzabal hereby certifies that: 1. That he is the President and Secretary of PRL, Inc., A California Corporation. 2. That he hereby adopts the following amendments to Articles of Incorporation of said Corporation; A. Article I is amended to read as follows: (1) The name of the corporation is PRL Properties Nanagement, Inca 3. That the Corporation has not yet issued stock, and that Juan de Oyarzabal has been appointed as the President and Secre- tary of the Corporation and is the sole Director of the corporation. 4. That by unanimous vote of all Directors of the Corporation, a resolution has been passed authorizing the President and Secretary to file this Certificate of Amendment for the Articles of Incorporation. Executed at San Diego, California on this '/day of /I( L. - 1981. • - • JVan de OyaLzabal The undersigned, hereby declares under penalty of perjury that the matters set forth in the foregoing Certificate are true and correct, and that he is the person who has signed this instrument. - ---? ( — Juan deOyarzabal •,_,- ----,nt._ -•- - • -••--- ,-*••- - 12 3 Ii -J C STATE OF CALIFORNIA, . . S ( w I !Ii JNi \' DO MIST I( STUCK (O1PORATION • cL . . ( .'L • - .-. S t ; 1 C E'E Bit-C IN V'HICH WOULD FE SUITABLE PRL, INC. c/o J.A. Skullerud 1335 Hotel Circle So. J215 San Diego, CA 92108 C't-N?EL' UNUN ihE LAW 01 TH IA1[ Of (/-i0Ns.b 1,V,Q 1H[ 35 Hotel Circle So. 215 San Diego, CA 9210,8 35 Hotel Cir1eSQ. 215 San Diego, CA ctu 92108 I At 35 Hotel Circle p 215 San fliPgOCA 908 .A.Sicullerud 1335 Hotel Circle So p215 San Diego 1 çA 208 Prue .5 .L. Guevara 110 Wes'ç".Sreeti515 San DiegQ...CA 972.-P1 Afer 110 West "C" $teet 515[ San Diego, ,,,CA 9,2101 :- CO. .EI .SINES O- RE SIP NCL ADDRESS OF INCuMbEN1 DIPE'10-S INCLUDING IHOSE DIRECTORS WHO ARE o supplemental hs Cl d,r Ior if fleC4 C S A. Skullerud 110 West ..",C", St.,..S,te f.1515 { San Diego,-CA 9 .L. Guevara 110 West,. 1515 San Diego,CA 92101 A. Gardner 110 West, ''St,....Stel515 San Diego"CA -' •.. 5. 1:,'; 1''' - •.•- ____________ • • Y'• Lc ON 1HE EOARU Ii ANY DANIEL L. GUEVAR, C/o GUEVARA, GARDNER & HERNDON, 110 West "C"_ Suite 1515, San Diego, CA 92101 As • . :.: c •S,A._,IS.(z - ,• • REAL ESTATE TNVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT h. 16, 1982 Directox •. •' - - -'--- - Title Order No. 920790-3 Escrow No. 2-4280-B •RECORDING R' jy (83 Cal-Wst l.ri.. Del Mar, CA JU1/I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND UNLESS OTHEI WISE SHOWN 1ELQW, MAIL 1SX bTATEMLt'4T5 TO, CITY lb tiT,.TI Zir L.. NAi& rIVAR, N.V. 54 Oti, FIL/?AGE NO.__._ BOOK 1979 RECORDED REQUEST OF National American Title Ins. Co. 0EC2.8 8:UU AM 79 SURVEY MONUM$T PRESERVATION wSLg ft $10.QQ • OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDER SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIF. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR CORDERS USE L'ax Parcel 62006 212-050-14 AND 15 Corporation Grant Deed V RANSFER TAX PAID couNty The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is .................................................... 