HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 84-13; BEARMAN CONDOMINIUMS; Tentative Map (CT)y ~. r-----------,--1 LAND USE PLANN,ING A L.ICATION REQUEST . o Zone Change ' o General Plan Amendment riI Tentative Tract, Map BMajor Planned Development IJ Master Plan CMajor Redevelopment Permit CMinor RedeveloPment Permit CPrecise Development Plan (check other boxes if appropriate) OSpecific Plan OSi te Development Plan LlConditional Use .Permit OVariance [jPlanning Cammdssion Determination (jSpecial Use Permit C]Structure Relocation ALL '!HE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND '!HAT ALL WE AOOVE INFoRMATION 'IS TRUE CDRREcr '10 '!HE BEST OF MY KNCMLEDGE. AND cDRREcT '!O '!HE BEST OF MY KNCMLEDGE. DA.TE SIGNATURE DATE' (j.J--!V'l~ ern ~ / 9F Lf \J~\ , ~,' , '~ .. -. '- , . . ~ > " ' .. -,-.... ". -.. ;- ,:"';&'.','" ,.~,~,: ,:"'J ' >'" " "-I'" .... ~ ," , . ".~ ;~> '~, . ~ J, " •• , '-;".' '<= , .:" ,,: ~ro~:t.~ ~~i) WITtiE (J'JptJJlSt.!fl '- .: ISSUING OFFICE: 4542. .mIl.f'mER 'S1'P,EE~ : "S~1 O~:i,~~FOmrm ~2111, (619}Z1~tt ' '-' . ~itl:t '.w1ti ci1-Jl'~Sm1$J..l . . " • 2,79()' ~~~Vll. . ' ':~"'~-' , r .~1;l~~~ (CAllit:roBt'llA.-" .6 4' ". : ~. ,,' . '. -~.:~ .-' '. ': "1-': . ", ,-~.-.. AttE:)ntior.t :' , .-. " ,', ·Dateq.as Of .. ,1.~:.Kea .~:' :.'.~~:.::~._:: '1'9.$4.',. ,dt., 7:30 A.M;: " -':, ' YOtJr N~i ~_4" O'ur Nb .. , .12168~1': -:.-> -" ~ .. : -~ -'~::: - -::. -':;.. . , '. ", .~:'-i ~ ;'" .. ;. .'. '~. ~ • . u. +_. ~ ~ ... ... . _ . , \.. ..,;', ~~< • ~ • • .' 't" .:: F.. _ ~ _ ~ '" ' : , In Je$p0t:lS~ fo' the,,d1b9ve referenced application fOHl policy of title insurance; : ... ~. , ' ' ,-':- '.' : ~, . . -~ " --- -, , - \ _ .. " -, • ~_ " _ .~ " ".,' ~ <.'., . ,>-;.:t. ' -.. - '- " '::;', ,"CONTINENJAL LAND.TITLi::CbMPANV' • -, ' ~ , • k _ .-,__ •• .':'..--. , . hereby r~por.ts that ;it.i~ Ptep~r~o to, iss~e,,'or C'cmset6 ':b~' issued;:'as of ,the ;dat~, h~r~6f; i;i'P61icy or. , ' " .' Policies of Tifle 'lh5uf~tnce descrjbing'the Jand ·and 'tt:1E:h3stote, or intere-st therein :MEfr~ihafter:set', " " -forth; i,h,sCJrihg, agoin$t -loss which, moy" be' susfqihecf by" reason bf' any i:refept~':JL~n: -or ·eri-" " ' combraoce not "sR,own or. referred to _ as an Exc.eption. ih Schedule B. or not excJ0ded from' '.' ~. coyerage pursl:Ja!'1t· fo,cthe printed Schedules, Conditibns and Stipulation$ of sqict ~()Iicy forms. ,-~;,~."~: ,-,-_.-.-,..' "+~.< :.-~ -...' -,' • , , ... ~- ., • -,,: -~ • -.I' _ ,_ -- , 'lhe pr~nfed EXceptions .and .EXclu~ions' from ,the coverage ,of said Policy. or Policies ore'set forth ' ' In the' attached li&t,'Copies ,Of the ,Policy forms shoLJlq-pe' read. Theya're available-'hern the· office • which'issued-fhis t~ROIt::' ~ ," ." , '-' , " "'.' -'-:,; ,Tt-"S REPORT, : ,(AND: 'ANY 'SUPPLEMENTS OR'AMENDMeNTS +iERETO) 'IS· 'ISSUED' SOLELY .,·:ffi~fj~Jr1~i~~~~TI~~~ '~:~i~~~~~~~~;1~N=~' . . .~-- , '.Il:le form Of policy Qttit!e insur9t:lce contem~latecHJY this repqrt is:' -, .--- -' 1-.. Califorfii<;liand Title,Assodati0nStari-ddt~::t Coverage Policy" ' " ~" . ~"" -. -"'. ~ "- r ,' .. ~ .. ~ . ,,' -:~;q: .--,-. ~-' . ~' - . 3. ArtJeti¢dril;andTitle Associqtion'R~siqeljtk:id'itle In~Lirahce:Pol'i6i', "<tJ;~,', : :. 4 ': .. ,4, ~eri~n[a~dTmeAs~~lmiOOLOO.Pollq'>Q Y/J·>:.n,~ .. · ... , .':,,' , .. , ,n':::~~!<A--'-," ··Iid.~-~~ .. , ~~.:;;e:zL:-:'·''''··'''~'''·''::;;-¥''LC'''':'':''''''''':'' " :,. '.' " _ :' , : ,.~~lY;vt..~-=-:gAC£~ :., . , " ' -.,. . . ,'lssLiingpoIiCie-sof', ' . , " <' < -'.": • •• "'t --: ~ .' _,'" :" ," , ...•• ~,~" w.ieisJttelfJ$~~ofcltion:·'/·,.,~i,'\, .. .. . .. '.~--.~ ~ ~;;'. -':"";., .': ,,--" ~ ..... 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":. ,,:-.;7' =:,,,. --P • ..,t(~. -+.:':~~-',",---':.'._ ~ .' -':. -~ . ~ t- • + " •• ~ " .~. , . ' -. ' .. " -_ ..... ~: ~ I _-.~ -~.r- A,. ' ./" : ; , . _. ." -' ,-, ' .. ~; . ) ... - ". Lilit,·of :,1tem$~'for' the:. Planning l}eiJ~~en~i .: ' • w • --. • ~ • -, ' _ -, • • . , > . "T~ntati~E) ~act Map. ,'-14 ': ~ '., '+' • G' , . ·"t4-, . ,.,~ading Plan; , , t~ds:c~pe!