HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-28; PARTNERS EQUITY; Engineering Application.. ' STEWART TITLE' GUARANTY COMPANY THIRD AMENDED Subdivision Guarantee' Issued for the benefit and protection of the County of SAN D I EG.0 No. 40146-1 Fee: $400.00 SubdiVision,~ap of Carls-bad Tract No. CT S.3-2'S/CP 252 Consisting of 3 Sheet (s) and of any City within which said subdivision is located. ( CITY OF' CARL SBAD) After an examination of the Public Records which, under the retording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land hereinafter described, ST,EWART TITLE, GU ARAN1'Y· COM,P,ANY a corporation, 'of Galveston, Texa~, hereby guarantees, for the benefit of said county and city. In'a sUn'lflot to exceed $1,000.00, that as shown by said records the only parties having any record title interest in said land, Wd whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on, the certificates consenting to the recordation of the Subdivision Map of said land and offering for dedication any'streets, roads,:avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said Subdivision Map are: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT""A" The Tract hereinbefore referred to is a subdivisiprioflands described as: , .... SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused it corporate name and seal to be affixed; on January 23, 1984 , S'I'EWA,RT TIT'LE GUARANTY COMPANY ~. 1988 SG ", . 9ge ~. " '. , , . ": .. -A ,-' .ATTACHiED 'EXHIBI,T "A" ORDER NO • .40146-1 -II' . " . , '--w' . '.: . , , ' , SUBD. GTE:E .NO ~ ,19:8,6 SG,' . O .... N08321 ' .. 1. 4 ~,' '" -, "- .' As o.f ')i'h~; d~~e here~f ,the{ party wh6sei.$'ignci,t~re ·W:i.ll :1?e necessq:lfY', u'nder the requitemeht~.'of th$, Subdivision. 'Mq,p Act l " . . on: the' certif:i,.c'ate'-copsent'ing: to the'r~cordatiQnof t..h~ 'P'ip,alo :. : ~ap of ·l?a}:c~:d. ~Map o,f' s_aid:''land 'arid off'e~ingtor,Q:~dj.cat-ionany· stree't~, ro'aQ,s',:' a'l.~nues, a,rtd :o(~-b~r e'a,sementsr offer~d' by ,such map, . are :," , \ I., " '\ l' '. " : ' OWNER: iP~RTNER~'EQUITY',', l{Ge,n~r~·J. palJners~ip'" ' ... ,." . . " , '.' ',.", '. . r \ ,. .. 'j \ "'" . ' . .' .... : :' .. :.-: '., .. : ;'; '.\.'-. ,'. \', " ' . , . ' EASMENTS: '. ,; < •• ',1 \ '/' \,. '. '.' . "".'. . .: .. /'. \ '''-... ... -~:.>?:.', .,;." " . '. ',', '. ..-..... .' , " .~he . signat:iJ:r~ .. ,:51:';: the' 'pcrr1?:Y "nam~Q.:'hi?~1:~~~~~er:.;,as ' d~~e::: -·O'f' t~e' ~nt,~~est·l:?e.t tff!-,h" Itl~y. b-~~'om~tt:ed ljlnder: tne. p.ro~Vl.s:L,qns -o.f .,Se~~l..o:r:, ,6'Q'4'3f)'It \Sl,;l'l?:S~9t·l.On..<c) (l)~fj frt:e , . .s.~??-J.;Vl.s'~o:n : Map' ,Act, '.' th~·l.r ,7ntere.~:~'\~~:;Sl.lGl'I :"t:ha~.,J,.t.c.anno;e I!cl.l?~n. l.nto· .a. 'f7~ :t:ttle ~nd sal.d Sl.gna,ture, ~~\~~~t ,requJ:req: by ~Jle .}I.oca.l"ag.ency ..: ": '., "Nature 'o,f Il\te,r~s.t:\t " ~ase;men:t. f' , ' ", \ '.' '.' /. .;.' . 