0 computed on the full vnle of the interest or property conveyed, or is computed on the full VLIIUC less the value of liens or encumbrances retnauung thereon at the time of sale tenements or realty is located in :0 unincorporated urea city of......................................................................................................and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, LEXINGTON P4*13, N. V. a corporation organized under the laws of the //4V' Netherlands Antilles, hereby GRANT(S) to IVAR, N. V., a Netherlands Antilles corporation, the following described real property in the County of San Dito , state of California: Portion of Jot "F" of RANCHO ACUA HEDIONDA, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County, November 10, 1896 AS MORE, PARTICULARLY SET OUT UNDER PARCEL NOS. 1, 2 AND 3 IN ThE PISCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A FART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND COMPRISING THREE (3) PACES. and is The land, LEXIN TON ARMS, N. V. BY \4J)l m Dated—December 26, 1979 STATE OF CALIFOIlt. ' COUNTY OF Sall Diego pieo f Ott the undersigned, A Noj.ry Puitlic in and for said County and Sutle, persnnaIlt uppewrcd (f'{.j kQ.Quu , " ktiowi 10 lop Lt t JIiJ..4 Ulidf4 known IU 11W to be SVl2retury of the t'nrIIOrnlioiI LILIL cet tttcd the ltn Instruineitl, kOWU LU inc fu be LIte lerhuith wh V,&'1LiIC4 IN' wittiii Iin.it UttieL till Iit'IiI[ iii (lie ,01(t014(i,lI 111t1eiit ii.iiiitd, ,tiiil sicknowledged LU tIle that hilt li torI 'oral juil C), tCIl I ti (lie 11110 JlhtiUlliCli( [IUII.U1411( to its It>'Iaws or a ICSUIU(IUI1 of ila Iiuit 4 ircctiit. V kttture of Notary FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP .Jt HI,1.kt. rAL . 1(CSc.'tARY CAiL t(jt f'.'( PUuL l, . CP.LI, u:..iA ,' jL;tL Urili:E ' fI D:Eti Cudify i : Y C(flfl:t ,I'J(i Liji,.i July I. 1$51 -. -- -: SITE' ØEVELOPEMENT PLAN i!_ioa' 'urr1ri1ry I - c I- I1 how £T1tT?fl/ QJ > ID rajLIis x -. 14H - ID - N41Q It: U W ID waw4w am — owu i,iiZP'4iid. ' I 4- a to4I UI UI II Ow t 11 Lr1T I'—o' U J ?) 111 \ I Z PRL Properties Management Tentative Tract Man Application 7/83 £A/-r&f MAP NO. CARLSBAD TRACT NO.83-25 CAMINO HILLS N pp- JALL frA((i ,Yf 5' (i / -7- I Favaáj .. = N,iva b.isr *aa - - Fae.vaia. C4. S$O1S - - - CITY Of CARLSBAD \.N.V. CITY all IIN(U TE d..41d,..d(s ICF/lJ 0.1.I ___________________ bv- ,LL L 0 F Q( C 7- -A ~:-- (~~-17 I.A16 4111-e-X) C"14-1 ' /"x/(.' U/r? S LU (11 t S7,I( P14. £Q t:-f:)c6 #T- to P- o ,3L4CA WRO'7 5 COQISE ti) /a4 /'f,(/L p SJM( NO 7r 4cL ,'4é3Oit,/ -v" o.. I ro 1 £ / 7a- / V/ C9L 0 se I, IF L/ eQcu,-E- 76\ 7SH 5311,J 17- / T O/J7(x7774 c SLU 7' v/6 ' i/ti '-/E/c,,'T. c/J-7 CAl/I— L .E C 4'C7 7) C £'I- b i2 TO -' I7.'/ C t L-'16 ,440 Cl ~C £ t'VA L S . . / D Jr74L -rf4#-/ 70 L P/cfrrE Oto j ,r C/ , /,i ,2J7 O, '4C1/ / C A R L S B A D CAMINO HILLS WALL I—EkJC ,'fl,-e II W.AC-C lb N N. F 9 /' - 9 /• 9 9 9 \V / /• N 9 N 9 o , /9 / , ./ 9 9 / N /• 9 9 / /./ 9 9 /• /• 9 9 . 4 / . I / I 'N ra 41 ,1 91 9 9 4 N 4 /9 / /• 9 9 1' /'•• N 97 'N N bNN 9 N I N / 9' 9 9 9 9 9 9 N N. CM4-iJ I. S A Fg-e C "N 10 q / • iNS' S • v-atS'*.?.Dr•S' .1 I Pee-v cbcTlRurtr<s •knv a s. i £ PAl a • .. •• j I o:i P)'Z '') • •_) UI i ---.5, ----- P77/14 UNln'_,) Ali A4 *l?J 4 S I/fl, t.j3 • I-... -.#-- •) 9•/#f p.p_..i .c ,' •5.S••,4...*; l..,y.'sfl.•.4.7 p.r,,, en P I. 'S Ii Ut *ls.d a ii '/"-'•& •.a S Ut #4* fl. ftft4U S.dqt Np V --•)l#V ttti.at..,.p.j p S.. •'.'-j•rn,p . y.f en ,' n4S'/S') .51 ?..'r'-r"l -,.-i... ? *•a•'.i 'l'"cel f14 -• - . : . ____. - - NN c ç - ( £ • ••. \ 'I•fl' - ' ' "-- "-_" \ \\\\ )) It v I) • T.J.J I 'T t 2 \ - ),------- . • /5' : • S • .• • '5P S 1,1 / TI_.• . s--... - .. :• - %'\,5-.. S I' 5-' • l ....... / UAll Ins If S'S VS'S in 1Pp f•ITh 5) •SSSQ -r 'S •) •l•,Q SJ. e.g V..t 2 U•- -, •.y..( Vwa.g .-•-..I '.a—Q • K ./7'1 t 54'14' •• 5 3#/ti.J 'I •c?-c9 'N L WVb%' 4Vè4 ZA1.LVJNIJ