~~1in, . "l<:r 14 .t4 " '. 14' -,:-, "" .-: .. :s~t$' Plan eiXll' " 8ixl1. EievaM~n$ -, "~ . .. ~. Location.' Map -BlXll, ' .. , . pu.biie: Faeiiit1:~$ ~ee:tnent, .' 1.,' ',:1 Not6~1~ed", -.' .' ' .. : .- '-.... ~-~' . ,~, ' '," .--' ~'. \ ~ .. . -' "".' -. ' .- "-, " _ .. ,pr~per,ty '.ovm.~Ps ~1st .. : t .', , ,'1 ~ .' S~'~pad",' ·adq.re~s~d enve~op&s, :.: 1- -~ '. . t'·. ';. -". ",'. -~ _ -, '. _ .-, . 300 f· Racil;$l1S 14ap '. .' . . .'- SoUo,ol' Lette3:', ' . " , ...... , " 'pr:~l"m~nSI7 '.~1 tl:(').,. R£lPO,l?t -st~ ~~meiJ.t:,of Agres,Itlentto waiv~ t:1me' . " ,Con,dQm:tni-uni App~11c\l!lia,on li!oijm , . '. '-~ - -, " :~:~.: ;)t·~~<:~ ~_;~' (:~:' <"-< .,,-,. '+ • -' • .,t :;,.. , " ., , ',' '.' -~t .. ~.,' :;..-, -:,-,- , \ . -, }. . " .'.- Envir.6nm~h.t;Inipa-e·:!i Ass'a.e.llt:' , ',c~ Re~e1vedb~&#~ " ,~ , . ~. .. Ccrdo~ C7ec/-/3, "- CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ~LM AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5551 RECE'IVE'D FROM: D~TE:-~~\,?-Ci~~'~ , " \ \ ' , ,ADDRESS , . " , A/C.NO. DESCR!PTION AMOUNT ~ { ; c'-::-~~,5~ Fe,\ \=\ liS--! ,. --~ -.l -53l:: \. -e--" "'\-c,-,\......:.. -E?_ '\ -\f'"'o.. C, \ -- t ,(', " ~I .. ' , c. V'\ C~G \~ ~ \ \ "-,,-\-~~o ""., --" ~I'-"~'" ,,'2f:" :, " ''j': 11'I~.1 "":' , , ". <. ~ • av " " ~~.--\·.I~' \ , . ,--~ ~ .. , '-' ~ ~-y SJ$ :.tI .... ~ §:liQ~:: 00, ~ ~f::)~9f(;t~/ I .... ' _~ ~'N :',;> <;$ . l .... ( .. ·,....,. .. ..... ..... ' '''''''';..t <:.: " ~ i::: <:.J'~'/ i ,) i:sfl::r:v .::. ~c i!:j,,\' \\ . " , , , ~lUl}I,e&' ' , 37674 TOTAL .... ~.c::"" I ~J.:5_) ~ • • APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM In order to assist the members of the Planning -coinmission and City Council to avoid possible conflicts _ of interesct, all .appli..,. cants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their· applIcation •. ,when this form haS been com- pleted and-signed, the information will pe relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please enaure th~t all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a fin'al action on your application has been rendered, any of the information re~uired by this disclos~re chan~es, an am~ndment . reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either gen- eral or limited) or a joint venture, please stat~ the full name, address and phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the pro~erty whibh is the subject of this application.. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint ~epture~ then pl~ase state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and ~ddress of each individual . person who is a general and/or limited partner or member-.of the' joint ven·ture. Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corp6r~tion ( 10 shareholders or less) or a real estat-e syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corpo.rate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syn- dicate address, and the full names and addresses of each indivi~ual shareholder or syndicate member: Should th~ corpor~ ation be a publically held corporati6n, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers. of the corporation. Should yo~ feel that additional information needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please irtclude it. • •• STATE~NT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty '(50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tenta"tive Maps and a thirty (~O) day time limit for City Coun.cil action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concur~ently with applications for other approvals which are prerequi~ites to the map; ~.e., Environmental Assessmen·t, Environmental ImpC!,ct Report, Condomip:ium Plan, P:J.anned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day.time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are o'ften exceeded .