0w,~~r:' :~:~e S:~irtf Qf . C~l:i:.forn~~,. .; 'r' , .' .' ,By d6cUment", r.eco:p;leid: ~Jan.uary l,1 i ;t,9"?;~' in Book 43:41" :Page 31.0 . . and Nbv'einber '.3, 1:96·6 as File No ~ 17'S'2·6,lboth ·cf< Official' Recb,rds' and ainend~d 'May'2~, 191~o ,a=sF-i,le No~'f93886, of Oif·ic.f.alRecorgs,. '.' TRUST DEEDS: . " " \ :~.' ,:....:,.;;~~~ -,'. :{ ':,. '. .' ,.~. .,., ,: '. ' : •.... : .,' '. \' :. . . . . "/ .::.':' .. T,he ':signa:ttlrec;5f dp¢ ,o.ftih~ partie,s! nanre'dbeiow wil~' be req:U'i:teq. as"Tf'u;st'ee o;r ~'ene~'icia;~y 'utrdet Peed 6f, iJ:ir,ust, ... ,' --., ' .' .' '<>-.' .. -< ~,' ~ • ~', • " ~ • '. Red6ro.ed: ';' D~cembe~~a,,1~7:'1 ,asF.~Ji~e N~.·,11-S-3:4J:5lo.f Offici9:l .'. 'Reccrds > • \" • • • 1 , ',: . ~ ::....--' ! , -' \-~ Trustee'~' BANK" OF\AMERICA ~ NATIOk-AL . TRUST' AND SAVINGS ·.¥\S.S$OCIAT~·O~,:~ '~a:"nat'i'6nal ~:c;LP:k.J;;~(~lr:~.sodi.~ti'OIl '.". '.' .~ , '. .' : -f" -. -. . ' .... 'i3en~ficiary: SLApY.s··i9G130~VANF~i~::~widc?w· /' •. ".:'.' l' ' ' ' .. TRUST. DEEDS': '., ~.~~,,:: .. ,,<;.:,t,. ".,' :'.' ,:' :', ":;"., ,": ... ' . Thesigna.tu,f::e, 6f one 60£:1 th$"pa:tties'p,'anled,helowwill,pe,.reql,Iired:·. as . Trustee.: ,or jB~p~f;i.ciary 'under' De~d" o:f T.:6is,t .,,:: . ' . . . -• -,: -,. '~, ' ,->' ' • • ~ "--.~ < - Recorde'd;" S.~pte~ei~ ];3:~ ':'1.982 . ~s, ·~ile'·'.~d.,8:2·--:282i8l' of"Of:ficial ,Reco.rds -• ~ ", ..-' -. c T;rustee: REAJ:,. PRQP'ERTY oT.Rt;I~~. PEED. COR:{?OMTldN'~. a, . C"ali:f:oPii,a . corporation CHINQUAl?I'N:"'ON:e;, 'a"g~ne"raJ ·pi;I.;t",tn,er'sn,'ip· ,,' ..-. . ,"-' ~ . '/'-' . . -.' ',' ...., . . " " . . STEWAR'T'TITLE' " ,:.-, _ ,-, GU,~R~~TY'CO,\"<~A:N'y - ·"/ ! , 9ge ATTACHED EXHIBIT II All,'. '.' ORDER 'NO. '401.4,6-.1. SUBD.. GTEE,. NO. 1988 SG ·b .... N08J2f 5 • TRUST DEEDS; " " I , " A' ..... " ~ . -Tne> $ig'I:lcitute ,of ,~ne, o~f tile p'art':Le's 'harn~d below wj;l,l }:~e' ;requi':ted , as 'Ttusteeor Ben~:$i9·ip.ryuJlde.r· Deedof',Tru!St. , " Recorded:' S~p~~~mbe~'72~" '19:~2 . r:f~il~ N~. '~2~294'~6'5 ofOffic;j.al ", ' ' Reco.rds " ", J! ' " },-t" , ' , Trus.t.ee: "R,EAL ,:PROBEk!j:Y TRUST Ib~~D ,eoRi'QRA, ,~,I, QN.~ a', .Cal'ifornj,a" t' ' ) \ ' /. .\ corp<?ra ,~oIi" ,;/' ,,-, ,., ,:,/' ' :Benefic,ia~y:, ';' :~-yj19ND r;i?Il~dg~R()M,.aiJ;ld w.ife' as -:. j;Q,iht r;enanlts ' '.... .~ i' • , \ \ .' \ ,\ ,\,,'. \, " ~~ , , ~. . " ' ," I ,! :' :j ! J f ' '/' , f--: i' , J i .' I' ; l ,--{-, , ~ J , J, , ",' . I,,' ;, ·".:1, ~. r _ ~ j' , " , -.,' . ..;:,. _!t. ~ ,_~. '. r • • , , " , " , . <;" ", STEWART, TI'TLE', , -, -~.;' _ ~~~~R-~)iT·~·_q~~.rAN'!: - j' 'j 99C '# ATTACHED LEG,A:r.,.D;ESCRIP~.N ORDER NO. 40146-1 SUBD. GTEE. .NQ. 1 ~a'8' SG D-N08321 ... ,'1' : . ,,(" " /':. .~; . " 1 • J " -! I. i '.' ; . I: ' ',,' '! . " .'.. . t, ! I '. ", , J ' , 1 ,~, I " ! .! I· I. ' "'~' . ~ f { 'j, :, . ,'. .,: . ,', I ,. '. ' .' '\' '.' , -. ~' . ,< ,"; . i" ,I " {.'., , , 'I ~' ~' j--:J L :-i' ' " '.-. '¥ , " "-." : ....... '1.0< ,,' '.~ "":':. ;: < '...,- ." r 1:: ..... " ';..., : ~.....-..... ..J ~ , : f. ..... ;> - \ ) - '. , .. -. ), . " .... , -. " :';, ',. .'. ' ~ .' , , ~-. " ~- .' ' '.,- • -• ~. ~ • J , . 1" -"-, ."S:T"EWART~:TiTLE <, ~-' --'--G.U).'~A·}Ij:r;Y'CO.'?~NY·-. . " . , , .