• If you wish to have your application processed concurrently, this agreement 'must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not·to sign the statement, the City w.ill not accept you~ application for the Tentative Map,until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. The undersigned understands that' the processing time required by the Ci.ty may exceed the time limi 1:S, therefore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits.for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully concurs with a:p.y extenslons of time up to one year from the ~ate tbe application was accepted as complete :to properly review all Of the applications. ~nature . Name (Print) FORM: PLANNING 37, REVISED 3/80 Relationship to Application (Property'owner-Agen~) RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) 1200 Elm Avenue ) . Carlsbad, California 92008 ) Space above t~is ·line for Recorder's use Documentary transfer tax: $ No f.ee Signature of declara·nt determining tax-firm name City of CCirlsbad Parcel 'No. --------------~------~-------- AGREEMENT 6ETWEEN ~EVELOPER-OWNER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A ~PBLI~ FACILITIES FEE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this H-day of by and between ----------------------------------------------------------- Jl., mfl tJt-" D, &qyn/\t(Jn·~ (name of developer-o..wner) .. t tJ \ r '} f a ( , '. /. U /:.t,{ a , h.ereinafter referred to as Corporation, partnership, etc. "Developer" whose addres.s 18 street) 71..-0 or and TRE CITY OF (City, staie, zip code) CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, h.ereinafter referred to as "City", whose address is 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008. WIT N E SSE T H~ WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the real property de~cr~b~d on Exhibit "A:, attached hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Prope~ey"; and WHEREAS, The Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer proposes a development project as followa: • on said Property, which develop~~nt carries the propDs~d name of and 1S hereafter referred to as ','Dev·elopment"; and WHEREAS, Developer filed on the 19.dfL.,with the City a request for A. '(e/l-'zf./rrte.. lYSe AfM ?/it/4[.; torz-.. ='i4rD (2 LL)j{/l.:JO;l{dINIU((;{DNfT C;tJtJ5Tf0lfctro;J II ../" I • ' ..1 . f( <.&/v D a t1{ eNe () t14 . ,PtE e (I.'I IT hereinafter referred to as "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities EI_ment of the Ci~y General PI~n requires that the City Council find. that all publjc facilitie~ necessary to serve a development will be availabl~ concurren~ with need or such development shall not be~~pproved (~aid element is ort file with the City Clerk and is incorpGra~ed by this ~eference); and ,wREREAS, Developer and. City recognize the correctness'of Council Policy No. 17, da,ted April 2, 19'82, inf~le with the City Clet:k and incorporated by this reference, and that the City's public facilitie~ and serVlces are at capacity and will not be avail~ble to acc'ommodate the additional need for public facilities and se'rvices resulting from the proposed Development; and WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to find th~t public facilities and services will be available to meet the future n~eds of the Development as it. is presently pro·posed; b~t the Develop~i:: is aware that the City ... cannot and will not, be abtetomake any such' finding without financial assis~ance to pay for su~h ~ervice$ ~nd facilities; and therefo~e, Developer proposes to help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council Policy N~. 11 by paym~nt of ~ public facilities fee. -2- • NOW, THEREFORE, in coo~ider~tion of the re~itals and the covenants contained herein, the partiesal~ee ~s f9110ws: 1. The Developer shall pay to the City ~ puhlic facilities fee in an amount ~Qt to exceed ~% of the b~itding pa~mit valu_eion of the building or structures t.o be constructed in the Develo'pment purs:uant to ·theRequest. The fee shall he paid prior to the issua-nce of building or other construction permits for the developme-nt and shall be based 6n the valuation at that time. This fee shall be in addition ·to any fees, dedications. or. improvements require-d pursuant to Titl~s lB, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad· Municipal Code. Developer shall pay a fee for cop.~rsion 0 f existing buildiQg or str~ctures into condominiums i-n an amount not to exce.ed.2% of the building permit valuat ion at the time of conversion. -The fee fo·r a condominium conversion shall be paid p~ior t·o the issuance of a condominium cortve.rsion permit as provided in Ch~pter ~1.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod~. CondomLnl. um sha 11 i lic 1 ude commttn i t y apartment or stock coo pera t i ve • The t e..rms"o·ther cons true t ion permits", "ot1:i-e'r construction permit" .and tf,e:~ltitleme,nt fo·r use" a-s used in this agreement, excep·t in reference to mobilehome sites or projects, shall n~t refer to ~rading permits or other permits for t~e construction of underground or street iJllproveme·nts unless no other permit is necessary prior to the use or o.ccupanc·y for which the de vel 0 pm en tis in ten d e d • De vel 0 pe r s h a 11 pay toe it yap ubI i c facilities fee in the sum of $1,150 'fo.r each mobilehome space to be constructed pursuant to th~ Request. The fee shall ~e paid piior to the issuance of building or other con~truction permit~ for the deve lopment • Th is fee sha 11 be in add it i.on to any fe.es, ded ie at ion s or improvements required according to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3 2. The Developer may offer to.dog~te a $ite or sites for public facilities. in lieu of all or part o['the financial obligation ag~eed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If Developer offers to donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, but is not obligated to accept the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee shall be determined by ~ity prior to the issuance of any building or other ~ermits. Such determination, when made, shall become a part of this agreemegt. Sites don~ted under this paragraph shall not include improvementis re~uired pursuant to Tit I e s 1 8 0 r 20 0 f the Car I s bad M u n.i c i 'p a 1 Cod e • 3. This agreement and the fee p~id pursu~nt hereto are requir*d to ensure the consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as provided he,rein, the City will not have the funds to provide public facili~ies and service~t and the development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit for th~ Development shall be void. ~o building or other construction permit or entitlem*nt for use shall ~e issued until the public facilitie~ fee re~uired by this a~reemen~ i~ paid. 4. City agrees to deposit the fees pajd pur~uant to this agreement in a public facilities fund for the financing of public facilities when the City Council determines the need exists to provide the facilities and,sufficient fund~ from the payment of this and similar public facilities fees are available. 5. City agrees to provide uport request reason~ble assurances to enable Developer to comply with any requiremen,tsof other public agencies as evidence of adequate public facilities and servic~a sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein described. 4 _e 6. All obligations heraunder ~hall terminate ~rt the event the Req.ues t s made by Deve 10 pe;r a re no t approved. 7. Any notice from ~~e party ~~ the ~ther sh~ll be i~writih8, . an-d shall be dated and signed by th-e party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of ~uch party. Any such notice ~hall no t be e f f ec t i ve f or any pu rpo se -wh a t soever uri! es s -servti'd_ in one 0 f the following manners: 7.1 If n'otice 1:;J given to the City of perso~al delivery thereof to the City or by dep~siting same 1n the United St~tes Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forthherein~ enclose-d in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City fOr attention of the_City Man~ger, postage prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice 1S ~iven to De.elop~r by personal d~livery thereof to Developer or by dep~siting the same 1,n th-e Unit-ed States Mail, enclosed in a sealed env-elope, a&dre-ssedto De·velo:pe-r at the address as may have been d~signated, posta~e prepaid and certlfiad .. 8 • T his a g r e e me n t s h a 11 b e bind i ng up 0 n an d sh a 11 -in u ret 0 ·t h e benefit of, and sh~ll apply to, the tespect_iv.e successors and ~ss1gns of Developer and the City, and references to ne~eloper or City herein shall be deemed to be reference to a,n-d i~clude their re.spective successors and -assigns without specific mep--tion of such successors and assigns. If Developer should cease-to have any interest in the Property, ail oblig~~~Lons of Developer hereu-n-der s-hall terminate; provided, however, that any successor of Developer's interest in-the property shall have first asaumed in writing the DeveI6~er's obligations hereunder. 9. This agr~ement shall b~ rec~rded but shall not create a lien or security interest in the Pr~perty. When the obligations of this agreement have be-en satisfied, City shall r-ecord a t.eJease·. • IN WITNESS WREREOF, this agre~m~nt ~s e~~cut~d in San Diego County, Calif~rnia as of the ~ate £irst ~ritten abdve. DEVELOPER-OWNER,: D. 93-B~~~ __________ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~ ______ __ (Title BY __________________________________ _ (Title) ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., Cit y At tor n.e y CLTY QF C~RLSaAD, a ~unicipal corp6~atian of the State of California BY __ ~~ __ ~~ ________________ _ . City Manag.er (Notarial acknowledgement of execution l>y DEVELOPER-OWNER must be attached.) • , EXHIBIT "A.". LEGAL DESCRIPTrON Lot 6 of Hlock lIVII of Palisades Unit No.2, in the City of Carlsbaq, County of San Diego, $tate of California, according to map thereof No. 1803, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, August 25, 1924. ,,-. 7 , , POOR -QUALITY .~ ORIGINAL (5) ~ . .. ' '. .:: /'-:': II ~ ~[T ~: i _ .. , '~~'··~·~~~-EC·~O-~·D·'N·Q"R~EQMU·E·~-E·D·'·av·;""::~;:==::::::::::: .. :!,:.~:::::::::.:.~::,:~:~:::~~":~~~,~~ .~ fIL~/'::;1.'A~ REaOAgEg'R~UT ~ \ .. "NO w ..... · ... ~. MAIL TO' ~A·MlIIlil1lTlE ~. ~·21 il51IM:" c:, " -, , -.,' -'SUIIIller D. BeanloUl ~ 331 Olive Avenue • .-:--[Carlsbad, California 92008 CIty ~ , OfFICI.l.l PEOOROI . IAll:Ot;¥CCOUO\ ft. C~L!(". L&'YL£ t t l" if \~. /~~ " . • ':t. ~. "i t .. ". • t -,. ~'*'-b!. ' --1 ' . It CCllton - \ -;;.: ' . . ~ : -,', & ? " ~ -< " r • $3.00 Sft1 -...... -----.", ... ,..,------...-....JI...o., __ UACE AIIOVE THI. UNE FOR. RECORDER'. USE--. "7J Individual Grant Deed' The ~d~ig~.~~r(s) declare(.): 176. 55 ~ ;::SFE:ll TAX fAIO. Doc:u~~&I1Ifer tax is S . . COuIWTY,R[CORD£ ( ) computed on full value of property cc;nveyed. ··or. . It (~ computed on full value Ie.. value of liens and .nruinbi .. ,1C<2 ,emaini1iS at tilDe !>f ia1e. ( ) Unincorporated w: ( ) ~ill of __ ......!C"-!a!lrul<.!!s!!!b~ad!L,... ~ ___ --'-'---.., __ .--..... , ~. FOr. :. VALUABLE CONSI~ERAnON. receiPt 'ol >!fbich. ia bmliy .cboWI~~~I' JOSEPR 'F. 'tUPILI.Al1O. an Unmarried Kah. ~rd>y CRANr(S) to Sm2IP.R D. BEARMAlf. an Unmarried Man ,the followins rXscribnl_i property in the .~~ ':; ~~~;':b;''\ ., Cour.ty 'of San Diego ' } • ~ .• Ie ol ~liro~i~J . . ..(. ~. ' . . Lot 6 of alock ltV" of Paliaade~ .Ilnit ~:z, in the. CIty of Carlsbad. County,df SaIDDiego. State of Cal1fornia,lIc:eotall1&, t9 Map the;eq£ !fo.l&')}, filed in the' Offi~e of the County Recorder of Saa'Diego County. Auauat ~5, 1924 •. !:. }S5. '. . ... befor. "''''~ ........ i~ •• N«atY PuIHic i ... nd r. ...id State. pn.onally 'PPdftd, . Jo.epb Po 'tufiil.ro ~...:... _______ ......:....;.>:...T..:; ..... "-·:. __ -=-_. know. ,to 1M. Ih "" II", ~.'-...... __ . ...."l!:.!at..-.. boaiL<d 101M "ithiri i""'J'~tnt tn~ .c\!\OW~ thai -he eucute4 tilt" ..\1Df' .. ,,'IT:'CESS Iny b.nd I.d olici.1 "".1.